Posgrados Pluridisciplinarios en Ambiente y Sociedad: Aproximaciones diversas

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In the Brazilian case, emphasis will be given in this work to the ANPPAS (National Association of Graduate and Research in Environment and Society), whose articles presented in the work groups of the three encounters held are included in the collectanea. In an effective manner, the system permits the survey of themes attributed to the publications of this research center (graph 3), verifying thematic specificities of this institution.

Figure 8. Analyzed publication thematics from the National Association of Graduate and Research in Environmental Society.

With the objective of delineating a more general panorama of the intellectual production in Latin America, verifying the existence of specificities that possibly reflect its historical, social, cultural and ecological characteristics, this work intends, at this moment, to quantify some aspects of the previously registered publications. Figure 9 presents a sample of the ten themes, from among the keywords defined in the project, in ascending order for greater incidence of registers in the NEPAM Literary Collectanea. Considerations on specifities of the environmental problem on the LatinAmerican continent will gain more argumentative support after the advance of this phase of registration and exhaustion of the research surveyed.


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