Hong Kong comic

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The future of Hong Kong Comic industry

Yung Chi Ying 09856341S BA in Applied and Media Arts 8667 words

4 Introduction

6 Definition

8 Development

Streng Opportunities



40 Reference

39 Conclusion


Weakness Threats




Introduction Comic is one of the popular book in Hong Kong, it influences the society concededly. In the time of war, comic writers express their political conviction through the newspaper column. In the time of peace, you can find many humor comics and leisure comics in the newsstand. There are many types of comics, such as political comics, relaxing comics, action comics, children’s comics...However, violent comics monopolized the Hong Kong comics market since 1970s. The types of comic become unitary. The image of comic become evil. The importance of comic become minor.


Although the sales of comics is decreasing and the industry is doing backwards, Hong Kong comic writers are still one of the best comics producer all over the world. “The quality of comics in Hong Kong is the third in the world, the second in Asia, the best in China.” (Li 1990, p.105) However, if we stick in the mud, our status will be replace by other country rapidly.

The regression of comic industry is not show up unexpectedly. The golden age of Hong Kong comic industry is in 1970s to 1990s. A famous comic writer, Ma Wing Shing, start his representative comic “The Chinese Hero” in 1983, this comic rack up a record sales of 200,000 copy in a single issue, the salary of Ma is HK$6,000,000 per year. (Wong 2002) After the glorious period, the comic industry choose to stay in the old rut, the storyline and style did not change due to the conservative tactic of comic producers. Moreover, the large number of import of Japanese comics and the changes of trend, the Hong Kong comic industry become worse.

In the recent year, many alternative comics appeared. Since there are some young and talent comics writers published their alternative comics in twenty something’s magazine, the Hong Kong comics market has been changed. Is it a revolutionary era in Hong Kong comics history? Can the alternative comics save the Hong Kong comic industry? Why is the income of Hong Kong comic industry decreasing? Why is it become worse? This article use SWOT to analyze the internal and external factors of the industry.

So, what is the definition of comic? Wong (1999, p.13) deems that the features of comic are rebel and challenge the authority. Bi & Huang (2006, p.2) consider that comic is a kind of artwork which do not limited by any tool or skill. However, the ways of conception and presentation are not same as the general artworks, dig and humor are it’s artistic features, it is also it’s artistic function.


Around 1923, famous Chinese comic writer, Feng Zi Kai, published his comic in “Literature Weekly”, the editor named his comic column “Zi Kai Man Hua”. “Zi Kai Man Hua” was very success and popular, therefore “Man Hua” (Comic) is using to describe comic generally. The word “Man Hua” was come from Japan, “Man Hua” means extempore drawing in Japan. (Bi & Huang 2006, p.85)

Yang (2005, p.4) believes that comic is has unique style of drawing, comic writers obtain the ideas from live and society, they present their ideas by overstate and metaphor, they are commenting, presenting, communicating or joking through their comics. Comics speak the masses feeling, it bring audiences sympathy more often than other drawing. (Cheng 1992, p.53)

What is Hong Kong Comics? The definition of Hong Kong comics is comics written by Hong Kong people and the target audiences are mainly Hong Kong people. “Comic is a 2D creation on a paper”, Comics is influence on the society through mass media.(ChiHoi & Au Yeung 2006, p.4) Alternative comics writers draw and writer the scrips themselves. Compare to the main comics and Japanese comics, alternative comics value the personal thinking, feeling and visual impact. (ChiHoi & Au Yeung, 2006)


Wong (2002) divide comics into four types: 1. Satirical and Political Comics The comics reflecting political and satire on government 2. Comical Comics Relaxing comics 3. Action Comics The Kung Fu comics, underworld and heros stories 4. Children’s Comics Comics for children Cheng (1992) claims that comics can divide into two types: 1. Current Affairs Comics The comics reflecting international news and political 2. Social Comics The comics reflecting the society and the life of lower class people Yang (2005, p.13) split comics into six types by the composition: Single Picture Comics, Two Sections Comics, Grouping Comics, Comic Strip, Huge Combined Comics and Other Comics. Also, Yang (2005, p.23) split comics into five types by the theme: Humorous Comics, Reporting Comics, Satirical Comics, Praiseworthy Comics and Sentimental Comics. Since there is no official definition of comics. This article would define comic as a 2D artwork that not limited by media and theme. Comic is create for bringing audiences sympathy instead of expressing the opinion or technique of the creator, it is an artwork but it is more suitable to classify as a design. On the basis of principles of marketing, the comic writers have to adjust their comics to pander to audiences’ preferences. (Li 1990, p.43) Leung Chun, the writer of comic “Ah Ni”, said, “ I add some fun and humor stuff to my comics to make audience having a similar feeling. ” (The New Power of Comic Industry 2010) “Comics reader exist before comics writer appear. If there is no comics reader, comics writer does not exist, in this situation, it is meaningless to create a comic, it is just a artwork.” Lau Wan Kit, the comic writer of “Feel 100%”, said. (Timeless Comics-Part Four 2010) Therefore, comics are not fine art, it has to be modify before going to the commercial market, it is more intimate to design.


Development The History of Hong Kong Comics


The first Hong Kong comic book is “The China Punch” in 1867, this comic concerned about culture and events in China. Since the target audience was primarily foreigners living in Hong Kong, “The China Punch” was written in English. (Wong 2002, p.12)

As wars are frequently occurred, the comics are mainly about revolutionary politics and current events. Renting comics in the book rental on the street corner was the mainly way to read comics at this period. Book rental was very popular since 1920s.

The history of Hong Kong comics can divide to five periods.

Representative work: “Contemporary Chinese Comic Exhibition”(1939)


1946-1967 Comic strips and columns were added to the newspaper since 1934. After the victory in the war with Japan in 1945, the daily life comics replaced the leading position of political comics. However, due to the civil war, many Chinese comic writer came to Hong Kong, established a comic club called “The Studio on Earth” and published a political comic magazine “This a the age of comic”. The demand of children’s comics increased speedy in 1950s, therefore, “Children’s Paradise”(1953) and some children comic appeared at that time. “Comic’s World” was a successful magazine established in 1956, “Comic Weekly”(1961) is a derivative of it, “Comic Weekly” cause a tidal wave of comic newspaper, due to the success of “Comic Weekly”, it changed to “Comic Daily” at the same year. Classic comic “Old Master Q”(1964) and “13-Dot Cartoon”(1966) start publishing in this period. The first issue of “Old Master Q” was sold out in two days. “13Dot Cartoon” was the first comic target on female. In 1950s to 1960s, using local comic characters in the advertisement is very trendy and popular. Representative work: Yuan Bou Wan’s “Kiddy Cheung”(1947), “Children’s Paradise”(1953), Hui Guan Man’s ”Uncle Choi”(1958), Wong Chak’s “Old Master Q”(1964), Lee Wai Chun’s “13-Dot Cartoon”(1966).

1968-2003 Television became a competitor of comics, Hong Kong comics were forced to move to a new direction, Kung Fu. Kung Fu fever let people escape the unpleasant daily live. In 1970, Wong Yuk Long published “Siu Lau Man”, He combined Japanese techniques with his traditional characters, the storyline is about the main character Wong Siu Fu fighting against the evil forces without fear to protect the weak, since there are many kids were bullied by the teddy boy in this period, reading “Siu Lau Man” can vent their anger. Other comic writers published this kind of comic continual, but only Seung Gun Siu Bo’s “Lee Siu Lung”(1971) can competing with “Siu Lau Man”. Although the theme of them was upholding the justice, the characters replace violence with violence and had bad influence to kids, the kids imitate the characters and the society become violent. Government enacted the Indecent Publication Law in 1975, banning explicit violence in comic. However, this law can not retrain the violent comic effectively. The image of Hong Kong comic industry become worse since the appearance of “Siu Lau Man”. “The Chinese Hero”(1983) racked up a record sales in Hong Kong. in 1991, Wong Yuk Long went to prison, most of his helpful assistants leaved his company and established their own comic company.


In 1990s, violent comics became increasingly popular in Hong Kong. “Teddy Boy”(1992) was the first triad society comic, the story of Chan Ho Nam, a cipher in the triad society, was adapted to a series of movies called “Young and Dangerous”, there are 33 movies shot based on this set of comics. The idea of attached a weapon model on violent comic make waves, many readers competed for the weapon models that sold at book fair, they fought for it and broke the glasses of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. There were many violent comic peripheral products such as online games, movies and figures. “Feel 100%” was very popular since it’s first issue, it’s unique style and interesting storyline attracted many young comic reader. The story was adapted to a series of movies and TV drama. Some alternative comics were appeared, such as comics writers Li Chi Tat, Lai Tat Wing and Au Yeung Craig. “Yellow Bus” were a popular kid’s comic in this period. Although the some alternative comics appeared, violent comics monopolized the Hong Kong comics market.

Representative work: Wong Yuk Long’s “Siu Lau Man”(1970), Seung Gun Siu Bo’s “Lee Siu Lung”(1971), Ma Wing Shing’s “The Chinese Hero”(1982), Ow Man’s “Teddy Boy”(1992), “Portland Street”(1992), “Red Light District”(1992), Lau Wan Kit’s “Feel 100%”(1992), Lai Tat Wing’s ”Man Man Chu, Dak Dak Gao”(1995), Mak Ga Bik’s “McMug”(1996), Au Yeung Craig’s ”My Own Private Heaven”(1996).


2004-present Violent comics’ leading position is being challenge. The image of teddy boy is not trendy anymore, even it becomes nasty, youngster call it “Mong Kok Look”. East touch and Milk are popular twenty something’s magazine. In 2004, Those magazine started inviting young Hong Kong comics writers to publish their comics every week, the theme of those comics are diversified. SiuHak, Yeung Hok Tak and Stella So’s comics are popular among secondary school students to thirty something. As the masses become more against the government than before, political comic is increasingly. Government use comic to promote the consultation of The 2010 Budget. Government invited Ma Ga Bik to create a New Year greetings animation for Chief Executive using “McMug”. The impression of “Hong Kong comics is equal to violent comics” is diminishing. Representative work: SiuHak’s “Forensic Science”(2006), Yeung Hok Tak’s ”Bui Tung Wai Jap”(2006), Leung Chun’s “Ah Ni”(2006), ChiHoi & KongKee’s “Hijacking”(2008), Stella So’s ”Hong Kong Power”(2008), “Old Girl Diary”(2009). (Cheng, 1992) (Wong & Yeung, 1999) (Wong, 2002) (ChiHoi & Au Yeung, 2006)

4 Strengths and Opportunities The Strengths of Hong Kong Comics This article is focusing on the comics industry of Hong Kong, therefore this paragraph will explain the advantages of comic briefly. “Comic industry is the lowest cost industry among the creative industries, if your movie or animation failed, you fail.” Lau Wan Kit said. (Timeless ComicsPart Four, 2010) Comic is a way to reflect the society, the influence of comic writers can not be neglect. “Comic is the vanguard of resisting the war” Feng Zi Kai said. (Bi & Huang 2006, p.210) “The resist war exhibition attracted the ‘real’ messes, like the hawker with slippers and the kids who have a running nose.” (Cheng 1992, p.34) “Comics have a big influence on the value set and sense of masses. We can not see comics as an artwork or business and ignore its influence.” (Wong 1999, p.11) “One of the charm of comics is the readers can read it whenever they want, and they can start to read in every chapter.” Siuhak said. (Si How, 2010) Also, Comics can inspire readers to think implicitly without reading a lots of words. “If the story of comics is expected, it likes a glass of water, it is without relish.” (Yang, 2005) “If you present it by words, you might limited readers’ imagination and perception.” (Li 1990, p.21)

In fact, the drawing ability of Hong Kong comic writers is outstanding. Although most of the violent comics do not have a proper value set, there is no doubt that the drawing is very delicate. “The drawings of comics are very detailed, the actions of characters are wonderful and powerful.” The creator of “Siu Lau Man”, Wong Yuk Long said. (Si Chang Kuai Pai, 2006) “Feel 100%” is a popular comic by Lau Wan Kit, his style is unique and have the sense of the times. “Lau Wan Kit’s comics emphasize the esthetic sensibilities, his drawings are elaborate.” Connie Lam, the executive director of Hong Kong Arts Centre, said. (Timeless Comics-Part Four, 2010)

Ikkyu-san is an animation based on a famous Japanese Buddhist monk, it is world-famous but it does not have a comic book previously. Rightman Publishing Limited found that this is a great opportunity to publish a comic. “We adapt the animation and published a Chinese comic book, the sales volume was good therefore we sell the comic all over the world.” Tang Wing Kuen, the executive of Rightman Publishing Limited, said. (Si Chang Kuai Pai, 2006)


Although the comic industry of Hong Kong is falling, comic books published by Hong Kong comic writers have its own style. Some successful comics are very popular among the Chinese Society, every issue of “Oriental Heroes” have Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and Malaysia version. Many classical characters like Wong Siu Fu, Old Master Q, 13 Dot and Wah Ying Hung are famous and have their commercial value in Asia. International Manga Award is an award established to encourage non-Japanese comic writers in 2007 by Japan, the comics kingdom, the winners of the first year and second year are Lee Chi Ching “Sun Zi’s Tactics” and Lau Wan Kit “Feel 100%”, “1520” by a young comic writer KAI got the outstanding award in 2007. It is no doubt that there are many talent comic writers in Hong Kong comic industry.

There are many alternative comic writers emerging in Hong Kong, like Siuhak, Yeung Hok Tak, Chihoi, Stella So, KongKee and Leung Chun. The comic columns in trendy magazine like east touch and milk attracted many youngster and non comic reader. SiuHak, the creator of a panda character “Lung Mao”, become more and more famous among secondary school students to thirty something, especially female. The contents of his comics were very diversified, such as relaxing comics, political comics, satiric comics ,adaptable song, His comics were full of Hong Kong culture, for example, He had a comic series called “Harbor Heroes”, the characters are the landmark of Hong Kong. SiuHak published some adaptable songs in his feature, those songs were adapt from Hong Kong pop songs, those were some comical comics, the animation of the song ”Boil” was played 688,419 times and the song ”Very Cap” was played 285,940 times in Youtube. (Youtube, 2007) Since the figures of SiuHak’s comics characters were popular, in 2009, an investor established a SiuHak’s comic specialty shop in Mong Kok. (Choi, 2009)


Many businessman discover the popularity of Siuhak and other talent alternative comics writers after that. Tai Lai, a comic writer said “People pay more attention to Hong Kong comics in recent years. Illustrators and comics writers become more influential in the promotional effect.” “The comics writers have more chance to contact with mass.” (Tai Lai, 2006) In the recent year, comic writers got more commercial jobs, like using their characters to promote the shopping mall, illustration in print ad and promotional gift, even government promotion booklet and animation. “People do not care about how is the illustrator or comics writer in before, but nowadays, the fame of comics writer brings a promotional effect, the mass media are willing to promote the new product of famous comics writer.” (SiuHak, 2006)

After the comic writers builded their image and had a number of supporters, they have an ability to lead the trend. The popular comic “13-Dot cartoon” was the fashionable icon in the past. “If you got a 13-Dot cartoon comic book, you are the grasp the trend.” (Timeless Comics-Part Three, 2010) In 1960s, many female made the clothes of the character 13 dot by themselves. “Many readers told me that they made clothes based on my character 13 Dot.” Lee Wai Chun, the creator of “13-Dot Cartoon” said. (Timeless Comics-Part Three, 2010)

The Opportunities In 1980s to 1990s, Hong Kong people were in a hedonic period, that’s why they do not have many complaint feeling and the importance of politic comics were decrease. In the recent year, the conflict government, political parties and masses rise speedily. Youngster are feeling lost, they think that the strengths of Hong Kong is decreasing and the future is uncertain. The complaint urge politic comics become popular again. “Mr. Stupid Tung Jokes” is a comic insinuating the Chief Executive of Hong Kong at that period, it sold over 40,000 copies already.

Many buildings of “old Hong Kong” have been dismantle by government recently, that evoke masses notice that the local culture should being treasure, there are many comic writers use local culture as their element since that. “Why should the readers read local comics? Why don’t they read Japanese or American comics? Because some of the theme of local comics are about local culture, that can not be replace by other countries’ comics.” Leung Chun said. (The New Power of Comic Industry, 2010) “Adults discover that childhood is very treasurable after they grow up, just like people find that our old building are very treasurable after they were being dismantle.” Tang Siu Wah said. (Timeless Comics-Part Three, 2010)

Most of the Hong Kong people have very heavy workload and they are under pressure, humorous comics can make them feel relaxing, violent comics can help them to vent their anger. “In 1960s, masses’ life is very hard, they like ‘Old Master Q’ because they want to relax, the comic was their lenitive.” Wong Chak, the son of the creator of “Old Master Q”, said. (Era of comics, 2002) “People need to relax and decompress, that’s why humorous comics and sentimental comics are popular.” (Yang 2005, p.44) “The fighting scene in comics let people vent their complaint in real life and escape reality temporary.” (Wong ,1999) “When everyone is claiming that violent comics are evil, I think that those comics can vent people’s anger, abstruse content and awakening make people get a headache.” (Li 1990, p.87)


The developed technology save times for producing comics. If the producing time decrease, comic writers can have more time to do commercial jobs, so that more people will willing to join the comic industry. “The softwares are so powerful nowadays, that can save lots of time, if you are handwork enough, producing a comic is not very hard.” Chan Yu Fung, the creator of “Din Dong” said. (The New Power of Comic Industry 2010) Internet is a convenient way to communicate, freshman can publish their comics in a easy and low cost way, comics reader can discuss and recommend their interested comics easily.

In 2006, Hong Kong Arts Centre held a huge exhibition of Hong Kong comics, it called “Comix Magneto”, this exhibition exhibit 16 local comic writers’ works. Hong Kong Arts Centre established “Comix house base” to promote Hong Kong comic, although this project is not continued but it helped to promote Hong Kong comic industry. Comic columns in trendy magazine helps to attract many new and young local comic readers, it made wave and help to appreciate local comics image. Joint Publishing (HK) Limited. Publication published more than 20 comic books by local comic writers, some of them were created by freshman, Joint Publishing highly support to local comics, they organized book party for comic writers in Hong Kong Book Fair. Government invited Ma Ga Bik to create a New Year greetings animation for Chief Executive using “McMug”, some of the citizenship education use “McMug” as the main character too. Also, government use comic to promote the consultation of The 2010 Budget, the image of Hong Kong Comics is enhancing.

Due to the worldwide fervor of Comic Essay, which means comic with number of words, attract many non comic readers, especially female readers. Japanese comics “150cm life” is the leading player. In Hong Kong, some of the comic column writers publish comic essay in their columns too. There is a number of successful adopted commercial products of classical comics, like movies, clothes and online games. The comic companies can try to sell the copyright to different kind of company to promote their comics and gain money, it is very low cost because they do not have to create new characters and the classical comics own many supports already.

5 Weakness and Threats The Weakness of Hong Kong Comics Image of the Industry After the golden age of violent comics, masses think that Hong Kong comics is equal to violent comics generally. Some of the violent comics were too fierce, that might distort the value set of juvenile. It badly influence the image of local comics, one of the biggest market of comic industry in the past, the children and teenagers market got a serious strike.The consumers, parents do not want their children to read Hong Kong comics because of their misunderstanding, in fact, not all of the local comics are violent. Although the government enacted the Indecent Publication Law in 1975, but some of the comic companies use the law loophole to published their violent comics. (Wong 1999, p.55)


Before 1999, comic books were sold in Hong Kong Book Fair. Around 1997, Wong Yuk Long and Ma Wing Shing sold the weapon models of their comic book “Oriental Heroes” and “The Chinese Hero” in Hong Kong Book Fair. Those weapon models were very popular, many teenagers went to Book Fair to buy those weapon models and resell to make money. However, some youngster buy those model as their toy, they made the edge of knifes become sharp and use those model as their weapon, it was very dangerous and fierce. After that, the government established Hong Kong Comics Festival, the violent comics do not appear in Hong Kong Book Fair anymore.

The comic writer of “The Chinese Hero” Ma Wing Shing was being attacked by some mysterious person for two time, those people mainly focus to hurt Ma’s hand. Since Ma leave Wong Yuk Long’s company at that time, some hearsay is someone want Ma to join his company but Ma denied, so they don’t want Ma to continue his comic career. This incident made masses thought that the comic industry is very sinister.

Ow Man’s “Teddy Boy”(1992) was the first comic based on Hong Kong triad society, the story was about Chan Ho Nam, a cipher in the triad society. This comic series were very popular and the movie company adapt this comic series to a series of movies called “Young and Dangerous”, there were 11 (out of 33) movies were showed in 1996. “Young and Dangerous contributed a lot to the public image of triads and was condemned by certain quarters as glorifying secret triad societies. However, it was immensely popular in Hong Kong and spun a long list of sequels and spin-offs.” (Wikipedia, 2009)


The style of Hong Kong popular comics are too similar. At first, only the violent look alike, afterwards, gambling comics, ancient time comics and ghost story comics use the same color tones. Japanese comics like “Dragon Ball” and “One Piece” are action comics, however, they are not using fierce scene to show the power of characters. Why is local comics using the same style? It is because some local comic writers like to copy, but others successful methods may not suitable for every comic, moreover, the local market is so small that can not digest to many identical comic. The imitate circumstances started at 1960s, after the success of “Siu Lau Man”, there are many imitation of it, like “Siu Mor Son”, “Siu Mor Kwan” and “Siu Mo Seung”......even so of them called themselves “Siu Lau Man” but it was not published by Wong Luk Long. “Lee Siu Lung” is a comic by Seung Gun Siu Bo, which is the biggest competitor of “Siu Lau Man”, those two comics always followed other’s creation, like the book cover and promotion items.

In 1993, Wong Yuk Long discharged from prison, he want to add some new element to local comic industry, therefore he published “Ching Sheung Chau”, it just like a pornography. The story was very immoral and the characters were naked, Lau Ting Kin published “Lover Biweekly” to scramble for the market. Suddenly, this kind of comics chock full the newsstand, juveniles can bought this kind of comic easily at that time. Therefore, government modified the Indecent Publication Law in 1995, indecent comics must show the warning on the book cover , because of the public opinion, those comics cease to publish. (Wong, 1999) Due to those events, Hong Kong comics are misunderstand as fierce, immoral and the comic of triad society. In a government citizenship education advertisement, a parent throw a local violent comic in the rubbish bin and said “You better throw this kind of thing” After that, the image of local comic industry getting worse.

The Comic Writers To create a satisfactory comic, the comic writer (and the screenwriter) have to outstanding at technique and deliberation, there is not many local comic writer have both ability nowadays. “You must have two mastery before you create a comic, technique and deliberation.” Feng Zi Kai said. (Bi & Huang, 2006) “Technique is not the most important thing, writing a good story is more important, the inspiration may come form life and imagination, therefore I always encourage my student to observe and imagine. ” Chan Long To, the lector of Hong Kong Baptist University, said. (The New Power of Comic Industry 2010) “The cultivation, vision and mind are the most important thing. A comic book is success because of its idea and concept.” Famous comic writer, Ma Lung said. (The New Power of Comic Industry 2010) “ On the surface, comics are fun and humorous, in fact, it is serious, grave and reasonable.” (Yang 2005, p.35)


There is a statement in Chinese comic industry, “Comic is 70% concept with 30% visual.” (Yang 2005, p.47) However, this statement is not suitable to describe some of the comic in Hong Kong. Most violent comics in Hong Kong are emphasize on the visual impression but disregard the storyline. Many brisk sale comics procrastinate their story due to the commercial reason. “Siu Lau Man” (The name changed to “Oriental Heroes” since issue 99.) was published since 1970 to present, it is a weekly comic, and it is 40 years already. Some of the story of “Teddy Boy” are too meaningless, for example there is around 100 issues were about a fight of the ranking of triad society, the characters just fight without story. There are many longevous comics, like “Lee Siu Lung” (1971-2009), “Chinese Hero” (1980-1995), “Drunken Master” (1981-2002) “Dagger, Sword, Light”. (1988 to 2000) (ACE, 2009) This kind of comic is very hard to a attract new readers, the relationships of characters are so complicated ,it is difficult to understand and remember so many characters.

The Comic Companies The comic companies are too conservative and not willing to take risk, the type of comics become narrow. “Our tactic is reduce the publishing on new comic books, and increase the investment on multimedia products of the classical comics.” a manager of Culturecom Holdings Limited said. The opportunities of publish by freshman is become fewer and fewer. “At the past, it is not hard to create a new thing, however, it is very hard to create anything in the recent year, readers do not allow you to creating step by step.” Ni Chi Tat, a vanguard of alternative comics, said (Ni, C. T., 2006) The local comic companies are willing to use their money to buy the copyright of Japanese comics instead of training the freshman or investing on their comics.

The income of fresh comic assistant is too low, that is very hard to live in Hong Kong. “In 1920s, remuneration of each successful published comic on newspaper is $0.5. In 1930s, each published comics gain around $1 to $3, at that period, meals expenses was $6 each month, that mean if your comic was published two times, you do not have to worry about your meal. As for comic strip, the remuneration was around $30 each month. In 1940s, remuneration of each single comic was $10.” (Cheng 1992, p.56) It shows that the income of comic writers at that time was quite superior. In 1980s, the salary of the highest income local comic writer, Ma Wing Shing, was HK$6,000,000 per year. (Wong & Yeung, 1999) “Some youngster post their comics to recommend themselves, however, after they know that we offer $3000 per month for freshman, they leave affirmatively.” In the golden age of Hong Kong comic industry, 1980s, the salary of freshman was $3000 each month. (Cheung, 2008) $3000 is not enough to live in Hong Kong nowadays, but the comic companies think that the freshman should sacrifice for their dream, in fact, the companies utilize freshman’s dream to employ low cost labor. The low income prevent the desire of freshman and talent to join the comic industry, they may join the similar industries like illustration or animation. The comics writers and assistants may put more time in to their part time commercial job.


Due to the low income of comic industry, the talent screenwriters do not want to join the industry, it affect the quality of comic books’ story. Some of the stories were created by screenwriters instead of comic writers, like “McMug”. “McMug is Tse Lap Man’s poetic story and script plus Mak Ga Bik’s European illustration.” Tang Siu Wah said. (Timeless Comics-Part Three 2010) Compare to movie and television industries, not many people pay attention local comic, therefore, the screenwriters want to join movie and television industries instead of comic to reveal their ability and talent.

Hong Kong is a very commercial city, comic companies and writers produce commercial products for well known comics. This is not a bad idea because those products may gain popularity and money for the comics and companies. However, some of the companies put too many times and efforts into commercial products and the products overshadow the comics. “McMug” is a successful and popular local children comic. After the success of “MuMug”, Mak Ga Bik produced lots of commercial products, but the frequency of publishing comic books fall substantially. In the Yesasia.com, there are 1,373 products of “MuMug” series, only 37 products are under the set of book, 10 out of 37 are comic books, the other 27 of them are education books. (Yesasia, 2010)

Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong is a material-entertainment fair and book fair focusing on animations, comic and in Hong Kong. (Wikipedia, 2010) This fair was called Hong Kong Comics Festival originally, the aim of this fair was being changed, animation and toy industries occupy many space of the festival. The stall of local comic companies are not in the first row of the exhibition area and it is not very outstanding, expect Culturecom and King Comics. Although the local comics can get a chance to exhibit and promote their comics, most of them mainly promote the commercial products of their characters, not the comic books, the fair like a toy outlet instead of a comic exhibition. Beside the products of local comic characters, local companies promote their authorized Japanese comics because of the commercial consideration. The Hong Kong comic companies are not voluntarily to promote local comic books. As Hong Kong is a modern city, the trend may change quickly, therefore the production of some local comics is very rush too gain money as fast as they can. “Teddy Boy� by Ow Man publish every Monday and Thursday. Due to the frequently publication, the creation of comic divided to many parts, the producing team work like factory labors. The spark and spirit of creation are lost. The producing team is mechanize and can not develop their creative thinking due to the complicated relationship of other teams.


Almost all of the comic workers in local comic industry are male, therefore, the stories and drawings were created in a point of view of male. (Li, 1992) The female in local violent comics are mainly minor characters, the female characters are too typical and expected, the female readers are not easy to plunge into the story, therefore, not many female like to read violent comics in Hong Kong. But this is not equal to female do not like to read comics, in the past, female readers in Hong Kong like Japanese love story comics most. After the appearance of comic essay, many female reader like it. The success of “13-Dot cartoons” in 1960s is a good example to show that there is female comic readers in Hong Kong.

There were a few local comic magazine appeared before, like “CHEESE” and “One Comics”, but they folded up shortly. The comics published by “One Comics” were drew by Lau Wan Kit, Szeto Kim Kiu, Hiu King Sam, Leung Wai Ho and Tung Yik Ming. Most of them are quite famous in the comic industry, however, “One Comics” published 5 issues and then the company cease publication. The failed is due to the marketing positioning and the selection of comics, although the quality of comics were not bad, the combination was not sensible, the style and target readers are not so match. Readers may prefer to buy a offprint of their interested comics instead of buying the comic magazine. (Avalon, 2007) “The problem of comic industry is the boss of companies are too emotional, they don’t believe in science and statistics. Are the big companies do a marketing research before they publish a comic? Do they analyze the relationship between demand and supply? They make decision by their intuition, it is really a big problem.” (Li 1990, p.81) The companies do not do much promotion for their comics, in fact, it is a bit difficult to connect with the target readers, the promotion channel that can touch the masses like television and billboard may be too expensive for promoting a comic book since the readers are not that much.

The Threats of Hong Kong Comics The Readers Hong Kong people like to buy brand name products, the readers of local comics like to read the well known comics too. This kind of social values have a bad influence to fresh comic writers, people’s choices are affect by the fame. “Children are still reading ‘Old Master Q’, this comic is a choice, approval and supply by parents. People always believe and choose the famous brand, is it absurd?” Ni Chi Tat said (Ni, C. T., 2006) Government said that they want to promote and support the local creative industries therefor they invited Mak Ga Bik’ McMug to produce the citizenship education and greeting animations. However, the government is just exploit the image of “McMug” to do promotion, they are not really supporting local comics. In fact, almost everyone know “McMug” in Hong Kong, there are so many product of “McMug” have been produce. Although the government animation can raise “McMug”’s eminence, but it just help a little bit, there are many fresh comic writers need help more than “McMug”. As Hong Kong is a modern city, readers do not have much patience, therefore the production of some local comics is very rush. The readers and the commercial world do not give a chance to freshman to try and error. “Readers do not allow you to creating step by step, they think that you can create a good comic that everyone like it. but miracle is rare, creative industries can not be innovate in this era. I think we should create some characters and test if they can accept by readers, if they can not then we try to create other characters, if they work then we continue to work on them.” Ni Chi Tat said (Ni, C. T., 2006)

The Society “The newspapers of Hong Kong respect comics very much at that time.” “‘Week Newspaper’ was established in 1948, comic writers published many comics on the cover page and the back cover.” (Bi & Huang, 2006) “‘Chinese Voice Newspaper’ use the whole back cover page to established the popular comic ‘Wu Lung Wong’.” The relationship of newspapers and comics is very close, especially the politic comics. At the past, newspaper was almost the only way to get news, therefore, newspaper have a high position in people’s life. However, due to the development of technology, there are many ways to get news for free nowadays, the importance of newspaper fall. Since the readers of newspaper fall, the advisement income of newspaper fall, finally, the readers of comic columns in newspaper fall and the remuneration of comic writers fall. “In fact, if I don’t continue my comic column on the newspaper, it will not have a big influence to my income.” K.Y. Chan said. (Chuan Mei Chun Qiu, 1999) “Since the remuneration from comic columns is not much, I have to put more time on commercial job and I have less time to read newspaper.” Zun Zi, a politic comic writer, said. (Chuan Mei Chun Qiu, 1999)

“There are over ten types of entertainments are competing with comics. In 1980s, the brisk sales comic sold 200,000 copies per issue, but the most popular comic sold a few dozens thousand nowadays.” Wong Yuk Long Said. There are so many types of entertainments right now, in the recent year, many entrainments enter the teenagers’ market. At the past, only adults can afford the expenditure of karaoke, movie and game console. Those entertainments reduce their price recently, plus the pocket money of teenagers have been raise, teenagers can afford the expenditure of those entrainments. Since teenagers are one of the biggest consumer of comic industry, although those entrainments are not competing with comics directly, those industries are still diminish the profit of comic industry.


Some of the comic writers create their comics without using a word, they express themselves through the visual. One of the biggest advantage of comic is the readers can understand the story without reading a word, therefore illiterate person can read comic. The rare of literacy increase compare with the past is very very high, therefore the demand of book increase. Book is competing with comic indirectly, some of the consumption went from comic to book.

The universal of television and computer make animation become popular plus the trend of portable media player right now, people prefer to watch moveable things. Since animation is just like a moveable version of comic, many people who appreciate drawings see animation as their first choice instead of drawing, but the relationship between comic and animation is just like father and son, there are many opportunities to cooperate with each other to reach a win-win situation.

Every industry is affect by the internet, internet can connect and share with the people all over the world. Since the atmosphere of sharing, the products of creative industry are being shared by people, without paying to the producer. There are many online comic website, that let people read the comic page by page. Moreover, one of the function of comics is to vent readers’ anger, the online forum and blog can also satisfy this kind of readers, even internet is a better place to vent because readers can interact with others and go on internet is nearly “free” in Hong Kong nowadays.

“Comics and literatures are the same, they must progress with the era.” said Yeung Wai Pong, the author of “Hong Kong Comics Picturebook”. (Era of comics, 2002) Therefore, the comic “Siu Lau Man” was so popular in 1970s. “The main character of ‘Siu Lau Man’, Wong Siu Fu is rightful, he fight against the evil forces without fear to protect the weak, since there are many masses were bullied by the teddy boy at that time, this comic made them feel indebted.” Wong Yuk Long said (Era of comics, 2002) This example shows that make readers feel indebted is very important, however the hot topic of violent comic, teddy boy is not fashionable anymore. The image of teddy boy is called “MK Look” nowadays, it is not trendy and even quite offensive, youngster may not willing to hold a violent comic on their hand because of the image of those comics.


Other Factors The shopping malls in Hong Kong like to invite artist, illustrator or comic writers to exhibit or decorate their mall, however, the shopping mall usually invite the famous artists oversea instead of local artist. Sogo is a huge shopping mall in Causeway Bay, there is a big public area in front of it, Sogo always hold artistic exhibition there. However, Sogo usually invite oversea artist to exhibit their work, only a Hong Kong illustrator, Carrie Chau did hold a exhibition there. There is a little playground in Sha Tin New Town Plaza called Snoopy World, it looks like a theme park. The business persons put too much consideration on the commercial factors, they do not give much chance to the local artist, their social conscience are too weak.

At the past, there is no copyright law in Hong Kong. In 1960s, there are many piracy of Batman and Ultraman. Sometimes the Batman and Ultraman appeared in the same scene and attack each other. “Ngau Chai” was a very popular comic at 1970s, Wong Sze Ma, the comic writer of “Ngau Chai” drew a character like Old Master Q in his comic, that character was a evil man therefore the reader at that time feel fun to read that comic. The copyright law protect the creator but the freedom become less after that.


Hong Kong develop form a fishing port to an international city. The GDP of Hong Kong people increase very much compare to half century ago. In 1990s, there are many Japanese comics import to Hong Kong and arise a Japanese comics wave. Since 1990s was the golden age of Hong Kong, people were able to afford the oversea comics. The oversea comic strike the local comic industry seriously. Compare to the local comic, there are many Japanese comic characters with a healthy image, those characters attract parents attention and the parents feel relieved to let their children to read those comics. Moreover, the popular local comics in 1990s were violent and immoral comics.

6 Solution

Comprehend readers’ psychology

In the history of Hong Kong comic, there are many classical characters, however, after “The Chinese Hero” and “McMug”, there no very outstanding character or comic. The reason of it is comic writers are not comprehend masses’ psychology. “Hui Guan Man changed the format of comics, produce a thin comic book, the price of it is $0.1, therefore the children can afford to buy one, he changed the theme from ancient to contemporary, the comics was very popular and other comic writers imitate him rapidly.” (Wong & Yeung 1999, p.21) The success of “Siu Lau Man” was because of anger of masses, the success of “13-Dot Cartoons” is because of the sparsity of female market and the success of “McMug” was because of the childishness of adults. In the recent year, there are many alternative comics using local culture as their theme, it raise the popularity of alternative comics since the sympathy of local culture can not be written by oversea comic writers. The wave of comic essay help Siuhak and Stella So to become popular. “The environment decide the content of comics.” (Bi & Huang 2006, p.205)


Balance between conservative and progressive Conservative strategy makes the industry regress, progressive strategy makes the company sustain risk. “We use our characters to produce Chinese History comics to the children market, this kind of theme will not be out of date, we sell our comics in the newsstands, after a few years, there are readers still have the interest to buy our first issue. Maybe we will produce translate version and sell it to the foreigner who is interested to Chinese Culture.� Leung Yuk Hung, the director of Lung Cheong International Holdings Limited, said. (Si Chang Kuai Pai, 2006) The comic industry can try to produce both conservative and progressive comic, gain money though the conservative comic and gain experience though the progressive comic. Progressive comics can test the market, a popular character may born in a progressive comic.

Opportunities of freshman The comic industry may not be nearsightedness, freshmen are the future of the industry. Although the classic comics are popular, it will be decline one day. Readers need freshness. Comic companies should give opportunity to freshmen, let them draw the authorized comic is a good chance to practice their technique, also, they can learn the story telling skill from the famous work. Operating a comic website is a good opportunity to help the freshman to share their work, companies can discover talent and comprehend the readers from the browsing statistic. Produce a low price point comic magazine is a good chance for freshmen, the production of it may not be high quality, therefore it is not high risk to invest the magazine, moreover, the price is low so that more readers may try to buy it.

Development of peripheral products The comic companies can gain money and fame though peripheral products and they can invest the profit to the next comic, it is a virtuous circle. There are many possibility of peripheral products, for example the snack of “Crayon Shin Chan” is very popular, the snack look the same as the snack which Shin Chan like to eat in the comic. The peripheral products should not only placing the character on the product, it should being thought. There is a cooperation between Canon and “McMug” lately. McDull is a character in “McMug”, he is requesting people recycle the ink cartridge, the Chinese of ink cartridge sounds like McDull.


Cooperate with media and business organization The promotion channel of comic is very narrow. The cost of promotion for a single issue of comic is too high, therefore, the promotion should focus on the brand of comic book or comic company. Magazines and newspaper like to attach some gift to attract the readers. Comic company may sell their copyright of character for free or a low price, the free gift help character to build up a good image and get new readers. The healthy image of “McMug” help it to gain many money, educational products like to use “McMug” to do promotion. Using the characteristic of characters to promote for a suitable brand can get a win-win situation, for example, a smart character promote for a smart phone.



In fact, there are many talent comic writers in Hong Kong but they don’t have enough opportunity to connect with the masses, the development of alternative comics in recent years was quite success. The trend of comic book is changing, the misunderstand of local comic is equal to violent comic in the past 30 years is changing. The comic industry will be more healthy and enter another era soon.

8 References Book Li, B. N. (1990). Xianggang Man Hua Qu Shi Suo Yin. Hong Kong: Chuang Jian Chu Ban Gong Si. Cheng, K. C. (1992). Hong Kong Comics Spring and Autumn. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (HK) Limited. Publication. Wong, S. Y. & Yeung, W. P. (1999). Hong Kong Comics Picturebook. Hong Kong: Luck Win Bookstore. Wong, W. S. (2002). Hong Kong Comics: a History of Manhua. New York: Princeton Architectural Press. Yang, S. S. (2005). Man Hua Jian Shang Yu Chuang Zuo Shi Si Jiang. Zhengzhou: Henan Ren Min Chu Ban She. Bi, K. G. & Huang, Y. L. (2006). History of Chinese Comic. Beijing: Culture and Art Publishing House. ChiHoi & Au Yeung, C. (2006). Lu Man Man. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (HK) Limited. Publication.

Article form a Book collection Ni, C. T. (2006). “I’m very serious, however the world is not serious.” in ChiHoi & Au Yeung, C., Lu Man Man. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (HK) Limited. Publication. SiuHak. (2006). “Produce Greedily and Honestly” in ChiHoi & Au Yeung, C., Lu Man Man. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (HK) Limited. Publication. Tai Lai. (2006). “Comic fill me up” in ChiHoi & Au Yeung, C., Lu Man Man. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (HK) Limited. Publication.

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Broadcasts Chuan Mei Chun Qiu, 1999. (TV Programme) ATV, aTV Home, 23 January 1999 Era of comics, 2002. (TV Programme) ATV, aTV Home, 12 October 2002 Si Chang Kuai Pai, 2006. (TV Programme) TVB, TVB Jade, 12 March 2006 The New Power of Comic Industry, 2010. (TV Programme) ATV, aTV Home, 17 March 2010 Timeless Comics-Part One, 2010. (TV Programme) Cable TV, Financial and Economic Channel, 3 April 2010 Timeless Comics-Part Two, 2010. (TV Programme) Cable TV, Financial and Economic Channel, 10 April 2010 Timeless Comics-Part Three, 2010. (TV Programme) Cable TV, Financial and Economic Channel, 17 April 2010 Timeless Comics-Part Four, 2010. (TV Programme) Cable TV, Financial and Economic Channel, 24 April 2010

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