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Pricing and List Strategy

Once we’ve optimized your home’s value, we assess your competition based on our inside market knowledge. We develop a pricing and listing strategy to generate the greatest exposure and number of offers for your home.

Market Research


Our approach is different. Data driven, not just on recent comparable solds, but factoring in macro-economic and local influences, seasonality and demand.

Insider Knowledge

How we price and list your home is based on our inside knowledge of what is coming to market at the same time. Strategy can change when another home is being listed on your street. We also base the price of your home on our deep knowledge of what has sold off-market.

Our Motivation

When we tell you what your home is worth, it’s based on our combined experience of selling over $1 billion in real estate and expert market analysis. We don’t need to promise you an unrealistic number to win your listing.

After all, you deserve to plan your financial future based on honesty, not a sales pitch.

Your Motivation

This is an important part of your listing strategy. Our clients have a spectrum of reasons to sell. Our recommended timing, approach and process will completely serve your particular circumstances and goals.