How to Unclog Your Sink Without Hiring a Plumber

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How to Unclog Your Sink Without Hiring a Plumber

Nearly every sink in your home has clogged at some time, and because of the nastiness involved, we typically want it resolved as fast as possible. Here are a few methods you can try to unclog your sink without hiring a plumber.

The High Pressure Method

If there is a partial clog but you still have some drainage, you can try the high pressure method. Pour a large bucket of water into the sink, while the weight of the water presses down on the clog. This method is more likely to work in the shower or bathroom sink clogged with hair than a mass of mashed potatoes or grease blocking the kitchen sink. Don’t do this with a toilet or kitchen sink full of material you won’t want splashing onto the surrounding surfaces.

The Toilet Plunger Approach

You can use your toilet plunger on any clog. The pressure changes may break up everything from food clogging a kitchen sink to hair clogging the shower. A side benefit of this approach is you already own it and know how to use it. Yes, you can unclog your sink in the bathroom with your toilet plunger.

Just put the plunger over the drain and pump up and down. Just make sure you sterilize the area with bleach water or other cleansers afterward. If this doesn’t unclog your sink, you can try running plumbing snake down the drain.

The Chemical Method

The first step is pouring boiling water down the drain. Let it cool, and see if the weight of the water moves the mass clogging the pipes. If this doesn’t work, you can remove the water and try again. This approach has the benefits of being cheap and easy to use.

An all-natural method is mixing baking soda and vinegar and pouring it down the drain along with hot water. Just pour a cub of baking soda followed by a cup of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar. The foaming action may clear out the clog. It is non-toxic, too. If you don’t have vinegar, you can combine the baking soda with salt. Flush it out with boiling water.

You could also buy drain cleaning chemicals that are intended to break up most oil or sticky masses in the pipes. If that doesn’t work, you need to try a plunger or plumbing snake. That’s the best choice for P-trap clogs that won’t move otherwise.

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