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Robyn Russell BA Graphic Design: OUCS206

Susan Sontag has also theorised the power of the gaze within photography, “To photograph is to appropriate the thing being photographed” (Sontag, 1977, p.4) This infers that by taking photographs of women in erotic ways, the photographer and viewer take something from the woman in the image, without her permission, thus empowering the male audience through their gaze. This takes away the woman's freedom so in turn she becomes subordinate to the photographer and the male audience. Sontag (1977, p82) states “instead propose we collect it”, suggesting that by taking images of attractive women or situations we build up a collection of what is deemed as sexual or erotic in nature, again adding to the control of the male viewer over the subordinate woman in any picture, reinforcing the male gaze on women. Coward (2000, p33) observes the power within photography and the male hold over women, “Use of women's images, in ways which make men feel comfortable... Clearly this comfort is connected to feeling secure or powerful”. This again illustrates the power within photography and the impact it has on a male audience. John Burger theorises the manipulation used within the power of the gaze and women “Men survey women before treating them” (Burger, 1977, p.32), this highlights the idea that men will judge a woman before engaging with her. This makes viewing women in this objectified way extremely easy through photography. It also shows the power of the gaze, as men are the ones looking and the women are being objectified and know they are being studied. Photography lets women be subject to scrutiny through the male gaze without men feeling judged or guilty. Suzanna Moore also theorises that “the female gaze my actively invite it” (Moore, 1992, cited in Dotter, R. Bowers, S. 1992), this suggests that women openly invite the men to gaze upon them in such an elicit and intrusive way because women


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