Horror stories

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STORY OF A WINTER NIGHT It was a cold winter night. My brother and I were watching a horror movie on the couch, each with our own blanket, when suddenly I heard a noise in the kitchen. I did not care. Some time later I heard it again, and my brother too. Although scared, we got up and went to the kitchen to see what it was. On the way, we heard a noise, just the same as before, and we stopped suddenly, but in a moment, we were already walking there. When we got to the door, we decided to stick our heads out of the door at the count of three, and so it was. We couldn’t believe what was inside. Aitor Chorén Sende 4º D

THE RIVER BOY Many years ago, on a foggy winter day, Martin's parents sent him to fetch flour from a mill far from the house. When he wanted to return, it was already dark. On his way home, he saw some lights that were moving without an explanation. He crouched in fear and realized that those lights were getting closer and closer. So, he decided to start running but, suddenly, someone threw him into the river and his body was never found. Legend has it that a child died in that river and nowadays he grabs people who pass by so that he can go out. Sara Couto Arca 4ยบ D

Horror story:

-Oh! Look at that, grandfather! This autumn we have a lot of pumpkins, but they were nicer in previous years… – said Abby. -Really? I thought that you had called me for another reason. This was stupid. Leave it and go to bed right now! - said Frank. And she went to her bed quickly. She lived with her grandfather in a little village. Abby was having a really nice dream when, suddenly, she heard a lot of people shouting. She went outside slowly. She couldn’t believe her eyes: the pumpkins were attacking everybody in the village. She saw her grandfather dead, and closed her eyes. Eventually, they were fine but the pumpkins had disappeared. Rosalía Díaz Mosquera 4º D

THE LAST PARTY It was Friday afternoon and my friends and I were about to get ready for the party that evening. It was a special day as we celebrated my best friend's birthday. The party was a lot of fun, but at times cries for help were heard. Suddenly, we realized that Sara, my friend's girlfriend, was nowhere in the house and we ran to the garden to see if she was there. We found a shoe of hers by the door but she was nowhere to be found. We went to the pool and we realized that Sara was trapped inside the pool, which was covered with a tarp because it was winter. Sara came out and asked us what had happened. Hugo DomĂ­nguez Castro 4Âş D

NEW MESSAGE Ok, I'm ready, let's go! ... “If you're listening to this, well, you've probably made the biggest mistake of your entire life... if you still have it… I remember it well for it was my first time here. My boss told me: “We are what we do”. At first, I thought he was smart and ... crazy. Now I know he's crazy. But this doesn't interest you to keep breathing, right? I have no time, so... listen carefully! Everything you're going to see now… Yes, it’s real… If you can see it … I can assure you that they do it to you …” At that moment, the message was cut off… and I was left alone again. Sheila Esturao Vilas 4º D

RUN Last week, I called my friend Lukas to dine out together in Illinois. At nightfall, I received a message from him telling me that he was coming, so I left home excitedly and walked to the metro station. I left home so fast that I forgot my purse. I returned home to get it. I took a shortcut to get there quickly. At that moment, I realized I was being followed. I looked back and I saw the shadow of a man. He was getting closer and closer to me, so I started to run. I saw my house and went in. Later, I called Lukas and told him to come home in a taxi. Abeba Fernández Pérez 4º D

Mr. Miller and the orphan It was a cloudy night when Mr. Miller went to bring flowers to his late wife. When he returned home, he had the feeling that he was being watched but he thought it was his imagination and kept walking. In the middle of the road there was a child who was crying. The child started to tell him his story. He had run away from the orphanage because he had been accused of killing another child. The expression on his face as he was telling the story was more and more sinister. Suddenly, the boy attacked Mr. Miller, pulling out a knife and sticking it into his heart. Angélica Giménez Prol 4º D

YOU ARE NOT ALONE A year ago, on October 31 in Chicago, a girl named Carolina was left alone. Carolina was in her room doing her English homework. She was so focused that she didn't hear someone was inside the house. Noises began to be heard, but she thought her parents had come back home and kept writing. She was so absorbed in her computer that she could not notice if someone was by her side, which was happening. Someone had climbed the stairs, come to her room, and stood to her right. Since that day no one heard from her. Right now, you're so focused that you don't know that if you look back, you'll see me. Valentina Gonzรกlez Reimรณndez 4ยบ D

A TERRIBLE VOICE At 11pm of a rainy day, John and Bob decided to explore the town, so they got dressed and left. At midnight John saw an abandoned house, and he said: - “Bob, shall we go in?” - “I prefer going home” - said Bob. - “Are you scared?” said John while laughing. - “No” - said Bob. Bob was very afraid, but they went into the house. When they were inside the house, they heard a voice that said: - “What are you doing here?” They tried to run out but the door was locked. At that moment, John felt that someone was touching his arm. He started shouting when he heard a familiar voice. It was her mother’s voice telling him to get up. Paula Iglesias Rey 4º D

STORY A group of friends went to an abandoned house. Their purpose was to have a Ouija board session. They began to play happily. Then, paranormal activities started to happen. Some knives came out of the kitchen drawer and stuck in the wall. Mysteriously, the furniture began to float and move around the room, the lights went off and on and the windows and the doors slammed closed. The children got scared and did not know what to do, until one of them decided to take a knife from the wall and stick it in the board. Automatically, everything returned to normal. The children ran out of the house and did not come back again. Iago Iglesias & RubĂŠn Mera 4Âş D

HORROR STORY My father told me this story which, supposedly, happened to his father… Many stories tell of a man driving home down the road. It was a cold dark and rainy winter night and my grandfather saw a girl in the middle of the road. The rain was falling on her head and body so he was dishevelled. She was completely wet and dirty. Her face was white and she was wearing a long and ragged white dress. The man stopped the car and asked her: Do you want me to take you home? The girls entered the car. Suddenly, the girl told the man: drive slowly because it’s a tight turn and I died there 25 years ago. He stopped the car and looked to his right but she had disappeared. Surprisingly, the seat was wet. Nerea Jiménez Bertúa 4º D

The 666 girl She was born in 1946 on the 6th day of the 6th month. Her name was Ella. Ever since she was little, she had always liked things related to terror. Years passed and on her 16th birthday, she and her friends decided to play Ouija board. The next day Ella began to see a little devil everywhere. He began to possess her. She realized that this devil was the cause why people did not play Ouija. Ella started taking drugs and making small cuts on her body that later became larger. Two days later, the devil told her that she had to commit suicide or she would hurt people. And at the end of the day, Ella couldn't take it anymore and ended up cutting her wrists. Xiana Leborรกn Iglesias 4ยบ D

Help This story started on an October night, when a typical family moved into a new house. It seemed comfortable, a new comfortable house… As time went by, nothing seemed strange. However, one day, everything changed. The atmosphere felt different and a disturbing feeling took over the thoughts of this family. Something was going to change their days for the rest of their lives. The moment the first son started to have a strange behaviour, his mother worried about him. But it didn’t help and one night, the night she will remember forever, she found the dead body of her lovely son. She only said: HELP! Elena López Chaves 4º D

Uma’s story Uma was a nice girl with a nice life. One day, a pizza delivery guy knocked at her door. He had only one eye and his mouth was sewn with thread. Instead of a pizza, every Monday he gave Uma a picture of a particular place. At first, she was intrigued, but then she started to freak out. One Monday, she didn’t receive a picture. Rather, in front of her door there was a white paper. She couldn’t understand anything, but one thing was for sure: something bad was about to happen. When she touched it, she started to feel really bad and before she could notice she was in an empty room. Noa Lorenzo Yáñez 4º D

HORROR STORY This story took place on a cloudy night. It was Halloween and the kids were in the streets trick-ortreating when, suddenly, they noticed a lot of strange people coming towards them… Zombies! But they weren’t just people wearing costumes… a zombie apocalypse had started! As time went by, more people were hiding, running and screaming in the streets. Everybody was extremely frightened. There were also people bleeding in the middle of the roads and the sidewalks, and the survivors were becoming zombies. A few hours later, some people who were hiding at home went to the street armed with rifles. It was too late because there were too many zombies and they couldn´t do anything against them…. A year later, there were no more humans on Earth. Daniela Loureiro Díaz 4º D

ALL SAINTS’ NIGHT Legend has it that on All saints’ night many years ago the children of the village in Outes rang the bell of the church to scare the people who were lighting candles for their dead in the cemetery. Then, they went out the window with brooms, pumpkins, disguised as witches and ghosts and when people saw them, they got scared. So, everyone decided to play a prank on these kids. They took the priest’s clothes and disguised themselves as the Holy Company and the children ran to their houses with their family. This is the story my grandmother told me on that night when I was little. Celia Vidal Vidal 4º D

A SCARY HALLOWEEN One day three boys went to a Halloween party in their city. Their names were Bryan, Ryan and Jake. The three boys went trick-or-treating around the neighbourhood. After a while, they already had many candies and went to the last house. It started to rain and the guys ran to the mysterious house. One man opened the door and told them to enter the house because there was fire at the fireplace. The boys accepted and entered. The man gave them some cookies and then went to the basement. Then, the man came back with a shotgun. Ryan could escape but Bryan and Jake couldn’t. The following day the police went with Ryan to that place but the house wasn’t there.

Mateo Vidal Vidal 4º D

THE WHISPERS I’m Tod Brown and I’m a journalist. This morning, I saw on the news there was another disappearance around the old Bluberry hotel. This time two graffiti artists who wanted to paint inside the hotel were missing. John (my co-worker) and I went to the hotel to film some scenes but there was a lot of police and they wouldn't let us film. So, we went in the middle of the night. We decided to enter through a window. Inside, we turned on a flashlight and we started to hear whispers. We asked if there was anyone there, but nobody answered. Suddenly, the light went out and when I was able to turn it back on, John wasn't there and John’s camera was in front of me. Samuel Cancelo Sánchez 4º E

October 31 Two children were playing Cluedo and eating candy and another child was just smiling at them when they began to hear the strange noises in the living room. They decided to ignore them at first, but they started to be louder and darker. Suddenly the light went out, so they went out to investigate what was going on. The garden was very dark and somber. There were no streetlights on the street, so they decided that the oldest should go back to the house to grab a flashlight. Minutes passed and Jorge didn’t return, so the other boys, very worried went to look for him. As soon as they entered the house, Jorge surprised them by shouting: trick or treat! Daniela Castro & Mara Domínguez 4º E

THE SHADOW It was a full moon Tuesday 13th. An old woman was sitting in her deck chair in her house where she lived alone. When she looked out the window, she saw a person dressed in black in front of her. The woman called the police. When they arrived, they asked her what had happened after being informed. They searched outside the house and there was nobody there. When they were reassuring the woman, a police officer realised that if they looked behind the woman’s chair, she was the shadow and when he looked down, he saw some footprints. That person was inside the house!!! Brais Conde Mouzo 4º E

Horror story Once upon a time there was a man and a woman. The man was called Jacob and the woman, Olivia. They were married but Jacob abused his wife. Unfortunately, Olivia wasn’t confident enough to tell someone what her husband did to her. One day Jacob didn't control himself and he hit her so strong that she had to go to hospital. Jacob almost killed Olivia. Then, one day Olivia thought that she had to do something so she started to think and she found the solution. She would stab Jacob when he was sleeping and she would leave home. He woke up covered in blood almost dead. Finally, he died and nobody went to his funeral. Iris Couto Fernández 4º E

Heads or tails It was midnight and Halloween celebrations had started in London. Alexander and Garett used to play hide and seek and this time they had also planned to do so but in Whitechapel, a London district known for its disappearances. When they arrived, Alexander took out a coin: if it came down heads, he would hide and if it came down tails, Garett would. After several times coming down heads, Garett wanted to hide but when he flipped the coin, it came down heads again. Garett, tired of searching, shouted Alexander's name but, as no one answered, he decided to leave thinking that Alexander had already left. Alexander never came home. The police looked for him all over the city and the only thing they found was the coin. Zoraida Díaz Quiñoy 4º E

GHOSTS There was a Halloween party at high school and we were having a great time. I went to the bathroom and when I was going through the corridors and I heard whispers at the end of the corridor. There was a monster full of blood with a knife that was coming after me. I started screaming and running but, at the other end of the corridor, there were more monsters with knives. I couldn't get out of there and they were getting closer. I started to cry and when they were about to kill me with their knives, they took off their masks and… they were all my friends who wanted to play a joke on me. Carlota Domínguez Fraga 4º E

HORROR STORY The alarm sounds. 7:15 a.m. It is a rainy day, which is not strange in Galicia in October. She gets dressed and goes out to work. On the road, she sees the famous poster that has circulated throughout the city. They still can't find him. She finishes work and goes home to have lunch. She serves herself and when she is about to sit on the sofa, she hears him. She has forgotten that he is hungry too. She goes down to the basement with a plate and a knife. She looks at him excitedly. Day after day, there is so little left of him, literally. Today his menu will be a bit of what is left of his own leg. Laura Fariña Rodríguez 4º E

HORROR STORY She was Sarah, an innocent girl who, on a rainy November 23rd, after doing her homework, took advantage of the fact that she was home alone to watch a movie. She made some snacks and hit play. She was enjoying it but strange things began to happen. She saw a great resemblance to what was happening in the film. The protagonist had the same name and she was also alone in her house... She started to get scared but didn't give it much attention and continued watching the movie. After an hour, her mother knocked on the door 4 times, as she knew Sarah was inside. She opened the door and BOOM! Sarah stiffened, just like the movie had ended. Alicia Fernรกndez Baleato 4ยบ E

THE WITCH TRIAL Long time ago, a truly spooky story took place in Salem (USA), where over 150 people were accused of witchcraft and many of them, finally, condemned. It happened in 1692. Tituba was afraid. She was the slave of the Parris and that horrible morning she was in front of the judge accused of witchcraft. They used to do voodoo rituals with their friends because they were part of the traditions of their people. They did not hurt anyone but the Parris girls said that they were witches. She imagined the horrible tortures to which she would be subjected: they would cut off her fingers and pull out her teeth to make her confess. Her legs were shaking. She didn’t want to die! Iván Fernández González 4º E

THE GHOST OF THE TUNNEL It was a night in December 1978. It was a raining a lot. Two policemen were driving a car through a tunnel that led to a forest. At the end of the tunnel the two policemen saw a twometre tall shadow with human shape. The two policemen were scared. They got out of the car and asked who was out there but nobody answered. They went towards it but it disappeared. The policemen looked back and the shadow was at the other end of the tunnel. They took the car and drove towards the shadow but when they got there, they disappeared. Nothing was heard from them again. Xiรกn Moure Coba 4ยบ E

HORROR STORY A boring day was ending. After dinner, I went to my room. It was raining and thundering. I lay down on my bed and I had a strange feeling. It seemed like I was forgetting something. I closed my eyes. Thunders increased. Suddenly, the door opened and I immediately tried to get up but I couldn’t! My legs didn’t work. Scared, I shouted as loud as I could but all my useless energies went inside me making my body ache. It ached a lot, it ached so hard. At that moment, I realized that I hadn’t even opened my mouth. I wished it was a nightmare but a sharp knife was stuck in my heart. Now, I am a lonely soul. Xiao Pereiro Souto 4º E

TWO GLINTS One day, a family decided to go on winter vacation to a house in the woods. The parents were Aleah and Michael and their two children were Tyler and Eli. When they arrived at the house, they could see a glint in the garden among the trees, but they ignored it. At night, Eli got up to go to the bathroom. When he was on his way, he saw the same flash they had seen before. The flash entered a room and he followed it. The door closed immediately. The next day there was no one in the room but there were two flashes coming out of it. The same day the family left and nothing was heard from Eli again. Marta Sรกnchez Castro 4ยบ E

HORROR STORY Nicki awoke suddenly. “What was that?” - She thought to herself. She was too scared to open her eyes to see what made that awful noise that had awoken her. “Where am I?” - She tried to feel around for anything familiar, without moving, without making any noise and, most definitely, without opening her eyes. It all seemed normal. Her weighted blanket snugly wrapped around her, her stuffed kitten hugged tightly against her chest... but wait, what was she lying on? It was sort of squishy and... slimy? After a couple minutes, she finally mustered up the courage to open her eyes. Her grandparents, who she lived with, woke up to a horrifying scream from the other side of the house. Ryan Walter 4º E

THE KIDNAPPER On a very rainy Sunday afternoon, a young man began walking through the streets of a little village. His clothes were ragged so he didn’t look very nice. On the afternoon of that very same day, several children disappeared from town. People were terrified by the disappearances of their children and did not know what to do about the situation. This man had abducted the children. He terrorised them at night, getting into their heads and then taking them to a place outside the village in order to kidnap as many children as possible. Celeste Careaga & Daniel Ferro 4º F

HALF REAL, HALF FICTITIOUS It was not a common day because it was my birthday. In my grandparent´s house there were two gifts for me from my grandparent’s friend. OMG!!!! I was delighted! The first present was a 15-year old doll. Then, he was worried about my skin with acne so he decided to buy me a cream, but it was not for me because it was NIVEA FOR MEN and I’m not a man! and is not for me. I don´t need this type of cream. When I saw the cream, I definitely wanted to die. Then, I decided to ignore it and continue having a good time dining with family and friends. Before going to bed, I normally brush my teeth and then I wash my face. Finally, I go to bed and sleep. Suddenly, I heard footsteps. I got up and saw the doll putting my cream on her face. I SAW IT AND I STILL CANNOT BELIEVE IT. Mar Carril Mera 4º F

HORROR STORY It all started one Halloween night in the Bilmans’ house. The sky was purple and black, quite dark and there was intense rain. The house began to make strange noises as soon as a short, thin, black-eyed boy wearing a mask started trick-or-treating. The youngest of the Bilmas family gave him a handful of sweets and the boy left quietly until he disappeared into the darkness, without even looking at the little Bilman’s face. All the family heard noises in the house all night long, unable to sleep. Finally, they discovered where the noises came from. It turned out that the more sweets the boy in the mask got, the more noises and fear the city had to endure. Ainoa Gontán Iglesias 4º F

THE HUT This story begins with a man who got lost in the woods. He spent hours looking for an exit, until the night finally came. He could hear the crackling of the thin branches in the distance. He knew, then, he had to look for shelter. After a while, he found a wooden hut. He knocked on the door several times. Tired of getting no response, he came in and looked inside the room. There was only a bed and a few paintings that he found extremely odd. They were portraits of some sort of weird and creepy creatures with a cold, almost deathly stare; they were all watching him. He ran to the bed and covered himself with a blanket to avoid the stares. The next day the man woke up to a chilling surprise when looking at the walls of the hut: they were not paintings, they were windows. Andrea Lacaci Rubiero 4ยบ F

A SCARY HALLOWEEN NIGHT When I was twelve years old, I spent a Halloween night with my best friend in her grandmother’s house. We slept in the storage room. It was 3 in the morning when we heard some strange sounds in the kitchen. We went down the stairs to see if there was someone there. There was no one and all the lights were off. We took the opportunity to eat something. We let two glasses of milk heat up in the microwave while we went to the bathroom very scared. When we returned, the microwave was still on, but the glasses were not there… Alba Leis Tuñas 4º F

Halloween night The story I'm going to tell you happened on Halloween night a couple of years ago. It all started on October 31, 2012. At midnight, the children went out to the street and saw all the houses decorated for Halloween and a lot of children in costumes and decided to start collecting candy. When they already had a bag full of sweets and a belly full of sugar, they thought they had already visited all the houses when, suddenly, in the dark they saw one which was abandoned, but this time it was not like that. One of the children decided to knock at the door and, in a few seconds, it opened and a black shadow absorbed the child's body. Screams were heard inside. His friends decided to run away and not look back. The next day when they returned from school they decided to walk by the house since they had not dared to do it before. They arrived at the place and there was no trace of the house. It had disappeared and they never heard from their friend again. Sabela Lรณpez Iglesias 4ยบ F

A FOGGY HALLOWEEN It was a foggy Halloween night when Caroline and Max went to sleep. At three-thirty in the morning, Caroline woke up because she had heard a hair-raising scream. She got up and went to the kitchen. She was very scared. When she arrived at the kitchen, she found a WEREWOLF! She got scared and ran to the bathroom, not knowing want to do. After a while, she came out of the bathroom and saw that the werewolf had gone out the window. Caroline decided to follow him. She followed its footsteps deep in the woods. Caroline felt very uneasy because the werewolf was eating a sheep. After eating, the werewolf satisfied it hunger. Later, it turned into a person. Caroline was very surprised because HE WAS MAX!!! But it had a been a horrible nightmare and without any warning she woke up. Carmen Martínez Fernández 4º F

THE GIRL AND THE DEMON Once upon a time there was a little girl tormented by a dark demon with a sad aura. The demon chased her everywhere: to school, to the supermarket, to the library... As much as she wanted to get rid of him, the demon never left her side. She was more and more terrified because the demon only reminded her of bad times, making the innocent happiness of the child wither away little by little. She asked for help from the church or from specialists in the field, but nobody believed her. They considered her insane. The demon continued to pursue her until one day both disappeared. They had become one. Now they both wander around the world looking for children to torment. Martina Mayor Núùez 4º F

THE ABANDONED HOUSE One upon a time in a Spanish village there was an abandoned house. It was very big, made of stone and covered with plants. One day a new family moved into the house. There was a mother, a father, a brother, a sister and a little dog. The family arrived at the house and went to sleep but, in the middle of the night, the sister heard a noise so she got up and went to investigate. The house was very scary at night. It was dark and the wooden floor creaked. She saw the shadow of a person and she screamed. When her parents came downstairs, they couldn’t find the girl. Even today nobody knows where she is. Icía Parcero Areoso 4º F

It was September and my granddaughter came home to have lunch. She told me that in history class they were studying the year 2020. She asked me what had happened that year and didn’t know what to answer. In January, there was a huge wild fire in Australia and the Third World War almost began. In February, a new disease started in China. In March, the Covid-19 reached Europe and then the whole world. In April, May and June we underwent a lockdown. It was a very different summer and we went back to school, but the coronavirus was not under control. In October, things were not getting better and it was then when I asked myself if we would survive this year. Lucía Raña & Lucía Rivas 4º F

THE HOUSE Here in New Cruz it is not a normal night. The night of Friday 13th is always darker than normal nights but here in New Cruz a horrible secret sleeps in the “screaming” house. On Friday 13th three children went to the “screaming” house to discover this secret. The house was very big and dirty because nobody had lived there for fifty years and nobody wanted to buy the house. The last time people were there was last Friday 13th. These people were the three children and after that nobody heard from them again. People say that the children died that night but I think that someone doesn’t want to free the children from the inside of the house. Roberto Seijo Landrove 4º F

HORROR STORY It was an ordinary day. Ted and his friends decided to go to a haunted house. When they arrived there, they felt that somebody was watching them, but they wanted to enter anyway. They explored the whole house and they found the basement. They waited until everybody got there to go down together. It was very dark but one of his friends had a lighter. They searched the basement and found nothing so they decided to leave. Suddenly, there was someone unknown behind them next to the stairs. He was unarmed but he was wearing a hood. His friends tried to push him up the stairs but he did not move until they heard a shot outside. Then, he ran away and Ted and his friends took the opportunity to escape. From that day on, they decided not to go to that house again. Brais Vรกzquez Barilari 4ยบ F

WHO? James was playing Xbox with his friend William as every Saturday. “Today Martha told me that she’s scared of the abandoned house next to the river.”- said James. - “Martha is very easily scared. The house is weird but it's not that bad.”- said William. - “You say that because you’ve never entered it.” – Said James “Ok, what if we go there to investigate?” – asked William. When they arrived at the house, James was the first to enter and, after a while, William followed him. William saw a person in a dark room and assumed that it was James. He walked up to him and said "See? It's not that bad." "What did you say? – replied James from a distant room. Immediately, William became scared of the person next to him. Nuria Veiga Limés 4º F

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