Melody House - November Issue

Page 14

Saffire PRO 24 DSP Its 11pm, you’re at the most crucial stage of your track - the mix. The baby next door has just stopped crying, the city slicker is checking his stock portfolio and downstairs are dancing towards bed. But you’re just getting started. Unfortunately you’ve been told, wind your monitors down to whispering level, or wrap up the session. We all know you can’t mix on headphones - or can you? Imagine if you could use your headphones to hear your mix as you would in the studio. Imagine you could model an ideal control room, choose between 10 pairs of industry standard monitors, and select from different listening positions. Imagine being able to reference your mix on hi-fi, radio, television or computer speakers, all through your headphones. The Saffire PRO 24 DSP comes with ‘VRM’ (Virtual Reference Monitoring) - a Focusrite technology that models different rooms, monitors and listening positions. VRM transforms headphones into listening environments that are essential for mixing. With VRM you

ALSO AVAILABLE Saffire PRO 24 Saffire PRO 24 gives you similar i/o and the same class-leading audio performance as its DSP brother. However, without DSP-powered dynamics, reverb and VRM, it’s even more affordable.


can mix anywhere... and did we mention you also get an industryleading 16 in 8 out Focusrite Firewire Interface? Find out more at

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