RGS Prospectus Supplement

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Reigate Grammar School was founded by Alderman Henry Smith in 1675. It was the same year that Sir Christopher Wren saw the foundation stones laid for St Paul’s Cathedral.

For 350 years, young people have been educated on the same site, in the heart of the historic market town of Reigate. Today, Reigate Grammar School (RGS) is one of the leading coeducational schools in the country offering the very best academic education with equal prominence placed on the arts, sport and a rich extra-curricular programme. The quality of education at RGS ensures that doors of opportunity are open for our students and that they are equipped academically and emotionally to make the very most of those life chances.

There are 1100 students in the school aged 11 to 18 years. Another 675 students, aged 3 to 11, are educated at Reigate St Mary’s Preparatory and Choir School (RSM), Chinthurst School and Micklefield School, RGS’s junior and nursery schools.

For in-depth and updated information about the breadth of activities at RGS please visit the school’s website: reigategrammar.org



The Aims and Ethos statement for RGS has been developed in consultation with the school community.

Summary of our Aims and Ethos

At RGS we are a community where:

• our main priority is to care for and support each individual child and nurture their unique blend of talents and abilities;

• students flourish, enjoy their school days and are prepared for a happy and successful adult life;

• we enable academic outcomes that open doors of opportunity and extra-curricular experiences that create pathways to success;

• our strong moral purpose prepares and helps Reigatians to make the world a better place, aware of their advantages and with a strong sense of responsibility.

Our main priority is to care for each individual child and nurture their unique blend of talents and abilities.

• The school is tailored for each child at each point with personalisation and choice across the curriculum, in extra-curricular opportunities, in pastoral care and in learning support.

• We work in partnership with our community of students, parents, staff, friends and beyond to help RGS continuously improve across all areas.

• We take supporting children seriously whether for the most able or for those addressing individual and specific needs. From time to time any child may need additional pastoral or academic support during their time at RGS.

• Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our students.

Students flourish here, enjoy their school days and are prepared for a happy and successful adult life.

• RGS is an enabling, happy community with rich opportunities for personal development through a wideranging and high quality programme of extra-curricular activities.

• We support excellence, achievement and opportunity in areas including sport, culture, art and academic study.

• Students learn about opportunities beyond their school years, in higher education, employment and in training. We open their eyes and guide them to the best opportunities.

• Education beyond the formal curriculum and classroom contributes to students’ personal development and their academic studies.

We enable outcomes that open doors of opportunity.

• We provide an academic education seeking results in public examinations that are the best for each individual student.

• Children develop good learning behaviours within a personalised, flexible and relevant curriculum.

• The teaching at RGS is engaging, challenging and enables excellent progress.

• We support students’ progress with extensive use of tracking and monitoring to inform and support the teaching and the help we provide to each child.

• Students attain high standards and this provides better opportunities and positive progress to appropriate post-18 paths including university, degree apprenticeships and vocational courses.

Moral purpose is at our core. We help prepare Reigatians to make the world a better place, aware of their advantages and with a strong sense of responsibility.

• We aim to provide a disciplined and caring environment that will encourage students to develop into good citizens. Reigatians are morally and socially responsible young people.

• RGS exists for the children placed in our care, but we also take our commitment to their families, the local community and our staff seriously.

• We help children from diverse socio-economic backgrounds to access RGS and we actively share our facilities and opportunities with local schools.

• The school welcomes children of all faiths and of none, within an approach based on our history as a school founded in the Christian tradition. We promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, as defined by the Department for Education.

• We are committed to continuous improvement in all that we do.


The members of the Board of Governors of Reigate Grammar School as of July 2024 are as follows:


Mr M Elsey


Mr D Anderson

Dr S Banerjee

Mr M Benton

Mr B Day

Mr C Dixon

Mrs M Edmunds

Mrs J Hamilton

Mr L Herbert

Mrs M Hulme

Miss L Page

Mrs M Shipley

Mrs R Sturt

Mr N Weber

Mr E Wheeler

Bursar and Clerk to the Governors

Mrs H M Briggs, BA (Durham), FCA



Mr S A Fenton, MA MEd (Oxford) FCCT OBE

Deputy Heads

Miss S J Arthur, BA (Durham) History

Mrs M A Collins, BEng (Bristol) Physics

Dr B P Stones, BSc PhD (Edinburgh) Mathematics

Assistant Heads

Mrs C M Hosegood BSc (Durham) Biology, Chemistry

Mrs C H Lawson, BA (Liverpool) Classics

Miss M Pope MA MSci MA (Cantab, Sussex) Biology, Chemistry

Miss L J Robertson BA (East Anglia) MA (Lancaster) English

Director of Sixth Form

Mrs E Taylor, BA (Nottingham) MA (UCL)

Head of Sixth Form

Mr R Verdon, BA (Nottingham) MBA (Macquarie)

Head of Upper School

Mr M H Hetherington, BA (Nottingham) Mathematics

Head of Lower School

Ms C Case BA (Canterbury) History

Director of Finance

Mrs L Butterworth

RGS Foundation Director

Mr J Hylton, MInstF (Dip)


Rev P M Jackson, BA (Cheltenham) BA (Bristol)


For a full list of the subjects on offer, please refer to the curriculum plan for the current year, which is available via our website: reigategrammar.org

We believe in our young people so that they can achieve more than they ever thought possible and our innovative, distinctive curriculum enables a greater breadth of study and the skills for lifelong learning. It is designed to develop personal character, a moral compass and to prepare RGS students extraordinarily well for a happy and successful personal and professional adult life.

Our teachers have developed the RGS Learning Framework. Based on the principles of High Performance Learning, it combines the best understanding of learning (revealed by university level research and the outcomes of international studies) with, most importantly, our commitment to understand and motivate the students in our care. The RGS Learning Framework informs lesson planning, schemes of work, assessment, reporting and all aspects of learning.

Students in the First and Second Forms (Years 7 and 8) follow a common curriculum designed to provide a broad and balanced knowledge base and learning skills appropriate to high achieving students. In the First Form, students study French, German, Spanish, Mandarin, Latin or High Performance Literacy. In addition to the full range of National Curriculum subjects, students study creative subjects such as DT, drama, music, art and computing.


Students joining RGS are already working considerably ahead of national expectations. For those who join us in the First Form, we help them to work quickly through the important foundation stage in the first two years which allows us to support students to work at a higher level of study a year earlier than at most other schools. Students’ higher level of ability and the support framework provided by the school sees RGS students start working at GCSE level from the beginning of the Third Form (Year 9), i.e. students begin National Curriculum Key Stage 4 from the Third Form rather than waiting until the Fourth Form (Year 10) as in most other schools.

GCSE examinations remain at the end of the Fifth Form (Year 11). In addition, we extend many students’ study of mathematics by completing Further Mathematics (a bridging qualification between GCSE and A Level).

A distinctive feature of RGS is that in the Third, Fourth and Fifth Forms we work with parents and students to help them become architects of their own curriculum pathways, ensuring that students make the right choices and right combination for them as individuals. Advice and guidance is offered by staff to

both parents and students on an ongoing basis. As students are able to start personalising their programmes of study from the start of the Third Form, the increased time enables more flexibility to review and change option choices to ensure that students are set up to succeed. Students can choose from a broad and evolving range of options which includes the arts, languages and humanities. Most students sit ten GCSEs and all students study Mathematics, English Language and Literature and the separate sciences.

Having three years to work at GCSE level means students get three years to do what other schools rush through in just two years. The extra time supports higher attainment and higher grades that will open up additional opportunities as students apply to university. Additionally, the extended three-year GCSE curriculum enables students to enjoy greater breadth and depth in their learning.

Electives Programme

The extra time available at Key Stage 4/GCSE means that we are able to offer an electives programme. This innovative programme of modular options is a key component of students’ Key Stage 4/GCSE curriculum and contains a wide range of studies and life skills that are valuable but do not require yet another GCSE examination in order to be part of a great education. The electives programme means that a student does not have to drop as many subjects, as in most schools, but neither do they need to take an examination at GCSE level in every course of study undertaken. Whilst the electives available will vary over time, examples might include a new ab initio language, an art related course in sculpture or ceramics, French literature, digital design, computer programming or forensic science.

Sixth Form

The range of subjects available broadens even further in the Sixth Form to include Economics, Government and Politics, Psychology and Music Technology. There is also a bespoke and unique Sixth Form co-curricular programme called Henry Smith Studies. In the Lower Sixth Form this includes an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) programme, a suite of online subject specific Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), a range of accredited professional awards, such as Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and our own UCAS preparation programme. In the Upper Sixth Form it focuses on more practical modules linked to life beyond RGS such as student finance, CV writing and interview practice. In addition, we run a student leadership programme where students are encouraged and supported to take on a leadership role within the student community. Lastly, there is a new Sixth Form Learning Centre with state of the art resources and facilities.

Mrs J Callaghan Events Co-ordinator
Mrs P Watkins Director of Marketing & Admissions
Mrs M Walker Admissions Executive

Admissions criteria

Admission to Reigate Grammar School depends upon a prospective pupil meeting the criteria required to maintain and, if possible, improve the educational and general standards for all its students commensurate with the school’s ethos and aims. The school must also feel reasonably sure that it will be able to educate and develop the prospective pupil to the best of their potential and in line with the general standards achieved by the pupil’s peers.

The school’s criteria for admissions are:

a) that a prospective pupil achieves a sufficiently high mark in the school’s entrance examination to satisfy the Headmaster that they can cope with the general pace of learning at RGS;

b) that a prospective pupil, in the judgement of the Headmaster, shows sufficient aptitude, commitment and willingness to benefit from the educational and extra-curricular opportunities on offer at RGS;

c) that the school receives a positive reference from the prospective pupil’s school;

d) that the school is able to meet the educational, social and personal needs of a prospective pupil;

e) that there are sufficient vacancies in the appropriate year group;

f) in the judgement of the Headmaster, the pupil will make an exceptional academic or other contribution to the school community.

Age of entry

Students are normally admitted to the school into Year 7 and Year 12 but we do take students who are strong applicants at other times during Years 7, 8 and 9 if there is space. New students may enter the school in September or at any point in the school year.

• Students come from a mixture of local state and independent schools. In a typical year approximately 160 pupils are admitted into Year 7.

• A small number of pupils enter the school at age 13 (Year 9), usually from prep schools, or because they have moved to the area. We recommend that a place for age 13+ entry is secured via our 13+ pre-test arrangement, as outlined on page 8.

• We accept pupils into the Sixth Form (Year 12). There is no set number of places but we typically accept about 25-30 pupils into the Sixth Form each year.


RGS has an online admissions portal that allows you to register, set up an account and monitor the progress of your child’s application online. You will be prompted to set up your account the first time you register to attend an open event or make your application to the school. Please ensure you make a note of your account login details and password so that your online admissions journey can be accessed from anywhere and at any time.

Applications are welcome at any point. Deadlines for each entry point are stated on the RGS website and in the key dates flyer in the school prospectus. There is a nonrefundable registration fee* of £150 (UK online applications) or £200 (overseas, supplementary or applications received after the published deadlines) which is requested and required at the point of application. Acceptance of this fee does not guarantee an offer of a place.


In advance of any entrance examination or interview, we will always ask each applicant’s current school for a confidential written reference which is an important part of our decisionmaking process. It is therefore important that parents inform their child’s current school that they have made an application.


Interviews are an important part of understanding prospective pupils. An invitation to interview is not an early indication of a place at RGS and should be considered as one part of the admissions process. Not all children who sit entrance exams will be invited back to interview.

Entrance deposit and the Global Reigatian Community

Upon accepting a place at RGS, a deposit of £1,750 is required. Of this amount, £250 is allocated for a lifetime membership of the Global Reigatian Community, managed by the RGS Foundation. The remaining balance of the deposit is retained until the end of the pupil’s final term at the school.

Where a pupil is withdrawn more than one term before admission, the entrance deposit will be forfeited. In the event of a withdrawal less than one term before admission, a full term’s fees (less the amount of the acceptance deposit) will be payable in lieu of notice.

Terms and Conditions

All offers of places are made subject to the school’s terms and conditions, which will be made available to all successful candidates, or which may be obtained in advance from the Admissions Team. Pupils are admitted to the school at the discretion of the Headmaster, whose decision is final.

The Junior Schools of Reigate Grammar School:

• Reigate St Mary’s Preparatory and Choir School

• Chinthurst School

• Micklefield School

Strong relationships exist between RGS and its junior schools, Reigate St Mary’s Preparatory and Choir School (RSM), Chinthurst School and Micklefield School, and there is complete alignment in terms of expectations and understanding of the performance criteria that predict future success at RGS. Pupils at RSM, Chinthurst and Micklefield may receive an early 11+ offer to RGS whilst they are in Year 5.

The two sections of RGS (the junior and senior schools) have established a comprehensive system of standardised assessments and tracking of pupils’ progress which enables prediction, with great accuracy, of those who will cope with the pace and breadth of study at RGS. The primary aim of teachers at RSM, Chinthurst, Micklefield and RGS is to ensure that children will be happy and cope well with the pace of learning as they transfer to the right senior school for them. Pupils from RSM, Chinthurst and Micklefield may still sit the entrance examination in the January of Year 6 if their parents wish them to do so.

Overseas Applications

We welcome applications from families living overseas who are relocating to the UK. RGS will liaise with the candidate’s current school or nominated exam centre to arrange assessment invigilation. Interviews may be conducted virtually and the assessment required may vary.

Disability and Special Needs

The school welcomes applications from any prospective pupil with a physical and/or mental impairment. The school’s policy is to apply the criteria stated above to all pupils and potential pupils regardless of any disability** of which it is aware, and not to put any disabled pupil or potential pupil at a substantial disadvantage compared to any pupil who is not disadvantaged because of a disability. All applications will be judged fairly and the school will consider any reasonable adjustments that may need to be made to cater for the child’s disabilities.

When applying for a place, parents are asked to write to the Headmaster and Director of Admissions & Marketing setting out the nature and extent of any disability and whether or not they wish the school to take any disability into account during the admissions process.

In cases of doubt, parents should consult the school well in advance of any application.

For further details, please read the school’s policy on admissions exam access arrangements: r gs.to/policies

Supplementary Applications

We will always do our best to help with supplementary applications into Year 7, 8, 9 or 12. Applications received late or beyond the published entry points will incur an additional £50 application fee. Please contact the Admissions Team for more information. In these circumstances the assessment process may vary at the discretion of the Headmaster.

Exam Results

Exam results, references, and other records relating to applications are confidential. RGS is not able to release results or papers. By entering your child into the examination assessment, you agree that entrance examination results and other information related to an application will not be made available.

* * For the purposes of this document, disability includes any pupil or prospective pupil whose mobility, hearing, sight or other physical functions are impaired, or who exhibits other special educational needs, such as dyslexia or dyspraxia, or significant behavioural or emotional problems.

DOWNLOAD the OpenApply app to track your admissions journey.



Children who will be 11 years old in September of the year of proposed entry sit an entrance examination in January of the same year.


Once an application has been made, the Admissions Team will write to you during the autumn term to confirm details of the entrance exam. The application deadline is mid-November of the year in which your child is in Year 6. Towards the end of the autumn term of Year 6, we ask each applicant’s current school for a confidential written reference which is an important part of our decision making process. It is therefore important that parents inform their child’s current school that they have made an application.

Entrance Exam and Taster Day

The entrance exam day will take place in the January of Year 6. During the day, prospective pupils will have the opportunity to sample one of the many activities that are on offer as well as enjoy lunch. The day is designed to be enjoyable with frequent breaks and time to participate in leisure activities.


There will be three exams: Mathematics, English and a written reasoning test. Sample entrance examination papers, including a sample reasoning test, are available to download from the school’s website: r gs.to/11

All candidates sit a written reasoning test during the course of the day. The questions are a combination of verbal and non-verbal reasoning.


Interviews are held on the last two Saturdays in January of the year in which your child is in Year 6. Not all candidates who sit the 11+ entrance exams will be invited to interview. An invitation to interview is not an early indication of an offer of a place. Candidates are interviewed by a member of staff and will be asked to talk about their hobbies and interests. Candidates will also have a group interview with the Headmaster and enjoy an interactive group session with members of staff.


Please indicate on the online application form whether you are applying for a scholarship and if so which scholarship is of interest. Scholarship application forms and application criteria will be made available via your online admissions account during the autumn term of Year 6. The scholarship application deadline is at the end of November when your child is in Year 6.

Candidates with successful scholarship applications and who also pass the entrance tests will be invited to a scholarship assessment during January of the year of entry.

All candidates are automatically considered for academic scholarships which are awarded on the basis of performance in the entrance examinations.

Please make a note of the scholarship application deadlines (see key dates). Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.


Please review page 14 for bursary eligibility and criteria before indicating on the online application form whether you would like to apply for a bursary. Bursary application forms will be made available during the autumn term of Year 6.

The bursary application deadline is at the beginning of January of the year of entry.

Bursary queries should be sent to the Bursar, Mrs Briggs, who may be contacted via bursar@reigategrammar.org or 01737 222231.

Offers of places

Offers of places for 11+ entry will be made during February of the year of entry, in line with other local independent schools. Parents will be asked to reply in March of the year of entry.

Please review our key dates insert for all dates related to 11+ Entry to RGS.

Scan the QR code for Admissions Key dates for all entry points.


(The recommended route for 13+ applications)

Children wishing to join the school at 13+ into Year 9 and who attend local independent schools that finish at the end of Year 8, may sit the pre-test entrance examination whilst they are in Year 6. Candidates in other circumstances should contact the Admissions Team before applying.


Once an application has been made, the Admissions Team will write to you during the autumn term to confirm details of the entrance exam. The application deadline is mid-November of the year in which your child is in Year 6. At this point, we also ask each applicant’s current school for a confidential written reference. Towards the end of the autumn term of Year 6, we ask each applicant’s current school for a written reference which is an important part of our decision making process. It is therefore important that parents inform their child’s current school that they have made an application.

Entrance Exam and Taster Day

The entrance exam day will take place in the January of Year 6. During the day, prospective pupils will have the opportunity to sample one of the many activities that are on offer as well as enjoy lunch. The day is designed to be enjoyable with frequent breaks and time to participate in leisure activities.


There will be three exams: Mathematics, English and a written reasoning test. Sample entrance examination papers, including a sample reasoning test, are available to download from the school’s website: rgs.to/13pretest

All candidates sit a written reasoning test during the course of the day. The questions are a combination of verbal and non-verbal reasoning.


Interviews are held on the last two Saturdays in January of the year in which your child is in Year 6. Not all candidates who sit the 13+ pre-test entrance exams will be invited to interview. An invitation to interview is not an early indication of an offer of a place. Candidates are interviewed by a member of staff and will be asked to talk about their hobbies and interests. Candidates will also have a group interview with the Headmaster and enjoy an interactive group session with members of staff.


Please indicate on the online application form whether you are applying for a scholarship and if so which scholarship is of interest. Scholarship application forms and application cover will be made available via your online admissions account during the autumn term of Year 6. The scholarship application deadline is at the end of November when your child is in Year 6.

Candidates with successful scholarship applications and who also pass the entrance tests will be invited to a scholarship assessment during January of Year 6. Candidates sitting the 13+ pre-test should apply for a scholarship during Year 6 and not wait until Year 8.

All candidates are automatically considered for academic scholarships which are awarded on the basis of performance in the entrance examinations.

Please make a note of the scholarship application deadlines (see key dates). Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.


Please review page 14 for bursary eligibility and criteria before indicating on the online application form whether you would like to apply for a bursary. Bursary application forms will be made available during the autumn term of Year 6.

The bursary application deadline is at the beginning of January of Year 6.

Bursary queries should be sent to the Bursar, Mrs Briggs, who may be contacted via bursar@reigategrammar.org or 01737 222231.

Offers of places

Offers of places for 13+ (Year 9) pre-test entry will be made during February of the year in which your child is in Year 6. 13+ pre-test offers are conditional on continuous academic performance during years 7 and 8, as candidates are in Year 6 at the time of assessment.

Please review our key dates insert for all dates related to 13+ Pre-Test Entry to RGS.


Children who will be entering Year 9 in September of the year of proposed entry may sit an entrance examination in the November preceding the year of entry.


Once an application has been made, the Admissions Team will write to you during the autumn term to confirm details of the entrance exam. The application deadline is early October of the year in which your child is in Year 8. During the autumn term of Year 8, we ask each applicant’s current school for a confidential written reference, which is an important part of our decision making process. It is therefore important that parents inform their child’s current school that they have made an application to us.


The entrance exams will take place in the October of the year in which your child is in Year 8.

There will be up to three exams: Mathematics, English and a written reasoning test or cognitive abilities (CAT4) test. Sample Entrance Examination papers, including a sample reasoning test, are available to download from the school’s website: r gs.to/13

All candidates sit a written reasoning test during the course of the day. The questions are a combination of verbal and non-verbal reasoning and are designed to be user-friendly.* At this point, we also ask each applicant’s current school for a confidential written reference.


Prospective pupils will have an interview with a member of staff and a group interview with the Headmaster or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Not all candidates will be invited back to an interview. An invitation to this day is not an early indication of an offer of a place.


We have limited places to join the school into Year 9. It is therefore possible we will ask candidates to sit a preassessment. Depending on the outcome, candidates will receive an invitation to attend the entrance exam dates.


Please indicate on the online application form if you are interested in applying for a scholarship and if so which scholarship is of interest. Scholarship application forms and application criteria will be made available via your online admissions account during the autumn term of Year 8. The scholarship application deadline is early October of Year 8.

Candidates with successful scholarship applications and who also pass the entrance tests will be invited to a scholarship assessment in the November preceding the year of entry. Academic scholarships cannot be applied for as all candidates are automatically considered (see page 11). Please make a note of the scholarship application deadlines (see key dates). Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.


Please review page 14 for bursary eligibility and criteria before indicating on the online application form whether you would like to apply for a bursary. Bursary application forms will be made available during the autumn term of Year 8.

The bursary application deadline is the end of October of the autumn term of Year 8.

Bursary queries should be sent to the Bursar, Mrs Briggs, who may be contacted via bursar@reigategrammar.org or 01737 222231.

Offers of places

Offers of places for 13+ (Year 9) entry will be made early in December of the year preceding entry. Parents will be asked to reply during February of the year in which your child is in Year 8.

Please review our key dates insert for all dates related to 13+ Entry to RGS.

* Assessment format is subject to alteration, depending on available information.

Scan the QR code for Admissions Key dates for all entry points.


Students who will be entering Year 12 (Sixth Form) in September of the year of proposed entry, come for an assessment day in November of the year in which they are in Year 11. We also welcome applications at other times during Year 11.


Applications for entry into the Sixth Form should be made as soon as possible in the academic year before entry. Once an application has been made, the Admissions Team will write to you during the autumn term to confirm details of the assessment day.

The application deadline for the November assessment day/ evening is mid-October of the year in which your child is in Year 11.

Candidates are advised to attend the November day/evening in order to secure the best available choice of A Level subjects.

During the autumn term of Year 11, we ask each applicant’s current school for a confidential written reference, which is an important part of our decision making process. It is therefore important that parents inform their child’s current school that they have made an application to RGS. Good GCSE predictions and mock examination grades will be required.

Assessment Evening

The assessment evening comprises an online CAT4 assessment (which cannot be revised or prepared for), a group interview with the Headmaster or a member of the Senior Leadership Team, an individual interview with a senior teacher and an interactive team building activity with the Sixth Form Team.

Entrance Criteria

Successful 16+ candidates will usually receive an offer of a place conditional on their performance at GCSE. Offer conditions are personalised to each candidate taking into account all the information we learn as part of the process (predicted grades, mock exam results, references, reports and performance in the entrance test and interviews). Although we may make offers that are lower, successful applicants are usually on track for a grade 8 in the subjects they want to study at A Level, receive no grades lower than a 6 and have an average point score (APS) above 7.


Please indicate on the online application form if you are interested in applying for a scholarship. Scholarship application forms and application criteria will be made available via your online admissions account during the autumn term of Year 11. The Scholarship application deadline is mid-October of Year 11.

Candidates with successful scholarship applications will be invited to a scholarship assessment during Year 11.

Academic scholarships cannot be applied for as all candidates are automatically considered (see page 11).

Academic scholarships with a fee remission value of £1,000 per year are awarded to the top performing students (both internal and those applying to join the Sixth Form) at GCSE based on average points score for all GCSE subjects taken. This is a change from the previous arrangements when an A* count was used and is due to the move to a numerical grading system.


Please review page 14 for bursary eligibility and criteria before indicating on the online application form whether you would like to apply for a bursary. Bursary application forms will be made available during the autumn term of Year 11.

The bursary application deadline is the end of October of Year 11.

Bursary queries should be sent to the Bursar, Mrs Briggs, who may be contacted via bursar@reigategrammar.org or 01737 222231.

Offers of places

Offers of places will be made shortly after each assessment day. Following the November assessment, parents will be asked to reply by mid-December.

Please review our key dates insert for all dates related to 16+ Entry to RGS. More information regarding 16+ Entry can be found on the school’s website: rgs.to/16


Scholarships at RGS are awarded for academic excellence and for outstanding ability and potential in music, sport and other extra-curricular activities such as art, performing arts, dance and chess.

All RGS students flourish here, developing their talents and skills, and demonstrating high levels of performance both academically and in the wider curriculum. Scholarships recognise those students with exceptional ability or potential in a specific area and seek to nurture this throughout their time at the school by delivering a programme of enrichment and mentoring. Some scholarship awards include fee remission where values may be a percentage or a fixed amount per annum. The majority of scholarships either have no fee remission or are at a fixed amount (e.g. £1,000). In exceptional circumstances a percentage reduction of fees may be given. Substantial fee reduction through scholarships is rare and is intended for candidates performing at an exceptionally high level, for example, national representative standard in the chosen sport. Scholarships may be held alongside bursaries where candidates qualify for additional fee support. Scholarships are not a means of addressing fee remission. To discuss fee support, see pages 16-17 and contact the Bursar.

Academic Scholarships

Academic scholarships are awarded at 11+ and 13+ based upon performance in entrance examinations and school references. Academic scholarships are awarded automatically and cannot be applied for. At 16+, scholarships are based on GCSE performance and scholarships are awarded to the top students calculated on average points score for all GCSE subjects taken. Once at RGS, Academic Scholars are invited to participate in the Academic Excellence Programme, which identifies a wide range of regular enrichment activities designed to support and challenge them at the various stages of their education.

Music Scholarships

Music Scholarships are awarded to exceptional candidates at 11+, 13+ and 16+. Applicants should meet the following criteria in order to be considered for assessment: at 11+, have the potential to be at least Grade 4 (or equivalent) on their principal instrument and Grade 2 on their second instrument by the time they start at RGS; at 13+, Grade 6 on their principal instrument and Grade 4 on their second; at 16+, Grade 7 on their principal instrument and Grade 5 on their second. The award of a scholarship is based on performance

at the assessment. Music Scholars benefit from the excellent music facilities and opportunities at RGS and also the support of a large and passionate staff, many of whom work in the music industry alongside their teaching careers. Scholars have the chance to participate in local, national and international performances and tours. Scholars will play a leading role in the musical life of the school and will benefit from mentoring.

Sports Scholarships

Sports Scholarships are awarded to exceptional candidates at 11+, 13+ and 16+. 11+ candidates should have the potential to play their principal sport at county level by the time they join RGS; 13+ candidates should play their principal sport at county/regional level by the time of application; 16+ candidates should play at regional/national level at the time of application. Sports Scholars benefit from the RGS High Performance Hub. Scholars will be able to take advantage of motivational talks, coaching sessions and individual nutrition and fitness programmes created by our strength and conditioning coach.

Headmaster’s Art Scholarship

Art Scholarships are awarded to exceptional candidates at 11+, 13+ and 16+. Applicants should be able to demonstrate dedication, passion and talent through work displayed or published beyond school, such as in galleries, magazines or online exhibitions. Candidates should also demonstrate how their excellence in Art has or will add significantly to the life of the school. A portfolio of evidence will be requested as part of the assessment. Those applying at 13+ will be expected to take Art GCSE and those applying at 16+ will be expected to take Art A Level.

Headmaster’s Performing Arts Scholarship

Performing Arts Scholarships are awarded to exceptional candidates at 11+, 13+ and 16+. Applicants should be able to demonstrate dedication, passion and talent in sustained and significant ways in school, professionally and/or semiprofessionally beyond school, or in representative/local/ regional performance groups. Candidates must evidence their ability and commitment to all of the following: creating theatre, performing and/or designing theatre, and interpreting theatre. Those applying at 13+ will be expected to take Drama GCSE and those applying at 16+ will be expected to take Drama A Level.

Headmaster’s Chess Scholarship

Chess scholarships are awarded to exceptional candidates at 11+ and 13+. Pupils should be outstanding players who are competing regularly. We expect pupils who are applying for a Headmaster’s Scholarship in chess to show a clear passion and enthusiasm for the subject beyond school and the classroom.

Headmaster’s Golf Scholarship

Golf Scholars benefit from a programme that supports and develops them as players and as people. They will be mentored by the head of golf and have access to an all year golf programme with fixtures across two terms and practice time at professional facilities on a weekly basis.

Golf scholarships are awarded to exceptional candidates at 11+ and 16+, based on the following criteria:

• Year 6 pupils applying for 11+ entry should have a handicap of 10 or below or in a full county or county development squad

• Year 11 pupils applying for 16+ entry should have a handicap of 5 or below with county or county development squad

Applying for Scholarships

Please indicate on the online application form if you are applying for a scholarship and which scholarship is of interest. The scholarship application form should be completed by the candidate and should include a reference from an independent referee. Referees should be prepared to supply further information if requested. We will write to you to confirm whether your child’s application for a scholarship will be taken forward. Only applications which fulfil the scholarship criteria will be considered. Scholarships awarded to 13+ pre-test candidates who apply whilst they are in Year 6 are offered subject to continued high level of performance and subsequent references. Candidates may be visited at their current school towards the end of Year 7 to confirm that the candidate continues to perform at the required standard.

Applications must be received by the respective deadlines


Bursaries are intended to enable gifted children to benefit from an RGS education, irrespective of their family financial circumstances. A pupil may hold both a scholarship and a bursary.

Bursaries are available to those children who are successful in our entrance examination and offered a place in the school by the Headmaster. Bursary funds are limited, so those children judged most likely to benefit from an RGS education, with the potential to make the most progress, will be given priority. We endeavour to help as many families as we can within the limitation of the funds available in any one year. Temporary bursaries are also available to the parents of existing pupils, where a change in parents’ circumstances has resulted in difficulty meeting fees.

Funds are made available for the provision of means-tested bursaries to talented children by the school itself, the RGS Foundation, and the Peter Harrison Foundation. School bursaries and named awards (see table) are subject to the same assessment of financial means and are awarded as part of the admissions process at 11+, 13+ and 16+.

The level of fee remission will be determined on a sliding scale which may offer up to 100 per cent reduction in fees. Assistance towards the cost of school uniform, school meals and travel may also be available in cases of particular need. Parents’ income and assets will be re-assessed annually in order to ensure that families continue to receive an appropriate level of support and all information will be treated in the strictest confidence. The exact amount of fee reduction will depend upon family circumstances, however, families with a total gross annual income over £120,000 are unlikely to qualify for a bursary. These figures are guideline amounts and parents are encouraged to contact the Bursar to discuss their individual circumstances, in complete confidence.

Bursary Application and Financial Assessment

On the online application form please indicate your interest in registering for a bursary. Once you have expressed your interest in a bursary, we will make the application form available which asks you to fill in details of your income, assets held and your outgoings (on mortgage, living expenses, dependent children or other relatives). The Bursar may also request a meeting to discuss your needs. If you are likely to be eligible for any one of our bursaries, we will ask for proof of income, together with other material evidence, and you may receive a home visit.

It is important that all bursary application forms are returned to the Bursar by the deadline outlined in the Key Dates insert


For pastoral and contractual reasons the terms of scholarship and bursary awards must remain confidential.

RGS reserves the right to withdraw a scholarship or bursary award if confidentiality is breached.

School Bursary Reigate Grammar School

Temporary Bursary

Reigate Grammar School

Harrison Scholars†

Peter Harrison Foundation (in conjunction with a School Bursary)

1675 Scholars^ RGS Foundation’s Changing Lives, Building Futures campaign

Gershon Scholars^ RGS Foundation’s Changing Lives, Building Futures campaign

Up to 100% of fees* Any family with a gross annual income below £120,000 (higher if more than one child attends).

Up to 100% of fees*

Throughout the child’s time at RGS, but subject to annual review.

Any family in hardship. Renewable termly up to a maximum of two years.

Up to 100% of fees* Families who live in the Borough of Reigate & Banstead and who qualify for a bursary.

Up to 100% of fees* Any family with a gross annual income below £120,000 (higher if more than one child attends).

Up to 100% of fees* For Sixth Form students committed to pursuing a career in science and engineering at university. Any family with a gross annual income below £120,000.

Throughout the child’s time at RGS, but subject to annual review.

Throughout the child’s time at RGS, but subject to annual review.

Throughout a student’s time in the RGS Sixth Form.

Please indicate your interest in a bursary when completing the online application form.

Please contact the Bursar’s PA.

NHS Scholars RGS Foundation’s Changing Lives, Building Futures campaign

Up to 100% of fees* For the children of parents who work in the NHS and Care sectors, including nurses, paramedics and support staff.

Throughout the child’s time at RGS, but subject to annual review.

Families who are eligible will be contacted by the Bursar’s office.

Please indicate your interest in a bursary when completing the online application form.

Please indicate your interest in a bursary when completing the online application form.

We Care Bursary

RGS Foundation’s Changing Lives, Building Futures campaign

Up to 100% of fees* For children facing unforeseen and extremely difficult circumstances.

Throughout the child’s time at RGS, but subject to annual review.

* In cases of extreme hardship, we are sometimes also able to offer help with extras such as school transport, lunches and uniform.

† We are very grateful to the Peter Harrison Foundation for their ongoing support through the provision of Harrison Scholarships. Further details can be found at peterharrisonfoundation.org

Please indicate your interest in a bursary when completing the online application form.

Please indicate your interest in a bursary when completing the online application form.

^ We are also very grateful to Sir Peter Gershon and all of the supporters of the RGS Foundation’s Changing Lives, Building Futures Campaign. Visit rgs.foundation for further information.


The fees from 1 September 2024 will be: First and Second forms: £7,900*; Third to Sixth Forms: £8,100.*

Fee bills are payable in full by the first day of term by termly direct debit (collected on the first day of term), which is the school’s preference, or by direct credit into the school’s bank account.

The school operates a Fees in Advance scheme for parents who wish to reduce the cost of their child’s education by making an advance lump-sum payment to the school. The school also offers a monthly payment scheme via the school fee finance provider School Fee Plan.

The charges for extras such as insurances and coach transport to/from school are added to the termly fee bill. Other additional items, such as school trips, may be added to the school’s parents’ online payment system during a given term. GCSE, A Level and other external examination fees are payable in addition to the tuition fee.

Meals: We operate a biometric cashless system for purchases from the dining hall which provides pupils with the flexibility to select from a wide range of hot and cold options each day.

Music Lessons: Billed termly by the individual music teacher.

Personal Accident Insurance: Due to the nature of contact sports and physical activities that students participate in whilst at RGS, it is mandatory that each student be covered. Consequently the school covers each student through Marsh Insurance Brokers. There is no charge for this insurance.

Fees Refund Scheme: Under this insurance scheme, fees are refunded for any continuous period of five days or more that a student is absent from school due to illness. This scheme is run on an opt-in basis and the premium per term is 0.82% of the term’s tuition fee.

Personal Effects Insurance: The school is unable to accept responsibility for loss or damage to a student’s personal property. We have therefore arranged a personal effects insurance scheme which is run on an opt-in basis and the premium per term is £8.31.

Sibling discounts: A discount of 5% of the full fees is provided for each second child; and 10% for each subsequent child, educated simultaneously either at RGS, Reigate St Mary’s Preparatory School, Chinthurst School and Micklefield School.

The school organises coaches to bring students in to school and to take them home again in the afternoon. All coaches are scheduled to arrive by 8.25am and after school the return journeys depart at 4.05pm from the coach park. There are currently twelve coach routes that operate from the following areas:

1. Banstead and Couldson

2. Caterham

3. Crawley

4. Dorking

5. Epsom

6. Guildford and Merrow

7. Horsham

8. Oxshott

9. Oxted

10. Shalford

11. Sutton and Kingswood

12. Tattenham & Tadworth

There is also a shuttle service to take students from Reigate train station to school in the mornings. It helps students who carry bags and instruments and gets students to school in time for morning registration. The Oxted coach service can collect students arriving by train at Redhill train station. For more detailed information on pick up locations and timings please visit rgs.to/transport

To book onto the coach please contact the Finance department via rgscoaches @reigategrammar.org

Coach Tickets

Tickets may be purchased for termly use to include morning and afternoon journeys and use of the late coach service for all of the above coach routes. Occasional tickets may also be purchased via the porter’s desk for one-off coach journey, subject to availability.

Late Coach

The late coaches provide those staying for extra curricular activities with a convenient and safe passage home. Late coaches are free for those students holding a termly ticket. The late coach service runs Monday to Thursday inclusive. Students are required to sign up for the service at the Porters’ desk by 2pm on the day/s they wish to use the late coach. We run six late coaches which cover Reigate Grammar School’s catchment area.


The RGS campus is on its original 1675 site in the historic market town of Reigate within an area of outstanding natural beauty. Adjacent to junction 8 of the M25, the school is also easily accessible from central London by train.

The school benefits from excellent facilities, including:

• An £8m Sixth Form and Learning Resource Centre at the heart of the campus

• Drama studios and Music school

• Swimming pool

• 32 acres of sports ground with two floodlit all-weather hockey pitches, rugby, cricket and football pitches

The school is currently within the planning phase for the construction and development of a state-of-the-art sports centre on the town centre campus.


By Road

Reigate Grammar School is situated on the south side of the A25 about a quarter of a mile east of Reigate town centre, between Reigate and Redhill.

Postcode: RH2 0QS

By rail

The school is approximately ten minutes’ walk from Reigate station which is well served by direct trains from London Victoria, East Croydon, Guildford and Dorking. Frequent connections to Redhill station (about one mile away) allow access to Crawley, Horsham and towns to the south along with Nutfield, Godstone and Tonbridge to the east.

Reigate Grammar School, Reigate Road, Reigate, Surrey RH2 0QS 01737 222231 admissions@reigategrammar.org reigategrammar.org

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