2022/23 RGS Supporters' Review

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RGS Guildford Supporters’ Review 2022/23


I am delighted to preface this eighth edition of our Supporters’ Review by expressing my heartfelt gratitude to each of you for your unwavering support for our Bursary Programme.

Your commitment over this past year is a testament to your belief and determination in offering equal opportunities to all our students, irrespective of their financial circumstances. Every young man who passes our rigorous academic examinations, and is offered a place at RGS, can do so proudly by donning their RGS uniform each September.

Most importantly, they can join our other 951 students, make friends, learn, and grow together in a community built on trust, support, and academic challenge. This is the pledge I made to you all when I was offered the extraordinary opportunity to join the RGS as Headmaster - a pledge I have not wavered from, and one that can now continue, thanks to your collective support on the Road to 2035.

Reflecting on the past eight years, it has been remarkable to witness the transformative impact of your collective generosity. When we produced our first publication in this series, our Bursary Fund could only offer transformational support to four RGS students. Today, that transformational support, which covers more than 80% of a

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student’s fees, has soared to 21 of the 67 bursary recipients. However, we do not want to stop there, and you will see our aims unfold over the next years in our Road to 2035 Bursary Campaign.

Within the pages of this Supporters’ Review, you will have the opportunity to read directly from three of our bursary students whose lives you have transformed. They have now joined the ranks of our OGs representing RGS at top universities across the country, pursuing their dreams and ambitions. Additionally, you will also gain insight from one of your own, one of our OG supporters from the Class of 1987 whose dedication to supporting future generations of young men through the bursary scheme mirrors your own commitment.

This commitment is especially reflected in the growing list of parents in our ‘Class of ...’ Bursary programme. Thanks to your generosity, countless young students have walked through our doors, embarking on journeys that have seen them change their own futures and the futures of those around them.

Your belief in us fuels our collective determination to break down further barriers and obstacles to education. On behalf of all the teaching and support staff at RGS, I wish to thank you all: OGs, dedicated parents, supportive governors and staff and loyal friends.

I hope you will enjoy our latest edition.

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The Gift of an RGS Education Road to 2035: Join the Journey

The ‘Road to 2035’ is our Bursary Campaign that aims to raise £13 million by 2035 in time for the School’s 525th anniversary celebrations.

This ambitious initiative aims to create an Enduring Bursary Fund to support the education of 1 in 7 boys (143 boys). More than 85 of these promising young men will

receive transformational support of 80% or more towards their education.

The bursary fund will ensure the financial security of our Bursary Programme in perpetuity and will ensure that the School remains true to its Grammar School ethos - that all talented local boys will be able to access an education at the RGS based solely on merit.

The growth of transformational bursaries

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2015 4 pupils 2019 18 pupils 2021 20 pupils 2023 21 pupils

1 in 7 RGS students

Double the number of students from 1 in 14 to receiving financial support.

Reflecting on the last eight years, it has been remarkable to witness the transformative impact of your collective generosity.

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Development & Alumni Highlights

Class of 2023

A big thank you to all the families who generously chose to commemorate their sons’ journey through the RGS by making a gift to the Class of 2023 Bursary Appeal. This will open the doors of an RGS education to another deserving young person within our local community. Your decision embodies the spirit of passing it on and will foster educational opportunity for future generations.

2024 Telephone Campaign

Our recent 2024 Telethon once again showcased the incredible support within our community. Our fantastic callers, all recent RGS graduates, reconnected with over 500 OGs and their parents to share inspiring stories. Our young call team also received careers advice from those who have journeyed along a similar career path. We look forward to giving you further details on this success in next year’s Supporters’ Review.


We are thrilled to be able to build on our international reunions. Thank you to Luke Jones OG 1988 and Paul Landless OG 1996 for hosting our SE Asia reunion at the exquisite 1880 in Singapore in May 2023.

In July we hosted our first North American reunion in New York City. This July we will hold receptions on both the US East and West Coasts. Please email us rgsfoundation@rgsg.co.uk if you are interested in joining us.

2016 Cricket Team

Thank you to Alex Goodchild OG 2016 and friends who gathered together for a cricket reunion at Bradstone Brook and also raised funds for the Bursary Campaign in the process.

Supporters’ Reception

Our 2023 Supporters’ Reception was held on a sunny evening on the Headmaster’s Lawn. It was wonderful to celebate our journey so far with many familiar friends.

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Bottom: Our first North American Reunion hosted at The Union League Club New York

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Top: Alex Goodchild and OGs from 2016 enjoy a cricket reunion at Bradstone Brook Middle: (left) Dan Hatton speaks to guests at the 2023 Supporters’ Reception alongside Dr Jon Cox, Headmaster, and Monica Popa, Development Director (right) Guests enjoy an RGS Reunion evening at 1880 Singapore

This review allows us the opportunity to say a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to all our 470 supporters. We are incredibly grateful to all of you for your commitment to opening the doors of an RGS education to every promising young student. Currently 1 in 14 students receive bursary support and we aim to increase this to 1 in 7 by 2035. Because of your generosity and the impact you have on the lives of our young students, we feel that this is a realistic ambition. Thank you for being a part of our journey on the Road to 2035


Total amount raised

£15,069 plus new future pledges

21 Life changing bursaries funded by you

470 No. of financial supporters of the Bursary Programme

Our Supporters consist of

Parents (past and present)

Staff, Governors and others

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This Supporters’ Review covers contributions received during our financial year 1 August 2022 to 31 July 2023. Donations received after 31 July 2023 will be acknowledged in next year’s Review. Figures taken from 2022/23 Management Accounts.
36% Old Guildfordians

I was very fortunate in that the RGS was able to support me when my family circumstances changed in Sixth Form. I am glad that I am now in a situation where I can help support those students who might go through similar circumstances before or during their time at the school.

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Bursary Support

The Road to 2035 will offer bright promising students a life-changing education that will provide them with the knowledge and values to flourish at school and beyond. All our bursaries are funded by the School, the RGS community and Educational Trusts so the number of awards granted is dependent on funds available. We only offer bursaries to those who need financial assistance the most, and these are rigorously meanstested and reviewed each year.

We offer two types of financial assistance to support RGS families.

Entrance Bursaries

In September 2022 we offered 14 entrance bursaries to First Form pupils, and one entrance bursary to an RGS boy joining in L6.

The majority of funds are spent on means-tested entrance bursaries, offering financial support to boys entering the School in First Form, and more rarely Third Form and Lower Sixth. These bursaries are offered for the duration of each pupil’s time at the RGS and are not dependent on academic performance, but are financially reassessed every year.

Your Support

The majority of our income to the Bursary Fund is financed by those who choose to make a regular gift.

Legacies 7%

Regular giving 67%

Individual gifts 17%

Trusts 9%

Emergency Fee Support

Three hardship bursaries were given to support families facing unexpected challenges.

We allocate a portion of funds to assist current RGS families experiencing sudden financial challenges, such as redundancy, death, or divorce. This support is means-tested and aimed at minimising disruptions to a student’s education. Preference is given to GCSE or A Level students.

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Bursary Support Levels

During 2022/23 we spent £1,134,000 on means-tested bursaries, £111,000 of this was invested into our Enduring Bursary Fund. This fund will provide future bursaries in perpetuity.

Total number of students supported (1 in 14 students)


Total amount spent on and invested in bursaries in 2022/23


Of those 67 boys, 37 benefit from a life-changing bursary (80%+ bursary assistance)


Bursaries funded by you

21 of the 37 boys receiving life-changing bursaries are supported by you, the RGS Community.

Thank you for the incredible impact you make. The costs of other bursaries are met through the School’s commitment to widening access, our growing Enduring Bursary Fund, Educational Trusts and contributions from our international schools.

The RGS is a community with access to opportunities ... access to information ... access to a community that makes a remarkable difference. From a social mobility perspective, the more you can open access to all three of those things, the more you will make things inevitably better.


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The difference you make ...

The Bursary Programme currently offers financial assistance to 67 RGS students, and 55% are life-changing in that they support of over 80% or more of fees. Our recent Telephone Campaign call team included three such bursary recipients keen to share their RGS stories with the community and help pass on the gift of an RGS education.

Hamish Dick OG 2020

Because of the inspirational teachers at the RGS I chose to study an economics related course at university. The subject was taught remarkably well at School; and left me with a long-lasting interest in this and accounting, which would not have influenced me quite so much had it not been for my incredible teachers who enthused my learning in these subject areas.

I received a bursary whilst at the RGS and life would be very different if I wasn’t allowed the opportunity to study at the RGS. I hold good memories of my time at the School, and I believe that the Bursary Programme is incredibly important in offering opportunities to boys who can receive financial support to experience the same high-quality education that I did.

Hamish Dick OG 2020 “
Life would be very different if I wasn’t allowed the opportunity to study at the RGS.
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Stan Lawrence OG 2021

I am extremely grateful for the life-changing impact of my RGS education. Without the support of the Bursary Programme, it’s hard to know where I’d be today - it truly changed the trajectory of my life.

Music has always been my biggest passion and the path I want to pursue professionally. Excelling in this field throughout my education, as 1st trumpet for Big Band, Symphony Orchestra, Jazz Band and Concert Band I was very involved in the music department. Now at Manchester University, I continue to immerse myself in music, directing both the Big Band and Jazz Ensemble. Winning The Steynor Prize as ‘Musician of the Year’ in 2021 stands as a highlight of my time at RGS. Playing the trumpet amongst a group of very talented musicians was an amazing opportunity and a privilege.

I am passionate about making an RGS education more accessible to other promising students and fully support Dr Cox’s ‘Road to 2035’ ambition that entry to the RGS will eventually be means-blind.

Milo O’Sullivan OG 2023

My time at the RGS has been instrumental in shaping my academic journey and providing me with invaluable opportunities.

At the School I was able to truly excel in piano and complete all my piano grade exams, something I would not have achieved if it were not for my time at the RGS. Likewise with swimming, I love to swim, and I now share this passion by teaching other young people.

The variety of learning experiences at the RGS sparked my interest in Economics, Philosophy and Psychology, which I now study at University. Being awarded a place for this highly competitive course underscores the impact of my education and mentorship.

As a beneficiary of a bursary myself, the Bursary Programme is close to my heart and something I am passionate to help promote.

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Supporter Spotlight

Steve Wardlaw OG 1987

A Law graduate from King’s College, Steve specialised in Oil & Gas Corporate Law, leading Baker Botts LLP’s offices in Moscow and London. Noticing the insurance industry’s neglect of the LGBT+ community, he founded Emerald Life, prioritising equality for women and LGBT+ individuals.

Steve actively supports LGBT+ rights and AIDS awareness and was formerly Chair of the Advisory Board of the Terrence Higgins Trust, the UK’s largest sexual health charity. He is still close to them, performing a biannual charity drag show, jokingly adding “never expected ‘part-time drag queen’ on my CV!”

How influential was an RGS education on your career and how did it help prepare you for life beyond School?

In short, very. We were taught hard, but we were taught to believe in ourselves. That is an invaluable skill, and I hear so many stories of children being told at school that they will not amount to anything. That is a huge waste of human potential.

Are you still very social with your 1987 cohort? What motivated you, as a year group, to support the Bursary Programme?

Yes indeed – there are about 40 of us still in regular contact. The bursary came from various

discussions over too much beer. Several of us were assisted places boys (me included) and we succeeded because someone did something positive to give us an RGS education that we would not otherwise have had. It seemed logical to give that chance to another RGS pupil.

What would you say to someone who is considering donating to the Bursary Programme but is unsure about its impact?

This is our first bursary - but from the (anonymised) reports we get, our student is doing very well and excelling not just in exams but as a young adult. It will have been transformative, whatever our pupil decides to do.

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That should be the transformative aim of the School going forward, where talent is rewarded, not just talent that can afford it.

Why are bursary programmes important to you?

I have always been a huge proponent of social mobility. Society can try to do it, but sometimes ‘direct action’ is simpler and more relevant. I hope that the School continues to expand that programme.

How do you believe the RGS Bursary Programme contributes to diversity and inclusion within the School?

When I came to the RGS, it was extremely homogenous, which may have been for various economic or cultural reasons. This has changed because of

the new (improved) ethos of the School and its staff. A bursary programme allows any pupil, from whatever financial background, to attend the RGS if they are good enough. That should be the transformative aim of the School going forward, where talent is rewarded, not just talent that can afford it.

What advice would you give an RGS pupil just beginning his RGS journey?

Work hard but take the time to smell the flowers. This is the start of what could be an amazing journey.

Oh, and put your phone down!

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Steve and his dog Calvin

Leave your Legacy

We were founded in 1509 as a ‘free schole’ for the benefit of bright local boys without means. We are still educating bright local boys, but presently, only 7% of students receive bursary support. Our goal is to double this figure, enabling 14% of students to benefit from financial assistance.

Our Vision for the Future

To achieve this merit-based open access, we need new and sustainable support. With it, we can fulfil the aspirations of boys who would otherwise be turned away; we can increase opportunity and diversity in our School for the benefit of all; we can open up new pathways to inquisitive, intelligent, industrious local boys and motivate and encourage other independent sector schools to follow our lead.

The Enduring Bursary Fund

In 2016, we created a new Fund – the Enduring Bursary Fund. The Fund will grow capital in order to invest, thereby creating a number of bursaries in perpetuity. It will take time to build the Fund but we are hopeful that those who have remembered the RGS in their Will may wish to invest in this important fund for future generations of RGS boys.

Remembering RGS in your Will

Leaving a legacy to the School in your Will is one of the greatest gifts you can offer during your lifetime. Following in the footsteps of those whose names line the beams of Big School - Beckingham, Austen, Powell and many more - giving in this way ensures that generations of RGS boys can benefit from your gift.

Named in honour of our founder, we have established The Beckingham Society to celebrate and recognise those who, during their lifetimes, have chosen to make a bequest to the School. All those who make a bequest to the School will be invited to become members of the Society.

The decision to make a bequest is often private and personal, so no member’s name will be published without their permission. The Headmaster hosts an annual lunch for members of the Society to share news of the year gone and his plans and vision for the year ahead.

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The Beckingham Society Julia Facey


Julia’s sons attended RGS from 2008 to 2020 on a fee-paying basis. When her marriage ended and she stopped working, maintaining stability for her vulnerable children became crucial. RGS provided invaluable support, offering bursaries while she rebuilt her career. Though unable to pay at the time, Julia pledged future support as gratitude for the School’s kindness during their family’s hardship.

It makes me very happy knowing that when I am gone I will be helping some little boy…whom I will never know or meet but may also face a difficult time…achieve their full academic potential in this wonderful school.


is my way of saying thank you for all the support the School gave me’.

Julia Facey. Mother of two OGs

If you would like to let us know you have left a gift in your Will, or find out more about the legacy you can build, we would love to hear from you or scan the QR code.

Monica Popa

+ 44 (0)1483 880665


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If it was not for the Bursary Programme then it is very hard to know where I would be now, as it changed my life so much.

Supporter Recognition

Thank you to all the families and organisations for their kindness, their belief and their generosity.

King’s Benefactors

Kate & Ian El-Mokadem OG‘86

1 anonymous King’s Benefactor


John Chaplin OG'72

The Elia family

Wendy & Ian Ewart

Neil Fitzsimmons OG'77

Sharon Flood & Jon Lee

Caroline & Simon Laver OG'91

Margaret & Nigel Le Neve Foster

The Norbury family

Jim Pearce OG'91

Marion & David Peters OG'80

The late Robert Strick OG'49

and 1 anonymous donor

1509 Circle

Marion & Brian Arbuckle

Hinal & Anisch Bakrania OG'92

Kerry & Iain Bremner

Sarah & Mark Brett OG'86

Peter & Suzanne Cluff

Richard Collins OG'75

Susan Cover & Malcolm Simmonds

Marina & Michiel Dominicus

Catharine & Geoff Eaton

Graham Elton OG'81

The Hardman brothers OGs '07 & '12

Antony Jones OG'75

Lorraine & Stephen Linton

Patricia & Michael Lucy OG'66

Peter Parke OG'66

Henry Pearson

Kate & Mike Powell

Salima Shariff & Arthur Mitchell

The Shorthose family

and 5 anonymous donors

Family Fellowship - 1509 Circle

The Critchlow family

The Lingard & Furse family

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Friends of the RGS

Families who have pledged a regular gift.

Aquib Akhtar OG'08

Chris Alder OG'92 & family

Nick Andrew OG'09 & family

Alan Appleby OG'73

The Atkinson brothers OGs '88 & '91

William Baker OG'11

The late John Ballam OG'41

Richard Bampfylde OG'98 & family

Chris Barker OG'86

The Bennett family

Nick Bond OG'04

Dominic Bottone OG'84

Michael Bourke

James Britton OG'04

Thomas Bryans OG'02

The Bulman family

Richard Burgess OG'14

The Burke family

Daniel Burke OG'09

Dave Cable OG'89

Christine & Leslie Campbell

Carol & Gil Carter OG'63

Andrew Chai OG'15 & family

Jonathan Chauncy OG'02

Liam Cheek OG'12

Richard Christophers OG'54

The Clarke family

Antony Clements OG'93

Mike Cloughley OG'60

The Cole family

Nicholas Coller OG'95

The Collins family

Greg Cook OG'85

Donald Cowtan OG'61

Headmaster 2007-present Dr Jon Cox

Headmaster 1975-92 John Daniel

Sam Darby OG'92

William Davies OG'09

Alex Dawe OG'99

David Deakin

Thomas Desmond OG'10

Andrew Dick OG'73

The Dodd family

Clive Dopson OG'75

Carl Dore OG'57

Sara Dowell

Robbie Douglas OG'07

Nick Edwards OG'69

The Elia family

Jillian & the late Michael Elstone OG'50

James Evans OG'95

The Eves family

Patrick Ewing OG'67

The Fairley family

Harry Ferguson OG'15

Ian Ferreira OG'00

Neil Fitzsimmons OG'77

David Frampton OG'62

Andrew Freeman OG'90

Simon French OG'97

Glyn Fullelove OG'79

Carolyn Gaff

Fraser Garriock OG'11

Jonathan Garvey OG'69

The Ghosh family

The Goodbourn family

Margaret & Nick Goodchild

John Graham OG'61

Georgie Grant Haworth

Mark Gray OG'90

Diana & the late Tony Greenman

Cherilyn & the late David Griffin

Andrea & Phill Hall OG'94

Matthew Harborne OG'05

Claire & Mark Hargreaves

The Harker family

The Harvey family

The Hatton family

Mitchell Hayden-Cook OG'10

The Hazelwood family

Jonathan Hedgecock OG'82

The Hewitt family

Nick Hiley OG'16

Jane & Andrew Hinde

The Hobbs family

Robert Horsey OG'70

Peter Hosier

The Jamshaid family

The Kealey family

Andrew Kember OG'97

The Khan family

Chris Kimber OG'01

The Kraus family

The Kutaula family

Paul Landless OG'96

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Nick Lang OG'99

The Lapthorn family

Clare Laughland

Chris Le Neve Foster OG'99

Michael J Lee OG'50

Iris & David Leech

Phornphimol & Richard Littleton

Peter Littlewood OG'89

John Lloyd Parry OG'55

Harry Laughland OG'08

Sam Madden OG'04

Iain Martindale OG'65

Tom Matthews OG'02

Christopher May OG'82 & family

Neil McGibbon OG'96 & family

Charlie McKeown OG'15 & family

Ali McWhirter OG'06

Hamish Millar OG'84

Ed Mitchinson OG'99

The Morris family

Christopher Mott OG'60

Oliver Newbury OG'04

Jennifer & Roger Nicholas OG'53

Peter Nicholson OG'58

Simon Nordon OG'91

The Ngwena family

James O’Reardon OG'06

The O’Sullivan family

Jonathan Organ OG'00

Peter Parke OG'66

The Parkinson family

Dr Jaymik Patel OG'10

Will Patrick OG'09 & family

Nicholas Pepper OG'05

Chris Philpott OG'04

Bob Piggin

The Pusey family

Sinan Rabee OG'99

The Rather family

Chris Rayner OG'04

Tom Rees OG'11

Joanna & Martin Reeves OG'87

Alasdair Reid OG'02

Phil Reynolds OG'98

Godfrey H Rhimes OG'71

Chris Riseborough OG'97

Thomas Roberts OG'08

James Robinson OG'97

The late Derek Roff OG'51

The Rothwell family

David Salter OG'87

Christopher Salter OG'57

The Scoltock family

Yoko & Roger Sellek

Christopher Sellers OG'05

The Sen family

The Seume family

Neil Shah OG'95

Diana Sherlock (née Daniels)

Hugh Shipton OG'62

John A Simpson

Rodger Sleet OG'53

Tim Smith OG'08

The Sonnenberg family

Peter Spark OG'91

Mark Spiteri OG'93

Teresa Sutton

Adam & Andrew Swirski OGs '06 & '13

Nick Talbot OG'91

Anne Marie & Nigel Taylor

Nick Terry OG'98

The Thayananthan family

The Thevenon family

The Thilakawardana family

Darren Thompson OG'90

Thomas Thorp OG'95

Alan Thorn

The Thornton family

Anne & David Tilman

Duncan Turner OG'93

Andrew Tyler OG'09

Roger Wakeling OG'62

Ian Walker OG'99

David Walton OG'63

Steve & Ian Wardlaw-Martin

Andrew Wells OG'04

Chris Whichelo OG'58

Peter Whitaker OG'99

Tony White OG'96

Henry Whorwood OG'10

The Wilkinson family

Ian Wilkinson OG'66

Ed Williams OG'92

Katherine Wilson

Matthew Wood OG'08

Nick Wood-Roe OG'91

Sebastian Zahn OG'17

Graham Ziegler OG'62

and 29 anonymous donors

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Class of 2023

Thank you to the 32 families who have raised 23% of a full 7-year bursary.

The Angove family

The Anthony family

Cuan Arnold

The Atkinson family

The Brook family

Inigo Burrell

Harry Carson

The Cliffe family

The Dalloz family

The Eves family

The Harker family

TJ Humphreys & family

Ben Jansen

Ben Jones & family

The Lane family

Robbie Mackay

The Majumdar Family

Owen Marlovits

Alexander McDougall & family

Parus Mehra & family

The Myles family

Paul O’Sullivan

Sarah & Hywel Phillip

The Sahota family

The Scadding Family

The Stuart-Reckling family

Alex Turner

The Wilby family

and 4 anonymous families

Class of 2022

Thank you to the 34 families who have raised 29% of a full 7-year bursary.

William Ball

The Berman family

The Birtley family

The Brackstone family

Harry Buckland

The Clyde family

The Collins family

The Conquest family

Jack & Barney Doyle

Jon & Tracey Dye

Harry Eisinger & family

Charles Elliot

Austin Humphrey

Alex Jones

Elaine Liddiard

Dylan McCullough

Ptolemy Morris

The Mueller family

Zain Mughal

Parthiv Naidu & family

The Nathan family

The Nielsen family

Toby Perryman

The Rathmell family

Dominic Stagg & family

Teresa Sutton

The Taylor family

Dylan Toulson

Bhavani & Raghuram Vejendla

The Warner family

Louis Wood & family

The Yates family

and 2 anonymous families

Class of 2021

Thank you to the 34 families who have raised 31% of a full 7-year bursary.

The Atara family

The Baker family

The Benett family

The Cliffe family

The Dobinson family

The Field family

The Forsyth family

Hari Grewal

The Hemsworth family

The Hickey family

The Hodge family

Oliver Jones & family

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The Kemkers family

Theo Lakin & family

Mrs N Lawson

Sam Martin & family

Alex McKenzie & family

The McMurray family

The Mellors family

The Meyer family

The Norbury family

The Ratcliffe family

George Sherwin

The Smyth family

Daniel Turner

Henry Turrell

The Walsh family

The Welsh family

Ed Wilkinson & family

The Wiltshire family

The Young family

and 3 anonymous families

Class of 2020

Thank you to the 43 families who have raised 28% of a full 7-year bursary.

Faraz Ahmad

Nicolas Andrews & family

George Ball

The Beere family

Harry Blanford

Ayush Bose & family

Sarah & Mark Brett OG’86

The Buckingham family

The Cherry family

Will Cluff

The Coto family

Matthew Curtis

Utkarsh Dandanayak

Ben de la Court-Wakeling & family

The Dodds family

Harry Foster & family

The Franklin family

The Gardner family

The Goatley family

Jamie Gray

The Hand family

Tom Hardy & family

Thomas Hill

The Howse family

Hamish Knight

The McDougall family

Luke Nelson & family

The Norton family

The Perceval family

Sam Perryman

Conor Rajan

The Relph family

The Rigo family

The Rumler/Whittall family

Anith Sathananthan & family

Natalie & David Savage

Nicholas Scott & family

The Stott family

Charlie Vincent

The Walker family

and 3 anonymous families

Class of 2019

Thank you to the 51 families who have raised 47% of a full 7-year bursary.

The Aravinthan family

Oscar Atkinson

Kate Bailey

Aston Barringer & family

Thomas Bates

The Berman family

The Boyton family

The Chauhan family

Rose Cox

Pauline & Dave Crowley

Hidde de Klerk & family

The Donnelly family

The Edgecliffe-Johnson family

The Elia family

The Emmett family

The Eves family

Edward Ferguson & family

Purdy & Peter Grewal

Bryonie & John Grieveson

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Josh Han & family

The Hudson family

Ethan Illman

The Janmohamed family

The Lake family

The Ledbury family

Angus Lovatt & family

Harry Mayne & family

Jamie McKenzie & family

The Middleton family

The Müller family

Raymond Mulligan

The Murrin family

The Norbury family

The Perceval family

The Roade family

The Robbins family

The Roberts family

The Rosevear family

Cameron Salter

Danny Sampson

Advay Saxena

Peter Searle

The Tench family

Maxim Webb & family

Jake Willshire & family

The Woodfine family

and 5 anonymous families

Class of 2018

Thank you to the 42 families who have raised 53% of a full 7-year bursary.

The Acomb family

Jonathan Andrews & family

The Arif family

Dr Bea Brookes & James McCutcheon

Hugo Burgess

The Collins family

Tom Crane & family

Rafael de Menezes & family

The Dickinson family

The Dobinson family

The Eves family

The Fairley family

Sharon Flood & Jon Lee

The Francis family

The Franklin family

Vincent Giles & family

Sam Green & family

Finn Hamilton

Jane Hamilton

Sam Harker & family

Ben Hawken

The Hellings family

The Hosking family

The Lukey family

Ann Major

Max Male & family

Will Moss & family

Joshua Newell & family

Ciaran O’Toole & family

The Pascoe family

The Pecorelli family

Dan Perrett

Josh Powell & family

The Ratcliffe family

Tom Risby & family

Matthew Sargent & family

Teo Smyth & family

Susan, Nick & Harry Standen

James Webster & family

Julia & James Wills

and 2 anonymous families

Class of 2017

Thank you to the 25 families who have raised 15% of a full 7-year bursary.

William Ashworth & family

The Baumann family

James Bremner & family

Lucas Callcut & family

Josh Cudby & family

Ravi Desor & family

Jonathan Ding

Jonathan Ferguson & family

Tom Gardner & family

George Glover & family

William Heylen

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Matthew Hind & family

Theo King

Christopher Murray & family

Will Norton & family

Max Riley & family

Ben Rochford & family

Guy Solan & family

Thomas Spackman & family

The Thomas family

Michael Vickers & family

Nick Warren & family

and 3 anonymous families

Class of 1987

The gentlemen from the Class of 1987 who were inspired to create their own ‘Class of ...’ Bursary.

James Arbuckle

Richard Ashcroft

Haseeb Aziz

James Battersby

Neil Baylis

Stewart Bond

Jon Buckrell

Mike Caird

Nick Canning

Phil Clennell

Edward Hayter

Nick Jeal

Saurabh Kakkar

Iain Laws

Vanessa & Tim Norman

Mark O’Conor

Richard Price

Joanna & Martin Reeves

Andrew Rumfitt

Jonathan Spottiswoode

James Titheridge

Brett Trainor

Jim Trotter

Justin Ward

Steve & Ian Wardlaw-Martin

Tony White and 1 anonymous donor

Individual Gifts

We would like to thank the 57 supporters who made an individual single gift up to the value of £1,000 to the RGS Bursary Campaign between 1 August 2022 and 31 July 2023.

We would like to thank the 2 anonymous supporters who made an individual single gift of a value greater than £1,000 to the RGS Bursary Campaign between 1 August 2022 and 31 July 2023.

Charitable Trusts and Corporate Supporters

The Acworth Foundation

Collins Educational Trust RGS Parents’ Association

Supporters’ Review 2022/23 | 23

The Beckingham Society

Thank you to those who have generously pledged to support the RGS in their Wills.

Rodney Buckton OG’60

Jeremy M Butterfield OG’68

Carol & Gil Carter OG’63

Matthew Charlton OG’89

Richard Collins OG’75

Susan Cover & Malcolm Simmonds

Julia & Richard Cuddington OG’65

Leon Doré OG’65

Michael Egan OG’75

Kate & Ian El-Mokadem OG’86

Wendy & Ian Ewart

Julia Facey

In memory of (Stephen) Paul Finigan OG’64

Neil Fitzsimmons OG’77

Keith Havelock OG’58

Joyce Joyner in memory of her late husband Ken Joyner OG’41

Guy Kelly OG’14

Paul Landless OG’96

Michael J Lee OG’50

Gina Perriman in memory of her late husband Francis Perriman OG’48

Bernard Phelps OG’62

Kate & Ian Reynolds

John A Simpson

Talei Strick in memory of her late husband Robert Strick OG’49

Richard Tilbrook OG’79

and 10 anonymous Members

The Beckingham Society Members who sadly passed away between 1 August 2022 and 31 July 2023:

Paul Barlow

Robert Strick OG’49

School Support

We would like to thank the following for their generous donations to programmes outside of bursaries.

Bill Bagnall for his gift of a valuable upright piano for the benefit of a young RGS musician.

Families who donated musical instruments and those individuals and organisations who continue to sponsor the RGS Strings Scheme, with particular thanks to:

Community Foundation for Surrey

MILA Charitable Organisation

Surrey Hills International Music Festival

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We host a number of events for recent leavers to long-standing members of the RGS community. We are always thrilled to welcome you back to the School, whether you are an Old Guildfordian, parent or staff. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Please email og@rgsg.co.uk to find out more or take part.


Market Day Concert Tuesday 4 June 1.15 - 1.50pm Holy Trinity Church Guildford

Supporters’ Summer Reception Thursday 6 June 6.30 - 8.30pm Headmaster’s Lawn RGS Guildford *by invitation only

Classes of 2003 & 2004 Reunion Saturday 8 June 5pm RGS Guildford

RGS Family Charity Quiz Saturday 15 June 7pm - 9pm RGS Guildford

Classes of 1971 & 1972 Reunion Lunch Saturday 22 June 12pm RGS Guildford

Headmaster’s XI v OG Cricket Match Sunday 23 June 11am Bradstone Brook

2016 OG Cricket Match Sunday 23 June 11am Bradstone Brook

Private Art View Wednesday 26 June 5.30pm - 7.30pm Art School RGS Guildford

Ensembles Concert Thursday 27 June 7pm Auditorium


Royal Grammar Schools’ Cricket Festival Monday 1 July - Friday 5 July

Bradstone Brook

Market Day Concert Tuesday 2 July 1.15 - 1.50pm Holy Trinity Church Guildford

OG and Friends North American Reunion (East Coast) Thursday 11 July 7pm New York

OG and Friends North American Reunion (West Coast) Monday 15 July 7pm Palo Alto


Heritage Open Day Saturday 14 September 9am - 4pm Big School (open to all) and Chained Library tours


Beckingham Society Lunch Wednesday 9 October 12.30 - 3pm Big School *by invitation only


RGS/GHS Evensong Monday 11 November 5pm St Paul’s Cathedral

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Development Director

& Communications

+44 (0)1483 880665


Development Team RGS Guildford

High Street, Guildford Surrey, GU1 3BB

@RGSGOG royal-grammar-school-guildford rgs.guildford

26 | RGS Development
rgsroadto2035.co.uk RGS Guildford Registered Charity Number 1177353
Monica Popa Helen Dixon Marketing Philippa Green Alumni Relations Lucy Shires Development & Alumni Administrator Michelle Searle Development Officer

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