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News around the church FAMILY NIGHT DINNER


Financial Report for the Period 1/1/2016 to 10/31/2016 General Fund

Just a reminder to mark your calendars for Wednesday, December 7th, at 6:00 p.m. for the Family Night Dinner. Our program for December will be a Christmas program performed by PolyCel%c. They play a variety of genres in Cel%c style. This group is a favorite of many of you. Michelle Ma1s plays flutes and penny whistle, Chris Lucas guitar, and Tom Abernathy hammered dulcimer and guitar. Please plan to join us and invite friends and family members to get the holiday season off to a great start. Our menu will be baked zi%, meat and vegetarian choices, salad, garlic bread, and homemade desserts. All of this for just $8.00!

October 2016 Total Cash Receipts and Transfers

The Seniors will meet Tuesday, December 13 at noon. We will NOT have a covered dish lunch! Our friend and "chef" A. B. Jones will prepare and provide a delicious lunch for us to enjoy! Come enjoy our Christmas meal, program by Fred & Julie James and Christmas spirit! YTD 2016

Fred and Julie James $8,888


Total Cash Disbursements



Net Gain (Loss)



December 18th at 11:00 a.m. “Come Let Us Worship the King!” Invite your friends, your family, your neighbors and co-workers! On Sunday, December 18th at the 11:00 a.m. service, we will once again present our annual music celebra%on with our Christmas Cantata and music by our Hand Bell choir!

Fred and Julie James are an acous%c gospel duo who have been married for over 20 years and have enjoyed playing music together for 10 years. Fred plays lead guitar and sings background vocals, and Julie sings lead vocals, plays the harmonica, rhythm guitar and ukulele. Fred and Julie are Louisiana na%ves who perform tradi%onal hymns with their own arrangements, as well as original music. They connect well with their audiences by weaving narra%ves into their musical sets and thoroughly enjoy interac%ng with individuals before and aLer shows. Julie and Fred have made Richmond, VA their home since 2001. The couple has two children, Ian (13) and Phoebe (6), who are also part of the family band. They are all ac%ve members of Richmond’s First Bap%st Church. Fred and Julie and have enjoyed singing for God’s glory in the church choir for over 10 years. They are also ac%ve in the children’s ministry with the church. In addi%on, they perform children’s music and story-telling in libraries and recrea%onal venues, and also play gospel sets in many Re%rement Communi%es throughout the metro-Richmond area. Fred works for Henrico County, VA and Julie teaches Music to Preschool children.

Our Glory Singers, Joy Ringers, and musical guests have been rehearsing for months to present our Christmas Cantata “Come Let Us Worship the King!” to everyone at our 11:00 a.m. service on Sunday, December 18th, and no one will want to miss this incredible experience! The story of Jesus’ birth will be celebrated through our voices and hand bell ministry! Mark your calendar and invite your friends! Don’t miss this special celebra%on!!! 804 937-1382

Garden Pavers The Memorial Garden at Chamberlayne Heights United Methodist Church established in memory of Ruth Armour by her family. Here’s an opportunity for you to purchase a brick paver(s) in memory of a loved one. The brick paver will be inscribed with the name and date of someone you would like to remember. The cost of the pavers: 2 lines with 12 Characters per line (counting spaces) 3 lines with 12 Characters per line (counting spaces)

$125.00 $135.00

Order forms are available in the narthex or from the church office. Also, contact the church office, Joyce Paschall or Phin Wood with your questions or for additional information. Plans are being made now to lay new brick pavers with inscription. This is a special way to remember those we love and those who have loved CHUMC during their lifetime.



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