ACCCRN Midterm Evaluation

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Rockefeller Foundation and Arup (2010), Building Urban Climate Change Resilience. ACCCRN Intervention Project Criteria, Process & Progress. Rockefeller Foundation (2011a), ACCCRN Regional Partners Meeting Debrief. ACCCRN post-Bali note, 17th March 2011. Rockefeller Foundation (2011b), ACCCRN Strategy and Learning Group. Draft for Discussion. Rockefeller Foundation and ADB (2011), Building an Urban Climate Change Resilience Partnership (UCCRP). Draft concept paper. Rockefeller Foundation, New York; Asian Development Bank, Manila Rodin, J. (2007), The Rockefeller Foundation: Strategy for a New Century. Strategy Paper. Rockefeller Foundation, New York. Routrav, J.K. &Permpibul, W. (2009), Community-based adaptation to climate change: The case of Thailand. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6 (2009) 412042. Accessed 30 Mar 2011. Rumbaitisdel Rio, C. (2011), ACCCRN Donor Engagement Workstream Update. Memo to M&E Team, March 2011. Satterthwaite, D., Huq, S., Reid, H., Pelling, M. and Lankao, P.R. (2007), Adapting to Climate Change in Urban Areas: The Possibilities and Constraints in Low- and Middle-Income Nations. Human Settlements Discussion Paper Series Climate Change and Cities 1. IIED, London Simister, N. and Smith, R. (2010), Monitoring and Evaluating Capacity Building: Is it really that difficult? Praxis Paper 23. INTRAC, Oxford. SjÜgren, R. (2010), Donor Mapping Report. Consultant’s report to ACCCRN.

A s i a n C i t i e s C l i m at e C h a n g e R e s i l i e n c e N e t wo r k


Smith, J.B., Jones, R., Deck, L., Lazar, B., Wagner, C., Hodgson, T., Mills, D., Ebi, K., Virginia, A., and Kalkstein, L.S. (2007), Screening Asian Megacities to Estimate Relative Exposure to Climate Change. Stratus Consulting Inc., Boulder. Stern, N, (2006).Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change. H.M. Treasury, London. Tanner, T.; Mitchell, M.; Polack, E. and Guenther, B. (January 2009), Urban Governance for Adaptation: Assessing Climate Change Resilience in Ten Asian Cities.IDS Working Paper 315, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton Tyler, S.; Reed, S.; Macclune, K. and Chopde, S. (undated), Planning for Urban Climate Resilience: Framework and Examples from the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network. Climate Resilience in Concept and Practice Series: Working Paper 3 [Draft]. ISET UNFCCC (2010), Policy arena disaster risk reduction or climate change adaptation: are we reinventing the wheel? Analysing climate-related Disaster Risk Reduction in Papua New Guinea.Mercer, J. (Ed).

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