Cozmic Cat and the Intergalactic Inka Princess

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Chapter 3 • “The Band of DogZ”

Cozmic Cat and The Intergalactic Inca Princess

The Drumming Cat watched as the Dog named Z swooped down behind him. “Well then how about if I just try the tail?” Z responded. “And if that’s good we’ll eat the whole cat. If nothing else that should frighten him. What could be more frightening than the thought of being killed and eaten by a wild dog?” With that the dog named Z went swooping down behind the feline genius in an attempt to eat the cool cat’s tail. Cozmo had been watching the DogZ and listening all along. Although the DogZ had been growling, barking and doing their best in every way to frighten Cozmo, the drumming cat was not frightened at all. There was something about the nature of this particular feline. Nothing frightened him. Not even a wild dog coming to eat him. Although he was not afraid, Cozmo was also not about to let his tail become a doggy snack either. Cozmic Cat watched as Z swooped down behind him and began to pick up speed. The wild dog named Z was getting closer and closer to the anti-gravity drum machine. Drooling as he licked his chops the hungry canine could almost taste Cozmo’s tail. Fangs opened wide and ready, Z lunged forward to bite down on the cat’s tail. 12

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