Building Greener Schools Romania

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Contact Us

Our Partners

Miths & Facts EcoBiblioteca Green Apple Day of Service

The Challenge About Us Some Numbers Green Schools Benefits

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The Challenge From the first day of kindergarten all the way through graduation, we all aspire to put our children in schools that can lead them to the most promising of futures. We look closely at who is teaching them, and we pay attention to what they are learning.

But how often do we think about where our children learn?

There are students and teachers in more than half of households in Romania. A quarter of all Romanians walk through the doors of a school every day. Yet instead of walking into places of opportunity, millions enter buildings where the air they breathe is filled with toxins and mold, where classrooms are poorly lit and overcrowded, and where resources are limited and outdated. Romanian students miss more than 10 million school days each year because of asthma symptoms that are worsened by poor indoor air quality. Too many of our children are learning in buildings that are compromising their health and ability to succeed. Our kids deserve better. Where they learn matters.

The Opportunity

“Build Greener Schools� is an initiative of the Romania Green Building Council to put all children in schools where they have clean and healthy air to breath, where energy and resources are conserved, and where they can be inspired to dream of a brighter future. We know how to create

it alone.

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Sign Our Petition:

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We are a non-profit, non-political association of businesses and other organizations active throughout the country. We are the leading organization promoting environmental responsibility and energy efficiency in the Design, Construction, Operation, and Deconstruction of Romania's buildings


Facilitates the availability of the most up to date and highest quality training to create the necessary pool of national green building experts.

Supports the development of appropriate regulatory conditions that promote sustainable constructions while ensuring attractive returns on investment

Develops and implements a national green building standards and certification system. Supports the development of best in class in-country green construction and in an effort to position Romania as a sustainable construction leader in the region.

Builds an inclusive organization by facilitating the collaboration between all relevant players in order to eliminate systemic barriers and promote a truly sustainable built environment.

Promotes domestic, regional and international collaboration to share knowledge and encourage innovation.

Researches, compiles and disseminates best practices for the region and encourages their adoption and implementation.

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Education in Romania Every day 20% or Romanias population goes to school

Children spend 60% of their day in classes

On average 23.2% of their life = 16.3 ani

= 4.300.000 people

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We can reduce costs while improving the quality In Romania there are 24.500 schools of which a great share need urgent reabilitation

CO 2 airborne toxins

$ dwindling budgets

outdated resources

In 2008 the Ministry of Education spent 1.543.351 thousent lei for repares 1.543.351thosent lei invested in school repares in 2008

We can do more for this amount!

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on average 33% less energy used

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on average 32% less water used


Hear Acoustics are fundamental to learning A students to hear teachers, and for teachers to speak without raising their voices and suffering fatigue as a result.

It is widely understood that most people cannot comprehend a noise if it is not 15 decibels louder than the background noise level. Second, rooms that create more echoes due to hard materials can impair what acousticians call speech intelligibility. Acousticians have determined

calculate these conditions based on the interior surface qualities of a room.

Indoor ambient noise is not the only issue in classrooms, however. One important study in this area considered students at a school in the formed as much as 20% lower on a reading test than children in another nearby school (G. W. Evans & Maxwell, 1997).

Source: Center for Green Schools

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Breathe Clean indoor air—an elusive resource One measureable impact that school buildings can have on teachers and students is in the area of air quality and ventilation. Building systems and materials can either have a positive impact on overall air quality in a building (when heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)

organic compounds (VOCs) and other toxic materials, moisture intrusion that leads to mold problems and other toxins and irritants. Many building professionals are becoming aware of how many materials in our indoor environments are unhealthy for us, especially building materials.

One group of well-known toxins in the building industry is VOCs, carbon-based chemicals that easily evaporate at room temperature. VOCs can have a variety of health impacts including respiratory issues, visual disorders, memory impairment and more. Mold also receives much attention, primarily for contributing to respiratory illness and asthma.

But there are several other toxins whose prevalence and impacts have just begun to be understood more fully. These are toxins such as formaldehyde (present in many building products, such as furniture and casework) as well as Phthalates and Bisphenol A (BPA), both of which are present in many plastics used in construction. These chemicals are not only problematic in terms of breathing and respiration, but also more generally can have health impacts simply due to proximity or skin exposure. Source: Center for Green Schools

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See Classroom lighting and visual experience Research on lighting and classrooms has been conducted for over a century, but attention in recent years has focused on the importance of natural light, after a departure from natural lighting for two decades in the 1970s and 1980s. Part of the issue has been understanding more precisely why natural light seems to have good results in schools. Intuitively, it makes sense that daylight would enhance the learning

others in terms of student health and learning.

The visual qualities of a learning environment are some of the most crucial building aspects to design properly since children depend heavily on sight in the learning process. In the early days of lighting research in schools, the focus was purely on quantity—in how much light to provide for given tasks. Quantity of light is largely agreed upon today. Less understood are issues of how light quality impacts student health. The question that follows, then, is how to ensure that we achieve a truly high-performing visual environment through design.

Source: Center for Green Schools

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Feel Thermal comfort in the classroom Studies since the 1930s have supported the notion that classroom interiors needed to be kept within a small band of temperatures to be

Source: Center for Green Schools

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Think & Learn Cognitive functioning and the environment Any teacher will tell you that many factors impact how a student learns. Interest is growing in studying how cognition is affected by environmental factors, and yet our understanding of the biology of learning and thinking is still in its infancy. More frequently, connections between the school environment and learning have been made not with a direct causal linkage but rather from observational studies that note where student performance differences have been found that could be attributed to environmental factors. These studies are very promising, but they do not necessarily guarantee that practitioners will see the same effects in their schools.

Source: Center for Green Schools

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Move Physical activity One of the most pressing concerns today regarding the health of children is the ever-increasing rates of obesity, which many tie to the decrease in children’s physical activity in recent decades (Frumkin et al, 2007). Some scholars have speculated that school location directly affects commute patterns and community cohesion, which can have an impact on well-being, health, safety and security.

School planners and designers are beginning to address this concern in guidelines and regulations in order to create school sites that are more accessible to pedestrians and bicycles. Many other factors are at play, including highly publicized issues regarding school cafeterias, recess time and physical education. As Frumkin notes, “school is an opportunity to promote health,� and thus, can be seen not only in light of minimizing risk but also of generating positive experiences for young people. One key focus in recent years has been on Active Design principles, which look at designing spaces and communities to promote physical activity. Schools can use these principles in design and operations to encourage more active play and travel habits.

Source: Center for Green Schools

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Miths & Facts Mith

Green schools do not improve student performance.


Green schools create inviting classrooms that lessen distractions and encourage student participation. Green schools have clean air, high-quality acoustics, temperature control systems, and use daylighting strategies to create welcoming learning environments that lessen distractions and encourage student participation.


Green schools do not improve student health.


Green schools improve health through safer materials and products and by circulating cleaner air. Green schools emphasize high indoor air quality by improving air circulation, removing toxic materials and products, and reducing CO2 emissions. Nurses at green schools report fewer clinic visits, students note less eye-nose-throat irritation, and there are fewer asthma-related incidents all of which contribute to improved student health and decreased absenteeism.


Green schools require construction and renovation standards that create a burden.


Providing opportunities to develop green job skills is not a burden. Setting green construction and renovation standards provides opportunities for people to develop needed skills for the new

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green economy.

Miths & Facts Mith

Green schools are expensive to build.


Green schools do not have to cost a penny more than conventional schools. When compared to a random sample of traditionally designed buildings and controlling for time, location and cost, the study

By utilizing the integrated design process, a process that brings all stakeholders together to identify and resolve problems early in the process, green schools can be built for no additional premium.

available to turn the approximately 24.500 existing Romanian public schools into green schools.


Green schools make sense in some countries, but not ours.


Green schools make sense for every country and in every community. a green school in Timisoara. The promise and potential of green schools should be one for every child in Romania. All children deserve this opportunity.

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EcoBiblioteca The Contest In the summer of 2010, the Romania Green Building Council and Biblionet co-organized a contest that proposed improving access to information technology and providing a sustainable renovation of an existing library; typical for a small Romanian community. In addition to helping a small community create a state of the art library, the contest results would showcase an exemplary sustainable building; environmentally responsible in its design, renovation and operation, and transfer best building practices to the local communities and other libraries around Romania.

Objectives C C P U

Promote sustainable principles and solutions that are easy to replicate for other communities. The project will utilize integrated design strategies delivering Implement a variety of both modern green technologies and historical methods of reducing energy use and negative environmental impact. These include but are not limited to: natural ventilation, solar passive design, green energy, minimization of the technical space, septic tank with natural

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For more info please visit:

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Green Apple Day of Service On Sept. 29, 2012, the Center for Green Schools at USGBC

Green Schools Contest All schools in Romania interested in expanding their efforts to change the design, construction and operation of education facilities with the objective of engaging children's learning experiences were invited to participate in a contest to win a substantial prize package to green their school. The contest has been organized in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth & Sport. To be eligible to win, schools in Romania had to conceive, upload, and conduct a “green project or event� on September 29, 2012.

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"Ion Neculce" High-School �Ride the bike no matter the age� 2012 was declared by the European Commission the European Year of Active and Intergenerational Solidarity. This is why the school initiated a campaign in collaboration with the Municipality of Bucharest to promote bicycle use for leisure as a means of recreation and healthy life at any age. High school students


dialogue with

people of the third age and promoted the message of maintaining an active life with unique illustrations created by the students.

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"George Cosbuc" High-School “Blossoming the Enviroment� The students cleaned the green spaces within their schoolyard in order to have a more proper view and tidier surroundings.

Building Description The school has been built in

1972, and has

also includes an interior garden, The buildings has

Reported Issues

- eging related issues with the structure

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Transilvania College

The teachers, parents and children of Transylvania College got together for the Annual Welcome Brunch, that this year had an environmental theme, to celebrate "Green Apple Day of Service." The event took place outdoors, in a beautiful wooden area. The children participated in an Origami workshop where they learned to make green apples out of recycled paper. All the apples adorned the Transylvania College tree, their school symbol. To further raise awareness about the importance of this day, Mr. Dorin Beu, President of RoGBC Transylvania joined the

of studying in green buildings.

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Biobee Kindergarten

Play is an essential component of healthy development in children, and playgrounds provide an opportunity for children to develop motor, cognitive, perceptual and social skills. Unfortunately, playgrounds are often the sites of unintentional injuries. The leading cause of playground equipment-related fatalities is strangulation, and the majority of these deaths occur on home playgrounds. The event organized by Biobee Kindergarten had a simple purpose: to raise the level of awareness within adults to take care of parks. The action took place in the Center Park of Cluj City. Children brought apples with them and played games, made drawings and paintings.

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Cojocna Middle-School “Recycle waste for a cleaner nature” Motto: “Don’t through away today what you can use tomorrow!” Students made from recyclable materials like: PET, aluminum, cans, straw, paper, wood, polystyrene, plastic bottles etc paintings and hand made craft that will be displayed within the school’s green corner, to demonstrate to their colleagues and parents and that want a green change in people’s mentality. Building Description The School consists of two buildings one of which was built between 1919 - 1921 and is considererd as a heritage value, the other was built later, in 1977. The total area of the school is 1211.25 m2: 828 m2 for the old building and 383 m2 in the new one.

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Casolt Middle School “We Care� Rehabilitation of schools sorroundings; planting

Building Description Nowadays the Casaolt School is attended by 114 pupils and 35 preschoolers. The building comprises of one office, secretarial, a library, gym, bathroom, 8 classrooms, kindergarten, one computer lab and a information center. Reported Issues - lack of proper thermal insulation

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Gura Sutii Kindergaten

Cleaning the kindergarten’s courtyard that is full of plastic and paper waste. Building Description In 2008 the Ministry of Education Commissioned to build a new kindergartens as the old building was about 100 years old and no longer safe For usage. In the same year the work was suspended due to the lack of funds.

Reported Issues -lack of proper thermal insulation

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Calnic Middle School “A better school for a better future� WINNER Cleaning the areas around the school and the Medieval Fortress. Building Description The building dates back to the 1900s and thus, it is 112 years old and has never been restored or modernized.

Reported Issues The school is truly placed in a delicate position - it needs running water in order to obtain the health permit, it needs thermal insulation of the entire building and also replacement of present wooden joineries with energy-efficient ones, electric installation replacement, addition of toilets and also classroom repairs - plaster, paint etc.

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Aquarius are the leading sustainability consultancy in Romania, assessing over 255,000sqm of construction. Aquarius Grup have formed working relationship with several oversees and multinational companies and our clients include some of the biggest global professional service providers. In addition to construction certification, Aquarius also focus on Life Cycle Costing and ongoing continuous improvement.

Campaign implication

- site visit; - technical analysis; - work plan;

Our Partners

- engineering structural service; - construction supervision

A global provider of professional, technical and management support services to a broad range of markets, including facilities, transportation, environmental, energy, water and government. AECOM's experience includes environmental, infrastructure and energy projects, large scale residential projects to shopping malls, offices, logistics facilities and industrial plants. In all its activities AECOM creates, enhances and sustains the world's built, natural and social environments

Campaign implication

Our Partners

- architecture & design project services

CEMS Tehnologii is a business specialised in installations and automations. Since 2003, our company has successfully completed projects in the residential, commercial and industrial fields, providing design, performance and maintenance services.

Campaign implication

- instalation & design; - ventilation; - cooling;

Our Partners

- electrical engineering (lighting design)

COFELY operates in the field of HVAC, Sanitary, Electrical and Fire Protection Systems. The two main focuses of the company are: facility management and energy efficiency / installation and contracting.

COFELY provides solutions for energy consumption reduction, increase of technical performance and prolonging the investment lifespan, while taking great concern for the environment. State-of-the-art concepts and solutions are provided to cover all stages of the client’s project, from concept phase until startup and operation.

Whether as technical contractor or joint venture partner, COFELY’s team of experts meets all customer demands for availability and security, providing services such as: technical inspection, maintenance,

Far reaching experience in energy management allows COFELY’s experts to develop solutions for

Campaign Implication

- design & instalation for: heating, HVAC, electrical works, facility management, construction works supervision

Our Partners

repair, remote monitoring, remote operation and remote maintenance.

Philips is a world leading supplier of energy efficient lighting solutions. The solutions from Philips save money and the environment and address a real ecology lesson.

Campaign implication

Our Partners

eco-friendly lightning solutions

With its Business Units: Isover, Rigips, Weber, PAM, has became a well-known leader on the construction materials market by providing a wide range of high quality products and innovative solutions to meet the fundamental global challenges of economic growth, energy efficiency, and the environment protection

Campaign Implciation

Our Partners

- efficient and eco-friendly acustic insulation

Greenitiative is a registered non-profit organisation from Romania active in the fields of environmental and energy sustainability education, green building and green living, promotion of renewable sources of energy and sustainable development of communities

We believe that changing the political agenda is by all means very important. But changing people’s way of living, working at the grass-roots to put environmental and energy sustainability on top of ordinary citizens’ personal agendas is just as critical and necessary. That is why we decided, back in 2007, to embark on a green adventure focused on education, green building and the sustainable development of communities in Romania.

Because we consider that the young generation of today should be educated and inspired to become a

Our Partners

vector of change, we have focused a large part of our efforts on educational and awareness projects addressed to students of all ages. Teacher training and awareness is equally important and for this reason we have created a network of teachers from 21 Romanian schools who have a strong interest in sustainability issues. Their support was critical in developing educational kits for students and in implementing our projects. „Terra, our only home" is one such project that managed to involve 5,500 students


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Contact Us President of the Board and CEO:

Steven Borncamp

Director of Development & Marketing: +40 747 631 672

Info Package:

Razvan Zamfira

Visit Us : Str. Ialomicioarei, nr. 21 Sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania

Call Us : +40 21 222 00 11 +40 21 260 00 51 +40 21 222 51 35 +40 21 223 12 01

Like Us :

/ConstruiesteScoliVerzi /Romania.Green.Building.Council


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Other RoGBC projects:

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