How to survive your first day at school

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How to survive your first day at school?

Teaching is a special calling. May be this is the reason not many think about being a teacher by taking up a course at a primary teacher training institute in Delhi/NCR or a course that enables teachers to teach at higher levels. But those who think about this profession must be ready for challenges of varying degrees right from the very first day at school. Most of us in the teaching fraternity have this phobia for ‘first day at school’; no matter how prepared you are, you are going to get goose-bumps. Now if you are not sure about how to walk through the first day of your teaching career without being perceived as uninspiring and alien in the school and classrooms, this blog post will help you. 5 quick tips for a happy first day at school: Reach a bit earlier This would give you enough of time to roam around and get yourself familiarized with the surroundings. And believe it or not, when you walk as if you know the place, it shows; more importantly, you’d feel like being part of the school. Smile as you walk around Sadly, we do not see many teachers around with smiling faces. The education system or a traditional primary teacher training institute in Delhi/NCR isn’t likely to equip a teacher with the skills required to better connect with his or her students or take on the responsibilities that often come with this noble profession. Since this is your first day at school, you are bound to have some 50-60 butterflies flying in and around your stomach! But, do not let this nervousness show up on your face and movements. A smile on face is going to help you look confident and approachable. Prepare something in advance to say in class Most of us aren’t good public speakers; this applies to teaching community as well. But,

you should try to make the most out of your first interaction with the students. Try practicing for this at least a couple of days before you are to appear before the class. It could be a little introduction about yourself and why you took up this subject or a couple of questions that you may ask from the students to ensure they too become part of the communication that takes place in the class. This little, engaging talk would help you break the glass between you two and pave way for a smooth and engaging year ahead. Last, but certainly not the least, to become part of the league of great teachers, you have to commit yourself to lifelong learning. Be it taking up a course at a primary teacher training institute in Delhi/NCR or applying for a post graduate diploma in learning and teaching, or being part of a teacher workshop, make sure you continue to invest yourself so you can excite the children every single day about education, about being the leaders of tomorrow. When looking for a primary teacher training institute in Delhi/NCR or an advanced course in learning and teaching, please make sure you select a reputed institute which has some really amazing stuff to share with you, to help you become a change leader in and around classrooms.

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