Journal 9-12

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Tree Of Life Wyndham City

Western Gateway Design Project


Further steps: 4-5 Design Idea: 6-7 Design Process: 8-11 Final Design: 12-15 Precedents: 16-23 Rendering: 24-29 Reflection: 30-32


Further Step The group’s Expression of Interest presentation and the design which we created has really helped us to move forward and has encouraged us taking our design further. In our design it was really interesting to see how the sun plays the major role in changing the shadow of our design during different time of the day. Furthermore it was also interesting to see how our small model created interesting shadows. I think we need to take our South Pond design further ahead. After seeing the site plan I was stuck with many questions. Like how should we change our design in context with the site plan? How does sun plays it role at different part of the site? What should be the scale of our design? How the people would see the design when they are passing through it? To find my answer I preferred visiting the site.

Prarametric Design In the beginning I struggled a lot with the parametric designs like how they are created, what is going in the design. But now after studying but different parametric designs around the world my mind is opening up and it is increasing my knowledge about parametric architecture. On working with the parametric software like Grasshopper, I think it has increased my knowledge increased m knowledge a bit but I still find myself stuck in between. I think I still need to have starting point to take my design forward. Moreover I think it is time consuming process. It consumes a lot of time to make a particular design and I think it is all because we are new to the software. Furthermore I think with more practice I would be able to learn many more things from it

Design Idea Growth of Tree

After the mid semester break we thought of creating something which represent growth. Our previous design was interesting but it only focused on the shadow part and was not able to represent growth. We were basically interested in showing the growth of city of Wyndham through a tree. Growth for us was looking at different types of the trees which were not straight but little bend as well. We basically decided to look at trees from the birth. When the trees grow it branches spreads up in different directions which is growth process. However the actual diameter of the trunk does not change in its whole life span but the branches continues to grow.

Designing Process

First we thought of making the design horizontally and we actually we wanted to have a mesh skin. Then we thought of making the design the like the graph of the Wyndham village growth. We played around with the curvature and radius thing in the grasshopper. But however we got confused with design and thought of something different on which vegetation can grow quite easily.

Changes in Design

Then we basically focused on making a horizontal one only. We decided to make to make horizontal one because it would act like a monument which would visible from the far distance. This would make people or the driver to come to Wyndham City. First we made a structure which was close from the upper part, and could not represent growth part at all. We were after something which could expand at the top of the like the branches of the tree. And later on we end making this type of a design.

Final Design Development

After making the previous design we found that it would be difficult to make it stand up as it is thin from bottom and thinner at centre as well whereas it carries heavy weight at the top, i.e the bottom part of the structure cannot carry the weight of the whole structure. Later on we thought of playing with the Fibonacci sequence. The first two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are 0 and 1 (alternatively, 1 and 1), and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two.In mathematical terms, the sequence Fn of Fibonacci numbers is defined by the recurrence relation. To represent a growth of the tree we look at the Fibonacci sequence. We thought of applying this sequence for the branches. The graph clearly describes the growth pattern of the tree according to the Fibonacci sequence. Everything in the nature whether it is a tree or a flower it seems like it grows like the Fibonacci sequence. We choose triangle as the main shape to make our design. It was because if we see the actual growth the tree from its base, we will notice that it is in the form of triangle itself and moreover the Fibonacci triangle helped us to form the shape of our design.

Design According to Fibonaaci Sequence

To make our design we made the curve to rotate according to the Fibonacci sequence. The design basically contains 34 triangles. We decided to expand the top eight triangles and apply the sequence in it. This made the whole deign to curve and which clearly representing the growth of the tree. Furthermore we add a cap at the top to cover it up. The Fibonacci sequence helped us to make our design which can easily stand up properly.

Final Design


In terms of materials we thought of making the whole design with steel so that it can resist the high wind blowing on the freeway. Firstly we decide to go with timber but later on when we decided to have a 21 metre long design then we thought it would be difficult to go with timber as it cannot hold the high wind blowing on the site. That’s why decided to go with steel. Furthermore we decided to cover up the whole design with different plants. For this we looked for the plants which survive without water or can hold water on them like Aeoniums, Katella, Dudleya Anthonyi and many other.


The Super Trees in the Gardens by the Bay in Singapore boast a height of fifty meters. The trunks are made up of concrete and wire has been used to create artificial branchÂŹes and canopies. The trees are fitted with solar panels, hanging gardens and rain water catches. There are over 162,900 plants, comprising of more than 200 species and varieties of bromeliads, orchids, ferns and tropical flowerÂŹing climbers are planted on the Super Trees. We were interested in this because this project clearly describes the pattern of growth and how the branches open up when the tree grows. And we are also intersected in showing such a thing in our design as well like the branch expands at the very top. Also these trees stand up like monument which we were also in showing.


Architect & Engineer: Vladimir Shukhov

Shukov Tower in Moscow was one of the first hyÂŹperboloid towers. It is a 160-meter high freestandÂŹing steel structure. Due to its diagrid structure, the steel shell of the Shukhov Tower experiences minimum wind load. The open steel work structure combines strength and lightness and was known for reducing the amount of material needed for construction. We were interested in this because it clearly explains how the tower stands up with the use of structural material like iron and steel. And we were also interested in making our design with steel.

The Quai Branly Museum

Designed by architect Jean Nouvel with “Green Wall” designed by Patrick Blanc.

The “Green Wall� was 200 meters long by 12 meters high. We were also interested in this precedent because this building explained us how the plants are placed on the wall. It also helped us in understanding how the irrigation system works in this kind of a building. Moreover it also explained us which plants should we use on our design so that they don t die. There are support systems for the plants roots in the way of irrigation and drainage.


Finally we decide to look at the parametric design with Fibonacci sequence.This is a design concept by Alexander Janowsky Architecture where they have used parametric in the way of a Fibonacci algorithm. The project is designed for a specific site in a specific moment in time. It is the result of research on urban, cultural, economic and demographic data that manifest into architecture. It uses a three dimensional grid that is derived from the Fibonacci algorithm.‌ The Fibonacci algorithm is used as a tool to specify organic process of ordering and growth is this design it is used as a parametric design tool.

Placement of Mo

As our model is like a monument therefore we were interested to place it at th get attracted towards it.

odel on the Site

he highest point so that is visible from the far distance as well and people

Render of the Model

For the render of the model we tried to place plants onto the design from Photoshop but it didn’t t work for us. Therefore we thought of choosing the render from the VRay and placed grass on it. The figure on the left shows the model model without rendering and the figure on the right shows the model with the render of the grass.

Physical Model

Argument About our Design

Our group was basically interested in showing the growth of the Wyndham village in the form of a tree. We wanted to make our design like monument which can attract people toward it quiet easily. As the design the 21 metres tall design therifre it would be easily visible from far distance. Furthermore it will also encourage the drivers to come again as when they will pass through the design they will remember that yes it is a Wyndham tree. As a group we fell that our design has achieved to response user parametrically with the help of the Grasshopper. The precedents study also helped us since the beginning as they explained us how to do we want our design to look. What kind of changes we need to make? Apart from these things there were some short comings in our design as well. We struggle with our design in the beginning and changed it within the two week s time. Earlier we just focus on making something like a tree using a triangular shape. But it was quiet simple and could not stand up properly. So we thought of using Fibonacci sequence in our design. We decided to expand the top eight triangles and apply the sequence in it. This made the whole deign to curve and which clearly representing the growth of the tree. Furthermore we add a cap at the top to cover it up. The Fibonacci sequence helped us to make our design which can easily stand up properly. Even though there were some huddle but we end up with a great design.

Final Presentation Reflection

Overall the panel was average. The verbal presentation was good. But there were many things missing from the presentation. We didn t represent what structure has to stand upon. That means how the structure stands up with the material which we are using. The panel added that the design form is like an engineering industrial tree. We needed to use the Fibonaaci sequence to get some smooth change. As a design is like a monument then we have to work more on the design part. Furthermore they added we have our project is at diagram scale that is we just have a design but we need to play with the rendering thing, what the role of plants, how they are placed. The model that is made is not exactly the same, we need to work on the model part again and think how it stands onto the site. Things to be done As we want to take our design further ahead we will be thinking about how with material like steel works to make the design stand up i.e. how they are joined together. In term of design we will be playing with the Fibonacci sequence again and try to create something which is smooth and interesting and which actually presents like a tree. Furthermore we will be working on how to present our final design in terms of rending that is how the plants are placed on the design how they are working.


I think I have learned a lot from this design studio. In the beginning I struggle a lot, I did not have any knowledge about the software and parametric design. But now I can say digital and parametric tools to be very appealing. I have a learnt a lot of things throughout the studio. The studies of different precedents around the world have helped me to understand how a parametric design works. Furthermore it took me time to learn the parametric tool like rhino and grasshopper but they were really helpful in creating interesting design which we can only imagine. After doing this is subject I think that it has opened up mind and I will be encouraged to look more over the digital architecture. I think still no can’t make a complete a complete parametric design but I can definitely find on certain area were these technique will applied.

Referencing 1. Growth of tree 2. SUPER TREES GARDENS 3. SHUKHOV TOWER 4.

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