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STEMulator - enter the hidden world

It’s back to school for our young learners. To kickstart the year we are thrilled to introduce the STEMulator to you.

STEMulator.org, an interactive platform designed to spark a passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in young minds. Proudly brought to you by the National Science and Technology Forum of South Africa (NSTF), our aim is to inspire the next generation of STEM professionals.

The platform offers learners ways to explore, discover and ultimately learn about the hidden world around them. With the latest information, STEMulator is revolutionising the education system and providing opportunities for learners, parents and teachers. The platform is meant not only for those who have access to internet: the STEMulator is designed to operate on several platforms and devices to reach even the most remote areas.

The STEMulator can be packaged onto a memory stick and given to teachers who can then access the STEMulator without any need for internet. STEMulator can even form part of a teacher’s curriculum plan, for instance if she has a group of learners who are learning about the human body: the STEMulator has four areas of the human body to explore, namely the body’s five senses, organs such as the eyes, heart, and the most sophisticated human systems like muscular, nervous and skeletal systems.

Explore from childhood to career

For aspiring engineers, a great find on the STEMulator are the satellite and plane tiles. They show how these amazing objects are put together.

Explore STEMulator's virtual landscape – for an inside view of all things STEM Full of animated content – Free, on-line, interactive and digital An initiative of NSTF/proSET professional societies, for the next STEM generation Memory-stick versions available for remote and rural areas

The car reveals the hidden world that we don’t necessarily see: inner objects working within the car such as the exhaust pipe, the brakes and steering systems and how the piston works.

This platform is a highly interactive knowledge portal, crammed with animated and visual educational content, aimed at enticing audience behaviour through curiosity and fun. The learner who enters this hidden world will be intrigued for hours on end.