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Thalasso bakımları tam bir motivasyon kaynağı olmanın yanında zayıflama ve sağlıklı bir vücuda sahip olmada da önemli bir unsur.

Thalassotheraphy applications are not only a complete source of motivation but they help shed weight and maintain a healthy body.

lassoterapi merkezlerinden birine sahip Didim, sağlık turizminin de önemli uğrak yerlerinden. İlçede hizmet veren Caprice Thermal Palace, uygulanan thalassoterapi yöntemleriyle sağlık ve tatili bir arada sunuyor. Sodyum klorür, magnezyum, flor, sülfat, bromür, kalsiyum gibi mineralleri içeren 3840 derece havuzların bulunduğu otelde, su içi egzersizler, yosun ve çamur kürleriyle gerçekleşen tedaviler farklı hastalıkların tedavisinde olumlu etkiler sağlıyor. Thalassote-

rapide deniz suyuyla tedavi edilebilen hastalıklar ise bel ve boyun fıtıkları, kireçleme, romatizmal hastalıklar, yumuşak doku romatizması (fibromiyalji), tenisçi dirseği, golfçü dirseği gibi yumuşak doku problemleri, kırık ve çıkıklar sonrası rehabilitasyon, spor yaralanmaları ve ortopedik ameliyatlar sonrası rehabilitasyon, felç ve omurilik yaralanmaları sonrası rehabilitasyon, nörolojik hastalıklar, stres ve yorgunluk, sedef, egzama gibi deri hastalıkları olarak sıralanıyor.

Health from the sea Thalassotheraphy is a treatment system which is applied with a combination of sea water, sea mud, seaweed, sea sand and other materials from the sea under medical observation and supervision for treatment or preventive purposes. The use of heated water for treatment purposes date back to antique ages and the natural evolution in thermals has now given way to thalassotheraphy. Thalassotheraphy regenerates the body and mind, gives the body a beautiful glow and helps the body store positive energy through rich body and facial applications through sea climate and lots of sun. Thalassotheraphy centers which can only be established near sea shores take its healing power that is needed by the human body from seas. What separates Thalassotheraphy applications from regular SPA applications is that the metabolism accelerates during special thalassic applications which are done with hot sea water and the body receives a healthy dose of minerals. When the metabolism accelerates and the minerals enter the body, toxins are released. This helps burn the fat in the body and supports the release of endorphins.


AYDIN Temmuz - Ağustos / July - August 2011

Thalassotheraphy applications are not only a complete source of motivation but they help shed weight and maintain a healthy body.

Thalassotheraphy in Didim Didim, which has a thalassotheraphy center that is built in accordance with the general rule-a maximum of 1000 meters from the seashore- is one of the most important spots when it comes to health tourism. The Caprice Thermal Palace in Didim provides an excellent vacation and health services. In the hotel which has 38-40 degrees pools with minerals such as sodium chloride, magnesium, fluorine, sulfide, bromide and calcium, help patients with their treatments for various conditions through water exercises and seaweed and mud cures. Some of the conditions that thalassotheraphy helps treat are: herniated disks and necks, arthritis, calcifications, fibromyalgia, soft tissue problems, rehabilitation after breaks and fractures, sports injuries, rehab after orthopedic surgeries, rehab after paralysis and spine injuries, neurological diseases, stress and exhaustion, and skin conditions such as nacre and eczema.

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