Major Group Engagement

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Major groups engagement and participation By Chantal Line Carpentier, Ph.D. Rio+20 Secretariat

Building the Future we want

The Road Map to Rio+20      

Objective and themes of the conference Outcome document State of the negotiations Major groups and other stakeholder activities Participation into the preparatory process Participation into the conference

Objective and themes of the conference Secure renewed political commitment for sustainable development assessing progress to date and the remaining gaps in the implementation of the outcomes of the major summits on SD • addressing new and emerging challenges •

UN General Assembly adopted a Resolution (A/RES/64/236)

Thematic focus Include: • a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication; • institutional framework for sustainable development

Outcome Document • focused political document • ensuring implementation of commitments • addresses integration of economic, social and environmental goals, • coherence of action at all levels (within UN and countries)

Outcome Document + 686 submissions received (by November 1 deadline) - 6000 pages

- 493 from Major groups and other stakeholders + Results of the regional Preparatory meetings and national meetings = Negotiation of section I & II of zero-draft, 25-27 January, 19 pages - Comments on section III-V by 29 February

Road-map to Rio: Building the Future we want 2011


 Fall Regional Preparatory meetings (RPMs) (see next slide), National meetings  November 1 Input to compilation document  Mid-November Compilation document  15-16 December Second Intersessional, UN Headquarters, NY

 Jan 25-27, NY - outcome document  Negotiations 19 – 27 March  Negotiations 30 April - 4 May  13-15, June Third prep-com, Rio, Brazil  16-19 June Thematic days  20-22 June, Rio+20 conference, Rio

The Co-chair zero draft

Structure • 6,500 pages synthesised into 128 para on 20 pages • Vision • Renewing political commitment • Green economy in the context of … • Institutional framework for SD • Framework for Action

What’s there? What’s new? • Global policy framework for corporate reporting • Major groups upfront; Principle 10 • Green economy: national and sectoral strategies, knowledge platform, toolkit, indicators, capacity development mechanism, roadmap • IFSD: Sustainable Development Council with voluntary review process; upgrading of UNEP • Sustainable Development Goals, measures of progress beyond GDP • Registry of commitments/accountability framework

What’s there? What’s not so new? •

Rights based approach to basic needs: food, water

• Access to information technology

• Reform of harmful subsidies with adequate protection of vulnerable groups • Sustainable energy for all • Social protection floor • Ombudsman for future generations

What’s there to launch? • Negotiations on agreement governing marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction • Global observing network on ocean acidification

• 10-year framework of programmes on SCP • Periodic report on the state of the planet’s carrying capacity

State of the negotiations

Reactions • • • •

Not ambitious enough Not action oriented enough Too much emphasis on the environment vs social Lacks good governance and rule of law, transparency, accountability, gender, role of youth and education as means to achieve sustainable development • Or too much!

Lack focus on resource efficiency Ecological footprint in 2050- need more than 2 planets

Not based Planetary Boundaries

Not enough on equity Rising resource scarcity

Green Economy in the context of poverty alleviation and SD • No agreement on what it is & strong reservation about language • more consensus around Sustainable Development Goals • Principles to guide inclusive and green economy - including SCP • National strategies for investing in green and socially inclusive economies •platforms, toolkits, and other mechanism to support national efforts • Agreement on what the green economy is not: • trade protection & international aid conditionality • non-respect of national sovereignty

Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development • Strengthening UNEP, through universal membership, stronger finance, & possible elevation to a specialized agency • Strengthening institutional arrangements for integration of 3 pillars of SD, possibly through elevation of CSD to SD Council • Strengthening of regional commissions • Enhanced CSO participation, voice and space • Enhanced contribution of UN at national level

7 Priority Areas  energy access, efficiency and

sustainability  food security & sustainable agriculture  green jobs and social inclusion  sound water management  sustainable cities  sustainable management of the oceans  improved resilience and disaster preparedness

Cross-cutting Areas  Sustainable consumption and production  Means of implementation  Platforms for knowledge sharing  Innovative tools and financing mechanisms

What’s next for Major Groups?

Major Groups • Major groups and civil society are referred to in 8 of the 29 paragraphs of the GA resolution calling for the UN CSD in Rio in 2012

• Participate at all levels of the process, nationally regionally and globally including at the conference

Children and Youth Indigenous People



Major Groups

NonGovernmental Organizations

Local Authorities

Scientific and Technological Community

Business and Industry

Workers and Trade Unions

From Agenda 21 (Rio 1992)

Capacity building workshops • Informal informals • Initial discussion meeting • UNEP Governing Council • Brasil

• Each of these has outcome document, statements useful for preparations • Latin America and Caribbean Region, ECLAC • Africa Region, ECA and partners • The Arab Region, ESCWA and partners • Asia Pacific Region, ESCAP • North America, W,C,&E Europe Region, ECE • DPI/NGO Bonn Conference

Showing and sharing support for Rio+20 • through the interactive MG WEB side • post documents, initiatives, petitions, meetings etc. on official web site. • join distribution list of your Major Groups Organizing Partners or,

• email to get a username/password • major groups tab

Initiatives on the green economy in the context of poverty alleviation and SD         

Green economy degrowth distributive growth global transition holistic growth Inclusive green and responsible economies deglobalization human right-based economies

Examples of propositions so far • Convention on principle 10: access to information, participation, justice • Universal access to clean energy • Non-regression on environl law convention • Corporate accountability (based on ISO2600) • Precautionary Principle into a framework convention (bio-eng, nano, biotech) • Eco-city framework & standards • Convention on right to food • Prior and informed consent

NGO clusters : Theme 1 • Nexus: Energy-Water-Food

• Health and Well-being

• Water and Sanitation

• Chemicals

• Ecosystems

• Education

• Sustainable Cities

• SDGs

• Renewable Energy

• Planetary Boundaries

• Blue Economy • SCP

• Human Rights (Social Protection Floor)

• Tourism

• Innovation

• Finance

• Democracy

NGO clusters : theme 2 • Ombusperson for the future

• Principle 10 • SDGs • Compendium of Commitments

• Reform of CSD, UNEP

Other Initiatives • Peoples’ treaties • Right-based approach

• My City+20 • Model UN

Participation into the conference

Accreditation & registration & Rio events • Conference special accreditations are now closed • Pre-registration, deadline 20 May • Registrations in Rio start 7 June

•Resources: FAQs •Information to participants: •Issues briefs: u=45

Major groups & other stakeholder participation in Rio+20

Thematic days

•16-19 June: 3.5 days dialogue for non-governmental actors, - These are expected to lead to partnerships & launching of initiatives

-Side events 13-22 June -- deadline: March 30 -

-SD-Learning events 13-22 June – deadline 28 February -

-Partnership fairs and others are being planned, -

visit the web site for call for submissions (to be posted soon)

The Bureau for the conference • runs the process leading up to the conference, • has been selected by the UN General Assembly • The African Group: Egypt and Botswana; • The Asian Group: Pakistan and South Korea; • GRULAC (Latin American and Caribbean Group): Argentina and Barbuda; • CEIT (Countries with Economies in Transition): Croatia and the Czech Republic; • WEOG (Western European and Others Group): the US (first half of the period) Canada (second half of the period) and Italy; • ex officio: Brazil.

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