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for rep lenishment of t he automatic feeding magazine.

The turret (housing the elevating mass and the gun feeding mechanisms) is a self - contained system of the armoured rotati ng casemate t ype and comprises: t he radar and opto- electron ic search and tracking system; the gun electro- hydrau lic servo - system; the ammunition automatic magazine and ammunition stowages; the data lin.k and radio equipments.

The f ire control system, integral with the gun sy stem, operates on the inputs from its own act ive and passive sensors. T hese are: the search an d tracking radars, the commander's search periscope, and the gunner's optical track ing sight. This latter includes a laser rangefinder and a DL TV camera, providing a stabi lized optical search and tracking capability. Alt hough t he existing prototype has no F LI R search equipment, production OTOMATI C well be fitted with a high resolution F LIR as a passive search sub - system against flying targets. ihis will enable the OTOMATIC to operate with only sl ightly reduced performance in hostile electronic environments, such as under stand - off/escort jamm ing or in full passive mode, under ARM threat.

The gun feeding system , fire control system (computer and console) and rad ar system (transmitter, receiver and junction boxes) are inside the turret ; the sensors and their associated elevating and retracting mechanisms are ar ranged in the rear of the turret, protected by an armoured shield when folded down.

The OTOMATIC system can be fitted on the chassis of the Leopard 1, Leopard 2 or M 1. Present prototypes are mounted on an OTO PALMAR IA chassi s. Only small modifications to the chassis are required for stowage of rounds and t he installation of the APU and navigator equipment.

The main elements of the OTOMATIC system are the turret and the chassis.

T he ammunition feeding system, consisting of a translator on the basket base, two rocking arms feeding the gun at any elevation , and two transfer drums on the gun mount, is hydraulical ly operated and linked to t he gun recoi l movement. The spent case ejecti on system is hydrau lically operated. The crew consists of four men, the driver and th ree operators in the turret: the commander, who has t actical control of the system, t he gunner, performing target engagemen t and the loader

1 - Ammunition stowage; 2 - Auxiliary power unit; 3 - Slip ring for electric, hydraulic and ECS connections; 4 - AA ammunition verti cal t ransfer magazine; 5 - Armour shield for folded sensors; 6 - Commander and gunner; 7 - Loader; 8 - Contro l and command console; 9 - Tracking optical device; 10 - Gun elevating mechanism; 11 .¡ Rocking arms; 12 - Gun mount; 13 - Bore evacuator 14 - Tracking radar; 15 - Auxiliary TV camera 16 - Search radar; 17 - A T ammunition stowage.

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