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CYB 130 Entire Course

For more classes visit CYB 130 Week 1 Data Types and Variables CYB 130 Week 1 String and Text Manipulation CYB 130 Week 1 Conditional and Variables CYB 130 Week 2 Loops and Conditional Statements CYB 130 Week 2 Using Loops CYB 130 Week 3 Accessing the Internet CYB 130 Week 3 Python and HTML CYB 130 Week 4 Individual: Object Oriented Programming (OOP) CYB 130 Week 4 Individual: Functional Programming CYB 130 Week 5 Individual: bruteLogin Recommendations CYB 130 Week 5 Individual: Extracting Passwords

CYB 130 Week 1 Conditional and Variables

For more classes visit CYB 130 Week 1 Conditional and Variables Write a Python script that determines the highest day temp and highest night temp of the following variables:

day1Temp = 78

day2Temp = 84

day3Temp = 98

night1Temp = 55

night2Temp = 45

night3Temp = 34

Use conditional statements to print out these results:

(‘Day 3 has high temp of: ‘, 98)

(‘Day 1 has high temp of: ‘, 55)

Submit your code copied and pasted into a document and include a screen shot of your code working on your own computer system.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

CYB 130 Week 1 Data Types and Variables

For more classes visit CYB 130 Week 1 Data Types and Variables Write a Python script that accepts the radius of a circle and computes the area of that circle.

Use the formula: Area of a circle = 3.14 * radius ^2.

Assign the initial radius variable the value: 1.5

Your output should look like this: (final area may have more numbers after the decimal point)

The area of the circle with radius 1.5 is: 7.07

Submit a document with your code copied and pasted into that single document and a screen shot included showing the code executing on your own computer system.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

CYB 130 Week 1 String and Text Manipulation

For more classes visit CYB 130 Week 1 String and Text Manipulation Write a Python script that meets the following requirements:

– declares three variables: GPA (floating-point number), studentName ( a string), studentNumber (a string)

– assign the variables values of your choice

– create a print command to output each variable on a separate line

– using a single print command, your variable values, output a statement with the following format:

John Doe has the following student number: 567893334

– using a single print command, your variable values, output a statement with the following format:

John Doe has the following GPA: 3.33

Submit your code copied and pasted into a document and include a screen shot of it working on your own computer system.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

CYB 130 Week 2 Loops and Conditional Statements

For more classes visit CYB 130 Week 2 Loops and Conditional Statements

User input can be obtained using the following statement and storing it into a variable for future use:

num = input(“Enter a number: “)

The Python shell will wait for the user to input a number and then continue forward with the next line in the script.

Write a Python script that accepts input until the user enters the number 999 to stop. Determine whether the user input is either an odd or even number. If it is an odd number, output: “You entered an odd number!”. If it is an even number, output: “You entered an even number!”. If the user quits by entering 999, output: “Thanks – Game Over!”. Test your code for all three conditions. Remember 999 is an odd number so make sure it doesn’t print – “You entered an odd number!”

Submit the code copied and pasted into a document and include a screen shot of it working on your own computer system.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

CYB 130 Week 2 Using Loops

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CYB 130 Week 2 Using Loops Write a Python script that asks the user to input an integer and then a character. Use those values to print the character in the following pattern:











The entry for this output was the integer 5 and the letter r. Your output could use any integer or letter to print this pattern. Notice there is an empty space between the two patterns, this should be included in your code.

To accept character input in Python version 2, use the following statement:

ch = raw_input(“Enter a character to print: “)

Submit your copied and pasted code into a document and include a screen shot of it working on your own computer system.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

CYB 130 Week 3 Accessing the Internet

For more classes visit CYB 130 Week 3 Accessing the Internet

Write a Python script that accesses a website’s URL and dowloads a picture to your computer’s hard drive. Then access another URL and dowload the HTML file associated with that web address. Add print statements to indicate the program is downloading the content. For example:

Submit your code copied and pasted into a document and include multiple screen shots. One should be of the program executing on your computer, the next one should be a screen shot showing me that the picture downloaded to your system and the last one should be a screen shot of the file downloaded to your system.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

CYB 130 Week 3 Python and HTML

For more classes visit CYB 130 Week 3 Python and HTML Write a Python script that builds an HTML file of your own design. Add an image tag into your HTML and link it to an image on your hard drive. Make sure you store the image in the same directory as the html file, otherwise it might not find the file.

Add code to open the newly created page in your web browser.

Submit the code copied and pasted into a document and include a screen shot of it executing on your computer. Include a second screen shot of the content in your web browser.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

CYB 130 Week 4 Individual: Functional Programming

For more classes visit CYB 130 Week 4 Individual: Functional Programming Write a 2-part program as follows:

Part 1: Write a function to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit. Part 2: Write a function to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. Both of the functions (Celsius to Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit to Celsius) are the exact inverses of one another.

Test the program by converting 32 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius and then the product of that function back to Fahrenheit.

Zip your Python .py file and submit file so the code can be validated.

Additionally, write a 1/2-page response to the following:

When you converted 32 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius and back to Fahrenheit, did you get 32 again? Try different numbers, and state when it does work and when it does not work. Explain why. Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

CYB 130 Week 4 Individual: Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

For more classes visit CYB 130 Week 4 Individual: Object Oriented Programming (OOP) As defined on pp. 449 to 468 in Ch. 17, “Object-Oriented Programming,� of Introduction to Computing and Programming in

Python, a Turtle is an object from the class Turtle with the following features:

Every turtle understands the same methods. Every turtle has the same fields or instance variables. Every turtle has a heading, body color, pen color, and X and Y position. Yet, each turtle can have its own values for these fields.

Develop a script containing three new methods for the Turtle class as follows:

Add a method to the Turtle class to draw a rectangle given a certain width and height. Add a method to the Turtle class to draw a simple house. It can have a rectangle for the house and an equilateral triangle as the roof. Add a method to the Turtle class to draw a street of houses. Submit the copied and pasted code into a document and include a screen shot of it working on your own computer system.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

CYB 130 Week 5 Individual: bruteLogin Recommendations

For more classes visit CYB 130 Week 5 Individual: bruteLogin Recommendations Review the bruteLogin function on p. 58 of Ch. 2, “Penetration Testing with Python,” of Violent Python: A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security Engineers.

You have been hired by a company to provide consultation on security and provide recommendations. Using Microsoft® Word, write a 1page document explaining how the username and password are extracted from the password file. Describe what would happen if the script fails to open the password file.

Recommend and provide additional code that would better handle cases where the password file might not open.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

CYB 130 Week 5 Individual: Extracting Passwords

For more classes visit CYB 130 Week 5 Individual: Extracting Passwords Linux systems keep user account information in the passwd file and the encrypted password in the shadow file.

The passwd file containing account information might look like this:

smithj:x:1001:1001:John Smith:/home/smithj:/bin/bash

The shadow file containing password and account expiration information for users might look like this:


The fields in the shadow file are separated by a colon, with the first field being the username and the second being the password.

Under normal circumstances, the password is encrypted. But for the purpose of this assignment, you can assume the password is already unencrypted.

Review the bruteLogin function program on pp. 58–59 of Ch. 2, “Penetration Testing with Python,” of Violent Python: A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security Engineers.

Make the following changes/additions to the function:

Modify the bruteLogin function to use both the passwd and shadow files. Assume your passwd and shadow files include two accounts. Change the bruteLogin to extract the username and full name from the passwd file and the password from the shadow file Change the output to display the full name when confirming successful FTP Login; e.g., “Myhostname FTP Logon Succeeded: John Smith/ KJDKKkkLLjjwlnttqoiybnm� Zip your Python .py file and submit file so the code can be validated.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

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