The Best of the Faithist Journal - Kasandra Kares

Page 41

Many of the hymns the faithful sang also added, rather than detracted, from the sea of confusion that abounded. For when they spoke of the Morning Star, it was with reference to the name upon which the Faith was founded. And each Religion had its founder, so that to the Angels who surveyed the ways of mortals, there were always at least four major claimants to this title. Yet none of these claimed in themselves the glory of which we speak. For that Glory is unto E-O-IH alone, and these great teachers were men in whom this Glory shone. So confusion was added to confusion by the failure of men to recognise the one and only True Morning Star of All. In the Book of Inspiration from which come the words: “Few only will turn away from the inspiration of the world, and come unto Me”, it is also explained that you may take the most understanding of animals, the dog, and say ‘Jehovih’ to it as often as you choose, but it will not understand understandingly. Thus the Glory of the Morning Star must ever remain veiled, until it can be perceived with understanding. Till then, the spirit of ‘Worldliness’ will ever seem the victor. The worldly spirit, the lust of the Tetracts in the soul to enjoy to the full the things the natural senses feel, the inspiration of the world, all these are one and the same. They are hard to escape from. The factors of environment and heredity play a great part in these things. But when the soul heareth the voice of the Father, he hears not a voice of Judgment, but a gentle, sad voice, fully aware that the wisdom that is beyond mortal capability to comprehend must ever work itself out in this manner, so that the final glory of the Morning Star may shine with radiance and perfection of soul. The Father does not explain this at the time, for it is sufficient His Son or Daughter has come at last, unto Him. Even the words written, the ideas enlarged upon, the wisdom of the wise teachers, all these at best are indirect inspiration. Only personal experience is for any, direct inspiration. Though he tell it to others, for them it is indirect inspiration. At the last, the soul must go it alone. None other can ever be substitute, for each one is unique.

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