RISD XYZ Fall/Winter 2019/20

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//////////////////////////////////////////////////// //  designed for better living

ALL GONE As an avid racer and former member of RISD Cycling, Lizzie Wright 18 ID has long hated how much waste athletes create after consuming the energy bars and gels needed for on-the-go fuel.  The trails of trash left along open roads and pathways inspired the Industrial Design major to develop a sustainable alternative to single-use, petroleumbased plastic packaging. Following months of research and iteration, Wright created Gone, a collection of flavored energy gels in 100% biodegradable wrappers designed to help consumers do the right thing— without sacrifice. “Everything it’s made of you can buy at the grocery store,”  the San Francisco-based designer says. Since the translucent, bioplastic wrappers break down with a little help from rainwater or insects, athletes would be able to drop them outdoors— while they’re on the move—confident that they’ll soon be… gone. 12

// look

So far the project has been included in an exhibition of environmentally friendly packaging at the FachPack 2019 trade fair in Nuremberg,  Germany. But before Wright can actually bring Gone to market she’s fine-tuning such issues as its understandably shorter shelf life compared to traditional snack foods in conventional packaging. “Obviously, bioplastic is not the perfect solution,” Wright told the South China Morning Post. But as a renewable one, it’s definitely got a future. iamlizziewright.com/gone

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