Three Magic Words - U.S. Andersen

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Subconscious Mind. Rest assured of the eventual accomplishment of your goal and take pleasure and wisdom from each experience along the way. If life were only moments of victory, it would be very short indeed. Learn to enjoy the journey. TRIUMPH OVER CIRCUMSTANCE A middle-aged man in a Midwestern city resigned a secure job and invested his life savings in a small manufacturing plant. Shortly afterward the aircraft parts for which his machinery had been designed became obsolete. There seemed no alternative other than to close his doors and face the loss of his investment. “Oh, but I was bitter,” he said. “I felt the whole world was an injustice.” “Then one morning I read three words: Nothing is wasted’. I went down to the plant alone. It was quiet inside, and I wandered around. I picked up one of the gadgets we had been making, and it seemed different, as if I had never seen it before. It would make a terrific toy, I thought. Immediately I was certain of it. I rushed to the nearest phone and called my foreman. We worked all night on plans. Next morning we gave them to a sales agency. Within two weeks we were in production. Believe me, I’ll never accept defeat again.” Today his toy manufacturing business is worth more than a million dollars! A married woman with two school-aged children was near the verge of hysteria at the arrival of a third child. “To think,” she wailed, “that I’ve gone through eight years of diapers, formulas, inoculations, laundry, meals, cleaning, and babysitters, always looking forward to the day when the kids would be in school and I’d have some time of my own. Now I’ve got to go through it all over again.” “Not unless you want to,” she was told. “Of course I don’t want to,” she said. “Then try this. Make up your mind that the greatest thing that ever happened to you was the birth of your third child.” She was doubtful, but promised to give it a try. Before a year was out her husband had made an astonishing success in his business, and they were able to afford help in the house. She herself was successfully operating a small mail-order business. She was playing golf once a week. She had just returned with her husband from a trip to Mexico City. She was brimming with enthusiasm and joy. “What a tremendous lesson!” she said. “Now I know that everything depends on one’s own attitude!”

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