portfolio [en]

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architectural work

CONTENTS curriculum vitae academic projects competitions drawings traveling


personal info name/surname date of birth nationality gender adress

telephone email website area of interest

CURRICULUM VITAE Ricardo Pinto 26.08.1987 portuguese male rua do loureiro, 320 4405-757 vila nova de gaia portugal 00351 914553129 arquiteto.ricardopinto@gmail.com www.rmspinto.weebly.com architecture

education and training 2005-2007 2006 2007-2012 2011 2011 2011-2012 2012 2012-20..

bachelor in architecture studies Escola Superior Artistica do Porto, Portugal hand drawing course Escola Superior Artistica do Porto, Portugal master of architecure Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, Portugal italian language course level A1 School, Porto, Portugal italian language course level B1 School, Milan, Italy erasmus exchange program Politecnico di Milano, Italy english language course level B1 Wall Street Institute, Porto, Portugal english language course level B2 British Institute, Porto, Portugal

professional experience 2008-2009 2009-2011 2010-20..

publications 2009 2010 2011

research fellow in urban planning Centro de Estudos de Arquitectura e Urbanismo, Porto, Portugal editor-in-chief of arts magazine Revista Trama president of cultural association Evoluir urbanistic text publicated Dedalo n.6, Portugal editor of magazine Revista Trama n.0, Portugal editor of magazine Revista Trama n.1, Portugal

awards / exhibitions 2005 2008 2008 2010 2011 2011

multimedia’s work selected for exhibition Galeria S. Lazaro, Porto, Portugal proposal for go architecture v.01 for exhibition Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, Portugal selected movie for anuaria exhibition Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, Portugal selected work about social housing in Oporto for anuaria exhibition Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, Portugal selected work about Espinho Multicenter for anuaria exhibition Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, Portugal proposal for temporary bar selected for exhibition Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, Portugal

competitions / workshops 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012

competition for a small cinema theatre Go! Architecture v.02, Porto, Portugal competition for a temporary bar students’s association of FAUP, Portugal competition for a tanatorio Go! Architecture v.03, Porto, Portugal competition for a hotel Arquideas, Santorini, Greece competition for a temporary stand Archinews, Porto, Portugal competition for recovering a residential building Espaço de Arquitectura, Porto, Portugal

personal skills and competences

_great capacity in leadership, team work, cooperation and interdisciplinarity; _ease in adapt to different environments and requests; _good time control and capacity to work under pressure to meet deadlines; _capacity to work on simultaneous projects

technical skills and competences

_experienced in physical model making (freehand and laser) and model 3D making; _experienced in freehand and technical drawing; drawing 2D and 3D Autocad, Graphisoft’s Archicad, Artlantis Studio, Sketch Up; graphic Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Ilustrator, Adobe InDesign; web Expression Web; operative system Windows and Mac OS


portuguese italian english spanish french

mother language advanced writing and speaking advanced writing and speaking good writing and speaking basic writing and speaking


06 sustainable campus

This project had the goal to plan and design the future urban settlement of Leonardo Campus of Politecnico di Milano, in Italy. The work was developed in team work and the aim was to create a new public spaces/ places in the campus across the four themes of sustainability: people, environment, accessibility and energy. The masterplan was developed in a 1.2000 scale and the final proposal in a 1.1000 scale. This final one proposed a set of small intervents to solve the sustainable problems found. Then we have proposed a new design for the street Via Edoardo Bonardi that nowadays have a physical barrier created by the rails of the public transports. This proposal presents a continuity of the 18th century Politecnico buildings, by transforming the old street into a new public space, making the connection between the oldest buildings and the new construction. The latter is located in the upper part of the drawing. This new small constructions and the transformation of the old street into a central line enables a better accessibility between the different buildings of the campus and unify all the space, to understand that the space works as one.

Campus Riqualification

Academic Project | Politecnico di Milano, Italy | 2012 with Mikel Etxenausia and Valerio Guidi




08 student´s center

After the work in the 1.1000 scale we developed a small part of the whole project. The scale chosen were the 1.100 and the 1.50 and the parto f the projetc chosen was the new square designed to connect the two distinct zones that existed in the campus. In that square we’ve proposed a multifunctional building, that distinguishes itself by its shape and by the student’s services that provides. We considered important questions to turn this building into a central point of the whole campus. We have created simple accesses like the ones of the German Reichstag, in Berlin. Also the light and the temperature were taken in consideration by the orientation of the building and the materials chosen.





17,50m concrete


leveling floor impermeable layer

leveling floor impermeable layer

rock wool leveling floor plasterboard

light concrete

acustic layer wood


rock wool leveling floor plasterboard

constructive deta

light concrete marble

acustic layer wood

section north-south

detailed areas in scale 1:5

constructive detail 1:5


section north-south 1:20

group 04 | PARASITE Mikel Echenausia [780937] Ricardo Pinto [781005] Valerio Guidi [780888]

Architectural design studio II Politecnico di Milano 2011/12 - 2nd semester

constructive detail 1:5 and sections 1:20 1:200 |




ails 1:5


section north-south 1:20

section oest-est 1:200


Urban Riqualification

before and after expo 2015 This project was done in team work with the aim to design the future space where the Expo 2015, in Milan, Italy, will take place. The project took into account the legal standards, according to the municipal legislation for this kind of urbanistic project, and also some parts of the EXPO 2015 project design by Herzog and De Meuron atelier, and already approved. We’ve created a long central axis where the principal local services can be developed, such as schools, administrative offices, market, among others. With this axis we’ve restricted the circulation to public transports, like bus or bike (bikeme service). The latter can be rented near the Rho Fiera exhibition pavillons, that is connected with the EXPO area by a bicycle path. One of the two extreme points of the axis is square with a theater, and the other one is a hill.




shopping center theatre

superior school


offices administrative servic veterinary

administrative services

Academic Project | Politecnico di Milano, Italy | 2011-2012 with Andrea Zucchi, Maria Sousa and Mirko Andolina

anitary services




secondary school


research center

primary school kindergarden

market shopping center

sport’s place

tridimensional proposal

functions density

14 As the main theme of the EXPO is the agriculture, we decided to keep from the Herzog and De Meuron project the big green surfaces, both public and private. The public ones would be held by the townhall, and the private ones, would be held by the residents. In general, this project resulted in a well articulated infrastruture with residences and public services.



16 student’s center

The idea of this project was to create a building that allows the visitors to have different points of view to the exterior space, reforced by the inside-outside binomial, created by the domes that exists on the roof. The insertion of the building results, in the upper level, an inaccessible roof that works like an extension of the public space. The project included also a big underground car parking developped in 4 floors. Due to the lack of parcking spaces in the ĂĄrea, in this project i provide more of them, that could also serve other important buildings like facultys, restaurants and public services. The entrance to the building is made by a long ramp that is larger in the arriving point. The ramp was design as a transition element which goal is to slowdown the transition between the inside and the outside in sense of extending the different sensations along this path. Inside the building, a big foyer was design, like an open space that connects different rooms like the auditorium or the exhibition room.

Learning Center

Academic Project | Faculdade de Arquitectura, Portugal | 2011



Cortes | Escala 1/100 | 05

13 de Junho de 2011 | FAUP

In section i try not to emphasize the building in order to respect the existent building of the faculty, located behind, right next to the main entrance of the learning center. Developped in two floors, the external material of the building is much more lighter in the upper level than in the lower floor, darker to reinforce the idea of a base. The materials chosen were diffenretn kind of rocks. All the construction was based on rock, giving the notion of a strong building beside the large amout of openings that it have to the exterior space.













Corte 5



Ricardo Manuel dos Santos Pinto



Cortes | Escala 1/100 | 04 4º Ano Turma B | Projecto IV | Professor Nuno Brandão Costa | 2010/11 | Centro13 dode Conhecimento, Panorâmica Junho de 2011Via | FAUP

Corte 6



do Conhecimento, Via Panorâmica


Corte 4


19 59,00 m

Chapa de Zinco Roofmate Argamassa Betão

Perfil Tubular em Aço Cantoneira em Aço Inox Silicone Transparente Vidro Termoendurecido Perfil em Aço Inox Placagem de Aglomerado de Quartzo Mont Blanc 100 mm

58,00 m

55,00 m

Reguladores Plásticos Alvenaria de Tijolo Tela Asfáltica Argamassa Laje Nervurada

Perfil Metálico de Suporte Lã de Rocha

Gesso Cartonado Perfurado (furos redondos)

Perfil Metálico de Suporte Roofmate Fixador de Pedra Halfen

Caixilho de Vidro Duplo - Vitrocsa

48,00 m

Madeira 20 mm

44,00 m

Rodapé em Madeira 20 mm Soalho em Madeira 30mm Tela Acústica

Trop - Plein

Barrote de Madeira Regularização Betão Leve

Placagem de Pedra Granitica Chapa Quinada de Zinco Perfil Tubular Metálico

43,00 m

41,00 m

Mármore Branco Thassos Camada de Regularização Roofmate Betão Leve

Tela Asfáltica Betão de Limpeza Tela de Polietileno Camada de Cascalho

Tela Asfáltica Tela Pitonada

Manta Geotextil Camada de Cascalho


Dreno Camada de Enchimento

P2 P1


Pormenor P1 - Volume Este

Ricardo Manuel dos Santos Pinto 4º Ano Turma B | Projecto IV | Professor Nuno Brandão Costa | 2010/11 | Centro do Conhecimento, Via Panorâmica



Pormenor P2 - Volume Oeste

constructive details Pormenores Construtivos | Escala 1/10 | 06

13 de Junho de 2011 | FAUP


Colective Houses



In this project was requested to project a development plan, and then to propose a set of collective houses. I proposed the creation of a serie of buildings, perpendicular to the road, leaving the car parking behind. Between the volumes i’ve created a colective green space. The internal distribution it’s done by an independt construction, symbolizing the transition between the outside and inside space and leave the ditribution gallery clear of any construction.


Alçado Oeste Escala 1|100

Planta piso rés-doEscala 1

Planta 1ª Escala 1

Ricardo Manuel dos Santos Pinto | 3º ano | Turma F | 3º exercicio - final | Folha 2 de 7

2009/10 FA

section Alçado Este Escala 1|100

Academic Project | Faculdade de Arquitectura, Portugal | 2010


22 informal

This Project locates itself in the Southest of Nea Kameni island. Thira island has amazing views, respected by its buildings. Nea Kameni being an uninhabited island with a few ports and amazing views became, in our point of view, an interesting place to develop the project that wants to be discreet and smooth in the landscape. The program takes advantage of this paradisiacal point and respects the location and the main characteristics of the territory, shaping the forms being half-burried and connected by irregular routes and always taking the most of the views. The main functions as wellness center, spa or conference room are located in the major buildings that connect the public to the private spaces.


Tourist Accommodation

Competition| Arquideas | Santorini, Greece | 2011 with Catarina Rodrigues and Maria Sousa


22 memory

This proposal has searched, more than a specific program, a good urban space. We propose the redesign of the street Monsenhor Soares Fonseca creating new public spaces. The form of the tanatorio creates also a new square, but private. This pivate courtyard, oriented to south, comunicates itself directly with multiple services, included in the building, such as cafeteria, florist and administrative services, which include simultaneously connections to the inner space of the Tanatorio. We established with this form different pathways with different qualities, interior-exterior, covered-uncovered, light shadow, around the central courtyard. In the internal space, the foyer is divided by vertical slats of wood, to create two type of spaces, one more public, associated with the atrium, and another, more private, related to the private patio. Our proposal therefore aimed the creation of reflection spaces that bring our memory to us.


Competition| Go! Architecture | Porto, Portugal | 2011


with Maria Sousa

GO 03 Memória Pretendemos com a nossa proposta organizar não só um programa com conteúdo específico como, simultaneamente, organizar o desenho do espaço urbano onde se insere. Redesenhamos a Rua do Monsenhor Fonseca Soares passando a circulação a fazer-se num único sentido N-S, inserindo desta forma 2 linhas de passeio até à Rua de Guerra Junqueiro. Com a pré-existência de árvores num dos lados do passeio desenhamos um passeio mais largo que se conecta com o nosso projecto. No encontro com o nosso volume proposto, este desmultiplicase em planos que abrem quer para a sua transversalidade quer para o novo largo criado onde se conectam os espaços de função social como a cafetaria, a florista e os serviços administrativos, que incluem simultaneamente conexões ao espaço interior do Tanatório. O volume é em forma de “U”, orientado a Sul, que cria um espaço privado. Tendo em conta a projectação de um Tanatório, pareceu-nos importante estabelecer, com o desenho arquitetónico, a criação de percursos de diferentes qualidades, interior-exterior, coberto-descoberto, luz-sombra, em torno de um pátio central. O pátio central é enriquecido com a existência de espaços ajardinados e com árvores que formam uma barreira ao ruído urbano.

A organização interna desenvolve-se a partir de diversos pontos de fuga que apelam ao infinito. O foyer é divido internamente por um ripado de madeira vertical, que forma assim um espaço de carácter mais público, associado ao átrio, e outro, mais privado, de recolha, relacionado com o pátio privado. É em torno deste pátio central que se desenha um claustro de três lados que conecta todos os espaços do edifício. A nossa proposta pretende assim criar espaços de interioridade e reflexão que nos remetem para a nossa memória.

Implantação | Escala 1/1000





1. Átrio 2. Recepção 3. Gabinete da Recepção 4. Gabinete Administrativo 5. Florista 6. Cafetaria 7. Ante-câmara 8. Sala de Velório 9. W.C. 10. Galeria/Foyer 11. Sala de Repouso 12. Acesso Piso Técnico Tanatopraxia 13. Sala de Espera 14. Sala de Entrega das Cinzas 15. Sala de Despedida / Capela



11 12












Planta | Escala 1/200






Corte AA' | Escala 1/200


Alçado BB' | Escala 1/200

24 bamboo

The idea of using bamboo in the design of this temporary bar was sustained by their potential in terms of lighting, reuse, low cost price, and also allows an easy construction of the proposal. Bamboo is a reusable material, and you can use it to build furniture and storage spaces, using thereby an innovative material with multiple capabilities. In this propose, we try to take advantage of the light and the minimalistic interior space. Related to the lightning, the use of the ligh through bamboo canes allows to get excellent results, creating thin vertical slits of light, quite unique, that transform this project in an icone.

Temporary Bar

Competition| AEFAUP | Porto, Portugal | 2011 with Maria Sousa






Traveling Prague














travel is like a passion

29 Leon




and a way to improve our knowledge






Weil an Rhein





RICARDO PINTO Š oporto, portugal 00351 914553129 arquiteto.ricardopinto@gmail.com www.rmspinto.weebly.com

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