Well Red Magazine Issue 16

Page 25

worthless by people who apparently had no hesitation in launching a full-scale assault on their reputations for their own sickening, selfserving ends.” Daily Star: “Sorry is not enough. Those responsible for the mistakes and lies that left dozens of football fans dead must face court.” Daily ExprESS: “What has emerged is the most shaming account of failings and dishonesty by the civil authorities in living memory.”

Brian rEaDE, thE Mirror: “It felt like a machine gun was hosing down all the myths and lies that led to the grotesque fiction that said we killed our own. The inquest verdicts of accidental death, the defence that there was no cover-up, that the disaster was caused by a “tanked up ticketless mob,” The Sun’s front page, the accuracy of police and ambulance statements, the notion that the stadium was safe and that victims could not have been saved. Boom, boom, boom. All shot down as cruel and calculated lies.” thE tElEgraph: They didn’t think the biggest cover up in British history was worthy of page one coverage. Instead, a staged pic of Kate Middleton dominated, alongside stories including a thief who hid mobile phones in his tights. It’s a decision impossible to justify. News-wise it was the big story – human tragedy compounded by corruption, collusion and conspiracy, now exposed for all to see. Except Telegraph readers.

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