Rivermont collegiate student parent handbook

Page 42


Student-Parent Handbook

Universal Precautions procedure training including information on blood borne pathogens and their transmission and the use, location, decontamination, and disposal of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Procedures 

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Treat all situations involving potential contact with blood, body fluids, or medical waste with caution. Staff members wear protective gloves during first aid response or when the possibility of encountering bodily fluids is likely. Gloves are changed as soon as practical when contaminated or torn. In the event of a spill or vomit that requires clean up, the teacher or nearest employee shall sprinkle the area with appropriate cleaning solution provided. Employee shall then contact the maintenance department for a thorough clean up. Maintenance employee cleaning the area will wear gloves, use an appropriate clean-up kit and procedure; placing the residue in a sealed garbage bag for disposal.

Exposure In the event of an exposure to bodily fluids such as a splash or spray to eyes, nose, mouth, or broken skin, the staff member or student should immediately cleanse the exposed skin with soap and water, or flush contaminated mucous membranes or eyes with water. An incident report will be completed per established guidelines outlined in this handout. Hand Washing Policy All staff, volunteers, and students should follow hand washing procedure at the following times:          

Upon arrival for the day or when moving from one classroom to another Before and after eating, handling food, or feeding a child Before and after giving medication Before and after playing in water After toileting or helping a child use a toilet After handling bodily fluid (mucus, blood, vomit) from sneezing, sipping and blowing noses, from mouths, or from sores After handling uncooked food, especially raw meat and poultry After handling pets and other animals After playing in sandboxes After cleaning or handling the garbage

Students and staff members shall wash their hands using the following method:  Check to be sure a clean, disposable paper towel is available.  Turn on water to a comfortable temperature no less than 60 degrees and no more than 120 degrees F. 41

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