1 minute read


Opposition Smashed in Only Three Hours -

flRST communique from Generai Eisenhower, the Commander-in-Chief, issued at IO o'clock last night, made it clear that the first sta ses of our invasion of Siclly was an unquallfied success.

Generai Eisenhower reported:

"The Allled landlng, whlch star'ted at dawn three a.m.l, ls proceeding accordlng to pian.

"The many beaches and landing places used for these first assaults extended over a distance of about 100 miles.

"By about 6 a.m., under heavy fire from the coverlng force of cruisers, destroyers and r;unboats and other naval units, the enemy oppo• sition had been overcome and success of all landings had been already assured.

"By about 7.30 a.m. our troops were advanc• ing and our artillery was being put. ashore. Fighting continues and more !roops, w1th th_elr guns, vehicles, stores and equ,pme_nt, ,~re berng landed by the Royal and U.S. Nav,es.