Dr. Herbert's Children's Christmas Band

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NANA: (HURT BUT STRONG): “Now my dear, don’t be angry. Please. Think about what you are saying.” QUENTIN: (HALF STANDS UP A BIT MORE WOBBLY THIS TIME) “Yeah, honey, think about what you’re saying...er…Mom? (EXTENDS ARM AND GLASS) NANA: (SMILING) “Why of course, Quentin. Here, my dear.” QUENTIN: (SLEEPILY) “Why, thanks, Mom. And a very Merry Christmas to you!” (HALF EXTENDS HAND IN TOAST) NANA: (ALWAYS SMILING) “And to you too, Quentin.” (TURNS TO REGINA) “Now as I was saying, dear, your Grandfather, Dr. Herbert, truly believed. He always believed, and he sang…” REGINA: (WALKING TO R AWAY FROM MOM) “…to Santa and his elves? (LAUGHS LOUDLY AND A BIT SARCASTICALLY) “Mom, really, my father, Mr. Jack, never believed, and he never sang Christmas songs. Remember? Yet you two always seemed quite in love. Weren’t you?” (ASKS SERIOUSLY, AS IF THE ANSWER MAY TROUBLE HER) NANA: (MOVING TO REGINA WHERE SHE HUGS HER AND KISSES HER CHEEK) “Why of course I loved you Dad, my husband, Mr. Jack” (WITH A BIT OF SMILE AND LAUGH) “and we remain deeply in love. Still though, dear, I’m sure your father, Mr. Jack” (WITH A BIT OF SMILE AND LAUGH) “would agree even today, why tonight for that matter, that a bit more song and a lot more belief, and, would certainly have brightened his holidays.” REGINA: (RETURNS HUG GENEROUSLY) “Oh sure, Mom” (AS IF SHE DOESN’T BELIEVE HER) “why not ask him next time you talk with him?”


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