NVBCC THRIVE Magazine Jan/Feb 2023

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THRIVE LeadingBusinessMagazineforBlackEntrepreneurs January/February NewNVBCCPodcast Launched RealEstatein2023 Blockchain


Director of Operations and Community Engagement



Special Edition in February

A magazine is a periodical publication, which can either be printed or published electronically. It is issued regularly, usually every week or every month, and it contains a variety of content. To create your own, choose a topic that interests you. It can be anything from fashion and beauty to travel and the news.


Here are a few ideas NVBCC believes are worth carrying into 2023:

1)Be a believer in the ability to finance your business with new “How-to” knowledge.

2)Be intentional about your business strategy actions every day.

3)Be stingy with your time as you build critical collaborative relationships.

4)Be careful with whom you share your Best Big Idea by adding an NDA/Confidential Agreement to your discussion.

5)Be persistent and consistent as you grow your business network.

6)Be grateful for all the "No’s" you may receive and use them to course correct.

January arrived and left faster than I expected. Like everyone else, I have set aside time to think about a strategy to ensure my dreams are a reality. How do you ensure your dreams become real and solid as a rock?

I have taken time to read some books that were impactful. Here are two books I have chosen to keep me on track:

1) Acting Up by Janice Bryant Howroyd founder and chief executive officer of The ActOne Group, the largest privately held, minority-woman-owned personnel and is the first African-American woman to build and own a billion-dollar company

2) Finding My Voice by Valerie Jarrett, an American businesswoman, and former government official. She currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Obama Foundation.

7)Be forgiving of all those who can’t understand your dream, move on.

8)Be creative with your solutions as they are your intellectual property and revenue generators.

9)Be an expert at solving problems as they are your next new products or services.

10) Be proud to celebrate your accomplishments as being an entrepreneur and building a business is hard.

On behalf of all of us at the Northern Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce, we look forward to collaborating with you in 2023 because the NVBCC celebrates your ability to



Today, I will

Become a Member

The Northern Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce (NVBCC) is unique among networking groups targeting black-owned businesses. The Chamber connects members to companies, fellow entrepreneurs, public and private lenders, and others who can help them advance their businesses. We inform key stakeholders about the economic, legal policy, social, cultural, and other factors that impact black-owned businesses. info@northernvirginiabcc.org or Call 703.442.4472.




NVBCC THRIVE Magazine Crew and Corporate member, e-GLAM help launch the 2023.


NVBCC's THRIVE Magazine Crew launch a new Podcast; " THRIVE Speaks" Take a moment to listen..


Meet Tee Marie Hanible author and power warrior.


Black founders, investors, and the future of the blockchain ecosystem



The Northern Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce it has been awarded $300,000 in Federal funding

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Never waste your valuable time again. Put the NVBCC Leadshare on your calendar. Learn How


When it is time to launch your business, start here with NVBCC tips to get started





Editor-in-Chief  Robin McDougal

Managing Editor

Health & Wellness Editor

Insurance Contributor

Real Estate Broker Contributor

Residential Real Estate Contributor

Tonya Poindexter

Jocelyn Johnson

Neil McKinnon

Jennifer V-E Johnson

Patricia Dinkens

Board of Directors

Chair Vice Chair

Fundraising Co-Chair

Fundraising Co-Chair

Past Chair

Advocacy Co-Chair

Membership Co-Chair

Events Chair

Government Contracting Chair

Communications Chair

Executive Director

Samuel Wiggins

Robin McDougal

Jameel Scott

Scott Price

Corey Holeman

Michelle Jefferson

Jocelyn Johnson

LeAnn White

Aaron Kelley

Tonya Poindexter White

Sheila Dixon

Tonya Poindexter Jocelyn Johnson Robin McDougal
Thank you Thank you
Thank You Sponsor Vision Board Saturday

Vision Board Saturday

Thank you

THRIVE Magazine Crew

Thank You Sponsor

“All business is personal… Make your friends before you need them.” — Robert L. Johnson


Includes 3 members

10% discount on All events

2 seats Annual Corporate Summit

1 THRIVE Magazine Full Page Adv.

3 Social Media Shout-outs

1 NVBCC Collaborative Event


TENIZAGAMEVIRHEVIRHTTE H R I VEMAGZINE Join the THRIVE Magazine Crew as they dive into the day to day tips of business 14
Find a membership level that suits the needs of your company. There is a comparison chart for you to decide which level you can leverage for your business. Join in the fun and participate in one of the many events hosted by the NVBCC. We have events for all types of businesses. Advocacy Chamber Ambassador Communications Events & Elite Lead Share Funding Golf Tournament Gov. Con. Membership Programing Thrive Magazine There are a variety of committees that would benefit from your expertise!
events Join a committee
level! 15
Engage with members at planned

NVBCC Membership Levels


Complimentary Newsletter

Complimentary Business 101 Series

Thrive Magazine

Online Access

Legislative voice

Business Resources

Foundational | $200 1-5 employees

Corporate |$750 1-50 employees

Professional Networking Opportunities

NVBCC Directory listing

Programming | Leadshare & GovCon Includes 3 members 10% discount on All events

Annual Corporate Summit | 2 seats

THRIVE Magazine

1 Full Page Advertisment

3 Social Media Shout-outs FB | IG| LinkedIn| Twitter

1 NVBCC Collaborative Event Per Year


There is no magic elevator to the top Unknown




“Tee Marie Hanible, a woman of incredible strength and courage, has now given readers a guide that will show them how to tap into their own power with The Warrior Code. A must-have!

Entrepreneur, philanthropist, reality star, and retired Gunnery Sergeant Tee Marie Hanible serves up eleven principles to awaken your inner badass and thrive in the face of adversity.

With insightful honesty and wisdom, and set against the backdrop of Tee’s life, The Warrior Code will help you understand that things can beat us back from realizing our true potential, but the key is finding the way to realize one's own innate strength.

NVBCC Board Director Tonya Poindexter White with Tee Marie Hanible at a book signing event at Jirani Coffeehouse in Manassas, VA.
Self-love has very little to do with how you feel about your outer self. It’s about accepting all of yourself.
— Tyra Banks
Complete this online survey to let our Thrive Magazine Team know what you want to see in 2023. 21
We want to hear from you!


Side Hustle Pro

Nicaila, is the Creator and Host of the Side Hustle Pro Podcast.

"I started Side Hustle Pro when I was a side hustler myself. I was a digital marketer at NPR by day, side hustler by night."

Through the powerful stories shared on this show and the courage to launch an initiative, Nicaila was able to quit her job to go full time with Side Hustle Pro in December 2017.

Meet Nicaila Matthews Okome


Blockchain—the technology behind crypto, NFTs, web3


A Panel of Black Leaders Share Insights About the Blockchain Space. (Google Ventures)


Washington, D.C: The Northern Virginia Black ChamberofCommerce(NVBCC)ispleasedto announcethatithasbeenawarded$300,000 in Federal funding from the Fiscal Year 2023 government spending legislation, recently signed into law by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

TheNVBCCistheonlyChamberofCommerce in Virginia to have received such funding, which underscores the importance of its mission and vision. The NVBCC serves the Black-ownedbusinesscommunityinNorthern Virginia with networking opportunities, education, training, resources, and support to promotetheireconomicflourishing.

The NVBCC will dedicate this funding to its BuildThrivingReturnsNow(BTRNow)program, which will increase resources, training certifications, and educational opportunities formemberbusinesses.TheBTRNowprogram is yet another tool in the NVBCC’s toolbox for empowering Black-owned businesses and boostingthelocaleconomy.

NVBCCExecutiveDirectorSheilaK.Dixonsaid, “WearegratefultoSenatorsMarkWarnerand TimKainefortheirsupportoftheNVBCCand ourmissiontopromoteeconomic empowermentanddevelopmentintheBlack community.Thisfundingwillmakeareal differencetothesmallbusinessesweserve, andwelookforwardtocontinuingtoworkwith ourelectedofficialstocreateopportunitiesfor allVirginians.”

TheNorthernVirginiasmallbusiness community,inparticulartheBlackbusiness community,hasbeensignificantlyimpacted bytheCOVID-19pandemic.Black entrepreneurscontinuetofaceobstacles,and theyareworkingtorecovertheirbusinesses andpromotetheireconomichealth.The NVBCCiscontinuingtoworkforsustainable growthforBlack-ownedbusinesses;the financialresourcesprovidedbythisfunding willhelpNVBCCbusinessesexcelintheir industries.

AccordingtoNVBCCBoardChairmanSam Wiggins,“TheNVBCCisanon-profit organizationdedicatedtopromoting economicdevelopmentintheblack community,andwearecommittedtobuilding astrongandvibranteconomyforall.This fundingfromCongressisvitaltoourmission andwillallowustofurtherdevelopinnovative programsandtrainingforourmember businesses.Iwouldliketogivemypersonal thankstobothSenatorMarkWarnerand SenatorTimKaineformakingthispossible.”

TheNVBCCwouldalsoliketothankXavier WarrenandCongressionalPartnersfortheir hardworkinhelpingustoobtainthisfunding.

MediaContact:TonyaPoindexterWhite NorthernVirginiaBlackChamberofCommerce BoardofDirectors|CommunicationsChair tonya.white@northernvirginiabcc.org info@northernvirginiabcc.org Phone:703.442.4472



Have you heard Northern Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce (NVBCC) members discuss their Elite LeadSharebuthadnoideawhattheywerereferringto?

Have you often wondered what could make a LeadShare so Elite? This article will answer your questions about NVBCC's Elite LeadShare, and at the end, you will want to attend one of these upscale meetingsforyourself.

What is a LeadShare?

A LeadShare is a unique and personal form of advertising. Business professionals meet regularly to learn about each other's businesses allowing them to grow their network and sales organically with a diverse cross-sectionofthecommunity.DuringLeadShare,each professionalisdedicatedtosharingbusinessreferralsto help each other grow their business, as well as best practices,marketingandbrandingtips,andresources.

What makes NVBCC's LeadShare Elite?

NVBCC wants to ensure its members and prospective members enjoy an upscale and uncomplicated experience. For this reason, valet parking is provided during the Elite LeadShare meetings. Once inside, participants will partake in a catered lunch. The entire event is hosted by NVBCC and sponsored by FVCbank atnoexpensetotheparticipants.

Who attends the Elite LeadShare?

NVBCC's Elite LeadShare is inclusive and exists for everyone to participate. Chamber members and nonmembers can attend. There is a broad mix of B2B and B2C participants to ensure ample networking opportunities.

Now that you have more information about NVBCC's EliteLeadShare,it'stimetoattendameetingtoseethe benefitsforyourself.Participantsshouldattendatleast twicetoreceivetheoptimumexperiencewhenpossible. Check the NVBCC website Events Calendar for upcomingEliteLeadSharesandotherevents.

It always seems impossible until it's done.
~ Nelson Mandela

This year the Thrive Magazine editors are offering business links to all the important economic development authorities in all the counties in the Northern Virginia area. These are the simple steps to begin a business in the Northern Virginia area.

To begin your business, you must start with the name of your entity. A quick google search will allow you to check and see if a current business uses your business name. Once you establish that no other business is using this name via google, take a trip to the Commonwealth of Virginia State Corporation Commission, click the business drop-down box, and click Start a New Business. This is where you will register your business name and obtain your business license. Your next step is to obtain an Employee Identification Number (EIN); this number is issued by the IRS and is very easy to obtain. Once you are on the IRS website, you will be prompted to follow the steps to select your type of business entity; there is an explanation for each entity you can choose. After that, you will continue following the website prompts, such as choosing a business name, registering as an agent, and filing your business with the VA SCC for your Virginia Business license. Lastly, you will need to obtain a business license from the county or city where your business will reside.

Links to all the Northern Virginia Counties serviced by the NVBCC:

Fairfax County

Loudoun County Manassas City

Prince Williams County

Fauquier County


Once you have established your state and county business licenses, you should search for a domain name or URL. You can easily accomplish this task with a quick trip to GoDaddy; this company can host your website. There are several hosting sites that you can google and set up a simple website, such as Wix, Squarespace, Ionos (1&1), Hostinger, WP Engine Web Hosting, Hostwinds, Liquid Web Hosting, AccuWeb Hosting, A2 Web Hosting, DreamHost Web Hosting, InMotion Web Hosting, Bluehost Web Hosting, and HostGator Web Hosting. These hosting companies have basic and economic plans; I use Squarespace for my nutrition business. There is a chamber member, Enthuse Creative, they offerwebsite design, marketing and so much more to showcase your business online.

Building a website can be intimidating and overwhelming to the novice. I would suggest doing simple google searches to determine which direction to go for setting up your website. I suggest looking at your local colleges with web design programs; students need to create portfolios for their degree program and future job prospects. These students may charge you a lesser fee than a design firm, and they may come up with an awesome website.

This article has a lot of information for novice business owners. Take time to research to find the companies and products that resonate with your values. Please remember to give yourself grace. Give yourself the grace to make mistakes so you can grow and prosper.

Themostimportantthingistotryandinspirepeoplesothat theycanbegreatinwhatevertheywanttodo.

Business Insurance… a little coverage goes a long way

Understanding business insurance is essential whether you are just beginning your business or have been in business for 20 years. Although some insurance is state mandated, such as Worker's Compensation, disability & health, artisan and service contractors, and business life insurance. These types of insurance coverages can protect your business and personal assets for pennies on the dollar. Business insurance doesn't have a "one size fits all" approach; instead, business insurance is based on your business type, the assets you want to protect, and your financial goals.

There are several things to consider associated with the type of coverage that a small business may need that may be overlooked by the small business owner, such as disability & health, artisan and service contractors, and business life insurance.


Disability & Health

This type of insurance helps when you have been ill or have an injury that limits your ability to work. This type of insurance pays you a portion of your regular salary while recovering from your injury. If you endure a disability, this type of insurance can reimburse you when you cannot return to your profession.

If you have a small number of employees, you should direct your workforce to the insurance MarketPlace to find health insurance policies appropriate for their family's needs. These policies are based on the number of family members and any current and existing health concerns.

This type of policy is a great way to ensure that your workforce is healthy and able to work knowing that their family has health coverage. However, if you have more employees, it may be time to consider a company health insurance policy to cover them and their families.

Artisan and Service Contractors

Artisans such as hairstylists, painters, chefs, plumbers, and electricians need to protect the tools that they use for their craft. Their tools of the trade should be insured for these unique jobs. Insuring tools such as cutting shears, pots, pans, stoves, spray machines for paint, and all the tools of plumbers and electricians. There is also insurance protection for liability losses and brick and mortar.

Business Life Insurance

The future of your business depends on being prepared for the unexpected. For example, could your business continue if you passed away? Do you have the financial resources to replace a key employee if they pass away? Would you like to reward and retain talented employees with incentives? Business Life insurance can help address all of these. This type of coverage can protect the future of your business for you and your employees; protecting your business with a policy that looks towards your future is critical.

Covering you and your employees also helps protect the life of your business. When you're busy running a business, there's not always time to stop and plan for the future.

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But think of how good it would feel to know that you, your business, and your employees are prepared for what's ahead. The future of your business depends on being prepared for the unexpected. For example, could your business continue if you passed away? Do you have the financial resources to replace a key employee if they pass away? Would you like to reward and retain talented employees with incentives? Business Life insurance can help address all of these.

I know how much time, energy, and money go into starting a business. I remember writing my first policy and my last customer. Don't entrust your business to a form you completed on a website. Instead, sit down with a professional who can listen to your needs, provide a qualified assessment, and offer adequate protection. Another small business owner is the most reliable resource for any small business owner. State Farm® agents are that resource. With the hands-on knowledge they've gained from running their own small business, they're here to assist you with the coverage and financial services that better fit your unique needs, now and in the future.


You don’t make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering, and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas.

Small Business: Funding your business venture

Links to Economic Development Centers in Northern Virginia

Fairfax County

Fairfax County Economic Development Authority (EDA)

Fairfax County Business License

Loudoun County

Loudoun Virginia Economic Authority

Loudoun County Business License

Prince William County

Prince William County Department of Economic Development

Prince William Business License

*Doing Business in Prince William County, Virginia: This county gives you a 15-step list to follow to set up a business in Prince William county.

Manassas Park

Manassas Economic Development Authority Manassas Business License

Fauquier County

Fauquier County Virginia Economic Development Authority

Fauquier County Business License:

Other Cities & Towns in Northern Virginia

Arlington Economic Development

Greater Alexandria Economic Development Authority (GAEDA)

After completing all the steps in the earlier article about starting your small business, you will need to consider how to fund your business venture. First, consider going to the Economic Development Centers in your county. Below are links to all the counties that the Northern Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce (NVBCC) serves. If you are still confused, please visit the NVBCC website for more resources.

Town of Herndon Economic Development

**To obtain a business licence in Arlington, Alexandria and the Town of Herndon go to the Fairfax County Business License webpage.


What's the right business entity for your small business?

Deciding to start a small business is a big deal. The first step is to know the services or products you want to offer your customer base. The second step is to sort out the type of business structure or entity can be confusing. Here are descriptions of the types of business entities you can decide.

Types of business entities:

Sole-proprietorship (solopreneur):

This is a business wholly owned by one person with unlimited liability, meaning if this business has any type of conflict, the owner will take on all the risk of the business. You are not protected in lawsuits and can lose all your assets.

Limited Liability Company (LLC):

The Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a business entity that offers limited legal protection for owners, also known as members of the business. There are no limits to the number of members an LLC can have; the Commonwealth of Virginia allows for an individual or "single member" LLC.

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP):

The Limited Liability Partnership is similar to an LLC business type, except that this business entity is liable for all debts and obligations, yet the partners are not personally liable.

Non-profit organization:

The Non-profit Organization (NPO) is a business that works to further social causes or advocacy for groups such as the underprivileged, the disabled, the homeless, or children; religious groups are able to claim tax-exemption status under the IRS. This type of business is granted tax-exempt status with the IRS. Charitable donations fund these types of companies for the betterment of their cause and to pay for day-to-day operations.


A corporation is a business entity created by individuals or a group of shareholders with the intent of operating for a profit.

- C Corporation (C Corp):

A C-corporation is a business entity owned by a group of shareholders. These shareholders have a board of directors (BOD) that helps to guide the business by appointing a management team, such as the CEO (Chief Executive Officer), CFO (Chief Financial Officer), and President of the company.

- Small Business Corporation (S Corp):

An S-corporation is a business entity under the Subchapter S by the IRS. This type of business is considered a small business corporation that has the protection of an LLC with a corporate-level status.

Position within a business or company:

- Owner:

A person that owns and operates a business

- CEO (Chief Executive Officer):

This senior executive is the highest-ranking executive manager of a corporation; this individual guides the company to financial success.

- CFO (Chief Financial Officer):

This is a senior executive responsible for managing a corporation's financial actions.

-CIO (Cheif Information Officer)

-CMO (Chief Information Marketing)

-COO (Chief Operating Officer)




After the past two and half years, many wonder what the real estate market will be like in 2023. Will 2023 be a good time to buy? If I put my house on the market, will it sell, and will I be able to find another property to purchase? Though the market can be compared to the ups and downs of the stock market, real estate is still one of the best investments a person can make.

Nationwide sales are predicted to drop, causing the number of houses on the market to remain low. This is due to many homeowners not selling the homes they bought during 2020 and 2021 when interest rates were low. On the National Association of Realtors (NAR) Newsroom webpage (December 2022), Lawrence Yun,

NAR Chief Economist and Senior Vice President of Research predicts that home sales will decline by 6.8% compared to the rates of 2022. According to Yun’s calculations, foreclosure rates will continue at historically low levels in 2023, making up less than 1% of all mortgages.

Maggie Davis, a writer for Lending Tree, states that a November 2022 survey conducted by Lending Tree revealed that 41% of more than 2000 people surveyed believe there will be a housing crash in 2023. Based on data from NAR in December 2022, the conditions are not favorable for a home price crash (see chart, next page).

We are currently seeing the market adjusting itself to what the industry calls normal. The market in 2020 and 2021 was not a typical market. Mark Fleming, Economist of First American Financial Corporation, predicts that once the market adjusts to the normalcy of higher interest rates, the housing market will benefit from continued strong, demographic-driven demand relative to an overall, long-term shortage of supply.


Virginia REALTORS Chief Economist, Ryan

Price, expects that sales activity will be slow in the coming months. His expectation of how the market moves in 2023 depend on several variables, such as inflation, the health of the job market, interest rate trends, and consumer confidence. Consistently there have been talks of a possible recession and its impact on the real estate market. During the last eight recessions, home prices have only depreciated twice. The overall forecast for Virginia as we enter 2023 appears to be a slow change, which is no different from the rest of the United States.

In conclusion, many variables are considered in forecasting the 2023 housing market. No one has a crystal ball. One thing that is known is that when buyers make a fair offer and sellers do not overprice their homes, the property will sell.

If you would like a free financial analysis of your home, my buyer’s guide or receive a monthly market report, send an email to patricia@patriciadinkens.realtor, with Crystal Ball 2023 in the subject line.

PDinkens Residential Properties w/Samson Properties 37
Patricia Dinkens, Realtor


AsarealestateBroker,clientsoftenask if they should rent or buy a home; this questionalwayscomesup,andthereis no correct answer. So, the only advice I can offer is simple, know the facts before you decide to rent or buy a home; do the research and try not to follow what the news, social media, or yourfriendsandfamilythink.

Oftentimes, buyers are hesitant to buy ahomewheninterestratesarehigh.As aresult,manybuyerstendtowaituntil interest rates are lower. The challenge with waiting is that home prices increaseeveryyear,especiallyintheDC Metro Area, where the housing market is more stable than other parts of the country. In addition, your rental payment interest rate is 100%; chances are that rental payment is paying someoneelse’smortgage.

Don’t just think about paying rent today, but rather what your rent could be in 5, 10, or 15 years from now. Rents will continue to go up, and there is no financial benefit. On the other hand, if you have a mortgage, you are building generational wealth for you and your family.


Real Estate has long been one of the safest wealth accumulations. According to NAR (National Association of Realtors), on the national level, if a Homeowner purchased an existing home 10 years ago, there would be a gain of $225,000 in equity if the home were sold at the median sales price in the fall of 2021 for $363,100. Imagine how 25% or more of $225,000 could change you and your family’slife.

Inrecentyears,largecorporationshavebeen buying single-family homes in bulk, driving prices through the roof and making it very difficult for buyers to afford homes. It has become so difficult that Senator Jeff Merkley from Oregon introduced the End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act. The Act aims to stop large corporations from monopolizing the residential housing market, allowing more individuals and familiestobuyhomes.

Home ownership allows you to decorate as you please and earn equity which could be used for home improvements, money for private school or college tuition, funding a business,orretirement.

Did you know that a first-time home buyer is considered a person who has not owned a home in the past 3 years? There are firsttime home buyer and down payment programsthatmanybuyersaren’tawareof. For example, low down payment programs arebasedonincomeorprofession.

Formanybuyersowningahomeispossible if you surround yourself with professionals that know the facts. Your first step is to speak with a Loan Officer and licensed real estate agent. The pre-qualification process will provide you with an estimated down payment,mortgagepayment,closingcosts, and other first-time home buyer incentives. There may be additional incentives if you areanactiveMilitarymember,veteran,First Responder, or teacher. Your real estate agentcanprovidepossiblehomesbasedon your pre-qualification letter to see if the homesfitsyourneeds.Ifthehomedoesnot fityourneedsorthemortgageand/ordown payment are too much, at least you will have an idea of how much you will need to savetomakehome-ownershipadream.

Know the facts before you decide; you may be closer to home ownership than you believe!

Jennifer V-E Johnson, Broker/Owner Metro Realty 360






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