Walls can speak your heart

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Walls can speak your heart Color theory suggest many vibrant options to you for creating a real and unique look for your house. Multi dimensional color stroked sky after rainfall, or the fine look of linen or raw silk, the milky white waves in green sea, the colorful season of spring, let your imagination flow to transform your rooms into visually stunning canvas just by applying few simple faux painting techniques. Some great ideas are shared by interior painting companies at Basking ridge, New Jersey.

Chalk board paint What ever you do, if you have children at home, they will learn their lessons only by scribing on the walls. Children always find the easiest way to solve difficult things. Chalk board paint can turn your walls into a useful, fully-erasable chalkboard. Available in any color, you can also decorate or mold it with colorful painted border to give your chalkboard area a personal touch. In children's rooms, make sure your chalkboard area is low and large enough so that they can reach it and have ample space to write or draw. In an office or study area, paint a chalkboard calendar with squares for dates. Try a chalkboard in your kitchen for shopping lists, phone messages, and easy recipe and reference. Adding the glaze Try out the color washed glazing look on your wall. A milky way impression on the ceiling or on walls is so much desired now-a-days. If you are color washing your walls, clean them thoroughly and repair any imperfections. The soft cloth will give glaze a more subtle look while using the sponge will give a more textured look. Apply the glaze mixture in circular

motion or start random wiping for a total washed out look. For different visual effects, vary your wiping motions as you apply the glaze. Design and pattern Decorative elements, such as painting geometric shapes, can highlight color depth and increase light reflection for to create a radiant glow. Using graph paper, sketch the layout of your color blocks. The size of your wall will determine how large you will need to make the squares/rectangles for a balanced effect. Planning ahead for the number and placement of the shapes,will give you an idea of how to apply each color to achieve the effect you want. To draw straight lines, mark off your block design on your wall with a white pencil or chalk. Create a pattern by outlining and taping off additional squares and rectangles over original shapes. Lastly for a complete unique and invincible look consulting a professional is advisable. Ridge painting can upgrade your status quotient to a whole new level with customized and decorative painting techniques.

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