ARTS ZINE July 2017

Page 142

The work that I do is intrinsically tied up with history and its related memory, its anecdotes and layered complexities. The art historian Joan Gibbons has written that However, memory is never just a straightforward process of recording lest we forget and, even in the best equipped minds, it can be a slippery mechanism. It can be both elusive and intrusive and we can rarely be completely sure of its fidelity to the events or facts that it recalls. Within this fragile framework I construct imagery, gather text, layer, research and erase images to make a visual

construction of the facts and as stated by Mark Twain himself. ‘Never let the truths get in the way of a good story.�

Remembering place series II: Meredith grave and Georges River I, 2017. Analog photography digitally enhanced. They will be printed onto printmaking papers.

Issue 21 - July 2017


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