Hi there! My name is Rivka Ben-Avides, located in Torrance, California just outside of the huge entertainment scene that Los Angeles houses. My goal as a designer is to enhance the visual element of music; to bring to life and compose visually pleasing aesthetics for your favorite bands, artists, and songs.
Producing graphics and work under the artist name/alias “violet!sounds” originates from my love for two bands, 5 Seconds of Summer, and Waterparks; Violet! is an all time favorite song from Waterparks, while the lyrics “I’m living in the violet sounds” comes from the song Bloodhound by 5 Seconds of Summer. I ultimately chose to create under a combination of two songs I love.
Digital Media, 2022
I Don’t Want To Talk by alt-indie band Wallows. Images of the band members were screenshots taken from the music video, using custom gradiant maps and halftone patterns to fit the aesthetic.
Digital Media, 2021
Concept Poster for Taylor Swift’s short film: All Too Well. Images were stills and screenshots taken from the film, while the color pallette was chosen through the main image of the main actors.
Poster art for the Alt-Rock band The Wrecks. I composed a graphic for each song on said band’s album titled “Sonder;” challenging myself to make every graphic differnt from each other.
Digital Media, 2022
Cassette tape mock up for Funeral Grey, the leading single from altrock band Waterparks’ album “Intelletual Property.” Images used were screenshots taken from the music video.
The first mock-up was made to fit the album’s aesthetic of having red as a dominant and reoccuring color on all promotions and album art.
The second mock-up was based on a funeral inviation with frontman Awsten Knight showcased in the center.
Digital Media, 2021
Lyric poster for Say Nothing by aussie artist Flume ft. MAY-A. Images used were two different screenshots from the music video, merged into one to create the main image.
Digital Media, 2022
Poster for Life Was Easier When I Only Cared About Me by alt-indie band Bad Suns. Images used was a promotional still for the song, and screenshots from the music video blended together to create the band on the TV.
Digital Media, 2022
Poster art for Time I Love To Waste by aussie artist, MAY-A. Images used were stock photos of a pocketwatch in jeans pockets, a person opening their wallet, and a screenshot of MAY-A’s eyes from the music video all layered with a threshold and halftones effect.
Digital Media, 2022
Concert poster for Harry Styles’ specialty Halloween show, “Harryween.” Image used was captured by Styles’ tour photographer Anthony Pham on instagram. Color palette was chosen from the main image.
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