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Partners & Community

Re/Max Hallmark

Where do we start? Every successful business and entrepreneur has an incredible network of partners and mentors. There’s no way we would be where we are without the guidance and support of the leaders and team at RE/MAX Hallmark. We’ve had the incredible opportunity to learn from the best RE/MAX brokerage in the world.


Through them, we’ve had the chance to develop a network of industry leading teams in North America and throughout the world for constant learning, improvement and inspiration.

Shelter Movers

None of this matters if our success doesn’t benefit those in need. In 2020, the call for help from women attempting to escape abuse doubled. That’s why we committed to ensuring every time we help you move, you help someone move away from abuse.


East Design House

Clients said they fell in love with our listings after they had been transformed by our Design & Property Styling teams. Then they asked for our help with design and renovation projects at their next home. And so, East Design House was born.

Beaches Sandbox

The Beaches Sandbox is a vibrant community hub welcoming people of all ages and abilities to come together and take part in fun, creative indoor activities and inspiring programs and classes along with special community events. The programs hosted at the centre cover special needs, music, photography, the arts, cooking, coding, life skills and health and wellness!


It has grown into a full fledged design firm that covers renovation and build management and every aspect of home design & decor and is known for creating beautiful spaces with functional design, meaning and connection.

We love that our vision for ‘home’ can be beautifully realized through their talents. And so, the journey continues… eastdesignhouse.com