Keeonna, Mary, Jacob, Adam and Tyler

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The French Daily

The king is spending our money cont. By: Tyler Boyle

This is a picture of the Place in Versailles.

to save a few dollars, he has decided to spend over 2 billion dollars to build himself a place in Versailles. I think that this is probably the dumbest thing that anyone could possibly do in the financial situation we are in right now. There is no reason that the King needs to build a new palace and move the capital to Versailles when there

is no problem with his current home in Paris. The entire property is 19,262 acres. That is extremely large when a large majority of the property is gardens. There is no need for such a large property when large amounts of that could go to something productive like farming which actually is a source of income. All the King and Queen

will do with all the land is host parties and spend more money on the upkeep for the garden. I think that those two billion dollars spent could have gone to something more productive like lowering the national debt.

Dear Jack By: Jacob Livers Dear Editor, The executions are growing in numbers every day. I barely have any family or friends left, and I’m afraid that soon I’ll have no one. Plus with the destruction of Christianity, and new calendar, it doesn’t seem like there’s much more of a future for France. I’ve even heard

rumors that the king and queen are soon to be executed for high treason. I believe it’s time for someone to step up against Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety. I don’t know if I’m the only one who thinks this, but I do know that pretty soon I won’t have anything left, and I’ll be kiss-

ing the National Razor myself. What do you think? Will someone take action? I’d like something to look forward to at this point in my life! Sincerely, Anonymous

Dear Jack cont. By: Jacob Livers Dear Anonymous, The point of the Terror is for us bystanders and peasants to fear the government, and to avoid the National Razor by not becoming the enemies of the revolution. Even though most of the beheaded are simply innocent. In my opinion, soon things will be even

more chaotic than they are now. And the rumors about King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette becoming trialed and executed for high treason are true. But be careful about what you say walking around the streets, they’ll execute anyone they find suspicion about. But I have heard of rumors

about an assembly being born for the good of the people. So don’t give up complete hope yet! Sincerely, Editor

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