The Storm Mage Ch. 09 Novels and Novellas

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The Storm Mage Ch. 09 Novels and Novellas Her distinct footsteps gently echoed as she walked. Her steps were heavy and uneven, slanting from left to right. "You wear armor of water to battle the Champion of lightning?" "You make too light of the situation, Myrmidon," said Almaea, followed by a big breath of air. "I apologize, but I'm not ungrateful that she is with us. You sound winded," said Benjamin, pulling me to a stop. "That's clearly not meat. With my dark vision I could see Squall and Benjamin, sword against hammer, with Almaea generating a star of light so Benjamin could see. I don't think I could just give it to you." "Nasima! What's happening? You can see me?" said Benjamin, stumbling to me and grabbing my hands. Just a moist squishing noise that never abated. "We can stop if you want. You possess no power that can harm me." "Edwa...we have no idea what you're talking about," said Benjamin. Here, have some of my jerky and I'll just share some of your crackers. It's bigger than both my fists, I can't believe this. He flinched but didn't back away. "That strange wet noise. Her breathing was ragged, and Benjamin was finally able to convince her to take another rest. I promise," said Benjamin, "now, Nasima, I need you to carry this for me in case I need to defend us. Here, have some of my jerky and I'll just share some of your crackers. Or maybe Salia wants another piece of him?" said Benjamin, finishing with a single laugh to himself. "I don't know how..." "Then why did you send us down here?" I interrupted Benjamin to scold the Healer. I had no time for his stupid questions. You were in torrential peril, and she could not help you in her condition," said the voice from my mouth. Salia tumbled to the ground like a doll. "That is troubling," said Almaea, followed by yet another deep breath. Benjamin responded with a battle cry, followed by the crash of metal on stone. "It's meat," said Salia right next to me. "This? It's kind of valuable. It will take some time before I can complete mitosis. I screamed making Benjamin back away and then screamed again. "Your hammer baffles me, Myrmidon! You must tell me where you received it before I end your short life," said Squall, followed by another metallic collision. Her voice was pleasant, but diluted, as if she spoke with a mouthful of water. "I do not know," said Almaea.

"We can stop if you want. The lightning had always been painfully loud, but in the confines of the cave it was a wall of sound smashing my eardrums. At various points, Almaea must have chosen from a fork in the cave, pausing then turning slightly left or right and continuing. I don't think I could just give it to you." "What magic is this?" he asked in his strange powerful cantor, gesturing at me. It was a heavy thing, and strangely warm like it had been sitting in the sun. My vision returned to a white void, and I could hear the sound of flowing water beside me. Benjamin placed it in my hands, and I was shocked by the weight and warmth of it. I have just recently fused with a covalent." "Salia, or that strange noise coming from deep in the cave?" said Benjamin. "Then why did you send us down here?" I interrupted Benjamin to scold the Healer. "Please. Salia tumbled to the ground like a doll. "That strange wet noise. Edwa produced a bubbling noise like a pot boiling. "Why did-" After we rested a few more minutes, we resumed our journey deeper into the cave. The echoes in the cave only made the disgusting noise worse. "I don't know how..." "It is time to go, daughter Nasima. Salia stumbled into us and then sat behind us. "Me too," said Almaea, barely loud enough to hear. I wretched as if I could throw up the voice. Squall was a massive man, at least ten feet tall with elaborate armor. I stepped forward and screamed until it ripped my vocal chords, unleashing a breath of lightning. I could see him. His appearance was halfway between a gigantic bird and a soldier with giant wings tucked against his back. "It is time to go, daughter Nasima. It's bigger than both my fists, I can't believe this. That pleasant energy from earlier blossomed near me, hardening my nipples. "Dammit! Someone say what it is," I shouted, echoing down the cave. I planted my feet and threw my hands forward, conjuring a column of lightning that collided with him and threw him against the wall of the cave. It roiled up from my waist and up inside me until it pressed against my womb like a warm punch. I have fused with your covalent. The deep tones echoed down the cave, and afterwards my hearing was limited at best. "What? What do you mean you don't know? This was your plan to meet them in this cave," said Benjamin. "My name is Edwa. I have fused with your covalent. I will use any means necessary to protect Nasima," said Benjamin, lacing his fingers through my hand. "What about her?" shouted Benjamin, lifting up Salia and throwing her on him. She radiated a physical energy, warm and comforting, like a hug from Benjamin. Other than that, there was only

the sound of distant echos rolling through the cave and the constant dripping all around us. "Uhhh..." said Benjamin. "This way," said Edwa in a chipper voice. Squall flew from the cave in a blink, followed by a massive thunderclap. I don't think he wants another piece of Salia though. Salia tumbled to the ground like a doll. "You should be worried about the great beast intruding on you! Huh ha!" cried an all too familiar regal face. "What do we do if that Champion returns?" I said. "Fortune is not what you seek, Myrmidon," said Almaea. "We'll fight him. To my chagrin, he floated to his feet and grinned at me as if manipulated by an unseen puppet master. "I was looking for a heartstone in order to begin my mitosis. Use it to save your covalent," the voice was not near me but inside my head, and it terrified me. The pleasantness of Almaea's light caressed my skin. "I can locate the daughter Nasima a world away, Benjamin Silversword! Did you think you could hide her from Hawart?" "When two of us are reactive, we fuse. His light footsteps barely audible in the cave. I don't think I could just give it to you." "It's beautiful," said Benjamin. "Salia, where are you doing? What is that?" said Benjamin. "They're humes like us. With my dark vision I could see Squall and Benjamin, sword against hammer, with Almaea generating a star of light so Benjamin could see. So this is like her baby? I feel kind of bad about keeping it now. Before he could respond, Salia's teeth were ripping into his throat and the wet sick sound of feeding was replaced by garbled screams. To my fury, he rose from the ground and floated in the air like a marionette, grinning at me. "Fine then," said Almaea, taking a seat. " the fucks, is happening right now?" I said, tripping over my words as if my mouth was new, not to mention my throat was ragged from laying Squall low. "Let me help you with that," said a strange new voice as if underwater. Then when we find our heartstone, we precipitate." "I am Edwa." "When two of us are reactive, we fuse. Reminds me of a water nymph, though even more watery if you can believe it. She would slow to a stop then follow with a series of rapid steps. But I was too pressed for action to fear; Benjamin needed my aid. He wasn't quite hume though. At various points,

Almaea must have chosen from a fork in the cave, pausing then turning slightly left or right and continuing. I couldn't hear her breath. He rummaged through the traveler's kits, exchanging the foods between himself and Salia as well as handing me a canteen of water. I felt water pouring down my body and pooling around my feet. Before I could react, liquid poured over my body. At least that's what I've heard. Just a moist squishing noise that never abated. "The Southern Tribes use the network of caves to safely migrate across the Infinite Plains. "You wear armor of water to battle the Champion of lightning?" "Can you shine your light on this," said Benjamin. You possess no power that can harm me." "Dammit! Someone say what it is," I shouted, echoing down the cave. "Salia, where are you doing? What is that?" said Benjamin. "You make too light of the situation, Myrmidon," said Almaea, followed by a big breath of air. "How are you feeling, Salia?" said Benjamin. There was a strange clicking sound behind us, like stone tapping stone. Other than that, there was only the sound of distant echos rolling through the cave and the constant dripping all around us. "It's meat," said Salia, followed by more clicking. "Get out of my fucking head!" I ordered the tgirl voice. Her steps were heavy and uneven, slanting from left to right. Here, I'm sorry," said Benjamin. "Meat," said Salia, leaning over me. I had no time for his stupid questions. Squall was a massive man, at least ten feet tall with elaborate armor. The pleasantness of Almaea's light caressed my skin. "It's beautiful," said Benjamin. "I apologize, but I'm not ungrateful that she is with us. I would be torrentially grateful if you would give me the heartstone," said Edwa. The echoes in the cave only made the disgusting noise worse. "Edwa...we have no idea what you're talking about," said Benjamin. The grey-white void of my vision was replaced by an underground vista bathed in neon blue light. "Me too," said Almaea, barely loud enough to hear. You possess no power that can harm me." "Uhhh..." said Benjamin. "Yes I could." "Oh, shit. You sound winded," said Benjamin, pulling me to a stop. "I've noticed it's getting warmer the deeper we go. The grey-white void of my vision was replaced by an underground vista bathed in neon blue light.

"I do not know," said Almaea. "What magic is this?" he asked in his strange powerful cantor, gesturing at me. We marched on, following the sound of Edwa flowing over the cave floor like a never ending stream. "What is it?" I said, trying not to sound eager or interested. "I have fused with her," said my mouth in a voice that was not mine, making me scream in horror. "What is she?" said Almaea. "What magic is this?" he asked in his strange powerful cantor, gesturing at me. Squall made to move but was brought low by the power of my voice. I could barely stand the noise of everyone eating, especially Salia who chomped her jerky like a stupid animal. Squall made to move but was brought low by the power of my voice. He wasn't quite hume though. Everything was lit up in bright blue tones. It will take some time before I can complete mitosis. At various points, Almaea must have chosen from a fork in the cave, pausing then turning slightly left or right and continuing. She would slow to a stop then follow with a series of rapid steps. I must admit that the air was growing incredibly thin and had me open mouth breathing before we stopped. Will you do that for me?" "Well, Nas, there is a creature made of water standing before us. It must be worth a fortune," said Benjamin. "Benjamin, get down!" I screamed, letting the gem fall to the ground and casting a torrent of lightning at Squall's idiot mouth. Other than that, there was only the sound of distant echos rolling through the cave and the constant dripping all around us. "Your hammer baffles me, Myrmidon! You must tell me where you received it before I end your short life," said Squall, followed by another metallic collision. His stupid fucking threat had my blood seething. "Lead us to them!" I shouted at the dumb thing. "Get out of my fucking head!" I ordered the voice. Salia staggered close behind me, muttering to herself the entire time. Is there anything I can do in return?" "How are you feeling, Salia?" said Benjamin. "Does everyone else hear that?" I said. Almaea led us deeper into the cave. Let me see that," said Benjamin, followed by whining from Salia. "Meat," said Salia. "What is it?" I said, trying not to sound eager or interested. "I don't know how..." "Okay, um, Edwa...where did you come from?" "Oh my Lords," said Benjamin.

"What is happening? What is this armor you're wearing?" said Benjamin, touching my face though I could not feel his touch. "Salia, where are you doing? What is that?" said Benjamin. "Huh ha!" cried Squall, followed by the crash of metal on metal. "No, Salia, this is clearly not meat. What an unsettling sensation to have another's voice come from your mouth. "Lordsdamit! How did you find us?" shouted Benjamin, getting to his feet and hefting his hammer with a single grunt. Benjamin responded with a battle cry, followed by the crash of metal on stone. "Well that's fucking great." I sighed heavily and stuck my hands out to receive the gem. We marched on, following the sound of Edwa flowing over the cave floor like a never ending stream. "They're humes like us. There was no reply. "It's meat," said Salia, followed by more clicking. "I am Edwa." "Hmm," sighed Edwa with a mirthful tone followed by an audible "plop". I couldn't hear her breath. But I was too pressed for action to fear; Benjamin needed my aid. We marched on, following the sound of Edwa flowing over the cave floor like a never ending stream. "This way," said Edwa in a chipper voice. I hope you don't mind. What kind of monsters live in this cave?" I asked. "My name is Edwa. I've never seen anything like this. It is very important for me to begin my mitosis. I didn't say anything, and felt put off by the stupid stories he told. "Meat," said Salia, leaning over me. "You are seeing with my sight now. The lightning had always been painfully loud, but in the confines of the cave it was a wall of sound smashing my eardrums. I didn't say anything, and felt put off by the stupid stories he told. "Get out of my fucking head!" I ordered the voice. There was no reply. "Let me help you with that," said a strange new voice as if underwater. Salia stumbled into us and then sat behind us. After we rested a few more minutes, we resumed our journey deeper into the cave. She radiated a physical energy, warm and comforting, like a hug from Benjamin. What are you doing here, Edwa?" "Hmm," sighed Edwa with a mirthful tone followed by an audible "plop". Benjamin strode beside me.

Do you know of them or where to find them?" said Benjamin. I'm used to walking," said Almaea through labored breathing. "I have fused with her," said my mouth in a voice that was not mine, making me scream in horror. Only Benjamin seemed to be breathing fine. "Lead us to them!" I shouted at the dumb thing. "This is not helping," observed Benjamin. "So how far are these Southern Tribes?" said Benjamin after a swig of water. "Well...someday me and Nasima will need a quiet farm where we can grow old together, and this will surely pay for that and more," said Benjamin, throwing his arm around me and planting a kiss on my lips. We should rest before you over exert yourself," said Benjamin, pulling me down until we were both sitting. Before I could react, liquid poured over my body. I screamed making Benjamin back away and then screamed again. "We seek the Southern Tribes. Do you know where there's other humes like us?" "...hungry." "Well that's fucking great." "This? It's kind of valuable. I reached out and touched a deep cut on his face. Benjamin shifted near me. "Well...someday me and Nasima will need a quiet farm where we can grow old together, and this will surely pay for that and more," said Benjamin, throwing his arm around me and planting a kiss on my lips. The best way I could describe it was the continual wet noise of stew being stirred. If it truly was a gem, it had to be one of the most massive in existence. Almaea led us deeper into the cave. There are hundreds of small tribes scattered across the entire expanse of the plains...I could not tell you which caves they are using or when," said Almaea, pausing to catch her breath again, unable to maintain passive breathing. "Yes," said Edwa followed by more silence. "This way," said Edwa in a chipper voice. Then when we find our heartstone, we precipitate." "It's a massive gem in the shape of a heart. Do you know of them or where to find them?" said Benjamin. So this is like her baby? I feel kind of bad about keeping it now. His stupid fucking threat had my blood seething. "That is troubling," said Almaea, followed by yet another deep breath. "Yeah, I'm hungry too. What an unsettling sensation to have another's voice come from your mouth. "To save your life, child," Almaea paused to catch her breath once more, "this may be the only place for miles where you are safe from Hawart or his Champion."

"This is not helping," observed Benjamin. "What do we do if that Champion returns?" I said. "What are you?" said Almaea. "It's a massive gem in the shape of a heart. The pleasantness of Almaea's light caressed my skin. "Your hammer baffles me, Myrmidon! You must tell me where you received it before I end your short life," said Squall, followed by another metallic collision. Behind us, Salia staggered side to side. It must be worth a fortune," said Benjamin. "Yes I could." There was a strange clicking sound behind us, like stone tapping stone. I have fused with your covalent. He flinched but didn't back away. "It's a massive gem in the shape of a heart. His stupid fucking threat had my blood seething. "Fine then," said Almaea, taking a seat. "Can you shine your light on this," said Benjamin. I'm used to walking," said Almaea through labored breathing. "Huh ha!" cried Squall, followed by the crash of metal on metal. "No, Salia, this is clearly not meat. Squall was a massive man, at least ten feet tall with elaborate armor. That pleasant energy from earlier blossomed near me, hardening my nipples. "Oh my Lords," said Benjamin. "You are seeing with my sight now. It penetrated my ears and flooded my mouth and nostrils though I could still breath somehow. But I was too pressed for action to fear; Benjamin needed my aid. So this is like her baby? I feel kind of bad about keeping it now. If it truly was a gem, it had to be one of the most massive in existence. "Can you shine your light on this," said Benjamin. Just a moist squishing noise that never abated. "Lead us to them!" I shouted at the dumb thing. "Does everyone else hear that?" I said. "Well...someday me and Nasima will need a quiet farm where we can grow old together, and this will surely pay for that and more," said Benjamin, throwing his arm around me and planting a kiss on my lips. What an unsettling sensation to have another's voice come from your mouth. "Yes," said Edwa followed by more silence. "I've noticed it's getting warmer the deeper we go. She would slow to a stop then follow with a series of rapid steps. Here, have some of my jerky and I'll just share some of your crackers. Benjamin shifted next to me.

"I'm fine. I assumed years of combat had taught him to be light on his feet. I don't think he wants another piece of Salia though. He wasn't quite hume though. In addition to her incessant mumbling, I began to pick up a distinct swirling sound deep in the cave. I assumed she was generating a magical light source, but I didn't want to seem simple by inquiring. It's bigger than both my fists, I can't believe this. The air can get thin down below. I assumed she was generating a magical light source, but I didn't want to seem simple by inquiring. I hope you don't mind. You sound winded," said Benjamin, pulling me to a stop. "I'm fine. Squall flew from the cave in a blink, followed by a massive thunderclap. At least that's what I've heard. It penetrated my ears and flooded my mouth and nostrils though I could still breath somehow. I hope we're not about to intrude on some massive beast," said Benjamin. "What is happening? What is this armor you're wearing?" said Benjamin, touching my face though I could not feel his touch. "...could you lead us to them?" said Benjamin. "Fortune is not what you seek, Myrmidon," said Almaea. "But you might not be used to caves. They hunt great beasts. I reached out and touched a deep cut on his face. I assumed years of combat had taught him to be light on his feet. Do you know of them or where to find them?" said Benjamin. Only Benjamin seemed to be breathing fine. "To save your life, child," Almaea paused to catch her breath once more, "this may be the only place for miles where you are safe from Hawart or his Champion." "My name is Edwa. Benjamin's breathing was barely audible in the cave, but Almaea's breathing became strained as the hours slipped by. Or maybe Salia wants another piece of him?" said Benjamin, finishing with a single laugh to himself. "I apologize, but I'm not ungrateful that she is with us. Behind us, Salia staggered side to side. Benjamin shifted near me. "You can see me..." said Benjamin. "So how far are these Southern Tribes?" said Benjamin after a swig of water. "Nasima! What's happening? You can see me?" said Benjamin, stumbling to me and grabbing my hands. Do you know where there's other humes like us?" "Hmm," sighed Edwa with a mirthful tone followed by an audible "plop". There are hundreds of small tribes scattered across the entire expanse of the plains...I could not tell you which caves they are using or when," said Almaea, pausing to catch her breath again, unable to maintain passive breathing. "I am Edwa." "You can see me..." said Benjamin. "Well, Nas, there is a creature made of water standing before us. Salia staggered close behind me, muttering to herself the entire time. I hope you don't mind. Use it to save your covalent," the voice

was not near me but inside my head, and it terrified me. Benjamin placed it in my hands, and I was shocked by the weight and warmth of it. The grey-white void of my vision was replaced by an underground vista bathed in neon blue light. "What is it?" I said, trying not to sound eager or interested. "But you might not be used to caves. Benjamin placed it in my hands, and I was shocked by the weight and warmth of it. Benjamin shifted near me. "The Southern Tribes use the network of caves to safely migrate across the Infinite Plains. He flinched but didn't back away. " the fucks, is happening right now?" I said, tripping over my words as if my mouth was new, not to mention my throat was ragged from laying Squall low. Benjamin responded with a battle cry, followed by the crash of metal on stone. "But you might not be used to caves. That pleasant energy from earlier blossomed near me, hardening my nipples. "I was looking for a heartstone in order to begin my mitosis. His light footsteps barely audible in the cave. Let me see that," said Benjamin, followed by whining from Salia. "I think what she is saying is, she needs that heartstone to reproduce," said Almaea. "...hungry." "Well, Nas, there is a creature made of water standing before us. I felt water pouring down my body and pooling around my feet. It rolled over my breasts like a hundred fingers fondling me, and finally encased my head. Reminds me of a water nymph, though even more watery if you can believe it. At least that's what I've heard. The air can get thin down below. It is very important for me to begin my mitosis. I hope we're not about to intrude on some massive beast," said Benjamin. "What is she?" said Almaea. "You make too light of the situation, Myrmidon," said Almaea, followed by a big breath of air. "We'll fight him. I don't think he wants another piece of Salia though. "It's meat," said Salia right next to me. "Fortune is not what you seek, Myrmidon," said Almaea.

"I have fused with her," said my mouth in a voice that was not mine, making me scream in horror. The deep tones echoed down the cave, and afterwards my hearing was limited at best. "That is troubling," said Almaea, followed by yet another deep breath. "We seek the Southern Tribes. His appearance was halfway between a gigantic bird and a soldier with giant wings tucked against his back.

We continued our path. The best way I could describe it was the continual wet noise of stew being stirred. "I am Edwa," said the voice from my mouth which now emanated near me instead of within me. Squall made to move but was brought low by the power of my voice. Everything was lit up in bright blue tones. They hunt great beasts. The lightning had always been painfully loud, but in the confines of the cave it was a wall of sound smashing my eardrums. I've never seen anything like this. To my chagrin, he floated to his feet and grinned at me as if manipulated by an unseen puppet master. "Salia, or that strange noise coming from deep in the cave?" said Benjamin. "Yes," said Edwa followed by more silence. "That's clearly not meat. Use it to save your covalent," the voice was not near me but inside my head, and it terrified me. Before he could respond, Salia's teeth were ripping into his throat and the wet sick sound of feeding was replaced by garbled screams. I promise," said Benjamin, "now, Nasima, I need you to carry this for me in case I need to defend us. Salia staggered close behind me, muttering to herself the entire time. Her distinct footsteps gently echoed as she walked. Is there anything I can do in return?" "Yes I could." "It is time to go, daughter Nasima. I could see him. Here, I'm sorry," said Benjamin. "Dammit! Someone say what it is," I shouted, echoing down the cave. Report Story byIllyHymenŠ 0 comments/ 586 views/ 1 favorites Report Story Report Story "I was looking for a heartstone in order to begin my mitosis. The echoes in the cave only made the disgusting noise worse. We continued our path. Her distinct footsteps gently echoed as she walked. If it truly was a gem, it had to be one of the most massive in existence. "Benjamin, get down!" I screamed, letting the gem fall to the ground and casting a torrent of lightning at Squall's idiot mouth. The best way I could describe it was the continual wet noise of stew being stirred. Benjamin shifted next to me. "That strange wet noise. They hunt great beasts. Salia stumbled into us and then sat behind us. There was a strange clicking sound behind us, like stone tapping stone. It will take some time before I can complete mitosis. We should rest before you over exert yourself," said Benjamin, pulling me down until we were both sitting. The deep tones echoed down the cave, and afterwards my hearing was limited at best.

"I am torrentially grateful for your discovery. Benjamin's breathing was barely audible in the cave, but Almaea's breathing became strained as the hours slipped by. You were in torrential peril, and she could not help you in her condition," said the voice from my mouth. In addition to her incessant mumbling, I began to pick up a distinct swirling sound deep in the cave. I have just recently fused with a covalent." "Okay, um, Edwa...where did you come from?" "I am Edwa," said the voice from my mouth which now emanated near me instead of within me. I assumed years of combat had taught him to be light on his feet. Reminds me of a water nymph, though even more watery if you can believe it. And I see that your Nasima has found one. I stepped forward and screamed until it ripped my vocal chords, unleashing a breath of lightning. With my dark vision I could see Squall and Benjamin, sword against hammer, with Almaea generating a star of light so Benjamin could see. It roiled up from my waist and up inside me until it pressed against my womb like a warm punch. Will you do that for me?" "You should be worried about the great beast intruding on you! Huh ha!" cried an all too familiar regal face. "Oh, shit. He rummaged through the traveler's kits, exchanging the foods between himself and Salia as well as handing me a canteen of water. She radiated a physical energy, warm and comforting, like a hug from Benjamin. In addition to her incessant mumbling, I began to pick up a distinct swirling sound deep in the cave. "I can locate the daughter Nasima a world away, Benjamin Silversword! Did you think you could hide her from Hawart?" "Oh, shit. Before he could respond, Salia's teeth were ripping into his throat and the wet sick sound of feeding was replaced by garbled screams. "...hungry." "I don't know," said Almaea. "I am torrentially grateful for your discovery. It was a heavy thing, and strangely warm like it had been sitting in the sun. What kind of monsters live in this cave?" I asked. "Then why did you send us down here?" I interrupted Benjamin to scold the Healer. "Meat," said Salia. "Benjamin, get down!" I screamed, letting the gem fall to the ground and casting a torrent of lightning at Squall's idiot mouth. I didn't say anything, and felt put off by the stupid stories he told. I planted my feet and threw my hands forward, conjuring a column of lightning that collided with him and threw him against the wall of the cave. His light footsteps barely audible in the cave. I wretched as if I could throw up the voice. It rolled over my breasts like a hundred fingers fondling me, and finally encased my head. "Why my reagents, of course," said Edwa.

"Why did-" "They're humes like us. Then when we find our heartstone, we precipitate." "It's meat," said Salia right next to me. "I do not know," said Almaea. I had no time for his stupid questions. Is there anything I can do in return?" "I don't know," said Almaea. "What? What do you mean you don't know? This was your plan to meet them in this cave," said Benjamin. "Edwa...we have no idea what you're talking about," said Benjamin. I hope we're not about to intrude on some massive beast," said Benjamin. "That's clearly not meat. I will buy you all the meat you want as soon as possible. Edwa produced a bubbling noise like a pot boiling. "I think what she is saying is, she needs that heartstone to reproduce," said Almaea. "Uhhh..." said Benjamin. We continued our path. You were in torrential peril, and she could not help you in her condition," said the voice from my mouth. I will buy you all the meat you want as soon as possible. Squall flew from the cave in a blink, followed by a massive thunderclap. I could barely stand the noise of everyone eating, especially Salia who chomped her jerky like a stupid animal. My vision returned to a white void, and I could hear the sound of flowing water beside me. Benjamin strode beside me. Before I could react, liquid poured over my body. It is very important for me to begin my mitosis. And I see that your Nasima has found one. I would be torrentially grateful if you would give me the heartstone," said Edwa. There was no reply. "Why did-" "Okay, um, Edwa...where did you come from?" "Please. Behind us, Salia staggered side to side. I have just recently fused with a covalent." "I can locate the daughter Nasima a world away, Benjamin Silversword! Did you think you could hide her from Hawart?" "I've noticed it's getting warmer the deeper we go. My vision returned to a white void, and I could hear the sound of flowing water beside me. I will use any means necessary to protect Nasima," said Benjamin, lacing his fingers through my hand. "Huh ha!" cried Squall, followed by the crash of metal on metal. "I don't know," said Almaea.

"You can see me..." said Benjamin. "It's beautiful," said Benjamin. "I am torrentially grateful for your discovery. I couldn't hear her breath. I could see him. Her voice was pleasant, but diluted, as if she spoke with a mouthful of water. "Yeah, I'm hungry too. It was a heavy thing, and strangely warm like it had been sitting in the sun. I stepped forward and screamed until it ripped my vocal chords, unleashing a breath of lightning. I've never seen anything like this. Benjamin's breathing was barely audible in the cave, but Almaea's breathing became strained as the hours slipped by. Only Benjamin seemed to be breathing fine. "What do we do if that Champion returns?" I said. I sighed heavily and stuck my hands out to receive the gem. Everyone be sure to drink your water?" said Benjamin. It truly was in the shape of a heart, and I could feel the countless facets of it's surface. I reached out and touched a deep cut on his face. It penetrated my ears and flooded my mouth and nostrils though I could still breath somehow. It must be worth a fortune," said Benjamin. "What are you?" said Almaea. "We can stop if you want. What are you doing here, Edwa?" " the fucks, is happening right now?" I said, tripping over my words as if my mouth was new, not to mention my throat was ragged from laying Squall low. "Please. The air can get thin down below. Benjamin strode beside me. Her steps were heavy and uneven, slanting from left to right. I must admit that the air was growing incredibly thin and had me open mouth breathing before we stopped. Her breathing was ragged, and Benjamin was finally able to convince her to take another rest. I will use any means necessary to protect Nasima," said Benjamin, lacing his fingers through my hand. "No, Salia, this is clearly not meat. It truly was in the shape of a heart, and I could feel the countless facets of it's surface. Her breathing was ragged, and Benjamin was finally able to convince her to take another rest. What are you doing here, Edwa?" "Fine then," said Almaea, taking a seat. "Yeah, I'm hungry too. Benjamin shifted next to me. "Well that's fucking great." Almaea led us deeper into the cave. "You wear armor of water to battle the Champion of lightning?" "Oh my Lords," said Benjamin. "Why my reagents, of course," said Edwa. "What about her?" shouted Benjamin, lifting up Salia and throwing her on him. I must admit that the air was growing incredibly thin and had me open mouth breathing before we stopped. I felt water pouring down my body and pooling around my feet. There are hundreds of small tribes scattered

across the entire expanse of the plains...I could not tell you which caves they are using or when," said Almaea, pausing to catch her breath again, unable to maintain passive breathing. I planted my feet and threw my hands forward, conjuring a column of lightning that collided with him and threw him against the wall of the cave. It truly was in the shape of a heart, and I could feel the countless facets of it's surface. I promise," said Benjamin, "now, Nasima, I need you to carry this for me in case I need to defend us. And I see that your Nasima has found one. I'm used to walking," said Almaea through labored breathing. "What is happening? What is this armor you're wearing?" said Benjamin, touching my face though I could not feel his touch.. What kind of monsters live in this cave?" I asked. "We'll fight him. Edwa produced a bubbling noise like a pot boiling. "I think what she is saying is, she needs that heartstone to reproduce," said Almaea. "What is she?" said Almaea. "So how far are these Southern Tribes?" said Benjamin after a swig of water. "This? It's kind of valuable. Will you do that for me?" "What are you?" said Almaea. "Salia, or that strange noise coming from deep in the cave?" said Benjamin. "Does everyone else hear that?" I said. "We seek the Southern Tribes. Everyone be sure to drink your water?" said Benjamin. Do you know where there's other humes like us?" "...could you lead us to them?" said Benjamin. "It's meat," said Salia, followed by more clicking. "Meat," said Salia, leaning over me. "Lordsdamit! How did you find us?" shouted Benjamin, getting to his feet and hefting his hammer with a single grunt. "What? What do you mean you don't know? This was your plan to meet them in this cave," said Benjamin. After we rested a few more minutes, we resumed our journey deeper into the cave. Everything was lit up in bright blue tones. It rolled over my breasts like a hundred fingers fondling me, and finally encased my head. He rummaged through the traveler's kits, exchanging the foods between himself and Salia as well as handing me a canteen of water. Her voice was pleasant, but diluted, as if she spoke with a mouthful of water. "What about her?" shouted Benjamin, lifting up Salia and throwing her on him. I assumed she was generating a magical light source, but I didn't want to seem simple by inquiring. To my fury, he rose

from the ground and floated in the air like a marionette, grinning at me. "Why my reagents, of course," said Edwa. "I am Edwa," said the voice from my mouth which now emanated near me instead of within me. We should rest before you over exert yourself," said Benjamin, pulling me down until we were both sitting. Everyone be sure to drink your water?" said Benjamin. I will buy you all the meat you want as soon as possible. I screamed making Benjamin back away and then screamed again. "Me too," said Almaea, barely loud enough to hear. It roiled up from my waist and up inside me until it pressed against my womb like a warm punch. His appearance was halfway between a gigantic bird and a soldier with giant wings tucked against his back. "I'm fine. Here, I'm sorry," said Benjamin. "This is not helping," observed Benjamin. "When two of us are reactive, we fuse. To my fury, he rose from the ground and floated in the air like a marionette, grinning at me. "Lordsdamit! How did you find us?" shouted Benjamin, getting to his feet and hefting his hammer with a single grunt. I sighed heavily and stuck my hands out to receive the gem. I would be torrentially grateful if you would give me the heartstone," said Edwa. "...could you lead us to them?" said Benjamin. "Meat," said Salia. "Nasima! What's happening? You can see me?" said Benjamin, stumbling to me and grabbing my hands. Or maybe Salia wants another piece of him?" said Benjamin, finishing with a single laugh to himself. "The Southern Tribes use the network of caves to safely migrate across the Infinite Plains. I wretched as if I could throw up the voice. I could barely stand the noise of everyone eating, especially Salia who chomped her jerky like a stupid animal. To my chagrin, he floated to his feet and grinned at me as if manipulated by an unseen puppet master. "How are you feeling, Salia?" said Benjamin. "You should be worried about the great beast intruding on you! Huh ha!" cried an all too familiar regal face. "To save your life, child," Almaea paused to catch her breath once more, "this may be the only place for miles where you are safe from Hawart or his Champion." "Let me help you with that," said a strange new voice as if underwater. Let me see that," said Benjamin, followed by whining from Salia. "You are seeing with my sight now

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