The Martial Arts Business Bible

Page 177

erly handling information calls. It’s integral to effectively selling training equipment, private lessons, introductory courses, after school martial arts lessons, or special events.

“Strong listening skills are vitally important to the processes of enrolling, upgrading or renewing students.” As you’ll read in the chapter about “solution based selling,” asking good questions and then attentively listening for clues that help you close the sale is the essence of selling like a pro. That’s why top Program Directors spend as much as 80% of their time listening, and only 20% speaking. On the other hand, amateurs do more talking than listening. They think that selling is telling, but it’s not. So when it comes to sales, you’ve got to be a “Black Belt” listener. Now, here’s a tip that will help you become a top-level team builder at your school. One of the greatest needs that we humans have is to feel understood. And one of the best ways to make someone feel understood is to take the time to listen to them, empathetically, and without interruption. Try this with your staff members and students, and you’ll be amazed at the results. If you make your people feel understood, you’ll dramatically increase the moral authority you have with them and your school will blossom. Though you’ll always make the final decision as leader, the people around you will feel important and respected because you allowed them to be heard. That translates to happier staff members and students, who are more receptive to your leadership. So when you’re interacting with students, parents, staff, friends, or family - or selling- make a conscious effort to engage in active listening. Try not to be a pretend listener. Don’t shoot ideas down before the other person is finished speaking. Avoid cutting others off in midsentence. Resist the urge to complete others’ sentences because “I can already see where you’re going with this.” Instead, have patience, and truly listen to them. As a martial arts leader, this is an important skill to master.


Chapter Fifty

Rob Colasanti

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