2012-13 Student Handbook (Updated SP13)

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existence may be required to leave campus, sign a no-harm contract and/or obtain an on or off-campus evaluation by a mental-health professional. A report of this evaluation is to be submitted to the Dean of Students. In conjunction with the Vice President of Academic Affairs, a determination will be made about the appropriateness of the student’s return to campus.

Pornography The viewing or possession of any pornographic materials, including frequenting Internet sites containing pornographic pictures or language is strictly forbidden. Students violating this policy are subject to discipline including being required to seek counseling and/or attend support group therapy. Students violating the Internet use policy regarding pornography may, in addition to aforementioned discipline, have their Internet account terminated or limited for a semester. Continued violation of this policy may lead to suspension and/or dismissal.

Respect for Persons and Threats or Harms to Self or Others Students are expected to refrain from any discriminatory behavior, verbal or physical, that stigmatizes or victimizes individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Students should “build one another up in Christ.” This includes respecting one another without slander, ridicule, rumors, or character insult. Rochester College takes seriously any behavior or verbal statement that might demonstrate that a student is at risk of harming himself/herself or another, or jeopardizing the safety of the campus community in general. Any student who (a) states an intent or desire to harm himself/herself or another, or (b) attempts to harm himself/herself or

another, or (c) harms himself/herself or another may be immediately removed from residential facilities and/or prohibited from participating in College academic or extracurricular programs until cleared by the Dean of Students. This clearance will take place after an investigation by the Dean of Students, or his designee, and in consultation with appropriate authorities regarding wellness and safety to the student and the community.

Response to College Employees Students are expected to respond promptly to verbal or written directives from any college employee or office. Students should not interfere with, delay, or malign a college employee’s work, the administrative process of the college, or official college activities. The college has assigned email addresses to all students and employees so that communication is accessible for the entire Rochester College community. This is the only email address that the college will centrally maintain for sending official communications to students. Students who request a voicemail system should regularly check their messages. Please ensure you utilize these systems so that efficient communication may be successful.

Safety For the safety of the campus community, students are expected to keep their rooms in good order and not store any dangerous materials. All weapons, guns (including BB, pellet or paintball), ammunition, knives with blades longer than three inches, slingshots, explosives, fireworks, flammable or hazardous materials and the like are strictly forbidden and if found will be confiscated. Violations will result in disciplinary action, suspension or dismissal.

Sexual Relationships Rochester College seeks to shape all its policies by

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