Reece Kothe's Portfolio

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May 13, 2013

Letters to the Editor Deconstructing marriage, Teachers and guns-dismantling love--a view not a bad thing on same-sex unions Dear Editor, It is 2013, and this year has already shown that almost anything is possible. From the legalization of marijuana, to the Laker’s losing streak, and now with the world’s first Latin American Pope. In other recent headlines, Same-Sex Civil Unions has become legal in the Centennial State. For many, this may be a shout for, “Victory!” But for others, this is seen as an odd, terrifying, and crippling roadblock for Colorado in the years to come, just like the legalization of marijuana. Bottom line, we will hit on similar points Norma made in her last edition of “The Norm” and throw in our objections. First off, our intention is not hate. People should be tolerated, but that doesn't mean all principles should too. This article will reveal and support the truth about marriage. If, however, you associate hate with truth, then chances are you’ll be receiving reality checks the rest of your life. Secondly, in the previous Red Ink newspaper, an article supporting socalled same-sex “marriage” was written, we have responded by writing an article supporting traditional marriage. Before those who oppose us get fired up, we stress that we too have the right for freedom of speech, which includes communicating these truths, the truths, not so much of same sex attractions, but on the wrong of acting on those attractions. Again, we are not here to tell people how to live their lives, because we simply cannot; we can only encourage and help those in trouble. We are no one to judge or condemn anyone. We are simply here to defend traditional marriage. It is something that cannot, and should not, be redefined, just like the concept of ‘gravity’ or ‘human’ can’t be redefined. We also write this article because we care. We care. Studies show that males who participate in homosexual acts are more likely to become victims of clinical depression, suicide, and substance abuse. Moreover, people acting on homosexual attractions “have a substantially

greater risk of suffering from psychiatric problems than do heterosexuals,” says Neil Whitehead, Ph.D and author of “Homosexuality and Mental Health Problems.” In short, yeah, we care that those with same sex attractions find true happiness and true love, which isn’t within the same gender. Lastly, you are correct, to the extent that the words of the Bible have been distorted by those who read it. However, the perceptions and misinterpretations do not devalue the message itself. The Bible is not erroneous, and what is stated in the Bible is credible. Neither hate nor prejudice is supported in the Bible. The Bible is the basis for love. This love is seen throughout the bible but is better-known in the life of Christ. Many people in Eaton strive in basing their lives on Sacred Christian writing, because Christianity is the source of truth in the world. Period. Any establishment in society government, schools, clubs, organizations may try to explain the best they can to lead people to truth, but will fall short because there is no initial basis for truth within these establishments. Truth is what this world needs, not a small part or a distorted truth, but the full truth we have incorporated in this article about marriage. -Jose Delgado and Trevor Asche To see this letter in its complete form please go to

It is something that cannot, and should not, be redefined, just like the concept of ‘gravity’ or ‘human’ can’t be redefinded.

Student offers a counter-argument to the February Senate Bill 9 opinion that opposed teachers carrying concealed weapons. Dear Editor, 1. Places with the least gun restrictions have the least gun violence. 2. Teachers would not be required to use a gun. 3. Meth is completely unrelated as it is an illegal substance and guns are not. 4. Drugs and guns are nothing alike—some people are comfortable driving 50 m.p.h. over the speed limit—generalized comparison 5. School shootings happen because the school is defenseless not because it’s a challenge. If someone wanted a challenge they go to try attacking a police station or a gun show…no one seeks a fire fight as a challenge. 6. Being defenseless is not a safe environment. 7. Training could very well prepare someone to take out a gunman. 8. A teacher with good intent is not a danger; it deters the gunman from attacking students and forces them to focus on the person who could take them out. 9. Why? 10. Killing someone out of self defense or defense of others and having possible post-traumatic stress is a small price to pay for saving lives. 11. He went into a school with the intent of mass murder… who gives sh*&? At least he was stopped before countless innocent people were killed! 12. Being completely defenseless

fails to protect anyone. 13. They’d all be dead. 14. Or how about the gunmen who went in there to kill everyone. 15. FALSE 16. Contradiction—you state that if the teacher hesitated to shoot the gunner, more damage would be caused than if the teacher didn’t hesitate and removed the threat. I agree…which means it contradicts the rest of the argument. 17. People who want to be teachers will still want to be teachers. One more requirement for a job wouldn’t deter anone from their dream job. If I had to take and extra math course that was newly added to the curriculum of getting an engineering degree I wouldn’t just give up on something. I won’t just because I didn’t agree with a new requirement. 18. Unless it saved students’ lives, which it could so… 19. You’re right. No one should be allowed to (what?) In fact, as of now, no one is allowed to –but they do. People with the intent of causing harm will do so no matter what the laws are because those people don’t follow the laws anyway. No murderer won’t go places where they could easily be stopped. Final thoughts: You focus way too much on how it might “emotionally damage” a student rather than that it could save their life. If a watched my teacher kill the man who was pointing a gun at me or my classmates, I wouldn’t blame them for traumatizing me. I would be forever grateful to them because they saved my life. -Dalton Shoop P.S. Someone could get stabbed to death by a sharp pencil, should we ban these too?

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Eaton Red Ink wishes everyone a wonderful summer vacation!

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