RiAus PDplus Notes: Australian Year of the Farmer

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Year of the Farmer

RiAus PDplus Teacher Notes are an initiative of RiAus, designed to help Year 7-9 teachers engage and involve their students. See the RiAus website for further details and footage. www.riaus.org.au

Other RiAus PDplus Teacher Notes

Food Security, Synthetic Biology, The Square Kilometre Array and The World Solar Challenge. These PDplus Teacher Notes are available on the RiAus website: http://riaus.org.au/programs/our-projects/riaus-pdplus

How to use the guide The notes offer both variety and flexibility of use for the differentiated classroom. Teachers and students can choose to use all or any of the five sections – although it is recommended to use them in sequence, and all or a few of the activities within each section.



ou rc Created by Jane Lewis Editor Karen McGhee Designer Robert Ricov Editor-in-Chief Wilson da Silva Publisher Kylie Ahern


Introduction to the guide

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About the guide

The RiAus PDplus Teacher Notes publication is produced by COSMOS magazine for the Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus). This resource is made possible thanks to support from:

© 2012 COSMOS Media Pty Ltd, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner or form for commercial purposes or outside of an educational setting. COSMOS, The Science of Everything™ is protected by trademarks in Australia and the USA. This guide was first published on 27 July 2012.

The ‘FIVE Es’ Model The guide will employ the ‘Five Es’ instructional model designed by Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, an educational research group in Colorado. It has been found to be extremely effective in engaging students in learning science and technology. It follows a constructivist or inquiry-based approach to learning, in which students build new ideas on top of the information they have acquired through previous experience. Its components are:

Engage Students are asked to make connections between past and present learning experiences and become fully engaged in the topic to be learned. Explore Students actively explore the concept or topic being taught. It is an informal process where the students should have fun manipulating ideas or equipment and discovering things about the topic.

Explain This is a more formal phase where the theory behind the concept is taught. Terms are defined and explanations given to models and theories. Elaborate Students develop a deeper understanding of sections of the topic. Evaluate Teacher and students evaluate what they have learned in each section.

USEFUL WEBSITES Australian Year of the Farmer: yearofthefarmer.com.au National Farmers’ Federation: nff.org.au Primezone: primezone.edu.au/school-resources/all-school-resources.html Sustainable agriculture: unesco.org/education/tlsf/mods/theme_c/mod15 RiAus PDplus: Food security: riaus.org.au/programs-and-events/riaus-pd-foodsecurity-%e2%80%94-how-will-we-feed-a-growing-global-population

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer




Farming… Today and into the future Farming has been important to our everyday lives for thousands of years. And as the Earth’s human population continues to spiral upwards, it’s becoming more crucial than ever before. Farming provides the food on our plates, the beverages we drink, the clothes on our backs and the timber in our houses. In Australia, we ‘lived off the sheep’s back’ for many years, relying heavily on our wool industry for economic stability. While still, of course, important to the economy, farming today looks very different to how it did in the past. Farmers work with a range of different crops and livestock, use less land, and rely more on cutting-edge technologies. But while today’s farmers are producing more than ever before, it may not be enough. Projected demand for food shows that production will need to double by 2050. The changes the agriculture industry must make to meet this challenge will be enormous. Will we even recognise farming 50 years from now?

What is farming? In simple terms, farming is growing crops and raising livestock. More specifically, it covers the raising of pigs for meat; chickens for meat and eggs; cattle for meat and milk; sheep for meat and wool; the growing of horticultural products, such as fruit, vegetables, flowers, shrubs and trees; and the growing of grains such as barley, rice, wheat and oats. It also includes farming-related services, such as shearing, fruit picking, fertilising and pest control. Agricultural products can be generally grouped as foods, fibres, fuels or raw materials. In Australia, beef and lamb are among our leading agricultural commodities, along with cotton, sugar, fruits (including grapes for wine), dairy, wool and eggs. In other countries, farmers produce countless other plant and animal products. What farmers do in the course of their work is determined by what they produce. Those who handle livestock may be doing anything from fencing to drenching and from milking to droving, while those who grow crops may be sowing, harvesting, fertilising or irrigating.

Timeline 12,000 to 8000 BC – The ‘Neolithic revolution’ begins: humans move from hunting and gathering to growing their own food. This is thought to have first happened in an area of what is now the Middle East called the ‘Fertile Crescent’. Domestic wheat, barley, chickpeas, peas, beans, flax and bitter vetch were grown, and the sheep and goat were domesticated.

600 BC – Simple irrigation systems are developed in Europe.

500 BC

– The iron plough is invented in China.

1700s – The ‘Agricultural Revolution’ begins in England. Higher-yielding land and crops, better tools and machinery, and selective breeding increase productivity, ending the cycle of famines.

1866 – Gregor Mendel publishes his paper describing Mendelian inheritance. This work paved the way for improving crops through genetics.

1940s – The ‘green revolution’ iSTOCKPHOTO

begins, boosting agricultural production worldwide, largely through artificial fertilisers and

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



Backgrounder Farmers are multi-skilled, and need to understand not only the land and the commodities they produce, but also marketing, sales and money management.

pesticides, high-yielding grain varieties and better irrigation.

While today’s farmers still have plenty of manual work to do, they are increasingly spending their time in front of computers. Farming has become ‘high-tech’, with computers routinely used for everything from climate modelling, to irrigation monitoring, to guiding the steering of farm equipment. Like other small-business owners, farmers also use computer applications to keep records – such as budgets, inventories and animal health forms.

– China creates the first high-yield hybrid rice, which has since benefited tens of millions around the world.

How has farming changed over the years?

1986 – The first GM crop is

With an increasing focus on producing a small number of high-yielding species, there has been a loss of biodiversity in agriculture over time. Of an estimated 30,000 edible species of plants, 60% of the world’s calories are provided by just three: wheat, rice and corn. This small selection of staple species is most often grown as monocultures. There has also been a loss of genetic diversity in animal species. Since the mid-20th century, a few high-performance breeds of cattle, pigs and chickens have spread throughout the world, crowding out traditional breeds. In recent years, the development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) has led to crops being genetically manipulated for specific purposes – for example, to make them resistant to pesticides, or to delay ripening, or increase their nutritional value. GM foods, as these are referred to, have created significant controversy. While some believe they offer huge advantages over traditional crops and may hold the key to feeding the world’s growing population, others are concerned about the safety and ethical implications of this technology. Modern-day farmers are generally regarded as having a better understanding of the impact of agriculture on the environment (including the effects on native species, local ecosystems and natural cycles such as the water cycle) than farmers of the past. They are more aware of their responsibility to manage the land sustainably for future generations.

grown in the U.S. – a GM virusresistant tobacco plant.

1990 – The first GM food


Until the Industrial Revolution (in the late 18th century), the vast majority of people were farmers, tending the crops and animals they and their families needed to survive. The development of world markets and mechanisation and other advances led to a shift from subsistence farming to growing excess to sell for profit. The emphasis ever since has been on increased productivity. Improvements in agricultural techniques and technologies, such as the development of synthetic fertilisers and irrigation, have led to huge changes in the amount and type of products that can be produced.


products, an enzyme for cheese production and a yeast for baking, are approved (U.S. and U.K.), and the first GM dairy cow is created for the production of human milk proteins for infant formula.

1994 – The first GM food goes on sale in the U.S. – a tomato with an extended shelf life. (The following year, Biotech company Monsanto introduces the herbicide-resistant soybean, called ‘Roundup ready’.)


– Most state governments in Australia place moratoria (legal suspensions) on growing GM canola in response to consumer concerns, despite regulatory approval being granted. (GM canola subsequently approved for commercial release in NSW in 2008).

2009 – Genetically modified crops are grown on an estimated 134 million hectares of farmland worldwide.

Farming in the future The key challenge for farming in the future is how to produce more from less. While demand for agricultural products is growing along with the human population, there is less land available for farming.

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



The changes we will see in response to these challenges are likely to include more urban-based primary production, using concepts such as ‘vertical farming’. This involves growing plants hydroponically (in high-nutrient solutions) and stacking layers on top of one another so space, light and water can be used more efficiently.


Backgrounder We are also likely to see the production of more GM agricultural products. Within the next 20 years, a second generation of GM crops is expected to offer food with benefits such as increased nutritional content and lower fat and oil levels. Later-generation GM crops may have properties such as salt tolerance and drought resistance.


Important environmental issues facing farming today include climate change, soil salinity and acidity, and limited water supplies. Climate change in particular is a huge concern, as crops won’t be able to keep pace with the unnatural changes in growing conditions, and will be faced with a range of new pests and diseases that spread in their distribution. All these issues will have an impact on how farming is carried out in the future. For example, crops may need to be shifted to more suitable zones, or genetically manipulated to better suit local conditions. Attracting enough professionals to ensure the future viability of the agricultural industry is another important issue. In Australia, the average age of workers in agriculture is significantly higher than that for other industries, and there is a general shortage of Australians willing to take up farming careers. Educating school students about employment options offered by the agriculture industry is key to addressing these concerns for the future.

Australian Year of the Farmer 2012 is the Australian Year of the Farmer – a celebration of the vital role farmers play in feeding, clothing and sheltering us. Australia is now a very urbanised nation, and many people living in cities have lost touch with how the food and fibres they use on a daily basis are produced. The Year of the Farmer is an important opportunity to increase public awareness of farming, and dispel some of the misconceptions they may have about modern agriculture.

Fast facts: Agriculture in Australia

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



1. More than 60% of Australia’s land mass is managed by Australian farmers. 2. There are about 134,000 farm businesses in Australia. 3. More than 90% of Australia’s daily domestic food supply is produced by our farmers. 4. Each Australian farmer produces enough food to feed 600 people (60 million people, combined). 5. A ustralian farm exports contribute $32 billion to the Australian economy. 6. The top eight agricultural exports for Australia are wheat, beef and veal, wool, wine, dairy, sugar, barley and lamb. 7. There are more than 300,000 people employed in Australian agriculture (1.6 million, if you include affiliated industries). 8. Agriculture contributes about 12% to Australia’s GDP ($155 billion). 9. Since 1960, Australian farmers have tripled their production. 10. About $1.5 billion is spent each year on agricultural research in Australia.


Profile: Tim March Job: Crop Scientist Location: Adelaide, South Australia Institution: University of Adelaide

University of Adelaide

Careers, industry and courses

Crop scientist Tim March is working to increase the resistance of Australian grains to things like drought and disease, in order to produce higher yields.

TO FEED 9.3 BILLION people by the middle of this century, it’s estimated that global food production will need to be raised by about 70%. Crop scientists such as Tim March are taking up the challenge at a grassroots level. March is currently working at the University of Adelaide to increase the resistance of Australian grain crops to frost, drought, salinity and disease, thereby increasing crop yields.“The aim of this research is to mix up the varieties and use genetics to modify the plants so that the offspring is an improvement on the parents,” March says. “Eventually, the goal is to have crops that are highly resistant to certain problems [such as drought].” The field of plant genomics is dedicated to understanding the genetics of crops and how certain genes affect plants. Researchers analyse the genetic variances of different families of plants and create DNA markers to track particular genes of interest. When these plants are bred, they can see how that particular gene reacts and performs. “One of the best things about this field is that it’s very applied and the research is directly linked to agriculture,”

March says, “so we [researchers] can directly see the fruits of our labours and it’s very satisfying. Growing up in a small farming town in South Australia, March developed a keen interest in agricultural science. After doing postdoctoral research at Martin Luther University in Halle Wittenberg, Germany, on the genetics of drought stress and tolerance, he returned to Australia to continue his research on frost tolerance in barley grains. The diversity of the research is one of the most appealing aspects of crop science, says March. “You can really mix it up so that one day you’re in the field and the next you’re in the lab analysing results.” “Plant genomics is moving forward at a very rapid pace,” he adds, “which leads to a whole new range of plant genetics and agricultural research.” If you’re interested in crop science, March advises contacting someone in the field and arranging some work experience. “Since there’s a whole range of skills you can use, from molecular biology to chemistry, you’re bound to find something you like.” – Oliver Chan

“We can directly see the fruits of our labours and it’s very satisfying.”

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



Engage [Task] Stranded! Imagine you and your classmates are stranded on an uninhabited island far away, with no way of ever getting off. You set up camp near a big grassland, scattered with a few trees. You could try to hunt to survive, but that’s a lot of pressure to be under every day of the year. Thinking long term, you decide to domesticate a local animal species to use for food. The candidates are wild pigs, dogs, cows or deer.

1. Get into four teams. Each team will be given one of the candidate species to investigate. 2. Draw up a table with your team. The row headings will be each of the four animals you are choosing from. The column headings will be:

a) What will it eat? b) Will it provide a good quantity of meat? c) Will it provide good a quantity (and quality) of milk? d) Can it be moved about in a controlled way? 3. In your group, spend 5–10 minutes filling in the row of the table that relates to your candidate species (include explanations for your answers – as much as will fit).

4. Once finished, each group will read out what they wrote. Record all the answers on your own table, so it is complete. 5. As a class, discuss the information in the table, then take a class vote on which species you are going to try to domesticate. (Which species will be the easiest to farm and provide the most food?) You may also like to discuss the idea of vegetarianism – might it be possible to survive on the island without eating any animals?

6. Move on to a discussion about the choices our ancestors made, which species they farmed and why, and how this has shaped agriculture today.

(Based on an activity at: pbs.org/wnet/nature/lessons/the-perfect-cow/activities/1535)

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer





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Teacher’s information

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Explore (teacher’s page)

The aim of the Explore section is for students to investigate some of the ideas around agriculture. It is intended that the students make their own discoveries as they work around the stations in the room.


Materials needed

Making news

Recent local news articles to supplement the articles provided (optional)

Virtual farm visit

A computer to access these webpages: youtube.com/watch?v=xp5RNsMI7-A&feature=related youtube.com/watch?v=8I1akZTTy-0 youtube.com/watch?v=Kl85D1z_pIg youtube.com/watch?v=1ZzFFceULYI&feature=bf_prev&list=PL9AEA4F445F1425CC

Selective breeding

A coin for tossing

Food and the future

A computer to access this website: www.france24.com/en/20110924-alternatives-to-meat

What are you eating?

A selection of about six common food packages (with the food still inside, if practical), such as breakfast cereal (e.g. rice bubbles, cornflakes), bread, yoghurt or cheese, biscuits or crackers, pasta, custard, ice cream, cooking oil.

Australian Year of the Farmer

A computer to access this website: yearofthefarmer.com.au

Food for thought

A selection of fruit (e.g. different apple varieties, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, rockmelon, orange, mandarin, nectarine, cherries, fig, peach, pear, plum, persimmon) A printout of a food chart showing when fruits are in season (e.g. seasonalfoodguide.com)

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



Explore (student activities) Station: Making news [Task] Read the news story provided and answer the questions that follow. Cultural cringe: schoolchildren can’t see the yoghurt for the trees Sydney Morning Herald, 5 March 2012 Three-quarters of Australian children in their final year of primary school believe cotton socks come from animals and 27 per cent are convinced yoghurt grows on trees. A national survey of year 6 and 10 students by the Australian Council for Educational Research found yawning gaps in young people’s knowledge of basic food origins. In a hypothetical lunch box of bread, cheese and a banana, only 45 per cent in year 6 could identify all three as from farms. More than 40 per cent in year 10 thought cotton came from an animal and more than a quarter of their younger peers believed yoghurt came from plants. In year 10, 13 per cent identified yoghurt as a plant product. The Primary Industries Education Foundation, which commissioned the research to be released today, said the findings were a ‘’wake-up’’ call. ‘’We’re a very urbanised nation,’’ said the foundation’s chairman, Cameron Archer. ‘’Food is relatively cheap. Everyone takes it for granted and we’re quite complacent about our well-being.’’ Dr Archer, who is the principal of Tocal agricultural college, near Maitland, said he was surprised at the ignorance of some pupils. ‘’I was surprised that some of these very, very basic relationships weren’t understood,’’ he said. ‘’It’s fascinating you can have a big bale of hay one day and then milk to produce a few thousand lattes the next day.’’ Dr Archer said it was incumbent on the agricultural industry to improve young Australians’ knowledge of farming and its products, and a national curriculum provided a good opportunity to increase awareness. In total, 900 rural and urban students were surveyed from 61 schools across the states over almost four months to last October. There were no participants from the ACT or the Northern Territory but 22 primary teachers and 31 secondary teachers took part. The survey found most children believed timber was mostly harvested from native forests and about a third thought wildlife could not survive on farmed land. But more than half of the year 6 students had been involved in a school vegetable garden and 16 per cent had visited or stayed at a farm through their school. The Sydney Food Fairness Alliance, a coalition of producers, food security experts, gardeners, health workers and nutritionists, said children should understand how far their food travelled, how it was produced, and the value of farmers and farmland in society. ‘’The end result of being so separated from our food is that we really devalue our farmers,’’ the president of the alliance, Liz Millen, said. ‘’We tend to think that we’ve got an endless supply [of food],’’ she said.

Questions: 1. Did anything in this article surprise you? Explain your answer. 2. Do you think people should know more about where the food they eat comes from, and how it is produced? Why/why not?

3. How would you rate your own knowledge about the food you eat: low, medium or high? (Do you think you know enough? Would you like to know more?)

4. Have you ever been on a farm, to see how food is produced? (If so, briefly describe your experience.)

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



Explore (student activities) Station: Virtual farm visit [Task] Choose one of the following farms to visit online (or more if you have time), then answer the questions that follow. n A pig farm in Queensland – youtube.com/watch?v=xp5RNsMI7-A&feature=related (8:11 min) n An organic beef farm in Queensland – youtube.com/watch?v=8I1akZTTy-0 (9:15 min) n A dairy farm in the U.S. youtube.com/watch?v=Kl85D1z_pIg (4:56 min) n A vegetable farm in Canada – youtube.com/watch?v=1ZzFFceULYI&feature=bf_prev&list=PL9AEA4F445F1425CC (set of four videos totalling about 5 min)

1. What did you learn from watching the video(s) that you didn’t know before? List at least three things. 2. Write down at least one question you have about farming, after watching the video(s).


3. Would you like to be a farmer? Describe your thoughts and feelings about this type of work.

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



Explore (student activities) Station: Selective breeding [Task] Domesticated animal and plant species have been bred over hundreds of years to display certain desirable characteristics (e.g. dairy cows have been bred for maximum milk production). Follow the instructions below to explore the concept of ‘selective breeding’ (also called ‘artificial selection’), using dogs as an example. 1. Your group’s task: You are a dog breeding company. You have been contacted by a biologist who wants you to breed dogs that can be used to find and retrieve water birds, without harming them, so the birds can be tagged and released.

2. Using the information below, choose which features you want the new dog breed to have. In your workbook, write down the features your group has decided are important and why.

a) Physical traits:

Smell (above average; average; below average; any) Sight (above average; average; below average; any) Hearing (above average; average; below average; any) Speed (above average; average; below average; any) Hair colour (very dark; average; very light; any) Hair length (long; average; short; any)

b) Behavioural traits:

Trainability (high; average; low; any) Character (vicious; friendly; docile; any) Bark (very loud; average; quiet; any)

3. Now examine the table below showing some different dog breeds, and choose which two breeds you will mate together. In your workbook, write down your choice, and the reason (which two traits do you want your new breed to inherit?).


Breed A ‘shaggy’

Breed B ‘woofer’

Breed C ‘dynamo’

Breed D ‘snowy’

Breed E ‘stayer’

Breed F ‘sooty’


above average


above average

below average


above average





above average


above average


above average



above average

above average




above average

above average

above average

below average



below average


above average


above average

below average


above average

above average


below average


below average

Hair colour







Hair length























very loud



very loud


1. Decide which breed the mother will be, and which breed the father will be. Record your choice. 2. Your breeding pair will produce three puppies. Each puppy may inherit features (traits) from the mother or from the father. This will be determined by the flip of a coin: Heads = the mother’s trait; Tails = the father’s.

3. Work your way through the table of traits, tossing the coin three times (once for each puppy). Using a table like the one on

the next page, record your results in your workbook. (For example, if you first toss ‘heads’ for smell, that means Puppy 1 will inherit his/her mother’s sense of smell. If the mother was Breed A, write ‘above average’ in the smell column for Puppy 1.)

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



Explore (student activities) Puppy 1

Puppy 2

Puppy 3

Smell Sight Hearing Speed Endurance Strength Hair colour Hair length Trainability Character Bark

1. Which of the puppies do you think will be best suited to the purpose it was bred for? Are any of them perfect candidates? (You’ll be lucky if any are – genetics involves a degree of randomness).

2. If you were to do another round of breeding to produce a second generation, which pups would you select to be the parents? Why?


(Based on an activity at ucmp.berkeley.edu/education/lessons/breeding_dogs)

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



Explore (student activities) Station: Food and the future [Task] Will the kind of food we eat, and the way it is produced, always stay the same? How might food and farming be different in the future? 1. Go to www.france24.com/en/20110924-alternatives-to-meat 2. Click on ‘Eco-friendly alternatives to eating meat’ and watch the video (10:53 mins). 3. Answer these questions: a) What are some of the alternatives being considered to traditional ways of growing and eating meat? b) Why do you think these alternatives are being explored? What advantages do they offer? c) How likely do you think it is that these alternatives will become standard in the future? Why/why not?

Station: What are you eating? [Task] Examine the samples of food packaging provided. 1. Use the information on the packages and your own knowledge to fill in the table provided. Name of food

Main ingredient (usually listed first)

Plant or animal source? (name the species/type)

From a farm? What type?

e.g. Weetbix

e.g. wheat

e.g. plant (wheat)

e.g. wheat farm

2. Did anything you read on the packages surprise you? If so, what? 3. Have you ever thought about where the ingredients in the foods you eat come from before? Why/why not? 4. Do you think it is important to know what you are eating, and where it comes from? Why/why not?

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



Explore (student activities) Station: Australian Year of the Farmer [Task] 2012 is Australian Year of the Farmer. Visit yearofthefarmer.com.au to find out what the Year is all about, and how it is relevant to you and your life. 1. What is the aim of the Australian Year of the Farmer? 2. Go to ‘Our Videos’ and listen to what some of Australia’s farmers have to say. (Try these ones: Rob O’Conner, Kevin Mitchell, Robert Ruwoldt.)

3. What did you think was the most interesting thing that the farmer(s) said? 4. What is your opinion about the Year? Do you think it is a good idea? Why/why not?

Station: Food for thought

[Task] Do you eat the same fruit all year round? Or does it depend on the time of year? Find out when different types of fruit are in season – and, therefore, are freshest to eat. 1. Look at the samples of fruit provided, and check each fruit against the food chart provided. 2. In your workbook, draw up a table that shows when each of the types of fruit are in season – for example, make a column for each of season (or month), and a row for each of the fruits. Highlight the fruits that are in season now.

3. Answer these questions in your workbook: a) What does it mean to say that a fruit is ‘in season’? b) What difference does it make to the consumer whether a fruit is in season or not? c) How is it possible that fruit that is not in season is still available in our shops? d) How much of the fruit you eat do you think is grown locally (in your state? In Australia?). Give some examples of fruits you think might come from other states or countries.

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



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Student exercises based on articles about agriculture.



about the guide Explain (introduction)

Student literacy activities In this section, we ask students to read articles about agriculture, then follow up with discussion topics and activities tailored to the articles, including: n Brainstorm n Glossary n Comprehension n Summarising At the end of the articles, there is a Questioning Toolkit, where students write down some of their own ideas and opinions. Articles

1. The future of food

Your great-grandkids may eat their greens, but also a carte du jour of lab-grown meat, GM crops and insect-derived proteins. cosmosmagazine.com/node/5054/full

2. Greenpeace destroys CSIRO wheat GM trial

Greenpeace protestors gain illegal entry into CSIRO and destroy a crop of genetically modified (GM) wheat. www.cosmosmagazine.com/node/4522

3. Report fails to acknowledge crucial role of farmers

Australia’s farmers deserve fairer treatment, says the National Farmer’s Federation. theland.farmonline.com.au/news/nationalrural/agribusiness-and-general/political/report-fails-to-acknowledge-crucialrole-of-farmers/2459000.aspx?storypage=1

[Task] Read these articles and compete the activities that follow.

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



about the guide Explain (article one)

The future of food


Your great-grandkids may eat their greens, but also a carte du jour of lab-grown meat, GM crops and insect-derived proteins.


roadbalk field at Rothamsted Research, north of London, is the world’s oldest agricultural research centre. Scientists have tracked Broadbalk’s wheat through 150 years of drought, flood, harsh winters and fine summers. The centre’s history is prolific with fundamental agricultural inventions: inorganic fertiliser and the world’s most widely used herbicide – 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) – have their roots here. Rothamsted is a hotbed of research on the critical question of how to feed the planet. Maurice Moloney, the centre’s director, explains to me that one particular chemical reaction uses 1–2% of all the energy produced in the world every year. It’s called the Haber–Bosch process, a way of pulling nitrogen out of the air to make ammonia, which fertilises fields all over the world. That energy directly increases crop yields and feeds a third of the population. It also contributes enormously to environmental pollution through run-off into rivers and greenhouse gas emissions associated with its production. Some plants, including a family called legumes, have an inbuilt capacity to meet their nitrogen needs. Peas, clover and lentils can all source their own fertiliser by exploiting a symbiotic relationship with bacteria on their roots, that pull in nitrogen in a process known as fixing. “The question for us is whether it’s possible to mobilise the mechanisms of nitrogen fixation into crop plants,” Moloney says. “It’s a bit of a Holy Grail and we’re looking at a long-term research effort which will yield results before we get into the doomsday scenario of 2050, where we have nine billion people and not enough food.” Agricultural scientists are also beginning to develop crops that directly benefit consumer health as well as the farmer, says Moloney. “There is one deficiency prevalent in [the diets of] the West – longchain omega-3 fatty acids. The human body evolved close to the sea and there was a lot of fish in our diet. Nutritionally, we still have that necessity,” he says. Omega-3 improves brain development, cardiovascular health and memory, but it isn’t made directly by fish,

Moloney explains. Instead, it comes from the algae they eat. “We’ve gone to marine algae and cloned the genes associated with making omega-3, then mobilised those into oilseeds like linseed and canola – typical constituents of the oils we use for cooking,” says Moloney. The United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) estimates there are almost one billion malnourished people in the world today. They, and many of the extra two billion people who will live on the planet by 2050, are likely to care little about omega-3 in the face of the basic need for calories. But Moloney says the calorie shortfall problem can be addressed too, by providing simple systems based on analysis of plant behaviour rather than expensive technologies. Push-Pull is an exciting example. It’s a pest control system, co-developed by Rothamsted and the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology. It’s designed to prevent damage caused to crops in eastern and southern Africa by corn borers – agricultural insect pests – and Striga, a parasitic plant genus. Moloney says the Push-Pull system works by growing complementary sets of plants alongside the main crop. “[One crop] releases a deterrent chemical which pushes the corn borers away. [The other crop] attracts them, but once they land on it, they aren’t able to get sufficient nutrients, so they die off. It gets the corn borers off the corn.” Yields on demonstration plots in Africa have doubled, Moloney continues. The co-crops are self-propagating, so the farmer only needs to purchase seeds once. One of the co-crops is also nitrogen fixing, meaning farmers can save on fertiliser. “It’s a very clever system, based on hi-tech, but converted into something that anybody could use,” Moloney says. Much of the increased yield delivered by plant science gets swallowed by livestock... literally. In pursuit of maximised yields, intensive farming stacks animals and feeds them precise amounts of food at optimum times. This practice helps fulfil the global demand for meat, but requires huge amounts of water and feed. One small group of scientists is aiming to mass-produce meat without fields of feed that stretch to the horizon or require the 50,000–100,000 litres of water it takes to raise 1kg of beef. Mark Post, vice dean of biomedical technology at Maastricht University, in the Netherlands, says that no matter how advanced traditional livestock farming gets it will always have one fundamental drawback: “You still have to work with the relatively inefficient system called a cow.” Post is trying, along with a loosely gathered team of scientists worldwide, to take meat production out of fields and abattoirs and into the lab. This isn’t merely an academic exercise: cultured, or in vitro, meat is made by growing muscle cells, either on a bioscaffold or in a self-supporting chunk. If cultured meat did replace conventional livestock, the amounts of energy, greenhouse gas emissions and land saved would be vast. “I think it will be a viable food for humans,” Post says. “We still have to address a number of issues, but I believe this is going to happen and eventually even >> replace the current meat industry,” he says.

The United Nations estimates there are one billion malnourished people in the world today.

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



about the guide Explain (article one) While researchers at Rothamsted are developing pest-resistant crops that could lead to reduced chemical use and healthier biospheres, another order of scientists believes those pests are among the best food sources available. University of Oxford professor George McGavin says insects are the perfect food for humans. “Insects are probably the ideal food for hominids in terms of protein, carbohydrates, fats – they contain thiamine, niacin, calcium and all kinds of things that we need. That’s what we evolved eating – fruits, berries and bugs.” McGavin says. Getting our protein from insects would not only be better for us, it would be better for our planet. A lifecycle analysis conducted by scientists in the Netherlands showed that insects produce significantly less greenhouse gases and nitrous oxide than conventional livestock, per kilogram of mass gained. Promoting insect consumption in the developing world where they are already eaten could also help fill the growing demand for proteinrich food. “Large numbers of humans already derive their major food input from insects,” McGavin says. I ask him if he thinks there is potential to farm insects on an industrial scale. “Yes I do. Absolutely. We’re at seven billion people, heading for eight or nine. We can’t feed the world on beef, yet our cultural food habits are so ingrained that we’d ‘die’ before we’d eat worms.” McGavin sees insects as a key component in providing food for the future. “If we’re not prepared to cull ourselves or reduce our numbers, we’re going to have to find new and innovative ways of feeding ourselves. That may well be a completely new approach to farming, one element of which must be insects as food.” Food production needs to jump in capacity by 70% by 2050 to feed two billion extra mouths, according to the FAO. One way of growing more food is to use more land and Dickson Despommier, a microbiology professor at Columbia University, in New York City, believes this is the answer. What’s unusual is that he thinks we should do this by building vertically, not horizontally, using space within and on skyscrapers and other urban and city constructions.

His idea – the vertical farm – has gone viral, attracting huge amounts of interest and enthusiasm as well as a rainbow of criticism, mainly focussed on the energetic requirements of such a setup. “There’s a Dutch group now that claims that by growing crops with LEDs indoors, not using any natural light at all, they get a growth rate three times what can be achieved outdoors,” Despommier says. The group, called PlantLab, has embraced the concept of growing food indoors, using multiple layers in a closed environment. Their entire operation is built around LED bulbs that allow them to deliver only the specific wavelengths of light their crops need, preventing the rest of the spectrum from being wasted. Jason Matheny, the founder of research organisation New Harvest, says cultured meat would easily fit into the vertical farm model: “Given the reduced land requirements, one could imagine cultured meat being produced in vertical farms. The facilities and raw ingredients, such as algae, could be organised in tall buildings. There would be no need for cropland or pasture. That land could be converted back [for] wildlife.” Rothamsted’s Moloney has another arrow to add to the vertical farm quiver – increasing the photosynthetic efficiency of arable crops. Typical food crops convert just 2% of their incident light into biomass but, Moloney says, corn and sugar cane have a mechanism by which they convert 8%, four times higher than the main arable crops. “We’re now learning enough about [corn and sugar cane] at the genetic level to actually have a chance of engineering other crop plants to do something similar,” Moloney says. Better photosynthetic efficiency would mean staple crops could grow in less light. Combined with energy efficient LEDs, vertical farms could pump out food at unprecedented rates. No stone can be left unturned in the search for the future of food, because today one billion people and counting are hungry. – Hal Hodson

Getting our protein from insects would not only be better for us, it would be better for our planet.



RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



about the guide Explain (article one) Brainstorming [Task] Brainstorm the topic ‘the future of food’ by creating a mind map. Remember to show how different words or terms you include in your mind map are connected. Terms you might like to include are: Agriculture, lab-grown meat, insect protein, vertical farming, photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, livestock , pest control, consumer health, genes

Glossary [Task] Define some of the scientific terms used in the article using the table provided. Term




inorganic fertiliser

crop yields

nitrogen fixation




lifecycle analysis

vertical farm

cultured meat

photosynthetic efficiency

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



about the guide Explain (article one) Summarising [Task] Answer the following questions relating to the article. 1. What agricultural research is being done to meet the world’s growing food needs? Fill in the table below to show three projects being worked on, and what they are aiming to achieve. Project


2. Explain why scientists are trying to find ways that crop plants can be made to fix their own nitrogen. 3. What problems are associated with the way meat is currently produced, and what are scientists doing to try to solve these problems?

4. List the benefits of farming insects as a source of food. 5. What could better photosynthetic efficiency, energy-efficient LEDs and vertical farming combine to achieve?

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



about the guide Explain (article two)

Greenpeace destroys CSIRO wheat GM trial SYDNEY: In the early hours of July 14 2011, Greenpeace protestors gained illegal entry into an experimental CSIRO operated farm near Canberra and destroyed a crop of genetically modified (GM) wheat.


ustralia’s national science organisation had been growing GM wheat at its Ginninderra Experiment Station, and was recently granted approval by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR), a government oversight agency, to begin human trials. “Human trials were expected to begin sometime in the next few months to a year,” said Jeremy Burdon, chief of the division of Plant Industry at CSIRO. “The worst-case scenario now is that the [field] trial will have to be abandoned and resumed some time next year.” The wheat’s genetic make-up has been altered to improve its nutritional value, said Burdon. Modifying the level of resistant starch could affect where the digestive process takes place in the gut, and could have health benefits for obesity and bowel cancer. Greenpeace films destruction Wearing white Hazmat suits with the Greenpeace brand down each arm, the protestors used weed trimmers to mow down the GM crops housed in the CSIRO compound and filmed the act. Greenpeace is citing fears that GM wheat crops are unsafe for human consumption and could spread unabated, contaminating Australia’s bulk wheat supply, as the reason for their action. The protestors created what Greenpeace calls “a decontamination area” to dispose of the crops. “The EU, Russia, and even North America have rejected GM wheat because it hasn’t been proven safe to eat,” says Laura Kelly, food and farming campaign head for Greenpeace Australia Pacific. Kelly also claimed that the CSIRO “is in bed with foreign biotech companies”, which she said stand to make billions of dollars by attaching patents to Australian wheat. She said this affiliation is compromising their research direction and adherence to safety regulations.

Australian regulation is stringent According to Burdon, however, CSIRO would not proceed with any project it wasn’t entirely certain about. “We’ve been down this road in the past, where we had a program around modifying legumes,” he said. “That had a problem with activating some allergies in mice and we canned it – it didn’t go any further.” CSIRO takes very seriously its safety responsibility, he said, noting OGTR regulations are strict and the CSIRO has carefully abided by all protocol as it’s moved through animal trials with its GM wheat. Internationally, Australia has some of the most stringent guidelines and regulations surrounding GM work, agrees Andrew Jacobs, a genetic engineer with the University of Adelaide’s Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics (ACPFG). “The process to get to field trials is longwinded and rigorous… If there was a significant concern, that sort of thing would get picked up well before human trials,” said Jacobs. “Wheat and barley are some of the most advanced GM plants in Australia. The ones proposed for field trials have probably been grown and monitored in a controlled environment for the past 10 years.”

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer

Delay research without sabotage The attack has frustrated researchers involved in the trials. “There are enough natural postponements such as drought that delay this kind of biological research without adding to them,” said Burdon. “As far as we’re concerned this is an outrageous incident,” said Michael Gilbert, ACPFG general manager. “There’s no evidence that any of their claims are founded.” Jacobs agrees: “A single gene in the background of a plant is not going to have an effect on overall quality of the grain in terms of any health concerns. And the notion that these crops will out-grow or out-compete other species of wheat and barley is completely false.” The Australian Academy of Science also condemned the crop destruction. “For an organisation that claims to be dedicated to the protection of the environment, this is an unconscionable act,” said the academy president Suzanne Cory. “This kind of mindless vandalism against science is completely unacceptable.” No discussions Greenpeace released a report recently called Australia’s Wheat Scandal: The Biotech Takeover of our Daily Bread, in which they cite their concerns over GM wheat. “I’ve read through it and I’m amazed at the number of errors within it,” said Jacobs. “I find it very disconcerting and frustrating that they’re putting this kind of information out into the public sphere.” After learning about the organisation’s concerns, the ACPFG invited Greenpeace representatives to discuss the issues raised in greater detail, but according to Gilbert they’ve declined: “The invitation is always open. I communicated with them after the report that there were a lot of problems... a report is one thing, but trespassing and [sabotaging a] field trial... is a criminal activity.” Responsibility claimed, now what? Greenpeace has claimed responsibility for the sabotage and published the name of one protestor, a mother concerned for the safety of her children. Heather McCabe was quoted as saying: “This GM wheat should never have left the lab… GM wheat is not safe, and if the government can’t protect the safety of my family, then I will.” “We are absolutely taking responsibility... this mother was fully aware that it was an illegal action, potentially,” said Kelly, who noted the organisation would stand by her through all stages of the resulting investigation and any criminal charges she may face. Normally these kinds of acts would be liable for criminal prosecution because there is malicious intent to damage property, but you could apply terrorism laws as well, says Ben Saul, a University of Sydney professor of counter-terrorism law. ACT Policing received a formal complaint from CSIRO and have begun an investigation. They have not yet released additional information. The OGTR has also been notified and is conducting an investigation. – Myles Gough riaus.org.au/pdplus


about the guide Explain (article two) Brainstorming [Task] Where have you have seen or heard the term ‘GM’ used? Was it being presented in a positive or negative way? And what was being said about it? Fill in the table provided to outline some of the ways you have seen or heard GM being talked about. Where (e.g. on TV/ in +/conversation)

What was being said? (e.g. GM crops will feed more people; GM foods are unsafe; GM is an great new technology; GM is ‘playing God’ and should be banned)

Glossary [Task] Define some of the scientific terms used in the article using the table provided. Term


genetically modified human trials animal trials biotech companies genetic make-up stringent guidelines field trials OGTR

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



about the three) guide Explain Explain (article (article two) Summarising [Task] Answer the following questions relating to the article, using your own words. 1. What is GM wheat? 2. Why had the experimental wheat’s genetic makeup been altered? 3. What reasons did Greenpeace give for destroying the crop? 4. How did CSIRO defend its position, and justify the work it is carrying out? 5. Why do you think GM foods are controversial?

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



about the three) guide Explain (article

Report fails to acknowledge crucial role of farmers A report into the future food needs of Australia has failed to acknowledge the ongoing work by Australia’s farmers in ensuring an environmentally sustainable supply of fresh and nutritious food, according to the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF).


“On the ground, farmers occupy and manage 61 percent of Australia’s land, which means that we’re at the frontline in delivering environmental outcomes on behalf of the community and we are acutely aware of the need to deal with environmental impacts. Environmental sustainability has long been a critical factor for farmers – so much so that the NFF was a founding partner of the Landcare movement. Perhaps most importantly, the report fails to acknowledge the role that Australian agriculture plays in feeding the world. Australian farmers produce enough food to feed 60 million people each year, so the statement in the report that ‘Australia produces more food than it needs’ is disingenuous. Of course we do – we export 60 percent of what we grow, offsetting global food demand and providing vital export income for our economy. “The report itself calls for an increase in ‘food literacy’ – perhaps this needs to be an increase in ‘farming and food literacy’. The report also calls for strategies to ensure Australian farmers can continue to produce fresh, nutritious foods at a fair and competitive price. We agree with this outcome, but suggest that the Public Health Association of Australia should first talk to farmers about how to achieve it.”


FF President Jock Laurie said that farmers had made enormous gains in both productivity and environmental management over the past few decades: producing high quality food in greater quantities, on less land, with less water and less impact on the environment that ever before. “The report released yesterday by the Public Health Association of Australia appears to reflect the lack of understanding health professionals have about modern agriculture in Australia and how the industry operates,” Mr Laurie said. “Rather than focus on the public health challenges associated with modern diets and lifestyles, they seem to have chosen to attack Australian farmers and attempted to weaken the confidence of Australians in the food farmers produce. “Australian farmers have been working hard to improve their practices, and have led the way in reducing our carbon footprint, with greenhouse gas emissions down by a massive 40 percent in the last 20 years. The agricultural industry also invests heavily in research and development to continuously improve practices and performance, with $1.5 billion-a-year spent on agricultural related research in Australia.

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



about the three) guide Explain (article Brainstorming 1. [Task] How good is the average Australian’s ‘farming and food literacy’? What do we know about farming in Australia? And how do we feel about our farmers? Find out by interviewing at least five people you know. Use the questions provided here, plus a few of your own. Make notes on the answers given so you have a record of your interviews. 1. Can you tell me what you know about farming in Australia? For example, what do we farm here? 2. Do you know how much food is produced in Australia? (How many people does the food produced by our farmers feed in a year? Take a guess!)

3. Do you think we value our farmers and the work they do, or do we tend to take it for granted that food will just appear in the shops?

4. Would you say that you feel ‘in touch’ with the process of food production, or a bit removed from it? Why/why not?

Glossary [Task] Define some of the terms used in the article using the table provided. Term


environmentally sustainable productivity

environmental management


public health challenges

carbon footprint

Landcare global food demand

food literacy

research and development (R&D)

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



about the three) guide Explain (article Summarising [Task] Answer the following questions relating to the article. 1. What gains have farmers made over the past few decades, according to the National Farmers’ Federation? 2. How does the article say farmers have reduced their environmental impact? 3. What point is made about farmers and environmental sustainability? 4. Why does the agricultural industry invest in research and development? 5. How much food does Australia export, and what benefits does this provide?

Questioning Toolkit [Task] Write down your ideas and opinions relating to the questions in the table. You can choose some or all of the questions provided, or ask some of your own. Type of question

Your ideas and opinions

Essential questions These are the most important and central questions. e.g. 1. What is agriculture? 2. Why is agriculture important? Subsidiary questions These questions help us manage our information by finding the most relevant details. e.g. 1. How is modern agriculture different to farming in the past? 2. How will agriculture change in the future? Hypothetical questions Questions that are designed to explore the possibilities (the ‘what ifs?’). e.g. 1. What if all the food we need could be grown indoors, in cities? 2. What if our farmers can’t produce enough food to feed everyone?

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



about the three) guide Explain (article Provocative questions Questions to challenge convention. e.g. 1. How would you feel about eating lab-cultured steak? 2. W ould you be happy to eat insects if they were the best source of protein available?

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



h ac er

ou rc







About the Cosmos matrix What is the COSMOS Science Matrix? A learning matrix such as the COSMOS Science Matrix is a flexible classroom tool designed to meet the needs of a variety of different learning styles across different levels of capabilities. Students learn in many different ways – some are suited to hands-on activities, others are strong visual learners, some enjoy intellectually challenging, independent hands-off activities, while others need more guidance. The matrix provides a smorgasbord of science learning activities from which teachers and/or students can choose. Can I use the matrix for one or two lessons, or for a whole unit of study? Either! The matrix is designed to be time flexible as well as educationally flexible. A time frame for each activity is suggested on the matrix. Choose to complete one activity, or as many as you like. Is there room for student negotiation? Yes! Students can be given a copy of the matrix and choose their own activities, or design their own activities in consultation with their classroom teacher. Can I use the matrix for a class assessment? Yes! You can set up a point system – perhaps one lesson equals one point. Students can be given a number of points to complete. If they choose less demanding activities, they will have to complete more of them.

What do the row headings mean? Row heading

Description of activity

Scientific procedure

Hands-on activities that follow the scientific method. Includes experiments and surveys. Great for kinaesthetic and logical learners, as well as budding scientists.

Science philosophy

Thinking about science and its role in society. Includes discussion of ethical issues, debates and hypothetical situations. An important part of science in the 21st century.

Being creative with science

For all those imaginative students with a creative flair. Great for visual and musical learners and those who like to be innovative with the written word.

Science time travel

Here we consider scientific and technological development as a linear process by looking back in time or travelling creatively into the future.

‘Me’ the scientist

Personalising the science experience in order to engage students more deeply.

Communicating Using images to communicate complex science ideas. with graphics ICT

Exploring the topic using computers and the Internet.

What do the column headings mean? 1. Read and revise

2. Read and relate

3. Read and review

Designed to enhance student comprehension of information.

Gives the student the opportunity to apply or transfer their learning into a unique format.

Involves the more challenging tasks of analysing, and/or assessing information in order to create and express new ideas and opinions.

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



Elaborate 1. Read and revise

2. Read and relate

3. Read and review

Scientific procedure

What is the importance of nitrogen for plants, and how do they get it? Conduct an experiment on nitrogenfixation in legumes. (See Linked Activity 1)

Do plants need soil to grow? In this experiment, find out if plants grow just as well (or better) without it. (See Linked Activity 2)

Design your own experiment to test how changing one condition (e.g. light source, nutrients, pH) affects the growth of a plant. Write up your results as a full scientific report.

Science philosophy

How do you feel about eating a labcultured piece of steak? Or harvested insects? Hydroponic vegetables that have never seen the light of day? Are you comfortable with the way agriculture appears to be going in the future?

What are the main arguments for and against GM crops? Draw up a table that summarises both sides of the argument. Add your own opinion, giving reasons.

Explore the ethics of food production. E.g. Is it ethical to eat animals? Are ‘meat substitutes’ a better option? Is it OK to genetically manipulate food? Should all food be grown organically? Do some research and prepare a report that includes your own recommendations about what should/should not be allowed.

Draw up a storyboard for a 30-second TV advertisement that promotes Australian farmers, and tells viewers how they are working to make sure we have an environmentally sustainable supply of food.

Create a cartoon (or other type of visual presentation) that explains the main differences between selective breeding and GM.

Science time travel

Use what you have read to prepare a report that forecasts the future of farming. What might farming involve in 10 or 20 years’ time? What might farmers be producing, based on today’s agricultural research?

How has the technology that farmers use changed over time? Compare the type of technology used by farmers in the past, with what is used today.

‘Me’ the scientist

Imagine you are an agricultural scientist who has been working for 10 years to bring GM wheat to human trials (see CSIRO article). Write a short letter to the editor of your local paper to express what you think, and how you feel, about the Greenpeace raid that destroyed the crop you were growing.

How much of what you eat comes from an Australian farm? Next time you (or someone else in your family) go food shopping, draw up a table to record which products you buy, which country they come from, their main plant and animal ingredients, and what sort of farms these come from. Use your results to draw a conclusion about the foods you eat.

You are a scientist working on vertical farming. Prepare a submission for funding that explains vertical farming, outlines the benefits it offers, and justifies why money should be spent on it.

Communicating with graphics

Use a computer application such as Inspiration to create a mind map of what you have learned about agriculture so far in this unit.

Create a short video about the future of agriculture, to tell high school students about how the foods and fibres they use in the future might be different to what they use today.

Create a graph, or another type of graphic, that shows how the amount of food produced by Australian farmers (both for local consumption and for export) has changed over time.


Create a webpage about GM agriculture that outlines some of the advantages this technology offers, and explains why scientists are working on developing more GM crops.

Make a Flash animation or other type of presentation that shows the main steps involved in creating a GM organism.

What is the difference between organic farming and conventional farming? What are the advantages and disadvantages of organic food? Do some research and present your findings in a PowerPoint presentation, adding your own viewpoint at the end.

Being creative with science

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer

Try this site for info: pbs.org/wgbh/ harvest/exist

See: bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/ science/add_gateway_pre_2011/ living/genesrev1.shtml

Write a magazine article about what life is like for Australian farmers. What sorts of pressures are they under? What do they love about farming? Include at least one real-life case study (see saveaustralianfarming.org/hear-ourstories.aspx)

What are the ‘hot’ issues in Australian agriculture today (e.g. live animal export; supermarket milk wars)? Are these new issues, or have they always been around? How are See: singularityhub.com/2011/03/13/ today’s issues different to the type of issues that concerned Australian precision-agriculture-highfarmers in the past? technology-invades-the-farm

See: teachersdomain.org/resource/ tdc02.sci.life.gen.engineeracrop


See: riaus.org.au/articles/thescience-of-vertical-farming riaus.org.au/articles/the-science-ofvertical-farming-why-farm-vertically


aboutElaborate the guide

Linked activity 1: Nitrogen and legumes Background Information Plants need nitrogen to grow, but because they can’t take it up from the air, they need to get it from the soil. Farmers usually add nitrogen to the soil in the form of fertiliser. However, some plants (legumes) are able to get it themselves through forming a special relationship with soil bacteria (nitrogen-fixing bacteria). Aim To observe the effect of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, fertiliser, or no nitrogen, on the growth of clover plants Materials • 15 small pots • Watering can • Potting soil with a low nitrogen content (as low as possible) • Masking tape • Permanent marker • 1 beaker • 1 packet clover seeds • 1 packet Rhizobium inoculum • 2 small re-sealable plastic bags • Small measuring spoon (teaspoon) • Paper towel • Nitrogen fertiliser • Soil test kit (to test nitrogen levels) • Metric scale • Magnifying glass Risk analysis Complete the risk analysis table below before you begin your experiment.




Method Inoculating the clover seeds: 1. Open the package of clover seeds and pour half into each re-sealable plastic bag. 2. Using masking tape and permanent marker, label one of the bags: rhizobia coated. 3. Add a teaspoon of water to each bag. 4. Pour about a quarter of the Rhizobium inoculum into the plastic bag labelled rhizobia coated. 5. Seal and shake both bags to thoroughly mix. 6. Spread out two paper towels on a flat, dry surface. Pour each bag of seeds on to its own paper towel. Label the paper towel with the rhizobia-coated seeds. 7. Wait 30 minutes for the seeds to dry before moving to the next part of the procedure.

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



Elaborate Planting and growing the seeds: 1. Put equal amounts of soil in each pot. 2. Moisten the soil in each pot with equal amounts of water. 3. Using the masking tape and permanent marker, label the pots: a) no nitrogen – 5 pots b) nitrogen fertiliser – 5 pots c) rhizobia – 5 pots 4. Plant seeds in each pot according to the seed packet instructions. a) In the pots labelled ‘no nitrogen’ and ‘nitrogen fertiliser’, plant the untreated seeds. b) In the pots labelled ‘rhizobia’ plant the rhizobia-coated seeds. 5. Put the plants near a sunny window. 6. You will need to keep the soil moist (but not wet) while the seeds grow. Water the ‘no nitrogen’ and ‘rhizobia ‘ pots with normal water. Water the ‘nitrogen fertiliser’ pots with water that has fertiliser added (use the recommended concentration on the packet). 7. The clover will grow to maturity in 5–6 weeks. Testing the plants: 1. Use the soil test kit to measure the amount of nitrogen in the soil of each pot. Record your data in your workbook. 2. Remove each plant from its pot, and carefully shake off any excess soil from the roots. 3. For each plant, measure and record the total biomass by weighing it. Also make a note of the total number of leaves, and the size of the largest leaves. (If you have a camera available, take photos of the plants.) 4. Observe the roots of the plants grown with the Rhizobium bacteria using a magnifying glass. Can you see any nodules on the roots? (if not, they may not have had enough time to grow visible). Results Record all observations in your exercise book. Draw graphs to show: • The average nitrogen levels in each category (no nitrogen; fertiliser added; bacteria added) • The average biomass of the clover grown in each category. Discussion Analyse your data by answering the following questions in your exercise book.

1. Which category had the highest levels of nitrogen? Which had the lowest? 2. Which category produced the greatest biomass of clover? Which produced the lowest? 3. Were there any differences in the appearance of the clover in each of the categories? If so, what did you observe? 4. Did inoculating the clover with rhizobia affect the nitrogen levels in the soil? Did it affect the total biomass? 5. What did you learn from doing this experiment? Conclusion In your exercise book, write a suitable conclusion for this experiment.

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer




Linked Activity 2: Do plants grow better in soil? Background Information Plants need nutrients to grow. While most plants get their nutrients from the soil, plants can be grown without soil. The science of growing plants in nutrient-rich water is called hydroponics (which means ‘working water’). Aim To compare the growth of hydroponically grown plants with that of plants grown in soil Materials • Plant cuttings (see note in ‘Method’) • Soil (e.g. from school garden) • Empty 2L soft drink bottles (at least 2 per group) • Liquid hydroponic nutrient • Wicks (pieces of cotton T-shirt work well) • pH test kit (or litmus paper) • Lemons • Baking soda • Growing medium (shredded paper or shredded fabric) Method 2–3 weeks before the experiment: place some cuttings of the plant ‘Creeping Charlie’ (or another plant that grows well from cuttings) in a glass of water, and wait for roots to appear.

1. Make growing containers out of your soft drink bottles: a) cut the tops off (see picture) b) unscrew the lids c) place a ‘wick’ inside the top part of the bottle, then screw the lid back on

d) put the top part of the bottle (now called ‘the container’) upside down, inside the other part of the bottle. 2. Select the plant cuttings you will use. For each cutting, record its height, weight (total biomass), and number of leaves. 3. In one (or two, if you have 4 bottles) of your bottles, you are going to grow a plant hydroponically. a) Test the pH of the tap water (it should be around 7). If it is too acidic (below 7), add some baking soda. If it is too basic, add a bit of lemon juice. Retest to make sure the pH is right.

b) Mix up the liquid hydroponic nutrient as per the instructions given. c) Pour the solution into the bottom of the bottle, so it reaches the bottle neck (to make sure the nutrients get up to the plant).

d) Carefully hold one of the plant cuttings inside the container, and add the growing medium (e.g. shredded paper) around its roots.

4. In the other one (or two) of your bottles, you are going to grow a plant in soil. Carefully hold one of the plant cuttings

inside the container, and add the soil around its roots. Firm down the soil gently, and water the plant so the soil is moist (not too wet). 5. Leave your plants in the same area, where they will get the same amount of light. 6. Every day or two, check the plants. Water the plant in soil to keep it moist, and top up the nutrient solution in the hydroponic plant as needed. 7. Observe the growth of your plants over the next few weeks.

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



Elaborate Results 1. At the end of the growing period, record all your observations in your exercise book, including: a) the general appearance of your plants (take photos if you can) b) the height of your plants c) the number of new leaves that have grown d) the average biomass of the plants (you will need to remove them from the growing medium and wash off any soil, then gently blot dry). 2. Draw graphs to plot the height of the plants over time and the average number of leaves over time (put time on the X-axis). Use different colours for your hydroponically-grown plants and soil-grown plants. Discussion Answer the following questions in your exercise book.

1. Were the plant(s) you grew in soil any different to the one(s) you grew hydroponically? If so, explain how they were different.

2. Do the results of different groups in your class vary? If so, why do you think this is? 3. In this experiment, did you find that growing plants hydroponically gave worse, similar, or better results than using soil? 4. Do you think this was a ‘fair test’? Explain your answer. 5. What other experiments do you think you could do to find out the best conditions for growing plants in? Conclusion In your exercise book, write a suitable conclusion for this experiment.

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



h ac er


Activities to allow students to show what they know about agriculture, and evaluate their learning.


Evaluate e


es Challenge ou rc 1. Ask each student to write one word or term that relates to agriculture on the board. 2. Each student is to pick five words or terms from the board and write a definition for each. 3. Each student is to pick another eight words or terms from the board, and write a paragraph about agriculture that uses as many of these words as possible. 4. Students create their own concept map, or some other type of diagram, to summarise what they have learnt in this unit. They are to use as many words and terms from the board as possible, and show the connections between these. Class debate 1. Choose one of the following questions to use as the topic for a class debate: a) Farmers will always be able to produce enough food to feed the world b) GM food should not be grown or sold in Australia c) Australia takes it farmers and food production for granted 2. Divide the class into two groups. Group 1 will debate the affirmative and Group 2 will debate the opposing view. 3. Appoint an adjudicator to decide which team presented the most compelling argument. Group presentations 1. Place students into small groups, which they will work in to prepare and give a short presentation to the class. (Members should have a few minutes each to talk). 2. Allocate a topic to each group (or have them choose their own), based on the activities they have been doing in this unit e.g. the pros and cons of GM food; selective breeding; foods of the future; vertical farming; farming and the environment; Australian farming today. 3. Give each group a mark for their overall presentation, and each group member an individual mark for their part of the talk.

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



Evaluate Personal review of unit

Personal summary of the unit

Where to now?

Make a dot point summary, or a mind map, of all the things you learnt while completing this unit of work. Highlight those things you found the most interesting.

Write at least five new questions that have come up while you have been studying this unit of work.

Something ethical

Something political

List as many ethical issues as you can think of that came up during this unit of work. Choose one, and jot down your thoughts about how this issue might be addressed.

If you were an international science leader, what changes would you make to ensure that agriculture was always able to produce enough food to feed the world?

RiAus PD plus: Year of the Farmer



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