Catalog rofest trends

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Friday, April 20:

Sunday, April 22:

6:30 P.M. - 9.00p.m. - Opening feature fiction screening

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - screenings - art documentaries:

6,9 on richter scale, byNaeCaranfil

Saturday, April 21:

Muzeon byLaurențiuDamian, Clay Watching byHadrianGavriluțiu,

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - screenings:

and Q&A with Hadr i anGavr i l uț i u

Written/Unwritten byAdrianSilișteanu, Shindy Music byAndreiTeodorescu

1:00 p.m - 4:00 p.m. - screening The Fixer, byAdr i anSi t ar u

1:00 p.m - 4:00 p.m. - screening Aferim! byRaduJ ude,

& debate “ Ethics in Journalism.Fake News, Fake Stories” with TudorVl ad(with the support of SNSPA)

debate “ The film as a socio-cultural radiography of Romania” , hael aSi r bu& Ci pr i anTudor special guest Mi (with the support of SNSPA)

5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. –screening Two Lottery Tickets byPaulNegoes c uand Q&A with Al exandr uPapadopol

r i c ă 5:00 p.m - 7:00 p.m. - screening Dogs, byBogdanMi r i c ă and Q&A with BogdanMi

8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. –screening The King who Tricked Hitler evorPoot s - TV documentary byTr

7:30 p.m - 9:30 p.m. - screening Eastern Business, byI gorCobi l eans kiand Q&A with Cons t ant i nPuș c aș u



The ROFest.Trends film festival is not just a project, it is a story about Romania and Eastern Europe, is a story about ordinary Romanians and their daily challenges. Right from its first edition (April 20-22, AMC River East 21, Chicago), the event aims to contribute to the American public's awareness of the Romanian film,considered as one of the most successful creative experiments in Europe.

Find out more about the story of the festival and about how you can participate in the show from, or even from Instagram:@ rofest.trends (#ROFestChicago).

Index pg 6-7 6,9 on Richter Scale pg 8-9 Written/Unwritten pg 10-11 Shindy Music pg 12-13 Aferim! pg 14-15 Dogs pg 16-17 Eastern Business pg 18-19 Muzeon

pg 20-21 Clay Watching pg 22-23 The Fixer pg 24-25 Two Lottery Tickets pg 26-27 The King who Tricked Hitler pg 28 Debate Aferim! - The film as a socio-cultural radiography of Romania

pg 29 Debate FIXEUR –Ethics in Journalism. Fake News. Fake Stories


6.9 on the Richter Scale A humble Romanian actor in his 30s, hardly surviving between a complicated part in a musical, a depressed wife, and the obsession of an imminent, devastating earthquake, becomes the victim of his manipulative father.


6. 9ON THERI CHTERSCALE ( 6, 9PESCARARI CHTER) 2016,1h57mi n Di r ec t or :NaeCar anfil Cas t :Laur enț i uBãnes c u,Mar i aOber t i n,TeodorCor ban, Al exandr uPapadopol ,Mar i aSi monaAr s u, Adr i anVănc i c ă

NaeCar anfil Hegr aduat e di n1984f r om t heCar agi al eAc ade myofThe at r i c alAr t sandCi ne mat ogr aphy ( UNATC)i nBuc har e s t ,whe r ehehasal s ot aughtasapr of e s s or .I soneoft hebe s tdi r e c t or s ofRomani anmode r nc i ne ma.Hede but e dwi t h6Fr e nc hRomani ans hor tfil ms .Hi sde butf e at ur efil m, EPERI COLOSO SPORGERSI ,pr e mi e r e di nDi r e c t or s ' For t ni ghtatCanne s1993 .Hel at e rdi r e c t e d ASPHALTTANGO ( 1996) ,s t ar r i ngChar l o eRampl i ng,DOLCEF ARNI ENTE( 1998) ,whi c hs c r e e ne di n c ompe t i t i onatKar l ovyVar y,THERESTI SSI LENCE( 2007) , whi c hs c r e e ne di nc ompe t i t i onatLoc ar no and FI LANTROPI CA( 2002) ,al lc r i t i c als uc c e s s e s ,gai ni nghi mi nt e r nat i onalappr i s e .6. 9onRi c ht e rSc al e i sCar anfil ' sl at e s tfil m ands e c ondmus i c a l ,age nr eve r yc l os et ohi she ar t


Written/Unwritten Because of ID issues, Pardica, a 50-year old Roma man, risks the authorities separating him from his underage daughter, who has just had a baby.


WRI TTEN/ UNWRI TTEN ( SCRI S/ NESCRI S) 2016,20mi n Di r ec t or : Adr i anSi l i ș t eanu Cas t :Sor i nMi hai , Al i naŞer ban, El enaUr s ar u

Adr i anSi l i ș t eanu

Adr i anSi l i ș t e anugr aduat e df r om t heMe di aUni ve r s i t yi nBuc har e s t , Ci ne mat ogr aphyDe par t me nt ,i n2003.Hi sfil m de butHOOKED( 2008)wasal s o Si l i ș t e anu’ sfir s tfil m asac i ne mat ogr aphe r .I n2012Si l i s t e anudi r e c t e dhi sfir s ts hor tfil m,THE DI TCH ( 2012) .Heal s owor ke dwi t ht hewe l l knownRomani ant he at e rdi r e c t orSi l vi uPur c ăr e t e f orhi sfil m SOMEWHEREI N PALI LUA( 2012)andhewasc i ne mat ogr a phe rf ort het wos e as ons oft heRomani anve r s i onofHBO TVs how I N TREATMENT( 20102012) .Hi sfil m WRI TTEN/ UNWRI TTEN ( 2017)s c r e e ne datI FFRo e r dam andTa mpe r eFF.


Shindy Music

Vaslui, Neamt and Botosani. Three eastern Romanians counties. Three different childhoods united by the same goal: becoming a famous musician. Giani, Sebi and Raul are three children growing up in different parts of Romania, learning traditional shindy music. The film is following their day-to-day life, their family stories, their struggles and their dreams. 10

SHI NDYMUSI C ( MUZI CĂDEPETRECERE)2017,75mi n Di r ec t or : Andr eiNi c ol aeTeodor es c u

Andr eiNi c ol aeTeodor es c u I t sagr aduat eofmas t e r ’ sde gr e ei nfil m di r e c t i ngi n2016byt heNat i onal Uni ve r s i t yofThe at r eandFi l mI .L.Ca r agi al e ,Buc har e s t .Hi ss hor tfil ms anddoc ume nt ar i e shavewonmul t i pl eawar dsandhavebe e ns c r e e ne di nf e s t i val s wor l dwi de( Canne s ,Be i j i ng,St oc khol m,I s t anbul ,Bos t on,Si bi ue t c . ) .Hi sdoc ume nt ar y wor khasbe e nac knowl e dgewi t ht hr e enomi nat i onsf ort heGOPOAwar ds . 11



Eastern Europe, 1835. Two riders cross a barren landscape in the middle of Wallachia. They are the gendarme Costandin and his son. Together they are searching for a gypsy slave who has run away from his nobleman master and is suspected of having an affair with the noble's wife. On their odyssey they encounter people of different nationalities and beliefs: Turks and Russians, Christians and Jews, Romanians and Hungarians.

AFERI M!2015,106mi n Di r ec t or :RaduJ ude Cas t : TeodorCor ban,Mi haiComanoi u, TomaCuzi n,Lumi ni t aGheor ghi u, Mi hael aSâr bu

RaduJ ude RaduJ udedi r e c t e das e r i e sofs hor tfil ms ,TheTubewi t haHat( 2006,wi nne rof t heShor tFi l mmaki ngAwar dat2007Sundanc e )andAl e xandr a( 2007) .Hi sde but f e at ur e ,TheHappi e s tGi r li nt heWor l d( 2009) ,wasawar de dt heCI CAEpr i zei nt heBe r l i nal e For um andwass e l e c t e df orove rfif t yfil mf e s t i val s .Thefil m wasr e l e as e di nc i ne masi nFr anc e , UK, Aus t r i aandSpai n.Hi ss e c ondf e at ur efil m,Eve r ybodyi nOurFami l y( 2012) ,pr e mi e r e di n t heBe r l i nal eFor um,andr e c e i ve dt heHe ar tofSar aj e voFFAwar d,amongs tot he r s .Hi sl at e s t s hor tfil ms ,Shadow ofaCl oud( 2013)andI tCanPas st hr ought heWal l( 2014) ,we r es e l e c t e di n t heQui nzai nede sRé al i s at e ur s .Thel ae rwasawar de daSpe c i alMe nt i on.Wor l dpr e mi e r e d i nt he2015Be r l i nal eCompe t i t i on,J ude ’ st hi r df e at ur eAf e r i m!wasawar de dt heSi l ve rBe arf or Be s tDi r e c t or ,Be s tFi l m andt heDi s t r i but i onAwar datI ndi e Li s boa,andhasbe e natove rs i xt y f e s t i val s . Al s o, Af e r i m!r e pr e s e nt sRomani af ort heFor e i gnLanguageAc ade myAwar d. Al s oi n 2016di r e c t e dSc ar r e dHe ar t sandi n2017TheDe adNat i on


Dogs Roman returns to his inheritance near the Ukrainian Border. He wants to sell the desolate land. He is warned by local police that his grandfather was a local crime lord and his men will not let go of the land - and the smuggling bussiness- without a fight. 14

DOGS( CÂI NI ) , 2 016,104mi n Di r ec t or :BogdanMi r i c ă Cas t:Dr agoșBuc ur ,Gheor gheVi s u,Vl a dI vanov, Cos t elCaș c aval ,Ral uc aApr odu,Cons t ant i nCoj oc ar u

BogdanMi r i c ă Upunt i l2005Bogdanwasapubl i s he r ,anadve r t i s i ngwr i t e randanove l i s t , buthewa s s opas s i onat eaboutfil mt hathea e nde dWe s t mi ns t e rUni ve r s i t yi nLondonwhe r ehe maj or e di ns c r e e nwr i t i ng. Af t e rhegr aduat e d,hec amebac kt oRomani awhe r ehewor ke dasa s c r e e nwr i t e r .I n2011,Bogdanwr ot eanddi r e c t e dhi sfir s ts hor tfil m Bor aBor at hate ar ne dhi mt he Be s tEur ope anShor tFi l m Awar datt heAnge r sFi l m Fe s t i valandt heBe s tRomani anShor tFi l m at t heTr ans yl vani aFi l m Fe s t i val .Hi sfil m waspi c ke dbys e ve r alf e s t i val s ,i nc l udi ngLoc ar no,War s aw andThe s s al oni ki .I n2014,hi sf e at ur efil m pr oj e c tDogswass e l e c t e df ort heCanne sCi néFondat i on Wor ks hop.Thes ameye ar ,hewonagr antf r om t heGanFoundat i onf orFi l m.Dogswa ss c r e e ne di n UnCe r t ai nRe gar datt he69t hCanne sFi l m Fe s t i vali n2016.


Eastern Business

Eastern Business is a dark comedy full of humor and absurd situations. The film tells the story of an unlikely friendship between two Moldavian men, Marian, a 45-year-old intellectual choir singer, and Petro, a 40-year-old sneak thief loser. Confronted with poverty and lack of perspective, the two men start an exhausting journey, trying to make money to reach their dreams 16

EASTERN BUSI NESS( AF ACEREAEST) , 2016,84mi n Di r ec t or :I gorCobi l eans ki Cas t :I onSapdar u,Cons t ant i nPus c aș u, Dani elBus ui oc , AnneMar i eCher t i c

I gorCobi l eans ki I sawe l l knowndi r e c t orands c r i pt wr i t e rf r om Mol dovaRe publ i c . Gr aduat eofBuc har e s tAc ade myofThe at r eandFi l m.Hi sde but f e at ur efil m,”TheUns ave d”,wass e l e c t e datmanyi nt e r nat i onalfil mf e s t i val s ,s uc has Kar l ovyVar y,War s aw andLi nz,andr e c e i ve d“FI PRESCI ”Awar datCo busI FF.Soon af t e r ,hi ss hor tfil m TheFl avor sCol l e c t i onwasal s os e l e c t e di ni nt e r nat i ona lf e s t i val s s uc hasCl e r mont Fe r r and,Bus anandCai r o.I nhi sl at e s tf e at ur efil m,Eas t e r nBus i ne s s , hi s”ownbr andofdar kobs e r vat i onalc ome dyi sal l owe dt oflour i s h”( TheHol l ywood Re por t e r ) . 17


A portrait of an artist, Ş tefan Râmniceanu, as an eternally young man through his art, Muzeon is a double invitation: inside the artist’ s baroque island full to the brink of forms, chimeras, and colours, but also towards an infinity of rythms and pulsations of Nature, in which the spectator might discover his own possible island, breathing and freedom. 18

MUZEON 2016,55mi n Di r ec t or :Laur enț i uDami an St ar s :Șt ef anRâmni c eanu

Laur enţ i uDami an

I safil m di r e c t or ,wr i t e r ,andPHDpr of e s s oronfil m di r e c t i onatt he Nat i onalUni ve r s i t yofThe at e randFi l m ”I .L.Car agi al e ”,Buc ur e ş t i ,was par toft heNe w Wavedoc ume nt ar i e smadeatt heSahi aSt udi oi nt he80s .Hemake sar t doc ume nt ar yfil ms( ove r50)atSt udi oVi de oAr t ,aut hor i ngmovi e sonRomani anar tand ar t i s t s .Hei sal s ot heaut horoft wof e at ur efil ms . Laur e nţ i uDami ani st hePr e s i de ntoft he Romani anFi l mmake r sUni onandanhonor ar yme mbe rofCi ne mat e c aI t al i ana,Mi l an. 19

Clay Watching


The village of Piscu, 38 km from Bucharest, was recognized throughout Romania as a village of potters.Dumitru Constantin is one of the last three craftsmen to process the clay and reveal the secrets of his craft, a tradition on the edge of extinction.

CLAYWATCHI NG ( CUOCHI IÎ N LUT) , 2015,23mi n Di r ec t or :Hadr i anGa vr i l uț i u St ar s :Dumi t r uCons t ant i n

Hadr i anGavr i l uț i u

I sagr aduat eofmas t e r ’ sde gr e ei nfil m di r e c t i ngi n2014byt heNat i onal Uni ve r s i t yofThe at r eandFi l mI .L.Ca r agi al e ,Buc har e s t .Hedi r e c t e d s e ve r als hor tfil msanddoc ume nt ar i e st hathavebe e ns c r e e ne di nf e s t i val si nRomani a andabr oad.He ’ sbe s tknownf ordoc ume nt ar yCl ayWat c hi ngpr e s e nt e dat As t r aFi l m Fe s t i vali nSi bi u. Al s ohi sdoc ume nt ar yWoode nChur c he sf r om Har ghi t a Count ywonbe s tt ur i s t i cdoc ume nt ar yatI nt e r nat i onalFi l m,Di apor amaand Phot ogr aphyFe s t i val‘ Aut umnatVor one t ’i n2016.Cur r e nt l yhei si nt hec our s eof de ve l opi nganot he rt wodoc ume nt ar ypr oj e c t s . 21

The Fixer

Serving as a translator and general problem solver, or “ fixer,�a Romanian reporter working at a French news network seizes a career-making opportunity when a sex scandal breaks and two underage Romanian prostitutes are repatriated from France. He’ s willing to do whatever it takes to interview one of them. 22

THEFI XER( FI XEUR) , 2016,1h40mi n Di r ec t orAdr i anSi t ar u Cas tTudorI s t odor ,MehdiNebbou, Ni c ol asWanc zyc ki ,Di anaSpăt ăr es c u, Adr i anTi t i eni , Andr eeaVas i l e

Adr i anSi t ar u Af t e rs t udyi ngFi l m Di r e c t i ngi nBuc har e s t , Adr i anmadet hes hor tfil m WAVES( 2 00 7) , s c r i pt wr i t e randdi r e c t orwhi c hwont heGol de nLe opar datt heLoc ar noFi l m Fe s t i val aswe l last hepr i zef orBe s tShor tatt heSar aj e voFi l m Fe s t i val ,Namur ,Dr e s de n, As pe n andanot he r22awar ds .Wave swasal s os e l e c t e di nt heOffic i alCompe t i t i onofSundanc e2008. Adr i an Si t ar ufini s he dhi sfir s tf e at ur efil mi n2008,HOOKED,( s c r i pt wr i t e r&di r e c t or )s e l e c t e di nVe ni c eDaysat t heVe ni c eI nt e r nat i onalFi l m Fe s t i val ,2008andTor ont oI I FF,2008andwasawar de di nf e s t i val sl i kePal m Spr i ngs ,The s s al oni ki ,Mons ,Bue nosAi r e sandEs t or i l .Hi ss hor tfil m" TheCage "( 2010)wonDAADgr ant i nBe r l i nal eShor t sandi spar tofDOMESTI Cf e at ur efil mf r om 2012. Anot he rf e a t ur efil m di r e c t e dby Adr i anSi t ar ui sBESTI NTENTI ONSf r om 2011. Af t e rt hathedi r e c t e dfivee pi s ode st oft heRomani an ve r s i onofHBO TVs how I N TREATMENT( 20102012) .Fr om 2012unt i l2015hemadeanot he rf ours hor t fil msandwor ke dont het woot he rf e at ur efil mst hatpr e mi e r e di n2016I LLEGI TI MATEandTHEFI XER.


Two Lottery Tickets

Dinel, Sile and Pompiliu, three men from a provincial town, win a lottery prize, but very soon the lottery ticket gets lost, so the three characters start a journey to recover it 24

TWO LOTTERYTI CKETS ( DOUALOZURI )2016,86mi n Di r ec t or :PaulNegoes c u Cas t:Dor i anBoguț ă,Dr agoșBuc ur , Al exandr uPapadopol ,Șer banPavl u, AndiVas l ui anu

PaulNegoes c u

Wasbor ni n1984ands t udi edfil m di r ec t i ngi nBuc har es t .Hedi r ec t eds ever al s hor tfil mst hatwer eawar dedands el ec t edi nmanyi nt er nat i onalfil mf es t i val s , i nc l udi ngCannes( Semai nedel aCr i t i que-2012) ,Ber l i n( 2008,2009and2010) , Kar l ovyVar y,Sl amdanc eandRo er dam.Twoofhi ss hor tfil ms( Renovat i on andDer by)wer enomi nat edatt heEur opeanFi l m Ac ademyAwar dsi n2009 and2011.Hi sfir s tf eat ur efil m,“ A mont hi nThai l and”pr emi er edatt heVeni c eFi l m Fes t i val ( I nt er nat i onalCr i t i c s 'Week)i n2012andwasawar dedt heFI PRESCIpr i zei nt heSofia I nt er nat i onalFi l m Fes t i val .Hi ss ec ondf eat ur efil m,TwoLo er yTi c ket s ,pr emi er edi nZur i c h Fi l m Fes t i valandbec amet hemos ts uc c es s f ulRomani anfil m att heboxoffic eofmoder ner a fil m di s t r i but i on.Pauli sanas s i s t antl ec t ur eri nfil m di r ec t i ng,f ounderoft heTi mi s oar aFi l m Fes t i valandamemberoft heEur opeanFi l m Ac ademy.Hei sc ur r ent l ypr epar i nghi st hi r d f eat ur efil m ”NeverLetI tGo”.


The King Who Tricked Hitler

Few know what happened, in fact, on August 23, 1944, and who were the main actors of change. Words like "coup", "war" and "communists" are used often in the same sentence, without knowing the courage of a 23 year-old king when he came across Hitler's plan. 26

THEKI NG WHO TRI CKED HI TLER ( RĂZBOI ULREGELUI )2016,47mi n Di r ec t or :Tr evorPoot s Cas t :Luc i anBî r s an,voi c eMar c elI ur eș

Tr evorPoot s Br i t i s hdi r ec t orandpr oduc er ,Tr evorPoot si sas pec i al i s ti nhi s t or y, gr aduat i ngf r om QueensUni ver s i t yi nBel f as t ,Nor t her nI r el and.Hemade t heDec i s i veBa l esdoc ument ar i esont heHi s t or yChannel .I n2003hedi r ec t edt heBl oodl i nes doc ument ar y:TheDr ac ul aFami l yTr ee.Bet ween2010and2013,hepr oduc ednumer ous doc ument ar i esdedi c at edt oSi rDavi dPar adi neFr os t ,ani mpor t antBr i t i s hj our nal i s t .I n2016 fini s hedhi sTVdoc ument ar yTheKi ngwhoTr i c kedHi t l er .Hei sc ur r ent l yapr oduc erat Davi dPar adi nePr oduc t i onsi nLondon.


Saturday, April, 21

AFERIM! - The film as a socio-cultural radiography of Romania This roundtable debate will bring forward some milestones of Romania’ s history, by emphasizing its rich multi-cultural and multi-ethnical atmosphere at the beginning of 19th century. Aferim! approaches an emblematic period for Romania, being positioned just before fine-educated and “ Westernized”elites started to advance the creation of the modern and independent state of Romania by capitalizing on the emergent yet powerful national sentiments while striving to accommodate the numerous influencing forces, such as the Otomans, the Greeks, or the rich “ boyars” . This debate is particularly important in the context of the Romanian Centery, as on the 25th December 2018 Romania is celebrating 100 years since the creation of its independent national state. However, the discussion at such will not be focused solely on the Romanian history; it will also be centered around topics of universal interest, such as: •What is to be understood through minority? What is its historical and symbolical meaning? •What is the role of minorities in shaping habits, cultures, and traditions? How to best highlight the enriching role of minorities? •How should a fair relationship between a vast majority and various minorities look like? •Is the total integration of minorities always possible? Are exclusive and inclusive identities co-existing? •What is the role of the cultural artifacts, such as movies, in harmonizing relationships among different cultures, ethnicities etc. and in mitigating the hate speech?

Special Guests: - Tudor Vlad Ph.D., Professor at College of Communication and Public Relations –National University for Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA) & director of the James M. Cox Jr. Center for International Mass Communication Training and Research and professor in the Department of Journalism, Henry W. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Georgia - Mihaela Sîrbu (actress, cast as Sultana in AFERIM!), - Ciprian Tudor Ph.D., College of Political Science –SNSPA, expert in anthropology, image philosophy, the history of ideas and the sociology of representations - Loredana Radu Ph.D., Head of the Communication Department at College of Communication and Public Relations (SNSPA)


Sunday, April, 22

FIXEUR –Ethics in Journalism. Fake News. Fake Stories The landscape in which journalists now work is substantially different to that of the twentieth century. The rise of digital and social media necessitates a new way of considering the ethical questions facing practicing journalists. This debate considers the various individual, cultural and institutional influences that have an impact on journalistic ethics today. It also examines the links between ethics and professionalism, the organisational promotion of ethical values and the tensions between ethics, freedom of information and speech, and the need to disseminate information. The debate will link the discussions on ethics in journalism to the emergence of fake news and stories. In an era of unprecedented informational speed, flawed deontology automatically translates into a certain degree of news or stories fakeness. The quest for „ hot”topics is often done at the expense of authenticity, fairness, or even emotional balance of the involved persons. By building on the theoretical underpinnings of journalistic ethics with inputs from academic with international background, this debate provides an insightful analysis of the ethical challenges faced by the media in the twenty-first century. It will produce essential ideas for students of journalism and practising journalists, as well as for the general public, by focusing on the following dilemas: • Is freedom of speech of the investigation journalists more important than the freedom of speech of the persons involved in the investigated topics, such as witnesses or victims? • How to identify and mitigate the emotional abuse done by journalists? Or is this the right price to be paid for a good story? • Is the emotional abuse or pressure less important than the physical one? • How to respect the free will of persons involved in the investigated topics? • How does the „ fake it until you make it”bias work in investigative journalism? Do journalists become the prisonniers of their own investigative biases?

Special Guests: - Tudor Vlad Ph.D., Professor at College of Communication and Public Relations –National University for Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA) & director of the James M. Cox Jr. Center for International Mass Communication Training and Research and professor in the Department of Journalism, Henry W. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Georgia - Lee Hood, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Broadcast News, Loyola University Chicago - Alina Bargaoanu Ph.D., Dean of the College of Communication and Public Relations, SNSPA; member of the High-Level Expert Group on Fake News and Digital Disinformation, European Commission (video) - Ciprian Tudor Ph.D., College of Political Science –SNSPA, expert in anthropology, image philosophy, the history of ideas and the sociology of representations - Loredana Radu Ph.D., Head of the Communication Department at College of Communication and Public Relations –National University for Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA)


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