Spider-Man: A Hero's Journey

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Spider-Man A Hero’s Journey

Jayden Masarsky-Gorelik

Paul Mkrtichian

Benson Chen

Richard Masak

Team 2

Victor Chen

The Ordinary World

The stage is set in New York. Peter is a normal kid that attends high school in Queens. At school, Peter gets bullied by a kid named Flash. He has a friend named Harry, and has a crush on his neighbor, Mary Jane. He lives with his Uncle Ben and Aunt May.

Call to Action

While taking pictures on a field trip to Columbia University, he gets bitten by a spider that gives him supernatural powers that of a Spider.

Refusal of the Call

At first, Peter is irresponsible with his newfound powers. He misuses his superhuman powers by entering wrestling competitions to win money. With this money, Peter plans to buy a new car to impress Mary Jane. When the promoter is robbed, Peter does nothing as he was scammed out of winning. This later comes back to haunt him as this thief kills his Uncle Ben. These reckless actions teach Peter to help others and make meaningful choices.

Supernatural Aid

After being bitten by a genetically enhanced spider, Peter gains spider-like powers. This begins the reign of Spider-Man. His widely known epithet is “Friendly Neighborhood”.

Meeting (Losing) his Mentor

Spider Man’s mentors are his Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Posthumously, Uncle Ben served as a father figure to Peter and gave single most memorable quote in all of superhero history:

“With great power comes great responsibility.”

Aunt May, although still grieving her husband, also tries to provide both physical support in the form of shelter as well as mental support by helping Peter go through tough decisions such as confessing his love for M.J.

His epithet is “friendly neighborhood”, due to his kindness and helpfulness. His character identity encourages everyone to help in their own way and also be a friendly neighborhood hero.

Crossing the Threshold

After his uncle‘s death, Peter takes his word into consideration and begins fighting crime. He creates a spandex spider costume and develops the persona of Spider-Man. Despite having his image slandered by the local newspaper, the Daily Bugle, and its leader, J. Jonah Jameson, he continues to use his powers for good.

Trials, Allies, and Enemies

The most important tests Peter endures is physically stopping the Green Goblin and mentally protecting himself from the ideals of Green Goblin. The Green Goblin sees people as bitter leeches that do not appreciate others. On the other hand, Spidey tries to help others even if he expects nothing in return, because it is his responsibility to.

Allies: Aunt May, Uncle Ben, Harry & Norman Osborn (at first), Mary Jane

Enemies: Green Goblin/Norman Osborn, Harry Osborn (nearing the end of the movie)

Approaching Conflict

Peter, conceals his identity, but accidentally reveals an injury from the Green Goblin to Norman Osborn during a Thanksgiving dinner the between families. Norman, putting the clues together, is able to figure out that Peter is Spider-Man. Green Goblin takes advantage of the fact that Spider-Man’s tragic flaw is his loved ones by directly attacking them.


Peter experiences his worst fear when Aunt May is attacked. Shortly after this, Mary Jane is attacked by the Green Goblin. In the end, Peter is tasked with either saving Mary Jane or a car cable containing children. [Trolley Problem]


After defeating the Green Goblin, Peter and Mary Jane connect over helping Aunt May. Both of his most significant loved ones are safe.

The Road of Return

Harry Osborn tells his father that Peter is in love with his girlfriend, MJ. Norman decides to target MJ knowing that Peter is Spider-Man.

During the final fight, Spider-Man accidentally kills the Green Goblin by dodging away from his glider.

After the death of the Green Goblin, Peter and Mary Jane confesses their love to each other. However, Peter understands that attaching himself to Mary will endanger her, and he decides to only be her friend. Peter also does not reveal Green Goblin’s identity and Harry believes that Spider-Man responsible for his father’s death.

Resurrection and Revolution of Oneself

Peter finds hope for the future as SpiderMan because he was able to defeat his enemy and have Mary Jane. His revolution of himself comes from recalling Uncle Ben’s words, vowing to be responsible with his identity. While he is upset with the death of Norman and the broken friendship between him and Harry, he becomes more mature and knows that what he is doing is right.

Due to the encouraging words of normal civilians he saved during a fight with the Goblin, Peter realizes the Green Goblin is wrong and the people of the city do care about him.

“A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.”

- Joseph Campbell,

with a Thousand Faces

The Hero

What makes Spiderman a hero?

Spider Man is not a hero because of his powers, but because of his decisions. Great power corrupts many as shown by Norman Osborn. Peter could have joined the Green Goblin or used his powers for his own gain, but he doesn’t. Instead, he saves others and expects nothing in return, not fame nor glory. Even in the end, when Mary Jane confesses to him, Peter does what is best for her, which is rejecting her. For Peter knew if they dated, he will only endanger her again like with Green Goblin.

The Mentorship of Uncle Ben

Uncle Ben acted as a father figure to Peter. Though Uncle Ben spoke few words, those words had an unimaginable impact on Peter. He reminds Peter that although he can beat up anyone, it doesn’t mean he should do it. These words, though basic, most likely sheltered Spider-Man from falling prey to the ideals of Green Goblin. Without Uncle Ben or his death, there would be no Spider-Man.

The Villainy of the Goblin

The Green Goblin at first, was an alter ego version of Norman Osborn. However, slowly it becomes apparent that this is who Norman really is. Not only is Green Goblin willing to do anything, he targets those who are vulnerable and uses them to manipulate Spider Man into bad choices. For example, he makes Spider Man choose between the lives of a group of children or Mary Jane. On top of this, Norman Osborn also uses his words and ideals to plant seeds of doubt into Spider Man.

The Foil - Harry Osborn

Throughout the movie, Harry Osborn’s traits constantly contradict and highlight Peter’s positive traits. Unlike Peter Parker, a poor boy with no parents, Harry has a wealthy and high status father. However, whereas Harry is not acknowledged by his father, Peter is acknowledged by Norman Osborn. Additionally, Peter is willing to work towards his goals, while Harry mostly depends on his father and his wealth. Even in the end, Harry fails to acknowledge the fact that his father is the Green Goblin and blames Spider Man for his father’s death.

Aunt May’s Role as a Static Character

Despite being a mentor to Peter, Aunt May’s ideals and feelings never change. She never discovers the real identity of Peter and she continues to remain a loving and accepting person. Even after the death of her husband, Aunt Mary remains a strong motherlike figure to Peter and comforts him. Even though Aunt May is a static character, she is still a role model in the way she supported her nephew (who also happened to be Spider-Man) when he needed it.

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