How to add currency converter in wordpress

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How to Add Currency Converter in WordPress Have you ever wanted to know how to add currency converter to WordPress? dont worry! Keep reading this guide. To do business in our very well-connected world, you may have to consider many currencies that people use to buy your products. Upon purchasing products on your website, your users can think about how much specific product costs will be in my currency. However, in this post, we will tell you how to add currency converter to the WordPress site. So that users can easily make currency conversions on your site.

First of all, you have to install the WP currency converter plugin and then have to activate it. After activation, go to Settings >> WP Currency Converter to remove or add currencies from the converter.

However, this plugin uses Google Finance to get currency exchange rates. Also, it supports all the currencies supported by the Google Finance website. If you want to use currency is not already in the settings of the plugin, you can add it by adding three-letter currency codes recognized by the ISO 4217 standard.

Adding Currency Converter in WordPress The WP Currency Converter plugin always comes with a widget that you can add to your WordPress sidebar or any other widget-ready area.

Simply use the default three-letter code to add default currencies and click the Save button to store your settings. Thus it will appear on your website: Read more: rdpress/

CONCLUSION Here we done willing How to Add Currency Converter in WordPress. If you have any issue related to this, then, Let me know in the comments section. If you liked this post, please share it with your peers.

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