GVHBA 2018 Membership Directory

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The voice of residential construction in the Greater Vancouver area

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Table Of Contents The Voice of the ResidenƟal ConstrucƟon Industry in the Greater Vancouver Area ................................................................................................... 6 AssociaƟon Pro le ......................................................................................................................... 8 Chair’s Message ............................................................................................................................ 10 GVHBA Board of Directors 2017 / 2018.................................................................................... 12 Past Chairs of GVHBA (Since 1970)........................................................................................... 14 Bene ts of Membership ............................................................................................................. 16 2017 / 2018 CommiƩee Chairs ................................................................................................... 16 GVHBA Awards of Excellence 2017 .......................................................................................... 18 GVHBA Code of Ethics ................................................................................................................. 20 GVHBA Hall of Fame Inductees ................................................................................................. 25

BUILDER / DEVELOPER MEMBER LISTINGS Custom ........................................................................................................................................ 31 Single Family.............................................................................................................................. 55 MulƟ-Family .............................................................................................................................. 77 ConstrucƟon Managers .......................................................................................................... 87 General Contractors ................................................................................................................ 91 Project Managers .................................................................................................................. 104 Developers ...............................................................................................................................111 Land Developers .................................................................................................................... 126 Laneway Housing / Micro Living ....................................................................................... 128 Passive House......................................................................................................................... 132 Exporters ................................................................................................................................. 133 Manufactured / Modular Housing ..................................................................................... 133

RENOMARK™ RENOVATORS MEMBER LISTINGS RenoMark™ Renovators ...................................................................................................... 139 Aging In Place / Barrier-Free................................................................................................ 166 RemediaƟons / RestoraƟons / Heritage .............................................................................167 Small RenovaƟons / Home Repairs.................................................................................... 168 Index of Products, Services, Professionals........................................................................... 175 LisƟngs for Products, Services and Professionals.............................................................. 180 Housing Starts – Vancouver CMA .......................................................................................... 323 Professional AssociaƟons ........................................................................................................ 324 Municipal Governments .......................................................................................................... 326 Member Cross Reference Index by Company .................................................................... 328 Index of AdverƟsers .................................................................................................................. 342 GVHBA Membership ApplicaƟon Form ............................................................................... 344 4 Contact • 2018

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The Voice of the Residential Construction Industry in the Greater Vancouver area dŚĞ 'ƌĞĂƚĞƌ sĂŶĐŽƵǀĞƌ ,ŽŵĞ ƵŝůĚĞƌƐ͛ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶ ;'s, Ϳ represents the ƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƟĂů ĐŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶ ŝŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ ƚŚƌŽƵŐŚŽƵƚ ƚŚĞ 'ƌĞĂƚĞƌ sĂŶĐŽƵǀĞƌ ƌĞĂ͘ ĞĚŝĐĂƚĞĚ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ƉƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂůŝƐŵ ŽĨ ŝƚƐ ŵĞŵďĞƌƐ͕ 's, ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞƐ ƚŚĞ ĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ͗ ͻ >ŝĂŝƐŽŶ ǁŝƚŚ ůŽĐĂů ŐŽǀĞƌŶŵĞŶƚ ĂŶĚ ŚŽƵƐŝŶŐ ŝŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ ŐƌŽƵƉƐ ͻ ĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ ĂŶĚ ƚƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ ͻ dĞĐŚŶŝĐĂů ĂŶĚ ĞĐŽŶŽŵŝĐ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ ƚƌĂŶƐĨĞƌ ͻ WƵďůŝĐ ǀŝƐŝďŝůŝƚLJ ĂŶĚ ƌĞĐŽŐŶŝƟŽŶ ͻ KƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƟĞƐ ƚŽ ŶĞƚǁŽƌŬ ηϭϬϬϯ͕ ϳϰϵϱ Ͳ ϭϯϮ ^ƚƌĞĞƚ͕ ^ƵƌƌĞLJ͕ sϯt ϭ:ϴ dĞůĞƉŚŽŶĞ͗ 778-565-4288 ͮ &Ădž͗ 778-565-4289 /ŶƚĞƌŶĞƚ͗ www.gvhba.org

2017 / 2018 Chair Larry Clay ; ůĂLJ ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶ /ŶĐ͘Ϳ

OFFICE STAFF Žď ;ZŽďĞƌƚͿ ĚĞ tŝƚ ŚŝĞĨ džĞĐƵƟǀĞ KĸĐĞƌ ͲŵĂŝů͗ bob@gvhba.org

Amanda Camara DĂŶĂŐĞƌ͕ DĂƌŬĞƟŶŐ ŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƟŽŶƐ ͲŵĂŝů͗ amanda@gvhba.org

Dawn Sondergaard /ŶƚĞƌŝŵ sŝĐĞ WƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ͕ DĂƌŬĞƟŶŐ Θ ĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ ͲŵĂŝů͗ dawn@gvhba.org

Carolyn Beale DĂŶĂŐĞƌ ŽĨ DĞŵďĞƌƐŚŝƉ Θ ^ĂůĞƐ ͲŵĂŝů͗ carolyn@gvhba.org

ZĞŶĠĞ ƵĞƌ ^ĞŶŝŽƌ ŝƌĞĐƚŽƌ ŽĨ DĞŵďĞƌƐŚŝƉ Θ ^ĂůĞƐ ͲŵĂŝů͗ renee@gvhba.org Mark Sakai ŝƌĞĐƚŽƌ ŽĨ 'ŽǀĞƌŶŵĞŶƚ ZĞůĂƟŽŶƐ ͲŵĂŝů͗ mark@gvhba.org Vanessa Swanson DĂŶĂŐĞƌ ŽĨ KŶůŝŶĞ ĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ Θ DĂƌŬĞƟŶŐ ͲŵĂŝů͗ vanessa@gvhba.org

6 Contact • 2018

Katrina Albert DĂŶĂŐĞƌ ŽĨ ǀĞŶƚ ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ ͲŵĂŝů͗ katrina@gvhba.org Eldon Guenther ŽŶƚƌŽůůĞƌ ͲŵĂŝů͗ eldon@gvhba.org

Contact • 2018 7

$VVRFLDWLRQ 3URÀOH 'ƌĞĂƚĞƌ sĂŶĐŽƵǀĞƌ ,ŽŵĞ ƵŝůĚĞƌƐ͛ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶ ;'s, Ϳ Suite 1003, 7495 – 132 Street, Surrey, B.C. V3W 1J8 Telephone 778-565-4288 | Fax 778-565-4289 Internet: www.gvhba.org | E.mail: info@gvhba.org

Mandate: 's, ͕ ƚŚĞ ǀŽŝĐĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƟĂů ĐŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶ ŝŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ 'ƌĞĂƚĞƌ sĂŶĐŽƵǀĞƌ ĂƌĞĂ͕ ŝƐ ĚĞĚŝĐĂƚĞĚ ƚŽ ƉƌŽŵŽƟŶŐ ƉƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂůŝƐŵ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ŚŽŵĞďƵŝůĚŝŶŐ ŝŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ ĂŶĚ ĐŽŵŵŝƩĞĚ ƚŽ ƉƌŽǀŝĚŝŶŐ ƟŵĞůLJ ŶĞǁ ŚŽŵĞ ĂŶĚ ƌĞŶŽǀĂƟŽŶ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ ƚŽ consumers. History: 's, ǁĂƐ ŝŶĐŽƌƉŽƌĂƚĞĚ ƵŶĚĞƌ ƚŚĞ ͘ ͘ ^ŽĐŝĞƟĞƐ Đƚ ŝŶ ϭϵϳϰ ĂŶĚ ŝƐ ĂĸůŝĂƚĞĚ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ ĂŶĂĚŝĂŶ ,ŽŵĞ ƵŝůĚĞƌƐ͛ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶ ŽĨ ͘ ͘ ĂŶĚ ĂŶĂĚŝĂŶ ,ŽŵĞ ƵŝůĚĞƌƐ͛ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶ ;EĂƟŽŶĂůͿ͘ džĞĐƵƟǀĞ͗ Chair: Larry Clay, ůĂLJ ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶ /ŶĐ͘ First Vice-Chair: 'ĂƌĞƩ tĂůů, ĞŶƚƌĂ ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶ 'ƌŽƵƉ Second Vice-Chair: Mark Cooper, ^ŚĂŬĞƐƉĞĂƌĞ ,ŽŵĞƐ ĂŶĚ ZĞŶŽǀĂƟŽŶƐ /ŶĐ͘ Secretary/Treasurer: Avtar Johl, WůĂƟŶƵŵ 'ƌŽƵƉ ŽĨ ŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐ Immediate Past Chair: Darren Cranston, WŽůLJŐŽŶ ,ŽŵĞƐ >ƚĚ͘ ŚŝĞĨ džĞĐƵƟǀĞ KĸĐĞƌ͗ Žď ĚĞ tŝƚ





DP Tile and Stone Co., Ltd Unit 11, 3691 Viking Way, Richmond 604 285 9326


Contact • 2018 9

&KDLU¡V 0HVVDJH I am honoured to serve as chair for the Greater Vancouver Home Builders’ Ć?Ć?Ĺ˝Ä?Ĺ?Ä‚Ć&#x;ŽŜ Íž's, Íż ĨŽĆŒ ĎŽĎŹĎ­Ď´Í˜ On behalf of the GVHBA’s Board of Directors, I welcome you to our Contact 2018 membership directory. This indispensable directory is an open door to reputable member companies comprising builders, developers, renovators, Ć?ƾƉƉůĹ?ÄžĆŒĆ?Í• ĆšĆŒÄ‚ÄšÄžĆ? ĂŜĚ Ä?ŽŜĆ?ƾůƚĂŜƚĆ? Ç ĹšĹ˝ Ä‚ĆŒÄž ƚŚĞ Ä?ŽŜĆ?Ä?Ĺ?ĞŜĆ&#x;ŽƾĆ? ĂŜĚ ĆšĆŒĆľĆ?ĆšÇ Ĺ˝ĆŒĆšĹšÇ‡ Ä?ŽžĆ‰Ä‚ĹśĹ?ÄžĆ? ƚŚĂƚ ÄžĆ?ƚĂÄ?ĹŻĹ?Ć?Ĺš ƚŚĞ ĨŽƾŜĚĂĆ&#x;ŽŜ ŽĨ ŽƾĆŒ Ä‚Ć?Ć?Ĺ˝Ä?Ĺ?Ä‚Ć&#x;ŽŜ͘ KĆľĆŒ ĆŒÄžĹľÄ‚ĆŒĹŹÄ‚Ä?ĹŻÄž Ä‚Ć?Ć?Ĺ˝Ä?Ĺ?Ä‚Ć&#x;ŽŜÍ• ĆŒÄžĆ‰ĆŒÄžĆ?ĞŜĆ&#x;ĹśĹ? Ď­Í•ĎŹĎ°ĎŹĐ˝ žĞžÄ?ÄžĆŒ Ä?ŽžĆ‰Ä‚ĹśĹ?ÄžĆ?Í• Ĺ?Ć? ƚŚĞ ĨÄ‚Ć?ƚĞĆ?Ćš Ĺ?ĆŒĹ˝Ç Ĺ?ĹśĹ? ĹŻĹ˝Ä?Ä‚ĹŻ ĹšŽžÄžÄ?ĆľĹ?ĹŻÄšĹ?ĹśĹ? Ä‚Ć?Ć?Ĺ˝Ä?Ĺ?Ä‚Ć&#x;ŽŜ Ĺ?Ĺś EĹ˝ĆŒĆšĹš ĹľÄžĆŒĹ?Ä?Ä‚ ĂŜĚ ƚŚĞ Ć?ÄžÄ?ŽŜÄš ĹŻÄ‚ĆŒĹ?ÄžĆ?Ćš Ĺ?Ĺś Ä‚ĹśÄ‚ÄšÄ‚Í˜ dŚĞ Ć‰ĆŒŽĨÄžĆ?Ć?Ĺ?ŽŜÄ‚ĹŻĹ?Ć?Ĺľ ĂŜĚ Ĺ?ŜƚĞĹ?ĆŒĹ?ƚLJ ŽĨ ŽƾĆŒ žĞžÄ?ÄžĆŒĆ? Ä?ŽŜĆ&#x;ŜƾÄžĆ? ƚŽ Ć?ĆšĆŒÄžĹśĹ?ƚŚĞŜ ƚŚĞ 's, Í›Ć? ƉŽĆ?Ĺ?Ć&#x;ŽŜ Ä‚Ć? ŽŜÄž ŽĨ ƚŚĞ Ć‰ĆŒÄžĹľĹ?ÄžĆŒ ǀŽĹ?Ä?ÄžĆ? Ĺ?Ĺś ƚŚĞ ĹšŽžÄžÄ?ĆľĹ?ĹŻÄšĹ?ĹśĹ? Ĺ?ŜĚƾĆ?ĆšĆŒÇ‡Í˜ dĹšĹ?Ć? Ä?ĆŒÄžÄšĹ?Ä?ĹŻÄž ǀŽĹ?Ä?Äž Ä?ŽŜĆ&#x;ŜƾÄžĆ? ƚŽ Ć‰ĆŒĹ˝ĆšÄžÄ?Ćš Ä?ŽŜĆ?ƾžÄžĆŒĆ? ĂŜĚ žĞžÄ?ÄžĆŒĆ? Ä‚ĹŻĹ?ĹŹÄžÍ˜ &Ĺ˝ĆŒ ƚŚĞ Ä?ĆľĹ?ĹŻÄšÄžĆŒÍ• ÄšÄžÇ€ÄžĹŻĹ˝Ć‰ÄžĆŒÍ• ĂŜĚ ĆŒÄžŜŽÇ€Ä‚ĆšĹ˝ĆŒÍ• žĂŜLJ Ĺ˝Ć‰Ć‰Ĺ˝ĆŒĆšƾŜĹ?Ć&#x;ÄžĆ? Ä‚ĆŒÄž Ć‰ĆŒĹ˝Ç€Ĺ?ĚĞĚ ƚŽ ƚŚĞĆ?Äž members to increase their knowledge and understanding of building code, building Ć?Ä?Ĺ?ĞŜÄ?Ğ͕ Ä?ÄžĆŠÄžĆŒ Ä?ĆľĹ?ĹŻÄšĹ?ĹśĹ? Ć‰ĆŒÄ‚Ä?Ć&#x;Ä?ÄžĆ? ĂŜĚ Ä?ĆľĆ?Ĺ?ŜĞĆ?Ć? Ĺ˝Ć‰ÄžĆŒÄ‚Ć&#x;ŽŜĆ? Ç ĹšÄžĆšĹšÄžĆŒ ŽŜůĹ?ŜĞ Ĺ˝ĆŒ Ĺ?Ĺś ƚŚĞ Ä?ĹŻÄ‚Ć?Ć?ĆŒŽŽžÍ˜ /Ĺś ĂĚĚĹ?Ć&#x;ŽŜÍ• žĂŜLJ ŽĨ ƚŚĞĆ?Äž Ä?ŽƾĆŒĆ?ÄžĆ? Ä‚ĹŻĹŻĹ˝Ç Ä?ĆľĹ?ĹŻÄšÄžĆŒĆ? ƚŽ Ä?ŽůůÄžÄ?Ćš ĆŒÄžĆ‹ĆľĹ?ĆŒÄžÄš W ƉŽĹ?ŜƚĆ? ÄžĆ?Ć?ĞŜĆ&#x;Ä‚ĹŻ ĨŽĆŒ Ä?ĆľĹ?ĹŻÄšÄžĆŒ ĹŻĹ?Ä?ĞŜĆ?Ĺ?ĹśĹ?͘ Ä?Ä?ÄžĆ?Ć? ƚŽ Ć‰ĆŒŽĨÄžĆ?Ć?Ĺ?ŽŜÄ‚ĹŻ ĆšĆŒÄ‚ÄšÄžĆ? ĂŜĚ Ć?ƾƉƉůĹ?ÄžĆŒĆ? Ä‚ĆŒÄž Ć‰ĆŒĹ˝Ç€Ĺ?ĚĞĚ ĆšĹšĆŒŽƾĹ?Ĺš ƚŚĞ žĂŜLJ ĹśÄžĆšÇ Ĺ˝ĆŒĹŹĹ?ĹśĹ? Ä‚Ä?Ć&#x;Ç€Ĺ?Ć&#x;ÄžĆ? Ć?ĆľÄ?Ĺš Ä‚Ć? ƚŚĞ Ĺ?ŽůĨ ĆšŽƾĆŒĹśÄ‚ĹľÄžĹśĆšÍ• DĞžÄ?ÄžĆŒĆ?Í› džƉŽ ĂŜĚ ÄšĹ?ŜŜÄžĆŒ žĞĞĆ&#x;ĹśĹ?Ć?͘ &Ĺ˝ĆŒ ƚŚĞ Ä?ŽŜĆ?ƾžÄžĆŒÍ• ƚŚĞ 's, Ĺ?Ć? Ä‚ Ä?ŚĂžƉĹ?ŽŜ ĨŽĆŒ ƋƾĂůĹ?ƚLJ Ä?ŽŜĆ?ĆšĆŒĆľÄ?Ć&#x;ŽŜ ĂŜĚ ĞƚŚĹ?Ä?Ä‚ĹŻ Ä?ĆľĆ?Ĺ?ŜĞĆ?Ć? Ć‰ĆŒÄ‚Ä?Ć&#x;Ä?ÄžĆ?͘ ĚĚĹ?Ć&#x;ŽŜĂůůLJ͕ ƚŚĞ 's, Ĺ?Ć? Ä‚ Ć?ĆšĆŒŽŜĹ? ĂĚǀŽÄ?ĂƚĞ ƚŽ ŏĞĞƉ ĹšŽƾĆ?Ĺ?ĹśĹ? Ä‚ÄŤĹ˝ĆŒÄšÄ‚Ä?ĹŻÄžÍ˜ dŚĞ ŽŜƚĂÄ?Ćš ĎŽĎŹĎ­Ď´ žĞžÄ?ÄžĆŒĆ?ĹšĹ?Ɖ ÄšĹ?ĆŒÄžÄ?ĆšĹ˝ĆŒÇ‡ Ĺ?Ć? Ä‚ Ç Ĺ˝ĹśÄšÄžĆŒĨƾů ŽŜÄžͲĆ?ƚŽƉ ĆŒÄžĆ?ŽƾĆŒÄ?Äž for consumers who may be looking for a reputable and professional builder, renovator, supplier or trade in the coming year. With the onset of the new step code, a renewed focus on building healthy, durable, Ä?ŽžĨŽĆŒĆšÄ‚Ä?ĹŻÄž ĂŜĚ ÄžĸÄ?Ĺ?ĞŜƚ ĹšŽžÄžĆ? Ç Ĺ?ĹŻĹŻ Ä?Äž Ä‚ Ć‰ĆŒĹ?Ĺ˝ĆŒĹ?ƚLJ ĨŽĆŒ Ć‰ĆŒŽĨÄžĆ?Ć?Ĺ?ŽŜÄ‚ĹŻ Ä?ĆľĹ?ĹŻÄšÄžĆŒĆ? Ĺ?Ĺś ƚŚĞ coming years. The GVHBA enables builders to stay informed and educated on these new code changes. Whether you are looking for a trade, product supplier, renovator or home builder, this directory is intended to help you discover a competent industry professional. I invite ĂŜLJ Ä?ŽžĆ‰Ä‚ŜLJ ŜŽĆš Ä‚ĹŻĆŒÄžÄ‚ÄšÇ‡ Ä‚ žĞžÄ?ÄžĆŒ ƚŽ Ä?ŽŜƚĂÄ?Ćš ƚŚĞ ŽĸÄ?Äž ĂŜĚ ÄšĹ?Ć?Ä?Ĺ˝Ç€ÄžĆŒ ƚŚĞ ŜƾžÄžĆŒŽƾĆ? Ä?ĞŜĞĎƚĆ? ŽĨ žĞžÄ?ÄžĆŒĆ?ĹšĹ?Ć‰Í˜ /ĹľĆ‰ĆŒÄžĆ?Ć?Ĺ?ǀĞůLJ͕ 's, ĹšŽžÄž Ä?ĆľĹ?ĹŻÄšÄžĆŒĆ? Ä?ŽŜĆ?ĆšĆŒĆľÄ?Ćš ĆšÇ Ĺ˝Í˛ĆšĹšĹ?ĆŒÄšĆ? ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ĹšŽžÄžĆ? Ĺ?Ĺś DÄžĆšĆŒĹ˝ Vancouver. We look forward to the coming year and the opportunity to partner with fellow members as we deliver to the market some of the best homes in the world. Larry Clay Chair, 2018 GVHBA Board of Directors

10 Contact • 2018

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Services • New Homes Registry – find out if a home registered with BC Housing: • can be legally offered for sale • has a policy of home warranty insurance • is built by a Licensed Residential Builder or an owner builder • Registry of Licensed Residential Builders

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www.bchousing.org Toll-free: 1-800-407-7757 Email: licensinginfo@bchousing.org @RegistrarBCH

Contact • 2018 11

GVHBA Board of Directors 2017 / 2018 Larry Clay ůĂLJ ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶ /ŶĐ͘

Chair 'ĂƌĞƩ tĂůů Centra Windows

1st Vice Chair Mark Cooper ^ŚĂŬĞƐƉĞĂƌĞ ,ŽŵĞƐ ĂŶĚ ZĞŶŽǀĂƟŽŶƐ /ŶĐ͘

2nd Vice Chair Avtar Johl WůĂƟŶƵŵ 'ƌŽƵƉ ŽĨ ŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐ

Secretary/Treasurer Darren Cranston WŽůLJŐŽŶ ,ŽŵĞƐ >ƚĚ͘

Past Chair

DIRECTORS Blake Hudema ǀŝĂ >> 'ZK ĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚ ŽŵƉĂŶLJ >ƚĚ͘ Blake Ponuick WƌĞƐƚŽŶ DŽďŝůŝƚLJ /ŶĐ͘ Dan Glavind Dick’s Lumber & Building Supplies Gary Mertens Foxridge Homes, A Qualico Company Ian Moes Kuhn LLP Jake Fry Smallworks Studios / Laneway ,ŽƵƐŝŶŐ /ŶĐ͘

12 Contact • 2018

Janai York 'ůĂĐŝĞƌ DĞĚŝĂ 'ƌŽƵƉ ͬ Z t :ĂƐŽŶ tŽůĨĞ &ŽƌƟƐ Lynn Harrison ,ĂƌƌŝƐŽŶ DĂƌŬĞƟŶŐ ZĞƐŽƵƌĐĞƐ >ƚĚ͘ DĂƩ ZŽďŝŶƐŽŶ Monarch Floor & Window Coverings Randy Chin RBC Financial ZŽď ƵƌƌŝĞ ĂƐĞŵĞŶƚ ^LJƐƚĞŵƐ sĂŶĐŽƵǀĞƌ /ŶĐ͘ ZŽďĞƌƚ 'ƌŝĞƐĚĂůĞ ůĂĐŬĮƐŚ ,ŽŵĞƐ >ƚĚ͘

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3744 Hastings Street, Burnaby 3 casamadera@telus.net www.casamaderafloors.com Contact • 2018 13

We Salute Our Past Chairs ( Since 1970) The Greater Vancouver Home Builders’ Associa on (GVHBA) is grateful to these past chairs who have so unselfishly dedicated their me, talent and energy to the growth, pres ge, dignity and integrity of our Associa on, and whose conscien ous hard work has made it the success that it is today.


Eric Helmer


Stephen Mayhew


Walt Schmid


Gary St. Arnaud


Neal Vandergugten


Gary St. Arnaud


Albert Koehli


Bill Parneta


Larry Bourne


David Podmore


Rod S. McKenzie


Jim McLean


Robert (Bob) Heath


Dennis Woodward


Ernie W.T. Hna uk


M.J. Whitemarsh


Barry Jackson


Robert Barker


John Boyle


Ralph Belisle


Harold Eisner


Jake Friesen


Doug Bigelow


Bob Rasmus


Denny Pearce


Gary Friend


Tom Douglas


Chuck Marr


Bill Strain


Dale Barron


Neil M. Ziola


John Friswell


Wally F. Miller


Ross Gurney


Tony Zappone


Peter Roskell


Willis Graham


Todd Sen


Ken Sawatsky


Ben Taddei


Harald Koehn


Blake Hudema


Leigh Grelish


Lynn Harrison


Ken Farrish


Ron Rapp


Ken Farrish


Dan Glavind


Stephen Mayhew


Darren Cranston

14 Contact • 2018


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DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Nathan Hillebrand ϲϬϰͲϳϲϳͲϴϱϴϰ Canadian Horizons®

SUPPLIERS COUNCIL Alisa Aragon ϳϳϴͲϴϵϯͲϬϱϮϱ Bridgestone Financing Pros

GOLF COMMITTEE Blake Ponuick ϲϬϰͲϲϮϵͲϴϱϮϲ WƌĞƐƚŽŶ DŽďŝůŝƚLJ /ŶĐ͘







Visit plygem.ca for details. Contact • 2018 17

Awards Of Excellence 2017 CHAIR’S AWARD OF HONOUR ͻ Ron Rapp͕ DŽƌŶŝŶŐƐƚĂƌ ,ŽŵĞƐ >ƚĚ͕͘ Coquitlam


BUILDER MEMBER OF THE YEAR ͻ Shakespeare Homes and ZĞŶŽǀĂƟŽŶƐ /ŶĐ͕͘ North Vancouver



HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES ͻ ZŽďĞƌƚ Θ ,ĂƌƌLJ 'ƌŝŵŵ͕ WŽƌƚƌĂŝƚ ,ŽŵĞƐ ;ϮϬϭϳͿ >ƚĚ͕͘ Richmond

MARKETING AWARD: ^ƵƉƉůŝĞƌƐ ŽƵŶĐŝů džĞĐƵƟǀĞ ͻ Dorothy Wolf, y> &ůŽŽƌŝŶŐ͕ North Vancouver ͻ DĂƌƟŶ <ŶŽǁůĞƐ͕ DĂƌƟŶ <ŶŽǁůĞƐ WŚŽƚŽ ͬ DĞĚŝĂ͕ Vancouver ͻ Lonnie Chiasson͕ ,LJͲ>ŝŶĞ ^ĂůĞƐ >ƚĚ͕͘ Langley TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE AWARD ͻ Grant Miller͕ &ŽdžƌŝĚŐĞ ,ŽŵĞƐ͕ YƵĂůŝĐŽ ŽŵƉĂŶLJ͕ Surrey RENOMARK ™ RENOVATOR MEMBER OF THE YEAR ͻ ďƐƚƌĂĐƚ ,ŽŵĞƐ Θ ZĞŶŽǀĂƟŽŶƐ /ŶĐ͕͘ Vancouver SUPPLIER MEMBER OF THE YEAR ͻ :ĂŵŝĞ ĂŶĮĞůĚ ĞƐŝŐŶ͕ Port Moody ^h ͳ KEdZ dKZ D D Z OF THE YEAR ͻ 505-Junk͕ Richmond COMMUNITY SERVICE MEMBER OF THE YEAR ͻ :Ğī ŽŶƚŬĞƐ͕ ĞŶĐŚŵĂƌŬ ,ŽŵĞƐ͕ Langley ' Zz ^ Ed/E/ h d/KE Θ TRAINING AWARD ͻ Shakespeare Homes and ZĞŶŽǀĂƟŽŶƐ /ŶĐ͘, North Vancouver

18 Contact • 2018

ROOFTOPPER AWARDS ͻ Builder Member: Larry Clay͕ ůĂLJ ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶ /ŶĐ͕͘ Langley ͻ Renovator Member: ŚĞƌŝ ^ƚĞĨĂŶƵĐĐŝ͕ ďƐƚƌĂĐƚ ,ŽŵĞƐ Θ ZĞŶŽǀĂƟŽŶƐ /ŶĐ͕͘ Vancouver ͻ Supplier Member: ůŝƐĂ ƌĂŐŽŶ͕ ƌŝĚŐĞƐƚŽŶĞ &ŝŶĂŶĐŝŶŐ WƌŽƐ͕ Coquitlam ͻ Corporate Member: ŝĐŬ͛Ɛ >ƵŵďĞƌ Θ ƵŝůĚŝŶŐ ^ƵƉƉůŝĞƐ͕ Burnaby HANDSHAKE AWARD ; ŽŶĚƵĐƟŶŐ ďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ ǁŝƚŚ ŵŽƐƚ ŵĞŵďĞƌƐͿ ͻ ƵŝůĚĞƌ ĮƌƐƚ ƉůĂĐĞ͗ ůĂLJ ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶ /ŶĐ͕͘ Langley ;ĚŽŝŶŐ ďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ ǁŝƚŚ ϵϱ ŵĞŵďĞƌƐͿ ͻ ZĞŶŽǀĂƚŽƌ ĮƌƐƚ ƉůĂĐĞ͗ dƌŽŝĐŽ ,ŽŵĞƐ ^ŽůƵƟŽŶƐ /ŶĐ͕͘ Coquitlam ;ĚŽŝŶŐ ďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ ǁŝƚŚ ϴϴ ŵĞŵďĞƌƐͿ ͻ ƵŝůĚĞƌ ƐĞĐŽŶĚ ƉůĂĐĞ: ďƐƚƌĂĐƚ ,ŽŵĞƐ Θ ZĞŶŽǀĂƟŽŶƐ /ŶĐ͕͘ Vancouver ;ĚŽŝŶŐ ďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ ǁŝƚŚ ϰϮ ŵĞŵďĞƌƐͿ ͻ ZĞŶŽǀĂƚŽƌ ƐĞĐŽŶĚ ƉůĂĐĞ͗ dY ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶ >ƚĚ͕͘ Burnaby ;ĚŽŝŶŐ ďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ ǁŝƚŚ ϳϰ ŵĞŵďĞƌƐͿ ͻ ZĂŶĚŽŵ ĚƌĂǁ ǁŝŶŶĞƌ͗ ŵĂŝƐŽŶ Ě͛ĞƚƌĞ ĚĞƐŝŐŶ ďƵŝůĚ ŝŶĐ͕͘ Vancouver ;ĚŽŝŶŐ ďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ ǁŝƚŚ ϱϯ ŵĞŵďĞƌƐͿ

Contact • 2018 19

Code of Ethics

• Members shall comply with applicable building codes of Canada as a minimum standard for construc on and shall work toward its improvement in the interests of structural sufficiency, safety and health. • Members shall plan their sites and homes to conform to the principles of good community planning and support for the environment. • Members shall deal justly with their employees, subcontractors, and suppliers of all goods and services. • Members shall deal honestly and fairly with their customers and stand behind the quality of their work and service commitments. • Members shall exchange informa on and experience, and encourage research on materials, technical advancements and building techniques in order to provide the best value for their customers. • Members shall avoid all conduct or prac ce detrimental to the home building industry, to the Associa on, to the good name or reputa on of any of its members, or its customers. • Members shall commit to con nuing learning through human resource policies and prac ces, including employment prac ces which treat employees as assets. • Members shall ac vely promote health and safety principles. • Members shall treat their compe tors, including their property and ideas, with respect.

These responsibili es are freely and solemnly assumed as they form part of an obliga on as Members of the Greater Vancouver Home Builders’ Associa on.

20 Contact • 2018

Contact • 2018 21

Meet our Affinity Program Partners! Preston Mobility is Bell Mobility’s #1 Business Dealer in Western Canada, and Vancouver’s only wireless dealer focused specifically on providing integrated wireless products and services for businesses – including specialized solutions for construction. With their unique focus on business, Preston Mobility has been able to save customers an average of 33% over their previous wireless costs. Visit Preston Mobility’s GVHBA Member website page for more details on integrated solutions for construction and special member benefits: prestonmobility.com/gvhba-members Pointbreak Consulting is a boutique Employee Benefits Consulting Firm specializing in designing customized programs to help GVHBA members attract and retain great people. Leveraging the economies of scale of GVHBA, Pointbreak is able to offer members: discounts on prescription drugs and eyeglasses, a built in wellness plan, a cutting edge mobile app, opportunity to save 13% on their bottom line premium, extended 18 month rate guarrantees, predictable renewals, and full customization in plan design. Visit www.pointbreak-gvhba.com or contact Kevin Hawryluk at kevin.hawryluk@pointbreakcg.com Federated Insurance offers complete risk management solutions for members including commercial, liability, life, disability, critical illness, group health, home and auto insurance. Federated Insurance specializes in the construction industry and has been customizing risk management programs for home builders and renovators for over 90 years. For more information about their Association Advantage program, contact Reza Kamrani: (778) 995-8504, reza.kamrani@federated.ca

Kuhn LLP has a team of lawyers with extensive experience in the construction industry. Since 1998, they have been the creators and instructors of the Construction Law Course that is offered by the GVHBA in conjunction with the CHBA-BC Certified Residential Builder Program. As a special incentive, Kuhn LLP offers GVHBA members their preferred client pricing for legal services that are billed on an hourly rate basis. For more information, please contact Ian Moes at imoes@kuhnco.net or (604) 682-8868

Learn how your company can be a GVHBA affinity partner by visiting gvhba.org/affinity-program

22 Contact • 2018

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Passion for Passive EuroLine Windows has a Passion for WĂƐƐŝǀĞ͕ ĂŶĚ ǁĞ ĂƌĞ ƉůĞĂƐĞĚ ƚŽ ŽīĞƌ our new ThermoPlus PHC system that ŚĂƐ ďĞĞŶ ĐĞƌƟĮĞĚ ďLJ ƚŚĞ WĂƐƐŝǀĞ ,ŽƵƐĞ /ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞ ŝŶ Darmstadt, Germany, as a Passive House Component. Our ThermoPlus PHC products have ƚŚĞ ƐĂŵĞ ĂƩĞŶƟŽŶ ƚŽ ĚĞƚĂŝů ĂŶĚ superior quality for which EuroLine products are known. Plus, they are available with the wide range of ŽƉƟŽŶƐ LJŽƵ ŚĂǀĞ ĐŽŵĞ ƚŽ ĞdžƉĞĐƚ from us. When you choose EuroLine products, you can rest assured that you will have a system that is built to the highest performance standards for the home of your dreams.



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2000 | Albert Koehli

2007 | >ůŽLJĚ ,ƵŐŚĞƐ ͻ Ron Jenish

2002 | ŽƵŐ DĐ>ĞĂŶ ͻ 'ĂƌLJ ^ĂŶƟŶŝ

2009 | ĞĐ ĂůůĂƌĚ ͻ Žď ZĂƐŵƵƐ


2011 | Milan Ilich ͻ ŚƵĐŬ DĂƌƌ

2003 | ŝůů ^ƚƌĂŝŶ ͻ George Thew


2004 | >ĂƌƌLJ ŽƵƌŶĞ ͻ Dave Deighton ͻ ĞŶŶLJ WĞĂƌĐĞ

2012 | 'ĂƌLJ &ƌŝĞŶĚ ͻ WĞƚĞƌ ^ŝŵƉƐŽŶ 2013 | ZŽƐƐ 'ƵƌŶĞLJ ͻ ĂǀŝĚ WŽĚŵŽƌĞ

2005 | DŝĐŚĂĞů ƵĚĂŝŶ ͻ David Hill

ͻ David Worthington

ͻ Neil Ziola

2015 | DĂƌŬ 'ĂƵǀŝŶ

2006 | Ken Farrish ͻ >ĞŝŐŚ 'ƌĞůŝƐŚ ͻ Harald Koehn ͻ ^ƚĞǀĞ <ƵƌƌĞŝŶ ͻ ŝůů WĂƌŶĞƚĂ

2017 | ZŽďĞƌƚ ĂŶĚ ,ĂƌƌLJ 'ƌŝŵŵ

A unique opportunity to view a collection of renovated and custom-built homes in Metro Vancouver for one day only.






Su Sunday, unday, June 10 0 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Contact • 2018 25

By Onni Group of Companies Architect: Chris Dikeakos Architects Inc.

Ready to BUY? Visit gvhba.org 26 Contact • 2018


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BUILDERS - CUSTOM BUILDERS - CUSTOM 360 Home Renovations Inc. Mr. Sunny Takhar #119, 12827 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2V3 (604) 445-3535 info@360homerenovations.com www.360homerenovations.com

Alchemy Construction Ltd. Mr. Mark Isaac 1537 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B5 (604) 980-3149 Fax: (604) 980-3155 mark@alchemyconstruction.ca www.alchemyconstruction.ca

Alleylane Homes Construction & More Ltd. Abstract Homes & Renovations Inc. Mr. Sandro Stefanucci #230, 4400 Stillcreek Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6C6 (604) 240-5306 info@abstracthomes.com www.abstracthomes.com

Mr. Steve Chandra 9421 - 116 Street Delta, BC V4C 5X2 (778) 320-5471 Fax: (604) 957-1024 alleylanehomes@gmail.com

Alma Building and Renovation Ltd. Adisa Homes Ltd. Mr. Joe MacMullin #107, 3575 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6R 2B5 (778) 938-1074 joe@adisahomes.com www.adisahomes.com

Mr. Tony Chebaya 3931 Dunbar Street Vancouver, BC V6S 2E3 (604) 224-2562 tony@alma-buildingandrenovation.com www.alma-buildingandrenovation.com

Alyza Homes Afdon Contracting Ltd. Ms. Kimia Tajbakhsh #600, 1055 West 14 Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 3P2 (604) 983-2834 Fax: (604) 987-2884 kimia@afdon.com www.afdonhomes.com

Alair Homes - Vancouver Mr. David Babakaiff #12C, 139 Drake Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 2T8 (604) 605-8255 david@alairhomes.com www.alairhomes.ca/vancouver

Mr. Karim Fazal, GACP, MSc.(SST) #1500, 885 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3E8 (604) 630-1011 sales@alyzahomes.com www.alyzahomes.com

Animark Custom Homes Ltd. Mr. Marko Mrsic D - 5180 Still Creek Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 4E4 (604) 720-3183 Fax: (604) 563-3124 info@animarkhomes.com www.animarkhomes.com

APEX Western Homes Ltd. Alair Homes Delta Mr. Peter Nielsen 878 - 57 Street Delta, BC V4L 1Y1 (604) 868-5155 peter.nielsen@alairhomes.com www.alairhomes.ca/delta

Mr. Raymond Vesely #610, 333 Brooksbank Avenue P.O. Box 718 North Vancouver, BC V7J 3V8 (604) 990-3520 Fax: (604) 986-9906 homes@apexhomes.ca www.apexhomes.ca Contact • 2018 31

BUILDERS - CUSTOM Arbutus Point Developments Ltd.

Atti Group Ltd.

Mr. Jamieson Merritt 1848 Esquimalt Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7V 1R9 (604) 970-7580 Fax: (604) 925-9502 jcmerritt@telus.net Designations: BuiltGreen

Mr. Sasan Tehrani #100, 2240 Chippendale Road West Vancouver, BC V7S 3J5 (604) 770-2884 Fax: (604) 770-2882 info@attigroup.ca www.attigroup.ca

ARTISAN Construction Group Mr. Brent Repin #225, 1820 Fir Street Vancouver, BC V6J 3B1 (604) 676-1516 Fax: (604) 249-1133 info@artisanconstruction.ca www.artisanconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRBC, CHP, CRC, CRP

Avaya Homes Ltd. Mr. Harpreet Badesha 14626 - 58 Avenue Surrey, BC V4R 2R9 (604) 306-2017 avayahomesltd@gmail.com

Avestex Group

Mr. Harp Cheema #121, 1087 East Kent Avenue North Vancouver, BC V5X 4V9 (604) 537-5688 harpcheema@hotmail.com

Mr. Hamid Ahmadian Mr. Massoud Karimaei 1955 Mathers Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7V 2G9 (604) 283-7839 (778) 889-4820 info@avestex.com massoud@avestex.com www.avestex.com

AspenRidge Construction Ltd.

Avis Homes Ltd.

Asanti Development Ltd.

Mr. Gary Ferrer 552 Lehman Place Port Moody, BC V3H 3Z6 (604) 781-0524 Fax: (604) 461-3946 info@aspenridge.ca www.aspenridge.ca

Mr. Kuljit Dhillon 10388 Blundell Road Richmond, BC V6Y 1L1 (778) 889-4545 Fax: (604) 277-4046 kuljit25@hotmail.com avishomes.ca

Azara Homes Ltd. Astec Development Ltd. Mr. Gurinder Rakkar 8350 Beatrice Street Vancouver, BC V5P 3R9 (604) 771-0068 astec@shaw.ca

Mr. Amar Mangat, BSc(Eng) 5050 Ross Street Vancouver, BC V5W 3K5 (604) 763-1110 amar@azara.ca www.azara.ca

Athoula Management Ltd.

Balandra Development Inc.

Mr. Babbu (Namtez) Sohal 1348 East 60 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5X 2A5 (604) 266-9000 Fax: (866) 887-8552 athoula@live.ca www.athoula.com

32 Contact • 2018

Mr. Clive Alladin Blundell Post Office P.O. Box 26529 Richmond, BC V7C 5M9 (604) 274-5774 Fax: (604) 274-5775 info@balandra.ca www.balandra.ca

BUILDERS - CUSTOM Barone Developments Ltd.

Bellex Custom Homes Ltd.

Mr. Robert Barone P.O. Box 91263 West Vancouver, BC V7V 3N9 (604) 779-6469 rob@baronedevelopments.ca www.baronedevelopments.ca

Mr. Massimo Allegrini #200, 2232 Marine Drive West Vancouver, BC V7V 1K4 (604) 925-5651 Fax: (604) 925-3890 mass@bellexhomes.com www.bellexhomes.com

Barrett Group Custom Builders Mr. Joel Barrett #15, 8868 - 16 Avenue Burnaby, BC V3N 5A6 (604) 813-9914 contact@barrettgroup.ca www.barrettgroup.ca

Batista Properties Inc. Mr. Nelson Batista 1401 Lansdowne Drive (604) 644-0025 Fax: (604) 468-1688 nelson@batistaproperties.ca www.batistaproperties.ca

Bayrich Development Ltd. Mr. Jeffrey Lin #140, 8600 Cambie Road Richmond, BC V6X 4J9 (604) 370-3770 Fax: (604) 370-3771 jeffreylin@bayrich.ca www.bayrich.ca

Bayview Construction Ltd. Mr. Tyler Brost 13579 - 56 Avenue Surrey, BC V3X 2Z5 (604) 968-2587 Fax: (604) 590-2463 bayviewconstruction@shaw.ca www.bayviewconstruction.net

Belfast Construction Ltd. Mr. Allen Zu Mr. John Teleptean #155, 3757 Jacombs Road Richmond, BC V6V 2R3 (778) 386-2720 admin@belfastgroup.ca john.t@belfastgroup.ca www.belfastgroup.ca

Belmar Homes Ltd. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE

30 & 137

Mr. Nick Zanic P.O. Box 44098 Burnaby, BC V5B 4Y2 (604) 341-9945 Fax: (604) 299-7565 belmar@telus.net www.belmarhomesltd.com

Best Builders Ltd. Mr. Todd Best #103, 5461 - 12 Avenue Delta, BC V4M 2B2 (604) 943-2378 Fax: (604) 943-2376 info@bestbuilders.ca www.bestbuilders.ca



Billingsley Construction Ltd. Mr. Drew Billingsley 450 West 37 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 2N3 (604) 618-4684 drewbill@telus.net www.billingsleyconstruction.com

Black Thumb Contracting Ltd. Mr. Hayden Killam 1925 West King Edward Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 2W7 (604) 767-5046 info@blackthumbcontracting.com www.blackthumbcontracting.com

Blackfish Homes Ltd. Mr. David Adair #107, 1305 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B3 (604) 980-0814 Fax: (604) 980-0865 info@blackfishhomes.ca www.blackfishhomes.ca Designations: BuiltGreen Contact • 2018 33

BUILDERS - CUSTOM Blue Ocean Construction Inc.

British Pacific Properties Limited

Mr. Mike Merakian #103, 8327 Eastlake Drive Burnaby, BC V5A 4W2 (604) 559-6931 Fax: (604) 559-6932 sales@blueoceanconstruction.com www.blueoceanconstruction.com

Mr. Andrew Elliott #1001, 100 Park Royal West Vancouver, BC V7T 1A2 (604) 925-9000 Fax: (604) 922-4364 admin@britishproperties.com www.britishproperties.com

Boda Construction Ltd.

Build-Pros Construction Ltd.

Mr. Brian Boyd, AScT 4307 Morgan Crescent West Vancouver, BC V7V 2P1 (604) 926-6644 Fax: (604) 926-6215 brian@bodaconstruction.com www.bodaconstruction.com

Bolar Development Group Ltd.

Mr. Alex Nasooti 3890 St. Marys Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7N 1Y1 (604) 780-8118 info@buildpros.ca www.buildpros.ca

Buildya Development

Mr. Dean Woodworth #103, 8580 Oak Street Vancouver, BC V6P 4B1 (604) 736-3766 Fax: (888) 819-7495 info@bolar.ca www.bolar.ca

Mr. Pooya Merrikh #101, 998 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 3T2 (604) 770-0850 Fax: (604) 770-0851 info@buildya.com www.buildya.com

Bolder Homes Ltd.

By Design Construction Inc.

Mr. Sukey Mehat 419 East 10 Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 2E5 (604) 924-4663 Fax: (604) 924-4615 info@bolderhomes.ca www.bolderhomes.ca

Mr. Bobby Purba 8033 - 17 Avenue Burnaby, BC V3N 1M5 (604) 351-8614 info@bydesignconstruction.ca www.bdhomesinc.com

Caerus Construction Limited Bomex Construction Ltd. Mr. Miroslav Bobovsky #411, 1111 East 27 Street North Vancouver, BC V7J 1S3 (604) 720-9112 Fax: (604) 980-9206 miro@bomex.net www.bomex.net

Bright Star Holding Inc. Mr. Inderjit Parmar 7281 Waverley Avenue Burnaby, BC V5J 4A7 (604) 782-2581 info@starproperties.ca www.starproperties.ca

34 Contact • 2018

Mr. Julian Burtnick 969 Keith Road, P.O. Box 1040 Gibsons, BC V0N 1V0 (604) 885-5993 Fax: (604) 885-0963 info@cclimited.ca www.cclimited.ca

Caliber Projects Mr. Justin Bontkes #205, 6360 - 202 Street Langley, BC V2Y 1N2 (604) 807-1888 info@caliberprojects.com www.caliberprojects.com

BUILDERS - CUSTOM Camelot Projects Ltd.

Cavalier Homes Ltd.

Mr. Laurence Allington #213, 2438 Marine Drive West Vancouver, BC V7V 1L2 (604) 828-4614 Fax: (604) 921-6479 laurence@camelotprojects.ca www.camelotprojects.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

Mr. Jim Faber #2, 12530 - 241 Street Maple Ridge, BC V4R 2V8 (604) 466-5078 Fax: (604) 466-5043 jim@cavalierhomes.net www.cavalierhomes.net

Canadoo Enterprises Inc.

Mr. Drew Grimston 5520 Alma Street Vancouver, BC V6N 1Y1 (604) 488-0432 Fax: (604) 488-0432 dzgrim@telus.net

Mr. Shinya Mikawa #120, 3855 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6N3 (604) 687-6252 Fax: (604) 687-6254 home@canadoo.ca www.canadoo.ca Designations: CRC

Cantera Management Group Ltd. Mr. Darren Johnson 7684 - 232 Street Langley, BC V1M 3S1 (604) 888-1717 Fax: (604) 888-1828 djohnson@canteragroup.com www.canteragroup.com

Canvas Homes Ltd. Mr. Avi Dhaliwal 8579 - 171 Street Surrey, BC V4N 5J1 (778) 688-8812 info@canvashomesbc.ca www.canvashomesbc.ca

Cardinal Contracting Ltd. Mr. Brent Giesbrecht #109, 2630 Croydon Drive Surrey, BC V3Z 6T3 (604) 535-1926 brent@cardinalcontracting.ca www.cardinalcontracting.ca

Cavendish Contracting Ltd.

Ching Kee Construction and Renovations Company Limited Mr. Kwok Ching (Billy) Lee 3828 Garry Street Richmond, BC V7E 2T8 (604) 765-2138 billylee@chingkeeconstruction.com www.chingkeeconstruction.com

Clay Construction Inc. Mr. Larry Clay 26055 - 5A Avenue Langley, BC V4W 2K6 (604) 767-8584 Fax: (604) 856-2889 larry@clayconstruction.ca www.clayconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRC, CHP, Master Residential Builder

CMGT Construction Group Mr. Ian Fung #152, 628 East Kent Avenue South Vancouver, BC V5X 0B2 (604) 222-2100 info@cmgt.ca www.cmgt.ca

CMP Development Group Ltd. Casa Mia Developments Ltd. Mr. Jagvir Khatra 18251 - 21A Avenue Surrey, BC V3Z 9W2 (604) 780-2254 jagkhatra@hotmail.com www.casamiahomes.ca

Ms. Xiaomei Dong 1006 West 43 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6M 2B9 (778) 788-0180 Fax: (604) 563-9938 contact@cmpgroups.com www.cmpgroups.com Contact • 2018 35

BUILDERS - CUSTOM Comex Enterprise Corp.

D.E.F. Construction

Mr. Jalil Astanehe 5601 Sumac Place North Vancouver, BC V7R 4T6 (778) 858-7739 Fax: (604) 904-9869 astanehe@shaw.ca

Ms. Elizabeth Gomez Rodriguez #203, 3651 Foster Avenue Vancouver, BC V5R 0A2 (604) 366-9345 defconstructionbc@gmail.com

D.M.S. Enterprises Ltd. Conquistador Builders Ltd. Mr. Barrie McDowall 12582 - 25 Avenue Surrey, BC V4A 2K3 (604) 538-3393 Fax: (604) 538-3305 lmm@shaw.ca

ConVerge Construction Ltd. Mr. Dwayne Vanderveen #108, 31413 Gill Avenue Mission, BC V4S 0C4 (604) 814-3401 Fax: (604) 814-3402 dwayne@convergeconstruction.ca www.convergeconstruction.ca

Convex Development Mr. Ethan Wang P.O. Box 60647, Granville Park Vancouver, BC V6H 4B9 (778) 829-0927 Fax: (604) 569-5562 info@convexdevelopment.com www.convexdevelopment.com

COPA Development Corporation Mr. Tony Liu, P.Eng #209, 515 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6B 6H5 (604) 683-0850 info@copacorp.ca www.copacorp.ca

Cordovado Development Inc. Mr. Angelo Toneguzzo P.O. Box 602, 255 Newport Drive Port Moody, BC V3H 5H1 (604) 861-5652 Fax: (604) 469-6968 angelo@cordovado.ca www.cordovadohomes.ca

36 Contact • 2018

Mr. Seyed Davoud Mir-Taheri #202, 828 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 3R9 (604) 929-7771 info@dmsenterprises.ca www.dmsenterprises.ca

Dakota Holdings Inc. Mr. Jure Krpan 276 West 22 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 2G4 (778) 881-3923 Fax: (604) 275-2745 jure@dakotahomes.ca www.dakotahomes.ca

Davidson Walker Construction Ltd. Mr. Jim Davidson, P.Eng 1686 West 75 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G2 (604) 877-1284 Fax: (604) 877-1285 jim@davidsonwalker.com www.davidsonwalker.com

Econ Group Construction and Development Ltd. Mr. Marcel Studer Mr. Michael Dutson #402, 510 Chesterfield Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7M 2L9 (604) 618-0284 (604) 721-0360 Fax: (604) 677-6291 Toll Free: (866) 439-3299 marcel@econgroup.ca sales@econgroup.ca www.econgroup.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, Passive House Certified

BUILDERS - CUSTOM Ecosol Design & Construction Ltd.

Falcon Homes Ltd.

Mr. Arno Schmidt, B.Sc, Cert. Bldg. Tech 2124 Venables Street Vancouver, BC V5L 2J4 (604) 254-0258 Fax: (604) 254-5058 arno_ecosol@telus.net www.ecosoldesignandconstruction.ca Designations: Certified Rammed Earth Builder, BuiltGreen, CRP, CRBC

Mr. Fred Formosa #101, 11862 - 226 Street Maple Ridge, BC V2X 9C8 (604) 477-5500 Fax: (604) 477-5575 sales@falconhomes.com www.falconhomes.com

Elegant Development Inc. Mr. Jay Minhas #110, 13571 Commerce Parkway Richmond, BC V6V 2R2 (604) 277-3338 Fax: (604) 277-3033 info@elegantdevelopment.com www.elegantdevelopment.com

Feature Projects Ltd. Mr. Walter Krause 5733 Collingwood Street Vancouver, BC V6N 4K6 (604) 220-8907 Fax: (604) 241-4651 walter@featureprojects.com www.featureprojects.com

Filio Executive Homes Ltd. Essence Properties Mr. Kevin Dhaliwal #216, 18525 - 53 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 7A4 (778) 574-0777 Fax: (778) 574-0775 info@essenceliving.com www.essenceliving.com

Euro Canadian Construction Corp. Mr. John Gunson Mr. Jeffrey Gunson #801, 1445 Marpole Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1S5 (604) 526-7558 Fax: (604) 526-9930 eurocanadian@shaw.ca eurocanadiancorp@gmail.com www.eurocanadianconstruction.com

Ever Casa Construction Ltd. Mr. Werner Gonzalez #202, 1750 Augusta Avenue Burnaby, BC V5A 2V6 (778) 984-9354 dreamcasa898@gmail.com

Fairlands Custom Homes Ltd. Mr. Andrew Huang #208, 3256 Cambie Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 2W4 (778) 895-7018 fairlandscustomhomes@gmail.com www.fairlandscustomhomes.ca

Mr. Mario Figliola 2539 Franklin Street Vancouver, BC V5K 1X5 (604) 240-7414 mfigliola@telus.net www.filioexecutivehomes.com

Fixright Construction Ltd. Mr. Shiv Sandhu 2212 East 35 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5P 1C2 (604) 230-1057 Fax: (604) 327-6441 fixrightconstruction@gmail.com

Flagship Construction Ltd. Mr. Paul Chan 1656 East 56 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5P 2A4 (604) 282-4512 Fax: (604) 608-1318 paul@flagshipconstructionbc.com www.flagshipconstructionbc.com

Future Living Development Inc. Mr. Kiafar Ghaffari 914 Main Street Vancouver, BC V6A 2W1 (778) 896-6005 Fax: (604) 801-5727 info@futureliving.ca www.futureliving.ca Contact • 2018 37

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bestbuilders.ca 38 Contact • 2018

BUILDERS - CUSTOM G. Wilson Construction Co. Ltd.

Golden Dream Homes Ltd.

Mr. Blair Wilson 161 West 4 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1G4 (604) 873-8013 Fax: (604) 873-0919 info.gwilson@telus.net www.gwilsonconstruction.com

Mr. Moninder Sharma 868 - 12 Street East North Vancouver, BC V7L 2L1 (604) 619-0724 Fax: (604) 984-9429 info@goldendreamhomesltd.ca www.goldendreamhomesltd.com

G.D. Nielsen Homes

Greenwave Homes Ltd.

Mr. Greg Nielsen #129, 1305 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B3 (604) 926-4211 Fax: (604) 926-4210 gregn@gdnielsen.com www.gdnielsen.com

G.W. Blanes Construction Ltd. Mr. Gary Blanes 1443 Edwards Street Coquitlam, BC V3E 3H5 (604) 941-3580 Fax: (604) 945-4446 gblanes@shaw.ca www.blanes.ca

Gallery Homes Ltd. Mr. Blair Gunn 13048 - 14 Avenue Surrey, BC V4A 1G3 (604) 535-2169 Fax: (604) 535-6213 info@galleryhomes.ca www.galleryhomes.ca

Mr. Hardeep Chungh 3785 Sefton Street Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 3R8 (604) 652-2200 Fax: (604) 942-4153 hardeep@greenwavehomes.com www.greenwavehomes.com

Grenor Homes Mr. Greg Baarts #176, 4589 Byrne Road Burnaby, BC V5J 3J1 (604) 505-4574 Fax: (604) 431-7776 grenorhomes@gmail.com www.grenorhomes.com

HaloStar Development Corp. Mr. Harald Gill 13902 - 25A Avenue Surrey, BC V4P 2L9 (778) 995-4256 Fax: (877) 995-4256 info@halostar.ca www.halostar.ca

Garcia Construction Ltd. Mr. Johnny Garcia 7688 Selkirk Avenue Vancouver, BC V5P 4H4 (604) 657-9118 garciaconstructionltd@hotmail.com

Goldcon Construction Mr. Karim Goldan Mr. Kaveh Goldan #394, 901 West 3 Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 3P9 (778) 558-5051 (778) 688-5310 info@goldconconstruction.ca kaveh@goldconconstruction.ca www.goldconconstruction.ca

Hasler Homes Ltd. Mr. Greg Hasler 1345 Wellington Drive North Vancouver, BC V7K 1L6 (778) 688-7846 greg@haslerhomes.ca www.haslerhomes.ca

HBD Homes Ltd. Mr. Jason Hyare 7069 Water Street Vancouver, BC V5S 2S2 (778) 968-1491 info@hbdhomes.ca www.hbdhomes.ca Contact • 2018 39

BUILDERS - CUSTOM Heartwood Developments Ltd.

Hughes Brothers Construction Limited

Mr. Robert Mitchuk Ms. Angela Testa 16455 - 89 Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 1A2 (604) 583-6570 Fax: (604) 583-6572 heartwoodhomes@telus.net

Mr. David Hughes 447 West Windsor Road North Vancouver, BC V7N 2N5 (604) 290-4425 Fax: (604) 986-5936 hbc-david@telus.net www.hughesbrothers.ca

Heritage Design & Construction Management Inc.

HW Construction

Mr. Chen Shun Chew #3185, 8888 Odlin Crescent Richmond, BC V6X 3Z8 (604) 813-6116 Fax: (604) 244-8388 heritagedcchew@gmail.com www.heritagedc.ca

Highlight Homes Mr. Jag Athwal 7516 - 149 Street Surrey, BC V3S 0V1 (604) 783-0089 highlighthomes@hotmail.com highlight-homes.business.site

Homes by Valentino Mr. Valentino Citton #618, 650 West 41 Avenue North Office Tower, Oakridge Centre Vancouver, BC V5Z 2M9 (604) 377-6616 Fax: (604) 267-2387 val@homesbyvalentino.com www.homesbyvalentino.com

Homestar Building Corp. Mr. Chris Meyer #111, 6039 - 196 Street Surrey, BC V3S 7X4 (604) 539-1113 Fax: (604) 539-1175 info@homestarbc.com www.homestarbc.com

Mr. Ryan Carpenter 12044 - 208 Street Maple Ridge, BC V2X 4W8 (604) 616-8978 Fax: (604) 466-0276 rcarpenter@hwconstruction.ca www.hwconstruction.ca

Hyer Homes & Renovations Ltd. Mr. Dennis Stobbe #16, 3033 King George Boulevard Surrey, BC V4P 1B9 (604) 560-9891 Fax: (778) 545-8814 hyerhomes@shaw.ca www.hyerhomes.ca

iFortune Homes Inc. Mr. Peter Luan #415 South Bldg., 5811 Cooney Road Richmond, BC V6X 3M1 (604) 284-5238 Fax: (604) 284-5237 peter@ifortunecanada.com www.ifortunecanada.com

InHaus Development Ltd. Mr. Dave Debruyn #505, 1168 Hamilton Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2S2 (604) 900-1820 Fax: (604) 677-6284 dave@inhaus.ca www.inhaus.ca

Insightful Healthy Homes Inc. Mr. Arthur Lo #505, 402 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6B 1T6 (604) 818-7748 arthur@insightful.com www.insightful.ca

40 Contact • 2018

BUILDERS - CUSTOM Intermind Design Inc.

JDL Homes Vancouver

Ms. Mila Djuras 609 Lidster Place New Westminster, BC V3L 5E2 (604) 338-9936 miladjuras@interminddesign.com www.interminddesign.com Designations: CAPS

Mr. Doug Langford Mr. Jeff Langford 1910 Ontario Street Vancouver, BC V5T 4G6 (604) 568-9983 (778) 836-3103 Fax: (604) 558-1912 doug@jdlhomesvancouver.com jeff@jdlhomesvancouver.com www.jdlhomesvancouver.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Ironbridge Homes Mr. Harp Jagpal Mr. Jesse Kallar #216, 8717 - 160 Street Surrey, BC V4N 5X7 (604) 443-5025 info@ironbridgehomes.ca www.ironbridgehomes.ca

Jaheny Custom Builders Ltd. Mr. Glen Jaheny 15544 - 59 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 4N8 (604) 576-2399 Fax: (604) 574-2398 jaheny@telus.net www.jahenycustombuilders.com

JBR Construction Ltd. Mr. Warren Barrow #300, 8809 Heather Street Vancouver, BC V6P 3S9 (604) 324-8308 info@jbrconstruction.com www.jbrconstruction.com

JDL Homes Mr. Jas Jawanda 16713 - 108A Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 5H5 (604) 351-5171 Fax: (604) 957-0998 jjaw321@shaw.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

Jeff Henderson Construction Ltd. Mr. Jeff Henderson #116, 3855 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6N3 (604) 451-1667 Fax: (604) 451-1670 lisa@hendersonconstructionltd.com www.hendersonconstructionltd.com

JLY Development Ltd. Mr. James Yuan #2, 1230 West 75 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 3G3 (604) 495-4088 yuanjames@hotmail.com

Johannesen Construction Ltd. Mr. Peter Tjernagel 1109 London Street New Westminster, BC V3M 3B9 (604) 220-0306 Fax: (604) 522-7228 peter@johannesenltd.com www.johannesenltd.com

JWC Construction Ltd. Mr. John Casano 1755 Orkney Place North Vancouver, BC V7H 2Z1 (604) 929-2675 Fax: (604) 924-1189 jcasano@shaw.ca www.jwc-construction.ca

Contact • 2018 41

BUILDERS - CUSTOM K. Chen Construction Management Inc.

KFA Homes Ltd.

Mr. Kevin Chen, P.Eng, GSC #200, 45 East 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1J3 (604) 618-2449 Fax: (604) 630-9487 info@formationpm.com www.formationpm.com

Mr. Karim Walji 7664 Stanley Cresent Burnaby, BC V5E 1W1 (604) 583-2171 X. 106 Fax: (604) 583-2214 info@kfahomes.com www.kfahomes.com

K.A.O. Construction Design Studio Inc.

Kindred Construction Ltd.

Mr. Brian Kao 7261 Sussex Avenue Burnaby, BC V6J 3Z9 (778) 881-0650 Fax: (604) 569-8858 bkao@kaocondesign.com

Mr. Bryan Reid #308, 2150 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6K 4L9 (604) 736-4847 Fax: (604) 736-9614 info@kindredconstruction.com www.kindredconstruction.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Kemp Construction Management Ltd. Mr. Steve Kemp #10, 1835 - 56 Street Delta, BC V4L 2L8 (604) 948-1124 Fax: (604) 948-1364 accounting@kempconstruction.ca www.kempconstruction.ca Designations: RRP, CR, CRB

Kingdom Builders Inc. Mr. Paul Lilley #217, 949 West 3 Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7T 3T3 (604) 924-5464 Fax: (604) 924-3747 info@kingdombuilders.ca www.kingdombuilders.ca

Kenorah Design + Build Ltd. Mr. Graham Collins #105, 23160 - 96 Avenue Fort Langley, BC V1M 2S3 (604) 940-2767 Fax: (604) 940-2787 graham@kenorah.com www.kenorah.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CHP, CRBC, CAPS

Kerr Construction Mr. Doug Kerr 1676 West 75 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G2 (604) 263-0343 Fax: (604) 263-1501 info@kerrconstruction.ca www.kerrconstruction.ca

42 Contact • 2018

KINIP Construction Ltd. Mr. Allen Ip, P.Eng, A.ScT., C.P. #3223, 349 Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6B 3X8 (604) 720-2278 allenkinip@gmail.com

Kliewer Bros. Construction Ltd. Mr. Ron Kliewer Mr. Harv Kliewer P.O. Box 42043 Vancouver, BC V5S 4R5 (604) 764-7606 (604) 760-3949 Fax: (778) 571-2071 info@kbcdevelopments.com harv@kbcdevelopments.com www.kbcdevelopments.com

BUILDERS - CUSTOM Klondike Contracting Corporation

Lapres Homes Ltd.

Mr. Eric Schapira #300, 1375 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 0B1 (604) 708-3337 X. 102 Fax: (604) 708-3397 info@klondikecontracting.com www.klondikecontracting.com

Mr. Peter Lapres 375 East 40 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5W 1M1 (604) 671-1851 plapres@lapreshomes.com www.lapreshomes.com

Larch Construction Ltd. Kuji Homes Construction Mr. Imran Khan #387, 3381 Cambie Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 4R3 (604) 704-5854 info@kujihomes.com vancouverhomebuilderskuji.ca

Ladhar Development Group Ltd. Mr. Nav Ladhar 6607 Randolph Avenue Burnaby, BC V5H 3W3 (604) 729-3914 Fax: (604) 559-0244 info@ladhardevelopment.com www.ladhardevelopment.com

Landcraft Homes Ltd. Mr. Harjit Sandhu #10, 12240 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC V7A 4X1 (604) 771-0299 info@landcraftgroup.ca www.landcraftgroup.ca

Mr. Eugene Averbuch 6400 Larch Street Vancouver, BC V6M 4E9 (604) 355-8678 eugene.averbuch@gmail.com

LDJ Contracting Mr. Colin Jones 10499 Willow Grove Surrey, BC V4N 1V7 (604) 418-9592 Fax: (604) 582-1280 info@ldjcontracting.com www.ldjcontracting.com

Legendary Developments Ltd. Mr. Andy Rai #101, 3993 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6P7 (604) 564-2574 info@legendaryliving.ca www.legendaryliving.ca

Lentel Construction Co. Ltd.

Mr. Mat Turner 362 East 10 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1Z7 (604) 558-1123 Fax: (604) 558-2275 mat@lanefab.com www.lanefab.com

Mr. Greg Van Tol Mr. Harry Van Tol #346, 5158 - 48 Avenue Delta, BC V4K 5B6 (604) 946-9016 Fax: (604) 940-2236 info@lentelconstruction.com www.lentelconstruction.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Lanstone Homes Ltd.

Lighthouse Construction Inc.

Mr. Lanson Foster P.O. Box 917 Fort Langley, BC V1M 2S3 (604) 371-3881 Fax: (604) 533-0881 info@lanstonehomes.com www.lanstonehomes.com

Mr. Andrew Hirst 5250 - 9A Avenue Delta, BC V4M 1X2 (604) 948-9897 Fax: (604) 948-9840 thirst@dccnet.com www.lighthouseconstruction.ca

Lanefab Design Build Ltd.

Contact • 2018 43


Marble Construction Ltd.

Ms. Luanne Funk Mr. Peter Funk 19885 - 12 Avenue Langley, BC V2Z 1W3 (604) 308-4617 (604) 835-9701 Fax: (604) 857-9796 luanne@lindanhomes.ca peter@lindanhomes.ca www.lindanhomes.ca

Mr. Mehrdad Majidnejadi #202, 930 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 3S7 (778) 885-6658 Fax: (604) 929-2809 marblebc@gmail.com www.marblebc.com

Maestro Development Ltd. Mr. Joshua Young 752 East Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6A 1V7 (604) 723-9618 josh@maestrodevelopment.ca www.maestrodevelopment.ca

Major Homes Ltd. Mr. Rick Garcha 6875 - 184A Street Surrey, BC V3S 9H9 (604) 781-1404 info@majorhomes.ca www.majorhomes.ca

Makena Construction Inc. Mr. Randy Edmunds SEE 6973 - 195 Street OUR AD Surrey, BC V4N 5Y6 ON PAGE (604) 961-1814 135 randy@makenaconstruction.ca www.makenaconstruction.ca

Marathon Homes Ltd. Mr. Jas Gill Mr. Paul Gill #102, 15272 Croydon Drive Surrey, BC V3S 0Z5 (604) 538-6300 Fax: (604) 538-6302 jas@marathonhomes.ca www.marathonhomes.ca

44 Contact • 2018

Marcraft Homes Ltd. Mr. Mark Jauck Mr. Matt Jauck #212, 3190 St. Johns Street Port Moody, BC V3H 2C7 (604) 461-2560 Fax: (604) 461-2564 info@marcrafthomes.com matt@marcrafthomes.com www.marcrafthomes.com

Marquis Custom Homes Mr. Kam Dhami 5979 - 145 Street Surrey, BC V3S 7B4 (604) 808-0790 info@marquiscustomhomes.ca www.marquiscustomhomes.ca

Marwynn Construction Corp. Mr. Marc Peck P.O. Box 2644 Garibaldi Highlands, BC V0N 1T0 (604) 908-1151 porsha@marwynn.com www.marwynn.com

Maxim Development Group (Canada) Inc. Mr. John Khaira 426 East 64 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5X 2N1 (604) 781-3322 Fax: (604) 325-9091 info@maximgroup.ca maximgroup.ca

Meister Construction Ltd. Mr. Gordon Gildemeister 921 Evergreen Place Vancouver, BC V7R 1R5 (604) 328-3086 Fax: (604) 984-3483 gordon@meisterconstruction.ca www.meisterconstruction.ca

BUILDERS - CUSTOM Mercury Contracting Ltd.

MKL Custom Homes Ltd.

Mr. Troy Felix #2097, 88 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6B 6N9 (604) 757-9495 info@mercurycontracting.com www.mercurycontracting.com

Mr. Mackenzie LaPorte C3 - 238 East 10 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1Z5 (604) 684-1625 info@mklhomes.com www.mklhomes.com

Meridian Homes Ltd.

Monaco Estates Inc.

Mr. Rob Panesar 9226 Stuart Crescent Surrey, BC V3V 1T6 (604) 710-7683 info@meridianhomes.org www.meridianhomes.org

Mr. Paul Jahn 1037 - 252 Street Langley, BC V4W 2S8 (778) 889-2560 Fax: (604) 607-7140 pjahn@monacoestates.ca www.groupmonaco.com

Meridian Pacific Construction Inc. Mr. Ken Gijssen 192 West 47 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 2X9 (604) 875-8035 Fax: (604) 875-8036 ken@meridianpacific.net www.meridianpacific.net

Monolith Design Build Ltd.

Merit Homes

MP Construction Ltd.

Mr. Mike Bakshi 13028 57 Avenue Surrey, BC V3X 3X3 (604) 716-4444 mike@merithomes.ca www.merithomes.ca

Merola Construction Inc. Mr. Raffael Merola 102 - 3060 Norland Ave Burnaby, BC V5B 3B1 (604) 294-5370 info@merolacon.com www.merolacon.com

Minhas Holdings Inc. Mr. Bob Minhas #111, 3823 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6P3 (604) 537-8769 minhasholdings@gmail.com minhasholdingsinc.ca

Mr. Ranjeev Gill #800, 15355 - 24 Avenue Surrey, BC V4A 2H9 (604) 760-2044 ranj@monolithdesignbuild.com www.monolithdesignbuild.com

Mr. Graham Reid 5224 - 6 Avenue Delta, BC V4M 1L5 (604) 816-4276 Fax: (604) 943-8393 mpconstruction@telus.net www.mpconstruction.ca

My House Design/Build Team Ltd. Mr. Graeme Huguet 15356 Fraser Highway SEE OUR AD Surrey, BC V3R 3P5 ON PAGE (604) 694-6873 3 Fax: (604) 951-4093 info@myhousedesignbuild.com www.myhousedesignbuild.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CAPS, CRP

N. Moscone Contracting Ltd. Mr. Dan Moscone #542, 34A - 2755 Lougheed Highway Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 5Y9 (604) 787-8786 Fax: (604) 464-5339 dan@mosconedevelopments.com www.mosconedevelopments.com Contact • 2018 45

BUILDERS - CUSTOM Naikoon Contracting Ltd.

Nicons Enterprises Ltd.

Mr. Joe Geluch #3, 342 East Esplanade North Vancouver, BC V7L 1A4 (778) 340-1566 Fax: (778) 340-0091 info@naikoon.ca www.naikooncontracting.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Mr. Ian Nicule #E205, 20159 - 88 Avenue Langley, BC V1M 0A4 (604) 710-4839 contact@nicons.ca

Natural Balance Home Builders Mr. Nick Kerchum 3288 Dunbar Street Vancouver, BC V6S 2C3 (778) 330-7607 Fax: (778) 330-7608 info@naturalbalancehomes.com www.naturalbalancedevelopment.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Niebuhr Construction Mr. Jim Niebuhr Mr. Richard Niebuhr 12231 Bridgeport Road Richmond, BC V6V 1J4 (604) 290-8022 (604) 220-3734 Fax: (604) 940-8915 jimnieb@telus.net rniebuhr@telus.net www.niebuhrhomes.com

Noort Development Ltd. Neopacific Development Inc. Mr. Aryan Farrokhi 1143 West 14 Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1J9 (604) 983-8656 Fax: (604) 983-8656 info@neopacific.ca www.neopacific.ca

Mr. Len Noort Jr. #101, 403 - 6 Street New Westminster, BC V3L 3B1 (604) 526-3604 Fax: (604) 526-7651 info@noorthomes.com www.noorthomes.com Designations: CHP

Nesseler Construction Ltd.

Northern Concepts Ltd.

Mr. Klaus Nesseler 5130 Wilson Drive Delta, BC V4M 1P4 (604) 813-1333 Fax: (604) 943-0230 knesseler@nesselerconstruction.com www.nesselerconstruction.com

Mr. Shawn Wilson 2455 Pandora Street Vancouver, BC V5K 1V5 (778) 840-1763 info@northernconcepts.ca www.northernconcepts.ca

Noura Homes Nestworks Construction Ltd. Mr. Stephen Nestmann 11423 Bond Boulevard Delta, BC V4E 1N4 (604) 916-0028 info@nestworks.ca www.nestworks.ca

Ms. Lilian Kan #201, 3387 David Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3E 0K4 (778) 285-0503 Fax: (778) 285-0595 info@nourahomes.com www.nourahomes.com

New Creation Homes Ltd.

Novak Contracting & Construction

Mr. Paul Thiessen 24070 - 61 Avenue Langley, BC V2Y 1M5 (604) 644-8102 Fax: (604) 514-0986 newcreationhomes@shaw.ca

Mr. Reilly Novak 18906 - 69A Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 5K2 (778) 997-5568 reilly@novakcontracting.com www.novakcontracting.com

46 Contact • 2018

BUILDERS - CUSTOM Novell Design Build Ms. Laurel James #303, 1177 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6H 1G3 (604) 876-0339 Fax: (604) 909-4686 accounting@novelldesignbuild.com www.novelldesignbuild.com

Novin Boom Construction Ltd. Mr. Hooman Khorrampour 1965 - 22 Street West Vancouver, BC V7V 4E7 (604) 716-4201 info@nbco.ca www.nbco.ca

NWI Contracting Ltd. Mr. Enrique Ponce De Leon #7, 7228 Winston Street Burnaby, BC V5A 2G9 (778) 999-0686 Fax: (604) 533-8992 nwioffice@telus.net www.nwicontracting.com

OceanicFlo Construction + Development Corp. Mr. Cary Tsai, MAIBC #2115, 11871 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC V7A 5H5 (604) 284-5615 Fax: (604) 284-5613 cary@oceanicflo.com www.oceanicflo.com

Pacific Property Group Ltd. Mr. Scott Manderson #208, 828 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V5R 3R9 (604) 990-1434 Fax: (604) 904-0431 scott.manderson@pacificproperty.ca www.mulberryproperty.ca

Panaich Properties Ltd. (PPL) Mr. Randy Panaich 15961 39A Avenue Surrey, BC V3Z 0Y3 (604) 505-0601 randy68@hotmail.ca

Panesar Construction Group Inc. Nycon Services Ltd. Mr. Peter Day Mr. Lee Nystrom P.O. Box 1155 Squamish, BC V8B 0A8 (604) 317-1982 (604) 250-0042 Fax: (604) 567-1162 pday@nycon.ca leenystrom83@hotmail.com www.nycon.ca

NYTA Contracting Ltd. Mr. Jason Huang 6459 - 128 Street Surrey, BC V3W 4C5 (604) 789-7889 Fax: (604) 596-3578 nytacontracting@gmail.com www.nytacontracting.ca

Mr. Pintu Panesar 8310 - 150 Street Surrey, BC V3S 3J7 (604) 861-6777 Fax: (604) 909-4910 info@panesargroup.com www.panesargroup.com

Pantheon Developments Ltd. Mr. Hans Von Tiesenhausen 1625 West 5 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1N5 (604) 732-5242 Fax: (604) 264-4694 hanscvt@pantheondevelopments.com www.pantheondevelopments.com

Paramax Homes Ltd. Mr. Gary Tiwana #101, 2168 Marine Drive New Westminster, BC V7V 1K3 (604) 281-2232 Fax: (604) 281-3636 info@paramaxhomes.com www.paramaxhomes.com Contact • 2018 47

BUILDERS - CUSTOM Patshell Construction Ltd.

Pro Design Co. Ltd.

Mr. Ken Rand #102, 20540 Duncan Way Langley, BC V3A 7A3 (604) 230-2962 patshellconstruction@gmail.com

Mr. George Zhao Mr. Scott Zhao 4411 Westminster Highway Richmond, BC V7C 1B6 (778) 926-8582 prodesignbc@gmail.com syz.zhao@gmail.com

PD Moore Homes Inc. Mr. Perdip Moore 4270 Royal Oak Avenue Burnaby, BC V5G 3M4 (604) 345-4663 moorehomesinc@outlook.com www.moorehomesinc.com

Penmat Contracting & Project Management Ltd. Mr. Balraj S. Mann #201, 204 Cayer Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 5B1 (604) 521-4300 Fax: (604) 521-1006 bmann@penmat.ca www.penmat.ca

PHY Construction Ltd.

Procasa Developments Ltd Mr. Michael Wu 7553 Cariboo Road Burnaby, BC V3N 4X2 (778) 709-7553 michael.procasa@gmail.com www.procasadevelopments.com

Profix Construction Ltd. Mr. Reza Soodbakhsh #607, 955 Marine Drive West Vancouver, BC V7T 1A9 (604) 770-4343 Fax: (778) 770-4326 info@profixconstruction.com www.profixconstruction.com

Mr. Mark (Jiang) Yu P.O. Box 36568 Seafair Richmond, BC V7C 1V0 (604) 716-1528 Fax: (604) 231-8738 phy.ltd@gmail.com www.phyhomes.ca

Project Mint Developments Ltd.

Precise Homes Ltd.

Proridge Homes Ltd.

Mr. Babak Nikraftar #1705, 125 Milross Avenue Vancouver, BC V6A 1A0 (604) 340-1740 babak@projectmint.ca www.projectmint.ca

Mr. Sukh Shoker 719 West 66 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 2R4 (778) 858-8984 info@precisehomes.ca www.precisehomes.ca

Mr. Gary Khera #117, 618 East Kent Avenue Vancouver, BC V5X 0B1 (604) 719-8127 info@proridgehomes.com www.proridgehomes.com

Precision Way Projects

Quinton Construction Ltd.

Mr. Norman Little 882 East 19 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5V 1K5 (604) 790-6676 precision.way.projects@gmail.com

48 Contact • 2018

Mr. John Quinton #351, 1275 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1A6 (604) 681-0777 Fax: (604) 681-0733 john@quintonconstruction.com www.quintonconstruction.com Designations: CAPS


Ritchie Construction Ltd.

Mr. Robert Barker #310, 9440 - 202 Street Langley, BC V1M 4A6 (604) 513-2200 Fax: (604) 513-2218 rob@rab.ca www.rab.ca

Mr. Chris Hill #404, 138 West 6th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1K6 (604) 876-2728 hello@rbvan.com www.ritchiebuildersvancouver.com

RJR Construction Management Ltd. Radec Group Inc. Mr. Joe Walters 625 East 16 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 2V3 (604) 676-0008 Fax: (604) 677-1097 Toll Free: (866) 976-0008 info@radecgroup.com www.radecgroup.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Rechsteiner Construction Ltd. Mr. Philip Rechsteiner 7718 Jensen Place Burnaby, BC V5A 2A8 (778) 996-5661 philip@rechsteiner.ca www.rechsteiner.ca

Reid Developments Ltd. Mr. Mike Reid 362 Balfour Drive Coquitlam, BC V3K 6C5 (604) 612-0149 Fax: (604) 733-3799 reid.dvlp@gmail.com www.ReidDevelopmentsBC.com

reVISION Custom Home Renovations Inc Mr. Todd Senft #202, 338 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 3X2 604) 835-4033 Fax: (604) 873-4770 todd@revisionrenovations.com www.revisionrenovations.com

Rishi Holdings Ltd. Ms. Madhu Rishi 2854 West 37 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6N 2T6 (604) 708-4243

Mr. Shawn Stewart #119, 3989 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6P8 (604) 254-1760 Fax: (604) 254-4960 info@rjrconstruction.ca www.rjrconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRBC, CRC, CAPS

Roadhouse Homes Ltd. Mr. Dale Roadhouse #326, Unit 47 - 20821 Fraser Highway Langley, BC V3A 0B6 (604) 649-5402 dale@roadhousehomes.ca www.roadhousehomes.ca

Ronse Massey Developments Inc. Mr. Joel Massey #301, 28 West 7 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1L6 (778) 371-3287 Fax: (778) 371-3289 joel@rmdevelopments.ca www.rmdevelopments.ca

Saggu Homes Inc. Mr. Gerry Saggu 2301 Dublin Street New Westminster, BC V3M 3B3 (604) 376-5017 sagguhomes@gmail.com

Sajoiq Investments Ltd. Mr. Iqbal Singh Bhullar 6660 Sidaway Road Richmond, BC V6W 1H1 (604) 724-9734 sajoiq.investments@gmail.com www.instagram.com/sajoiq.investments

Contact • 2018 49

BUILDERS - CUSTOM Sammarco Construction

Shakespeare Homes & Renovations Inc.

Mr. Matthew Sammarco #119, 9373 Hemlock Drive Richmond, BC V6Y 0A9 (604) 318-4975 mpsammarco@gmail.com

Mr. Mark Cooper #106, 173 Forester Street Dollarton Business Park North Vancouver, BC V7H 0A6 (604) 988-2280 Fax: (604) 988-2266 mcooper@shakespearehomes.com www.shakespearehomes.com

Sandhill Development Ltd. Ms. Hardeep K. Sandhu #228, 11020 No. 5 Road Richmond, BC V7A 4E7 (604) 271-6296 Fax: (604) 276-8937 info@sandhilldevelopment.ca www.sandhilldevelopment.ca

Shorewood Pacific Holdings Ltd. Mr. Glen Job 13579 - 22A Avenue Surrey, BC V4A 9V2 (604) 536-4255 glendjob@gmail.com

Schulz Construction Mr. Graham Schulz Ms. Nicole Schulz 4230 Dollar Road North Vancouver, BC V7G 1A6 (604) 790-6667 (604) 808-2110 schulzy@shaw.ca schulzconstruction@shaw.ca www.schulzconstruction.ca

Sea-Pat Construction Inc.

Smallworks Studios / Laneway Housing Inc. Mr. Jake Fry #2, 116 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1N2 (604) 264-8837 info@smallworks.ca www.smallworks.ca

Solaris Properties Inc.

Mr. Sean Ederer 1975 Greenock Place North Vancouver, BC V7J 2Z8 (604) 984-1882 Fax: (604) 984-1887 seapat@telus.net

Mr. Richard Mullen #111, 8696 Barnard Street Vancouver, BC V6P 5G5 (604) 681-9456 Fax: (604) 558-1156 info@solarisproperties.ca www.solarisproperties.ca

Seiba Properties & Investments Limited

Solution Renovations

Mr. Raj Bhandall 19968 - 1 Avenue Langley, BC V2Z 0A4 (778) 855-8696 Fax: (855) 380-2414 raj@seiba.ca www.seiba.ca

Seneca Homes Ltd. Mr. Jonathan Vendargon 461 East 11 Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 2H3 (604) 209-5726 info@senecahomes.ca www.senecahomes.ca

50 Contact • 2018

Mr. John Juzyniec 600 Nicola Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3J 7T7 (604) 817-6093 Fax: (604) 939-7754 john@solutionrenovations.com www.solutionrenovations.com

Somerset Homes Mr. Shawn Hilliard 2225 Folkstone Way West Vancouver, BC V7S 2Y6 (604) 926-8531 Fax: (604) 922-8477 admin@somersetcustomhomes.ca www.somersetcustomhomes.ca

BUILDERS - CUSTOM Sprucehill Contracting Inc.

Tamlin International Homes Ltd.

Mr. Erik Jensen 101 - 3151 Woodbine Drive North Vancouver, BC V7R 2S4 (604) 971-4899 Fax: (855) 510-5796 Toll Free: (855) 510-5796 info@sprucehill.ca www.sprucehill.ca

Mr. Paul Tabuchi Mr. Chris Lynn #200, 145 Schoolhouse Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 4X8 (604) 553-7578 Fax: (778) 398-1180 Toll Free: (877) 826-5461 sales@tamlinhomes.com chrisl@tamlinhomes.com www.tamlinhomes.com

Square One Contracting Mr. Jordan Harrison 2140 - 124 Street Surrey, BC V4A 3M5 (778) 736-0299 info@squareonecontracting.ca www.squareonecontracting.ca

Sunbeam Homes Inc. Mr. Shilin Sun 886 - 58 Avenue West Vancouver, BC V6P 6Y3 (604) 728-1886 info@sunbeamhomes.ca www.sunbeamhomes.ca

Supna Homes Limited Mr. Mandip S. Nijjar #107, 13025 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2V7 (604) 518-4742 Fax: (604) 594-5048 build@supnahomes.ca www.supnahomes.ca

Symbolic Construction Group Ltd. Mr. Jatinderpal Singh #211, 12877 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 1E6 (604) 763-7068 Fax: (604) 599-6831 symbolicconstruction@gmail.com www.symbolicconstruction.com

T. Jones Enterprises Inc. Mr. Trevor Jones 3537 Osler Street Vancouver, BC V6H 2W4 (604) 734-1300 Fax: (604) 734-8788 trevor@tjonesgroup.com www.tjonesgroup.com

Tavan Developments Ltd. Mr. Troy Van Vliet Ms. Silveria Roselli #150, 628 East Kent Avenue South Vancouver, BC V5X 0B2 (604) 263-3026 Fax: (604) 321-3627 info@tavandevelopments.com silveria@tavandevelopments.com www.tavan.ca

TBW Custom Homes Ms. Deb Salahor #38077, 2448 - 160 Street Surrey, BC V3Z 6R3 (778) 291-4721 info@tbwcustomhomes.com www.tbwcustomhomes.com

Teragon Developments & Construction Inc. Mr. Lars Van Linge 4733 Saddlehorn Crescent Langley, BC V2Z 2L7 (604) 861-8526 Fax: (604) 861-1631 office@teragon.ca www.teragon.ca

Terris Lightfoot Contracting Ltd. Mr. Warren S. Lightfoot 361 Oxford Drive Port Moody, BC V3H 1T2 (778) 355-8315 Fax: (778) 355-9382 wlightfoot@terrislightfoot.com www.terrislightfoot.com

Contact • 2018 51

GVHBA Product Showcase at

Thanking the cooperation of GVHBA Supplier Members for putting together a display of member products:


52 Contact • 2018


BUILDERS - CUSTOM The GCC Group Development Inc.

TP Homes Ltd.

Mr. Ronald Lam #103, 5177 Brighouse Way Richmond, BC V7C 0A7 (604) 716-9350 ronaldmdlam@hotmail.com

Mr. Jack Li Ms. Jenny Hu 3883 West 21 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6S 1H5 (604) 816-8666 tphomes@hotmail.com

Thomas Better Built Homes Mr. Thomas Hogge 452 Montgomery Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 5G8 (604) 562-3841 Fax: (604) 492-3231 thomashogge1@gmail.com www.thomashomes.ca

Toikka Construction Ltd. Mr. John Toikka #121, 998 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 3T2 (604) 986-6817 Fax: (604) 986-0553 toikkaconstruction@shawbiz.ca www.toikkaconstruction.ca

Townline Homes Mr. Rick Ilich #1212, 450 SW Marine Drive Vancouver, BC V5X 0C3 (604) 327-8760 Fax: (604) 270-0854 rick.ilich@townline.ca www.townline.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

TQ Construction Ltd. Mr. Ralph Belisle SEE #106, 8988 Fraserton Court OUR AD ON THIS Burnaby, BC V5J 5H8 PAGE (604) 430-9900 info@tqconstruction.ca www.tqconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRC, CRP, CAPS

Trillium Project Management Ltd. Mr. David Hamilton #104, 1525 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1T5 (604) 714-0904 Fax: (604) 714-0954 david@trilliumprojects.com www.trilliumprojects.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Contact • 2018 53

BUILDERS - CUSTOM Tuscan Developments Inc.

Vancouver Total Group

Mr. Mark Peers 12851 - 16 Avenue, P.O. Box 45010 Surrey, BC V4A 9L1 (604) 542-9114 Fax: (604) 542-9115 markpeers@tuscandevelopments.com www.tuscandevelopments.com

Mr. Alexander Barbachkov #200, 1751 Capilano Road North Vancouver, BC V7P 3B5 (604) 770-0616 info@totalproject.ca www.totalproject.ca

Upward Construction & Renovation Ltd.

Vanglo Sustainable Construction Group

Mr. Michael Upward #101, 1305 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B3 (778) 340-1355 Fax: (778) 340-1356 michael@upwardconstruction.ca www.upwardconstruction.ca

Mr. Martin Warren 2200 Ontario Street Vancouver, BC V5T 2X2 (604) 671-3667 info@vanglo.ca www.vanglo.ca

Urban Flare Developments Inc.


Mr. Harv Hehar 15135 - 66A Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 2A4 (604) 825-3874 Fax: (604) 572-2847 info@urbanflare.ca www.urbanflare.ca

Ms. Vanessa Winn 12211 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC V7A 4V4 (604) 639-3320 Fax: (604) 274-1581 Vanessa.Winn@viceroy.com

Versa Platinum Construction Ltd. VALROC Development Ltd. Mr. Jason Spies #104, 19162 - 22 Avenue Surrey, BC V3Z 3S6 (604) 427-0152 admin@valroc.ca www.valroc.ca

Vanagon Construction Ltd. Mr. Anthony Lai, P.Eng Mr. Chris Lai 75 West 39 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 2N8 (604) 325-8784 (778) 896-3284 Fax: (604) 325-8480 vanagonconstruction@gmail.com www.vanagonconstruction.com

Vancouver Builders Ltd. Mr. Amar (Sid) Sidhu #521, 6540 Hastings Street Burnaby, BC V5B 4Z5 (604) 782-8453 info@vancouver-builders.ca www.vancouver-builders.ca

54 Contact • 2018

Mr. Felipe Freig 3163 - 256 Street Langley, BC V4W 1Y4 (778) 882-0632 felipe@versahomes.com www.versahomes.com

VGC Vancouver General Contractors Inc Mr. Hussain Khatheer #220, 3689 East 1 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5M 1C2 (604) 430-3004 Fax: (604) 293-1513 info@vancouvergeneralcontractors.com www.vancouvergeneralcontractors.com

VictorEric Premium Homes Mr. Eric Lee 15 East 3 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1C5 (604) 677-0021 Fax: (604) 677-0178 info@victoreric.com www.victoreric.com


Westpeak Developments

Mr. Sukhdev Jhaj 7431 No. 6 Road Richmond, BC V6W 1C9 (604) 290-3784 villadevelopment@hotmail.com www.villadevelopments.ca

Mr. Sean Stofer 825 Drayton Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 2C2 (604) 787-1715 stofer.westpeak@gmail.com

Vision Built Construction Ltd. Mr. Tobias Puga 1804 Maple Street Vancouver, BC V6J 3S7 (604) 317-2045 Fax: (866) 381-8493 tobias@visionbuilt.ca www.visionbuilt.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

Zenterra Developments Ltd. Mr. Rick Johal #216, 2630 Croydon Drive Surrey, BC V3S 6T3 (604) 788-7975 rickjohal@kooneyhomes.com www.kooneyhomes.com Designations: CRBC, CHP

BUILDERS - SINGLE FAMILY Wallmark Homes Ltd. Mr. Rob Wall 4090 Graveley Street Burnaby, BC V5C 3T6 (604) 420-5200 Fax: (604) 420-5210 info@wallmark.ca www.wallmark.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CHP

West Coast Dream Homes Ltd. Ms. Camilla Brown Mr. Richard Schmohl #102, 20220 - 113B Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2X 0Y9 (604) 767-6050 Fax: (604) 467-0854 westcoastdreamhomes@shaw.ca www.westcoastdreamhomes.ca

Westcove Construction Mr. Joel Voyer (604) 925-4404 Fax: (604) 947-9080 info@westcoveconstruction.com westcoveconstruction.com

Westmark Development Group Mr. Harmel S. Bains #203, 2631 Viking Way Richmond, BC V6V 3B5 (604) 821-1333 Fax: (604) 821-1303 info@westmarkhomes.ca www.westmarkhomes.ca

360 Home Renovations Inc. Mr. Sunny Takhar #119, 12827 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2V3 (604) 445-3535 info@360homerenovations.com www.360homerenovations.com

Alair Homes - Vancouver Mr. David Babakaiff #12C, 139 Drake Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 2T8 (604) 605-8255 david@alairhomes.com www.alairhomes.ca/vancouver

Alair Homes Delta Mr. Peter Nielsen 878 - 57 Street Delta, BC V4L 1Y1 (604) 868-5155 peter.nielsen@alairhomes.com www.alairhomes.ca/delta

Alchemy Construction Ltd. Mr. Mark Isaac 1537 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B5 (604) 980-3149 Fax: (604) 980-3155 mark@alchemyconstruction.ca www.alchemyconstruction.ca

Contact • 2018 55

BUILDERS - SINGLE FAMILY Alcon Construction Co. Ltd.

Arden Development Ltd.

Mr. Alan Wong 555 West 30 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 2J2 (604) 889-6808 Fax: (604) 251-4347 alconconstruction@hotmail.com

Mr. Albert Lam 1551 Rupert Street Vancouver, BC V5K 4L9 (604) 813-2778 Fax: (604) 255-9378 albertholam@hotmail.com

Alma Building and Renovation Ltd.

ARTISAN Construction Group

Mr. Tony Chebaya 3931 Dunbar Street Vancouver, BC V6S 2E3 (604) 224-2562 tony@alma-buildingandrenovation.com www.alma-buildingandrenovation.com

Alyza Homes Mr. Karim Fazal, GACP, MSc.(SST) #1500, 885 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3E8 (604) 630-1011 sales@alyzahomes.com www.alyzahomes.com

APEX Western Homes Ltd. Mr. Raymond Vesely #610, 333 Brooksbank Avenue P.O. Box 718 North Vancouver, BC V7J 3V8 (604) 990-3520 Fax: (604) 986-9906 homes@apexhomes.ca www.apexhomes.ca

Arbutus Point Developments Ltd. Mr. Jamieson Merritt 1848 Esquimalt Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7V 1R9 (604) 970-7580 Fax: (604) 925-9502 jcmerritt@telus.net Designations: BuiltGreen

Archia Development Ltd. Mr. Amir Karimi #110, 265 - 25 Street West Vancouver, BC V7V 4H9 (778) 385-1905 Fax: (604) 913-1919 info@archia.ca www.archia.ca

56 Contact • 2018

Mr. Brent Repin #225, 1820 Fir Street Vancouver, BC V6J 3B1 (604) 676-1516 Fax: (604) 249-1133 info@artisanconstruction.ca www.artisanconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRBC, CHP, CRC, CRP

Asanti Development Ltd. Mr. Harp Cheema #121, 1087 East Kent Avenue North Vancouver, BC V5X 4V9 (604) 537-5688 harpcheema@hotmail.com

Astec Development Ltd. Mr. Gurinder Rakkar 8350 Beatrice Street Vancouver, BC V5P 3R9 (604) 771-0068 astec@shaw.ca

ATACO Construction Ltd. Mr. Amir Taghiakbari #218, 1500 Marine Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 1T7 (604) 710-1748 amir@ataco.ca

Athoula Management Ltd. Mr. Babbu (Namtez) Sohal 1348 East 60 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5X 2A5 (604) 266-9000 Fax: (866) 887-8552 athoula@live.ca www.athoula.com


Balandra Development Inc.

Mr. Sasan Tehrani #100, 2240 Chippendale Road West Vancouver, BC V7S 3J5 (604) 770-2884 Fax: (604) 770-2882 info@attigroup.ca www.attigroup.ca

Mr. Clive Alladin Blundell Post Office P.O. Box 26529 Richmond, BC V7C 5M9 (604) 274-5774 Fax: (604) 274-5775 info@balandra.ca www.balandra.ca

Avalonna Homes Ltd. Mr. Daljit Dhami 1025 West 58 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 1V9 (604) 767-9143 daljitdhami@live.com

Avaya Homes Ltd. Mr. Harpreet Badesha 14626 - 58 Avenue Surrey, BC V4R 2R9 (604) 306-2017 avayahomesltd@gmail.com

Avestex Group Mr. Hamid Ahmadian Mr. Massoud Karimaei 1955 Mathers Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7V 2G9 (604) 283-7839 (778) 889-4820 info@avestex.com massoud@avestex.com www.avestex.com

Barone Developments Ltd. Mr. Robert Barone P.O. Box 91263 West Vancouver, BC V7V 3N9 (604) 779-6469 rob@baronedevelopments.ca www.baronedevelopments.ca

Barrett Group Custom Builders Mr. Joel Barrett #15, 8868 - 16 Avenue Burnaby, BC V3N 5A6 (604) 813-9914 contact@barrettgroup.ca www.barrettgroup.ca


30 & 137

Batista Properties Inc. Mr. Nelson Batista 1401 Lansdowne Drive Coquitlam, BC V3E 1R3 (604) 644-0025 Fax: (604) 468-1688 nelson@batistaproperties.ca www.batistaproperties.ca

Avis Homes Ltd.

Bayrich Development Ltd.

Mr. Kuljit Dhillon 10388 Blundell Road Richmond, BC V6Y 1L1 (778) 889-4545 Fax: (604) 277-4046 kuljit25@hotmail.com avishomes.ca

Mr. Jeffrey Lin #140, 8600 Cambie Road Richmond, BC V6X 4J9 (604) 370-3770 Fax: (604) 370-3771 jeffreylin@bayrich.ca www.bayrich.ca

Azura Management Corp.

Belfast Construction Ltd.

Mr. Ewen Stewart 15561 Marine Drive White Rock, BC V4B 1C9 (604) 536-7333 Fax: (604) 536-2130 azura@shawbiz.ca

Mr. Allen Zu Mr. John Teleptean #155, 3757 Jacombs Road Richmond, BC V6V 2R3 (778) 386-2720 admin@belfastgroup.ca john.t@belfastgroup.ca www.belfastgroup.ca Contact • 2018 57


Bolar Development Group Ltd.

Mr. Nick Zanic P.O. Box 44098 Burnaby, BC V5B 4Y2 (604) 341-9945 Fax: (604) 299-7565 belmar@telus.net www.belmarhomesltd.com

Mr. Dean Woodworth #103, 8580 Oak Street Vancouver, BC V6P 4B1 (604) 736-3766 Fax: (888) 819-7495 info@bolar.ca www.bolar.ca

Benchmark Homes Ltd.

Bold Properties Inc.

Mr. Jeff Bontkes #204, 6360 - 202 Street Langley, BC V2Y 1N2 (604) 514-7565 Fax: (604) 514-7521 info@bhomes.ca www.benchmarkhomesltd.com

Mr. Tommy He #600, 688 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6B 1P1 (604) 944-8942 Fax: (604) 944-9847 tommyh@boldproperties.ca www.boldproperties.ca

Best Builders Ltd. Mr. Todd Best #103, 5461 - 12 Avenue Delta, BC V4M 2B2 (604) 943-2378 Fax: (604) 943-2376 info@bestbuilders.ca www.bestbuilders.ca

Bolder Homes Ltd. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE


Billingsley Construction Ltd. Mr. Drew Billingsley 450 West 37 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 2N3 (604) 618-4684 drewbill@telus.net www.billingsleyconstruction.com

Mr. Sukey Mehat 419 East 10 Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 2E5 (604) 924-4663 Fax: (604) 924-4615 info@bolderhomes.ca www.bolderhomes.ca

Braveco Homes Mr. Rav Sodhi 1237 Burke Mountain Street Coquitlam, BC V3B 3H6 (604) 773-5455 Fax: (604) 380-1455 braveco@shaw.ca

Blackfish Homes Ltd. Mr. David Adair #107, 1305 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B3 (604) 980-0814 Fax: (604) 980-0865 info@blackfishhomes.ca www.blackfishhomes.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

Bodwell Developments Ltd. Mr. Frank Zhu #220, 8211 Ackroyd Road Richmond, BC V6X 3K8 (604) 629-8899 Fax: (604) 638-6075 frank.bodwell@hotmail.com www.bodwellca.com

58 Contact • 2018

Bright Star Holding Inc. Mr. Inderjit Parmar 7281 Waverley Avenue Burnaby, BC V5J 4A7 (604) 782-2581 info@starproperties.ca www.starproperties.ca

British Pacific Properties Limited Mr. Andrew Elliott #1001, 100 Park Royal West Vancouver, BC V7T 1A2 (604) 925-9000 Fax: (604) 922-4364 admin@britishproperties.com www.britishproperties.com

BUILDERS - SINGLE FAMILY Brody Development Group

Cantera Management Group Ltd.

Mr. Mike Brody 1060 West 14 Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 3P3 (604) 980-2954 info@brodydevelopment.com www.brodydevelopment.com

Mr. Darren Johnson 7684 - 232 Street Langley, BC V1M 3S1 (604) 888-1717 Fax: (604) 888-1828 djohnson@canteragroup.com www.canteragroup.com

Buildya Development Mr. Pooya Merrikh #101, 998 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 3T2 (604) 770-0850 Fax: (604) 770-0851 info@buildya.com www.buildya.com

By Design Construction Inc.

Casa Mia Developments Ltd. Mr. Jagvir Khatra 18251 - 21A Avenue Surrey, BC V3Z 9W2 (604) 780-2254 jagkhatra@hotmail.com www.casamiahomes.ca

Cavalier Homes Ltd.

Mr. Bobby Purba 8033 - 17 Avenue Burnaby, BC V3N 1M5 (604) 351-8614 info@bydesignconstruction.ca www.bdhomesinc.com

Mr. Jim Faber #2, 12530 - 241 Street Maple Ridge, BC V4R 2V8 (604) 466-5078 Fax: (604) 466-5043 jim@cavalierhomes.net www.cavalierhomes.net

Caerus Construction Limited

Cavendish Contracting Ltd.

Mr. Julian Burtnick 969 Keith Road, P.O. Box 1040 Gibsons, BC V0N 1V0 (604) 885-5993 Fax: (604) 885-0963 info@cclimited.ca www.cclimited.ca

Mr. Drew Grimston 5520 Alma Street Vancouver, BC V6N 1Y1 (604) 488-0432 Fax: (604) 488-0432 dzgrim@telus.net

Caliber Projects

Ching Kee Construction and Renovations Company Limited

Mr. Justin Bontkes #205, 6360 - 202 Street Langley, BC V2Y 1N2 (604) 807-1888 info@caliberprojects.com www.caliberprojects.com

Mr. Kwok Ching (Billy) Lee 3828 Garry Street Richmond, BC V7E 2T8 (604) 765-2138 billylee@chingkeeconstruction.com www.chingkeeconstruction.com

Camelot Projects Ltd.

Clay Construction Inc.

Mr. Laurence Allington #213, 2438 Marine Drive West Vancouver, BC V7V 1L2 (604) 828-4614 Fax: (604) 921-6479 laurence@camelotprojects.ca www.camelotprojects.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

Mr. Larry Clay 26055 - 5A Avenue Langley, BC V4W 2K6 (604) 767-8584 Fax: (604) 856-2889 larry@clayconstruction.ca www.clayconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRC, CHP, Master Residential Builder Contact • 2018 59

By Smallworks Studios / Laneway Housing

Ready to BUILD? Visit gvhba.org 60 Contact • 2018


Convex Development

Mr. Ian Fung #152, 628 East Kent Avenue South Vancouver, BC V5X 0B2 (604) 222-2100 info@cmgt.ca www.cmgt.ca

Mr. Ethan Wang P.O. Box 60647, Granville Park Vancouver, BC V6H 4B9 (778) 829-0927 Fax: (604) 569-5562 info@convexdevelopment.com www.convexdevelopment.com

CMP Development Group Ltd. Ms. Xiaomei Dong 1006 West 43 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6M 2B9 (778) 788-0180 Fax: (604) 563-9938 contact@cmpgroups.com www.cmpgroups.com

Comex Enterprise Corp. Mr. Jalil Astanehe 5601 Sumac Place North Vancouver, BC V7R 4T6 (778) 858-7739 Fax: (604) 904-9869 astanehe@shaw.ca

Coniston Developments Ltd. Mr. Jim Szili 17005 Greenway Drive Surrey, BC V4N 5C5 (604) 575-0310 Fax: (604) 575-0410 coniston@shaw.ca www.conistondevelopments.com

Conquistador Builders Ltd. Mr. Barrie McDowall 12582 - 25 Avenue Surrey, BC V4A 2K3 (604) 538-3393 Fax: (604) 538-3305 lmm@shaw.ca

ConVerge Construction Ltd. Mr. Dwayne Vanderveen #108, 31413 Gill Avenue Mission, BC V4S 0C4 (604) 814-3401 Fax: (604) 814-3402 dwayne@convergeconstruction.ca www.convergeconstruction.ca

COPA Development Corporation Mr. Tony Liu, P.Eng #209, 515 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6B 6H5 (604) 683-0850 info@copacorp.ca www.copacorp.ca

Cordovado Development Inc. Mr. Angelo Toneguzzo P.O. Box 602, 255 Newport Drive Port Moody, BC V3H 5H1 (604) 861-5652 Fax: (604) 469-6968 angelo@cordovado.ca www.cordovadohomes.ca

Dakota Holdings Inc. Mr. Jure Krpan 276 West 22 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 2G4 (778) 881-3923 Fax: (604) 275-2745 jure@dakotahomes.ca www.dakotahomes.ca

DVL Homes Mr. Nick Dosanjh 16363 - 36A Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 0M1 (604) 603-7422 info@dvlhomes.com www.dvlhomes.com

Contact • 2018 61

BUILDERS - SINGLE FAMILY Econ Group Construction and Development Ltd. Mr. Marcel Studer Mr. Michael Dutson #402, 510 Chesterfield Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7M 2L9 (604) 618-0284 (604) 721-0360 Fax: (604) 677-6291 Toll Free: (866) 439-3299 marcel@econgroup.ca sales@econgroup.ca www.econgroup.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, Passive House Certified

Elegant Development Inc. Mr. Jay Minhas #110, 13571 Commerce Parkway Richmond, BC V6V 2R2 (604) 277-3338 Fax: (604) 277-3033 info@elegantdevelopment.com www.elegantdevelopment.com

Epic Homes Mr. Ryan Connolly Ms. Morgan Dymond #201, 20050 Stewart Crescent Maple Ridge, BC V2X 0T4 (604) 465-6886 Fax: (604) 465-6892 info@epichomes.info morgan@epichomes.info www.epichomes.info

Euro Canadian Construction Corp. Mr. John Gunson Mr. Jeffrey Gunson #801, 1445 Marpole Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1S5 (604) 526-7558 Fax: (604) 526-9930 eurocanadian@shaw.ca eurocanadiancorp@gmail.com www.eurocanadianconstruction.com

Eurocon Homes Ltd. Mr. Harry Leung 5050 Payne Street Vancouver, BC V5R 4J6 (604) 438-9003 euroconhomes@gmail.com

Fairlands Custom Homes Ltd. Mr. Andrew Huang #208, 3256 Cambie Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 2W4 (778) 895-7018 fairlandscustomhomes@gmail.com www.fairlandscustomhomes.ca

Falcon Homes Ltd. Mr. Fred Formosa #101, 11862 - 226 Street Maple Ridge, BC V2X 9C8 (604) 477-5500 Fax: (604) 477-5575 sales@falconhomes.com www.falconhomes.com

Feature Projects Ltd. Essence Properties Mr. Kevin Dhaliwal #216, 18525 - 53 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 7A4 (778) 574-0777 Fax: (778) 574-0775 info@essenceliving.com www.essenceliving.com

Mr. Walter Krause 5733 Collingwood Street Richmond, BC V6N 4K6 (604) 220-8907 Fax: (604) 241-4651 walter@featureprojects.com www.featureprojects.com

Filio Executive Homes Ltd. Etro Construction Limited Mr. Mike Maierle 8543 Commerce Court Burnaby, BC V5A 4N4 (604) 492-0920 info@etroconstruction.com www.etroconstruction.com

62 Contact • 2018

Mr. Mario Figliola 2539 Franklin Street Vancouver, BC V5K 1X5 (604) 240-7414 mfigliola@telus.net www.filioexecutivehomes.com

BUILDERS - SINGLE FAMILY Fixright Construction Ltd.

Gramercy Developments Ltd.

Mr. Shiv Sandhu 2212 East 35 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5P 1C2 (604) 230-1057 Fax: (604) 327-6441 fixrightconstruction@gmail.com

Ms. Daphne Luking Klassen #306A, 15252 - 32 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 0R7 (604) 536-3069 info@gramercy.ca www.gramercy.ca

Foxridge Homes, a Qualico Company

Grenor Homes

Mr. Gary Mertens #310, 5620 - 152 Street Surrey, BC V3S 3K2 (604) 579-0017 Fax: (778) 571-2112 foxridgehomesbc@qualico.com www.qualico.com www.foxridgehomes.ca

Mr. Greg Baarts #176, 4589 Byrne Road Burnaby, BC V5J 3J1 (604) 505-4574 Fax: (604) 431-7776 grenorhomes@gmail.com www.grenorhomes.com

HaloStar Development Corp. G.D. Nielsen Homes Mr. Greg Nielsen #129, 1305 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B3 (604) 926-4211 Fax: (604) 926-4210 gregn@gdnielsen.com www.gdnielsen.com

Mr. Harald Gill 13902 - 25A Avenue Surrey, BC V4P 2L9 (778) 995-4256 Fax: (877) 995-4256 info@halostar.ca www.halostar.ca

Handmade Development Corporation G.W. Blanes Construction Ltd. Mr. Gary Blanes 1443 Edwards Street Coquitlam, BC V3E 3H5 (604) 941-3580 Fax: (604) 945-4446 gblanes@shaw.ca www.blanes.ca

Mr. Don Van Vliet #169, 1917 West 4 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1M7 (604) 738-9948 Fax: (604) 738-9954 don-vv@telus.net

Hayer Builders Group Inc.

Mr. Johnny Garcia 7688 Selkirk Avenue Vancouver, BC V5P 4H4 (604) 657-9118 garciaconstructionltd@hotmail.com

Mr. Rav Hayer 16317 - 36A Avenue Surrey, BC V3Z 0X5 (604) 535-8587 Fax: (604) 535-8589 info@hayerbuildersgroup.com www.HayerBuildersGroup.com

Golden Dream Homes Ltd.

HBD Homes Ltd.

Mr. Moninder Sharma 868 - 12 Street East North Vancouver, BC V7L 2L1 (604) 619-0724 Fax: (604) 984-9429 info@goldendreamhomesltd.ca www.goldendreamhomesltd.com

Mr. Jason Hyare 7069 Water Street Vancouver, BC V5S 2S2 (778) 968-1491 info@hbdhomes.ca www.hbdhomes.ca

Garcia Construction Ltd.

Contact • 2018 63

BUILDERS - SINGLE FAMILY Heartwood Developments Ltd.

HW Construction

Mr. Robert Mitchuk Ms. Angela Testa 16455 - 89 Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 1A2 (604) 583-6570 Fax: (604) 583-6572 heartwoodhomes@telus.net

Mr. Ryan Carpenter 12044 - 208 Street Maple Ridge, BC V2X 4W8 (604) 616-8978 Fax: (604) 466-0276 rcarpenter@hwconstruction.ca www.hwconstruction.ca

Highlight Homes

Hyer Homes & Renovations Ltd.

Mr. Jag Athwal 7516 - 149 Street Surrey, BC V3S 0V1 (604) 783-0089 highlighthomes@hotmail.com highlight-homes.business.site

Homes by Valentino Mr. Valentino Citton #618, 650 West 41 Avenue North Office Tower, Oakridge Centre Vancouver, BC V5Z 2M9 (604) 377-6616 Fax: (604) 267-2387 val@homesbyvalentino.com www.homesbyvalentino.com

Homestar Building Corp. Mr. Chris Meyer #111, 6039 - 196 Street Surrey, BC V3S 7X4 (604) 539-1113 Fax: (604) 539-1175 info@homestarbc.com www.homestarbc.com

Mr. Dennis Stobbe #16, 3033 King George Boulevard Surrey, BC V4P 1B9 (604) 560-9891 Fax: (778) 545-8814 hyerhomes@shaw.ca www.hyerhomes.ca

iFortune Homes Inc. Mr. Peter Luan #415 South Bldg., 5811 Cooney Road Richmond, BC V6X 3M1 (604) 284-5238 Fax: (604) 284-5237 peter@ifortunecanada.com www.ifortunecanada.com

Ikonik Homes Mr. Sikander Basraon #206, 8120 - 128 Street Surrey, BC V3W 1R1 (604) 590-6868 Fax: (604) 590-6878 info@ikonikhomes.com www.ikonikhomes.com

Hughes Brothers Construction Limited Mr. David Hughes 447 West Windsor Road North Vancouver, BC V7N 2N5 (604) 290-4425 Fax: (604) 986-5936 hbc-david@telus.net www.hughesbrothers.ca

Infinity Living

Hundal Bros. Construction Group

Infinity Properties Ltd.

Mr. Udham Hundal #110, 8299 - 129 Street Surrey, BC V3W 0A6 (604) 594-9676 Fax: (604) 594-9673 hundalbros@hotmail.com www.hundalbros.ca

Mr. Tim Bontkes #205, 6360 - 202 Street Langley, BC V2Y 1N2 (604) 532-6060 X. 32 Fax: (604) 532-1120 info@infinitygrp.ca www.infinityproperties.ca

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Mr. Robbie Sharda 11531 Pintail Avenue Richmond, BC V7E 4N7 (604) 725-2590 robbiesharda@gmail.com www.infinityliving.ca

BUILDERS - SINGLE FAMILY InHaus Development Ltd.

Johannesen Construction Ltd.

Mr. Dave Debruyn #505, 1168 Hamilton Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2S2 (604) 900-1820 Fax: (604) 677-6284 dave@inhaus.ca www.inhaus.ca

Mr. Peter Tjernagel 1109 London Street New Westminster, BC V3M 3B9 (604) 220-0306 Fax: (604) 522-7228 peter@johannesenltd.com www.johannesenltd.com

Insightful Healthy Homes Inc.

JRD Development Ltd.

Mr. Arthur Lo #505, 402 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6B 1T6 (604) 818-7748 arthur@insightful.com www.insightful.ca

Mr. Jas Dheri 11632 - 82 Avenue Delta, BC V4C 2C4 (604) 501-2295 jr_roofing68@yahoo.ca

JWC Construction Ltd. Ironbridge Homes Mr. Harp Jagpal Mr. Jesse Kallar #216, 8717 - 160 Street Surrey, BC V4N 5X7 (604) 443-5025 info@ironbridgehomes.ca www.ironbridgehomes.ca

Mr. John Casano 1755 Orkney Place North Vancouver, BC V7H 2Z1 (604) 929-2675 Fax: (604) 924-1189 jcasano@shaw.ca www.jwc-construction.ca

K.A.O. Construction Design Studio Inc. Isle of Mann Group of Companies Mr. Sonny Brar #304, 15292 Croydon Drive Surrey, BC V3S 0Z5 (604) 535-1628 Fax: (604) 535-1627 sonny.brar@yahoo.ca www.isleofmann.ca

JDL Homes Mr. Jas Jawanda 16713 - 108A Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 5H5 (604) 351-5171 Fax: (604) 957-0998 jjaw321@shaw.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

JLY Development Ltd. Mr. James Yuan #2, 1230 West 75 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 3G3 (604) 495-4088 yuanjames@hotmail.com

Mr. Brian Kao 7261 Sussex Avenue Burnaby, BC V6J 3Z9 (778) 881-0650 Fax: (604) 569-8858 bkao@kaocondesign.com

Kainos Development By Design Mr. Prateek (PK) Kainth, BBA Entr Mr. Baljit Kainth #367, 6362 Fraser Street Vancouver, BC V5W 0A1 (604) 551-3383 kainosdevelopment@gmail.com

Kanech Development Ltd. Mr. Manjit Bhandal 791 - 57 Avenue East Vancouver, BC V5X 1T3 (604) 724-3857 kanechdevelopmentltd@shaw.ca

Contact • 2018 65

BUILDERS - SINGLE FAMILY Kenorah Design + Build Ltd.

Landcraft Homes Ltd.

Mr. Graham Collins #105, 23160 - 96 Avenue Fort Langley, BC V1M 2S3 (604) 940-2767 Fax: (604) 940-2787 graham@kenorah.com www.kenorah.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CHP, CRBC, CAPS

Mr. Harjit Sandhu #10, 12240 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC V7A 4X1 (604) 771-0299 info@landcraftgroup.ca www.landcraftgroup.ca

KFA Homes Ltd. Mr. Karim Walji 7664 Stanley Cresent Burnaby, BC V5E 1W1 (604) 583-2171 X. 106 Fax: (604) 583-2214 info@kfahomes.com www.kfahomes.com

Kindred Construction Ltd. Mr. Bryan Reid #308, 2150 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6K 4L9 (604) 736-4847 Fax: (604) 736-9614 info@kindredconstruction.com www.kindredconstruction.com Designations: BuiltGreen

KJR Developments Mr. Billy Kalkat 1502 - 10 Avenue New Westminster, BC V3M 3J2 (604) 771-4827 billykalkat@hotmail.com

Kronos Builders Group Mr. Mandy Gill 12050 - 90 Avenue Surrey, BC V3V 1B5 (604) 597-0137 mandy@kronosbuildersgroup.com www.kronosbuildersgroup.com

Ladhar Development Group Ltd. Mr. Nav Ladhar 6607 Randolph Avenue Burnaby, BC V5H 3W3 (604) 729-3914 Fax: (604) 559-0244 info@ladhardevelopment.com www.ladhardevelopment.com

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Lanstone Homes Ltd. Mr. Lanson Foster P.O. Box 917 Fort Langley, BC V1M 2S3 (604) 371-3881 Fax: (604) 533-0881 info@lanstonehomes.com www.lanstonehomes.com

LDJ Contracting Mr. Colin Jones 10499 Willow Grove Surrey, BC V4N 1V7 (604) 418-9592 Fax: (604) 582-1280 info@ldjcontracting.com www.ldjcontracting.com

Legendary Developments Ltd. Mr. Andy Rai #101, 3993 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6P7 (604) 564-2574 info@legendaryliving.ca www.legendaryliving.ca

Lexi Development Group Inc. Mr. Baha Naemi 1602 Marlowe Place West Vancouver, BC V7S 3H2 (604) 779-5394 info@lexi.house www.lexi.house

Lighthouse Construction Inc. Mr. Andrew Hirst 5250 - 9A Avenue Delta, BC V4M 1X2 (604) 948-9897 Fax: (604) 948-9840 thirst@dccnet.com www.lighthouseconstruction.ca

BUILDERS - SINGLE FAMILY Maestro Development Ltd.

Marble Construction Ltd.

Mr. Joshua Young 752 East Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6A 1V7 (604) 723-9618 josh@maestrodevelopment.ca www.maestrodevelopment.ca

Mr. Mehrdad Majidnejadi #202, 930 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 3S7 (778) 885-6658 Fax: (604) 929-2809 marblebc@gmail.com www.marblebc.com

Major Homes Ltd. Mr. Rick Garcha 6875 - 184A Street Surrey, BC V3S 9H9 (604) 781-1404 info@majorhomes.ca www.majorhomes.ca

Makena Construction Inc. Mr. Randy Edmunds SEE 6973 - 195 Street OUR AD Surrey, BC V4N 5Y6 ON PAGE (604) 961-1814 135 randy@makenaconstruction.ca www.makenaconstruction.ca

Mann Group Mr. Inder Mann #201, 8381 - 128 Street Surrey, BC V3W 4G1 (604) 596-9801 Fax: (604) 596-9804 info@mcmcorp.ca www.mcmcorp.ca

Maple Leaf Homes Ltd. Mr. Hari Pal Sharma #1, 13018 - 84 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 1L2 (604) 597-5612 Fax: (604) 590-5808 hari@mapleleafrealty.com www.mapleleafrealty.com

Marathon Homes Ltd. Mr. Jas Gill Mr. Paul Gill #102, 15272 Croydon Drive Surrey, BC V3S 0Z5 (604) 538-6300 Fax: (604) 538-6302 jas@marathonhomes.ca www.marathonhomes.ca

Marcraft Homes Ltd. Mr. Mark Jauck Mr. Matt Jauck #212, 3190 St. Johns Street Port Moody, BC V3H 2C7 (604) 461-2560 Fax: (604) 461-2564 info@marcrafthomes.com matt@marcrafthomes.com www.marcrafthomes.com

Marino General Contracting Ltd. Mr. Joseph Marino 1537 West 75 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6Z7 (604) 266-1921 Fax: (604) 266-1021 info@marinogc.com www.marinogc.com

Marwynn Construction Corp. Mr. Marc Peck P.O. Box 2644 Garibaldi Highlands, BC V0N 1T0 (604) 908-1151 porsha@marwynn.com www.marwynn.com

Maskeen Development Ltd. Mr. Jagdip Sivia 12708 - 80 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 3A7 (604) 502-9096 Fax: (604) 502-9035 info@maskeen.ca www.maskeen.ca

Contact • 2018 67

BUILDERS - SINGLE FAMILY Meister Construction Ltd.

Monaco Estates Inc.

Mr. Gordon Gildemeister 921 Evergreen Place Vancouver, BC V7R 1R5 (604) 328-3086 Fax: (604) 984-3483 gordon@meisterconstruction.ca www.meisterconstruction.ca

Mr. Paul Jahn 1037 - 252 Street Langley, BC V4W 2S8 (778) 889-2560 Fax: (604) 607-7140 pjahn@monacoestates.ca www.groupmonaco.com

Meridian Homes Ltd.

Monolith Design Build Ltd.

Mr. Rob Panesar 9226 Stuart Crescent Surrey, BC V3V 1T6 (604) 710-7683 info@meridianhomes.org www.meridianhomes.org

Meridian Pacific Construction Inc. Mr. Ken Gijssen 192 West 47 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 2X9 (604) 875-8035 Fax: (604) 875-8036 ken@meridianpacific.net www.meridianpacific.net

Merit Homes Mr. Mike Bakshi 13028 57 Avenue Surrey, BC V3X 3X3 (604) 716-4444 mike@merithomes.ca www.merithomes.ca

Minhas Holdings Inc. Mr. Bob Minhas #111, 3823 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6P3 (604) 537-8769 minhasholdings@gmail.com minhasholdingsinc.ca

MLS Development Ltd. Mr. Sean Zhang 7220 Parry Street Richmond, BC V7C 4K5 (778) 323-6998 Fax: (604) 256-5233 sean@mlsdevelopment.ca www.mlsdevelopment.ca

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Mr. Ranjeev Gill #800, 15355 - 24 Avenue Surrey, BC V4A 2H9 (604) 760-2044 ranj@monolithdesignbuild.com www.monolithdesignbuild.com

Morningstar Homes Ltd. Mr. Ron Rapp 946 Brunette Avenue, 2nd Floor Coquitlam, BC V3K 1C9 (604) 521-0038 Fax: (604) 521-0078 info@mstarhomes.com www.mstarhomes.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Mortise Construction Ltd. Mr. Baljit Johal #207, 12639 - 80 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 3A6 (778) 926-0093 Fax: (604) 200-0121 info@mortisegroup.com www.mortiseconstruction.com

My House Design/Build Team Ltd. Mr. Graeme Huguet 15356 Fraser Highway SEE OUR AD Surrey, BC V3R 3P5 ON PAGE (604) 694-6873 3 Fax: (604) 951-4093 info@myhousedesignbuild.com www.myhousedesignbuild.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CAPS, CRP


Nicons Enterprises Ltd.

Mr. Mike Amiri #G02, 828 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 1E2 (604) 874-3388 Fax: (604) 874-1083 info@mykconstruction.com www.mykconstruction.com

Mr. Ian Nicule #E205, 20159 - 88 Avenue Langley, BC V1M 0A4 (604) 710-4839 contact@nicons.ca

N. Moscone Contracting Ltd.

Mr. Jim Niebuhr Mr. Richard Niebuhr 12231 Bridgeport Road Richmond, BC V6V 1J4 (604) 290-8022 (604) 220-3734 Fax: (604) 940-8915 jimnieb@telus.net rniebuhr@telus.net www.niebuhrhomes.com

Mr. Dan Moscone #542, 34A - 2755 Lougheed Highway Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 5Y9 (604) 787-8786 Fax: (604) 464-5339 dan@mosconedevelopments.com www.mosconedevelopments.com

Natural Balance Home Builders Mr. Nick Kerchum 3288 Dunbar Street Vancouver, BC V6S 2C3 (778) 330-7607 Fax: (778) 330-7608 info@naturalbalancehomes.com www.naturalbalancedevelopment.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Neopacific Development Inc. Mr. Aryan Farrokhi 1143 West 14 Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1J9 (604) 983-8656 Fax: (604) 983-8656 info@neopacific.ca www.neopacific.ca

Nesseler Construction Ltd. Mr. Klaus Nesseler 5130 Wilson Drive Delta, BC V4M 1P4 (604) 813-1333 Fax: (604) 943-0230 knesseler@nesselerconstruction.com www.nesselerconstruction.com

Nestworks Construction Ltd. Mr. Stephen Nestmann 11423 Bond Boulevard Delta, BC V4E 1N4 (604) 916-0028 info@nestworks.ca www.nestworks.ca

Niebuhr Construction

Noort Development Ltd. Mr. Len Noort Jr. #101, 403 - 6 Street New Westminster, BC V3L 3B1 (604) 526-3604 Fax: (604) 526-7651 info@noorthomes.com www.noorthomes.com Designations: CHP

Nordel Developments Ltd. Mr. Amar Bains #701, 17665 - 66A Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 2A7 (604) 576-4838 Fax: (604) 576-4851 rajtoor@nordelgroup.com www.nordelgroup.com

Noura Homes Ms. Lilian Kan #201, 3387 David Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3E 0K4 (778) 285-0503 Fax: (778) 285-0595 info@nourahomes.com www.nourahomes.com

Contact • 2018 69

BUILDERS - SINGLE FAMILY Novak Contracting & Construction

NYTA Contracting Ltd.

Mr. Reilly Novak 18906 - 69A Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 5K2 (778) 997-5568 reilly@novakcontracting.com www.novakcontracting.com

Mr. Jason Huang 6459 - 128 Street Surrey, BC V3W 4C5 (604) 789-7889 Fax: (604) 596-3578 nytacontracting@gmail.com www.nytacontracting.ca

Novell Design Build Ms. Laurel James #303, 1177 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6H 1G3 (604) 876-0339 Fax: (604) 909-4686 accounting@novelldesignbuild.com www.novelldesignbuild.com

NOVERO Homes and Renovations Ltd. Mr. Joele DiMeglio #205, 20120 Stewart Crescent Maple Ridge, BC V2X 0T4 (604) 459-9941 admin@noverohomes.com www.noverohomes.com

Novin Boom Construction Ltd. Mr. Hooman Khorrampour 1965 - 22 Street West Vancouver, BC V7V 4E7 (604) 716-4201 info@nbco.ca www.nbco.ca

NRT Development Inc. Mr. Ramin Towfigh #215, 1000 Roosevelt Crescent North Vancouver, BC V7P 3R4 (604) 983-6683 Fax: (604) 983-6684 ramin@nrt.ca www.nrt.ca

Nycon Services Ltd. Mr. Peter Day Mr. Lee Nystrom P.O. Box 1155 Squamish, BC V8B 0A8 (604) 317-1982 (604) 250-0042 Fax: (604) 567-1162 pday@nycon.ca leenystrom83@hotmail.com www.nycon.ca

70 Contact • 2018

Onni Group of Companies Mr. Rossano De Cotiis Mr. Kevin Carpenter #300, 550 Robson Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2B7 (604) 602-7711 Fax: (604) 688-7907 rose@onni.com www.onni.com

Otivo Development Group Mr. Donato Vito De Cotiis #205, 3815 Sunset Street Burnaby, BC V5G 1P4 (604) 434-6848 Fax: (604) 434-6847 don@otivo.ca www.otivo.ca

Pacific Property Group Ltd. Mr. Scott Manderson #208, 828 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V5R 3R9 (604) 990-1434 Fax: (604) 904-0431 scott.manderson@pacificproperty.ca www.mulberryproperty.ca

Panesar Construction Group Inc. Mr. Pintu Panesar 8310 - 150 Street Surrey, BC V3S 3J7 (604) 861-6777 Fax: (604) 909-4910 info@panesargroup.com www.panesargroup.com

BUILDERS - SINGLE FAMILY Pantheon Developments Ltd.

PHY Construction Ltd.

Mr. Hans Von Tiesenhausen 1625 West 5 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1N5 (604) 732-5242 Fax: (604) 264-4694 hanscvt@pantheondevelopments.com www.pantheondevelopments.com

Mr. Mark (Jiang) Yu P.O. Box 36568 Seafair Richmond, BC V7C 1V0 (604) 716-1528 Fax: (604) 231-8738 phy.ltd@gmail.com www.phyhomes.ca

Paramax Homes Ltd.

Portrait Homes (2017) Ltd.

Mr. Gary Tiwana #101, 2168 Marine Drive New Westminster, BC V7V 1K3 (604) 281-2232 Fax: (604) 281-3636 info@paramaxhomes.com www.paramaxhomes.com

Mr. Robert Grimm #1100, 21320 Westminster Highway Richmond, BC V6V 2X5 (604) 270-1889 Fax: (604) 270-1841 robertg@portraithomes.ca www.portraithomes.ca

Park Ridge Homes Inc.

Precise Homes Ltd.

Mr. Brad Hughes Mr. Lloyd Hughes 16811 - 60 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 1T1 (604) 535-7663 Fax: (604) 535-7670 info@parkridgehomes.ca lehughes@shaw.ca www.parkridgehomes.ca Designations: CHP, CRBC

Mr. Sukh Shoker 719 West 66 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 2R4 (778) 858-8984 info@precisehomes.ca www.precisehomes.ca

Parkshore Homes Inc. Mr. Harry Tiwana #623, 15216 North Bluff Road White Rock, BC V4B 0A7 (604) 719-3800 parkshorehomes@gmail.com

Patshell Construction Ltd. Mr. Ken Rand #102, 20540 Duncan Way Langley, BC V3A 7A3 (604) 230-2962 patshellconstruction@gmail.com

Penta Builders Group Inc. Mr. Barry Cavanaugh 12011 - 3 Avenue Richmond, BC V7E 3K1 (604) 244-9594 Fax: (604) 244-7294 info@pentahomes.ca www.pentahomes.ca

Pro Design Co. Ltd. Mr. George Zhao Mr. Scott Zhao 4411 Westminster Highway Richmond, BC V7C 1B6 (778) 926-8582 prodesignbc@gmail.com syz.zhao@gmail.com

Procasa Developments Ltd Mr. Michael Wu 7553 Cariboo Road Burnaby, BC V3N 4X2 (778) 709-7553 michael.procasa@gmail.com www.procasadevelopments.com

Profix Construction Ltd. Mr. Reza Soodbakhsh #607, 955 Marine Drive West Vancouver, BC V7T 1A9 (604) 770-4343 Fax: (778) 770-4326 info@profixconstruction.com www.profixconstruction.com Contact • 2018 71

BUILDERS - SINGLE FAMILY Project Mint Developments Ltd.

RodRozen Designs Inc.

Mr. Babak Nikraftar #1705, 125 Milross Avenue Vancouver, BC V6A 1A0 (604) 340-1740 babak@projectmint.ca www.projectmint.ca

Mr. Derick Rodrozen #2602, 1188 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6E 0A2 (604) 974-0337 info@rodrozen.com www.rodrozen.com

Proridge Homes Ltd.

Royal Golden Construction Group Ltd.

Mr. Gary Khera #117, 618 East Kent Avenue Vancouver, BC V5X 0B1 (604) 719-8127 info@proridgehomes.com www.proridgehomes.com

Mr. Ryan Zhang 15467 - 112A Avenue Surrey, BC V3R 2V7 (778) 668-0160 rgc.vancouver@gmail.com

RAB Properties Ltd.

Mr. Sunny Garcha #105, 18677 - 52 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 8E5 (604) 372-2224 Fax: (604) 372-4202 office@rpltd.ca www.royaleproperties.com

Mr. Robert Barker #310, 9440 - 202 Street Langley, BC V1M 4A6 (604) 513-2200 Fax: (604) 513-2218 rob@rab.ca www.rab.ca

Radec Group Inc. Mr. Joe Walters 625 East 16 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 2V3 (604) 676-0008 Fax: (604) 677-1097 Toll Free: (866) 976-0008 info@radecgroup.com www.radecgroup.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Raicon Developments Inc. Mr. Ranjit Rai #100, 17650 - 66A Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 4S4 (604) 372-0880 Fax: (604) 372-0882 ranjit@raicon.ca www.raicon.ca

Royale Properties Ltd.

RS Coastal Mr. Ryan Stajcer #107, 19231 - 54 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 8E5 (604) 574-6979 Fax: (604) 574-6973 markivdesigns@gmail.com

Ryder Creek Homes Mr. Ryan Thorpe #201, 15272 Croydon Drive Surrey, BC V3Z 0Z5 (604) 812-2558 ryant@ryder-homes.com

Saggu Homes Inc. Mr. Gerry Saggu 2301 Dublin Street New Westminster, BC V3M 3B3 (604) 376-5017 sagguhomes@gmail.com

Roadhouse Homes Ltd.

Saiya Developments Ltd.

Mr. Dale Roadhouse #326, Unit 47 - 20821 Fraser Highway Langley, BC V3A 0B6 (604) 649-5402 dale@roadhousehomes.ca www.roadhousehomes.ca

Mr. Vikas Sharma 12686 - 54 Avenue Surrey, BC V3X 3C2 (604) 729-1264 info@saiyadevelopments.com www.saiyadevelopments.com

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BUILDERS - SINGLE FAMILY Sajoiq Investments Ltd.

Shorewood Pacific Holdings Ltd.

Mr. Iqbal Singh Bhullar 6660 Sidaway Road Richmond, BC V6W 1H1 (604) 724-9734 sajoiq.investments@gmail.com www.instagram.com/sajoiq.investments

Mr. Glen Job 13579 - 22A Avenue Surrey, BC V4A 9V2 (604) 536-4255 glendjob@gmail.com

Silver Leaf Homes Ltd. Sammarco Construction Mr. Matthew Sammarco #119, 9373 Hemlock Drive Richmond, BC V6Y 0A9 (604) 318-4975 mpsammarco@gmail.com

Mr. Gayle Brar P.O. Box 1330 Aldergrove, BC V4W 2V1 (604) 835-4305 Fax: (604) 857-0666 gayle@silverleafhomes.ca

Sea to Sky Building Corp.

Silver Valley Homes Ltd.

Mr. Douglas Day #210, 1095 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6E 2M6 (604) 801-6611 Toll Free: (888) 852-7575 douglasrday@shaw.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

Mr. Gordon Knuttila P.O. Box 376 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 8K9 (604) 240-3159 Fax: (604) 466-3765 silvervalleyhomes@shaw.ca www.silvervalleyhomes.ca Designations: CRB

Seiba Properties & Investments Limited Mr. Raj Bhandall 19968 - 1 Avenue Langley, BC V2Z 0A4 (778) 855-8696 Fax: (855) 380-2414 raj@seiba.ca www.seiba.ca

Seneca Homes Ltd. Mr. Jonathan Vendargon 461 East 11 Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 2H3 (604) 209-5726 info@senecahomes.ca www.senecahomes.ca

Shanghai Jie Li Construction Decoration Co. Ltd. Mr. Dong Jie Rm4, F/24 Mengdieyuan No. 2 Nong 50 Biinyang Road Shanghai China (86) 21-6484-8178 Fax: (86) 21-6484-8177 shjielicompany@vip.sina.com

Smallworks Studios / Laneway Housing Inc. Mr. Jake Fry #2, 116 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1N2 (604) 264-8837 info@smallworks.ca www.smallworks.ca

Solaris Homes Mr. Patrick Power #306, 2655 Cranberry Drive Vancouver, BC V6K 4V5 (604) 616-4595 Fax: (604) 733-0127 patpower@shaw.ca

Somerset Homes Mr. Shawn Hilliard 2225 Folkstone Way West Vancouver, BC V7S 2Y6 (604) 926-8531 Fax: (604) 922-8477 admin@somersetcustomhomes.ca www.somersetcustomhomes.ca

Contact • 2018 73

BUILDERS - SINGLE FAMILY Sprucehill Contracting Inc.

Symphony Homes Limited

Mr. Erik Jensen 101 - 3151 Woodbine Drive North Vancouver, BC V7R 2S4 (604) 971-4899 Fax: (855) 510-5796 Toll Free: (855) 510-5796 info@sprucehill.ca www.sprucehill.ca

Mr. Gurdeep Kainth P.O. Box 1236, RPO Metrotown Burnaby, BC V5H 4J2 (604) 522-1480 Fax: (604) 520-1480 gurdeep@symphonygroup.ca www.symphonygroup.ca

T. Jones Enterprises Inc. Square Nine Developments Inc. Mr. Manish Sharma #407, 4538 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5E 3E8 (604) 492-1859 info@squarenine.ca www.squarenine.ca

Mr. Trevor Jones 3537 Osler Street Vancouver, BC V6H 2W4 (604) 734-1300 Fax: (604) 734-8788 trevor@tjonesgroup.com www.tjonesgroup.com

Square One Contracting

T.M. Crest Homes Ltd.

Mr. Jordan Harrison 2140 - 124 Street Surrey, BC V4A 3M5 (778) 736-0299 info@squareonecontracting.ca www.squareonecontracting.ca

Mr. Gurveer Samra 16484 High Park Avenue Surrey, BC V3Z 0M1 (778) 881-0564 info@tmcresthomes.com tmcresthomes.com

Sunnymead Construction

Tamlin International Homes Ltd.

Ms. Emma Wang 1381 Marine Drive West Vancouver, BC V7T 1B6 (604) 281-2100 Fax: (604) 608-5467 sunnymeadconstruction@gmail.com

Mr. Paul Tabuchi Mr. Chris Lynn #200, 145 Schoolhouse Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 4X8 (604) 553-7578 Fax: (778) 398-1180 Toll Free: (877) 826-5461 sales@tamlinhomes.com chrisl@tamlinhomes.com www.tamlinhomes.com

Supna Homes Limited Mr. Mandip S. Nijjar #107, 13025 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2V7 (604) 518-4742 Fax: (604) 594-5048 build@supnahomes.ca www.supnahomes.ca

Symbolic Construction Group Ltd. Mr. Jatinderpal Singh #211, 12877 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 1E6 (604) 763-7068 Fax: (604) 599-6831 symbolicconstruction@gmail.com www.symbolicconstruction.com

74 Contact • 2018

Tavan Developments Ltd. Mr. Troy Van Vliet Ms. Silveria Roselli #150, 628 East Kent Avenue South Vancouver, BC V5X 0B2 (604) 263-3026 Fax: (604) 321-3627 info@tavandevelopments.com silveria@tavandevelopments.com www.tavan.ca

BUILDERS - SINGLE FAMILY Teragon Developments & Construction Inc. Mr. Lars Van Linge 4733 Saddlehorn Crescent Langley, BC V2Z 2L7 (604) 861-8526 Fax: (604) 861-1631 office@teragon.ca www.teragon.ca

The GCC Group Development Inc. Mr. Ronald Lam #103, 5177 Brighouse Way Richmond, BC V7C 0A7 (604) 716-9350 ronaldmdlam@hotmail.com

Thomas Better Built Homes Mr. Thomas Hogge 452 Montgomery Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 5G8 (604) 562-3841 Fax: (604) 492-3231 thomashogge1@gmail.com www.thomashomes.ca

Toikka Construction Ltd. Mr. John Toikka #121, 998 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 3T2 (604) 986-6817 Fax: (604) 986-0553 toikkaconstruction@shawbiz.ca www.toikkaconstruction.ca

Townline Homes Mr. Rick Ilich #1212, 450 SW Marine Drive Vancouver, BC V5X 0C3 (604) 327-8760 Fax: (604) 270-0854 rick.ilich@townline.ca www.townline.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

TP Homes Ltd. Mr. Jack Li Ms. Jenny Hu 3883 West 21 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6S 1H5 (604) 816-8666 tphomes@hotmail.com

Trasolini Dagg Construction Corp. Mr. Bob Dagg 1754 West 3 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1M7 (604) 675-9888 Fax: (604) 675-9555 info@traschet.com www.traschet.com

Trillium Project Management Ltd. Mr. David Hamilton #104, 1525 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1T5 (604) 714-0904 Fax: (604) 714-0954 david@trilliumprojects.com www.trilliumprojects.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Tuscan Developments Inc. Mr. Mark Peers 12851 - 16 Avenue, P.O. Box 45010 Surrey, BC V4A 9L1 (604) 542-9114 Fax: (604) 542-9115 markpeers@tuscandevelopments.com www.tuscandevelopments.com

TVK Construction Ltd. Mr. Ching Yi (Kenny) Ko 5885 Toderick Street Vancouver, BC V5R 4M9 (778) 688-1300 koko9445@hotmail.com.tw

Upward Construction & Renovation Ltd Mr. Michael Upward #101, 1305 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B3 (778) 340-1355 Fax: (778) 340-1356 michael@upwardconstruction.ca www.upwardconstruction.ca

Urban Villas Mr. Harjit Mann 17055 - 60 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 1T3 (604) 376-8511 harjitmann05@hotmail.com www.urbanvillas.ca Contact • 2018 75

BUILDERS - SINGLE FAMILY Vanagon Construction Ltd.

VictorEric Premium Homes

Mr. Anthony Lai, P.Eng Mr. Chris Lai 75 West 39 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 2N8 (604) 325-8784 (778) 896-3284 Fax: (604) 325-8480 vanagonconstruction@gmail.com www.vanagonconstruction.com

Mr. Eric Lee 15 East 3 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1C5 (604) 677-0021 Fax: (604) 677-0178 info@victoreric.com www.victoreric.com

Vancouver Builders Ltd. Mr. Amar (Sid) Sidhu #521, 6540 Hastings Street Burnaby, BC V5B 4Z5 (604) 782-8453 info@vancouver-builders.ca www.vancouver-builders.ca

Vanglo Sustainable Construction Group Mr. Martin Warren 2200 Ontario Street Vancouver, BC V5T 2X2 (604) 671-3667 info@vanglo.ca www.vanglo.ca

VCL Ms. Vanessa Winn 12211 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC V7A 4V4 (604) 639-3320 Fax: (604) 274-1581 Vanessa.Winn@viceroy.com

Villa Developments Mr. Sukhdev Jhaj 7431 No. 6 Road Richmond, BC V6W 1C9 (604) 290-3784 villadevelopment@hotmail.com www.villadevelopments.ca

Wales Construction and Management Mr. Wales Han #50, 6588 Barnard Drive Richmond, BC V7C 5R8 (778) 859-2868 waleshan8@gmail.com

Wallmark Homes Ltd. Mr. Rob Wall 4090 Graveley Street Burnaby, BC V5C 3T6 (604) 420-5200 Fax: (604) 420-5210 info@wallmark.ca www.wallmark.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CHP

West Coast Dream Homes Ltd. Versa Platinum Construction Ltd. Mr. Felipe Freig 3163 - 256 Street Langley, BC V4W 1Y4 (778) 882-0632 felipe@versahomes.com www.versahomes.com

Ms. Camilla Brown Mr. Richard Schmohl #102, 20220 - 113B Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2X 0Y9 (604) 767-6050 Fax: (604) 467-0854 westcoastdreamhomes@shaw.ca www.westcoastdreamhomes.ca

Vesta Properties Ltd. Mr. Kent Sillars #101A, 9770 - 196A Street Langley, BC V1M 2X5 (604) 888-7869 Fax: (604) 888-7895 kent@vestaproperties.com www.vestaproperties.com

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West Coast Signature Homes Ltd. Mr. Paul Bhangle #2, 9633 No. 4 Road Richmond, BC V7A 2Z1 (604) 720-6001 Fax: (604) 420-1542 wcshomes@gmail.com


Alair Homes - Vancouver

Mr. Harmel S. Bains #203, 2631 Viking Way Richmond, BC V6V 3B5 (604) 821-1333 Fax: (604) 821-1303 info@westmarkhomes.ca www.westmarkhomes.ca

Mr. David Babakaiff #12C, 139 Drake Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 2T8 (604) 605-8255 david@alairhomes.com www.alairhomes.ca/vancouver

Westpeak Developments Mr. Sean Stofer 825 Drayton Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 2C2 (604) 787-1715 stofer.westpeak@gmail.com

Mr. Marc Allaire #245, 9600 Cameron Street Burnaby, BC V3J 7N3 (604) 422-8718 Fax: (604) 422-8798 info@allairegrp.com www.allairegrp.com

Zenterra Developments Ltd.

Am-Pri Construction Ltd.

Mr. Rick Johal #216, 2630 Croydon Drive Surrey, BC V3S 6T3 (604) 788-7975 rickjohal@kooneyhomes.com www.kooneyhomes.com Designations: CRBC, CHP

BUILDERS - MULTI-FAMILY Adera Development Corporation Mr. Norm Couttie #2200, 1055 Dunsmuir Street Four Bentall Centre, P.O. Box 49214 Vancouver, BC V7X 1K8 (604) 684-8277 Fax: (604) 684-4709 AmandaF@adera.com www.adera.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Alabaster Homes Mr. Nicholas Poon #301, 1788 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6J 1Y1 (604) 558-5848 info@alabasterhomes.ca www.alabasterhomes.ca

Allaire Construction Inc.

Mr. Paramjit Sandhu 9751 No. 6 Road Richmond, BC V6W 1E5 (604) 277-8453 Fax: (604) 277-8457 psandhu@ampri.ca www.ampri.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

Anthem Properties Group Ltd. Ms. Kari Matheson #300, 550 Burrard Street Five Bentall Tower Vancouver, BC V6C 2B5 (604) 689-3040 Fax: (604) 689-5642 info@anthemproperties.com www.anthemproperties.com

Aquila Developments Inc. Mr. Derek Bosa 4406 Norfolk Street Burnaby, BC V5G 4J9 (604) 299-6066 Fax: (604) 299-0656 derek@aquiladevelopments.com www.aquiladevelopments.com

Archstone Projects Ltd. Mr. Parm Garcha #145, 13737 - 72 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2P2 (604) 728-7000 archstoneprojects@gmail.com Contact • 2018 77

BUILDERS - MULTI-FAMILY Asanti Development Ltd.

Azura Management Corp.

Mr. Harp Cheema #121, 1087 East Kent Avenue North Vancouver, BC V5X 4V9 (604) 537-5688 harpcheema@hotmail.com

Mr. Ewen Stewart 15561 Marine Drive White Rock, BC V4B 1C9 (604) 536-7333 Fax: (604) 536-2130 azura@shawbiz.ca

Aspac Developments Ltd. Mr. Gary Wong #1830, 1055 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6E 2E9 (604) 669-9328 Fax: (604) 669-9382 info@aspac.ca www.aspac.ca

Bayrich Development Ltd. Mr. Jeffrey Lin #140, 8600 Cambie Road Richmond, BC V6X 4J9 (604) 370-3770 Fax: (604) 370-3771 jeffreylin@bayrich.ca www.bayrich.ca

Athoula Management Ltd. Mr. Babbu (Namtez) Sohal 1348 East 60 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5X 2A5 (604) 266-9000 Fax: (866) 887-8552 athoula@live.ca www.athoula.com

Atti Group Ltd. Mr. Sasan Tehrani #100, 2240 Chippendale Road West Vancouver, BC V7S 3J5 (604) 770-2884 Fax: (604) 770-2882 info@attigroup.ca www.attigroup.ca

Avalonna Homes Ltd. Mr. Daljit Dhami 1025 West 58 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 1V9 (604) 767-9143 daljitdhami@live.com

Avestex Group Mr. Hamid Ahmadian Mr. Massoud Karimaei 1955 Mathers Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7V 2G9 (604) 283-7839 (778) 889-4820 info@avestex.com massoud@avestex.com www.avestex.com

78 Contact • 2018

Beedie Development Group Mr. Alvin Reyes 3030 Gilmore Diversion Burnaby, BC V5G 3B4 (604) 436-7775 Fax: (604) 432-7349 alvin.reyes@beediegroup.ca www.beediegroup.ca

Boffo Developments Ltd. Mr. Mike Boffo #200, 4580 Hastings Street Burnaby, BC V5C 2K4 (604) 299-3443 Fax: (604) 291-2907 info@boffo.ca www.boffo.ca

Bolar Development Group Ltd. Mr. Dean Woodworth #103, 8580 Oak Street Vancouver, BC V6P 4B1 (604) 736-3766 Fax: (888) 819-7495 info@bolar.ca www.bolar.ca

Bold Properties Inc. Mr. Tommy He #600, 688 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6B 1P1 (604) 944-8942 Fax: (604) 944-9847 tommyh@boldproperties.ca www.boldproperties.ca

BUILDERS - MULTI-FAMILY Bolder Homes Ltd. Mr. Sukey Mehat 419 East 10 Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 2E5 (604) 924-4663 Fax: (604) 924-4615 info@bolderhomes.ca www.bolderhomes.ca

Bosa Properties Inc. Mr. Colin Bosa #1201, 838 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6C 0A6 (604) 299-1363 Fax: (604) 299-6460 cbosa@bosaproperties.com www.bosaproperties.com

Canadian Turner Construction Company Ltd. Mr. Amit Patel #1601, 700 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6C 1G8 (604) 398-2200 apatel@tcco.com www.turnerconstruction.com/vancouver

Cantera Management Group Ltd. Mr. Darren Johnson 7684 - 232 Street Langley, BC V1M 3S1 (604) 888-1717 Fax: (604) 888-1828 djohnson@canteragroup.com www.canteragroup.com

Brody Development Group

CastleHill Homes Ltd.

Mr. Mike Brody 1060 West 14 Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 3P3 (604) 980-2954 info@brodydevelopment.com www.brodydevelopment.com

Mr. Sham Sandhu #206, 13049 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2V7 (604) 719-4858 shamsandhu@hotmail.com

By Design Construction Inc. Mr. Bobby Purba 8033 - 17 Avenue Burnaby, BC V3N 1M5 (604) 351-8614 info@bydesignconstruction.ca www.bdhomesinc.com

Caerus Construction Limited Mr. Julian Burtnick 969 Keith Road, P.O. Box 1040 Gibsons, BC V0N 1V0 (604) 885-5993 Fax: (604) 885-0963 info@cclimited.ca www.cclimited.ca

Caliber Projects Mr. Justin Bontkes #205, 6360 - 202 Street Langley, BC V2Y 1N2 (604) 807-1888 info@caliberprojects.com www.caliberprojects.com

Century Group Ms. Robin Johnson-Yee 5499 - 12 Avenue Delta, BC V4M 4H4 (604) 943-2203 Fax: (604) 943-6161 robin.yee@centurygroup.ca www.centurygroup.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

CMP Development Group Ltd. Ms. Xiaomei Dong 1006 West 43 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6M 2B9 (778) 788-0180 Fax: (604) 563-9938 contact@cmpgroups.com www.cmpgroups.com

Concert Properties Ltd. Mr. David Podmore 9th Floor, 1190 Hornby Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 2K5 (604) 688-9460 Fax: (604) 688-6882 kneveu@concertproperties.com www.concertproperties.com Contact • 2018 79

BUILDERS - MULTI-FAMILY Concord Pacific Group Inc.

Dawson + Sawyer Developments

Mr. Jason Ha #900, 1095 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6E 2M6 (604) 681-8882 Fax: (604) 895-8296 jason.ha@concordpacific.com www.concordpacific.com

Mr. Dan Dawson info@dawsonsawyer.ca www.dawsonsawyer.ca

Concosts Mr. Paul Zasitko #202, 5489 Byrne Road Burnaby, BC V5J 3J1 (604) 522-9977 Fax: (604) 568-3410 pzasitko@concosts.com www.concosts.com

ConVerge Construction Ltd. Mr. Dwayne Vanderveen #108, 31413 Gill Avenue Mission, BC V4S 0C4 (604) 814-3401 Fax: (604) 814-3402 dwayne@convergeconstruction.ca www.convergeconstruction.ca

COPA Development Corporation Mr. Tony Liu, P.Eng #209, 515 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6B 6H5 (604) 683-0850 info@copacorp.ca www.copacorp.ca

Crescent Creek Homes Inc. Mr. Berinderpal Dhaliwal #206, 13049 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2V7 (604) 782-1061 Fax: (604) 596-9291 berinderdhaliwal@gmail.com www.crescentcreek.ca

Cressey Development Group Mr. Hani Lammam #800, 925 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3L2 (604) 683-1256 Fax: (604) 683-7690 info@cressey.com www.cressey.com Designations: BuiltGreen

80 Contact • 2018

DCM Projects Ltd. Mr. Bryan Bains #302, 4885 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5H 4T2 (604) 808-8581 dcmltd@shaw.ca www.DCMprojectsLTD.com

Elegant Development Inc. Mr. Jay Minhas #110, 13571 Commerce Parkway Richmond, BC V6V 2R2 (604) 277-3338 Fax: (604) 277-3033 info@elegantdevelopment.com www.elegantdevelopment.com

Essence Properties Mr. Kevin Dhaliwal #216, 18525 - 53 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 7A4 (778) 574-0777 Fax: (778) 574-0775 info@essenceliving.com www.essenceliving.com

Falcon Homes Ltd. Mr. Fred Formosa #101, 11862 - 226 Street Maple Ridge, BC V2X 9C8 (604) 477-5500 Fax: (604) 477-5575 sales@falconhomes.com www.falconhomes.com

Flagship Construction Ltd. Mr. Paul Chan 1656 East 56 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5P 2A4 (604) 282-4512 Fax: (604) 608-1318 paul@flagshipconstructionbc.com www.flagshipconstructionbc.com

BUILDERS - MULTI-FAMILY Forge Properties Inc.

HBD Homes Ltd.

Mr. Cory Saran #3, 15777 Marine Drive White Rock, BC V4B 1E5 (778) 294-2920 Fax: (778) 294-2915 info@forge.ca www.forge.ca

Mr. Jason Hyare 7069 Water Street Vancouver, BC V5S 2S2 (778) 968-1491 info@hbdhomes.ca www.hbdhomes.ca

Ikonik Homes Garcha Properties Ltd. Mr. Justin Garcha #110, 13737 - 72 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2P2 (604) 593-5251 info@garchahomes.com GarchaHomes.com

Gramercy Developments Ltd. Ms. Daphne Luking Klassen #306A, 15252 - 32 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 0R7 (604) 536-3069 info@gramercy.ca www.gramercy.ca

HaloStar Development Corp. Mr. Harald Gill 13902 - 25A Avenue Surrey, BC V4P 2L9 (778) 995-4256 Fax: (877) 995-4256 info@halostar.ca www.halostar.ca

Handmade Development Corporation Mr. Don Van Vliet #169, 1917 West 4 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1M7 (604) 738-9948 Fax: (604) 738-9954 don-vv@telus.net

Hayer Builders Group Inc. Mr. Rav Hayer 16317 - 36A Avenue Surrey, BC V3Z 0X5 (604) 535-8587 Fax: (604) 535-8589 info@hayerbuildersgroup.com www.HayerBuildersGroup.com

Mr. Sikander Basraon #206, 8120 - 128 Street Surrey, BC V3W 1R1 (604) 590-6868 Fax: (604) 590-6878 info@ikonikhomes.com www.ikonikhomes.com

Infinity Properties Ltd. Mr. Tim Bontkes #205, 6360 - 202 Street Langley, BC V2Y 1N2 (604) 532-6060 X. 32 Fax: (604) 532-1120 info@infinitygrp.ca www.infinityproperties.ca

Intracorp Projects Ltd. Mr. Evan Allegretto #900, Park Place, 666 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6C 2X8 (604) 801-7000 Fax: (604) 801-7001 eallegretto@intracorp.ca www.intracorp.ca

K. Chen Construction Management Inc. Mr. Kevin Chen, P.Eng, GSC #200, 45 East 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1J3 (604) 618-2449 Fax: (604) 630-9487 info@formationpm.com www.formationpm.com

KINIP Construction Ltd. Mr. Allen Ip, P.Eng, A.ScT., C.P. #3223, 349 Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6B 3X8 (604) 720-2278 allenkinip@gmail.com Contact • 2018 81

BUILDERS - MULTI-FAMILY Klondike Contracting Corporation

MacLean Homes Ltd.

Mr. Eric Schapira #300, 1375 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 0B1 (604) 708-3337 X. 102 Fax: (604) 708-3397 info@klondikecontracting.com www.klondikecontracting.com

Mr. Josh MacLean 2415 Marine Drive West Vancouver, BC V7V 1L3 (604) 922-1622 Fax: (604) 922-3584 admin@macleanhomes.ca www.macleanhomes.ca

Kronos Builders Group

Mann Group

Mr. Mandy Gill 12050 - 90 Avenue Surrey, BC V3V 1B5 (604) 597-0137 mandy@kronosbuildersgroup.com www.kronosbuildersgroup.com

Mr. Inder Mann #201, 8381 - 128 Street Surrey, BC V3W 4G1 (604) 596-9801 Fax: (604) 596-9804 info@mcmcorp.ca www.mcmcorp.ca

Lakewood Group Developments Ltd. Mr. Harald Trepke #201, 7795 - 128 Street Surrey, BC V3W 4E6 (604) 590-8444 Fax: (604) 597-7273 info@lakewood.ca www.lakewood.ca

Landcraft Homes Ltd. Mr. Harjit Sandhu #10, 12240 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC V7A 4X1 (604) 771-0299 info@landcraftgroup.ca www.landcraftgroup.ca

LDJ Contracting Mr. Colin Jones 10499 Willow Grove Surrey, BC V4N 1V7 (604) 418-9592 Fax: (604) 582-1280 info@ldjcontracting.com www.ldjcontracting.com

Legendary Developments Ltd. Mr. Andy Rai #101, 3993 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6P7 (604) 564-2574 info@legendaryliving.ca www.legendaryliving.ca

82 Contact • 2018

Marcraft Homes Ltd. Mr. Mark Jauck Mr. Matt Jauck #212, 3190 St. Johns Street Port Moody, BC V3H 2C7 (604) 461-2560 Fax: (604) 461-2564 info@marcrafthomes.com matt@marcrafthomes.com www.marcrafthomes.com

Maskeen Development Ltd. Mr. Jagdip Sivia 12708 - 80 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 3A7 (604) 502-9096 Fax: (604) 502-9035 info@maskeen.ca www.maskeen.ca

Maxim Development Group (Canada) Inc. Mr. John Khaira 426 East 64 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5X 2N1 (604) 781-3322 Fax: (604) 325-9091 info@maximgroup.ca maximgroup.ca

BUILDERS - MULTI-FAMILY Meister Construction Ltd.

Natural Balance Home Builders

Mr. Gordon Gildemeister 921 Evergreen Place Vancouver, BC V7R 1R5 (604) 328-3086 Fax: (604) 984-3483 gordon@meisterconstruction.ca www.meisterconstruction.ca

Mr. Nick Kerchum 3288 Dunbar Street Vancouver, BC V6S 2C3 (778) 330-7607 Fax: (778) 330-7608 info@naturalbalancehomes.com www.naturalbalancedevelopment.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Metric Modular Mr. Brad Nichol (604) 455-8000 Fax: (604) 455-8005 Toll Free: (800) 527-4826 bnichol@britcoconstruction.com www.britcoconstruction.com

Milori Homes Mr. Hesam Deihimi #226, 998 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 3T2 (604) 770-1190 Fax: (604) 770-2298 info@milorihomes.com www.milorihomes.com

Miracon Development Inc. Mr. Ken Mitchell Mr. Ranjit Rai #100, 17650 - 66A Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 4S4 (604) 372-0880 Fax: (604) 372-0882 info@miracon.ca www.miracon.ca

Mosaic Avenue Construction Ltd. Mr. Chris Barbati #500, 2609 Granville Street Vancouver, BC V6H 3H3 (604) 685-3888 X. 366 Fax: (604) 685-3869 tradeinfo@mosaichomes.com www.mosaichomes.com

Nadeau Developments Ms. Cheryl Nadeau 6131 Glendalough Place Vancouver, BC V6N 1S5 (604) 802-0001 Fax: (604) 899-6096 cheryl.nadeau@evcanada.com

Nestworks Construction Ltd. Mr. Stephen Nestmann 11423 Bond Boulevard Delta, BC V4E 1N4 (604) 916-0028 info@nestworks.ca www.nestworks.ca

Noort Development Ltd. Mr. Len Noort Jr. #101, 403 - 6 Street New Westminster, BC V3L 3B1 (604) 526-3604 Fax: (604) 526-7651 info@noorthomes.com www.noorthomes.com Designations: CHP

Nordel Developments Ltd. Mr. Amar Bains #701, 17665 - 66A Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 2A7 (604) 576-4838 Fax: (604) 576-4851 rajtoor@nordelgroup.com www.nordelgroup.com

NRT Development Inc. Mr. Ramin TowďŹ gh #215, 1000 Roosevelt Crescent North Vancouver, BC V7P 3R4 (604) 983-6683 Fax: (604) 983-6684 ramin@nrt.ca www.nrt.ca

Contact • 2018 83

BUILDERS - MULTI-FAMILY Onni Group of Companies

Park Ridge Homes Inc.

Mr. Rossano De Cotiis Mr. Kevin Carpenter #300, 550 Robson Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2B7 (604) 602-7711 Fax: (604) 688-7907 rose@onni.com www.onni.com

Mr. Brad Hughes Mr. Lloyd Hughes 16811 - 60 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 1T1 (604) 535-7663 Fax: (604) 535-7670 info@parkridgehomes.ca lehughes@shaw.ca www.parkridgehomes.ca Designations: CHP, CRBC

Otivo Development Group Mr. Donato Vito De Cotiis #205, 3815 Sunset Street Burnaby, BC V5G 1P4 (604) 434-6848 Fax: (604) 434-6847 don@otivo.ca www.otivo.ca

PD Moore Homes Inc.

Pacific Property Group Ltd.

Pearce Developments Ltd.

Mr. Scott Manderson #208, 828 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V5R 3R9 (604) 990-1434 Fax: (604) 904-0431 scott.manderson@pacificproperty.ca www.mulberryproperty.ca

Mr. Allan Pearce 3288 Mason Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3B 2X6 (604) 945-6842 Fax: (604) 945-3975

Panesar Construction Group Inc.

Mr. Balraj S. Mann #201, 204 Cayer Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 5B1 (604) 521-4300 Fax: (604) 521-1006 bmann@penmat.ca www.penmat.ca

Mr. Pintu Panesar 8310 - 150 Street Surrey, BC V3S 3J7 (604) 861-6777 Fax: (604) 909-4910 info@panesargroup.com www.panesargroup.com

Pantheon Developments Ltd. Mr. Hans Von Tiesenhausen 1625 West 5 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1N5 (604) 732-5242 Fax: (604) 264-4694 hanscvt@pantheondevelopments.com www.pantheondevelopments.com

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Mr. Perdip Moore 4270 Royal Oak Avenue Burnaby, BC V5G 3M4 (604) 345-4663 moorehomesinc@outlook.com www.moorehomesinc.com

Penmat Contracting & Project Management Ltd.

Pinora Enterprises Ltd. Mr. Tony Paul 18460 - 56A Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 0P8 (778) 855-4413 tony.paul@hotmail.com

Platinum Group of Companies Mr. Avtar Johl #201, 12837 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2V3 (604) 599-6512 Fax: (604) 599-6527 sales@platinum-group.ca www.platinum-group.ca


Radec Group Inc.

Mr. Neil Chrystal #900, 1333 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6H 4C2 (604) 877-1131 Fax: (604) 876-1258 nchrystal@polyhomes.com www.polyhomes.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Mr. Joe Walters 625 East 16 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 2V3 (604) 676-0008 Fax: (604) 677-1097 Toll Free: (866) 976-0008 info@radecgroup.com www.radecgroup.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Porte Development Corp. Mr. David Porte #100, 33 East 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1R5 (604) 732-7651 Fax: (604) 732-4673 info@porte.ca www.porte.ca

Portrait Homes (2017) Ltd. Mr. Robert Grimm #1100, 21320 Westminster Highway Richmond, BC V6V 2X5 (604) 270-1889 Fax: (604) 270-1841 robertg@portraithomes.ca www.portraithomes.ca

Precise Homes Ltd. Mr. Sukh Shoker 719 West 66 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 2R4 (778) 858-8984 info@precisehomes.ca www.precisehomes.ca

Project Mint Developments Ltd. Mr. Babak Nikraftar #1705, 125 Milross Avenue Vancouver, BC V6A 1A0 (604) 340-1740 babak@projectmint.ca www.projectmint.ca

Raichu Development Group Ltd. Mr. Amandeep Rai #220, 3388 Rosemary Heights Crescent Surrey, BC V5Z 0K7 (604) 780-6132 7600cambie@gmail.com

Rishi Holdings Ltd. Ms. Madhu Rishi 2854 West 37 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6N 2T6 (604) 708-4243

Sammarco Construction Mr. Matthew Sammarco #119, 9373 Hemlock Drive Richmond, BC V6Y 0A9 (604) 318-4975 mpsammarco@gmail.com

Sandhill Development Ltd. Ms. Hardeep K. Sandhu #228, 11020 No. 5 Road Richmond, BC V7A 4E7 (604) 271-6296 Fax: (604) 276-8937 info@sandhilldevelopment.ca www.sandhilldevelopment.ca

Shanghai Jie Li Construction Decoration Co. Ltd. Mr. Dong Jie Rm4, F/24 Mengdieyuan No. 2 Nong 50 Biinyang Road Shanghai China (86) 21-6484-8178 Fax: (86) 21-6484-8177 shjielicompany@vip.sina.com

Contact • 2018 85

BUILDERS - MULTI-FAMILY Solterra Development Corp.

Symphony Homes Limited

Mr. Mike Bosa 460 Fraser View Place Delta, BC V3M 6H4 (604) 528-6010 Fax: (604) 522-1604 mikebosa@solterradev.com www.solterradev.com

Mr. Gurdeep Kainth P.O. Box 1236, RPO Metrotown Burnaby, BC V5H 4J2 (604) 522-1480 Fax: (604) 520-1480 gurdeep@symphonygroup.ca www.symphonygroup.ca

Square Nine Developments Inc.

T. Jones Enterprises Inc.

Mr. Manish Sharma #407, 4538 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5E 3E8 (604) 492-1859 info@squarenine.ca www.squarenine.ca

Square One Contracting Mr. Jordan Harrison 2140 - 124 Street Surrey, BC V4A 3M5 (778) 736-0299 info@squareonecontracting.ca www.squareonecontracting.ca

Steelix Builders Group Ltd. Mr. Parm Dhaliwal 14630 - 66 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 1Z9 (778) 242-5052 steelixbuildersgroup@gmail.com

StreetSide Developments, a Qualico Company Mr. Michael J. Garrett SEE OUR AD #310, 5620 - 152 Street ON PAGE Surrey, BC V3S 3K2 29 (604) 579-0018 Fax: (778) 571-2112 vancouver@streetsidedevelopments.com www.qualico.com www.foxridgehomes.ca

Sunmark Developments Ltd. Mr. Sanveer Shoker 5566 - 120 Street Surrey, BC V3X 1Z3 (604) 597-7896 Fax: (604) 596-8761 info@sunmarkdevelopments.com www.sunmarkdevelopments.com

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Mr. Trevor Jones 3537 Osler Street Vancouver, BC V6H 2W4 (604) 734-1300 Fax: (604) 734-8788 trevor@tjonesgroup.com www.tjonesgroup.com

T.M. Crest Homes Ltd. Mr. Gurveer Samra 16484 High Park Avenue Surrey, BC V3Z 0M1 (778) 881-0564 info@tmcresthomes.com tmcresthomes.com

Tatla Developments Ltd. Mr. Kuldeep Tatla #170, 1200 West 73 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G5 (604) 288-1050 Fax: (604) 327-2858 info@tatladevelopments.com www.tatladevelopments.com

Tavan Developments Ltd. Mr. Troy Van Vliet Ms. Silveria Roselli #150, 628 East Kent Avenue South Vancouver, BC V5X 0B2 (604) 263-3026 Fax: (604) 321-3627 info@tavandevelopments.com silveria@tavandevelopments.com www.tavan.ca


Vesta Properties Ltd.

Ms. Bonnie Leung #700, 4211 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5H 1Z6 (604) 451-7780 Fax: (604) 451-7740 bonnie@thind.ca www.thind.ca

Mr. Kent Sillars #101A, 9770 - 196A Street Langley, BC V1M 2X5 (604) 888-7869 Fax: (604) 888-7895 kent@vestaproperties.com www.vestaproperties.com

Tien Sher Group of Companies

Wallmark Homes Ltd.

Mr. Charan Sethi Mr. Bob Sethi #185, 4631 Shell Road Richmond, BC V6X 3M4 (604) 207-4633 Fax: (604) 273-0685 charan@tiensher.com bob@tiensher.com www.tiensher.com

Mr. Rob Wall 4090 Graveley Street Burnaby, BC V5C 3T6 (604) 420-5200 Fax: (604) 420-5210 info@wallmark.ca www.wallmark.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CHP

Westmark Development Group Toikka Construction Ltd. Mr. John Toikka #121, 998 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 3T2 (604) 986-6817 Fax: (604) 986-0553 toikkaconstruction@shawbiz.ca www.toikkaconstruction.ca

Mr. Harmel S. Bains #203, 2631 Viking Way Richmond, BC V6V 3B5 (604) 821-1333 Fax: (604) 821-1303 info@westmarkhomes.ca www.westmarkhomes.ca

Zenterra Developments Ltd. Trasolini Dagg Construction Corp. Mr. Bob Dagg 1754 West 3 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1M7 (604) 675-9888 Fax: (604) 675-9555 info@traschet.com www.traschet.com

Vancouver Builders Ltd. Mr. Amar (Sid) Sidhu #521, 6540 Hastings Street Burnaby, BC V5B 4Z5 (604) 782-8453 info@vancouver-builders.ca www.vancouver-builders.ca

Mr. Rick Johal #216, 2630 Croydon Drive Surrey, BC V3S 6T3 (604) 788-7975 rickjohal@kooneyhomes.com www.kooneyhomes.com Designations: CRBC, CHP

BUILDERS - CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS Alma Building and Renovation Ltd. Mr. Tony Chebaya 3931 Dunbar Street Vancouver, BC V6S 2E3 (604) 224-2562 tony@alma-buildingandrenovation.com www.alma-buildingandrenovation.com

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Cantera Management Group Ltd.

Mr. Karim Fazal, GACP, MSc.(SST) #1500, 885 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3E8 (604) 630-1011 sales@alyzahomes.com www.alyzahomes.com

Mr. Darren Johnson 7684 - 232 Street Langley, BC V1M 3S1 (604) 888-1717 Fax: (604) 888-1828 djohnson@canteragroup.com www.canteragroup.com

ARTISAN Construction Group Mr. Brent Repin #225, 1820 Fir Street Vancouver, BC V6J 3B1 (604) 676-1516 Fax: (604) 249-1133 info@artisanconstruction.ca www.artisanconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRBC, CHP, CRC, CRP

Averra Developments Inc. Mr. Guy Taylor #104, 1529 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1R1 (604) 718-1845 Fax: (604) 623-3476 info@averra.ca www.averra.ca

Mr. Robert Barone P.O. Box 91263 West Vancouver, BC V7V 3N9 (604) 779-6469 rob@baronedevelopments.ca www.baronedevelopments.ca

COPA Development Corporation

Heritage Design & Construction Management Inc. Mr. Chen Shun Chew #3185, 8888 Odlin Crescent Richmond, BC V6X 3Z8 (604) 813-6116 Fax: (604) 244-8388 heritagedcchew@gmail.com www.heritagedc.ca

Batista Properties Inc. Mr. Nelson Batista 1401 Lansdowne Drive Coquitlam, BC V3E 1R3 (604) 644-0025 Fax: (604) 468-1688 nelson@batistaproperties.ca www.batistaproperties.ca

Hidden Dimension Design Ltd.

Best Builders Ltd.

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Mr. Kwok Ching (Billy) Lee 3828 Garry Street Richmond, BC V7E 2T8 (604) 765-2138 billylee@chingkeeconstruction.com www.chingkeeconstruction.com

Mr. Tony Liu, P.Eng #209, 515 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6B 6H5 (604) 683-0850 info@copacorp.ca www.copacorp.ca

Barone Developments Ltd.

Mr. Todd Best #103, 5461 - 12 Avenue Delta, BC V4M 2B2 (604) 943-2378 Fax: (604) 943-2376 info@bestbuilders.ca www.bestbuilders.ca

Ching Kee Construction and Renovations Company Limited



Ms. Maral Zolghadr Mr. Ali Peymani 1543 Bridgman Avenue Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 6H4 (604) 780-6461 (604) 780-3243 Fax: (604) 461-1064 hdaud.maral@gmail.com hdaud.ap@gmail.com www.hdaud.com


Kindred Construction Ltd.

Mr. Ryan Carpenter 12044 - 208 Street Maple Ridge, BC V2X 4W8 (604) 616-8978 Fax: (604) 466-0276 rcarpenter@hwconstruction.ca www.hwconstruction.ca

Mr. Bryan Reid #308, 2150 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6K 4L9 (604) 736-4847 Fax: (604) 736-9614 info@kindredconstruction.com www.kindredconstruction.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Hyer Homes & Renovations Ltd. Mr. Dennis Stobbe #16, 3033 King George Boulevard Surrey, BC V4P 1B9 (604) 560-9891 Fax: (778) 545-8814 hyerhomes@shaw.ca www.hyerhomes.ca

Klondike Contracting Corporation Mr. Eric Schapira #300, 1375 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 0B1 (604) 708-3337 X. 102 Fax: (604) 708-3397 info@klondikecontracting.com www.klondikecontracting.com

Infinity Properties Ltd. Mr. Tim Bontkes #205, 6360 - 202 Street Langley, BC V2Y 1N2 (604) 532-6060 X. 32 Fax: (604) 532-1120 info@infinitygrp.ca www.infinityproperties.ca

Lighthouse Construction Inc. Mr. Andrew Hirst 5250 - 9A Avenue Delta, BC V4M 1X2 (604) 948-9897 Fax: (604) 948-9840 thirst@dccnet.com www.lighthouseconstruction.ca

JKB Construction Ltd. Mr. Jeff K. Bain 3884 Clematis Crescent Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 4B1 (604) 728-3009 Fax: (604) 945-9097 jkbconstruction@telus.net www.jkbconstruction.com Designations: CRP, CRBC

Maestro Development Ltd. Mr. Joshua Young 752 East Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6A 1V7 (604) 723-9618 josh@maestrodevelopment.ca www.maestrodevelopment.ca

Meridian Pacific Construction Inc. Kenorah Design + Build Ltd. Mr. Graham Collins #105, 23160 - 96 Avenue Fort Langley, BC V1M 2S3 (604) 940-2767 Fax: (604) 940-2787 graham@kenorah.com www.kenorah.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CHP, CRBC, CAPS

Mr. Ken Gijssen 192 West 47 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 2X9 (604) 875-8035 Fax: (604) 875-8036 ken@meridianpacific.net www.meridianpacific.net

Contact • 2018 89


Radec Group Inc.

Mr. Graeme Huguet SEE 15356 Fraser Highway OUR AD Surrey, BC V3R 3P5 ON PAGE (604) 694-6873 3 Fax: (604) 951-4093 info@myhousedesignbuild.com www.myhousedesignbuild.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CAPS, CRP

Mr. Joe Walters 625 East 16 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 2V3 (604) 676-0008 Fax: (604) 677-1097 Toll Free: (866) 976-0008 info@radecgroup.com www.radecgroup.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Natural Balance Home Builders Mr. Nick Kerchum 3288 Dunbar Street Vancouver, BC V6S 2C3 (778) 330-7607 Fax: (778) 330-7608 info@naturalbalancehomes.com www.naturalbalancedevelopment.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Ritchie Construction Ltd. Mr. Chris Hill #404, 138 West 6th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1K6 (604) 876-2728 hello@rbvan.com www.ritchiebuildersvancouver.com

Solution Renovations

Mr. Ian Nicule #E205, 20159 - 88 Avenue Langley, BC V1M 0A4 (604) 710-4839 contact@nicons.ca

Mr. John Juzyniec 600 Nicola Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3J 7T7 (604) 817-6093 Fax: (604) 939-7754 john@solutionrenovations.com www.solutionrenovations.com

Northern Alpine Contracting

Tatla Developments Ltd.

Mr. Chad Walmsley #101, 1127 West 14 Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1J9 (604) 770-0640 info@northernalpine.ca www.northernalpine.ca

Mr. Kuldeep Tatla #170, 1200 West 73 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G5 (604) 288-1050 Fax: (604) 327-2858 info@tatladevelopments.com www.tatladevelopments.com

Nicons Enterprises Ltd.

Pacific Property Group Ltd. Mr. Scott Manderson #208, 828 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V5R 3R9 (604) 990-1434 Fax: (604) 904-0431 scott.manderson@pacificproperty.ca www.mulberryproperty.ca

90 Contact • 2018

Teragon Developments & Construction Inc. Mr. Lars Van Linge 4733 Saddlehorn Crescent Langley, BC V2Z 2L7 (604) 861-8526 Fax: (604) 861-1631 office@teragon.ca www.teragon.ca


Alchemy Construction Ltd.

Mr. John Toikka #121, 998 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 3T2 (604) 986-6817 Fax: (604) 986-0553 toikkaconstruction@shawbiz.ca www.toikkaconstruction.ca

Mr. Mark Isaac 1537 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B5 (604) 980-3149 Fax: (604) 980-3155 mark@alchemyconstruction.ca www.alchemyconstruction.ca

Trillium Project Management Ltd.

Alleylane Homes Construction & More Ltd.

Mr. David Hamilton #104, 1525 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1T5 (604) 714-0904 Fax: (604) 714-0954 david@trilliumprojects.com www.trilliumprojects.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Woodrose Homes Limited Mr. Chris Kleaman 2477 Bellevue Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7V 1E1 (604) 913-0630 Fax: (604) 677-5774 info@woodrosehomes.com www.woodrosehomes.com

BUILDERS - GENERAL CONTRACTORS Abstract Homes & Renovations Inc. Mr. Sandro Stefanucci #230, 4400 Stillcreek Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6C6 (604) 240-5306 info@abstracthomes.com www.abstracthomes.com

Aedis Design & Construction Inc. Mr. Sam Bashir Dr. Jamil Bashir 4533 West 2 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6R 1K7 (778) 886-3759 aedis.dc@gmail.com

Alair Homes Delta Mr. Peter Nielsen 878 - 57 Street Delta, BC V4L 1Y1 (604) 868-5155 peter.nielsen@alairhomes.com www.alairhomes.ca/delta

Mr. Steve Chandra 9421 - 116 Street Delta, BC V4C 5X2 (778) 320-5471 Fax: (604) 957-1024 alleylanehomes@gmail.com

Alma Building and Renovation Ltd. Mr. Tony Chebaya 3931 Dunbar Street Vancouver, BC V6S 2E3 (604) 224-2562 tony@alma-buildingandrenovation.com www.alma-buildingandrenovation.com

Alyza Homes Mr. Karim Fazal, GACP, MSc.(SST) #1500, 885 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3E8 (604) 630-1011 sales@alyzahomes.com www.alyzahomes.com

Animark Custom Homes Ltd. Mr. Marko Mrsic D - 5180 Still Creek Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 4E4 (604) 720-3183 Fax: (604) 563-3124 info@animarkhomes.com www.animarkhomes.com

Apex Construction Mr. Bhupinder Singh Johal P.O. Box 491, 7101C - 120 Street Delta, BC V4E 2A9 (604) 366-2890 Fax: (778) 564-2065 b_s_johal@hotmail.com

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Basil Restoration Ltd.

Mr. Amir Karimi #110, 265 - 25 Street West Vancouver, BC V7V 4H9 (778) 385-1905 Fax: (604) 913-1919 info@archia.ca www.archia.ca

Mr. Mark Wittig #106, 1089 East Kent Avenue North Vancouver, BC V5X 4V9 (604) 324-9364 Fax: (604) 324-9363 info@basilrestorationltd.ca www.basilrestorationltd.ca

ARTISAN Construction Group

Batista Properties Inc.

Mr. Brent Repin #225, 1820 Fir Street Vancouver, BC V6J 3B1 (604) 676-1516 Fax: (604) 249-1133 info@artisanconstruction.ca www.artisanconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRBC, CHP, CRC, CRP

Mr. Nelson Batista 1401 Lansdowne Drive Coquitlam, BC V3E 1R3 (604) 644-0025 Fax: (604) 468-1688 nelson@batistaproperties.ca www.batistaproperties.ca

Benchmark Homes Ltd. Athoula Management Ltd. Mr. Babbu (Namtez) Sohal 1348 East 60 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5X 2A5 (604) 266-9000 Fax: (866) 887-8552 athoula@live.ca www.athoula.com

Mr. Jeff Bontkes #204, 6360 - 202 Street Langley, BC V2Y 1N2 (604) 514-7565 Fax: (604) 514-7521 info@bhomes.ca www.benchmarkhomesltd.com

Best Builders Ltd. Averra Developments Inc. Mr. Guy Taylor #104, 1529 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1R1 (604) 718-1845 Fax: (604) 623-3476 guy.taylor@averra.ca www.averra.ca

Mr. Todd Best #103, 5461 - 12 Avenue SEE Delta, BC V4M 2B2 OUR AD (604) 943-2378 ON PAGE Fax: (604) 943-2376 38 info@bestbuilders.ca www.bestbuilders.ca

Blackfish Homes Ltd. Avis Homes Ltd. Mr. Kuljit Dhillon 10388 Blundell Road Richmond, BC V6Y 1L1 (778) 889-4545 Fax: (604) 277-4046 kuljit25@hotmail.com avishomes.ca

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Mr. David Adair #107, 1305 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B3 (604) 980-0814 Fax: (604) 980-0865 info@blackfishhomes.ca www.blackfishhomes.ca Designations: BuiltGreen


Canadian Built Construction Ltd.

Mr. Mike Merakian #103, 8327 Eastlake Drive Burnaby, BC V5A 4W2 (604) 559-6931 Fax: (604) 559-6932 sales@blueoceanconstruction.com www.blueoceanconstruction.com

Mr. Geremy Enns 21993 Old Yale Road Langley, BC V2Z 1M2 (604) 341-3893 geremy@canadianbuiltconstruction.com www.canadianbuiltconstruction.com

Canadoo Enterprises Inc. Boda Construction Ltd. Mr. Brian Boyd, AScT 4307 Morgan Crescent West Vancouver, BC V7V 2P1 (604) 926-6644 Fax: (604) 926-6215 brian@bodaconstruction.com www.bodaconstruction.com

Mr. Shinya Mikawa #120, 3855 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6N3 (604) 687-6252 Fax: (604) 687-6254 home@canadoo.ca www.canadoo.ca Designations: CRC

Bomex Construction Ltd.

Cape Group

Mr. Miroslav Bobovsky #411, 1111 East 27 Street North Vancouver, BC V7J 1S3 (604) 720-9112 Fax: (604) 980-9206 miro@bomex.net www.bomex.net

Ms. Jennifer Ryan #633, 5960 No. 6 Road Richmond, BC V6V 1Z1 (604) 278-0912 Fax: (604) 278-4628 info@capegroup.ca www.capegroup.ca

By Design Construction Inc.

CCI Renovations

Mr. Bobby Purba 8033 - 17 Avenue Burnaby, BC V3N 1M5 (604) 351-8614 info@bydesignconstruction.ca www.bdhomesinc.com

Mr. John Friswell #1, 1485 Welch Street SEE North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B5 OUR AD (604) 980-8384 ON PAGE Fax: (604) 980-7868 19 info@ccirenos.com www.ccirenos.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CRBC, CHP, CAPS, CGR, CGP

C/Bridge Construction Mr. Cian Stapleton 3154 West 7 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6K 2A1 (778) 837-3163 cianstapleton@gmail.com

Caliber West Renovations Inc. Mr. Joey Monette #2115, 1225 Kingsway Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 1S2 (778) 785-7395 info@caliberwestrenovations.ca caliberwestrenovations.ca

Ching Kee Construction and Renovations Company Limited Mr. Kwok Ching (Billy) Lee 3828 Garry Street Richmond, BC V7E 2T8 (604) 765-2138 billylee@chingkeeconstruction.com www.chingkeeconstruction.com

Contact • 2018 93


DCM Projects Ltd.

Mr. Greg Hanberry 446 East 1 Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 1B7 (604) 318-5740 greg@cirrushomes.ca www.cirrushomes.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CHP, CRBC

Mr. Bryan Bains #302, 4885 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5H 4T2 (604) 808-8581 dcmltd@shaw.ca www.DCMprojectsLTD.com

Delta Construction Counterpoint Interiors Inc. Mr. Brian Carroll #223, 1118 Homer Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2X6 (604) 683-8407 Fax: (604) 689-4056 brian@counterpoints.com www.counterpoints.com

Craftsmen Contracting Ltd. Mr. Quinn Holtslag P.O. Box 31576 Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2G8 (778) 989-7252 Fax: (604) 459-2600 info@craftsmencontracting.com www.craftsmencontracting.com

Mr. Karl Tsang 9355 Kilby Street Richmond, BC V6X 1P2 (604) 729-9119 Fax: (604) 821-1000 7299119@gmail.com

DMC Contracting Ltd. Mr. Dan Crump 27743 Joanita Place Abbotsford, BC V4X 2C3 (604) 831-3523 Fax: (604) 576-2742 info@dmccontracting.ca www.dmccontracting.ca

Done Right Renos

Mr Wally Wiebe 20414 - 67A Avenue Langley, BC V2Y 2X5 (604) 679-1612 wally@crewhproperties.ca

Mr. Nino Giangrande 3570 Calder Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7N 3R9 (604) 228-1530 Fax: (604) 288-1520 nino@donerightrenos.ca donerightrenos.ca

Davenport Projects Ltd.

Ecosol Design & Construction Ltd.

CREW H Properties Inc.

Mr. Kiff Mowat #116, 110 Switchmen Street Vancouver, BC V6A 0C6 (604) 828-5433 kiff@davenporthomes.ca

Davidson Walker Construction Ltd. Mr. Jim Davidson, P.Eng 1686 West 75 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G2 (604) 877-1284 Fax: (604) 877-1285 jim@davidsonwalker.com www.davidsonwalker.com

94 Contact • 2018

Mr. Arno Schmidt, B.Sc, Cert. Bldg. Tech 2124 Venables Street Vancouver, BC V5L 2J4 (604) 254-0258 Fax: (604) 254-5058 arno_ecosol@telus.net www.ecosoldesignandconstruction.ca Designations: Certified Rammed Earth Builder, BuiltGreen, CRP, CRBC

Empira Properties Inc. Mr. Gagan Sohi 10980 - 128A Street Surrey, BC V3T 3G2 (604) 726-1710 g.sohi@live.ca www.empira.ca

BUILDERS - GENERAL CONTRACTORS Euro Canadian Construction Corp.

G.D. Nielsen Homes

Mr. John Gunson Mr. Jeffrey Gunson #801, 1445 Marpole Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1S5 (604) 526-7558 Fax: (604) 526-9930 eurocanadian@shaw.ca eurocanadiancorp@gmail.com www.eurocanadianconstruction.com

Mr. Greg Nielsen #129, 1305 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B3 (604) 926-4211 Fax: (604) 926-4210 gregn@gdnielsen.com www.gdnielsen.com

Golden Dream Homes Ltd.

Mr. Werner Gonzalez #202, 1750 Augusta Avenue Burnaby, BC V5A 2V6 (778) 984-9354 dreamcasa898@gmail.com

Mr. Moninder Sharma 868 - 12 Street East North Vancouver, BC V7L 2L1 (604) 619-0724 Fax: (604) 984-9429 info@goldendreamhomesltd.ca www.goldendreamhomesltd.com

Feature Projects Ltd.

Hasler Homes Ltd.

Mr. Walter Krause 5733 Collingwood Street Richmond, BC V6N 4K6 (604) 220-8907 Fax: (604) 241-4651 walter@featureprojects.com www.featureprojects.com

Mr. Greg Hasler 1345 Wellington Drive North Vancouver, BC V7K 1L6 (778) 688-7846 greg@haslerhomes.ca www.haslerhomes.ca

Ever Casa Construction Ltd.

Footprint Sustainable Housing Corp. Mr. Shaun St-Amour 22808 - 116 Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3N6 (604) 516-9073 shaun.fshc@gmail.com www.homesbyfootprint.ca

Fremar Construction Ltd. Mr. Fred McLeod 1610 West 75 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G2 (604) 264-7754 Fax: (604) 264-8214 fmcleod@fremarconstruction.com www.fremarconstruction.com

G. Wilson Construction Co. Ltd. Mr. Blair Wilson 161 West 4 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1G4 (604) 873-8013 Fax: (604) 873-0919 info.gwilson@telus.net www.gwilsonconstruction.com

Hauerbuilt Construction Ltd. Mr. Jayson Eisenhauer 5070 Capilano Road North Vancouver, BC V7R 4K7 (604) 790-9667 jayson@hauerbuilt.com www.hauerbuilt.com

Headland Construction Mr. Mark Ellis 2415 Trutch Street Vancouver, BC V6K 4H3 (604) 505-9667 mark@headlandconstruction.com headlandconstruction.com

Heritage Design & Construction Management Inc. Mr. Chen Shun Chew #3185, 8888 Odlin Crescent Richmond, BC V6X 3Z8 (604) 813-6116 Fax: (604) 244-8388 heritagedcchew@gmail.com www.heritagedc.ca Contact • 2018 95


JDL Homes Vancouver

Mr. Wesley Mufford 22011 Maxwell Crescent, Box 100 Langley, BC V0X 1T0 (604) 880-0210 heritagerestoration@shaw.ca www.heritagerestorationsinc.ca

Mr. Doug Langford Mr. Jeff Langford 1910 Ontario Street Vancouver, BC V5T 4G6 (604) 568-9983 (778) 836-3103 Fax: (604) 558-1912 doug@jdlhomesvancouver.com jeff@jdlhomesvancouver.com www.jdlhomesvancouver.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Hundal Bros. Construction Group Mr. Udham Hundal #110, 8299 - 129 Street Surrey, BC V3W 0A6 (604) 594-9676 Fax: (604) 594-9673 hundalbros@hotmail.com www.hundalbros.ca

HW Construction Mr. Ryan Carpenter 12044 - 208 Street Maple Ridge, BC V2X 4W8 (604) 616-8978 Fax: (604) 466-0276 rcarpenter@hwconstruction.ca www.hwconstruction.ca

Hyer Homes & Renovations Ltd. Mr. Dennis Stobbe #16, 3033 King George Boulevard Surrey, BC V4P 1B9 (604) 560-9891 Fax: (778) 545-8814 hyerhomes@shaw.ca www.hyerhomes.ca

Indoor Outdoor Guy Renovations Inc. Mr. Joseph Neely 9251 No. 6 Road Richmond, BC V6W 1E5 (604) 277-5572 Fax: (604) 277-9433 joseph@idguy.net www.indooroutdoorguy.ca

Jaheny Custom Builders Ltd. Mr. Glen Jaheny 15544 - 59 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 4N8 (604) 576-2399 Fax: (604) 574-2398 jaheny@telus.net www.jahenycustombuilders.com

96 Contact • 2018

Jeff Henderson Construction Ltd. Mr. Jeff Henderson #116, 3855 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6N3 (604) 451-1667 Fax: (604) 451-1670 lisa@hendersonconstructionltd.com www.hendersonconstructionltd.com

JKB Construction Ltd. Mr. Jeff K. Bain 3884 Clematis Crescent Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 4B1 (604) 728-3009 Fax: (604) 945-9097 jkbconstruction@telus.net www.jkbconstruction.com Designations: CRP, CRBC

Johannesen Construction Ltd. Mr. Peter Tjernagel 1109 London Street New Westminster, BC V3M 3B9 (604) 220-0306 Fax: (604) 522-7228 peter@johannesenltd.com www.johannesenltd.com

JWC Construction Ltd. Mr. John Casano 1755 Orkney Place North Vancouver, BC V7H 2Z1 (604) 929-2675 Fax: (604) 924-1189 jcasano@shaw.ca www.jwc-construction.ca


Kliewer Bros. Construction Ltd.

Mr. Prateek (PK) Kainth, BBA Entr Mr. Baljit Kainth #367, 6362 Fraser Street Vancouver, BC V5W 0A1 (604) 551-3383 kainosdevelopment@gmail.com

Mr. Ron Kliewer Mr. Harv Kliewer P.O. Box 42043 Vancouver, BC V5S 4R5 (604) 764-7606 (604) 760-3949 Fax: (778) 571-2071 info@kbcdevelopments.com harv@kbcdevelopments.com www.kbcdevelopments.com

Kastra Construction Inc. Mr. Joel Tilstra 8264 - 197 Street Langley, BC V2Y 1Z1 (778) 809-3304 Tilstra.siding@gmail.com

Kemp Construction Management Ltd. Mr. Steve Kemp #10, 1835 - 56 Street Delta, BC V4L 2L8 (604) 948-1124 Fax: (604) 948-1364 accounting@kempconstruction.ca www.kempconstruction.ca Designations: RRP, CR, CRB

Kennedy Construction Inc. Mr. Andrew Kennedy 258 East 1 Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 1B3 (604) 986-3244 info@kennedyconstruction.ca www.kennedyconstruction.ca

Kenorah Design + Build Ltd. Mr. Graham Collins #105, 23160 - 96 Avenue Fort Langley, BC V1M 2S3 (604) 940-2767 Fax: (604) 940-2787 graham@kenorah.com www.kenorah.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CHP, CRBC, CAPS

Kerr Construction Mr. Doug Kerr 1676 West 75 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G2 (604) 263-0343 Fax: (604) 263-1501 info@kerrconstruction.ca www.kerrconstruction.ca

Klondike Contracting Corporation Mr. Eric Schapira #300, 1375 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 0B1 (604) 708-3337 X. 102 Fax: (604) 708-3397 info@klondikecontracting.com www.klondikecontracting.com

Kristopher Dax Construction Inc. Mr. Dax Jones 1830 Eastern Drive Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 2T6 (604) 813-7529 dax@kristopherdax.com www.kristopherdax.com

Lentel Construction Co. Ltd. Mr. Greg Van Tol Mr. Harry Van Tol #346, 5158 - 48 Avenue Delta, BC V4K 5B6 (604) 946-9016 Fax: (604) 940-2236 info@lentelconstruction.com www.lentelconstruction.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Lighthouse Construction Inc. Mr. Andrew Hirst 5250 - 9A Avenue Delta, BC V4M 1X2 (604) 948-9897 Fax: (604) 948-9840 thirst@dccnet.com www.lighthouseconstruction.ca

Contact • 2018 97


Makena Construction Inc.

Ms. Luanne Funk Mr. Peter Funk 19885 - 12 Avenue Langley, BC V2Z 1W3 (604) 308-4617 (604) 835-9701 Fax: (604) 857-9796 luanne@lindanhomes.ca peter@lindanhomes.ca www.lindanhomes.ca

Mr. Randy Edmunds SEE 6973 - 195 Street OUR AD ON PAGE Surrey, BC V4N 5Y6 135 (604) 961-1814 randy@makenaconstruction.ca www.makenaconstruction.ca

Lonetree Kitchens & Baths Mr. Karl Renner 336 West 5 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1J5 (604) 739-1110 Fax: (604) 739-1114 designer@lonetreekitchens.ca www.lonetreekitchens.ca

Lotos Construction Ltd. Mr. Arthur Szpak 3A - 1433 Rupert Street North Vancouver, BC V7J 1G1 (604) 988-0401 Fax: (604) 988-2769 info@lotosconstruction.ca www.lotosconstruction.ca

Maestro Development Ltd. Mr. Joshua Young 752 East Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6A 1V7 (604) 723-9618 josh@maestrodevelopment.ca www.maestrodevelopment.ca

maison d’etre design-build inc. Mr. Robert Capar 118 West 2 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1C2 (604) 484-4030 Fax: (604) 484-4031 contact@maisondetre.ca www.maisondetre.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRP, CRBC

98 Contact • 2018

Marcon Construction Ltd. Mr. Marco Paolella 5645 - 199 Street Langley, BC V3A 1H9 (604) 530-5646 Fax: (604) 530-0980 info@marcon.ca www.marcon.ca

Melo Construction Ltd. Mr. Jeff Melo 788 East 31 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5V 2W8 (604) 250-2506 info@meloconstruction.ca www.meloconstruction.ca

Meridian Pacific Construction Inc. Mr. Ken Gijssen 192 West 47 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 2X9 (604) 875-8035 Fax: (604) 875-8036 ken@meridianpacific.net www.meridianpacific.net

Merola Construction Inc. Mr. Raffael Merola 102 - 3060 Norland Ave Burnaby, BC V5B 3B1 (604) 294-5370 info@merolacon.com www.merolacon.com

Moore & Sons Contracting Inc. Mr. Don Moore 19892 - 35A Avenue Surrey, BC V3A 2P9 (604) 514-1322 Fax: (604) 539-8028 moore.sons@shaw.ca www.mooresoncontracting.com


Natural Balance Home Builders

Mr. Graham Reid 5224 - 6 Avenue Delta, BC V4M 1L5 (604) 816-4276 Fax: (604) 943-8393 mpconstruction@telus.net www.mpconstruction.ca

Mr. Nick Kerchum 3288 Dunbar Street Vancouver, BC V6S 2C3 (778) 330-7607 Fax: (778) 330-7608 info@naturalbalancehomes.com www.naturalbalancedevelopment.com Designations: BuiltGreen

MPB Construction Ltd. Mr. Paul Clarke #62, 15515 - 24 Avenue Surrey, BC V4A 2J4 (604) 538-9622 Fax: (604) 538-8608 info@mpbconstruction.com www.mpbconstruction.com

My House Design/Build Team Ltd. Mr. Graeme Huguet SEE 15356 Fraser Highway OUR AD Surrey, BC V3R 3P5 ON PAGE (604) 694-6873 3 Fax: (604) 951-4093 info@myhousedesignbuild.com www.myhousedesignbuild.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CAPS, CRP

Nesseler Construction Ltd. Mr. Klaus Nesseler 5130 Wilson Drive Delta, BC V4M 1P4 (604) 813-1333 Fax: (604) 943-0230 knesseler@nesselerconstruction.com www.nesselerconstruction.com

New Vision Projects Inc. Mr. Brandon Smith Mr. Danny Christian 4663 - 55 Street Delta, BC V4K 3P6 (604) 690-1694 (604) 725-3191 bsmith@newvisionprojects.com projects@newvisionprojects.com www.newvisionprojects.com

MYK Construction Ltd. Mr. Mike Amiri #G02, 828 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 1E2 (604) 874-3388 Fax: (604) 874-1083 info@mykconstruction.com www.mykconstruction.com

Nicons Enterprises Ltd.

Naikoon Contracting Ltd.

Mr. Jim Niebuhr Mr. Richard Niebuhr 12231 Bridgeport Road Richmond, BC V6V 1J4 (604) 290-8022 (604) 220-3734 Fax: (604) 940-8915 jimnieb@telus.net rniebuhr@telus.net www.niebuhrhomes.com

Mr. Joe Geluch #3, 342 East Esplanade North Vancouver, BC V7L 1A4 (778) 340-1566 Fax: (778) 340-0091 info@naikoon.ca www.naikooncontracting.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Mr. Ian Nicule #E205, 20159 - 88 Avenue Langley, BC V1M 0A4 (604) 710-4839 contact@nicons.ca

Niebuhr Construction

Contact • 2018 99


Pacific West Developments Ltd.

Mr. Thomas Moser #10, 11171 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC V7A 4S5 (604) 247-0959 Fax: (604) 940-4980 thomas@nordicprojects.ca www.nordicprojects.ca

Mr. Par Leihl #180, 6753 Graybar Road Richmond, BC V6W 1H3 (604) 278-4445 Fax: (604) 273-5535 par@pslservices.ca pslservices.ca

Northern Alpine Contracting

Panesar Construction Group Inc.

Mr. Chad Walmsley #101, 1127 West 14 Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1J9 (604) 770-0640 info@northernalpine.ca www.northernalpine.ca

Mr. Pintu Panesar 8310 - 150 Street Surrey, BC V3S 3J7 (604) 861-6777 Fax: (604) 909-4910 info@panesargroup.com www.panesargroup.com

Novak Contracting & Construction Mr. Reilly Novak 18906 - 69A Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 5K2 (778) 997-5568 reilly@novakcontracting.com www.novakcontracting.com

Patshell Construction Ltd.

Novell Design Build

Powell Contracting Ltd.

Mr. Ken Rand #102, 20540 Duncan Way Langley, BC V3A 7A3 (604) 230-2962 patshellconstruction@gmail.com

Ms. Laurel James #303, 1177 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6H 1G3 (604) 876-0339 Fax: (604) 909-4686 accounting@novelldesignbuild.com www.novelldesignbuild.com

Mr. Edward Powell 1143 Cloverley Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 1V7 (604) 358-5417 edpowell17@gmail.com www.powell-contracting.com

NWI Contracting Ltd. Mr. Enrique Ponce De Leon #7, 7228 Winston Street Burnaby, BC V5A 2G9 (778) 999-0686 Fax: (604) 533-8992 nwioffice@telus.net www.nwicontracting.com

Mr. John Quinton #351, 1275 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1A6 (604) 681-0777 Fax: (604) 681-0733 john@quintonconstruction.com www.quintonconstruction.com Designations: CAPS

Pacific Property Group Ltd.

Radec Group Inc.

Mr. Scott Manderson #208, 828 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V5R 3R9 (604) 990-1434 Fax: (604) 904-0431 scott.manderson@pacificproperty.ca www.mulberryproperty.ca

100 Contact • 2018

Quinton Construction Ltd.

Mr. Joe Walters 625 East 16 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 2V3 (604) 676-0008 Fax: (604) 677-1097 Toll Free: (866) 976-0008 info@radecgroup.com www.radecgroup.com

BUILDERS - GENERAL CONTRACTORS Refine & Design Custom Homes & Renovations Mr. Sam Wainwright #390, 1199 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6E 2R1 (778) 895-4001 sam@refineanddesign.com www.refineanddesign.com

Reid Developments Ltd. Mr. Mike Reid 362 Balfour Drive Coquitlam, BC V3K 6C5 (604) 612-0149 Fax: (604) 733-3799 reid.dvlp@gmail.com www.ReidDevelopmentsBC.com

Reid Pelly Construction Ltd. Mr. Reid Pelly SEE 1418 Park Avenue OUR AD Roberts Creek, BC V0N 2W2 ON PAGE (604) 885-0998 110 reid@reidpellyconstruction.com www.reidpellyconstruction.com

Rembrandt Renovations Ltd. Mr. Jerome Mens 832 Surrey Street New Westminster, BC V3L 4W2 (604) 802-6256 Fax: (604) 777-1945 info@rembrandtrenovations.com www.rembrandtrenovations.com

reVISION Custom Home Renovations Inc. Mr. Todd Senft #202, 338 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 3X2 (604) 835-4033 Fax: (604) 873-4770 todd@revisionrenovations.com www.revisionrenovations.com

Rishi Holdings Ltd. Ms. Madhu Rishi 2854 West 37 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6N 2T6 (604) 708-4243

Ritchie Construction Ltd. Mr. Chris Hill #404, 138 West 6th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1K6 (604) 876-2728 hello@rbvan.com www.ritchiebuildersvancouver.com

RJH Contracting Inc. Mr. Rick Herding 20765 - 50A Avenue Langley, BC V3A 7T6 (604) 510-2571 Fax: (604) 539-2573 info@rjhcontracting.com www.rjhcontracting.com

RJR Construction Management Ltd. Mr. Shawn Stewart #119, 3989 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6P8 (604) 254-1760 Fax: (604) 254-4960 info@rjrconstruction.ca www.rjrconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRBC, CRC, CAPS

Rockridge Construction Inc. Mr. AJ Riley P.O. Box 91070 West Vancouver, BC V7V 3N3 (604) 924-5411 Fax: (604) 924-5493 info@rockridgeconstruction.ca www.rockridgeconstruction.ca

Rocksolid Enterprises Inc. Ms. Dawn Carmichael 8875 Osler Street Vancouver, BC V6P 4G1 (604) 736-1005 Fax: (604) 736-1055 info@callrocksolid.com www.callrocksolid.com

Royal Golden Construction Group Ltd. Mr. Ryan Zhang 15467 - 112A Avenue Surrey, BC V3R 2V7 (778) 668-0160 rgc.vancouver@gmail.com Contact • 2018 101


Seneca Homes Ltd.

Mr. William Yin (780) 441-1456 yinzhimin2000@hotmail.com

Mr. Jonathan Vendargon 461 East 11 Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 2H3 (604) 209-5726 info@senecahomes.ca www.senecahomes.ca

RS Coastal Mr. Ryan Stajcer #107, 19231 - 54 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 8E5 (604) 574-6979 Fax: (604) 574-6973 markivdesigns@gmail.com

Shirmar Construction

RSC Renovation Science Corp. Mr. David Martin #103, 4155 Sardis Street Burnaby, BC V5H 1K3 (604) 377-5448 david@renosci.ca www.renovationscience.com

Solution Renovations

Saint Construction Management Ltd. Mr. Scott Sheen #1, 2405 East Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V5K 1Y8 (604) 336-5355 info@saintconstruction.ca www.saintconstruction.ca


Sasen Renovations Mr. Matthew T. Senf 4811 Brentlawn Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 3V4 (604) 765-1708 Fax: (604) 294-6830 coordinator@sasenrenovations.com www.sasenrenovations.com

Seagate Consulting Ltd. Mr. Ralph Austin #64, 20449 - 66 Avenue Langley, BC V2Y 3C1 (604) 836-4994 Fax: (604) 534-3257 raustin@seagateconsulting.ca www.seagateconsulting.ca

102 Contact • 2018

Mr. Jonas Schierbecker 4460 - 50A Street Delta, BC V4K 4M1 (778) 434-2639 info@shirmar.com www.shirmarconstruction.com


Mr. John Juzyniec 600 Nicola Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3J 7T7 (604) 817-6093 Fax: (604) 939-7754 john@solutionrenovations.com www.solutionrenovations.com

Sprucehill Contracting Inc. Mr. Erik Jensen 101 - 3151 Woodbine Drive North Vancouver, BC V7R 2S4 (604) 971-4899 Fax: (855) 510-5796 Toll Free: (855) 510-5796 info@sprucehill.ca www.sprucehill.ca

Steelhead Contracting Ltd. Ms. May Nembhard 4179 McConnell Drive Burnaby, BC V5A 3J7 (604) 420-9368 Fax: (604) 420-9378 info@steelheadcontracting.com www.steelheadcontracting.com

STK Renovations Inc. Mr. Tom Anderson #4, 309 Afton Lane Port Moody, BC V3H 3V8 (604) 671-5493 stkrenos@gmail.com www.stkrenovations.com

BUILDERS - GENERAL CONTRACTORS Stylux Design & Construction

TQ Construction Ltd.

Mr. Ray Gorjian Ms. Aida Ziari #775, 333 Brooksbank Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7J 3S8 (604) 235-1935 (604) 338-5183 Fax: (888) 839-8274 info@styluxconstruction.com aida@styluxconstruction.com styluxconstruction.com

Mr. Ralph Belisle SEE #106, 8988 Fraserton Court OUR AD Burnaby, BC V5J 5H8 ON PAGE (604) 430-9900 53 info@tqconstruction.ca www.tqconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRC, CRP, CAPS

T.J.M. Construction Ltd. Mr. Tejinder Saluja 7234 - 198 Street Langley, BC V2Y 3H7 (604) 724-4706 wintoo@hotmail.com

Troico Home Solutions Inc. Mr. Michael Richter 1308 Ketch Court Coquitlam, BC V3K 6W1 (604) 545-0123 Fax: (604) 523-1804 Toll Free: (855) 487-6426 vrichter@troico.ca www.troico.ca

Twin Lions Contracting Ltd. Teragon Developments & Construction Inc. Mr. Lars Van Linge 4733 Saddlehorn Crescent Langley, BC V2Z 2L7 (604) 861-8526 Fax: (604) 861-1631 office@teragon.ca www.teragon.ca

Terris Lightfoot Contracting Ltd. Mr. Warren S. Lightfoot 361 Oxford Drive Port Moody, BC V3H 1T2 (778) 355-8315 Fax: (778) 355-9382 wlightfoot@terrislightfoot.com www.terrislightfoot.com

Toikka Construction Ltd. Mr. John Toikka #121, 998 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 3T2 (604) 986-6817 Fax: (604) 986-0553 toikkaconstruction@shawbiz.ca www.toikkaconstruction.ca

Mr. Kevin Hatch 141 West 27 Street North Vancouver, BC V7N 4H2 (604) 210-8435 kevin@twinlionscontracting.com www.twinlionscontracting.com

Urban Flare Developments Inc. Mr. Harv Hehar 15135 - 66A Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 2A4 (604) 825-3874 Fax: (604) 572-2847 info@urbanflare.ca www.urbanflare.ca

VALROC Development Ltd. Mr. Jason Spies #104, 19162 - 22 Avenue Surrey, BC V3Z 3S6 (604) 427-0152 admin@valroc.ca www.valroc.ca

Vertu Construction Ltd. Mr. Chris Christianson 355 Rabbit Lane West Vancouver, BC V7S 1J1 (604) 562-4006 chris@vertuconstruction.com

Contact • 2018 103

BUILDERS - GENERAL CONTRACTORS / BUILDERS - PROJECT MANAGERS Vinterra Homes Ltd. Mr. Sukh Hoonjan 22179 Westminster Highway Richmond, BC V6V 3C4 (604) 649-7590 sukh@vinterra.com

Vishwakarma Construction Ltd. Mr. Harry Seehra 5120 Sidley Street Burnaby, BC V5J 1T5 (604) 377-8687 info@vishwakarmaconstruction.ca www.vishwakarmaconstruction.ca

Vision Built Construction Ltd. Mr. Tobias Puga 1804 Maple Street Vancouver, BC V6J 3S7 (604) 317-2045 Fax: (866) 381-8493 tobias@visionbuilt.ca www.visionbuilt.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

Western Wood Homes Ltd. Mr. Elvis Ng 1975 East 53 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5P 1X5 (778) 863-5889 westernwoodhomes@gmail.com www.westernwoodhome.com

Woodcraft Contracting & Renovations Inc. Mr. Rudi Nosper 20516 - 124A Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2X 0A2 (604) 809-7125 Fax: (604) 459-4006 woodcraftcontracting25@gmail.com www.woodcraftcontracting.com

Woodrose Homes Limited Mr. Chris Kleaman 2477 Bellevue Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7V 1E1 (604) 913-0630 Fax: (604) 677-5774 info@woodrosehomes.com www.woodrosehomes.com

104 Contact • 2018

BUILDERS - PROJECT MANAGERS ADA - arata hatanaka design atelier Mr. Arata Hatanaka #8, 241 East 4 Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 1J1 (604) 836-1798 info@aratadesignatelier.com www.aratadesignatelier.com

Alabaster Homes Mr. Nicholas Poon #301, 1788 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6J 1Y1 (604) 558-5848 info@alabasterhomes.ca www.alabasterhomes.ca

Allaire Construction Inc. Mr. Marc Allaire #245, 9600 Cameron Street Burnaby, BC V3J 7N3 (604) 422-8718 Fax: (604) 422-8798 info@allairegrp.com www.allairegrp.com

Alyza Homes Mr. Karim Fazal, GACP, MSc.(SST) #1500, 885 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3E8 (604) 630-1011 sales@alyzahomes.com www.alyzahomes.com

Archia Development Ltd. Mr. Amir Karimi #110, 265 - 25 Street West Vancouver, BC V7V 4H9 (778) 385-1905 Fax: (604) 913-1919 info@archia.ca www.archia.ca

ARTISAN Construction Group Mr. Brent Repin #225, 1820 Fir Street Vancouver, BC V6J 3B1 (604) 676-1516 Fax: (604) 249-1133 info@artisanconstruction.ca www.artisanconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRBC, CHP, CRC, CRP

BUILDERS - PROJECT MANAGERS AspenRidge Construction Ltd.

Bellex Custom Homes Ltd.

Mr. Gary Ferrer 552 Lehman Place Port Moody, BC V3H 3Z6 (604) 781-0524 Fax: (604) 461-3946 info@aspenridge.ca www.aspenridge.ca

Mr. Massimo Allegrini #200, 2232 Marine Drive West Vancouver, BC V7V 1K4 (604) 925-5651 Fax: (604) 925-3890 mass@bellexhomes.com www.bellexhomes.com

Averra Developments Inc.

Benchmark Homes Ltd.

Mr. Guy Taylor #104, 1529 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1R1 (604) 718-1845 Fax: (604) 623-3476 guy.taylor@averra.ca www.averra.ca

Mr. Jeff Bontkes #204, 6360 - 202 Street Langley, BC V2Y 1N2 (604) 514-7565 Fax: (604) 514-7521 info@bhomes.ca www.benchmarkhomesltd.com

Barone Developments Ltd.

Best Builders Ltd.

Mr. Robert Barone P.O. Box 91263 West Vancouver, BC V7V 3N9 (604) 779-6469 rob@baronedevelopments.ca www.baronedevelopments.ca

Mr. Todd Best #103, 5461 - 12 Avenue Delta, BC V4M 2B2 (604) 943-2378 Fax: (604) 943-2376 info@bestbuilders.ca www.bestbuilders.ca

Barrett Group Custom Builders Mr. Joel Barrett #15, 8868 - 16 Avenue Burnaby, BC V3N 5A6 (604) 813-9914 contact@barrettgroup.ca www.barrettgroup.ca


30 & 137

Basil Restoration Ltd.



Bimtrix Design Inc. Mr. Evan Gallagher #207, 1815 Cornwall Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1C6 (604) 789-3052 evan@bimtrix.com www.bimtrix.com

Mr. Mark Wittig #106, 1089 East Kent Avenue North Vancouver, BC V5X 4V9 (604) 324-9364 Fax: (604) 324-9363 info@basilrestorationltd.ca www.basilrestorationltd.ca

By Design Construction Inc.

Batista Properties Inc.

Canadian Renovations Inc.

Mr. Nelson Batista 1401 Lansdowne Drive Coquitlam, BC V3E 1R3 (604) 644-0025 Fax: (604) 468-1688 nelson@batistaproperties.ca www.batistaproperties.ca

Mr. Bobby Purba 8033 - 17 Avenue Burnaby, BC V3N 1M5 (604) 351-8614 info@bydesignconstruction.ca www.bdhomesinc.com

Mr. Dean Mitchell 10322 - 168 Street Surrey, BC V4N 1Z4 (604) 809-0127 Fax: (604) 957-0128 consult@canadianrenovations.com www.canadianrenovations.com Designations: CAPS Contact • 2018 105

BUILDERS - PROJECT MANAGERS Cantera Management Group Ltd.

Euro Canadian Construction Corp.

Mr. Darren Johnson 7684 - 232 Street Langley, BC V1M 3S1 (604) 888-1717 Fax: (604) 888-1828 djohnson@canteragroup.com www.canteragroup.com

Mr. John Gunson Mr. Jeffrey Gunson #801, 1445 Marpole Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1S5 (604) 526-7558 Fax: (604) 526-9930 eurocanadian@shaw.ca eurocanadiancorp@gmail.com www.eurocanadianconstruction.com

Charmaine Lang Design Inc. Ms. Charmaine Lang #112, 1750 Coast Meridian Road Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 6R8 (604) 941-8718 Fax: (604) 944-4638 langdesigngroupinc@gmail.com www.charmainelangdesign.com

Ching Kee Construction and Renovations Company Limited

Ever Casa Construction Ltd. Mr. Werner Gonzalez #202, 1750 Augusta Avenue Burnaby, BC V5A 2V6 (778) 984-9354 dreamcasa898@gmail.com

FirCrest Developments, Ltd.

Mr. Kwok Ching (Billy) Lee 3828 Garry Street Richmond, BC V7E 2T8 (604) 765-2138 billylee@chingkeeconstruction.com www.chingkeeconstruction.com

Mr. Jack Gibson #526, 2818 Main Street Vancouver, BC V5T 0C1 (604) 835-4200 Fax: (604) 792-2012 info@fircrestdev.ca fircrestdev.ca


Footprint Sustainable Housing Corp.

Mr. Paul Zasitko #202, 5489 Byrne Road Burnaby, BC V5J 3J1 (604) 522-9977 Fax: (604) 568-3410 pzasitko@concosts.com www.concosts.com

Mr. Shaun St-Amour 22808 - 116 Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3N6 (604) 516-9073 shaun.fshc@gmail.com www.homesbyfootprint.ca

ConEcon Projects Inc.

Mr. Greg Nielsen #129, 1305 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B3 (604) 926-4211 Fax: (604) 926-4210 gregn@gdnielsen.com www.gdnielsen.com

Mr. Randip Bhandal, PQS #201, 7857 - 6 Street Burnaby, BC V3N 3N4 (604) 522-8970 Fax: (604) 524-8970 info@conecon.ca www.conecon.ca

G.D. Nielsen Homes

Heartwood Developments Ltd. COPA Development Corporation Mr. Tony Liu, P.Eng #209, 515 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6B 6H5 (604) 683-0850 info@copacorp.ca www.copacorp.ca

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Mr. Robert Mitchuk Ms. Angela Testa 16455 - 89 Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 1A2 (604) 583-6570 Fax: (604) 583-6572 heartwoodhomes@telus.net

BUILDERS - PROJECT MANAGERS Hidden Dimension Design Ltd.

JKB Construction Ltd.

Ms. Maral Zolghadr Mr. Ali Peymani 1543 Bridgman Avenue Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 6H4 (604) 780-6461 (604) 780-3243 Fax: (604) 461-1064 hdaud.maral@gmail.com hdaud.ap@gmail.com www.hdaud.com

Mr. Jeff K. Bain 3884 Clematis Crescent Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 4B1 (604) 728-3009 Fax: (604) 945-9097 jkbconstruction@telus.net www.jkbconstruction.com Designations: CRP, CRBC

HW Construction Mr. Ryan Carpenter 12044 - 208 Street Maple Ridge, BC V2X 4W8 (604) 616-8978 Fax: (604) 466-0276 rcarpenter@hwconstruction.ca www.hwconstruction.ca

Hyer Homes & Renovations Ltd. Mr. Dennis Stobbe #16, 3033 King George Boulevard Surrey, BC V4P 1B9 (604) 560-9891 Fax: (778) 545-8814 hyerhomes@shaw.ca www.hyerhomes.ca

Johannesen Construction Ltd. Mr. Peter Tjernagel 1109 London Street New Westminster, BC V3M 3B9 (604) 220-0306 Fax: (604) 522-7228 peter@johannesenltd.com www.johannesenltd.com

Kemp Construction Management Ltd. Mr. Steve Kemp #10, 1835 - 56 Street Delta, BC V4L 2L8 (604) 948-1124 Fax: (604) 948-1364 accounting@kempconstruction.ca www.kempconstruction.ca Designations: RRP, CR, CRB

Kenorah Design + Build Ltd. Isle of Mann Group of Companies Mr. Sonny Brar #304, 15292 Croydon Drive Surrey, BC V3S 0Z5 (604) 535-1628 Fax: (604) 535-1627 sonny.brar@yahoo.ca www.isleofmann.ca

Mr. Graham Collins #105, 23160 - 96 Avenue Fort Langley, BC V1M 2S3 (604) 940-2767 Fax: (604) 940-2787 graham@kenorah.com www.kenorah.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CHP, CRBC, CAPS

Jaheny Custom Builders Ltd.

Kindred Construction Ltd.

Mr. Glen Jaheny 15544 - 59 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 4N8 (604) 576-2399 Fax: (604) 574-2398 jaheny@telus.net www.jahenycustombuilders.com

Mr. Bryan Reid #308, 2150 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6K 4L9 (604) 736-4847 Fax: (604) 736-9614 info@kindredconstruction.com www.kindredconstruction.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Contact • 2018 107

BUILDERS - PROJECT MANAGERS Klondike Contracting Corporation

Marcon Construction Ltd.

Mr. Eric Schapira #300, 1375 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 0B1 (604) 708-3337 X. 102 Fax: (604) 708-3397 info@klondikecontracting.com www.klondikecontracting.com

Mr. Marco Paolella 5645 - 199 Street Langley, BC V3A 1H9 (604) 530-5646 Fax: (604) 530-0980 info@marcon.ca www.marcon.ca

LDHT Holdings Ltd. dba Xuan Project Management

Marcraft Homes Ltd.

Mr. Andy Xuan #163, 11782 Hammersmith Way Richmond, BC V5A 5E2 (604) 437-9908 Fax: (604) 437-1155 andy.xuan@ldht.ca www.ldht.ca

Lexi Development Group Inc. Mr. Baha Naemi 1602 Marlowe Place West Vancouver, BC V7S 3H2 (604) 779-5394 info@lexi.house www.lexi.house

Lighthouse Construction Inc. Mr. Andrew Hirst 5250 - 9A Avenue Delta, BC V4M 1X2 (604) 948-9897 Fax: (604) 948-9840 thirst@dccnet.com www.lighthouseconstruction.ca

Lynco Management Ltd. Ms. Lynn Hsu 2105 West 38 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6M 1R8 (604) 264-6728 lhsu@macrealty.com

Maestro Development Ltd. Mr. Joshua Young 752 East Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6A 1V7 (604) 723-9618 josh@maestrodevelopment.ca www.maestrodevelopment.ca

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Mr. Mark Jauck Mr. Matt Jauck #212, 3190 St. Johns Street Port Moody, BC V3H 2C7 (604) 461-2560 Fax: (604) 461-2564 info@marcrafthomes.com matt@marcrafthomes.com www.marcrafthomes.com

Meridian Pacific Construction Inc. Mr. Ken Gijssen 192 West 47 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 2X9 (604) 875-8035 Fax: (604) 875-8036 ken@meridianpacific.net www.meridianpacific.net

Merola Construction Inc. Mr. Raffael Merola 102 - 3060 Norland Ave Burnaby, BC V5B 3B1 (604) 294-5370 info@merolacon.com www.merolacon.com

MPB Construction Ltd. Mr. Paul Clarke #62, 15515 - 24 Avenue Surrey, BC V4A 2J4 (604) 538-9622 Fax: (604) 538-8608 info@mpbconstruction.com www.mpbconstruction.com

BUILDERS - PROJECT MANAGERS My House Design/Build Team Ltd.

Pearce Developments Ltd.

Mr. Graeme Huguet 15356 Fraser Highway SEE OUR AD Surrey, BC V3R 3P5 ON PAGE (604) 694-6873 3 Fax: (604) 951-4093 info@myhousedesignbuild.com www.myhousedesignbuild.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CAPS, CRP

Mr. Allan Pearce 3288 Mason Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3B 2X6 (604) 945-6842 Fax: (604) 945-3975

Nicons Enterprises Ltd. Mr. Ian Nicule #E205, 20159 - 88 Avenue Langley, BC V1M 0A4 (604) 710-4839 contact@nicons.ca

Project Mint Developments Ltd. Mr. Babak Nikraftar #1705, 125 Milross Avenue Vancouver, BC V6A 1A0 (604) 340-1740 babak@projectmint.ca www.projectmint.ca

Radec Group Inc.

Mr. Amar Bains #701, 17665 - 66A Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 2A7 (604) 576-4838 Fax: (604) 576-4851 rajtoor@nordelgroup.com www.nordelgroup.com

Mr. Joe Walters 625 East 16 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 2V3 (604) 676-0008 Fax: (604) 677-1097 Toll Free: (866) 976-0008 info@radecgroup.com www.radecgroup.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Northern Alpine Contracting

Reid Pelly Construction Ltd.

Mr. Chad Walmsley #101, 1127 West 14 Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1J9 (604) 770-0640 info@northernalpine.ca www.northernalpine.ca

Mr. Reid Pelly 1418 Park Avenue SEE OUR AD Roberts Creek, BC V0N 2W2 ON PAGE (604) 885-0998 110 reid@reidpellyconstruction.com www.reidpellyconstruction.com

Pacific Property Group Ltd.

reVISION Custom Home Renovations Inc

Nordel Developments Ltd.

Mr. Scott Manderson #208, 828 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V5R 3R9 (604) 990-1434 Fax: (604) 904-0431 scott.manderson@pacificproperty.ca www.mulberryproperty.ca

Panesar Construction Group Inc. Mr. Pintu Panesar 8310 - 150 Street Surrey, BC V3S 3J7 (604) 861-6777 Fax: (604) 909-4910 info@panesargroup.com www.panesargroup.com

Mr. Todd Senft #202, 338 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 3X2 (604) 835-4033 Fax: (604) 873-4770 todd@revisionrenovations.com www.revisionrenovations.com

Ritchie Construction Ltd. Mr. Chris Hill #404, 138 West 6th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1K6 (604) 876-2728 hello@rbvan.com www.ritchiebuildersvancouver.com Contact • 2018 109

BUILDERS - PROJECT MANAGERS Ronse Massey Developments Inc.

Solution Renovations

Mr. Joel Massey #301, 28 West 7 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1L6 (778) 371-3287 Fax: (778) 371-3289 joel@rmdevelopments.ca www.rmdevelopments.ca

Mr. John Juzyniec 600 Nicola Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3J 7T7 (604) 817-6093 Fax: (604) 939-7754 john@solutionrenovations.com www.solutionrenovations.com

Royal Golden Construction Group Ltd

TAKT Construction Services Ltd.

Mr. Ryan Zhang 15467 - 112A Avenue Surrey, BC V3R 2V7 (778) 668-0160 rgc.vancouver@gmail.com

Mr. Aaron Gildener 20590 - 24 Avenue West Vancouver, BC V2Z 2A4 (604) 690-8258 Fax: (778) 279-1125 taktcon@gmail.com taktcon.com

Royal Vela Developments Ltd. Mr. William Yin (780) 441-1456 yinzhimin2000@hotmail.com

Sasen Renovations Mr. Matthew T. Senf 4811 Brentlawn Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 3V4 (604) 765-1708 Fax: (604) 294-6830 coordinator@sasenrenovations.com www.sasenrenovations.com

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Teragon Developments & Construction Inc. Mr. Lars Van Linge 4733 Saddlehorn Crescent Langley, BC V2Z 2L7 (604) 861-8526 Fax: (604) 861-1631 office@teragon.ca www.teragon.ca


Westcliff Homes

Mr. John Toikka #121, 998 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 3T2 (604) 986-6817 Fax: (604) 986-0553 toikkaconstruction@shawbiz.ca www.toikkaconstruction.ca

Mr. Jay Dhesi 15948 Buena Vista Avenue White Rock, BC V4B 2A4 (604) 813-4468 jaydhesi@shaw.ca

TQ Construction Ltd. Mr. Ralph Belisle SEE #106, 8988 Fraserton Court OUR AD Burnaby, BC V5J 5H8 ON PAGE (604) 430-9900 53 info@tqconstruction.ca www.tqconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRC, CRP, CAPS

Tridecca Project Management Inc. Ms. Carla Kazemi #301, 207 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6B 1H7 (604) 568-2265 info@tridecca.com www.tridecca.com

Urban Flare Developments Inc. Mr. Harv Hehar 15135 - 66A Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 2A4 (604) 825-3874 Fax: (604) 572-2847 info@urbanflare.ca www.urbanflare.ca

Western Wood Homes Ltd. Mr. Elvis Ng 1975 East 53 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5P 1X5 (778) 863-5889 westernwoodhomes@gmail.com www.westernwoodhome.com

Woodrose Homes Limited Mr. Chris Kleaman 2477 Bellevue Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7V 1E1 (604) 913-0630 Fax: (604) 677-5774 info@woodrosehomes.com www.woodrosehomes.com

BUILDERS - DEVELOPERS A & A Development Mr. Sukh Dosanjh #231, 255 Newport Drive Vancouver, BC V3H 5H1 (778) 837-3529 vwproperty@outlook.com

Adera Development Corporation VictorEric Premium Homes Mr. Eric Lee 15 East 3 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1C5 (604) 677-0021 Fax: (604) 677-0178 info@victoreric.com www.victoreric.com

Vision Built Construction Ltd. Mr. Tobias Puga 1804 Maple Street Vancouver, BC V6J 3S7 (604) 317-2045 Fax: (866) 381-8493 tobias@visionbuilt.ca www.visionbuilt.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

Mr. Norm Couttie #2200, 1055 Dunsmuir Street Four Bentall Centre, P.O. Box 49214 Vancouver, BC V7X 1K8 (604) 684-8277 Fax: (604) 684-4709 AmandaF@adera.com www.adera.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Alabaster Homes Mr. Nicholas Poon #301, 1788 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6J 1Y1 (604) 558-5848 info@alabasterhomes.ca www.alabasterhomes.ca Contact • 2018 111

BUILDERS - DEVELOPERS Allaire Construction Inc.

Aquila Developments Inc.

Mr. Marc Allaire #245, 9600 Cameron Street Burnaby, BC V3J 7N3 (604) 422-8718 Fax: (604) 422-8798 info@allairegrp.com www.allairegrp.com

Mr. Derek Bosa 4406 Norfolk Street Burnaby, BC V5G 4J9 (604) 299-6066 Fax: (604) 299-0656 derek@aquiladevelopments.com www.aquiladevelopments.com

Alleylane Homes Construction & More Ltd.

Archstone Projects Ltd.

Mr. Steve Chandra 9421 - 116 Street Delta, BC V4C 5X2 (778) 320-5471 Fax: (604) 957-1024 alleylanehomes@gmail.com

Mr. Parm Garcha #145, 13737 - 72 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2P2 (604) 728-7000 archstoneprojects@gmail.com

Arden Development Ltd. Alture Properties Mr. Stephen Duke #104, 3991 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6N5 (604) 777-1808 info@altureproperties.com altureproperties.com

Alyza Homes Mr. Karim Fazal, GACP, MSc.(SST) #1500, 885 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3E8 (604) 630-1011 sales@alyzahomes.com www.alyzahomes.com

Mr. Albert Lam 1551 Rupert Street Vancouver, BC V5K 4L9 (604) 813-2778 Fax: (604) 255-9378 albertholam@hotmail.com

Aspac Developments Ltd. Mr. Gary Wong #1830, 1055 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6E 2E9 (604) 669-9328 Fax: (604) 669-9382 info@aspac.ca www.aspac.ca

Am-Pri Construction Ltd. Mr. Paramjit Sandhu 9751 No. 6 Road Richmond, BC V6W 1E5 (604) 277-8453 Fax: (604) 277-8457 psandhu@ampri.ca www.ampri.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

Astec Development Ltd.

Anthem Properties Group Ltd.

Mr. Sasan Tehrani #100, 2240 Chippendale Road West Vancouver, BC V7S 3J5 (604) 770-2884 Fax: (604) 770-2882 info@attigroup.ca www.attigroup.ca

Ms. Kari Matheson #300, 550 Burrard Street Five Bentall Tower Vancouver, BC V6C 2B5 (604) 689-3040 Fax: (604) 689-5642 info@anthemproperties.com www.anthemproperties.com

112 Contact • 2018

Mr. Gurinder Rakkar 8350 Beatrice Street Vancouver, BC V5P 3R9 (604) 771-0068 astec@shaw.ca

Atti Group Ltd.


Beedie Development Group

Mr. Daljit Dhami 1025 West 58 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 1V9 (604) 767-9143 daljitdhami@live.com

Mr. Alvin Reyes 3030 Gilmore Diversion Burnaby, BC V5G 3B4 (604) 436-7775 Fax: (604) 432-7349 alvin.reyes@beediegroup.ca www.beediegroup.ca

Avis Homes Ltd. Mr. Kuljit Dhillon 10388 Blundell Road Richmond, BC V6Y 1L1 (778) 889-4545 Fax: (604) 277-4046 kuljit25@hotmail.com avishomes.ca

Benest Holdings Group Ltd. Mr. Kai Ma #210, 13071 Vanier Place Richmond, BC V6V 2J1 (604) 689-8082 info@benesthomes.com www.benesthomes.com

Azura Management Corp. Mr. Ewen Stewart 15561 Marine Drive White Rock, BC V4B 1C9 (604) 536-7333 Fax: (604) 536-2130 azura@shawbiz.ca

Barone Developments Ltd. Mr. Robert Barone P.O. Box 91263 West Vancouver, BC V7V 3N9 (604) 779-6469 rob@baronedevelopments.ca www.baronedevelopments.ca

Batista Properties Inc. Mr. Nelson Batista 1401 Lansdowne Drive Coquitlam, BC V3E 1R3 (604) 644-0025 Fax: (604) 468-1688 nelson@batistaproperties.ca www.batistaproperties.ca

Bayrich Development Ltd. Mr. Jeffrey Lin #140, 8600 Cambie Road Richmond, BC V6X 4J9 (604) 370-3770 Fax: (604) 370-3771 jeffreylin@bayrich.ca www.bayrich.ca

Blue Sky Properties Inc. Mr. Dale Bosa #1201, 838 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6C 0A6 (604) 299-1363 Fax: (604) 299-6460 info@blueskyproperties.com www.blueskyproperties.com

Bodwell Developments Ltd. Mr. Frank Zhu #220, 8211 Ackroyd Road Richmond, BC V6X 3K8 (604) 629-8899 Fax: (604) 638-6075 frank.bodwell@hotmail.com www.bodwellca.com

Boffo Developments Ltd. Mr. Mike Boffo #200, 4580 Hastings Street Burnaby, BC V5C 2K4 (604) 299-3443 Fax: (604) 291-2907 info@boffo.ca www.boffo.ca

Boffo Properties Inc. Mr. Daniel Boffo 1391 Venables Street Vancouver, BC V5L 2G1 (604) 648-0594 Fax: (604) 697-9100 memberships@boffoproperties.com www.boffoproperties.com Contact • 2018 113

BUILDERS - DEVELOPERS Bold Properties Inc.

Canada Lands Company

Mr. Tommy He #600, 688 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6B 1P1 (604) 944-8942 Fax: (604) 944-9847 tommyh@boldproperties.ca www.boldproperties.ca

Ms. Deana F. Grinnell, MCIP #200, 4949 Heather Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 3L7 (604) 257-0140 Fax: (604) 257-0150 dgrinnell@clc.ca www.clc.ca

Bosa Properties Inc.

Cape Group

Mr. Colin Bosa #1201, 838 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6C 0A6 (604) 299-1363 Fax: (604) 299-6460 cbosa@bosaproperties.com www.bosaproperties.com

Ms. Jennifer Ryan #633, 5960 No. 6 Road Richmond, BC V6V 1Z1 (604) 278-0912 Fax: (604) 278-4628 info@capegroup.ca www.capegroup.ca

Bright Star Holding Inc.

CastleHill Homes Ltd.

Mr. Inderjit Parmar 7281 Waverley Avenue Burnaby, BC V5J 4A7 (604) 782-2581 info@starproperties.ca www.starproperties.ca

Brody Development Group Mr. Mike Brody 1060 West 14 Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 3P3 (604) 980-2954 info@brodydevelopment.com www.brodydevelopment.com

Bucci Developments Ltd. Mr. Mike Bucci #202, 1669 West 3 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1K1 (604) 688-7011 Fax: (604) 688-7215 admin@bucci.com www.bucci.com

Buildya Development Mr. Pooya Merrikh #101, 998 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 3T2 (604) 770-0850 Fax: (604) 770-0851 info@buildya.com www.buildya.com

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Mr. Sham Sandhu #206, 13049 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2V7 (604) 719-4858 shamsandhu@hotmail.com

Censorio Development Corporation / Censorio Construction Group Mr. Peter Censorio 2nd Floor, 4723 Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V5C 2K8 (604) 662-8009 Fax: (604) 662-8078 info@censorio.com www.censorio.com

Century Group Ms. Robin Johnson-Yee 13450 - 102 Avenue 25th Floor, Central City Tower Surrey, BC V3T 5X3 (604) 943-2203 Fax: (604) 943-6161 robin.yee@centurygroup.ca www.centurygroup.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

BUILDERS - DEVELOPERS Ching Kee Construction and Renovations Company Limited Mr. Kwok Ching (Billy) Lee 3828 Garry Street Richmond, BC V7E 2T8 (604) 765-2138 billylee@chingkeeconstruction.com www.chingkeeconstruction.com

Concert Properties Ltd.

Cressey Development Group Mr. Hani Lammam #800, 925 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3L2 (604) 683-1256 Fax: (604) 683-7690 info@cressey.com www.cressey.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Mr. David Podmore 9th Floor, 1190 Hornby Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 2K5 (604) 688-9460 Fax: (604) 688-6882 kneveu@concertproperties.com www.concertproperties.com

CREW H Properties Inc.

Concord Pacific Group Inc.

Dawson + Sawyer Developments

Mr. Jason Ha #900, 1095 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6E 2M6 (604) 681-8882 Fax: (604) 895-8296 jason.ha@concordpacific.com www.concordpacific.com

ConEcon Projects Inc. Mr. Randip Bhandal, PQS #201, 7857 - 6 Street Burnaby, BC V3N 3N4 (604) 522-8970 Fax: (604) 524-8970 info@conecon.ca www.conecon.ca

Conwest Mr. Peter Matthews #250, 1311 Kootenay Street Vancouver, BC V5K 4Y3 (604) 294-5067 info@conwest.com www.conwest.com

Cordovado Development Inc. Mr. Angelo Toneguzzo P.O. Box 602, 255 Newport Drive Port Moody, BC V3H 5H1 (604) 861-5652 Fax: (604) 469-6968 angelo@cordovado.ca www.cordovadohomes.ca

Mr Wally Wiebe 20414 - 67A Avenue Langley, BC V2Y 2X5 (604) 679-1612 wally@crewhproperties.ca

Mr. Dan Dawson info@dawsonsawyer.ca www.dawsonsawyer.ca

DCM Projects Ltd. Mr. Bryan Bains #302, 4885 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5H 4T2 (604) 808-8581 dcmltd@shaw.ca www.DCMprojectsLTD.com

Delta Land Development Ltd. Ms. Deanna Yue #550, 669 Howe Street Vancouver, BC V6C 0B4 (604) 678-9220 Fax: (604) 678-9219 info@deltalanddev.com www.deltalanddev.com

Done Right Renos Mr. Nino Giangrande 3570 Calder Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7N 3R9 (604) 228-1530 Fax: (604) 288-1520 nino@donerightrenos.ca donerightrenos.ca

Contact • 2018 115


Foxridge Homes, a Qualico Company

Mr. Nick Dosanjh 16363 - 36A Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 0M1 (604) 603-7422 info@dvlhomes.com www.dvlhomes.com

Mr. Gary Mertens #310, 5620 - 152 Street Surrey, BC V3S 3K2 (604) 579-0017 Fax: (778) 571-2112 foxridgehomesbc@qualico.com www.qualico.com www.foxridgehomes.ca

Essence Properties Mr. Kevin Dhaliwal #216, 18525 - 53 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 7A4 (778) 574-0777 Fax: (778) 574-0775 info@essenceliving.com www.essenceliving.com

Garcha Properties Ltd. Mr. Justin Garcha #110, 13737 - 72 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2P2 (604) 593-5251 info@garchahomes.com GarchaHomes.com

Filio Executive Homes Ltd. Mr. Mario Figliola 2539 Franklin Street Vancouver, BC V5K 1X5 (604) 240-7414 mfigliola@telus.net www.filioexecutivehomes.com

Gramercy Developments Ltd. Ms. Daphne Luking Klassen #306A, 15252 - 32 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 0R7 (604) 536-3069 info@gramercy.ca www.gramercy.ca

Fina Development Group Ltd. Mr. Marco De Cotiis 4055 - 1 Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 3W5 (604) 299-9211 Fax: (604) 451-4450 marco@fina-group.ca fina-group.ca

Grandview Homes Inc.

FirCrest Developments, Ltd.

GreatVan Builders Inc.

Mr. Jack Gibson #526, 2818 Main Street Vancouver, BC V5T 0C1 (604) 835-4200 Fax: (604) 792-2012 info@fircrestdev.ca fircrestdev.ca

Forge Properties Inc. Mr. Cory Saran #3, 15777 Marine Drive White Rock, BC V4B 1E5 (778) 294-2920 Fax: (778) 294-2915 info@forge.ca www.forge.ca

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Mr. Amarjeet Ubhi 7875 - 118 Street Delta, BC V4C 6G9 (604) 723-3300 Fax: (778) 593-9575 amar_ubhi@yahoo.ca www.grandviewhomesinc.ca

Mr. Simon Chen 2338 Rosedale Drive Vancouver, BC V5P 2R1 (778) 829-0809 westcacorp@gmail.com

Greenwood Properties Ltd. Mr. Simon Williams 3660 Charles Street Vancouver, BC V5K 5A9 (604) 420-2600 kwilliams@telus.net

BUILDERS - DEVELOPERS Guildford Brook Estates

Heartwood Developments Ltd.

Ms. Alecia Parmar #1170, 21331 Gordon Way Richmond, BC V6W 1J9 (604) 214-0232 Fax: (604) 214-0233 alecia@guildfordbrookestates.com www.guildfordbrookestates.com

Mr. Robert Mitchuk Ms. Angela Testa 16455 - 89 Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 1A2 (604) 583-6570 Fax: (604) 583-6572 heartwoodhomes@telus.net

H.J. Property Investment Ltd.

Holson Developments Ltd.

Mr. Jack Luo #200, 12391 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC V7A 4X6 (604) 633-0966 Fax: (604) 633-0956 jack@hjproperty.ca

HaloStar Development Corp. Mr. Harald Gill 13902 - 25A Avenue Surrey, BC V4P 2L9 (778) 995-4256 Fax: (877) 995-4256 info@halostar.ca www.halostar.ca

Handmade Development Corporation Mr. Don Van Vliet #169, 1917 West 4 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1M7 (604) 738-9948 Fax: (604) 738-9954 don-vv@telus.net

Mr. Sergey Holson, Sr. Mr. Sergey Holson, Jr. 1561 Tyrol Court West Vancouver, BC V7S 3G5 (604) 537-2367 (604) 767-3504 holsonltd@gmail.com

Ikonik Homes Mr. Sikander Basraon #206, 8120 - 128 Street Surrey, BC V3W 1R1 (604) 590-6868 Fax: (604) 590-6878 info@ikonikhomes.com www.ikonikhomes.com

Infinity Properties Ltd. Mr. Tim Bontkes #205, 6360 - 202 Street Langley, BC V2Y 1N2 (604) 532-6060 X. 32 Fax: (604) 532-1120 info@infinitygrp.ca www.infinityproperties.ca

Harbourview Homes Corp. Mr. Al Saunders #400, 38 Fell Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7P 3S2 (604) 987-9953 Fax: (604) 987-9964 info@harbourviewprojects.ca www.harbourviewprojects.ca

InHaus Development Ltd. Mr. Dave Debruyn #505, 1168 Hamilton Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2S2 (604) 900-1820 Fax: (604) 677-6284 dave@inhaus.ca www.inhaus.ca

Hayer Builders Group Inc. Mr. Rav Hayer 16317 - 36A Avenue Surrey, BC V3Z 0X5 (604) 535-8587 Fax: (604) 535-8589 info@hayerbuildersgroup.com www.HayerBuildersGroup.com

Intracorp Projects Ltd. Mr. Evan Allegretto #900, Park Place, 666 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6C 2X8 (604) 801-7000 Fax: (604) 801-7001 eallegretto@intracorp.ca www.intracorp.ca Contact • 2018 117

BUILDERS - DEVELOPERS Isle of Mann Group of Companies

KINIP Construction Ltd.

Mr. Sonny Brar #304, 15292 Croydon Drive Surrey, BC V3S 0Z5 (604) 535-1628 Fax: (604) 535-1627 sonny.brar@yahoo.ca www.isleofmann.ca

Mr. Allen Ip, P.Eng, A.ScT., C.P. #3223, 349 Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6B 3X8 (604) 720-2278 allenkinip@gmail.com

Lakewood Group Developments Ltd.

Mr. Ian Wu 899 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 1E3 (778) 683-8769 ian_wu@outlook.com

Mr. Harald Trepke #201, 7795 - 128 Street Surrey, BC V3W 4E6 (604) 590-8444 Fax: (604) 597-7273 info@lakewood.ca www.lakewood.ca

JDL Homes

Landa Global Properties

Mr. Jas Jawanda 16713 - 108A Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 5H5 (604) 351-5171 Fax: (604) 957-0998 jjaw321@shaw.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

Mr. Kevin Cheung #1550, 200 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3L6 (604) 738-0988 info@landaglobal.com

ISN Enterprises Inc.

K. Chen Construction Management Inc Mr. Kevin Chen, P.Eng, GSC #200, 45 East 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1J3 (604) 618-2449 Fax: (604) 630-9487 info@formationpm.com www.formationpm.com

Kanech Development Ltd. Mr. Manjit Bhandal 791 - 57 Avenue East Vancouver, BC V5X 1T3 (604) 724-3857 kanechdevelopmentltd@shaw.ca

Kastra Construction Inc. Mr. Joel Tilstra 8264 - 197 Street Langley, BC V2Y 1Z1 (778) 809-3304 Tilstra.siding@gmail.com

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Landcraft Homes Ltd. Mr. Harjit Sandhu #10, 12240 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC V7A 4X1 (604) 771-0299 info@landcraftgroup.ca www.landcraftgroup.ca

Landmark Premiere Properties Ltd. Ms. Helen Chan Sun #241, 1489 Marine Drive West Vancouver, BC V7T 1B8 (604) 620-1677 info@landmarkliving.ca www.landmarkliving.ca

Lan-Gees Investments Corp. Mr. Dildar Lanji 11355 - 163 Street Surrey, BC V4N 4P8 (604) 585-6877 dildarlanji@gmail.com


Mann Group

Mr. Lanson Foster P.O. Box 917 Fort Langley, BC V1M 2S3 (604) 371-3881 Fax: (604) 533-0881 info@lanstonehomes.com www.lanstonehomes.com

Mr. Inder Mann #201, 8381 - 128 Street Surrey, BC V3W 4G1 (604) 596-9801 Fax: (604) 596-9804 info@mcmcorp.ca www.mcmcorp.ca

Larch Construction Ltd.

Marcon Construction Ltd.

Mr. Eugene Averbuch 6400 Larch Street Vancouver, BC V6M 4E9 (604) 355-8678 eugene.averbuch@gmail.com

Mr. Marco Paolella 5645 - 199 Street Langley, BC V3A 1H9 (604) 530-5646 Fax: (604) 530-0980 info@marcon.ca www.marcon.ca

LDHT Holdings Ltd. dba Xuan Project Management Mr. Andy Xuan #163, 11782 Hammersmith Way Richmond, BC V5A 5E2 (604) 437-9908 Fax: (604) 437-1155 andy.xuan@ldht.ca www.ldht.ca

Luxmore Realty Mr. Mike Reilly #101, 5811 Cooney Road Richmond, BC V6X 3M1 (604) 790-1111 info@luxmorerealty.com www.luxmorerealty.com

MacLean Homes Ltd. Mr. Josh MacLean 2415 Marine Drive West Vancouver, BC V7V 1L3 (604) 922-1622 Fax: (604) 922-3584 admin@macleanhomes.ca www.macleanhomes.ca

Maestro Development Ltd. Mr. Joshua Young 752 East Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6A 1V7 (604) 723-9618 josh@maestrodevelopment.ca www.maestrodevelopment.ca

Merit Homes Mr. Mike Bakshi 13028 57 Avenue Surrey, BC V3X 3X3 (604) 716-4444 mike@merithomes.ca www.merithomes.ca

Milori Homes Mr. Hesam Deihimi #226, 998 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 3T2 (604) 770-1190 Fax: (604) 770-2298 info@milorihomes.com www.milorihomes.com

MLS Development Ltd. Mr. Sean Zhang 7220 Parry Street Richmond, BC V7C 4K5 (778) 323-6998 Fax: (604) 256-5233 sean@mlsdevelopment.ca www.mlsdevelopment.ca

Monaco Estates Inc. Mr. Paul Jahn 1037 - 252 Street Langley, BC V4W 2S8 (778) 889-2560 Fax: (604) 607-7140 pjahn@monacoestates.ca www.groupmonaco.com Contact • 2018 119

BUILDERS - DEVELOPERS Morningstar Homes Ltd. Mr. Ron Rapp 946 Brunette Avenue, 2nd Floor Coquitlam, BC V3K 1C9 (604) 521-0038 Fax: (604) 521-0078 info@mstarhomes.com www.mstarhomes.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Mosaic Avenue Construction Ltd. Mr. Chris Barbati #500, 2609 Granville Street Vancouver, BC V6H 3H3 (604) 685-3888 X. 366 Fax: (604) 685-3869 tradeinfo@mosaichomes.com www.mosaichomes.com

Nadeau Developments Ms. Cheryl Nadeau 6131 Glendalough Place Vancouver, BC V6N 1S5 (604) 802-0001 Fax: (604) 899-6096 cheryl.nadeau@evcanada.com

Neopacific Development Inc. Mr. Aryan Farrokhi 1143 West 14 Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1J9 (604) 983-8656 Fax: (604) 983-8656 info@neopacific.ca www.neopacific.ca

Nexst Properties Mr. Harrison Han, P.Eng, MBA #200, 3466 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6R 2B3 (604) 738-4699 info@nexstproperties.com www.nexstproperties.com

NRT Development Inc. Mr. Ramin Towfigh #215, 1000 Roosevelt Crescent North Vancouver, BC V7P 3R4 (604) 983-6683 Fax: (604) 983-6684 ramin@nrt.ca www.nrt.ca

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OceanicFlo Construction + Development Corp. Mr. Cary Tsai, MAIBC #2115, 11871 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC V7A 5H5 (604) 284-5615 Fax: (604) 284-5613 cary@oceanicflo.com www.oceanicflo.com

Onni Group of Companies Mr. Rossano De Cotiis Mr. Kevin Carpenter #300, 550 Robson Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2B7 (604) 602-7711 Fax: (604) 688-7907 rose@onni.com www.onni.com

Oris Consulting Ltd. Mr. Dana Westermark 12235 No. 1 Road Richmond, BC V7E 1T6 (604) 241-4657 Fax: (604) 241-4697 info@orisconsulting.ca www.orisconsulting.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

Otivo Development Group Mr. Donato Vito De Cotiis #205, 3815 Sunset Street Burnaby, BC V5G 1P4 (604) 434-6848 Fax: (604) 434-6847 don@otivo.ca www.otivo.ca

Pacific Property Group Ltd. Mr. Scott Manderson #208, 828 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V5R 3R9 (604) 990-1434 Fax: (604) 904-0431 scott.manderson@pacificproperty.ca www.mulberryproperty.ca


Platinum Group of Companies

Mr. Brad Hughes Mr. Lloyd Hughes 16811 - 60 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 1T1 (604) 535-7663 Fax: (604) 535-7670 info@parkridgehomes.ca lehughes@shaw.ca www.parkridgehomes.ca Designations: CHP, CRBC

Mr. Avtar Johl #201, 12837 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2V3 (604) 599-6512 Fax: (604) 599-6527 sales@platinum-group.ca www.platinum-group.ca

Paul Y. Construction B.C. Ltd. Mr. Gordon Tso #806, 750 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6C 2T8 (604) 688-6032 Fax: (604) 688-4601 paulybc@shawbiz.ca

PD Moore Homes Inc.

Polygon Homes Ltd. Mr. Neil Chrystal #900, 1333 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6H 4C2 (604) 877-1131 Fax: (604) 876-1258 nchrystal@polyhomes.com www.polyhomes.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Porte Development Corp.

Mr. Perdip Moore 4270 Royal Oak Avenue Burnaby, BC V5G 3M4 (604) 345-4663 moorehomesinc@outlook.com www.moorehomesinc.com

Mr. David Porte #100, 33 East 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1R5 (604) 732-7651 Fax: (604) 732-4673 info@porte.ca www.porte.ca

Pearce Developments Ltd.

PortLiving Real Estate Corp.

Mr. Allan Pearce 3288 Mason Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3B 2X6 (604) 945-6842 Fax: (604) 945-3975

Penmat Contracting & Project Management Ltd. Mr. Balraj S. Mann #201, 204 Cayer Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 5B1 (604) 521-4300 Fax: (604) 521-1006 bmann@penmat.ca www.penmat.ca

Ms. Joyce Huang 328 West 2 Avenue, Ground Floor Vancouver, BC V5Y 1C8 (604) 688-4333 Fax: (604) 688-4110 joyce@portliving.com www.portliving.com

Portrait Homes (2017) Ltd. Mr. Robert Grimm #1100, 21320 Westminster Highway Richmond, BC V6V 2X5 (604) 270-1889 Fax: (604) 270-1841 robertg@portraithomes.ca www.portraithomes.ca

Penta Builders Group Inc. Mr. Barry Cavanaugh 12011 - 3 Avenue Richmond, BC V7E 3K1 (604) 244-9594 Fax: (604) 244-7294 info@pentahomes.ca www.pentahomes.ca

Precise Homes Ltd. Mr. Sukh Shoker 719 West 66 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 2R4 (778) 858-8984 info@precisehomes.ca www.precisehomes.ca Contact • 2018 121

BUILDERS - DEVELOPERS Prima Properties Ltd. Mr. David Buddle #1890, 1066 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6E 3X1 (604) 684-0255 Fax: (604) 684-0455 dbprima@telus.net

Project Mint Developments Ltd. Mr. Babak Nikraftar #1705, 125 Milross Avenue Vancouver, BC V6A 1A0 (604) 340-1740 babak@projectmint.ca www.projectmint.ca

Quadra Homes Mr. Peter Warkentin #201, 3550 Mt. Lehman Road Abbotsford, BC V4X 2M9 (604) 855-4973 Fax: (604) 855-4974 Toll Free: (800) 636-7133 info@quadrahomes.com www.quadrahomes.com

Regent International Developments Ltd Mr. Richard Cheng #208, 6088 No. 3 Road Richmond, BC V6Y 2B3 (604) 207-0977 Fax: (604) 207-0979 info@regentinternational.ca www.regentinternational.ca

Ritchie Construction Ltd. Mr. Chris Hill #404, 138 West 6th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1K6 (604) 876-2728 hello@rbvan.com www.ritchiebuildersvancouver.com

Ronse Massey Developments Inc. Mr. Joel Massey #301, 28 West 7 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1L6 (778) 371-3287 Fax: (778) 371-3289 joel@rmdevelopments.ca www.rmdevelopments.ca

Radec Group Inc. Mr. Joe Walters 625 East 16 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 2V3 (604) 676-0008 Fax: (604) 677-1097 Toll Free: (866) 976-0008 info@radecgroup.com www.radecgroup.com

RDG Management Ltd.

Royale Properties Ltd. Mr. Sunny Garcha #105, 18677 - 52 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 8E5 (604) 372-2224 Fax: (604) 372-4202 office@rpltd.ca www.royaleproperties.com

Mr. John Rempel #107, 19789 - 92A Avenue Langley, BC V1M 3B3 (604) 881-4763 Fax: (604) 881-4593 john@rdgmanagement.com rdgmanagement.com

RS Coastal

Reddy Development Group

Sajoiq Investments Ltd.

Mr. Ken Reddy #700, 401 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6B 5A1 (778) 628-7314 kk.red@telus.net

122 Contact • 2018

Mr. Ryan Stajcer #107, 19231 - 54 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 8E5 (604) 574-6979 Fax: (604) 574-6973 markivdesigns@gmail.com

Mr. Iqbal Singh Bhullar 6660 Sidaway Road Richmond, BC V6W 1H1 (604) 724-9734 sajoiq.investments@gmail.com www.instagram.com/sajoiq.investments

BUILDERS - DEVELOPERS Sandhill Development Ltd.

Solterra Development Corp.

Ms. Hardeep K. Sandhu #228, 11020 No. 5 Road Richmond, BC V7A 4E7 (604) 271-6296 Fax: (604) 276-8937 info@sandhilldevelopment.ca www.sandhilldevelopment.ca

Mr. Mike Bosa 460 Fraser View Place Delta, BC V3M 6H4 (604) 528-6010 Fax: (604) 522-1604 mikebosa@solterradev.com www.solterradev.com

Sea to Sky Building Corp.

Square Nine Developments Inc.

Mr. Douglas Day #210, 1095 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6E 2M6 (604) 801-6611 Toll Free: (888) 852-7575 douglasrday@shaw.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

Seiba Properties & Investments Limited Mr. Raj Bhandall 19968 - 1 Avenue Langley, BC V2Z 0A4 (778) 855-8696 Fax: (855) 380-2414 raj@seiba.ca www.seiba.ca

Shakespeare Homes & Renovations Inc. Mr. Mark Cooper #106, 173 Forester Street Dollarton Business Park North Vancouver, BC V7H 0A6 (604) 988-2280 Fax: (604) 988-2266 mcooper@shakespearehomes.com www.shakespearehomes.com

Silver Valley Homes Ltd. Mr. Gordon Knuttila P.O. Box 376 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 8K9 (604) 240-3159 Fax: (604) 466-3765 silvervalleyhomes@shaw.ca www.silvervalleyhomes.ca Designations: CRB

Mr. Manish Sharma #407, 4538 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5E 3E8 (604) 492-1859 info@squarenine.ca www.squarenine.ca

Staburn Group Ms. Celine Nordhoj #200 - 111 Lonsdale Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7M 2E7 (604) 770-2588 Fax: (604) 926-7580 mail@staburn.com www.staburn.com

Strand Mr. Trevor King #2160, 650 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6B 4N7 (604) 687-1919 info@stranddev.com www.stranddev.com

Sunmark Developments Ltd. Mr. Sanveer Shoker 5566 - 120 Street Surrey, BC V3X 1Z3 (604) 597-7896 Fax: (604) 596-8761 info@sunmarkdevelopments.com www.sunmarkdevelopments.com

Supna Homes Limited Mr. Mandip S. Nijjar #107, 13025 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2V7 (604) 518-4742 Fax: (604) 594-5048 build@supnahomes.ca www.supnahomes.ca

Contact • 2018 123

BUILDERS - DEVELOPERS Surreyvilla Construction Inc. Khalid Hussain 8646 - 156 Street Surrey, BC V3S 3S1 (778) 564-5058 Fax: (778) 564-5059 kchohan@surreyvilla.ca

Suvic Holdings Inc. Mr. Rey Janssen Lim 27 West 48 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 2Y5 (604) 323-8361 Fax: (604) 323-8361 suvicholdings@gmail.com

Symphony Homes Limited Mr. Gurdeep Kainth P.O. Box 1236, RPO Metrotown Burnaby, BC V5H 4J2 (604) 522-1480 Fax: (604) 520-1480 gurdeep@symphonygroup.ca www.symphonygroup.ca

T.M. Crest Homes Ltd. Mr. Gurveer Samra 16484 High Park Avenue Surrey, BC V3Z 0M1 (778) 881-0564 info@tmcresthomes.com tmcresthomes.com

Tatla Developments Ltd. Mr. Kuldeep Tatla #170, 1200 West 73 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G5 (604) 288-1050 Fax: (604) 327-2858 info@tatladevelopments.com www.tatladevelopments.com

Tavan Developments Ltd. Mr. Troy Van Vliet Ms. Silveria Roselli #150, 628 East Kent Avenue South Vancouver, BC V5X 0B2 (604) 263-3026 Fax: (604) 321-3627 info@tavandevelopments.com silveria@tavandevelopments.com www.tavan.ca

124 Contact • 2018

TFN Economic Development Corporation Mr. Brian Corrall 1926 Tsawwassen Drive Tsawwassen, BC V4M 4G2 (604) 948-5202 Fax: (604) 943-9226 www.tsawwassenfirstnation.com

Tien Sher Group of Companies Mr. Charan Sethi Mr. Bob Sethi #185, 4631 Shell Road Richmond, BC V6X 3M4 (604) 207-4633 Fax: (604) 273-0685 charan@tiensher.com bob@tiensher.com www.tiensher.com

Townline Homes Mr. Rick Ilich #1212, 450 SW Marine Drive Vancouver, BC V5X 0C3 (604) 327-8760 Fax: (604) 270-0854 rick.ilich@townline.ca www.townline.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

Trasolini Dagg Construction Corp. Mr. Bob Dagg 1754 West 3 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1M7 (604) 675-9888 Fax: (604) 675-9555 info@traschet.com www.traschet.com

Tridecca Project Management Inc. Ms. Carla Kazemi #301, 207 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6B 1H7 (604) 568-2265 info@tridecca.com www.tridecca.com

BUILDERS - DEVELOPERS Trillium Project Management Ltd.

Westmark Development Group

Mr. David Hamilton #104, 1525 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1T5 (604) 714-0904 Fax: (604) 714-0954 david@trilliumprojects.com www.trilliumprojects.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Mr. Harmel S. Bains #203, 2631 Viking Way Richmond, BC V6V 3B5 (604) 821-1333 Fax: (604) 821-1303 info@westmarkhomes.ca www.westmarkhomes.ca

Wallmark Homes Ltd. Mr. Rob Wall 4090 Graveley Street Burnaby, BC V5C 3T6 (604) 420-5200 Fax: (604) 420-5210 info@wallmark.ca www.wallmark.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CHP

WR Contracting Mr. Jared Wheatley 5013 Mariner Place Delta, BC V4K 4J4 (604) 218-6773 Fax: (604) 946-3420 info@wrcontract.com www.wrcontract.com

Yorkton Group International Ltd. Waterstone Properties Inc. Mr. Herb Evers #1430, 1100 Melville Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4A6 (604) 683-1150 Fax: (604) 684-4595 herb_evers@telus.net

Wesgroup Properties Mr. Carl Watson #2000, 1055 Dunsmuir Street Four Bentall Centre Vancouver, BC V7X 1L5 (604) 632-1727 Fax: (604) 632-1737 info@wesgroup.ca www.wesgroup.ca

West Coast Signature Homes Ltd. Mr. Paul Bhangle #2, 9633 No. 4 Road Richmond, BC V7A 2Z1 (604) 720-6001 Fax: (604) 420-1542 wcshomes@gmail.com

Westcliff Homes Mr. Jay Dhesi 15948 Buena Vista Avenue White Rock, BC V4B 2A4 (604) 813-4468 jaydhesi@shaw.ca

Mr. Ben Lui 2430 Manulife Place 10180 - 101 Street Edmonton AB T5J 3S4 (780) 409-8228 Fax: (780) 409-9228 Toll Free: (866) 409-8228 reg@yorktongroup.com www.yorktongroup.com

Zenith Development Ltd. Mr. Bhupinder Dubb Mr. Jat Dhiman 15145 Fraser Highway Surrey, BC V3R 3P2 (604) 599-4715 (778) 847-1823 bhupinder_zenith@hotmail.com

Zenterra Developments Ltd. Mr. Rick Johal #216, 2630 Croydon Drive Surrey, BC V3S 6T3 (604) 788-7975 rickjohal@kooneyhomes.com www.kooneyhomes.com Designations: CRBC, CHP

Contact • 2018 125


Foxridge Homes, a Qualico Company

British Pacific Properties Limited

Mr. Gary Mertens #310, 5620 - 152 Street Surrey, BC V3S 3K2 (604) 579-0017 Fax: (778) 571-2112 foxridgehomesbc@qualico.com www.qualico.com www.foxridgehomes.ca

Mr. Andrew Elliott #1001, 100 Park Royal West Vancouver, BC V7T 1A2 (604) 925-9000 Fax: (604) 922-4364 admin@britishproperties.com www.britishproperties.com

By Design Construction Inc. Mr. Bobby Purba 8033 - 17 Avenue Burnaby, BC V3N 1M5 (604) 351-8614 info@bydesignconstruction.ca www.bdhomesinc.com

Canadian Horizons® Mr. Nathan Hildebrand P.O. Box 11166 #710, 1055 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 3R5 (604) 632-9919 Fax: (604) 632-9939 vancouver@canadianhorizons.ca www.canadianhorizons.ca

Infinity Properties Ltd. Mr. Tim Bontkes #205, 6360 - 202 Street Langley, BC V2Y 1N2 (604) 532-6060 X. 32 Fax: (604) 532-1120 info@infinitygrp.ca www.infinityproperties.ca

Intracorp Projects Ltd. Mr. Evan Allegretto #900, Park Place, 666 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6C 2X8 (604) 801-7000 Fax: (604) 801-7001 eallegretto@intracorp.ca www.intracorp.ca

Cavalier Homes Ltd. Mr. Jim Faber #2, 12530 - 241 Street Maple Ridge, BC V4R 2V8 (604) 466-5078 Fax: (604) 466-5043 jim@cavalierhomes.net www.cavalierhomes.net

Delta Land Development Ltd. Ms. Deanna Yue #550, 669 Howe Street Vancouver, BC V6C 0B4 (604) 678-9220 Fax: (604) 678-9219 info@deltalanddev.com www.deltalanddev.com

126 Contact • 2018

Kingswood Real Estate Management Inc. Mr. Ketan Ladva #301, 3185 Willingdon Green Burnaby, BC V5G 4P3 (604) 670-1144 Toll Free: (888) 211-5332 info@kingswood.ca www.kingswood.ca

Maskeen Development Ltd. Mr. Jagdip Sivia 12708 - 80 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 3A7 (604) 502-9096 Fax: (604) 502-9035 info@maskeen.ca www.maskeen.ca

BUILDERS - LAND DEVELOPERS Maxim Development Group (Canada) Inc. Mr. John Khaira 426 East 64 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5X 2N1 (604) 781-3322 Fax: (604) 325-9091 info@maximgroup.ca maximgroup.ca

Morningstar Homes Ltd. Mr. Ron Rapp 946 Brunette Avenue, 2nd Floor Coquitlam, BC V3K 1C9 (604) 521-0038 Fax: (604) 521-0078 info@mstarhomes.com www.mstarhomes.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Paul Y. Construction B.C. Ltd.

Radec Group Inc. Mr. Joe Walters 625 East 16 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 2V3 (604) 676-0008 Fax: (604) 677-1097 Toll Free: (866) 976-0008 info@radecgroup.com www.radecgroup.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Royale Properties Ltd. Mr. Sunny Garcha #105, 18677 - 52 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 8E5 (604) 372-2224 Fax: (604) 372-4202 office@rpltd.ca www.royaleproperties.com

Sea to Sky Building Corp.

Mr. Gordon Tso #806, 750 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6C 2T8 (604) 688-6032 Fax: (604) 688-4601 paulybc@shawbiz.ca

Mr. Douglas Day #210, 1095 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6E 2M6 (604) 801-6611 Toll Free: (888) 852-7575 douglasrday@shaw.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

Platinum Group of Companies

Solterra Development Corp.

Mr. Avtar Johl #201, 12837 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2V3 (604) 599-6512 Fax: (604) 599-6527 sales@platinum-group.ca www.platinum-group.ca

Mr. Mike Bosa 460 Fraser View Place Delta, BC V3M 6H4 (604) 528-6010 Fax: (604) 522-1604 mikebosa@solterradev.com www.solterradev.com

RAB Properties Ltd.

Vesta Properties Ltd.

Mr. Robert Barker #310, 9440 - 202 Street Langley, BC V1M 4A6 (604) 513-2200 Fax: (604) 513-2218 rob@rab.ca www.rab.ca

Mr. Kent Sillars #101A, 9770 - 196A Street Langley, BC V1M 2X5 (604) 888-7869 Fax: (604) 888-7895 kent@vestaproperties.com www.vestaproperties.com

Contact • 2018 127


Batista Properties Inc.

Mr. Blake Hudema #200, 3480 Gilmore Way Burnaby, BC V5G 4Y1 (604) 299-4325 blake@viallegro.ca www.viallegro.ca

Mr. Nelson Batista 1401 Lansdowne Drive Coquitlam, BC V3E 1R3 (604) 644-0025 Fax: (604) 468-1688 nelson@batistaproperties.ca www.batistaproperties.ca

Wesbild Holdings Ltd.

Best Builders Ltd.

Mr. Tony Zappone #2650, Park Place, 666 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6C 2X8 (604) 694-8800 Fax: (604) 694-0502 info@wesbild.com www.wesbild.com

L ANEWAY HOUSING / MICRO LIVING Alma Building and Renovation Ltd. Mr. Tony Chebaya 3931 Dunbar Street Vancouver, BC V6S 2E3 (604) 224-2562 tony@alma-buildingandrenovation.com www.alma-buildingandrenovation.com

ARTISAN Construction Group Mr. Brent Repin #225, 1820 Fir Street Vancouver, BC V6J 3B1 (604) 676-1516 Fax: (604) 249-1133 info@artisanconstruction.ca www.artisanconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRBC, CHP, CRC, CRP

Basil Restoration Ltd. Mr. Mark Wittig #106, 1089 East Kent Avenue North Vancouver, BC V5X 4V9 (604) 324-9364 Fax: (604) 324-9363 info@basilrestorationltd.ca www.basilrestorationltd.ca

128 Contact • 2018

Mr. Todd Best #103, 5461 - 12 Avenue Delta, BC V4M 2B2 (604) 943-2378 Fax: (604) 943-2376 info@bestbuilders.ca www.bestbuilders.ca



Blue Ocean Construction Inc. Mr. Mike Merakian #103, 8327 Eastlake Drive Burnaby, BC V5A 4W2 (604) 559-6931 Fax: (604) 559-6932 sales@blueoceanconstruction.com www.blueoceanconstruction.com

Ching Kee Construction and Renovations Company Limited Mr. Kwok Ching (Billy) Lee 3828 Garry Street Richmond, BC V7E 2T8 (604) 765-2138 billylee@chingkeeconstruction.com www.chingkeeconstruction.com

Davidson Walker Construction Ltd. Mr. Jim Davidson, P.Eng 1686 West 75 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G2 (604) 877-1284 Fax: (604) 877-1285 jim@davidsonwalker.com www.davidsonwalker.com

LANEWAY HOUSING / MICRO LIVING Econ Group Construction and Development Ltd. Mr. Marcel Studer Mr. Michael Dutson #402, 510 Chesterfield Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7M 2L9 (604) 618-0284 (604) 721-0360 Fax: (604) 677-6291 Toll Free: (866) 439-3299 marcel@econgroup.ca sales@econgroup.ca www.econgroup.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, Passive House Certified

Fixright Construction Ltd. Mr. Shiv Sandhu 2212 East 35 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5P 1C2 (604) 230-1057 Fax: (604) 327-6441 fixrightconstruction@gmail.com

G.D. Nielsen Homes Mr. Greg Nielsen #129, 1305 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B3 (604) 926-4211 Fax: (604) 926-4210 gregn@gdnielsen.com www.gdnielsen.com

HW Construction Mr. Ryan Carpenter 12044 - 208 Street Maple Ridge, BC V2X 4W8 (604) 616-8978 Fax: (604) 466-0276 rcarpenter@hwconstruction.ca www.hwconstruction.ca

JDL Homes Vancouver Mr. Doug Langford Mr. Jeff Langford 1910 Ontario Street Vancouver, BC V5T 4G6 (604) 568-9983 (778) 836-3103 Fax: (604) 558-1912 doug@jdlhomesvancouver.com jeff@jdlhomesvancouver.com www.jdlhomesvancouver.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Johannesen Construction Ltd. Mr. Peter Tjernagel 1109 London Street New Westminster, BC V3M 3B9 (604) 220-0306 Fax: (604) 522-7228 peter@johannesenltd.com www.johannesenltd.com

Kemp Construction Management Ltd. Mr. Steve Kemp #10, 1835 - 56 Street Delta, BC V4L 2L8 (604) 948-1124 Fax: (604) 948-1364 accounting@kempconstruction.ca www.kempconstruction.ca Designations: RRP, CR, CRB

Kenorah Design + Build Ltd. Mr. Graham Collins #105, 23160 - 96 Avenue Fort Langley, BC V1M 2S3 (604) 940-2767 Fax: (604) 940-2787 graham@kenorah.com www.kenorah.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CHP, CRBC, CAPS

Kerr Construction Mr. Doug Kerr 1676 West 75 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G2 (604) 263-0343 Fax: (604) 263-1501 info@kerrconstruction.ca www.kerrconstruction.ca

Contact • 2018 129

LANEWAY HOUSING / MICRO LIVING Klondike Contracting Corporation

Makena Construction Inc.

Mr. Eric Schapira #300, 1375 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 0B1 (604) 708-3337 X. 102 Fax: (604) 708-3397 info@klondikecontracting.com www.klondikecontracting.com

Mr. Randy Edmunds SEE 6973 - 195 Street OUR AD ON PAGE Surrey, BC V4N 5Y6 (604) 961-1814 135 randy@makenaconstruction.ca www.makenaconstruction.ca

Meridian Pacific Construction Inc. Lanefab Design Build Ltd. Mr. Mat Turner 362 East 10 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1Z7 (604) 558-1123 Fax: (604) 558-2275 mat@lanefab.com www.lanefab.com

Mr. Ken Gijssen 192 West 47 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 2X9 (604) 875-8035 Fax: (604) 875-8036 ken@meridianpacific.net www.meridianpacific.net

My House Design/Build Team Ltd. Lentel Construction Co. Ltd. Mr. Greg Van Tol Mr. Harry Van Tol #346, 5158 - 48 Avenue Delta, BC V4K 5B6 (604) 946-9016 Fax: (604) 940-2236 info@lentelconstruction.com www.lentelconstruction.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Mr. Graeme Huguet SEE 15356 Fraser Highway OUR AD Surrey, BC V3R 3P5 ON PAGE (604) 694-6873 3 Fax: (604) 951-4093 info@myhousedesignbuild.com www.myhousedesignbuild.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CAPS, CRP

Natural Balance Home Builders

Mr. Joshua Young 752 East Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6A 1V7 (604) 723-9618 josh@maestrodevelopment.ca www.maestrodevelopment.ca

Mr. Nick Kerchum 3288 Dunbar Street Vancouver, BC V6S 2C3 (778) 330-7607 Fax: (778) 330-7608 info@naturalbalancehomes.com www.naturalbalancedevelopment.com Designations: BuiltGreen

maison d’etre design-build inc.

Novell Design Build

Mr. Robert Capar 118 West 2 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1C2 (604) 484-4030 Fax: (604) 484-4031 contact@maisondetre.ca www.maisondetre.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRP, CRBC

Ms. Laurel James #303, 1177 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6H 1G3 (604) 876-0339 Fax: (604) 909-4686 accounting@novelldesignbuild.com www.novelldesignbuild.com

Maestro Development Ltd.

130 Contact • 2018


Quinton Construction Ltd.

Mr. Peter Day Mr. Lee Nystrom P.O. Box 1155 Squamish, BC V8B 0A8 (604) 317-1982 (604) 250-0042 Fax: (604) 567-1162 pday@nycon.ca leenystrom83@hotmail.com www.nycon.ca

Mr. John Quinton #351, 1275 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1A6 (604) 681-0777 Fax: (604) 681-0733 john@quintonconstruction.com www.quintonconstruction.com Designations: CAPS

Panesar Construction Group Inc. Mr. Pintu Panesar 8310 - 150 Street Surrey, BC V3S 3J7 (604) 861-6777 Fax: (604) 909-4910 info@panesargroup.com www.panesargroup.com

Park Ridge Homes Inc. Mr. Brad Hughes Mr. Lloyd Hughes 16811 - 60 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 1T1 (604) 535-7663 Fax: (604) 535-7670 info@parkridgehomes.ca lehughes@shaw.ca www.parkridgehomes.ca Designations: CHP, CRBC

PD Moore Homes Inc. Mr. Perdip Moore 4270 Royal Oak Avenue Burnaby, BC V5G 3M4 (604) 345-4663 moorehomesinc@outlook.com www.moorehomesinc.com

Precise Homes Ltd. Mr. Sukh Shoker 719 West 66 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 2R4 (778) 858-8984 info@precisehomes.ca www.precisehomes.ca

Reid Developments Ltd. Mr. Mike Reid 362 Balfour Drive Coquitlam, BC V3K 6C5 (604) 612-0149 Fax: (604) 733-3799 reid.dvlp@gmail.com www.ReidDevelopmentsBC.com

reVISION Custom Home Renovations Inc. Mr. Todd Senft #202, 338 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 3X2 (604) 835-4033 Fax: (604) 873-4770 todd@revisionrenovations.com www.revisionrenovations.com

RJR Construction Management Ltd. Mr. Shawn Stewart #119, 3989 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6P8 (604) 254-1760 Fax: (604) 254-4960 info@rjrconstruction.ca www.rjrconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRBC, CRC, CAPS

Smallworks Studios / Laneway Housing Inc. Mr. Jake Fry #2, 116 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1N2 (604) 264-8837 info@smallworks.ca www.smallworks.ca

Contact • 2018 131


Wallmark Homes Ltd.

Mr. John Juzyniec 600 Nicola Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3J 7T7 (604) 817-6093 Fax: (604) 939-7754 john@solutionrenovations.com www.solutionrenovations.com

Mr. Rob Wall 4090 Graveley Street Burnaby, BC V5C 3T6 (604) 420-5200 Fax: (604) 420-5210 info@wallmark.ca www.wallmark.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CHP

Trasolini Dagg Construction Corp. Mr. Bob Dagg 1754 West 3 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1M7 (604) 675-9888 Fax: (604) 675-9555 info@traschet.com www.traschet.com

Trillium Project Management Ltd. Mr. David Hamilton #104, 1525 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1T5 (604) 714-0904 Fax: (604) 714-0954 david@trilliumprojects.com www.trilliumprojects.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Zenterra Developments Ltd. Mr. Rick Johal #216, 2630 Croydon Drive Surrey, BC V3S 6T3 (604) 788-7975 rickjohal@kooneyhomes.com www.kooneyhomes.com Designations: CRBC, CHP

BUILDERS - PASSIVE HOUSE Done Right Renos Mr. Nino Giangrande 3570 Calder Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7N 3R9 (604) 228-1530 Fax: (604) 288-1520 nino@donerightrenos.ca donerightrenos.ca

Vanagon Construction Ltd. Mr. Anthony Lai, P.Eng Mr. Chris Lai 75 West 39 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 2N8 (604) 325-8784 (778) 896-3284 Fax: (604) 325-8480 vanagonconstruction@gmail.com www.vanagonconstruction.com

Vision Built Construction Ltd. Mr. Tobias Puga 1804 Maple Street Vancouver, BC V6J 3S7 (604) 317-2045 Fax: (866) 381-8493 tobias@visionbuilt.ca www.visionbuilt.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

132 Contact • 2018

Econ Group Construction and Development Ltd. Mr. Marcel Studer Mr. Michael Dutson #402, 510 Chesterfield Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7M 2L9 (604) 618-0284 (604) 721-0360 Fax: (604) 677-6291 Toll Free: (866) 439-3299 marcel@econgroup.ca sales@econgroup.ca www.econgroup.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, Passive House Certified

Footprint Sustainable Housing Corp. Mr. Shaun St-Amour 22808 - 116 Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3N6 (604) 516-9073 shaun.fshc@gmail.com www.homesbyfootprint.ca

BUILDERS - PASSIVE HOUSE / BUILDERS - EXPORTERS / BUILDERS - MANUFACTURED / MODULAR HOUSING Hasler Homes Ltd. Mr. Greg Hasler 1345 Wellington Drive North Vancouver, BC V7K 1L6 (778) 688-7846 greg@haslerhomes.ca www.haslerhomes.ca

Vanglo Sustainable Construction Group Mr. Martin Warren 2200 Ontario Street Vancouver, BC V5T 2X2 (604) 671-3667 info@vanglo.ca www.vanglo.ca

Lanefab Design Build Ltd. Mr. Mat Turner 362 East 10 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1Z7 (604) 558-1123 Fax: (604) 558-2275 mat@lanefab.com www.lanefab.com

Maestro Development Ltd. Mr. Joshua Young 752 East Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6A 1V7 (604) 723-9618 josh@maestrodevelopment.ca www.maestrodevelopment.ca

Metric Modular Mr. Brad Nichol (604) 455-8000 Fax: (604) 455-8005 Toll Free: (800) 527-4826 bnichol@britcoconstruction.com www.britcoconstruction.com

Naikoon Contracting Ltd.

BUILDERS - EXPORTERS Canadoo Enterprises Inc. Mr. Shinya Mikawa #120, 3855 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6N3 (604) 687-6252 Fax: (604) 687-6254 home@canadoo.ca www.canadoo.ca Designations: CRC

Metric Modular Mr. Brad Nichol (604) 455-8000 Fax: (604) 455-8005 Toll Free: (800) 527-4826 bnichol@britcoconstruction.com www.britcoconstruction.com


Mr. Joe Geluch #3, 342 East Esplanade North Vancouver, BC V7L 1A4 (778) 340-1566 Fax: (778) 340-0091 info@naikoon.ca www.naikooncontracting.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Mr. Richard Zhang #697, 999 Canada Place World Trade Centre Vancouver, BC V6C 3E1 (604) 641-1358 Fax: (604) 641-1359 Toll Free: (888) 832-8355 info@baywest-mfg.com www.baywest-mfg.com

Ritchie Construction Ltd.

Karoleena Inc.

Mr. Chris Hill #404, 138 West 6th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1K6 (604) 876-2728 hello@rbvan.com www.ritchiebuildersvancouver.com



Mr. Kurt Goodjohn 1716 Wallis Road Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R0 (877) 336-8580 marketing@karoleena.com www.karoleena.com

Contact • 2018 133


PLACE architect ltd.

Mr. Mat Turner 362 East 10 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1Z7 (604) 558-1123 Fax: (604) 558-2275 mat@lanefab.com www.lanefab.com

Ms. Heather L. Johnston, MAIBC, RAIC, AIA 6262 St. Georges Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7W 1Z7 (778) 279-7274 heather@placearchitects.com www.placearchitects.com

Maas Designs Inc.

Smallworks Studios / Laneway Housing Inc.

Mr. Brian Borsato #10, 8116 - 130 Street Surrey, BC V3W 8J9 (604) 599-0388 pdi@telus.net www.maasdesigns.com

Mr. Jake Fry #2, 116 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1N2 (604) 264-8837 info@smallworks.ca www.smallworks.ca

Metric Modular Mr. Brad Nichol (604) 455-8000 Fax: (604) 455-8005 Toll Free: (800) 527-4826 bnichol@britcoconstruction.com www.britcoconstruction.com

My House Design/Build Team Ltd. Mr. Graeme Huguet SEE 15356 Fraser Highway OUR AD Surrey, BC V3R 3P5 ON PAGE (604) 694-6873 3 Fax: (604) 951-4093 info@myhousedesignbuild.com www.myhousedesignbuild.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CAPS, CRP

134 Contact • 2018

VCL Ms. Vanessa Winn 12211 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC V7A 4V4 (604) 639-3320 Fax: (604) 274-1581 Vanessa.Winn@viceroy.com

Viceroy Houses Ltd. Ms. Vanessa Winn 12211 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC V7A 4V4 (604) 639-3320 Vanessa.Winn@viceroy.com www.viceroy.com





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RENOMARK™ RENOVATORS RenoMark™ Renovators 360 Home Renovations Inc. Mr. Sunny Takhar #119, 12827 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2V3 (604) 445-3535 info@360homerenovations.com www.360homerenovations.com

Abstract Homes & Renovations Inc. Mr. Sandro Stefanucci #230, 4400 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6C6 (604) 240-5306 info@abstracthomes.com www.abstracthomes.com

Action Interior Cabinet Refinishing & Renovating Ms. Suzanne Smith 4519 Epps Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7G 1G2 (604) 318-4869 suzanne@actioninterior.com www.actioninterior.com

Alair Homes - Vancouver Mr. David Babakaiff #12C, 139 Drake Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 2T8 (604) 605-8255 david@alairhomes.com www.alairhomes.ca/vancouver

Alchemy Construction Ltd. Mr. Mark Isaac 1537 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B5 (604) 980-3149 Fax: (604) 980-3155 mark@alchemyconstruction.ca www.alchemyconstruction.ca

Alleylane Homes Construction & More Ltd. Mr. Steve Chandra 9421 - 116 Street Delta, BC V4C 5X2 (778) 320-5471 Fax: (604) 957-1024 alleylanehomes@gmail.com

Alma Building and Renovation Ltd. Mr. Tony Chebaya 3931 Dunbar Street Vancouver, BC V6S 2E3 (604) 224-2562 tony@alma-buildingandrenovation.com www.alma-buildingandrenovation.com

Alyza Homes Mr. Karim Fazal, GACP, MSc.(SST) #1500, 885 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3E8 (604) 630-1011 sales@alyzahomes.com www.alyzahomes.com

Animark Custom Homes Ltd. Mr. Marko Mrsic D - 5180 Still Creek Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 4E4 (604) 720-3183 Fax: (604) 563-3124 info@animarkhomes.com www.animarkhomes.com

ANuConcept Renovations Ltd. Mr. Hugh Houlé 11971 - 232 Street Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6T2 (604) 466-8867 Fax: (604) 466-2692 hugh@anuconcept.com www.anuconcept.com

Apollon Construction Management Mr. Tarek Yassin 102 - 1188 Johnson Street Coquitlam, BC V3B 0H7 (604) 505-3222 tyassin@apollonprojects.com www.apollonprojects.com

ARC Construction Mr. Mike Forster 1199 Lynn Valley Road, P.O. Box 16079 North Vancouver, BC V7J 3S9 (778) 891-1474 Fax: (604) 985-9376 mikeforster@telus.net

Contact • 2018 139


Basil Restoration Ltd.

Mr. Brent Repin #225, 1820 Fir Street Vancouver, BC V6J 3B1 (604) 676-1516 Fax: (604) 249-1133 info@artisanconstruction.ca www.artisanconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRBC, CHP, CRC, CRP

Mr. Mark Wittig #106, 1089 East Kent Avenue North Vancouver, BC V5X 4V9 (604) 324-9364 Fax: (604) 324-9363 info@basilrestorationltd.ca www.basilrestorationltd.ca

AspenRidge Construction Ltd.

Batista Properties Inc.

Mr. Gary Ferrer 552 Lehman Place Port Moody, BC V3H 3Z6 (604) 781-0524 Fax: (604) 461-3946 info@aspenridge.ca www.aspenridge.ca

Mr. Nelson Batista 1401 Lansdowne Drive Coquitlam, BC V3E 1R3 (604) 644-0025 Fax: (604) 468-1688 nelson@batistaproperties.ca www.batistaproperties.ca

Azara Homes Ltd.

Bayview Construction Ltd.

Mr. Amar Mangat, BSc(Eng) 5050 Ross Street Vancouver, BC V5W 3K5 (604) 763-1110 amar@azara.ca www.azara.ca

Mr. Tyler Brost 13579 - 56 Avenue Surrey, BC V3X 2Z5 (604) 968-2587 Fax: (604) 590-2463 bayviewconstruction@shaw.ca www.bayviewconstruction.net

Barone Developments Ltd. Mr. Robert Barone P.O. Box 91263 West Vancouver, BC V7V 3N9 (604) 779-6469 rob@baronedevelopments.ca www.baronedevelopments.ca

Barrett Group Custom Builders Mr. Joel Barrett #15, 8868 - 16 Avenue Burnaby, BC V3N 5A6 (604) 813-9914 contact@barrettgroup.ca www.barrettgroup.ca


30 & 137

Bascombe Construction Ltd. Mr. Ed Bascombe 3946 Frances Street Burnaby, BC V5C 2P3 (604) 763-3778 bascombeconstructionltd@gmail.com

140 Contact • 2018

Belfast Construction Ltd. Mr. Allen Zu Mr. John Teleptean #155, 3757 Jacombs Road Richmond, BC V6V 2R3 (778) 386-2720 admin@belfastgroup.ca john.t@belfastgroup.ca www.belfastgroup.ca

Belmar Homes Ltd. Mr. Nick Zanic P.O. Box 44098 Burnaby, BC V5B 4Y2 (604) 341-9945 Fax: (604) 299-7565 belmar@telus.net www.belmarhomesltd.com

RENOMARK™ RENOVATORS Best Builders Ltd. Mr. Todd Best #103, 5461 - 12 Avenue Delta, BC V4M 2B2 (604) 943-2378 Fax: (604) 943-2376 info@bestbuilders.ca www.bestbuilders.ca

Blue Ocean Construction Inc. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE


Mr. Mike Merakian #103, 8327 Eastlake Drive Burnaby, BC V5A 4W2 (604) 559-6931 Fax: (604) 559-6932 sales@blueoceanconstruction.com www.blueoceanconstruction.com

Beyond Beige Interior Designs Inc.

BOAS Construction Ltd.

Ms. Reisa Pollard #1121, 15 Street West North Vancouver, BC V7P 1M7 (604) 876-3800 Fax: (778) 340-2281 reisa@beyondbeige.com www.beyondbeige.com

Mr. Stuart Oh 4309 Canada Way Burnaby, BC V5G 1J3 (778) 379-2627 boasconstruction@gmail.com www.boasconstruction.com

Boda Construction Ltd. Billingsley Construction Ltd. Mr. Drew Billingsley 450 West 37 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 2N3 (604) 618-4684 drewbill@telus.net www.billingsleyconstruction.com

Mr. Brian Boyd, AScT 4307 Morgan Crescent West Vancouver, BC V7V 2P1 (604) 926-6644 Fax: (604) 926-6215 brian@bodaconstruction.com www.bodaconstruction.com

Black Bear Trades

Bomex Construction Ltd.

Mr. Sean Wark 21365 Exeter Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V4R 2J2 (604) 807-3562 sean@blackbeartrades.com www.blackbeartrades.com

Mr. Miroslav Bobovsky #411, 1111 East 27 Street North Vancouver, BC V7J 1S3 (604) 720-9112 Fax: (604) 980-9206 miro@bomex.net www.bomex.net

Black Thumb Contracting Ltd. Mr. Hayden Killam 1925 West King Edward Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 2W7 (604) 767-5046 info@blackthumbcontracting.com www.blackthumbcontracting.com

Build-Pros Construction Ltd. Mr. Alex Nasooti 3890 St. Marys Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7N 1Y1 (604) 780-8118 info@buildpros.ca www.buildpros.ca

Blackfish Homes Ltd. Mr. David Adair #107, 1305 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B3 (604) 980-0814 Fax: (604) 980-0865 info@blackfishhomes.ca www.blackfishhomes.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

C/Bridge Construction Mr. Cian Stapleton 3154 West 7 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6K 2A1 (778) 837-3163 cianstapleton@gmail.com

Contact • 2018 141

RENOMARK™ RENOVATORS Caissie Construction & Renovation

Capilano Builders Ltd.

Mr. Sean Caissie 3660 Wellington Street Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 3Y7 (778) 868-9584 caissieconstruction@gmail.com www.caissieconstruction.com

Mr. Bryce Eyton #3, 1433 Rupert Street North Vancouver, BC V7J 1G1 (604) 971-5660 info@capilanobuilders.ca www.capilanobuilders.ca

Caliber West Renovations Inc.

Cardinal Contracting Ltd.

Mr. Joey Monette #2115, 1225 Kingsway Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 1S2 (778) 785-7395 info@caliberwestrenovations.ca caliberwestrenovations.ca

Mr. Brent Giesbrecht #109, 2630 Croydon Drive Surrey, BC V3Z 6T3 (604) 535-1926 brent@cardinalcontracting.ca www.cardinalcontracting.ca

Camelot Projects Ltd.

Cavendish Contracting Ltd.

Mr. Laurence Allington #213, 2438 Marine Drive West Vancouver, BC V7V 1L2 (604) 828-4614 Fax: (604) 921-6479 laurence@camelotprojects.ca www.camelotprojects.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

Mr. Drew Grimston 5520 Alma Street Vancouver, BC V6N 1Y1 (604) 488-0432 Fax: (604) 488-0432 dzgrim@telus.net

Canadian Built Construction Ltd. Mr. Geremy Enns 21993 Old Yale Road Langley, BC V2Z 1M2 (604) 341-3893 geremy@canadianbuiltconstruction.com www.canadianbuiltconstruction.com

Canadian Countertops Mr. David Scott #130, 49 Dunlevy Avenue Vancouver, BC V6A 3A3 (778) 297-1816 david@canadiancountertops.com www.canadiancountertops.com

Canadian Renovations Inc. Mr. Dean Mitchell 10322 - 168 Street Surrey, BC V4N 1Z4 (604) 809-0127 Fax: (604) 957-0128 consult@canadianrenovations.com www.canadianrenovations.com Designations: CAPS

142 Contact • 2018

CCI Renovations Mr. John Friswell #1, 1485 Welch Street SEE North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B5 OUR AD (604) 980-8384 ON PAGE Fax: (604) 980-7868 19 info@ccirenos.com www.ccirenos.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CRBC, CHP, CAPS, CGR, CGP

Charmaine Lang Design Inc. Ms. Charmaine Lang #112, 1750 Coast Meridian Road Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 6R8 (604) 941-8718 Fax: (604) 944-4638 langdesigngroupinc@gmail.com www.charmainelangdesign.com

Ching Kee Construction and Renovations Company Limited Mr. Kwok Ching (Billy) Lee 3828 Garry Street Richmond, BC V7E 2T8 (604) 765-2138 billylee@chingkeeconstruction.com www.chingkeeconstruction.com


Davenport Projects Ltd.

Mr. Greg Hanberry 446 East 1 Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 1B7 (604) 318-5740 greg@cirrushomes.ca www.cirrushomes.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, RHP, RRP

Mr. Kiff Mowat #116, 110 Switchmen Street Vancouver, BC V6A 0C6 (604) 828-5433 kiff@davenporthomes.ca

Clay Construction Inc. Mr. Larry Clay 26055 - 5A Avenue Langley, BC V4W 2K6 (604) 767-8584 Fax: (604) 856-2889 larry@clayconstruction.ca www.clayconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRC, CHP, Master Residential Builder

CMGT Construction Group Mr. Ian Fung #152, 628 East Kent Avenue South Vancouver, BC V5X 0B2 (604) 222-2100 info@cmgt.ca www.cmgt.ca

Convex Development Mr. Ethan Wang P.O. Box 60647, Granville Park Vancouver, BC V6H 4B9 (778) 829-0927 Fax: (604) 569-5562 info@convexdevelopment.com www.convexdevelopment.com

Craftsmen Contracting Ltd. Mr. Quinn Holtslag P.O. Box 31576 Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2G8 (778) 989-7252 Fax: (604) 459-2600 info@craftsmencontracting.com www.craftsmencontracting.com

D.E.F. Construction Ms. Elizabeth Gomez Rodriguez #203, 3651 Foster Avenue Vancouver, BC V5R 0A2 (604) 366-9345 defconstructionbc@gmail.com

Davidson Walker Construction Ltd. Mr. Jim Davidson, P.Eng 1686 West 75 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G2 (604) 877-1284 Fax: (604) 877-1285 jim@davidsonwalker.com www.davidsonwalker.com

DMC Contracting Ltd. Mr. Dan Crump 27743 Joanita Place Abbotsford, BC V4X 2C3 (604) 831-3523 Fax: (604) 576-2742 info@dmccontracting.ca www.dmccontracting.ca

Done Right Renos Mr. Nino Giangrande 3570 Calder Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7N 3R9 (604) 228-1530 Fax: (604) 288-1520 nino@donerightrenos.ca donerightrenos.ca

Dynamo Drywall Inc. Mr. Juan Velez 1710 Cotton Drive Vancouver, BC V5N 3V2 (604) 374-4939 jvelez@dynamodrywall.com www.dynamodrywall.com

Dynasty Kitchen Cabinets Ltd. Mr. Ramtin Keymanesh #13, 8145 - 130 Street Surrey, BC V3W 7X4 (604) 597-4511 Fax: (604) 597-1375 info@dynastykitchen.com www.dynastykitchen.com

Contact • 2018 143


Exterior Worx Renovations

Mr. Drazen Vukovic 876 Parker Street White Rock, BC V4B 4R2 (604) 290-3549 Fax: (604) 531-1114 vukovicdrazen84@yahoo.ca

Mr. Ryan Soper #807, 488 Helmcken Street Vancouver, BC V6B 6E4 (800) 475-7018 Fax: (800) 475-7018 info@worxrenovations.com www.worxrenovations.com

Ecosol Design & Construction Ltd. Mr. Arno Schmidt, B.Sc, Cert. Bldg. Tech 2124 Venables Street Vancouver, BC V5L 2J4 (604) 254-0258 Fax: (604) 254-5058 arno_ecosol@telus.net www.ecosoldesignandconstruction.ca Designations: Certified Rammed Earth Builder, BuiltGreen, CRP, CRBC

FirCrest Developments, Ltd.

Emkor Construction

Flagship Construction Ltd.

Mr. Hunish Rangi #310, 14200 Riverport Way Richmond, BC V6W 1M4 (778) 712-0808 hunish.rangi@gmail.com www.emkorconstruction.ca

Mr. Paul Chan 1656 East 56 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5P 2A4 (604) 282-4512 Fax: (604) 608-1318 paul@flagshipconstructionbc.com www.flagshipconstructionbc.com

Etheridge Home Renovation Mr. Paul Etheridge 2114 Parker Street Vancouver, BC V5L 2L7 (604) 908-1854 info@etheridgereno.com www.etheridgereno.com

Euro Canadian Construction Corp. Mr. John Gunson Mr. Jeffrey Gunson #801, 1445 Marpole Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1S5 (604) 526-7558 Fax: (604) 526-9930 eurocanadian@shaw.ca eurocanadiancorp@gmail.com www.eurocanadianconstruction.com

Mr. Jack Gibson #526, 2818 Main Street Vancouver, BC V5T 0C1 (604) 835-4200 Fax: (604) 792-2012 info@fircrestdev.ca fircrestdev.ca

Footprint Sustainable Housing Corp. Mr. Shaun St-Amour 22808 - 116 Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3N6 (604) 516-9073 shaun.fshc@gmail.com www.homesbyfootprint.ca

Fremar Construction Ltd. Mr. Fred McLeod 1610 West 75 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G2 (604) 264-7754 Fax: (604) 264-8214 fmcleod@fremarconstruction.com www.fremarconstruction.com

Eurocraft House Ltd.

Fresh Coat A Paint

Mr. Mirel Cozos 2916 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6K 2G8 (604) 761-7582 Fax: (604) 460-8238 amatotal@telus.net www.eurocrafthouse.com

Mr. Jason Fu #69, 11571 Thorpe Road Richmond, BC V6X 3Z4 (778) 881-3866 jason@freshcoatapaint.ca www.freshcoatapaint.ca

144 Contact • 2018

RENOMARK™ RENOVATORS Future Living Development Inc.

Goldcon Construction

Mr. Kiafar Ghaffari 914 Main Street Vancouver, BC V6A 2W1 (778) 896-6005 Fax: (604) 801-5727 info@futureliving.ca www.futureliving.ca

Mr. Kaveh Goldan Mr. Karim Goldan #394, 901 West 3 Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 3P9 (778) 558-5051 (778) 688-5310 info@goldconconstruction.ca karim@goldconconstruction.ca www.goldconconstruction.ca

G. Wilson Construction Co. Ltd. Mr. Blair Wilson 161 West 4 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1G4 (604) 873-8013 Fax: (604) 873-0919 info.gwilson@telus.net www.gwilsonconstruction.com

Gradient Holdings Inc. Mr. Larry Cantor #903, 14824 North Bluff Road White Rock, BC V4B 3E2 (778) 918-0911 gradientholdingsltd@gmail.com

G.W. Blanes Construction Ltd.

Hasler Homes Ltd.

Mr. Gary Blanes 1443 Edwards Street Coquitlam, BC V3E 3H5 (604) 941-3580 Fax: (604) 945-4446 gblanes@shaw.ca www.blanes.ca

Mr. Greg Hasler 1345 Wellington Drive North Vancouver, BC V7K 1L6 (778) 688-7846 greg@haslerhomes.ca www.haslerhomes.ca

Hauerbuilt Construction Ltd. Garcia Construction Ltd. Mr. Johnny Garcia 7688 Selkirk Avenue Vancouver, BC V5P 4H4 (604) 657-9118 garciaconstructionltd@hotmail.com

Mr. Jayson Eisenhauer 5070 Capilano Road North Vancouver, BC V7R 4K7 (604) 790-9667 jayson@hauerbuilt.com www.hauerbuilt.com

GBuild Construction Ltd.

HBD Homes Ltd.

Mr. Graham Voth 17741 - 68 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 4P4 (778) 808-3933 graham@gbuild.ca

Mr. Jason Hyare 7069 Water Street Vancouver, BC V5S 2S2 (778) 968-1491 info@hbdhomes.ca www.hbdhomes.ca

Genesis Kitchens & Design Ms. Denise McIntosh Unit B, 1037 Ridgeway Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3J 1S6 (604) 937-7336 Fax: (604) 939-7336 denise@genesiskitchens.ca www.genesiskitchens.ca

Headland Construction Mr. Mark Ellis 2415 Trutch Street Vancouver, BC V6K 4H3 (604) 505-9667 mark@headlandconstruction.com headlandconstruction.com

Contact • 2018 145

Finding the Right Renovator Here’s how to select the perfect professional for your job The rst step in hiring a professional renovator is to collect names of companies that seem well suited for your project. Then you can follow these procedures with each of the companies.

Prepare a list of points and quesƟons in advance Make sure you cover the same ground with every company; otherwise you can’t really compare them later. Be prepared to talk about your project in detail. Outline your plans, what you want to achieve and the renovaƟon services you are looking for. If you are uncertain about your needs, ask the renovators to explain the enƟre process and the services oīered by their company.

Create a shortlist of recommended renovators Even before you meet them and get esƟmates, you want to be sure the renovators you are considering are reliable and trustworthy. AŌer all, you’ll be inviƟng them into your home, very oŌen giving them house keys for access while you’re at work or on vacaƟon, and using up your hard-earning savings to pay them for the work. Asking friends and family for recommendaƟons of renovators they’ve successfully used is a great rst step. And make sure that you use a renovator who is a member of the Greater Vancouver Home Builders’ AssociaƟon, so that you’re assured of a quality contractor who is held to a high standard.

Meet the renovators in your home, one at a Ɵme Do this early in your project, when you have a good idea of what you want, but before you have worked out too many details. A renovator’s pracƟcal knowledge and experience can be a great asset in the planning phase of your project.

Ask for ideas and suggesƟons for your project Experienced renovators oŌen see possibiliƟes that homeowners may overlook. They also know what’s possible and necessary from a technical point of view, and they can tell you about the latest products and styles.

Ask about their experience and past projects At the rst meeƟng, professional renovators will come prepared with informaƟon on themselves, their company and previous projects. Find out about their background; how long they have been in business; special skills and experƟse; their on-site crew and subtrades; and business and community aĸliaƟons. Ask why they think they are the right company for your project.

Don’t expect a renovator to give you a detailed price on the spot However, experienced renovators may be able to give you a ballpark gure at the rst meeƟng to help set the nancial framework for your project. 146 Contact • 2018


Check references Even if your rst impression is posiƟve, you should always follow up on the references provided by the renovator. You may not wish to conƟnue discussions with a renovator whose references don’t check out. If you found the renovator through a personal recommendaƟon, you should sƟll call a few other homeowners. Ask previous clients about their saƟsfacƟon with the company and the results. Would they hire the renovator again or recommend the company to friends? If they oīer any negaƟve comments, ask for details.

Make sure they have relevant experience Ensure they have the kind of experience and skills that you will need for your parƟcular job. Ask past clients about the speci c work performed by the renovator.

Invite selected renovators to submit cost proposals Three companies are usually enough. Make sure that everyone is working with the same detailed informaƟon, or you won’t be able to compare bids.

Compare bids carefully Most oŌen the bids of experienced renovators fall within the same price range, with ve to 10 percent variaƟon. Review each bid carefully to ensure that everything is included. If there is a big diīerence in price, go through each bid item by item. Make certain the renovators are specifying the same quality materials and are oīering to do the same work. Verify that taxes are included in the price. When a job is “low-balled”, you may need to look beyond the bid itself. Will your job be covered by a warranty? Does the renovator carry liability insurance and workers’ compensaƟon for staī ? What kind of a business does this company operate? Are you con dent that this company will deliver what you want, on Ɵme and on budget?

Never hire someone without a contract No maƩer how small the job, you need to have it in wriƟng. Without a contract, you will have no recourse if problems occur later. At a minimum, details should include a descripƟon of the work, the materials used, start and nish dates, as well as the price and payment schedule. Professional renovators use either their own contract or a standard industry contract. Ask your lawyer to check it before your sign. For more informaƟon on hiring a contractor and the importance of using a contract, visit the Canadian Home Builders’ AssociaƟon’s Get it in WriƟng program website www. HiringAContractor.com. This program is also supported by the Government of Canada. Now that you have hired a renovator, you are ready for the next step in your renovaƟon — geƫng down to the actual work. When you work with a professional renovator, it will be done right.

Contact • 2018 147

RENOMARK™ RENOVATORS Heartwood Developments Ltd.

Hyer Homes & Renovations Ltd.

Mr. Robert Mitchuk 16455 - 89 Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 1A2 (604) 583-6570 Fax: (604) 583-6572 heartwoodhomes@telus.net

Mr. Dennis Stobbe #16, 3033 King George Boulevard Surrey, BC V4P 1B9 (604) 560-9891 Fax: (778) 545-8814 hyerhomes@shaw.ca www.hyerhomes.ca

Heritage Design & Construction Management Inc.

Imperial Exteriors

Mr. Chen Shun Chew #3185, 8888 Odlin Crescent Richmond, BC V6X 3Z8 (604) 813-6116 Fax: (604) 244-8388 heritagedcchew@gmail.com www.heritagedc.ca

Heritage Restorations Inc. Mr. Wesley Mufford 22011 Maxwell Crescent, Box 100 Langley, BC V0X 1T0 (604) 880-0210 heritagerestoration@shaw.ca www.heritagerestorationsinc.ca

Hughes Brothers Construction Limited Mr. David Hughes 447 West Windsor Road North Vancouver, BC V7N 2N5 (604) 290-4425 Fax: (604) 986-5936 hbc-david@telus.net www.hughesbrothers.ca

HW Construction Mr. Ryan Carpenter 12044 - 208 Street Maple Ridge, BC V2X 4W8 (604) 616-8978 Fax: (604) 466-0276 rcarpenter@hwconstruction.ca www.hwconstruction.ca

148 Contact • 2018

Mr. Vladimir Rostotskyy 12226 Parktree Crescent Surrey, BC V3X 1Z9 (778) 862-8087 imperial.ext@live.ca

Indoor Outdoor Guy Renovations Inc. Mr. Joseph Neely 9251 No. 6 Road Richmond, BC V6W 1E5 (604) 277-5572 Fax: (604) 277-9433 joseph@idguy.net www.indooroutdoorguy.ca

Intermind Design Inc. Ms. Mila Djuras 609 Lidster Place New Westminster, BC V3L 5E2 (604) 338-9936 miladjuras@interminddesign.com www.interminddesign.com Designations: CAPS

Jatoba Contracting Inc. Mr. Wallace Smith 2164 Ferndale Street Vancouver, BC V5L 1Y4 (778) 686-7798 Fax: (604) 215-8797 jatoba@shaw.ca

JBR Construction Ltd. Mr. Warren Barrow #300, 8809 Heather Street Vancouver, BC V6P 3S9 (604) 324-8308 info@jbrconstruction.com www.jbrconstruction.com


JWC Construction Ltd.

Mr. Doug Langford Mr. Jeff Langford 1910 Ontario Street Vancouver, BC V5T 4G6 (604) 568-9983 (778) 836-3103 Fax: (604) 558-1912 doug@jdlhomesvancouver.com jeff@jdlhomesvancouver.com www.jdlhomesvancouver.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Mr. John Casano 1755 Orkney Place North Vancouver, BC V7H 2Z1 (604) 929-2675 Fax: (604) 924-1189 jcasano@shaw.ca www.jwc-construction.ca

Jedan Brothers Contracting Mr. Dan Klassen 3378 Don Moore Drive Coquitlam, BC V3E 0C5 (604) 968-3076 dklassen@jedanbrothers.com www.jedanbrothers.com

Jeff Henderson Construction Ltd. Mr. Jeff Henderson #116, 3855 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6N3 (604) 451-1667 Fax: (604) 451-1670 lisa@hendersonconstructionltd.com www.hendersonconstructionltd.com

KATO Electrical Inc. Mr. Arthur Kavanagh Mr. Colin Toop #201, 1755 Robson Street Vancouver, BC V6G 3B7 (604) 417-4785 info@katoelectrical.com ctoop@katoelectrical.com www.katoelectrical.com

Kemp Construction Management Ltd. Mr. Steve Kemp #10, 1835 - 56 Street Delta, BC V4L 2L8 (604) 948-1124 Fax: (604) 948-1364 accounting@kempconstruction.ca www.kempconstruction.ca Designations: CRBC, CRC

Kennedy Construction Inc. JKB Construction Ltd. Mr. Jeff K. Bain 3884 Clematis Crescent Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 4B1 (604) 728-3009 Fax: (604) 945-9097 jkbconstruction@telus.net www.jkbconstruction.com Designations: CRP, CRBC

Johannesen Construction Ltd. Mr. Peter Tjernagel 1109 London Street New Westminster, BC V3M 3B9 (604) 220-0306 Fax: (604) 522-7228 peter@johannesenltd.com www.johannesenltd.com

Mr. Andrew Kennedy 258 East 1 Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 1B3 (604) 986-3244 info@kennedyconstruction.ca www.kennedyconstruction.ca

Kenorah Design + Build Ltd. Mr. Graham Collins #105, 23160 - 96 Avenue Fort Langley, BC V1M 2S3 (604) 940-2767 Fax: (604) 940-2787 graham@kenorah.com www.kenorah.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CHP, CRBC, CAPS

Contact • 2018 149


Kliewer Bros. Construction Ltd.

Mr. Doug Kerr 1676 West 75 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G2 (604) 263-0343 Fax: (604) 263-1501 info@kerrconstruction.ca www.kerrconstruction.ca

Mr. Ron Kliewer Mr. Harv Kliewer P.O. Box 42043 Vancouver, BC V5S 4R5 (604) 764-7606 (604) 760-3949 Fax: (778) 571-2071 info@kbcdevelopments.com harv@kbcdevelopments.com www.kbcdevelopments.com

Kindred Construction Ltd. Mr. Bryan Reid #308, 2150 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6K 4L9 (604) 736-4847 Fax: (604) 736-9614 info@kindredconstruction.com www.kindredconstruction.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Kristopher Dax Construction Inc. Mr. Dax Jones 1830 Eastern Drive Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 2T6 (604) 813-7529 dax@kristopherdax.com www.kristopherdax.com

Kingdom Builders Inc. Mr. Paul Lilley #217, 949 West 3 Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7T 3T3 (604) 924-5464 Fax: (604) 924-3747 info@kingdombuilders.ca www.kingdombuilders.ca

L.J.S. Property Services Ltd.

Kingsmere Construction Ltd.

Ladhar Development Group Ltd.

Mr. Stephen Tomes 5192 Ross Road Abbotsford, BC V4X 1Z3 (604) 897-5680 Stephen@kingsmereconstruction.com www.kingsmere.com

Mr. Nav Ladhar 6607 Randolph Avenue Burnaby, BC V5H 3W3 (604) 729-3914 Fax: (604) 559-0244 info@ladhardevelopment.com www.ladhardevelopment.com

Mr. Steven J. Luscombe #503, 19645 - 64 Avenue Langley, BC V2Y 1L2 (778) 278-3384 Fax: (778) 278-3385 office@ljspropertyservices.ca

KINIP Construction Ltd. Mr. Allen Ip, P.Eng, A.ScT., C.P. #3223, 349 Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6B 3X8 (604) 720-2278 allenkinip@gmail.com

Kitchen Art Design Ms. Amanda Cates #102, 18515 - 53 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 7A4 (604) 575-5449 amanda.cates@kitchenartdesign.com www.kitchenartdesign.com

150 Contact • 2018

Lapres Homes Ltd. Mr. Peter Lapres 375 East 40 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5W 1M1 (604) 671-1851 plapres@lapreshomes.com www.lapreshomes.com

RENOMARK™ RENOVATORS Lentel Construction Co. Ltd.

Lonetree Kitchens & Baths

Mr. Harry Van Tol Mr. Greg Van Tol #346, 5158 - 48 Avenue Delta, BC V4K 5B6 (604) 946-9016 Fax: (604) 940-2236 info@lentelconstruction.com www.lentelconstruction.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Mr. Karl Renner 336 West 5 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1J5 (604) 739-1110 Fax: (604) 739-1114 designer@lonetreekitchens.ca www.lonetreekitchens.ca

Level One Construction Ltd. Mr. Alex Dumitru Mr. Randy Kautzman 1314 Graveley Street Vancouver, BC V5L 3A2 (604) 647-1718 Fax: (604) 909-2878 office@levelone.ca randy@levelone.ca www.levelone.ca

Lexi Development Group Inc. Mr. Baha Naemi 1602 Marlowe Place West Vancouver, BC V7S 3H2 (604) 779-5394 info@lexi.house www.lexi.house

Lighthouse Construction Inc. Mr. Andrew Hirst 5250 - 9A Avenue Delta, BC V4M 1X2 (604) 948-9897 Fax: (604) 948-9840 thirst@dccnet.com www.lighthouseconstruction.ca

Lindan Homes Ms. Luanne Funk Mr. Peter Funk 19885 - 12 Avenue Langley, BC V2Z 1W3 (604) 308-4617 (604) 835-9701 Fax: (604) 857-9796 luanne@lindanhomes.ca peter@lindanhomes.ca www.lindanhomes.ca

Lotos Construction Ltd. Mr. Arthur Szpak 3A - 1433 Rupert Street North Vancouver, BC V7J 1G1 (604) 988-0401 Fax: (604) 988-2769 info@lotosconstruction.ca www.lotosconstruction.ca

Lyle Construction Ltd. Mr. Jason Lyle 2702 Kitchener Street Vancouver, BC V5K 3E1 (604) 418-3479 Fax: (604) 272-4999 info@lyleconstruction.ca www.lyleconstruction.ca

Maestro Development Ltd. Mr. Joshua Young 752 East Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6A 1V7 (604) 723-9618 josh@maestrodevelopment.ca www.maestrodevelopment.ca

maison d’etre design-build inc. Mr. Robert Capar 118 West 2 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1C2 (604) 484-4030 Fax: (604) 484-4031 contact@maisondetre.ca www.maisondetre.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRP, CRBC

Makena Construction Inc. Mr. Randy Edmunds 6973 - 195 Street Surrey, BC V4N 5Y6 (604) 961-1814 randy@makenaconstruction.ca www.makenaconstruction.ca



Contact • 2018 151


Merola Construction Inc.

Mr. Mark Jauck Mr. Matt Jauck #212, 3190 St. Johns Street Port Moody, BC V3H 2C7 (604) 461-2560 (604) 461-2560 Fax: (604) 461-2564 info@marcrafthomes.com www.marcrafthomes.com

Mr. Raffael Merola 102 - 3060 Norland Ave Burnaby, BC V5B 3B1 (604) 294-5370 info@merolacon.com www.merolacon.com

Marino General Contracting Ltd. Mr. Joseph Marino 1537 West 75 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6Z7 (604) 266-1921 Fax: (604) 266-1021 info@marinogc.com www.marinogc.com

Marwynn Construction Corp. Mr. Marc Peck P.O. Box 2644 Garibaldi Highlands, BC V0N 1T0 (604) 908-1151 porsha@marwynn.com www.marwynn.com

MP Construction Ltd. Mr. Graham Reid 5224 - 6 Avenue Delta, BC V4M 1L5 (604) 816-4276 Fax: (604) 943-8393 mpconstruction@telus.net www.mpconstruction.ca

MPB Construction Ltd. Mr. Paul Clarke #62, 15515 - 24 Avenue Surrey, BC V4A 2J4 (604) 538-9622 Fax: (604) 538-8608 info@mpbconstruction.com www.mpbconstruction.com

Mr. Build Vancouver McGivern Construction Ltd. Mr. Brian McGivern 2926 Fraser Street Vancouver, BC V5T 3W1 (604) 374-4720 Fax: (604) 630-7087 brian@mcgivernconstruction.ca www.mcgivernconstruction.ca

MDM Solutions Inc. Mr. John Meaney 1905 West 2 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1J2 (604) 728-9492 mdmsolutions07@gmail.com

Melo Construction Ltd. Mr. Jeff Melo 788 East 31 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5V 2W8 (604) 250-2506 info@meloconstruction.ca www.meloconstruction.ca

152 Contact • 2018

Mr. Kurt Gust 9129 Shaughnessy Street Vancouver, BC V6P 6R9 (604) 732-8453 Fax: (604) 732-3015 mrbuild@mrbuild.com www.mrbuild.com



My House Design/Build Team Ltd. Mr. Graeme Huguet 15356 Fraser Highway SEE OUR AD Surrey, BC V3R 3P5 ON PAGE (604) 694-6873 3 Fax: (604) 951-4093 info@myhousedesignbuild.com www.myhousedesignbuild.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CAPS, CRP


New Vision Projects Inc.

Mr. Mike Amiri #G02, 828 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 1E2 (604) 874-3388 Fax: (604) 874-1083 info@mykconstruction.com www.mykconstruction.com

Mr. Brandon Smith Mr. Danny Christian 4663 - 55 Street Delta, BC V4K 3P6 (604) 690-1694 (604) 725-3191 bsmith@newvisionprojects.com projects@newvisionprojects.com www.newvisionprojects.com

Naikoon Contracting Ltd. Mr. Joe Geluch #3, 342 East Esplanade North Vancouver, BC V7L 1A4 (778) 340-1566 Fax: (778) 340-0091 info@naikoon.ca www.naikooncontracting.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Nicons Enterprises Ltd. Mr. Ian Nicule #E205, 20159 - 88 Avenue Langley, BC V1M 0A4 (604) 710-4839 contact@nicons.ca

Niebuhr Construction Natural Balance Home Builders Mr. Nick Kerchum 3288 Dunbar Street Vancouver, BC V6S 2C3 (778) 330-7607 Fax: (778) 330-7608 info@naturalbalancehomes.com www.naturalbalancedevelopment.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Mr. Richard Niebuhr Mr. Jim Niebuhr 12231 Bridgeport Road Richmond, BC V6V 1J4 (604) 220-3734 (604) 290-8022 Fax: (604) 940-8915 rniebuhr@telus.net jimnieb@telus.net www.niebuhrhomes.com

Naturally Crafted Contracting Ltd. Mr. Adam Corneil 602 Lucerne Place North Vancouver, BC V7M 3A5 (778) 996-4011 info@naturallycrafted.ca www.naturallycrafted.ca

Nokajhe Innovative Construction Ltd.

Nestworks Construction Ltd.

Nordic Projects Ltd.

Mr. Stephen Nestmann 11423 Bond Boulevard Delta, BC V4E 1N4 (604) 916-0028 info@nestworks.ca www.nestworks.ca

Mr. Thomas Moser #10, 11171 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC V7A 4S5 (604) 247-0959 Fax: (604) 940-4980 thomas@nordicprojects.ca www.nordicprojects.ca

Mr. Ryan Karimi #905, 7360 Halifax Street Burnaby, BC V5A 1M4 (778) 953-1885 hamed@nokajhe.ca

Contact • 2018 153

It pays to work with a pro.

RENOVATE WITH CONFIDENCE To learn about RenoMark™ ’s code of conduct and find a GVHBA RenoMark™ renovator in your area, visit gvhba.org.

154 Contact • 2018

Get It In Writing Don’t play guessing games with your renovator if you want to end up a happy homeowner A home renova on is both a financial and emo onal investment. We have heard hundreds of renova ons stories, most of the tales end with happy homeowners, but that is not always the case. A renova on can go sideways when homeowners try to save money by cu ng corners – by agreeing to a cash deal. Without a wri en quote, or be er, a signed agreement, you have no assurance of warranty protec on on the cra smanship and materials used. There is no guarantee that your home insurance will be valid if the work causes damage to your home, no protec on against the assumed liability you take on if your cash contractor is underinsured, and no idea if what you’ve done is onside with local government or other agencies. It is difficult to navigate a world of permits, building code, and managing inspec ons – so don’t cut corners and put yourself at risk, all to save a few dollars upfront. The most important step is to get it in wri ng. A professional renovator will offer a contract that covers the scope of the project, start and comple on dates, warran es, insurance, liens and much more. Now you’ve probably heard that you need a renova on contract, but what does one need to include? Learn how you can protect yourself, by this comprehensive contract checklist below! A proper contract treats both par es fairly. You get assurance you will have a completed project, at the agreed to price and on me, while the contractor is assured they will be paid in full and on me. Once you have agreed on the terms of the contract, the contractor will prepare a second dra for your review. If you have a project large in scope, it may even be in your best interest to have a lawyer review the content. If you do not understand or agree to the terms on the contract, simply do not sign it. Discuss and ask the contractor for clarifica on, and ask for amendments as needed. Don’t forget, that once signed – this is a legally binding document for both par es involved. Ge ng your renova on project in wri ng is the first step towards a successful renova on done right the first me, keeping you in control of melines and budgets, and ul mately resul ng in a finished product that you can enjoy for years to come.

Contact • 2018 155

RENOMARK™ RENOVATORS Northern Alpine Contracting

Nuvilla Design & Construction Ltd.

Mr. Chad Walmsley #101, 1127 West 14 Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1J9 (604) 770-0640 info@northernalpine.ca www.northernalpine.ca

Mr. Rexton Wang #5, 8431 Granville Street Vancouver, BC V6P 4Z9 (604) 336-6878 vfpholding@gmail.com www.nvlhomedesign.com

Northern Concepts Ltd.

NWI Contracting Ltd.

Mr. Shawn Wilson 2455 Pandora Street Vancouver, BC V5K 1V5 (778) 840-1763 info@northernconcepts.ca www.northernconcepts.ca

Novak Contracting & Construction Mr. Reilly Novak 18906 - 69A Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 5K2 (778) 997-5568 reilly@novakcontracting.com www.novakcontracting.com

Novell Design Build Ms. Laurel James #303, 1177 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6H 1G3 (604) 876-0339 Fax: (604) 909-4686 accounting@novelldesignbuild.com www.novelldesignbuild.com

NOVERO Homes and Renovations Ltd. Mr. Joele DiMeglio #205, 20120 Stewart Crescent Maple Ridge, BC V2X 0T4 (604) 459-9941 admin@noverohomes.com www.noverohomes.com

Novin Boom Construction Ltd. Mr. Hooman Khorrampour 1965 - 22 Street West Vancouver, BC V7V 4E7 (604) 716-4201 info@nbco.ca www.nbco.ca

156 Contact • 2018

Mr. Enrique Ponce De Leon #7, 7228 Winston Street Burnaby, BC V5A 2G9 (778) 999-0686 Fax: (604) 533-8992 nwioffice@telus.net www.nwicontracting.com

NYTA Contracting Ltd. Mr. Jason Huang 6459 - 128 Street Surrey, BC V3W 4C5 (604) 789-7889 Fax: (604) 596-3578 nytacontracting@gmail.com www.nytacontracting.ca

OceanicFlo Construction + Development Corp. Mr. Cary Tsai, MAIBC #2115, 11871 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC V7A 5H5 (604) 284-5615 Fax: (604) 284-5613 cary@oceanicflo.com www.oceanicflo.com

Optimum Solution Design Build Ltd. Mr. Daniel Lee 16692 - 85A Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 5A7 (778) 571-2602 Fax: (778) 312-0144 info@optimumsolution.ca www.optimumsolution.ca

RENOMARK™ RENOVATORS Ponderosa Construction Ltd.

Quinton Construction Ltd.

Mr. Kyle Klassen Ms. Lynnette Klassen 5480 Maple Crescent Delta, BC V4K 1G2 (778) 988-5553 (778) 988-5534 kpklassen@hotmail.com

Mr. John Quinton #351, 1275 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1A6 (604) 681-0777 Fax: (604) 681-0733 john@quintonconstruction.com www.quintonconstruction.com Designations: CAPS

Powell Contracting Ltd. Mr. Edward Powell 1143 Cloverley Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 1V7 (604) 358-5417 edpowell17@gmail.com www.powell-contracting.com

Raichu Development Group Ltd.

Precision Way Projects

Rechsteiner Construction Ltd.

Mr. Norman Little 882 East 19 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5V 1K5 (604) 790-6676 precision.way.projects@gmail.com

Mr. Philip Rechsteiner 7718 Jensen Place Burnaby, BC V5A 2A8 (778) 996-5661 philip@rechsteiner.ca www.rechsteiner.ca

Mr. Amandeep Rai #220, 3388 Rosemary Heights Crescent Surrey, BC V5Z 0K7 (604) 780-6132 7600cambie@gmail.com

Profile Marble and Bath Mr. Tony Vanderpol 12652 - 82 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 3E8 (604) 596-5071 Fax: (604) 594-9659 profile@telus.net www.profilemarble.ca

Pro-Pack Contracting & Design Inc. Ms. Shelly Patterson Mr. Mike Patterson #110, 30755 Simpson Road Abbotsford, BC V2T 6X4 (604) 850-0056 (604) 751-0703 shelly@pro-pack.ca mike@pro-pack.ca www.pro-pack.ca

PSL Construction Ltd. Mr. Aaron Johnson 8928 Shaughnessy Street Vancouver, BC V6P 3Y5 (604) 728-3945 info@pslconstruction.ca www.pslconstruction.ca

Refine & Design Custom Homes & Renovations Mr. Sam Wainwright #390, 1199 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6E 2R1 (778) 895-4001 sam@refineanddesign.com www.refineanddesign.com

Reid Developments Ltd. Mr. Mike Reid 362 Balfour Drive Coquitlam, BC V3K 6C5 (604) 612-0149 Fax: (604) 733-3799 reid.dvlp@gmail.com www.ReidDevelopmentsBC.com

Rembrandt Renovations Ltd. Mr. Jerome Mens 832 Surrey Street New Westminster, BC V3L 4W2 (604) 802-6256 Fax: (604) 777-1945 info@rembrandtrenovations.com www.rembrandtrenovations.com Contact • 2018 157

RENOMARK™ RENOVATORS Renocon Design Centre

Roadhouse Homes Ltd.

Ms. Golnaz Afhami 1368 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6H 1H2 (604) 736-6410 Fax: (604) 736-6416 info@renocondesign.com www.renocondesign.com

Mr. Dale Roadhouse #326, Unit 47 - 20821 Fraser Highway Langley, BC V3A 0B6 (604) 649-5402 dale@roadhousehomes.ca www.roadhousehomes.ca

Rockridge Construction Inc. renovateme! design and construction Mr. George Sotiriades P.O. Box 51530 West Vancouver, BC V7T 2X9 (604) 761-2421 info@renovateme.ca www.renovateme.ca

Mr. AJ Riley P.O. Box 91070 West Vancouver, BC V7V 3N3 (604) 924-5411 Fax: (604) 924-5493 info@rockridgeconstruction.ca www.rockridgeconstruction.ca

reVISION Custom Home Renovations Inc.

Rocksolid Enterprises Inc.

Mr. Todd Senft #202, 338 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 3X2 (604) 835-4033 Fax: (604) 873-4770 todd@revisionrenovations.com www.revisionrenovations.com

Ms. Dawn Carmichael 8875 Osler Street Vancouver, BC V6P 4G1 (604) 736-1005 Fax: (604) 736-1055 info@callrocksolid.com www.callrocksolid.com

Ritchie Construction Ltd.

RodRozen Designs Inc.

Mr. Chris Hill #404, 138 West 6th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1K6 (604) 876-2728 hello@rbvan.com www.ritchiebuildersvancouver.com

RJH Contracting Inc. Mr. Rick Herding 20765 - 50A Avenue Langley, BC V3A 7T6 (604) 510-2571 Fax: (604) 539-2573 info@rjhcontracting.com www.rjhcontracting.com

RJR Construction Management Ltd. Mr. Shawn Stewart #119, 3989 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6P8 (604) 254-1760 Fax: (604) 254-4960 info@rjrconstruction.ca www.rjrconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRBC, CRC, CAPS

158 Contact • 2018

Mr. Derick Rodrozen #2602, 1188 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6E 0A2 (604) 974-0337 info@rodrozen.com www.rodrozen.com

RSC Renovation Science Corp. Mr. David Martin #103, 4155 Sardis Street Burnaby, BC V5H 1K3 (604) 377-5448 david@renosci.ca www.renovationscience.com

Saint Construction Management Ltd. Mr. Scott Sheen #1, 2405 East Hastings Street SEE Vancouver, BC V5K 1Y8 OUR AD ON PAGE (604) 336-5355 138 info@saintconstruction.ca www.saintconstruction.ca


Shell Busey’s Home Improvements

Mr. Matthew Senf 4811 Brentlawn Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 3V4 (604) 765-1708 Fax: (604) 294-6830 coordinator@sasenrenovations.com www.sasenrenovations.com

Mr. Keith Araki #7, 2320 King George Boulevard Surrey, BC V4A 5A5 (604) 542-2236 Fax: (604) 542-2237 keith@thehousesmart.com www.AskShell.com

Schulz Construction

Shirmar Construction

Mr. Graham Schulz 4230 Dollar Road North Vancouver, BC V7G 1A6 (604) 790-6667 schulzy@shaw.ca www.schulzconstruction.ca

Mr. Jonas Schierbecker 4460 - 50A Street Delta, BC V4K 4M1 (778) 434-2639 info@shirmar.com www.shirmarconstruction.com

Sea-Pat Construction Inc.

Shorewood Pacific Holdings Ltd.

Mr. Sean Ederer 1975 Greenock Place North Vancouver, BC V7J 2Z8 (604) 984-1882 Fax: (604) 984-1887 seapat@telus.net

Seneca Homes Ltd. Mr. Jonathan Vendargon 461 East 11 Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 2H3 (604) 209-5726 info@senecahomes.ca www.senecahomes.ca

ServiceMASTER Restore of Vancouver Mr. Warren Groom #1, 7978 North Fraser Way Burnaby, BC V5J 0C7 (604) 435-1220 Fax: (604) 435-4131 info@servicemaster.bc.ca www.svmvancouver.ca

Shakespeare Homes & Renovations Inc. Mr. Mark Cooper #106, 173 Forester Street Dollarton Business Park North Vancouver, BC V7H 0A6 (604) 988-2280 Fax: (604) 988-2266 mcooper@shakespearehomes.com www.shakespearehomes.com

Mr. Glen Job 13579 - 22A Avenue Surrey, BC V4A 9V2 (604) 536-4255 glendjob@gmail.com

Silver Valley Homes Ltd. Mr. Gordon Knuttila P.O. Box 376 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 8K9 (604) 240-3159 Fax: (604) 466-3765 silvervalleyhomes@shaw.ca www.silvervalleyhomes.ca Designations: CRB

Sir Homes Ltd. Mr. Dalbir Dosanjh 11930 Cottonwood Avenue Delta, BC V4E 3J9 (604) 721-9537 info@sirhomes.ca www.sirhomes.ca

Solaris Properties Inc. Mr. Richard Mullen #111, 8696 Barnard Street Vancouver, BC V6P 5G5 (604) 681-9456 Fax: (604) 558-1156 info@solarisproperties.ca www.solarisproperties.ca

Contact • 2018 159

RENOMARK™ RENOVATORS Solution Renovations

Stratford Innovative Renovations Ltd.

Mr. John Juzyniec 600 Nicola Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3J 7T7 (604) 817-6093 Fax: (604) 939-7754 john@solutionrenovations.com www.solutionrenovations.com

Mr. Charles Stratford 3960 Blundell Road Richmond, BC V7C 1G4 (778) 552-1453 Fax: (604) 685-6725 sirltd@live.ca stratfordrenovations.ca Designations: CAPS

Space Harmony Interiors Inc. Ms. Negar Reihani #301, 1398 Homer Street Vancouver, BC V6B 6A7 (604) 782-1450 info@spaceharmony.ca www.spaceharmony.ca

Sprucehill Contracting Inc. Mr. Erik Jensen 101 - 3151 Woodbine Drive North Vancouver, BC V7R 2S4 (604) 971-4899 Fax: (855) 510-5796 Toll Free: (855) 510-5796 info@sprucehill.ca www.sprucehill.ca

Square One Contracting Mr. Jordan Harrison 2140 - 124 Street Surrey, BC V4A 3M5 (778) 736-0299 info@squareonecontracting.ca www.squareonecontracting.ca

Steelhead Contracting Ltd. Ms. May Nembhard 4179 McConnell Drive Burnaby, BC V5A 3J7 (604) 420-9368 Fax: (604) 420-9378 info@steelheadcontracting.com www.steelheadcontracting.com

STK Renovations Inc. Mr. Tom Anderson #4, 309 Afton Lane Port Moody, BC V3H 3V8 (604) 671-5493 stkrenos@gmail.com www.stkrenovations.com

160 Contact • 2018

Stylux Design & Construction Mr. Ray Gorjian #775, 333 Brooksbank Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7J 3S8 (604) 235-1935 Fax: (888) 839-8274 info@styluxconstruction.com styluxconstruction.com

Tamlin International Homes Ltd. Mr. Paul Tabuchi Mr. Chris Lynn #200, 145 Schoolhouse Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 4X8 (604) 553-7578 Fax: (778) 398-1180 Toll Free: (877) 826-5461 sales@tamlinhomes.com chrisl@tamlinhomes.com www.tamlinhomes.com

Tandem Construction Ltd. Mr. Taigan Allerton 763 Morgan Road North Vancouver, BC V7J 1P3 (778) 862-0897 tallerton@tandem-construction.com www.tandem-construction.com

Tavan Developments Ltd. Mr. Troy Van Vliet Ms. Silveria Roselli #150, 628 East Kent Avenue South Vancouver, BC V5X 0B2 (604) 263-3026 Fax: (604) 321-3627 info@tavandevelopments.com silveria@tavandevelopments.com www.tavan.ca

RENOMARK™ RENOVATORS Teklar Electrical Contracting

Tien Sher Group of Companies

Mr. Craig Dibble #202, 2700 Barnet Highway Coquitlam, BC V3B 1B8 (604) 936-9097 Fax: (604) 944-9091 info@teklar.ca www.teklar.ca

Mr. Charan Sethi Mr. Bob Sethi #185, 4631 Shell Road Richmond, BC V6X 3M4 (604) 207-4633 Fax: (604) 273-0685 charan@tiensher.com bob@tiensher.com www.tiensher.com

Teragon Developments & Construction Inc.

Toikka Construction Ltd.

Mr. Lars Van Linge 4733 Saddlehorn Crescent Langley, BC V2Z 2L7 (604) 861-8526 Fax: (604) 861-1631 office@teragon.ca www.teragon.ca

Mr. John Toikka #121, 998 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 3T2 (604) 986-6817 Fax: (604) 986-0553 toikkaconstruction@shawbiz.ca www.toikkaconstruction.ca

TerraCana Foundation Solutions Inc. Mr. Simon Whippy 1900 Valmont Way Richmond, BC V6V 1Y4 (604) 270-4773 Fax: (604) 926-1153 simon@terracana.ca www.terracana.ca



Terris Lightfoot Contracting Ltd. Mr. Warren S. Lightfoot 361 Oxford Drive Port Moody, BC V3H 1T2 (778) 355-8315 Fax: (778) 355-9382 wlightfoot@terrislightfoot.com www.terrislightfoot.com

That’s It Commercial and Residential Contracting Ltd. Mr. Darren Boudreau 947 Edgar Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3K 2K1 (778) 355-3810 darrenb@thatsitcontracting.com www.thatsitcontracting.com

TQ Construction Ltd. Mr. Ralph Belisle SEE #106, 8988 Fraserton Court OUR AD Burnaby, BC V5J 5H8 ON PAGE (604) 430-9900 53 info@tqconstruction.ca www.tqconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRC, CRP, CAPS

Troico Home Solutions Inc. Mr. Michael Richter 1308 Ketch Court Coquitlam, BC V3K 6W1 (604) 545-0123 Fax: (604) 523-1804 Toll Free: (855) 487-6426 vrichter@troico.ca www.troico.ca

Tuscan Developments Inc. Mr. Mark Peers 12851 - 16 Avenue, P.O. Box 45010 Surrey, BC V4A 9L1 (604) 542-9114 Fax: (604) 542-9115 markpeers@tuscandevelopments.com www.tuscandevelopments.com

Contact • 2018 161

RENOMARK™ RENOVATORS Twin Lions Contracting Ltd.

VALROC Development Ltd.

Mr. Kevin Hatch 141 West 27 Street North Vancouver, BC V7N 4H2 (604) 210-8435 kevin@twinlionscontracting.com www.twinlionscontracting.com

Mr. Jason Spies #104, 19162 - 22 Avenue Surrey, BC V3Z 3S6 (604) 427-0152 admin@valroc.ca www.valroc.ca

Twin Peaks Construction Inc.

VanArch Interior Ltd.

Mr. Robert Brody 887 Seymour Boulevard North Vancouver, BC V7J 2J7 (604) 986-5001 Fax: (778) 340-2001 info@twinpeaksconstruction.com www.twinpeaksconstruction.com

Mr. Allen Failinejad #2205, 969 Richards Street Vancouver, BC V6B 1A8 (604) 339-9839 allenfili@vanarchinterior.com www.vanarchinterior.com

Tyrrell Projects Inc. Mr. Ryan Tyrrell 19949 - 56 Avenue Langley, BC V3A 3Y2 (778) 928-5894 info@tyrrellprojects.com www.tyrrellprojects.com

Upward Construction & Renovation Ltd. Mr. Michael Upward #101, 1305 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B3 (778) 340-1355 Fax: (778) 340-1356 michael@upwardconstruction.ca www.upwardconstruction.ca

Urban Coast Renovations Mr. Dave Ritchie 701 West 14 Street North Vancouver, BC V7M 3E8 (604) 984-0802 dave@urbancoastrenos.com www.urbancoastrenovations.com

Urban Handyman Inc. Ms. Brenda Blanchard 926 Bayview Drive Delta, BC V4M 2R4 (604) 948-4252 Fax: (604) 948-4254 info@tradesoncall.com www.tradesoncall.com

162 Contact • 2018

Vanglo Sustainable Construction Group Mr. Martin Warren 2200 Ontario Street Vancouver, BC V5T 2X2 (604) 671-3667 info@vanglo.ca www.vanglo.ca

Versa Platinum Construction Ltd. Mr. Felipe Freig 3163 - 256 Street Langley, BC V4W 1Y4 (778) 882-0632 felipe@versahomes.com www.versahomes.com

Versailles Building & Design Mr. Jeffrey Hanratty #450, 4111 Hastings Street Burnaby, BC V5C 6T7 (604) 684-3657 jeffrey@versaillesinc.org www.versaillesinc.org

Vertical Grain Projects Mr. Doug Pearcey #204, 124 West 3 Street North Vancouver, BC V7M 1E8 (778) 997-3847 info@verticalgrainprojects.com www.verticalgrainprojects.com

RENOMARK™ RENOVATORS Vertu Construction Ltd.

WBH Construction

Mr. Chris Christianson 355 Rabbit Lane West Vancouver, BC V7S 1J1 (604) 562-4006 chris@vertuconstruction.com

Mr. Joseph Ahn #102, 4288 Lozells Avenue Burnaby, BC V5A0C7 (604) 716-9327 Fax: (604) 464-1080 info@wbhconstruction.ca www.wbhconstruction.ca

VGC Vancouver General Contractors Inc. Mr. Hussain Khatheer #220, 3689 East 1 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5M 1C2 (604) 430-3004 Fax: (604) 293-1513 info@vancouvergeneralcontractors.com www.vancouvergeneralcontractors.com

Wesgrove Homes Inc. Mr. Jason Mitchell 4892 - 57A Street Delta, BC V4K 3G5 (604) 209-6641 jmitchell@wesgrovehomes.com www.wesgrovehomes.com

Vishwakarma Construction Ltd. Mr. Harry Seehra 5120 Sidley Street Burnaby, BC V5J 1T5 (604) 377-8687 info@vishwakarmaconstruction.ca www.vishwakarmaconstruction.ca

weSimplify Renovation & Design Mr. Nick Cole 1031 Ridgewood Drive North Vancouver, BC V7R 1H9 (604) 345-6522 info@wesimplify.ca www.wesimplify.ca

Vision Built Construction Ltd. Mr. Tobias Puga 1804 Maple Street Vancouver, BC V6J 3S7 (604) 317-2045 Fax: (866) 381-8493 tobias@visionbuilt.ca www.visionbuilt.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

West Coast Barrier Mr. Tyler Johnsen 22761 - 132 Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V4R 2R2 (604) 374-2282 tyler@westcoastbarrier.com www.westcoastbarrier.com

Western Wood Homes Ltd. Voob Construction & Maintenance Ltd. Mr. Arthur Basiak 14240 Park Drive Surrey, BC V3R 5N9 (604) 889-8469 voobcon@gmail.com www.voobcon.com

Mr. Elvis Ng 1975 East 53 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5P 1X5 (778) 863-5889 westernwoodhomes@gmail.com www.westernwoodhome.com

Wicks Electric Inc. Wales Construction and Management Mr. Wales Han #50, 6588 Barnard Drive Richmond, BC V7C 5R8 (778) 859-2868 waleshan8@gmail.com

Mr. Adam Wicks 1518 Hunter Street North Vancouver, BC V7J 1H5 (604) 765-8439 adam@wickselectric.ca www.wickselectric.ca

Contact • 2018 163

Getting the Green Light

Five FAQs on obtaining the right permits for your reno The Greater Vancouver Home Builders’ AssociaƟon (GVHBA) believes that if you are like most renovaƟng homeowners, obtaining a building permit is probably unknown territory. When you hire a professional renovator, they will obtain the proper permits. Here are ve of the most frequently asked quesƟons about building permits.


Why do I need a building permit? Your home renovaƟon must meet basic requirements for health, safety and structural soundness as set out by the Building Code. Beyond this, the permit process makes sure that your plans are in line with other municipal requirements, such as zoning regulaƟons and in some cases heritage building designaƟons.


When do I need a building permit?


What do I need to provide to get a building permit?

Generally, a building permit is required for renovaƟons that involve changes to the structure of your home. This includes new addiƟons, recon guraƟon of space by moving or removing walls, new window and door openings and installaƟon of replaces. Electrical and plumbing permits will have to be obtained separately — the exact rules that apply to your renovaƟon vary in diīerent municipaliƟes. Some repairs and renovaƟons may not require a permit. These include re-roo ng, painƟng, re-siding, ooring and cabinet installaƟon, and replacement of windows and doors (provided the opening is not enlarged). In brief, work that does not entail changes to structures or systems generally does not require a permit. Talk with your renovator or check with your municipal building department to be sure. Also, nd out if you need a permit to demolish old structures such as a garage, shed or porch, or to cut down a tree on your property.

The speci c requirements depend on your municipality and the type of work you are planning. OŌen, for simple interior projects, a oor plan will be adequate. For larger projects involving addiƟons, decks or major structural renovaƟons, a full set of working drawings and a site survey will be needed. If your plan requires a minor variance or zoning bylaw amendment, you will be asked to supply addiƟonal informaƟon.

164 Contact • 2018




Who should get the building permit — my renovator or me? As the homeowner, you are legally responsible for obtaining any building permits required. However, your renovator can look aŌer this on your behalf. Your contract should specify which permits are required and who will get them. Some municipaliƟes require a leƩer of authorizaƟon before your renovator can apply for a permit for your renovaƟon. Before a permit is issued, the municipality reviews your plans and drawings. AŌer the work begins, an inspector will visit your home to make sure it is done in compliance with municipal requirements and the NaƟonal Build ing Code. There will also be separate electrical and plumbing inspecƟons.

What happens if I don’t get a permit? If you carry out a renovaƟon project that requires a building permit without obtaining one, your municipality can issue a stop-work order, which remains in eīect unƟl you have a permit. If any work doesn’t meet the requirements of the Building Code, you will have to re-do it at your own cost. In worst-case scenarios, you could be forced to un-renovate your home, such as removing an addiƟon. This could happen if you violate setback regulaƟons, for instance. Working without a required permit may also aīect an insurance claim arising from the renovaƟon. Check with your insurance representaƟve. Remember, as the homeowner, you are the one responsible — not the contractor. Renovators who suggest that you skip the building permit are looking aŌer their own interests, not yours. Fly-by-nighters don’t want their name on any oĸcial documents.

Contact • 2018 165


WR Contracting

Mr. Octavio Sosa #170, 422 Richards Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2Z4 (604) 800-1665 info@wirechiefelectric.com www.wirechiefelectric.com

Mr. Jared Wheatley 5013 Mariner Place Delta, BC V4K 4J4 (604) 218-6773 Fax: (604) 946-3420 info@wrcontract.com www.wrcontract.com

Wismer & Mathieson Projects Ltd. Mr. Dave Mathieson #112, 3060 Norland Avenue Burnaby, BC V5B 3A6 (604) 473-9587 Fax: (604) 473-9584 info@wmpl.ca www.wmpl.ca

Woodcraft Contracting & Renovations Inc. Mr. Rudi Nosper 20516 - 124A Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2X 0A2 (604) 809-7125 Fax: (604) 459-4006 woodcraftcontracting25@gmail.com www.woodcraftcontracting.com

Woodquest Construction Ltd. Mr. Michael Macartney 418 - 20 Street East North Vancouver, BC V7L 3B1 (778) 340-6030 macartney@woodquest.ca www.woodquest.ca

Woodrose Homes Limited Mr. Chris Kleaman 2477 Bellevue Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7V 1E1 (604) 913-0630 Fax: (604) 677-5774 info@woodrosehomes.com www.woodrosehomes.com

Working With Wood Custom Homes Ltd. Mr. Brad Crews 21675 Howison Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2X 2W5 (604) 240-0636 Fax: (604) 466-1362 workingwithwood@shaw.ca

166 Contact • 2018

AGING IN PLACE / BARRIER-FREE Canadian Renovations Inc. Mr. Dean Mitchell 10322 - 168 Street Surrey, BC V4N 1Z4 (604) 809-0127 Fax: (604) 957-0128 consult@canadianrenovations.com www.canadianrenovations.com Designations: CAPS

CCI Renovations Mr. John Friswell #1, 1485 Welch Street SEE North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B5 OUR AD (604) 980-8384 ON PAGE Fax: (604) 980-7868 19 info@ccirenos.com www.ccirenos.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CRBC, CHP, CAPS, CGR, CGP

Kenorah Design + Build Ltd. Mr. Graham Collins #105, 23160 - 96 Avenue Fort Langley, BC V1M 2S3 (604) 940-2767 Fax: (604) 940-2787 graham@kenorah.com www.kenorah.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CHP, CRBC, CAPS

My House Design/Build Team Ltd. Mr. Graeme Huguet 15356 Fraser Highway SEE OUR AD Surrey, BC V3R 3P5 ON PAGE (604) 694-6873 3 Fax: (604) 951-4093 info@myhousedesignbuild.com www.myhousedesignbuild.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CAPS, CRP


Centra Construction Group

Mr. John Quinton #351, 1275 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1A6 (604) 681-0777 Fax: (604) 681-0733 john@quintonconstruction.com www.quintonconstruction.com Designations: CAPS

Mr. Jeramy Smith 20178 - 98 Avenue Langley, BC V1M 3G1 (604) 882-5010 x. 2112 Fax: (604) 882-3909 jsmith@centra.ca www.centra.ca

RJR Construction Management Ltd. Mr. Shawn Stewart #119, 3989 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6P8 (604) 254-1760 Fax: (604) 254-4960 info@rjrconstruction.ca www.rjrconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRBC, CRC, CAPS

Stratford Innovative Renovations Ltd. Mr. Charles Stratford 3960 Blundell Road Richmond, BC V7C 1G4 (778) 552-1453 Fax: (604) 685-6725 sirltd@live.ca stratfordrenovations.ca Designations: CAPS

Craftsmen Contracting Ltd. Mr. Quinn Holtslag P.O. Box 31576 Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2G8 (778) 989-7252 Fax: (604) 459-2600 info@craftsmencontracting.com www.craftsmencontracting.com

Kenorah Design + Build Ltd. Mr. Graham Collins P.O. Box 990 Fort Langley, BC V1M 2S3 (604) 940-2767 Fax: (604) 940-2787 graham@kenorah.com www.kenorah.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CHP, CRBC, CAPS

Kerr Construction TQ Construction Ltd. Mr. Ralph Belisle SEE #106, 8988 Fraserton Court OUR AD ON PAGE Burnaby, BC V5J 5H8 53 (604) 430-9900 info@tqconstruction.ca www.tqconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRC, CRP, CAPS

REMEDIATIONS / RESTORATIONS / HERITAGE Canadian Renovations Inc. Mr. Dean Mitchell 10322 - 168 Street Surrey, BC V4N 1Z4 (604) 809-0127 Fax: (604) 957-0128 consult@canadianrenovations.com www.canadianrenovations.com Designations: CAPS

Mr. Doug Kerr 1676 West 75 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G2 (604) 263-0343 Fax: (604) 263-1501 info@kerrconstruction.ca www.kerrconstruction.ca

Meridian Pacific Construction Inc. Mr. Ken Gijssen 192 West 47 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 2X9 (604) 875-8035 Fax: (604) 875-8036 ken@meridianpacific.net www.meridianpacific.net

Contact • 2018 167

REMEDIATIONS / RESTORATIONS / HERITAGE / SMALL RENOVATIONS / HOME REPAIRS My House Design/Build Team Ltd. Mr. Graeme Huguet 15356 Fraser Highway SEE OUR AD Surrey, BC V3R 3P5 ON PAGE (604) 694-6873 3 Fax: (604) 951-4093 info@myhousedesignbuild.com www.myhousedesignbuild.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CAPS, CRP

SMALL RENOVATIONS / HOME REPAIRS Aedifex Construction Inc. Mr. Dan Matson P.O. Box 95038, Kingsgate RPO Vancouver, BC V5T 4T8 (604) 356-5885 contact@aedifexconstruction.ca www.aedifexconstruction.ca

Natural Balance Home Builders

Alma Building and Renovation Ltd.

Mr. Nick Kerchum 3288 Dunbar Street Vancouver, BC V6S 2C3 (778) 330-7607 Fax: (778) 330-7608 info@naturalbalancehomes.com www.naturalbalancedevelopment.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Boru Carpentry & Design Ltd.

Nesseler Construction Ltd. Mr. Klaus Nesseler 5130 Wilson Drive Delta, BC V4M 1P4 (604) 813-1333 Fax: (604) 943-0230 knesseler@nesselerconstruction.com www.nesselerconstruction.com

Sasen Renovations Mr. Matthew Senf 4811 Brentlawn Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 3V4 (604) 765-1708 Fax: (604) 294-6830 coordinator@sasenrenovations.com www.sasenrenovations.com

Solution Renovations Mr. John Juzyniec 600 Nicola Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3J 7T7 (604) 817-6093 Fax: (604) 939-7754 john@solutionrenovations.com www.solutionrenovations.com

168 Contact • 2018

Mr. Tony Chebaya 3931 Dunbar Street Vancouver, BC V6S 2E3 (604) 224-2562 tony@alma-buildingandrenovation.com www.alma-buildingandrenovation.com

Mr. Kevin Burke 3431 West 27 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6S 1P5 (778) 926-3775 kevin.burke@borucarpentry.com www.borucarpentry.com

Caissie Construction & Renovation Mr. Sean Caissie 3660 Wellington Street Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 3Y7 (778) 868-9584 caissieconstruction@gmail.com www.caissieconstruction.com

CCI Renovations Mr. John Friswell #1, 1485 Welch Street SEE North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B5 OUR AD (604) 980-8384 ON PAGE Fax: (604) 980-7868 19 info@ccirenos.com www.ccirenos.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CRBC, CHP, CAPS, CGR, CGP

Craftsmen Contracting Ltd. Mr. Quinn Holtslag P.O. Box 31576 Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2G8 (778) 989-7252 Fax: (604) 459-2600 info@craftsmencontracting.com www.craftsmencontracting.com


Toikka Construction Ltd.

Mr. Dale Randall 12876 Stave Lake Road Mission, BC V2V 0A6 (778) 344-0233 dalerandall55@gmail.com drelectrical.ca

Mr. John Toikka #121, 998 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 3T2 (604) 986-6817 Fax: (604) 986-0553 toikkaconstruction@shawbiz.ca www.toikkaconstruction.ca

Indoor Outdoor Guy Renovations Inc. Mr. Joseph Neely 9251 No. 6 Road Richmond, BC V6W 1E5 (604) 277-5572 Fax: (604) 277-9433 joseph@idguy.net www.indooroutdoorguy.ca

Urban Handyman Inc. Ms. Brenda Blanchard 926 Bayview Drive Delta, BC V4M 2R4 (604) 948-4252 Fax: (604) 948-4254 info@tradesoncall.com www.tradesoncall.com

Mr. Build Vancouver Mr. Kurt Gust 9129 Shaughnessy Street Vancouver, BC V6P 6R9 (604) 732-8453 Fax: (604) 732-3015 mrbuild@mrbuild.com www.mrbuild.com

Vancouver Home Maintenance SEE OUR AD ON PAGE


Mr. James McMahon P.O. Box 75521 Edgemont PO North Vancouver, BC V7R 4X1 (604) 837-3110 info@vancouverhomemaintenance.com vancouverhomemaintenance.com

Nesseler Construction Ltd. Mr. Klaus Nesseler 5130 Wilson Drive Delta, BC V4M 1P4 (604) 813-1333 Fax: (604) 943-0230 knesseler@nesselerconstruction.com www.nesselerconstruction.com

Shell Busey’s Home Improvements Mr. Keith Araki #7, 2320 King George Boulevard Surrey, BC V4A 5A5 (604) 542-2236 Fax: (604) 542-2237 keith@thehousesmart.com www.AskShell.com

That’s It Commercial and Residential Contracting Ltd. Mr. Darren Boudreau 947 Edgar Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3K 2K1 (778) 355-3810 darrenb@thatsitcontracting.com www.thatsitcontracting.com Contact • 2018 169


Education. On demand.

Launched in March 2017, eLearn is GVHBA’s online library of CPD-approved industry relevant courses, with content focusing on the core competencies identified by BC Housing’s Continuing Professional Development program. From building code updates to financial strategy, GVHBA’s eLearn sessions make professional development easy and convenient. Convenient Industry Leading Education.

✦ ✦

elearn.gvhba.org 170 Contact • 2018


More Hyper-Heat options, more satisfied customers.


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Index of Products, Services, Professionals Accountants / Bookkeepers / Taxa on ...................................................................................................180 Adver sing / Promo ons / Media ...........................................................................................................180 Aging In Place / Barrier-Free.................................................................................................................... 182 Air Condi oning ........................................................................................................................................ 182 Anchors / Fasteners ..................................................................................................................................184 Appliances..................................................................................................................................................184 Architects / Designers...............................................................................................................................186 Architectural Coa ngs / Paints ...............................................................................................................190 Art / Architectural Glass ........................................................................................................................... 191 Asbestos / Hazardous Waste Removal / Consul ng ........................................................................... 191 Associa ons ............................................................................................................................................... 191 Audio / Video.............................................................................................................................................. 192 Automated Building Systems / Entrances / Gates ................................................................................ 192 Barbecues................................................................................................................................................... 194 Basements / Crawlspaces ........................................................................................................................ 194 Bathroom Products / Accessories .......................................................................................................... 194 Billiards ....................................................................................................................................................... 197 Blinds / Shu ers......................................................................................................................................... 197 Building / Property / Materials Inspectors ........................................................................................... 197 Building Code Consultants ..................................................................................................................... 197 Building Envelope Specialists ................................................................................................................. 198 Building Material Distributors ...............................................................................................................200 Building Materials ....................................................................................................................................200 Building Materials Tes ng / Cer fica on ................................................................................206 Business Coaching / Consul ng ..............................................................................................................206 Cabinets ......................................................................................................................................................206 Carpenters .................................................................................................................................................209 Ceilings / Ceiling Systems ......................................................................................................................... 210 Cleaning - Post Construc on .................................................................................................................. 210 Closets / Organizing / Storage Products or Services ............................................................................ 210 Communica ons Products / Wireless Services................................................................................... 212 Computer So ware / Management Informa on Systems ................................................................ 213 Concrete / Materials / Supplies ............................................................................................................... 213 Concrete Decor / Outdoor / Indoor......................................................................................................... 215 Concrete Formwork ................................................................................................................................. 215 Concrete Leveling / Subfloor Prep......................................................................................................... 216 Concrete Li ing / Soil Stabiliza on ........................................................................................................ 216 Concrete Reinforcements / Rebar / Cu ng / Coring ............................................................................ 216 Concrete Restora ons ............................................................................................................................. 216 Conservatories / Backyard Structures .................................................................................................. 216 Contractor Referral Network ................................................................................................................. 218 Corporate Gi s .......................................................................................................................................... 218 Countertops ............................................................................................................................................... 218 Datacenter Infrastructure / Enterprise IT ............................................................................................. 220 Decks / Fences ............................................................................................................................................ 220 Demoli ons ............................................................................................................................................... 222 Development Consultants ...................................................................................................................... 222 Door Hardware.......................................................................................................................................... 224 Doors ........................................................................................................................................................... 224 Dra ing / Floor plan .................................................................................................................................. 226 Drywallers .................................................................................................................................................. 227 Duct Cleaning ............................................................................................................................................ 227 Educa on & Training ................................................................................................................................ 227 Electrical Contractors / Electricians .......................................................................................................228 Electrical Products ....................................................................................................................................230 Elevators / Li Devices .............................................................................................................................230 Employment Services / Recruiters / Human Resources .....................................................................230 Energy Advisors / Evaluators ...................................................................................................................230 Engineered Floor Systems ....................................................................................................................... 231 Engineered Wood Products / Systems................................................................................................... 232 Engineers .................................................................................................................................................... 232 Contact • 2018 175

INDEX OF PRODUCTS, SERVICES, PROFESSIONALS Environmental / Green Products ........................................................................................................... 233 Environmental Consultants .................................................................................................................... 233 Equipment Leasing / Rentals / Sales ....................................................................................................... 233 Excava ons / Excavators ..........................................................................................................................234 Factory Finishing .......................................................................................................................................234 Financial / Mortgages / Lenders ..............................................................................................................234 Fire Protec on........................................................................................................................................... 236 Fireplaces / Mantels / Inserts ................................................................................................................... 236 Floor Refinishing .......................................................................................................................................238 Floor Warming / Radiant ..........................................................................................................................238 Flooring - Access Flooring ....................................................................................................................... 239 Flooring - Carpet ....................................................................................................................................... 239 Flooring - Resilient / Vinyl / Cork / Linoleum .........................................................................................240 Flooring - Tiles ........................................................................................................................................... 241 Flooring - Wood......................................................................................................................................... 242 Founda ons / Underpinning ...................................................................................................................244 Frameless Glass Railings.......................................................................................................................... 245 Framers / Formers ..................................................................................................................................... 245 Freeze Protec on......................................................................................................................................246 Furniture..................................................................................................................................................... 246 Garage Doors .............................................................................................................................................246 Garage Organizer Systems ......................................................................................................................246 Glass / Shower Doors ...............................................................................................................................248 Glass Replacement / Restora on ...........................................................................................................248 Government Agencies .............................................................................................................................250 Gu ers / Eaves Trough..............................................................................................................................250 Health & Safety Consultants .................................................................................................... 251 Hea ng ....................................................................................................................................................... 251 Home / Trade Shows ................................................................................................................................ 252 Home Automa on / Integra on ............................................................................................................. 253 Home Staging ............................................................................................................................................ 253 Home Theatres ..........................................................................................................................................254 Hot Tubs / Pools / Spas ..............................................................................................................................254 House Designs / Home Plans ...................................................................................................................254 House Moving / Raising ............................................................................................................................ 255 Informa on Services - Construc on / Real Estate .............................................................................. 256 Insula ng Concrete Forms ...................................................................................................................... 256 Insula on Contractors ............................................................................................................................. 257 Insula on Suppliers.................................................................................................................................. 257 Insurance .................................................................................................................................................... 258 Interior Decorators...................................................................................................................................260 Interior Designers .....................................................................................................................................260 Interior Finishing....................................................................................................................................... 265 Internet Services....................................................................................................................................... 266 Irriga on / Sprinklers ................................................................................................................................ 266 Kitchen Products / Accessories ............................................................................................................... 266 Land Surveyors .......................................................................................................................................... 269 Landscape Construc on / Materials / Products ................................................................................... 269 Landscapers / Landscape Design / Ligh ng / Supplies ......................................................................... 270 Lawyers....................................................................................................................................................... 271 Ligh ng / Ligh ng Design / LED Ligh ng ................................................................................................ 272 Ligh ng Control Systems......................................................................................................................... 273 Manufactured / Natural Stone............................................................................................................... 274 Manufacturer’s Rep ................................................................................................................................. 276 Masonry Contractors / Stone Masons / Bricklayers ........................................................................... 277 Masonry Products ................................................................................................................................... 277 Merchant Services Providers ................................................................................................................. 278 Metalwork ................................................................................................................................................. 278 Millwork ..................................................................................................................................................... 278 Mirrors ........................................................................................................................................................280 Mold Resistant Building Products .........................................................................................................280

176 Contact • 2018

INDEX OF PRODUCTS, SERVICES, PROFESSIONALS Mouldings ..................................................................................................................................................280 Movers ........................................................................................................................................................ 281 Nurseries .................................................................................................................................................... 281 Painters / Pain ng Contractors............................................................................................................... 281 Pa o Covers ............................................................................................................................................... 282 Paving / Asphalt ......................................................................................................................................... 282 Permit Drawings .......................................................................................................................................283 Photographers / Architectural / Aerial ...................................................................................................283 Planners ......................................................................................................................................................283 Plumbers.....................................................................................................................................................283 Plumbing Fixtures / Supplies ...................................................................................................................284 Power Generators - Residen al / Commercial ....................................................................................286 Power Washing .........................................................................................................................................288 Printers .......................................................................................................................................................288 Property / Strata Managers / Management Services ..........................................................................288 Publishers / Writers / Editors ...................................................................................................................288 Quan ty Surveyors ..................................................................................................................................289 Realtors ......................................................................................................................................................289 Refinishing Products / Services ..............................................................................................................290 Retaining Walls .........................................................................................................................................290 Roofing / Drainage Contractors .............................................................................................................. 291 Roofing Products / Supplies..................................................................................................................... 292 Rubbish / Waste Removal ....................................................................................................................... 293 Sales & Marke ng .................................................................................................................................... 293 Security Products / Services / Systems.................................................................................................. 297 Sheet Metal / Fabrica on ........................................................................................................................ 297 Shipping / Logis cs / Warehousing .........................................................................................................298 Siding / Exteriors / Trim Products / Fibre Cement .................................................................................298 Signs ............................................................................................................................................................ 302 Skylights ..................................................................................................................................................... 302 Solar Systems ............................................................................................................................................303 Sound Walls ...............................................................................................................................................303 Sprinklers ...................................................................................................................................................303 Stairs / Railings...........................................................................................................................................304 Steam Baths ...............................................................................................................................................304 Structural Insulated Panels.....................................................................................................................305 Structural Steel .........................................................................................................................................305 Structured Wiring .....................................................................................................................................305 Subdivision Design Consul ng ..............................................................................................................306 Sunrooms ...................................................................................................................................................306 Tile Restora ons .......................................................................................................................................306 Tiles - Ceramic / Mosaic / Specialty / Glass ............................................................................................308 Tiles - Exterior / Ledge Stone / Marble / Slate ......................................................................................308 Tiling Contractors / Tilers......................................................................................................................... 310 Tools ............................................................................................................................................................ 310 Trusses ..................................................................................................................................... 310 U li es ....................................................................................................................................................... 310 Vacuums - Central..................................................................................................................................... 311 Vehicle Leasing / Sales / Services ............................................................................................................ 311 Ven la on Systems / Air Filtra on / Fans / Quality ............................................................................. 312 Wall Coverings ......................................................................................................................... 312 Warranty .................................................................................................................................................... 312 Waste Management / Bins...................................................................................................................... 313 Water / Treatment / Filtra on ................................................................................................................. 313 Water Features / Waterfalls / Fountains................................................................................................ 314 Waterproofing ........................................................................................................................................... 314 Web Designers / Solu ons / Graphic Design ........................................................................................ 315 Window Coverings / Screens ................................................................................................................... 315 Windows .................................................................................................................................................... 316 Wireless Products / Devices / Solu ons ................................................................................................ 318 Wrought Iron ............................................................................................................................................ 318 Contact • 2018 177

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178 Contact • 2018

Dedicated to Your Success The GVHBA is a symbol of integrity and trust. Consumers turn to the GVHBA to source builders, renovators, products and services to build their homes which help shape the communities where people want to live. As Canada's second largest, fastest growing home builder association, the GVHBA attracts the industry's best, providing leading advocacy initiatives, education and resources to help our member companies thrive. A not-for-profit association, the GVHBA is proudly affiliated with both the provincial CHBA BC, and national CHBA offices. Together, we are building excellence. Dedicated to the professionalism of its members, the GVHBA offers a variety of award-winning programs and services to enhance businesses in the industry, including:

For more information on how you can join us, visit www.gvhba.org. Let’s Connect! @GVHBA Contact • 2018 179

ACCOUNTANTS / BOOKKEEPERS / TAXATION / ADVERTISING / PROMOTIONS / MEDIA ACCOUNTANTS / BOOKKEEPERS / TAXATION 777 Eccounting Systems Inc. Mr. Eldon Guenther 832 Parker Street White Rock, BC V4B 4R2 (604) 329-2663 Fax: (866) 246-1388 eguenther@eccounting.ca www.eccounting.ca

BDO Canada LLP Mr. Bob Mann, BBA, CA #220, 19916 - 64 Avenue Langley, BC V2Y 1A2 (604) 534-8691 Fax: (604) 534-8900 bmann@bdo.ca www.bdo.ca

Crowe MacKay LLP Mr. Bill Gill #1100, 1177 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4T5 SEE (604) 591-6181 OUR AD Fax: (604) 591-5676 ON PAGE bill.gill@crowemackay.ca 183 www.crowemackay.ca

KPMG LLP Mr. Brian Szabo #2400, Metrotower 2 4720 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5A 4N2 (604) 527-3747 Fax: (604) 527-3636 bszabo@kpmg.ca www.kpmg.ca

MNP LLP Ms. Debra Lawton #2200, MNP Tower 1021 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6E 0C3 (604) 685-8408 Fax: (604) 685-8594 debra.lawton@mnp.ca www.mnp.ca

180 Contact • 2018

Wolrige Mahon LLP Mr. Gurpreet Sandhu, CPA, CA #900, 400 Burrard Street SEE Vancouver, BC V6C 9Z9 OUR AD ON PAGE (604) 684-6212 Fax: (604) 688-3497 181 gsandhu@wm.ca www.wolrigemahon.com

ADVERTISING / PROMOTIONS / MEDIA Ballistic Arts Media Studios Inc. Mr. Ted Lau #110, 250 Schoolhouse Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 6V7 (604) 553-1081 clinic@ballisticarts.com www.ballisticarts.com

Black Press Ms. Lisa Farquharson #309, 5460 - 152 Street Surrey, BC V3S 5J9 (604) 994-1020 Fax: (604) 575-4886 lisa@blackpress.ca www.blackpress.ca

BUILDEX and IDSWest Mr. Michael Pelsoci #510, 1185 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4E6 (604) 730-2034 Toll Free: (877) 739-2112 michael.pelsoci@informa.com www.buildexshows.com www.idswest.com

Green & Green Gifts with Flair Ms. Mindy Tulsi-Ingram 1576 Rand Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 3G2 (604) 689-5027 Fax: (604) 689-5028 info@greenNgreen.com www.greenNgreen.com

ADVERTISING / PROMOTIONS / MEDIA Green Sheet Construction Data Ltd.

Marketplace Events

Ms. Simone Sunderland 100 Sycamore Drive Port Moody, BC V3H 0A8 (604) 461-0327 Fax: (604) 461-0326 simone@greensheet.ca www.greensheet.ca

Mr. Tyson Kidd #212, 1847 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6J 1Y6 (604) 639-2288 Fax: (604) 639-2289 Toll Free: (800) 633-8332 tysonk@mpeshows.com www.marketplaceevents.com www.vancouverhomeshows.com

Harrison Marketing Resources Ltd. Ms. Lynn Harrison #4, 15 Forest Parkway Port Moody, BC V3H 5G7 (604) 837-5274 Fax: (604) 949-0419 harrisonmarketing@shaw.ca www.harrisonmarketing.ca

Martin Knowles Photo / Media Mr. Martin Knowles #703, 989 Richards Street Vancouver, BC V6B 6R6 (604) 838-5785 martin@mkphotomedia.com www.mkphotomedia.com

Kakadu Media Ms. Julia Vorontsova 1021 West Hastings Street 9th Floor Vancouver, BC V6E 0C3 (604) 379-7646 showoff@kakadu-media.ca www.kakadu-media.ca

Metro News Vancouver Ms. Deanna Bartolomeu #405, 375 Water Street Vancouver, BC V6B 5C6 (604) 363-4337 Fax: (604) 648-3222 deanna.bartolomeu@metronews.ca www.metronews.ca

Ƥ ǯ ͙͔ Ǥ Gurpreet Sandhu Partner Tel: 604-691-6883 Email: gsandhu@wm.ca Darren Gibson Partner Tel: 604-691-6882 Email: dgibson@wm.ca 900-400 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC

Our professional services include: • Audit and Accounting • Taxation • Technology & Risk Advisory • Insolvency & Restructuring • Corporate Finance • Business Valuations • Litigation Support • Public Companies

wm.ca Contact • 2018 181

ADVERTISING / PROMOTIONS / MEDIA / AGING IN PLACE / BARRIER-FREE – AIR CONDITIONING PrismTech Graphics Ltd. Mr. Evan Bay 4093 McConnell Court Burnaby, BC V5A 3L8 (604) 637-6611 Fax: (604) 421-9759 Toll Free: (877) 276-1744 evan@prismtechgraphics.com www.prismtechgraphics.com

Real Estate Weekly Ms. Janai York 303 West 5 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1C5 (604) 439-2647 Fax: (604) 439-2630 jyork@glaciermedia.ca www.rew.ca www.glaciermedia.ca

SeeVirtual Marketing & Photography Inc. Mr. Brett Youngberg #101, 5830 - 176A Street Surrey, BC V3S 4H5 (604) 575-1244 x. 224 info@seevirtual360.com www.seevirtual360.com

The Construction Expo Mr. Raman Sharma (604) 726-0500 info@theconstructionexpo.com www.theconstructionexpo.com

The Vancouver Sun and The Province Mr. Peter Ryznar #1, 200 Granville Street 6th Floor Vancouver, BC V6C 3N3 (604) 605-2373 Fax: (604) 605-2306 pryznar@postmedia.com www.vancouversun.com

Yellow Pages NextHome Mr. Jared Holland 2025 Willingdon Avenue, 4th Floor Burnaby, BC V5C 0J3 (416) 626-4006 jared.holland@nexthome.ca www.nexthome.yp.ca

182 Contact • 2018

AGING IN PLACE / BARRIER-FREE Bascombe Construction Ltd. Mr. Ed Bascombe 3946 Frances Street Burnaby, BC V5C 2P3 (604) 763-3778 bascombeconstructionltd@gmail.com

Duxbury & Associates - Building Inspection & Consulting Ltd. Mr. Glenn Duxbury, CHI, QAO 125 DeBeck Street New Westminster, BC V3L 3H7 (604) 524-2502 info@glennduxbury-inspections.com www.glennduxbury-inspections.com

Valley Acrylic Products Ms. Genny Siddall 33778 North Railway Avenue Mission, BC V2V 1H6 (604) 820-0014 Fax: (604) 820-1024 genny@valleyacrylic.com www.valleyacrylic.com

AIR CONDITIONING BC Coastal Energy Mr. Steve Blissett 3600 East Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V5K 2A9 (604) 971-0750 admin@bccoastalenergy.ca www.bccoastalenergy.com

EMCO Corporation Mr. Kerry McKearney 3140 Gilmore Diversion Burnaby, BC V5G 3B4 (604) 713-2200 Fax: (604) 713-2211 Toll Free: (800) 309-0899 kmckearney@emcoltd.com www.emcobc.ca

AIR CONDITIONING Guru Contracting Ltd. Mr. Rajan Jhajj 16854 Fraser Highway Surrey, BC V4N 0E3 (778) 896-7252 Fax: (604) 574-9238 info@guru-contracting.com guruservicegroup.ca

KCS Heating Ltd. Mr. Alf Koolen #800, 15355 - 24 Avenue, Box 517 Surrey, BC V4A 2H9 (604) 536-8033 Fax: (604) 531-0248 kcsheating@shaw.ca

Lennox Industries (Canada) Ltd. Mr. Rob Viau 2962 Lake City Way Burnaby, BC V5A 3A2 (604) 421-5424 Fax: (604) 421-6718 rob.viau@lennoxind.com www.lennox.com

1100 - 1177 West Hastings St. Vancouver, BC V6E 4T5 1(604) 687.4511

Mitsubishi Electric Sales Canada Inc. Ms. Stefanie Cherny #120, 8061 Lougheed Highway Burnaby, BC V5A 1W9 (604) 415-6487 Fax: (604) 415-6480 Toll Free: (888) 415-6487 stefanie.cherny@mesca.ca www.MitsubishiElectric.ca



Moore & Russell Heating Ltd. Mr. Serge Laredo #101, 2131 Hartley Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3K 6Z3 (604) 526-8155 Fax: (604) 524-0300 serge.laredo@mrheating.com www.mrheating.com

Refrigerative Supply Mr. Jeff Morin 8028 North Fraser Way Burnaby, BC V5J 0E1 (604) 454-5075 Fax: (604) 454-5073 Toll Free: (877) 754-5075 jeffm@rsl.ca www.rsl.ca

200, 5455 152nd Street Surrey, BC V3S 5A5 1(604) 591.6181

crowemackay.ca Contact • 2018 183


Rinnai Canada Mr. Dan Noel 7308 - 196A Street Langley, BC V2Y 3C5 (604) 657-2223 dnoel@rinnai.ca www.Rinnai.ca

Thompson Heating Ltd. Mr. Wayne Fleet 5739 - 203A Street Langley, BC V3A 1W7 (604) 539-2807 Fax: (604) 539-2817 wfleet@thompsonheatingltd.com www.thompsonheatingltd.com

True North Comfort Mr. Graham Beatty #105, 1305 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B3 (778) 839-2040 Fax: (604) 770-2041 admin@truenorthcomfort.ca www.truenorthcomfort.ca www.thompsonheatingltd.com

APPLIANCES Coast Wholesale Appliances LP Ms. Susan Ford 8488 Main Street Vancouver, BC V5X 4W8 (604) 301-3644 Fax: (604) 321-6782 sford@coastappliances.com www.coastappliances.com

Euro-Line Appliances West Inc. Mr. Darren Boyd 2912 West 4 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6K 1R2 (604) 235-3980 Fax: (604) 235-3984 Toll Free: (855) 352-9378 info@elawest.com www.euro-line-appliances.com

Monde Home Products


Mr. Brendan Rigney #120, 11120 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC V7A 5H7 (604) 275-2210 x. 104 Fax: (604) 275-2217 brendan.rigney@echelonhomeproducts.com www.mondehomeproducts.ca

Bissett Fasteners

The Brick Warehouse Corp.

Ms. Christy Chong 63 Fawcett Road Coquitlam, BC V3K 6V2 (604) 540-0200 sales@bissettfasteners.ca www.bissettfasteners.ca

Mr. Rick Ewing 1101 United Boulevard, Building #2 Coquitlam, BC V3K 6V3 (604) 517-5800 Fax: (604) 517-5839 rewing@thebrick.com www.thebrick.com

Hilti Canada Mr. Femi Oloruntoba 6256 Rexford Drive Chilliwack, BC V2R 0L3 (800) 363-4458 Fax: (800) 363-4459 femi.oloruntoba@hilti.com www.ca.hilti.com

184 Contact • 2018

Trail Appliances Ltd. Mr. Doug Truesdell SEE 3388 Sweden Way OUR AD ON PAGE Richmond, BC V6V 0B2 185 (604) 838-5295 Fax: (604) 278-4148 dtruesdell@trailappliances.com www.trailappliances.com/bc/builders/ builder_overview.cfm


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Contact • 2018 185

ARCHITECTS / DESIGNERS ARCHITECTS / DESIGNERS ADA - arata hatanaka design atelier Mr. Arata Hatanaka #8, 241 East 4 Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 1J1 (604) 836-1798 info@aratadesignatelier.com www.aratadesignatelier.com

Bimtrix Design Inc. Mr. Evan Gallagher #207, 1815 Cornwall Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1C6 (604) 789-3052 evan@bimtrix.com www.bimtrix.com

Canadian Renovations Inc.

Ms. Anja Henche 6449 Douglas Street West Vancouver, BC V7W 2G3 (604) 724-5543 anja@ah-design.ca www.ah-design.ca

Mr. Dean Mitchell 10322 - 168 Street Surrey, BC V4N 1Z4 (604) 809-0127 Fax: (604) 957-0128 consult@canadianrenovations.com www.canadianrenovations.com Designations: CAPS

Architrix Design Studio Inc.

CCI Renovations

Mr. Khang Nguyen #216, 289 Alexander Street Vancouver, BC V6A 4H6 (604) 677-7877 Fax: (604) 909-4920 info@architrixstudio.com www.architrixstudio.com

Mr. John Friswell #1, 1485 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B5 (604) 980-8384 Fax: (604) 980-7868 info@ccirenos.com www.ccirenos.com

AH Design




ARTISAN Construction Group Mr. Brent Repin #225, 1820 Fir Street Vancouver, BC V6J 3B1 (604) 676-1516 Fax: (604) 249-1133 info@artisanconstruction.ca www.artisanconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRBC, CHP, CRC, CRP


Ching Kee Construction and Renovations Company Limited Mr. Kwok Ching (Billy) Lee 3828 Garry Street Richmond, BC V7E 2T8 (604) 765-2138 billylee@chingkeeconstruction.com www.chingkeeconstruction.com

Azara Homes Ltd. Mr. Amar Mangat, BSc(Eng) 5050 Ross Street Vancouver, BC V5W 3K5 (604) 763-1110 amar@azara.ca www.azara.ca

Chris Dikeakos Architects Inc. Mr. Chris Dikeakos #212, 3989 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6N5 (604) 291-2660 info@dikeakos.com www.dikeakos.com

Basil Restoration Ltd. Mr. Mark Wittig #106, 1089 East Kent Avenue North Vancouver, BC V5X 4V9 (604) 324-9364 Fax: (604) 324-9363 info@basilrestorationltd.ca www.basilrestorationltd.ca

186 Contact • 2018

Christophe Vaissade Designs Inc. Mr. Christophe Vaissade, CBD, ASTTBC 381 Clarence Street Port Moody, BC V3H 2Y1 (604) 614-6627 chris@cvdesigns.ca www.cvdesigns.ca

ARCHITECTS / DESIGNERS Concept To Design Inc. Ms. Carolyn Lino Stewart Surrey, BC (778) 395-1140 Fax: (604) 497-1140 office@concepttodesign.ca www.concepttodesign.ca

Craig Chevalier Designs Mr. Craig Chevalier 1317 Civic Place Mews North Vancouver, BC V7M 0B2 (604) 987-9365 info@chevalierdesigns.com www.chevalierdesigns.com

Don Stuart Architect Inc. Mr. Don Stuart 959 Esquimalt Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7T 1J9 (604) 925-6866 Fax: (604) 925-6876 donstuartarchitect@gmail.com www.donstuartarchitect.com

Econ Group Construction and Development Ltd. Mr. Marcel Studer Mr. Michael Dutson #402, 510 Chesterfield Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7M 2L9 (604) 618-0284 Fax: (604) 677-6291 Toll Free: (866) 439-3299 marcel@econgroup.ca sales@econgroup.ca www.econgroup.ca Designations:

BuiltGreen, Passive House Certified

Falcon Homes Ltd. Mr. Fred Formosa #101, 11862 - 226 Street Maple Ridge, BC V2X 9C8 (604) 477-5500 Fax: (604) 477-5575 sales@falconhomes.com www.falconhomes.com

Heritage Design & Construction Management Inc. Mr. Chen Shun Chew #3185, 8888 Odlin Crescent Richmond, BC V6X 3Z8 (604) 813-6116 Fax: (604) 244-8388 heritagedcchew@gmail.com www.heritagedc.ca

Indoor Outdoor Guy Renovations Inc. Mr. Joseph Neely 9251 No. 6 Road Richmond, BC V6W 1E5 (604) 277-5572 Fax: (604) 277-9433 joseph@idguy.net www.indooroutdoorguy.ca

Intermind Design Inc. Ms. Mila Djuras 609 Lidster Place New Westminster, BC V3L 5E2 (604) 338-9936 miladjuras@interminddesign.com www.interminddesign.com Designations: CAPS

Jamie Banfield Design Mr. Jamie Banfield 2739 Murray Street Port Moody, BC V3H 1X1 (604) 385-1646 info@jamiebanfield.ca www.jamiebanfield.ca

Joey Chan & Associates Inc. Mr. Joey Chan #8, 4711 Blair Drive Richmond, BC V6X 4E6 (604) 232-0730 Fax: (604) 232-0735 joeychan329@hotmail.com www.joeychan.com

John Henshaw Architect Inc. Mrs. Joy Chao 1666 West 75 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G2 (604) 264-1072 Fax: (604) 264-9192 joy@jhainc.ca www.johnhenshawarchitect.com Contact • 2018 187

ARCHITECTS / DESIGNERS Kenorah Design + Build Ltd.

MPB Construction Ltd.

Mr. Graham Collins #105, 23160 - 96 Avenue Fort Langley, BC V1M 2S3 (604) 940-2767 Fax: (604) 940-2787 graham@kenorah.com www.kenorah.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CHP, CRBC, CAPS

Mr. Paul Clarke #62, 15515 - 24 Avenue Surrey, BC V4A 2J4 (604) 538-9622 Fax: (604) 538-8608 info@mpbconstruction.com www.mpbconstruction.com

My House Design/Build Team Ltd. Klondike Contracting Corporation Mr. Eric Schapira #300, 1375 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 0B1 (604) 708-3337 x. 102 Fax: (604) 708-3397 info@klondikecontracting.com www.klondikecontracting.com

Mr. Graeme Huguet SEE 15356 Fraser Highway OUR AD Surrey, BC V3R 3P5 ON PAGE (604) 694-6873 3 Fax: (604) 951-4093 info@myhousedesignbuild.com www.myhousedesignbuild.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CAPS, CRP

Loy Leyland Architect Inc.

Pavel Denisov Design

Mr. Loy Leyland #1, 1864 West 1 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1G5 (604) 736-1419 Fax: (604) 736-9493 loyleyland@telus.net www.loyleylandarchitect.com

Mr. Pavel N. Denisov 322 West 18 Street North Vancouver, BC V7M 1W9 (604) 417-7753 info@denisov-arch.com www.denisov-arch.com

Maas Designs Inc. Mr. Brian Borsato #10, 8116 - 130 Street Surrey, BC V3W 8J9 (604) 340-9686 pdi@telus.net www.maasdesigns.com

maison d’etre design-build inc. Mr. Robert Capar 118 West 2 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1C2 (604) 484-4030 Fax: (604) 484-4031 contact@maisondetre.ca www.maisondetre.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRP, CRBC

188 Contact • 2018

Phase One Design Ms. Kathy Yuen #500, 210 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V5Y 3W2 (604) 347-8863 info@phase1design.com www.phase1design.com

PLACE architect ltd. Ms. Heather L. Johnston, MAIBC, RAIC, AIA 6262 St. Georges Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7W 1Z7 (778) 279-7274 heather@placearchitects.com www.placearchitects.com

Radec Group Inc. Mr. Joe Walters 625 East 16 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 2V3 (604) 676-0008 Fax: (604) 677-1097 Toll Free: (866) 976-0008 info@radecgroup.com www.radecgroup.com

ARCHITECTS / DESIGNERS reVISION Custom Home Renovations Inc. Mr. Todd Senft #202, 338 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 3X2 (604) 835-4033 Fax: (604) 873-4770 todd@revisionrenovations.com www.revisionrenovations.com

Sensitive Design Ms. Susanne Doise, M.Arch, RID 2423 Lawson Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7V 2E7 (604) 925-4602 Fax: (604) 925-4632 susanne@sensitivedesign.com www.sensitivedesign.com

TQ Construction Ltd. Richard Kadulski Architect Mr. Richard Kadulski #204, 1037 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6H 1E3 (604) 689-1841 Fax: (604) 733-1842 kadulski@direct.ca Designations: R-2000, BuiltGreen

Mr. Ralph Belisle SEE #106, 8988 Fraserton Court OUR AD Burnaby, BC V5J 5H8 ON PAGE (604) 430-9900 53 info@tqconstruction.ca www.tqconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRC, CRP, CAPS

VictorEric Premium Homes RJR Construction Management Ltd. Mr. Shawn Stewart #119, 3989 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6P8 (604) 254-1760 Fax: (604) 254-4960 info@rjrconstruction.ca www.rjrconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRBC, CRC, CAPS

S.P. Riley Residential Design Ltd. Mr. Steve Riley 3882 - 203B Street Langley, BC V3A 6S5 (604) 534-5704 Fax: (604) 534-5705 spriley@shaw.ca www.sprileyresidentialdesign.com

Schema Creative Mr. Joe Wolkosky #2, 6207 Fraser Street Vancouver, BC V5W 3A2 (604) 808-3406 schemainnovative@gmail.com www.schemacreative.com

Mr. Eric Lee 15 East 3 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1C5 (604) 677-0021 Fax: (604) 677-0178 info@victoreric.com www.victoreric.com

Wensley Architecture Ltd. Mr. Barry Weih #301, 1444 Alberni Street Vancouver, BC V6G 2Z4 (604) 685-3529 Fax: (604) 685-4574 office@wensleyarch.com www.wensleyarch.com

Zimba Design Ms. Pam Chilton, RD.AIBC, AScT, RBO 1916 Triumph Street Vancouver, BC V5L 1K5 (604) 803-5532 contact@zimba.ca www.zimba.ca

Contact • 2018 189

ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS / PAINTS ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS / PAINTS Anti-Slip Anywhere Mr. Stan Schaefer #230, 151 - 10090 152 Street Surrey, BC V3R 8X8 (604) 582-7233 stan@antislip.ca www.antislip.ca


Cloverdale Paint Inc. Mr. Kevin Belton Mr. Vince Smith 6950 King George Boulevard Surrey, BC V3W 4Z1 (604) 596-6261 (604) 868-8406 Fax: (604) 597-2677 Fax: (604) 689-7770 kbelton@cloverdalepaint.com vsmith@cloverdalepaint.com www.cloverdalepaint.com

DuPont Canada Mr. Matthew D’Andrea 800 - 15355 - 24 Avenue Suite 506 Surrey, BC V4A 2H9 (604) 346-9996 Fax: (866) 431-5779 mdandrea@tyvekspecialist.ca www.construction.tyvek.ca


Coastec Industrial Paints Mr. Gary Brown #116, 7350 - 72 Street Delta, BC V4G 1H9 (604) 940-3393 Fax: (604) 940-1160 gary.brown@coastpaint.com www.coastpaint.com


Mr. J.D. Eckmire 7440 Vantage Way Delta, BC V4G 1H1 (604) 940-0002 Fax: (604) 940-2572 Toll Free: (800) 426-2734 jdeckmire@mapei.com www.mapei.ca

PPG / Dulux Mr. Robert Zelisko 1609 Boundary Road Vancouver, BC V5K 4X7 (800) 441-9695 Robert.Zelisko@ppg.com www.dulux.ca


604-582-7233 We make any surface safe anywhere or any surface not slippery anywhere

We can make your surfaces not slippery

info@antislip.ca 190 Contact • 2018



PSL- Par’s Services Ltd.

Mr. Ben Good 8007 Aitken Road Chilliwack, BC V2R 4H5 (604) 830-3970 Fax: (604) 888-3970 ben@woodtone.com www.woodtone.com

Mr. Par Leihl #180, 6753 Graybar Road Richmond, BC V6W 1H3 (604) 278-4445 Fax: (604) 273-5535 par@pslservices.ca pslservices.ca



Lumon Canada Inc.

Better Business Bureau of Mainland B.C

Ms. Darlene Kuik #102, 2707 Progressive Way Abbotsford, BC V2T 0A7 (604) 615-8310 ed.minderhoud@lumon.com www.lumon.ca www.naturallightpatiocovers.com

Ms. Danielle Primrose #404, 788 Beatty Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2M1 (604) 682-2711 Fax: (604) 681-1544 inquiries@mbc.bbb.org www.bbb.org/mbc

WaterfallNow Mr. Moses Yoon 8213 - 152 Street Surrey, BC V3S 3M6 (604) 724-4008 info@waterfallnow.com www.waterfallnow.com

ASBESTOS / HAZARDOUS WASTE REMOVAL / CONSULTING High Precision Monitoring & Analysis Ltd. Ms. Karin Mahil 11646 - 82 Avenue Delta, BC V4C 2C4 (604) 782-8384 info@hpanalysis.com www.hpanalysis.com

Proactive Hazmat and Environmental Ltd. Mr. Brian Gibson #101, 9295 - 198 Street Langley, BC V1M 3J9 (778) 298-2268 Fax: (778) 298-2269 briang@proactivehazmat.com www.proactivehazmat.com

BC Floor Covering Association (BCFCA) Mr. Thomas Foreman 2, 19299 - 94 Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 4E6 (604) 881-4944 Fax: (604) 881-4744 info@bcfca.com www.bcfca.com

Concrete, BC Ms. Carolyn Campbell 26162 - 30A Avenue Aldergrove, BC V4W 2W5 (604) 626-4141 Fax: (604) 626-4143 ccampbell@concretebc.ca www.concretebc.ca

Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver Ms. Eileen Day 2433 Spruce Street Vancouver, BC V6H 4C8 (604) 730-3000 Fax: (604) 730-3102 eday@rebgv.org www.rebgv.org

Contact • 2018 191

AUDIO / VIDEO / AUTOMATED BUILDING SYSTEMS / ENTRANCES / GATES AUDIO / VIDEO ACE Integrated Systems Ltd. Mr. Andrew McCormick #203, 3905 Springtree Drive Vancouver, BC V6L 3E2 (604) 565-1110 info@aceintegratedsystems.ca www.aceintegratedsystems.ca

Orca Security Corporation Mr. Brad Morrison #111, 8988 Fraserton Court SEE OUR AD Burnaby, BC V5J 5H8 ON PAGE (604) 431-8803 299 Fax: (604) 431-8489 info@orcasecurity.ca www.orcasecurity.ca

The Brick Warehouse Corp. Best Built-in Centre Mr. Michael Chamzuk 1743 Boundary Road Vancouver, BC V5M 3Y7 (604) 324-7777 Fax: (604) 324-7034 info@bestsecuritysystems.ca www.bestsecuritysystems.ca

Mr. Rick Ewing 1101 United Boulevard, Building #2 Coquitlam, BC V3K 6V3 (604) 517-5800 Fax: (604) 517-5839 rewing@thebrick.com www.thebrick.com

The Sound Room Coast Pacific Wire and Alarms Inc. Mr. Ryan Hawkins Ms. Cassandra Anderson 2803 Murray Street Port Moody, BC V3H 1X3 (604) 461-1866 Fax: (604) 461-1850 info@coastpacificalarms.ca www.coastpacificalarms.ca

Graytek Mr. Shawn Moran #116, 250 Schoolhouse Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 6V7 (604) 529-1034 Fax: (604) 529-1035 info@graytek.ca www.graytek.ca

New Space Technologies Mr. Mark Scott #220, 285 East 1 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1A7 (604) 724-6775 Fax: (604) 909-1830 info@newspace.ca www.newspace.ca

192 Contact • 2018

Mr. Mark Macdonald #100, 2025 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6J 1Z6 (604) 736-7771 x. 106 Fax: (604) 736-9959 mark@soundroom.ca www.soundroom.ca

AUTOMATED BUILDING SYSTEMS / ENTRANCES / GATES Creative Door Services Ltd. Mr. John Lutz #3, 1678 Fosters Way Delta, BC V3M 6S6 (604) 524-8444 Fax: (604) 524-1968 jlutz@creativedoor.com www.creativedoor.com

Door Pro Ltd. Mr. Luther Adams #106, 13423 - 78 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 0A8 (604) 597-4040 Fax: (604) 572-8960 sales@doorpro.ca www.doorpro.ca

SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 193 & 249


Makena Construction Inc.

Mr. Rod Rempel 19680 - 94A Avenue Langley, BC V1M 3B7 (604) 546-0402 x. 234 Fax: (604) 882-8413 rrempel@mitsuihomes.ca www.mitsuihomes.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

Mr. Randy Edmunds SEE 6973 - 195 Street OUR AD ON PAGE Surrey, BC V4N 5Y6 135 (604) 961-1814 randy@makenaconstruction.ca www.makenaconstruction.ca

BARBECUES Fireplaces Unlimited Mr. Gord Schlechtleitner 4460 Juneau Street Burnaby, BC V5C 4C8 (604) 415-9330 Fax: (604) 415-9331 Toll Free: (877) 415-9330 info@fireplacesunlimited.ca www.fireplacesunlimited.ca

Trail Appliances Ltd. Mr. Doug Truesdell SEE 3388 Sweden Way OUR AD ON PAGE Richmond, BC V6V 0B2 (604) 838-5295 185 Fax: (604) 278-4148 dtruesdell@trailappliances.com www.trailappliances.com/bc/builders/builder_overview.cfm

BASEMENTS / CRAWLSPACES Basement Systems Vancouver Inc. Mr. Rob Currie #12, 8207 Swenson Way Delta, BC V4G 1J5 (604) 581-1115 Fax: (604) 581-3311 Toll Free: (888) 379-3456 drybasement@bsv.ca www.bsv.ca www.deltams.com

Craftsmen Contracting Ltd. Mr. Quinn Holtslag P.O. Box 31576 Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2G8 (778) 989-7252 Fax: (604) 459-2600 info@craftsmencontracting.com www.craftsmencontracting.com

194 Contact • 2018

Nicons Enterprises Ltd. Mr. Ian Nicule #E205, 20159 - 88 Avenue Langley, BC V1M 0A4 (604) 710-4839 contact@nicons.ca www.nicons.ca

Northern Alpine Contracting Mr. Chad Walmsley #101, 1127 West 14 Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1J9 (604) 770-0640 info@northernalpine.ca www.northernalpine.ca

BATHROOM PRODUCTS / ACCESSORIES ACO Canada Mr. Thomas Osicka #1, 2880 Brighton Road Oakville, ON L6H 5S3 (604) 362-8190 Fax: (905) 829-2908 Toll Free: (877) 226-4255 tosicka@aco-online.ca www.acocan.ca/en/home

AD Waters Mr. Arthur Tsang 509 - 19100 Airport Way Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 0E2 (604) 612-4546 ATsang@aquabrass.com www.ad-waters.com

Artistic Baths Mr. Niall Duggan 2835 East 12 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5M 4P9 (604) 253-4000 Fax: (604) 253-4003 sales@universalsupply.bc.ca www.artisticbaths.com

BATHROOM PRODUCTS / ACCESSORIES B.A. Robinson Ltd. Co. / Robinson Lighting & Bath Centre Mr. Jared Cranwill 2285 Cambie Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 2T5 (604) 879-2494 Fax: (604) 879-4174 info@barobinson.com www.barobinson.com

EMCO Corporation Mr. Kerry McKearney 3140 Gilmore Diversion Burnaby, BC V5G 3B4 (604) 713-2200 Fax: (604) 468-2446 kmckearney@emcoltd.com www.emcobc.ca

floFORM Countertops

Mr. A.J. Bayne Mr. Neil Drinkwater #101, 255 Longside Drive Mississauga, ON L5W 0G7 (778) 772-9256 (778) 228-4382 Fax: (800) 663-7338 AJ.Bayne@SpectrumBrands.com Neil.Drinkwater@SpectrumBrands.com www.SpectrumBrands.com

Mr. Robert Rowan Mr. Andrew MacLeod #104, 8620 Glenlyon Parkway Burnaby, BC V5J 0B6 (778) 986-7255 (604) 568-6325 Fax: (604) 568-6425 Toll Free: (877) 356-3696 rrowan@floform.com amacleod@floform.com www.floform.com

BFJ Design

Germanhaus Furniture Inc.

Baldwin | Pfister | Tell | Weiser

Mr. Mike Jobani 1362 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4S9 (604) 681-8174 mike@bfjdesign.com www.bfjdesign.com

Mr. Maxim Gotsutsov 1654 West 2 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1H4 (604) 801-5773 info@leichtvancouver.com leichtvancouver.com

Cantu Bathrooms & Hardware Ltd.

Glass World

Mr. Shaun Krahn 8351 Ontario Street Vancouver, BC V5X 3E8 (604) 688-1252 Fax: (604) 688-1232 Toll Free: (800) 910-1252 info@cantubathrooms.com www.cantubathrooms.com



Cornerstone Kitchens & Design Ltd. Ms. Nicola Newson 902 West 16 Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1R3 (604) 986-9969 nikki@cornerstonekitchendesign.ca www.cornerstonekitchendesign.ca

Mr. Daryl Waddell 2146 Queen Street Abbotsford, BC V2T 6J4 (604) 854-5757 x. 32 Fax: (604) 852-1850 Toll Free: (888) 820-5080 daryl@glassworld.ca www.glassworld.ca



Hy-Line Sales Ltd. Mr. Lonnie Chiasson Ms. Rosemarie Matthews 71A Clipper Street SEE Coquitlam, BC V3K 6X2 OUR AD (604) 856-5648 ON PAGE Fax: (604) 856-8684 27 Toll Free: (800) 266-3114 lonnie.chiasson@hylinesales.com rosemarie@hylinesales.com www.hylinesales.com Contact • 2018 195

BATHROOM PRODUCTS / ACCESSORIES Kitchen and Bath Classics (A Wolseley Company) Mr. Mike Heeps 2198 Yukon Street Vancouver, BC V5Y 3P1 (604) 873-0004 Fax: (604) 876-5358 mike.heeps@wolseleyinc.ca www.wolseleyinc.ca

Kitchen Craft of Canada Ltd. Ms. Donna Verlaan 2148 Douglas Road Burnaby, BC V5C 5A7 (604) 298-9277 Fax: (604) 298-9233 donna.verlaan@kitchencraft.com www.kitchencraftvancouver.com

Leisure Baths Ltd. Mr. David Snook 6909 Antrim Avenue SEE Burnaby, BC V5J 4M5 OUR AD (604) 437-4717 ON PAGE Fax: (604) 437-5776 199 Toll Free: (800) 987-8326 steamman@relax-a-mist.com www.relax-a-mist.com

Lixil Canada Inc. Mr. John Wilkie 5900 Avebury Road Mississauga, ON L5R 3M3 (604) 488-4523 wilkiej@lixilamericas.com www.lixilamericas.com

Moen Inc. Mr. Andrew Wyman 2816 Bristol Circle Oakville, ON L6H 5S7 (604) 347-7258 Fax: (905) 829-3008 awyman@moen.com www.moen.ca

196 Contact • 2018

Norburn Lighting & Bath Centre Ms. Stefanie Neal, L.S. 4600 East Hastings Street Burnaby, BC V5C 2K5 (604) 299-0666 Fax: (604) 299-6284 sales@norburnlightingandbath.com www.norburnlightingandbath.com

Profile Marble and Bath Mr. Tony Vanderpol 12652 - 82 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 3E8 (604) 596-5071 Fax: (604) 594-9659 profile@telus.net www.profilemarble.ca

Sonia America Inc. Mr. Gerardo Velázquez (604) 767-6106 Fax: (954) 900-7189 gvelazquez@sonia-sa.com www.sonia-sa.com

Suncrest Cabinets Inc. Mr. Paul Lynch 4651 Vanguard Road Richmond, BC V6X 2P7 (604) 278-3445 Fax: (604) 278-0924 plynch@suncrestcabinets.com www.suncrestcabinets.com

Taymor Industries Ltd. Mr. John Driver 1655 Derwent Way Annacis Island Delta, BC V3M 6K8 (604) 540-9525 Fax: (604) 540-2153 Toll Free: (800) 267-4774 jdriver@taymor.com www.taymor.com

Valley Acrylic Products Ms. Genny Siddall 33778 North Railway Avenue Mission, BC V2V 1H6 (604) 820-0014 Fax: (604) 820-1024 genny@valleyacrylic.com www.valleyacrylic.com

BATHROOM PRODUCTS / ACCESSORIES / BILLIARDS / BLINDS / SHUTTERS / BUILDING / PROPERTY / MATERIALS INSPECTORS / BUILDING CODE CONSULTANTS Wedicorp Mr. Scott Elias 171 South Gary Avenue Carol Stream, Illinois 60188 (443) 745-1278 Fax: (847) 357-9819 Toll Free: (877) 933-9334 scott.elias@wedicorp.com www.wedicorp.com

BILLIARDS Coast Spas Lifestyles Inc. Mr. Jon MacAulay 20363 Langley Bypass Langley, BC V3A 5E8 (604) 534-7727 Fax: (604) 533-7591 Toll Free: (800) 363-7727 sales@coastspas.ca www.coastspas.com

BLINDS / SHUTTERS Stor-More Closet & Blinds Ltd. Mr. Steve Swift #111, 19231 - 54 Avenue SEE Surrey, BC V3S 8E5 OUR AD (604) 575-8870 ON PAGE 211 & 247 Fax: (604) 575-1388 Toll Free: (800) 890-6673 steve@stormore.com www.stormore.com

Talius Ms. Tammy Gizen P.O. Box 3279 Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4S1 (604) 468-7655 Fax: (604) 468-7656 Toll Free: (800) 665-5550 info@talius.com www.talius.com

Wholesale Blind Factory Ms. Barbara Rush #11, 75 Blue Mountain Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 0A7 (604) 307-3097 Fax: (604) 942-4570 brush5478@gmail.com www.wholesaleblindfactory.com

BUILDING / PROPERTY / MATERIALS INSPECTORS BC Floor Covering Association (BCFCA) Mr. Thomas Foreman 2, 19299 - 94 Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 4E6 (604) 881-4944 Fax: (604) 881-4744 info@bcfca.com www.bcfca.com

Duxbury & Associates Building Inspection & Consulting Ltd. Mr. Glenn Duxbury, CHI, QAO 125 DeBeck Street New Westminster, BC V3L 3H7 (604) 524-2502 info@glennduxbury-inspections.com www.glennduxbury-inspections.com

QAI Laboratories Ltd. Mr. Kevin Tsumura 3980 North Fraser Way Burnaby, BC V5J 5K6 (604) 527-8378 Fax: (604) 527-8366 rchauhan@qai.org www.qai.org

BUILDING CODE CONSULTANTS Building It Right Mr. Murray Frank 1039 Parana Drive Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 8A8 (604) 999-2641 Fax: (604) 464-7674 murray@telus.net www.buildingitright.com

KINIP Construction Ltd. Mr. Allen Ip, P.Eng, A.ScT., C.P. #3223, 349 Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6B 3X8 (604) 720-2278 allenkinip@gmail.com

Contact • 2018 197

BUILDING ENVELOPE SPECIALISTS BUILDING ENVELOPE SPECIALISTS Building It Right Mr. Murray Frank 1039 Parana Drive Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 8A8 (604) 999-2641 Fax: (604) 464-7674 murray@telus.net www.buildingitright.com

Centra Construction Group Mr. Jeramy Smith 20178 - 98 Avenue Langley, BC V1M 3G1 (604) 882-5010 x. 2112 Fax: (604) 882-3909 jsmith@centra.ca www.centra.ca

Klondike Contracting Corporation Mr. Eric Schapira #300, 1375 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 0B1 (604) 708-3337 x. 102 Fax: (604) 708-3397 info@klondikecontracting.com www.klondikecontracting.com

My House Design/Build Team Ltd. Mr. Graeme Huguet SEE 15356 Fraser Highway OUR AD Surrey, BC V3R 3P5 ON PAGE (604) 694-6873 3 Fax: (604) 951-4093 info@myhousedesignbuild.com www.myhousedesignbuild.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CAPS, CRP

Richard Kadulski Architect Citywide Sundecks & Railings Mr. Paul Bulat #265, 3580 Moncton Street SEE OUR AD Richmond, BC V7E 3A4 ON PAGE (604) 786-3325 321 info@citywide.ca www.citywidebuildingenvelope.ca

Duxbury & Associates Building Inspection & Consulting Ltd. Mr. Glenn Duxbury, CHI, QAO 125 DeBeck Street New Westminster, BC V3L 3H7 (604) 524-2502 info@glennduxbury-inspections.com www.glennduxbury-inspections.com

Flagship Construction Ltd. Mr. Paul Chan 1656 East 56 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5P 2A4 (604) 282-4512 Fax: (604) 608-1318 paul@flagshipconstructionbc.com www.flagshipconstructionbc.com

198 Contact • 2018

Mr. Richard Kadulski #204, 1037 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6H 1E3 (604) 689-1841 Fax: (604) 733-1842 kadulski@direct.ca Designations: R-2000, BuiltGreen

SIGA Cover Inc. Mr. Sean McStay (604) 365-1705 Toll Free: (855) 733-7442 sean.mcstay@sigacover.com www.sigacover.com

Solution Renovations Mr. John Juzyniec 600 Nicola Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3J 7T7 (604) 817-6093 Fax: (604) 939-7754 john@solutionrenovations.com www.solutionrenovations.com




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Mr. Paul Nielsen 12510 - 82 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 3E9 (604) 572-8088 Fax: (604) 572-8048 pnielsen@beacon-roofing.com www.Beacon-Roofing.com

Mr. Anthony Carter #200, 10277 - 154 Street Surrey, BC V3R 4J7 (604) 842-0214 Fax: (604) 583-0917 Toll Free: (800) 663-8011 tony.carter@weyerhaeuser.com www.weyerhaeuser.com www.woodbywy.com


XL Flooring

Mr. Winston Conyers 8288 - 129 Street Surrey, BC V3W 0A6 (604) 591-5594 Fax: (604) 591-3100 winston@duradek.com www.duradek.com

Ms. Dorothy Wolf #117, 3721 Delbrook Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7N 3Z4 (604) 988-0091 Fax: (604) 988-0092 Toll Free: (877) 434-7351 dorothy@xlflooring.ca www.xlflooring.ca

Beacon Roofing Supply Canada

Harris Rebar Mr. Jeff Lea 7958 - 82 Avenue Delta, BC V4G 1L8 (604) 946-1231 Fax: (604) 946-8414 Toll Free: (866) 977-3227 jlea@harrisrebar.com www.harrisrebar.com

BUILDING MATERIALS Azek Building Products Mr. John Klovansky 10940 - 79A Avenue Delta, BC V4C 1T5 (778) 229-8664 john.klovansky@cpgbp.com azekbp.com

Northcoast Building Products Ltd. Mr. Ron Sargeant 14682 - 66 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 1Z9 (604) 597-8884 Fax: (604) 597-0854 rons@northcoastlumber.com www.northcoastlumber.com

Taiga Building Products Ltd. Mr. Joel Wishart 26848 Gloucester Way Langley, BC V4W 3V6 (604) 857-7741 Fax: (604) 857-7781 jwishart@taigabuilding.com www.taigabuilding.com

200 Contact • 2018

Baldwin | Pfister | Tell | Weiser Mr. A.J. Bayne Mr. Neil Drinkwater #101, 255 Longside Drive Mississauga, ON L5W 0G7 (778) 772-9256 (778) 228-4382 Fax: (800) 663-7338 AJ.Bayne@SpectrumBrands.com Neil.Drinkwater@SpectrumBrands.com www.SpectrumBrands.com

Barker Manufacturing Inc. Mr. Jim Barker 812 Melody Place Victoria, BC V9E 2A2 (250) 881-5567 info@barkermanufacturing.com www.barkermanufacturing.com

BUILDING MATERIALS BARR Plastics Inc. Mr. Dean Barrett Unit A, 31192 South Fraser Way Abbotsford, BC V2T 6L5 (604) 852-8522 Fax: (604) 852-8022 Toll Free: (800) 665-4499 dean@barrplastics.com www.barrplastics.com

Custom Building Products Canada Ltd Mr. Garett Shandler 12638 - 82 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 3G1 (604) 657-5574 Fax: (604) 462-0099 Toll Free: (800) 272-8766 garetts@cbpmail.net www.custombuildingproducts.com

Basement Systems Vancouver Inc. Mr. Rob Currie #12, 8207 Swenson Way Delta, BC V4G 1J5 (604) 581-1115 Fax: (604) 581-3311 Toll Free: (888) 379-3456 drybasement@bsv.ca www.bsv.ca www.deltams.com

Dick’s Lumber & Building Supplies Mr. Dan Glavind SEE 2580 Gilmore Avenue OUR AD Burnaby, BC V5C 4T5 ON PAGE (604) 437-1111 2 Fax: (604) 437-8542 dan.glavind@dickslumber.com www.dickslumber.com

DuPont Canada Beaver Plastics Mr. Bill Gardner #215, 6333 Unsworth Road Chilliwack, BC V2R 5M3 (888) 453-5961 Fax: (604) 325-8501 bill.gardner@beaverplastics.com www.logixicf.com www.beaverplastics.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Brock White Canada Mr. Rob Mutch 7678 – 132 Street Surrey, BC V3W 4M9 (604) 323-3760 Fax: (604) 576-3154 Toll Free: (877) 846-7506 rmutch@brockwhite.com www.brockwhite.ca

Country Lumber Ltd. Mr. Ken Humphrey 22538 Fraser Highway Langley, BC V2Z 2T8 (604) 533-4447 Fax: (604) 533-0451 sales@countrylumber.ca www.countrylumber.ca

Mr. Matthew D’Andrea 800 - 15355 - 24 Avenue Suite 506 Surrey, BC V4A 2H9 (604) 346-9996 Fax: (866) 431-5779 mdandrea@tyvekspecialist.ca www.construction.tyvek.ca

Duradek Mr. Winston Conyers 8288 - 129 Street Surrey, BC V3W 0A6 (604) 591-5594 Fax: (604) 591-3100 winston@duradek.com www.duradek.com

Esther’s Sheet Metal Ltd. Mr. Elmano Carvalho 3890 East 1 Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 3W1 (604) 291-6766 Fax: (604) 291-6770 info@esthers.ca www.esthers.ca

Contact • 2018 201


I-XL Building Products Ltd.

Mr. Drew Simpson 2060 Van Dyke Place Richmond, BC V6V 1X9 (604) 940-9640 Fax: (604) 940-9641 Toll Free: (800) 821-2053 dsimpson@goodfellowinc.com www.goodfellowinc.com

Mr. Ruben Caporusso #105, 19033 - 54 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 4R1 (604) 574-2288 Fax: (604) 574-6699 info@ixlbuild.com www.ixlbuild.com www.eldoradostone.com

Griff Building Supplies Ltd.

James Hardie Building Products Canada Inc.

Mr. John Reynolds 340 Ewen Avenue New Westminster, BC V3M 5B1 (604) 521-6691 Fax: (604) 521-6920 jreynolds@griff.ca www.griff.ca

Harris Rebar Mr. Jeff Lea 7958 - 82 Avenue Delta, BC V4G 1L8 (604) 946-1231 Fax: (604) 946-8414 Toll Free: (866) 977-3227 jlea@harrisrebar.com www.harrisrebar.com

Henry Company Canada Mr. Chris Lee 15 Wallsend Drive Scarborough ON M1E 3X6 (800) 523-0268 Fax: (866) 223-1285 clee@henry.com ca.henry.com

Hilti Canada Mr. Femi Oloruntoba 6256 Rexford Drive Chilliwack, BC V2R 0L3 (800) 363-4458 Fax: (800) 363-4459 femi.oloruntoba@hilti.com www.ca.hilti.com

202 Contact • 2018

Mr. Steve Vanoosten (604) 679-6552 steven.vanoosten@jameshardie.com www.jameshardie.com

Kaycan Ltd. Mr. Gordon Poole 10187 - 201 Street Langley, BC V1M 3Y5 (604) 513-0343 Fax: (604) 513-0305 gordon12@kaycan.com www.kaycan.com

Kerrisdale Lumber Mr. Warren Johnson 6191 West Boulevard Vancouver, BC V6M 3X3 (604) 261-4274 Fax: (604) 261-7842 info@kerrisdalelumber.com www.kerrisdalelumber.com

Lafarge Canada Inc. Mr. Eric Ng, P.Eng #200, 7455 - 132 Street Surrey, BC V3W 1J8 (604) 591-1099 Fax: (604) 324-9455 Eric.Ng@lafarge.com www.lafarge.com

Longhouse Specialty Forest Products Mr. Brian Jenkins P.O. Box 782 Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1T2 (250) 248-5887 Fax: (250) 248-5886 Toll Free: (800) 811-2010 longhousetrading@telus.net www.longhousecedar.com


Quad-Lock® Building Systems

Mr. J.D. Eckmire 7440 Vantage Way Delta, BC V4G 1H1 (604) 940-0002 Fax: (604) 940-2572 Toll Free: (800) 426-2734 jdeckmire@mapei.com www.mapei.ca

Mr. Kevin Davis 7398 - 132 Street Surrey, BC V3W 4M7 (604) 590-3111 x. 244 Fax: (604) 590-8412 info@quadlock.com www.quadlock.com



Schluter Systems (Canada) Inc. Mitsui Home Mr. Rod Rempel 19680 - 94A Avenue Langley, BC V1M 3B7 (604) 546-0402 x. 234 Fax: (604) 882-8413 rrempel@mitsuihomes.ca www.mitsuihomes.ca Designations: BuiltGreen

Mr. Bob Weins 11181 Canyon Crescent Delta, BC V4E 2R6 (604) 790-8746 Fax: (514) 336-2410 Toll Free: (800) 667-8746 bweins@schluter.com www.schluter.com

Sen Western Wholesale Lumber Ltd. Northcoast Building Products Ltd. Mr. Ron Sargeant 14682 - 66 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 1Z9 (604) 597-8884 Fax: (604) 597-0854 rons@northcoastlumber.com www.northcoastlumber.com

Mr. Ron Sengara 8188 Manitoba Street Vancouver, BC V5X 3A2 (604) 321-6171 Fax: (604) 321-6177 senwestern@telus.net www.senwestern.com

Standard Building Supplies Port Coquitlam Building Supplies Ltd. Mr. Chris Coakley 2650 Mary Hill Road Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 3B3 (604) 942-7282 Fax: (604) 942-9650 ccoakley@pocobuildingsupplies.com www.pocobuildingsupplies.com

Mr. Scott Frampton 4925 Still Creek Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 5V1 (604) 294-4411 Fax: (604) 298-1305 sales@standardbuilding.ca www.standardbuildingsupplies.ca

Taiga Building Products Ltd. PowerHouse Building Solutions Inc. Mr. Ross Power Mr. Scott Emo #204, 19099 - 25 Avenue Langley, BC V3S 3V2 (604) 464-2895 Fax: (604) 464-2804 Toll Free: (877) 337-2802 ross@power-house.ca scott@power-house.ca www.powerhousebuildingsolutions.com

Mr. Joel Wishart 26848 Gloucester Way Langley, BC V4W 3V6 (604) 857-7741 Fax: (604) 857-7781 jwishart@taigabuilding.com www.taigabuilding.com

Contact • 2018 203

BUILDING MATERIALS Taymor Industries Ltd.

Westeck Windows Mfg. Inc.

Mr. John Driver 1655 Derwent Way Annacis Island Delta, BC V3M 6K8 (604) 540-9525 Fax: (604) 540-2153 Toll Free: (800) 267-4774 jdriver@taymor.com www.taymor.com

Mr. Darwin Ortis 8104 Evans Road Chilliwack, BC V2R 5R8 (604) 298-6700 Fax: (604) 792-6714 Toll Free: (877) 606-1166 sales@westeckwindows.com www.westeckwindows.com

Weyerhaeuser Tolko Mr. James Schaefer P.O. Box 39, 3000 - 28 Street Vernon, BC V1T 6M1 (250) 503-7886 james.schaefer@tolko.com www.tolko.com

Upper Canada Forest Products Mr. Matt Mumford 5768 Trapp Avenue Burnaby, BC V3N 5G4 (604) 522-3334 Fax: (866) 265-0624 sales_vancouver@ucfp.com www.ucfp.com

VSA Enterprises Inc. Mr. Nathan Funk #306, 20701 Langley ByPass Langley, BC V3A 5E8 (604) 576-0777 Fax: (604) 576-0907 Toll Free: (877) 830-1609 nathan@vsaent.com www.vsaent.com

Mr. Anthony Carter #200, 10277 - 154 Street Surrey, BC V3R 4J7 (604) 842-0214 Fax: (604) 583-0917 Toll Free: (800) 663-8011 tony.carter@weyerhaeuser.com www.weyerhaeuser.com www.woodbywy.com

Woodtone Industries Mr. Ben Good 8007 Aitken Road Chilliwack, BC V2R 4H5 (604) 830-3970 Fax: (604) 888-3970 ben@woodtone.com www.woodtone.com


Yard-At-A-Time Concrete (1988) Ltd. Mr. Racy P. Sidhu Mr. Mike Szép 8155 - 92 Street Delta, BC V4G 0A4 (604) 940-0191 info@yaat.ca www.yaat.ca

Wedicorp Mr. Scott Elias 171 South Gary Avenue Carol Stream, Illinois 60188 (443) 745-1278 Fax: (847) 357-9819 Toll Free: (877) 933-9334 scott.elias@wedicorp.com www.wedicorp.com

204 Contact • 2018


Zytech Building Systems Mr. Steve Bratke 20289 - 102 Avenue Langley, BC V1M 4B4 (604) 546-3232 sales@zytechtruss.com www.zytechtruss.com

888.711.5625 Insulating Concrete Forms


7KH ÀUVW 67(3


R-28 [RSI-4.85]

R-43 [RSI-7.49]

R-59 [RSI-10.13] Contact • 2018 205

BUILDING MATERIALS TESTING / CERTIFICATION / BUSINESS COACHING / CONSULTING / CABINETS BUILDING MATERIALS TESTING / CERTIFICATION High Precision Monitoring & Analysis Ltd. Ms. Karin Mahil 11646 - 82 Avenue Delta, BC V4C 2C4 (604) 782-8384 info@hpanalysis.com www.hpanalysis.com

QAI Laboratories Ltd. Mr. Kevin Tsumura 3980 North Fraser Way Burnaby, BC V5J 5K6 (604) 527-8378 Fax: (604) 527-8366 rchauhan@qai.org www.qai.org

BUSINESS COACHING / CONSULTING Bellrock Benchmarking Inc. Ms. Tara Landes 5166 Prince Edward Street Vancouver, BC V5W 2X4 (604) 499-1526 answers@bellrock.ca www.bellrock.ca

Breakthrough Academy Mr. Danny Kerr 2665 Springhill Street Abbotsford, BC V2T 3V8 (778) 240-1006 Toll Free: (800) 875-1704 danny@btacademy.com www.btacademy.com

Results Canada Inc. Ms. Andrea Kenna (403) 234-0999 andrea.kenna@resultsci.com www.resultsci.com

Rylan Business Consulting Inc. Ms. Lori Gobert #205, 717 Chesterfield Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7M 3L8 (604) 862-5245 rylanbc@gmail.com www.rylanbc.ca

206 Contact • 2018

The Business Surgeon Consultancy Mr. Keith Lloyd 3102 Whitehorn Court Coquitlam, BC V3E 2R6 (604) 728-6667 KLloyd@BusinessSurgeon.ca www.businesssurgeon.ca

CABINETS Action Interior Cabinet Refinishing & Renovating Ms. Suzanne Smith 4519 Epps Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7G 1G2 (604) 318-4869 suzanne@actioninterior.com www.actioninterior.com

Canadian Renovations Inc. Mr. Dean Mitchell 10322 - 168 Street Surrey, BC V4N 1Z4 (604) 809-0127 Fax: (604) 957-0128 consult@canadianrenovations.com www.canadianrenovations.com Designations: CAPS

Canterbury Kitchens Ltd. Mr. Bob Gardner Mr. Kevin Chretien 20198 - 113B Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2X 0Y9 (604) 460-7880 Fax: (604) 460-7881 bgardner@canterburykitchens.com kchretien@canterburykitchens.com www.canterburykitchens.com

Cornerstone Kitchens & Design Ltd. Ms. Nicola Newson 902 West 16 Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1R3 (604) 986-9969 nikki@cornerstonekitchendesign.ca www.cornerstonekitchendesign.ca

CABINETS Designs by Katerina & Silvie

G5 Industries

Ms. Katerina Vastardis Ms. Silvie Pantsios 2476 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6K 1W3 (778) 896-1778 (604) 319-3771 info@designsbyks.com www.designsbyks.com

Mr. Graham Gerth #207, 19138 - 26 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 3V7 (604) 219-4911 g5ind@telus.net g5industries.ca



Dynasty Kitchen Cabinets Ltd. Mr. Ramtin Keymanesh #13, 8145 - 130 Street Surrey, BC V3W 7X4 (604) 597-4511 Fax: (604) 597-1375 info@dynastykitchen.com www.dynastykitchen.com



Genesis Kitchens & Design Ms. Denise McIntosh Unit B, 1037 Ridgeway Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3J 1S6 (604) 937-7336 Fax: (604) 939-7336 denise@genesiskitchens.ca www.genesiskitchens.ca

Germanhaus Furniture Inc. Mr. Maxim Gotsutsov 1654 West 2 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1H4 (604) 801-5773 info@leichtvancouver.com leichtvancouver.com


1 - 75 Blue Mountain Street, Coquitlam Contact • 2018 207

CABINETS Hi-Design Custom Cabinetry Ltd. Mr. Colin Swanepoel Ms. Taryn Swanepoel #130, 6165 Highway 17 Delta, BC V4K 5B8 (604) 946-8183 Fax: (604) 946-8184 info@hidesigncabinets.ca www.hidesigncabinets.ca

Modern Classic Building Solutions Inc. Mr. Ian Cairns 1910 Ontario Street Vancouver, BC V5T 4G6 (604) 558-1910 Fax: (604) 558-1912 info@modernclassicvancouver.com www.modernclassicvancouver.com www.customclosetsvancouver.com

JKB Construction Ltd. Mr. Jeff K. Bain 3884 Clematis Crescent Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 4B1 (604) 728-3009 Fax: (604) 945-9097 jkbconstruction@telus.net www.jkbconstruction.com Designations: CRP, CRBC

Montalco Cabinets

Kitchen Craft of Canada Ltd.

My House Design/Build Team Ltd.

Ms. Donna Verlaan 2148 Douglas Road Burnaby, BC V5C 5A7 (604) 298-9277 Fax: (604) 298-9233 donna.verlaan@kitchencraft.com www.kitchencraftvancouver.com

Mr. Graeme Huguet SEE 15356 Fraser Highway OUR AD Surrey, BC V3R 3P5 ON PAGE (604) 694-6873 3 Fax: (604) 951-4093 info@myhousedesignbuild.com www.myhousedesignbuild.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CAPS, CRP

Mr. Herb Klassen #125, 2700 Simpson Road Richmond, BC V6X 2P9 (604) 273-5105 x. 306 Fax: (604) 273-2963 info@montalco.com www.montalco.com

Lonetree Kitchens & Baths Mr. Karl Renner 336 West 5 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1J5 (604) 739-1110 Fax: (604) 739-1114 karl@lonetreekitchens.ca www.lonetreekitchens.ca

Pacific Rim Cabinets Ltd. Mr. James Dewinetz 640 Belgrave Way Delta, BC V3M 5R7 (604) 515-7377 Fax: (604) 515-7387 info@pacrimcab.com www.pacrimcab.com

Millhouse Industries Ltd. Mr. Ken Konings #9, 10655 Timberland Road Surrey, BC V3V 3T3 (604) 580-2905 Fax: (604) 580-2905 millhouse@millhouseindustries.com www.millhouseindustries.com

208 Contact • 2018

Suncrest Cabinets Inc. Mr. Paul Lynch 4651 Vanguard Road Richmond, BC V6X 2P7 (604) 278-3445 Fax: (604) 278-0924 plynch@suncrestcabinets.com www.suncrestcabinets.com

CABINETS / CARPENTERS Sunrise Kitchens Ltd.

Boru Carpentry & Design Ltd.

Mr. Ashok Appadurai 13375 Comber Way Surrey, BC V3W 5V8 (604) 597-0364 Fax: (604) 597-2638 info@sunrisekitchens.com www.sunrisekitchens.com

Mr. Kevin Burke 3431 West 27 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6S 1P5 (778) 926-3775 kevin.burke@borucarpentry.com www.borucarpentry.com

C/Bridge Construction Valley Countertops Industries Ltd. Mr. Anthony McGillvrey 30781 Simpson Road Abbotsford, BC V2T 6C7 (604) 852-8125 x. 104 Fax: (604) 852-9066 Toll Free: (800) 506-9997 aem@silestone.ca www.valleycountertops.com

Westwood Fine Cabinetry Mr. Dwayne Moore SEE #1, 75 Blue Mountain Street OUR AD ON PAGE Coquitlam, BC V3K 0A7 207 (604) 544-4000 sales@westwoodfinecabinetry.com westwoodfinecabinetry.com

Zen Living Ltd. Ms. Say Lung Mr. Mark Lowe 8791 Beckwith Road Richmond, BC V6X 1B4 (403) 720-1928 (403) 560-9134 Fax: (403) 720-1929 saylung@zen-living.ca Mark.Lowe@zen-living.ca www.zen-living.ca


Mr. Cian Stapleton 3154 West 7 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6K 2A1 (778) 837-3163 cianstapleton@gmail.com

Craftsmen Contracting Ltd. Mr. Quinn Holtslag P.O. Box 31576 Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2G8 (778) 989-7252 Fax: (604) 459-2600 info@craftsmencontracting.com www.craftsmencontracting.com

JKB Construction Ltd. Mr. Jeff K. Bain 3884 Clematis Crescent Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 4B1 (604) 728-3009 Fax: (604) 945-9097 jkbconstruction@telus.net www.jkbconstruction.com Designations: CRP, CRBC

Merola Construction Inc. Mr. Raffael Merola 102 - 3060 Norland Ave Burnaby, BC V5B 3B1 (604) 294-5370 info@merolacon.com www.merolacon.com

Aedifex Construction Inc. Mr. Dan Matson Mr. Frank Blackburn P.O. Box 95038, Kingsgate RPO Vancouver, BC V5T 4T8 (604) 889-4648 (604) 356-5885 contact@aedifexconstruction.ca frank@aedifexconstruction.ca www.aedifexconstruction.ca

Nicons Enterprises Ltd. Mr. Ian Nicule #E205, 20159 - 88 Avenue Langley, BC V1M 0A4 (604) 710-4839 contact@nicons.ca www.nicons.ca

Contact • 2018 209


Fresh & Clean Management Co.

Mr. Chad Walmsley #101, 1127 West 14 Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1J9 (604) 770-0640 info@northernalpine.ca www.northernalpine.ca

Ms. Jasmina Sivic #307, 1030 West 14 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1P3 (778) 881-5670 info@thinkclean.ca www.thinkclean.ca

Solution Renovations


Mr. John Juzyniec 600 Nicola Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3J 7T7 (604) 817-6093 Fax: (604) 939-7754 john@solutionrenovations.com www.solutionrenovations.com

Toikka Construction Ltd. Mr. John Toikka #121, 998 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 3T2 (604) 671-7757 Fax: (604) 986-0553 john@toikkaconstruction.ca www.toikkaconstruction.ca

CEILINGS / CEILING SYSTEMS Silva Timber Products Ltd. Mr. Richard Kaufmann #202, 1730 Coast Meridian Road Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 3T8 (604) 474-1730 Fax: (604) 474-1731 info@silvapanel.com www.silvapanel.com

BFJ Design Mr. Mike Jobani 1362 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4S9 (604) 681-8174 mike@bfjdesign.com www.bfjdesign.com

Canterbury Kitchens Ltd. Mr. Bob Gardner Mr. Kevin Chretien 20198 - 113B Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2X 0Y9 (604) 460-7880 Fax: (604) 460-7881 bgardner@canterburykitchens.com kchretien@canterburykitchens.com www.canterburykitchens.com

Elegant Glass & Shower Mirrors Ltd.


Mr. Naman Singh #52, 13370 - 78 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 0H6 (604) 572-9656 Fax: (604) 595-1777 info@elegantglass.ca www.elegantglass.ca

Benefits Waste Management

Germanhaus Furniture Inc.

Mr. Ben Fishman P.O. Box 57612 Maillardville Coquitlam, BC V3K 6S8 (604) 779-8340 Fax: (604) 909-4804 info@benefitswaste.com www.benefitswaste.com

210 Contact • 2018

Mr. Maxim Gotsutsov 1654 West 2 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1H4 (604) 801-5773 info@leichtvancouver.com leichtvancouver.com


A place for everything, and everything in its place. Stor-More offers home organization solutions and custom window coverings to builders, designers and homeowners throughout Greater Vancouver.

Unit 111, 19231 - 54 Ave, Surrey 604.575.8870 | www.stormore.com

CLOSETS / ORGANIZING / STORAGE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES / COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS / WIRELESS SERVICES Glass World Mr. Daryl Waddell 2146 Queen Street Abbotsford, BC V2T 6J4 (604) 854-5757 x. 32 Fax: (604) 852-1850 Toll Free: (888) 820-5080 daryl@glassworld.ca www.glassworld.ca

Stor-More Closet & Blinds Ltd. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE


Mr. Steve Swift #111, 19231 - 54 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 8E5 (604) 575-8870 Fax: (604) 575-1388 Toll Free: (800) 890-6673 steve@stormore.com www.stormore.com

SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 211 & 247

Hi-Design Custom Cabinetry Ltd.

STOR-X Organizing Systems

Mr. Colin Swanepoel Ms. Taryn Swanepoel #130, 6165 Highway 17 Delta, BC V4K 5B8 (604) 946-8183 Fax: (604) 946-8184 info@hidesigncabinets.ca www.hidesigncabinets.ca

Mr. Wolf Nickel #150, 11120 Hammersmith Gate Richmond, BC V7A 5J1 (604) 275-6868 Fax: (604) 277-6862 info@stor-x.com www.stor-x.com

Kitchen Craft of Canada Ltd. Ms. Donna Verlaan 2148 Douglas Road Burnaby, BC V5C 5A7 (604) 298-9277 Fax: (604) 298-9233 donna.verlaan@kitchencraft.com www.kitchencraftvancouver.com

Modern Classic Building Solutions Inc. Mr. Ian Cairns 1910 Ontario Street Vancouver, BC V5T 4G6 (604) 558-1910 Fax: (604) 558-1912 info@modernclassicvancouver.com www.modernclassicvancouver.com www.customclosetsvancouver.com

Rahul Glass Ltd. Mr. Neeraj Chaturvedi #104, 8655 - 130 Street Surrey, BC V3W 1V9 (604) 596-2651 Fax: (604) 592-2690 neeraj@rahulglass.com www.rahulglass.com

212 Contact • 2018

COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS / WIRELESS SERVICES Preston Mobility Inc. Mr. Darelle Mitchell Mr. Blake Ponuick #128, 13071 Vanier Place Richmond, BC V6V 2J1 (604) 629-8526 Fax: (604) 629-8527 sales@prestonmobility.com www.prestonmobility.com

TELUS Mr. Frank Hobbs 1795 Willingdon Avenue, 3rd Floor Burnaby, BC V5C 6E3 (250) 861-2244 Frank.hobbs@telus.com www.telus.com

COMPUTER SOFTWARE / MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS / CONCRETE / MATERIALS / SUPPLIES COMPUTER SOFTWARE / MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Constructive Solutions for Business Inc. Ms. Donna Baker #3, 175 East 15 Avenue P.O. Box 11636 Vancouver, BC V5T 2P6 (604) 878-8100 x. 1200 Fax: (604) 684-8150 Toll Free: (877) 777-1107 donna@constructivesolutions.com www.constructivesolutions.com

Faber Mr. John Christopher Reid 6163 University Boulevard Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3 (604) 512-4220 john@faberconnect.com www.faberconnect.com

Nutanix Mr. Aleem Nathwani Suite 150, 1740 Technology Drive San Jose, California 95110 (604) 290-7073 aleem.nathwanni@nutanix.com www.nutanix.com

CONCRETE / MATERIALS / SUPPLIES Artisan Concrete Lifting Inc. Mr. Martin Cyr P.O. Box 38070, RPO Morgan Heights Surrey, BC V3S 6R3 (604) 542-2811 Fax: (604) 542-2812 artisanconcretelifting18@gmail.com www.artisanconcretelifting.com

Burnco Rock Products Ltd. Mr. Rodger Hildebrandt 5324 River Bend Drive Burnaby, BC V3N 4P8 (604) 484-4200 Fax: (604) 484-4201 rodger.hildebrandt@burnco.com www.burnco.com

Expocrete an Oldcastle® company Mr. Bruce Stickney Gate 2, Blundell @ Nelson Road Richmond, BC V6Y 2V6 (604) 270-8411 Fax: (604) 270-8473 Bruce.Stickney@oldcastle.com www.expocrete.com

Harris Rebar Mr. Jeff Lea 7958 - 82 Avenue Delta, BC V4G 1L8 (604) 946-1231 Fax: (604) 946-8414 Toll Free: (866) 977-3227 jlea@harrisrebar.com www.harrisrebar.com

Lafarge Canada Inc. Mr. Eric Ng, P.Eng #200, 7455 - 132 Street Surrey, BC V3W 1J8 (604) 591-1099 Fax: (604) 324-9455 Eric.Ng@lafarge.com www.lafarge.com

Rempel Bros. Concrete Ltd. Mr. Walter Weidemann 8955 Shaughnessy Street Vancouver, BC V6P 3Y7 (604) 525-9344 Fax: (604) 530-7906 info@rempelbros.com www.rempelbros.com

Sanderson Concrete Inc. Mr. Jan Arntorp Mr. John Zamprogno 12665 - 116 Avenue Surrey, BC V3V 3S6 (604) 580-4108 Fax: (604) 580-4111 info@sandersonconcrete.com www.sandersonconcrete.com

Contact • 2018 213

By Ikonik Homes 2017 Best Townhouse/Rowhome Development (Production): Less than 1,500 s.f.

The GVHBA GV Ovation O ti Awards, A d now in i its it ninth i th year, iis an excitin exciting it and progressive essive awards program celebrating Metro Vancouver's Vancouv leading builders,, renovators, designers, and architects. Members have the exclusive opportunity to sponsor the Ovations and connect nnect with the industry's indust best. Learn how to leverage your business and elevate your brand as an Ovation Awards sponsor, www.ovationawards.ca. Thank you to our sponsors:

214 Contact • 2018


Northern Alpine Contracting

Mr. Joey Fearn #19, 1610 Derwent Way Delta, BC V3M 6W1 (604) 229-9829 x. 102 joey@vancouvericf.com www.vancouvericf.com

Mr. Chad Walmsley #101, 1127 West 14 Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1J9 (604) 770-0640 info@northernalpine.ca www.northernalpine.ca

Yard-At-A-Time Concrete (1988) Ltd.


Mr. Racy P. Sidhu Mr. Mike Szép 8155 - 92 Street Delta, BC V4G 0A4 (604) 940-0191 info@yaat.ca www.yaat.ca

Mr. Moses Yoon 8213 - 152 Street Surrey, BC V3S 3M6 (604) 724-4008 info@waterfallnow.com www.waterfallnow.com



CONCRETE FORMWORK CONCRETE DECOR / OUTDOOR / INDOOR Aedifex Construction Inc. DreamCast Design and Production Mrs. Catherine Traschenko 2200 Vauxhall Place Richmond, BC V6V 1Z9 (604) 278-4939 Fax: (604) 278-4939 info@dreamcastdesign.com www.dreamcastdesign.com

Mr. Dan Matson Mr. Frank Blackburn P.O. Box 95038, Kingsgate RPO Vancouver, BC V5T 4T8 (604) 889-4648 (604) 356-5885 contact@aedifexconstruction.ca frank@aedifexconstruction.ca www.aedifexconstruction.ca

LEVCON Everything Concrete Mr. Scott Friesen Mr. Tim Ibbotson 202 - 1965 West 4 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1M8 (604) 308-4487 (604) 720-1490 info@levcon.ca www.levcon.ca

LEVCON Everything Concrete Mr. Scott Friesen Mr. Tim Ibbotson 202 - 1965 West 4 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1M8 (604) 308-4487 (604) 720-1490 info@levcon.ca www.levcon.ca

Makena Construction Inc. Mr. Randy Edmunds 6973 - 195 Street SEE Surrey, BC V4N 5Y6 OUR AD ON PAGE (604) 961-1814 randy@makenaconstruction.ca 135 www.makenaconstruction.ca

Makena Construction Inc. Mr. Randy Edmunds SEE 6973 - 195 Street OUR AD ON PAGE Surrey, BC V4N 5Y6 (604) 961-1814 135 randy@makenaconstruction.ca www.makenaconstruction.ca

Contact • 2018 215


Moore & Sons Contracting Inc.

POLY-MOR Canada Inc.

Mr. Don Moore 19892 - 35A Avenue Surrey, BC V3A 2P9 (604) 514-1322 Fax: (604) 539-8028 moore.sons@shaw.ca www.mooresoncontracting.com

Mr. Gage Banwait 1668 Derwent Way Delta, BC V3M 6R9 (604) 525-4177 Fax: (604) 525-4178 gageb@poly-mor.ca www.poly-mor.ca

Panesar Construction Group Inc.


Mr. Pintu Panesar 8310 - 150 Street Surrey, BC V3S 3J7 (604) 861-6777 Fax: (604) 909-4910 info@panesargroup.com www.panesargroup.com

Harris Rebar

TAKT Construction Services Ltd. Mr. Aaron Gildener 20590 - 24 Avenue West Vancouver, BC V2Z 2A4 (604) 690-8258 Fax: (778) 279-1125 taktcon@gmail.com taktcon.com

CONCRETE RESTORATIONS Artisan Concrete Lifting Inc.

CONCRETE LEVELING / SUBFLOOR PREP Level-It Concrete Systems Mr. Derek McDonald #215, 2550 Marine Drive SE Vancouver, BC V5P 2S2 (778) 846-8688 info@level-it.ca www.level-it.ca



CONCRETE LIFTING / SOIL STABILIZATION Artisan Concrete Lifting Inc. Mr. Martin Cyr P.O. Box 38070, RPO Morgan Heights Surrey, BC V3S 6R3 (604) 542-2811 Fax: (604) 542-2812 artisanconcretelifting18@gmail.com www.artisanconcretelifting.com

216 Contact • 2018

Mr. Jeff Lea 7958 - 82 Avenue Delta, BC V4G 1L8 (604) 946-1231 Fax: (604) 946-8414 Toll Free: (866) 977-3227 jlea@harrisrebar.com www.harrisrebar.com

Mr. Martin Cyr P.O. Box 38070, RPO Morgan Heights Surrey, BC V3S 6R3 (604) 542-2811 Fax: (604) 542-2812 artisanconcretelifting18@gmail.com www.artisanconcretelifting.com

Citywide Sundecks & Railings Mr. Paul Bulat #265, 3580 Moncton Street SEE OUR AD Richmond, BC V7E 3A4 ON PAGE (604) 786-3325 321 info@citywide.ca www.citywidebuildingenvelope.ca

CONSERVATORIES / BACKYARD STRUCTURES Aedifex Construction Inc. Mr. Dan Matson Mr. Frank Blackburn P.O. Box 95038, Kingsgate RPO Vancouver, BC V5T 4T8 (604) 889-4648 (604) 356-5885 contact@aedifexconstruction.ca frank@aedifexconstruction.ca www.aedifexconstruction.ca

Exceptional concrete and wood sub floor leveling Existing flooring and adhesive removal Revolutionary patented Screed System Technology Fixed pricing based on laser sub floor analysis Flat sub floors in a fraction of the time 1181 Grant Street, Vancouver, V6A2J7 info@level-it.ca • www. level-it.ca

(778) 846-8688

CONSERVATORIES / BACKYARD STRUCTURES / CONTRACTOR REFERRAL NETWORK / CORPORATE GIFTS / COUNTERTOPS Four Seasons Sunrooms Mr. Garry Tiemstra #101, 1585 Broadway Street Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 2M7 (604) 526-2699 Fax: (604) 464-1790 Toll Free: (800) 665-3944 garry4s@telus.net www.FourSeasonsSunroomsVancouver.com

CORPORATE GIFTS Green & Green Gifts with Flair Ms. Mindy Tulsi-Ingram 1576 Rand Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 3G2 (604) 689-5027 Fax: (604) 689-5028 info@greenNgreen.com www.greenNgreen.com

Surrey Cedar Ltd. Mr. Sam Bath 23867 Fraser Highway Langley, BC V2Z 2K5 (604) 534-9936 Fax: (604) 514-3408 info@surreycedar.com www.surreycedar.com



CONTRACTOR REFERRAL NETWORK Black Bear Trades Mr. Sean Wark 21365 Exeter Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V4R 2J2 (604) 807-3562 sean@blackbeartrades.com www.blackbeartrades.com

218 Contact • 2018

Action Interior Cabinet Refinishing & Renovating Ms. Suzanne Smith 4519 Epps Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7G 1G2 (604) 318-4869 suzanne@actioninterior.com www.actioninterior.com

Ashtech Granite Ltd. Mr. Ash Appadurai Ms. Chandni Appadurai 2065 Turnberry Lane Coquitlam, BC V3E 3N2 (604) 727-2205 Fax: (604) 464-3630 info@ashtechgraniteltd.com www.ashtechgraniteltd.com

COUNTERTOPS Caesarstone Canada

Dynasty Kitchen Cabinets Ltd.

Mr. Deano Pellegrino #109, 5555 Trapp Avenue Burnaby, BC V3N 0B2 (604) 638-1485 Fax: (604) 638-1486 dpellegrino@caesarstone.ca www.caesarstone.ca

Mr. Ramtin Keymanesh #13, 8145 - 130 Street Surrey, BC V3W 7X4 (604) 597-4511 Fax: (604) 597-1375 info@dynastykitchen.com www.dynastykitchen.com

floFORM Countertops

Canadian Countertops Mr. David Scott #130, 49 Dunlevy Avenue Vancouver, BC V6A 3A3 (778) 297-1816 david@canadiancountertops.com www.canadiancountertops.com

Colonial Countertops Ltd. Mr. Geordan Moogk 3841 Still Creek Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 4T7 (604) 421-2205 Fax: (604) 421-2207 geordan@colonialcountertops.com www.colonialcountertops.com

Cornerstone Kitchens & Design Ltd. Ms. Nicola Newson 902 West 16 Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1R3 (604) 986-9969 nikki@cornerstonekitchendesign.ca www.cornerstonekitchendesign.ca

Cosentino Mr. Sumeet Goswami 8518 Glenlyon Parkway Burnaby, BC V5J 0B6 (604) 499-4723 sumeetg@cosentino.com www.cosentino.com

Genesis Kitchens & Design Ms. Denise McIntosh Unit B, 1037 Ridgeway Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3J 1S6 (604) 937-7336 Fax: (604) 939-7336 denise@genesiskitchens.ca www.genesiskitchens.ca

Houstone Enterprises Ltd. Ms. Carmen Deveau 2800 No. 3 Road Richmond, BC V6X 2B3 (778) 297-6398 Fax: (604) 248-6445 clo@houstone.ca www.houstone.ca

Kitchen Craft of Canada Ltd.

Designs by Katerina & Silvie Ms. Katerina Vastardis Ms. Silvie Pantsios 2476 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6K 1W3 (778) 896-1778 (604) 319-3771 info@designsbyks.com www.designsbyks.com

Mr. Robert Rowan Mr. Andrew MacLeod #104, 8620 Glenlyon Parkway Burnaby, BC V5J 0B6 (778) 986-7255 (604) 568-6325 Fax: (604) 568-6425 Toll Free: (877) 356-3696 rrowan@floform.com amacleod@floform.com www.floform.com


Ms. Donna Verlaan 2148 Douglas Road Burnaby, BC V5C 5A7 (604) 298-9277 Fax: (604) 298-9233 donna.verlaan@kitchencraft.com www.kitchencraftvancouver.com


Contact • 2018 219

COUNTERTOPS / DATACENTER INFRASTRUCTURE / ENTERPRISE IT / DECKS / FENCES Paragon Surfacing Ltd. Ms. Chelsea Julian 6720 Graybar Road Richmond, BC V6W 1J1 (604) 278-2225 x. 115 Fax: (604) 278-2204 chelsea@paragonsurfacing.com www.paragonsurfacing.com

RJS Stonetops Ltd. Mr. Ron Suffron #150, 2540 Simpson Road Richmond, BC V6X 2P9 (604) 233-6206 Fax: (604) 277-0340 info@rjsstonetops.com www.rjsstonetops.com

SSC Countertops Ltd. Mr. Quinn Prince 1253 West 76 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6M3 (604) 294-4071 Fax: (604) 294-5811 info@ssccountertops.com www.ssccountertops.com

Valley Countertops Industries Ltd. Mr. Anthony McGillvrey 30781 Simpson Road Abbotsford, BC V2T 6C7 (604) 852-8125 x. 104 Fax: (604) 852-9066 Toll Free: (800) 506-9997 aem@silestone.ca www.valleycountertops.com

Zen Living Ltd. Ms. Say Lung Mr. Mark Lowe 8791 Beckwith Road Richmond, BC V6X 1B4 (403) 720-1928 (403) 560-9134 Fax: (403) 720-1929 saylung@zen-living.ca Mark.Lowe@zen-living.ca www.zen-living.ca

220 Contact • 2018

DATACENTER INFRASTRUCTURE / ENTERPRISE IT Nutanix Mr. Aleem Nathwani Suite 150, 1740 Technology Drive San Jose, California 95110 (604) 290-7073 aleem.nathwanni@nutanix.com www.nutanix.com

DECKS / FENCES Aedifex Construction Inc. Mr. Dan Matson Mr. Frank Blackburn P.O. Box 95038, Kingsgate RPO Vancouver, BC V5T 4T8 (604) 889-4648 (604) 356-5885 contact@aedifexconstruction.ca frank@aedifexconstruction.ca www.aedifexconstruction.ca

Atlas Vinyl Sundecks Ltd. Mr. Gord Langevin 2421 Glenwood Avenue SEE OUR AD Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 1Y7 ON PAGE (778) 285-2107 218 Fax: (604) 944-1278 atlasvinylsundecks@hotmail.com www.atlasvinylsundecks.ca

Boru Carpentry & Design Ltd. Mr. Kevin Burke 3431 West 27 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6S 1P5 (778) 926-3775 kevin.burke@borucarpentry.com www.borucarpentry.com

Citywide Sundecks & Railings Mr. Paul Bulat #265, 3580 Moncton Street Richmond, BC V7E 3A4 (604) 786-3325 info@citywide.ca www.citywidesundecks.ca



DECKS / FENCES Craftsmen Contracting Ltd.

Port Coquitlam Building Supplies Ltd.

Mr. Quinn Holtslag P.O. Box 31576 Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2G8 (778) 989-7252 Fax: (604) 459-2600 info@craftsmencontracting.com www.craftsmencontracting.com

Mr. Chris Coakley 2650 Mary Hill Road Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 3B3 (604) 942-7282 Fax: (604) 942-9650 ccoakley@pocobuildingsupplies.com www.pocobuildingsupplies.com

Duradek Mr. Winston Conyers 8288 - 129 Street Surrey, BC V3W 0A6 (604) 591-5594 Fax: (604) 591-3100 winston@duradek.com www.duradek.com

Father and Son Masonry & Fence

Shell Busey’s Home Improvements Mr. Keith Araki #7, 2320 King George Boulevard Surrey, BC V4A 5A5 (604) 542-2236 Fax: (604) 542-2237 keith@thehousesmart.com www.AskShell.com

Solution Renovations

Mr. Randy Browne #106, 12824 Anvil Way Surrey, BC V3W 8E7 (604) 762-7085 info@fatherandsonmasonry.ca www.fatherandsonmasonry.ca

Mr. John Juzyniec 600 Nicola Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3J 7T7 (604) 817-6093 Fax: (604) 939-7754 john@solutionrenovations.com www.solutionrenovations.com

Frontier Flooring

Standard Building Supplies

Mr. Elmer Cabrera 1721 Fir Street Vancouver, BC V6J 5J9 (604) 500-7650 Toll Free: (855) 336-2903 info@frontierflooringservices.com www.frontierluxury.com

Indoor Outdoor Guy Renovations Inc. Mr. Joseph Neely 9251 No. 6 Road Richmond, BC V6W 1E5 (604) 277-5572 Fax: (604) 277-9433 joseph@idguy.net www.indooroutdoorguy.ca

Northcoast Building Products Ltd. Mr. Ron Sargeant 14682 - 66 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 1Z9 (604) 597-8884 Fax: (604) 597-0854 rons@northcoastlumber.com www.northcoastlumber.com

Mr. Scott Frampton 4925 Still Creek Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 5V1 (604) 294-4411 Fax: (604) 298-1305 sales@standardbuilding.ca www.standardbuildingsupplies.ca

Surrey Cedar Ltd. Mr. Sam Bath 23867 Fraser Highway Langley, BC V2Z 2K5 (604) 534-9936 Fax: (604) 514-3408 info@surreycedar.com www.surreycedar.com



Vancouver Home Maintenance Mr. James McMahon P.O. Box 75521 Edgemont PO North Vancouver, BC V7R 4X1 (604) 837-3110 x. 102 info@vancouverhomemaintenance.com vancouverhomemaintenance.com Contact • 2018 221

DEMOLITIONS / DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS DEMOLITIONS Disposal King Ltd. Mr. Miles Timmis 10771 Bamberton Drive Richmond, BC V7A 1K6 (604) 306-8599 Fax: (604) 275-5559 info@disposalking.com www.disposalking.com

Zebiak House Raising Co. Ltd. Mr. Josh Vickars 6220 - 9 Avenue Burnaby, BC V3N 2T6 (604) 520-6316 Fax: (604) 540-1589 zebiakco@gmail.com www.zebiak.com


J&R Excavation & Demolition Ltd.


Mr. Hubert Regehr 7782 Progress Way Delta, BC V4G 1A4 (604) 247-0337 Fax: (604) 244-8019 hubert@jrexcavation.com www.jrexcavation.com

Mr. Paul Zasitko #202, 5489 Byrne Road Burnaby, BC V5J 3J1 (604) 522-9977 Fax: (604) 568-3410 pzasitko@concosts.com www.concosts.com

Klondike Contracting Corporation

Icon Marketing Inc.

Mr. Eric Schapira #300, 1375 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 0B1 (604) 708-3337 x. 102 Fax: (604) 708-3397 info@klondikecontracting.com www.klondikecontracting.com

Ms. Crystal Hung #3, 1151 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1C5 (604) 227-7967 info@iconco.ca www.iconco.ca

McElhanney Consulting Proactive Hazmat and Environmental Ltd. Mr. Brian Gibson #101, 9295 - 198 Street Langley, BC V1M 3J9 (778) 298-2268 Fax: (778) 298-2269 briang@proactivehazmat.com www.proactivehazmat.com

PSL- Par’s Services Ltd. Mr. Par Leihl #180, 6753 Graybar Road Richmond, BC V6W 1H3 (604) 278-4445 Fax: (604) 273-5535 par@pslservices.ca pslservices.ca

222 Contact • 2018

Mr. James Pernu #2300, Central City Tower 13450 - 102 Avenue Surrey, BC V3T 5X3 (604) 424-4886 Fax: (604) 584-5050 jpernu@mcelhanney.com www.mcelhanney.com

Prossimo Development Consulting Ltd. Mr. Randy Dick 3328 West 7 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6R 1V8 (778) 918-2010 rdick@me.com www.prossimodevelopment.com

For all your cedar needs!

Serving Metro Vancouver & The Fraser Valley 880 Lougheed Hwy Port Coquitlam, BC 604.944.9322 poco@surreycedar.com

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Call for your free estimate! © 2017 Surrey Cedar Lts. All rights reserved

Contact • 2018 223

DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS / DOOR HARDWARE / DOORS Varing Marketing Group Mr. Joe Varing #360, 3033 Immel Street Abbotsford, BC V2S 6S2 (604) 832-2626 Fax: (604) 853-3791 info@varinggroup.com www.varinggroup.com weselldirt.ca

Modern Classic Building Solutions Inc. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE


Mr. Ian Cairns 1910 Ontario Street Vancouver, BC V5T 4G6 (604) 558-1910 Fax: (604) 558-1912 info@modernclassicvancouver.com www.modernclassicvancouver.com www.customclosetsvancouver.com

DOOR HARDWARE Pacific Pre-Hung Doors Ltd. Baldwin | Pfister | Tell | Weiser Mr. A.J. Bayne Mr. Neil Drinkwater #101, 255 Longside Drive Mississauga, ON L5W 0G7 (778) 772-9256 (778) 228-4382 Fax: (800) 663-7338 AJ.Bayne@SpectrumBrands.com Neil.Drinkwater@SpectrumBrands.com www.SpectrumBrands.com

Cambridge Doors Ltd. Ms. Harleen Jagpal #106, 8433 - 132 Street Surrey, BC V3W 4N8 (604) 360-9381 harleen@cambridgedoors.ca www.cambridgedoors.ca

Mr. Cec Ballard 265 Schoolhouse Street P.O. Box 1173 Coquitlam, BC V3J 6Z9 (604) 524-9566 Fax: (604) 522-7048 sales@pacificprehungdoors.com

Taymor Industries Ltd. Mr. John Driver 1655 Derwent Way Annacis Island Delta, BC V3M 6K8 (604) 540-9525 Fax: (604) 540-2153 Toll Free: (800) 267-4774 jdriver@taymor.com www.taymor.com

DOORS Cantu Bathrooms & Hardware Ltd. Mr. Shaun Krahn 8351 Ontario Street Vancouver, BC V5X 3E8 (604) 688-1252 Fax: (604) 688-1232 Toll Free: (800) 910-1252 info@cantubathrooms.com www.cantubathrooms.com

All Weather Windows Ltd. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE


Mr. Dan Gosse #A101, 9355 - 198 Street Langley, BC V1M 3J9 (800) 639-2665 Fax: (604) 513-5746 Toll Free: (800) 518-8338 dgosse@allweatherwindows.com www.allweatherwindows.com

JELD-WEN Windows & Doors Mr. Brett Sigurdson 2150 Douglas Road Burnaby, BC V5C 5A7 (604) 857-6500 Fax: (604) 857-6540 bretts@jeld-wen.com www.jeld-wen.ca

224 Contact • 2018

Barker Manufacturing Inc. Mr. Jim Barker 812 Melody Place Victoria, BC V9E 2A2 (250) 881-5567 info@barkermanufacturing.com www.barkermanufacturing.com

DOORS Cambridge Doors Ltd.

Masonite International Corporation

Ms. Harleen Jagpal #106, 8433 - 132 Street Surrey, BC V3W 4N8 (604) 360-9381 harleen@cambridgedoors.ca www.cambridgedoors.ca

Mr. Luke Thompson #101, 5827 - 274 Street Aldergrove, BC V4W 0B8 (604) 318-8156 Fax: (800) 995-8182 Toll Free: (800) 616-7111 ljthompson@masonite.com www.masonite.com

Centra Construction Group Mr. Jeramy Smith 20178 - 98 Avenue Langley, BC V1M 3G1 (604) 882-5010 x. 2112 Fax: (604) 882-3909 jsmith@centra.ca www.centra.ca

Door Pro Ltd. Mr. Luther Adams #106, 13423 - 78 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 0A8 (604) 597-4040 Fax: (604) 572-8960 sales@doorpro.ca www.doorpro.ca

EuroLine Windows Inc. Mr. Isbrand Funk SEE 7620 MacDonald Road OUR AD Delta, BC V4G 1N2 ON PAGE (604) 940-8485 24 Fax: (604) 940-8486 isbrand@euroline-windows.com www.euroline-windows.com

Insul-Twin Systems Ltd. Mr. Tim Bateman #1, 1973 McLean Avenue Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 1N1 (604) 942-4948 Fax: (604) 942-8706 info@insultwin.com www.insultwin.com

JELD-WEN Windows & Doors Mr. Brett Sigurdson 2150 Douglas Road Burnaby, BC V5C 5A7 (604) 857-6500 Fax: (604) 857-6540 bretts@jeld-wen.com www.jeld-wen.ca

Metrie Canada Inc. Mr. Erik Ostensen 19950 - 101 Avenue Langley, BC V1M 3G6 (604) 882-5500 Fax: (604) 882-3892 Toll Free: (877) 513-5560 erik.ostensen@metrie.com www.metrie.com www.thefinishedspace.com

Modern Classic Building Solutions Inc. Mr. Ian Cairns 1910 Ontario Street Vancouver, BC V5T 4G6 (604) 558-1910 Fax: (604) 558-1912 info@modernclassicvancouver.com www.modernclassicvancouver.com www.customclosetsvancouver.com

Oasis Windows Ltd. Mr. Sunil Kumar 13120 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2V6 (604) 597-5033 Fax: (604) 597-5029 sunil@oasiswindows.com www.oasiswindows.com

Pacific Pre-Hung Doors Ltd. Mr. Cec Ballard 265 Schoolhouse Street P.O. Box 1173 Coquitlam, BC V3J 6Z9 (604) 524-9566 Fax: (604) 522-7048 sales@pacificprehungdoors.com

Contact • 2018 225

DOORS / DRAFTING / FLOOR PLANS Pella Windows & Doors

Vinyltek Windows

Mr. Matt Latham #129/130, 5589 Byrne Road Burnaby, BC V5J 3J1 (604) 354-4442 Fax: (604) 291-8005 lathamme@pella.com www.pella.com

Mr. Ian Hogg 587 Ebury Place Delta, BC V3M 6M8 (604) 540-0029 Fax: (604) 540-0095 ian@vinyltek.com www.vinyltek.com

Ply Gem / Mitten

Westeck Windows Mfg. Inc.

Mr. Chris Tang #178, 21300 Gordon Way Richmond, BC V6W 1M2 (604) 270-1488 Fax: (866) 575-1136 chris.tang@plygem.com www.plygem.ca

Mr. Darwin Ortis 8104 Evans Road Chilliwack, BC V2R 5R8 (604) 298-6700 Fax: (604) 792-6714 Toll Free: (877) 606-1166 sales@westeckwindows.com www.westeckwindows.com



Starline Windows Ltd. Mr. Bill Snyder 19714 - 96 Avenue, R.R. #5 Langley, BC V1M 3B9 (604) 882-5100 Fax: (604) 882-5102 Toll Free: (800) 663-5867 sales@starlinewindows.com www.starlinewindows.com

DRAFTING / FLOOR PLANS Bimtrix Design Inc. Mr. Evan Gallagher #207, 1815 Cornwall Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1C6 (604) 789-3052 evan@bimtrix.com www.bimtrix.com

Therma Tru Doors Mr. Michael Moyle 1750 Indian Wood Circle Maumee, Ohio 43537 (503) 956-2666 mmoyle@thermatru.com www.thermatru.ca

D3 Dimension Drafting and Design Inc.

Vinylco Windows Ltd.

Draft On Site Services

Mr. Sukhi Kainth 10798 Timberland Road Surrey, BC V3V 3T5 (604) 587-5505 Fax: (604) 587-5561 info@vinylcowindows.com www.vinylcowindows.com

Mr. Nicholas Petrie #501, 3292 Production Way Burnaby, BC V5A 4R4 (604) 876-3738 info@draftonsite.com www.draftonsite.com

Ms. Kirsten Sutton (604) 603-6747 info@d3design.ca www.d3design.ca

SeeVirtual Marketing & Photography Inc. Mr. Brett Youngberg #101, 5830 - 176A Street Surrey, BC V3S 4H5 (604) 575-1244 x. 224 info@seevirtual360.com www.seevirtual360.com

226 Contact • 2018

DRYWALLERS / DUCT CLEANING / EDUCATION & TRAINING DRYWALLERS Boru Carpentry & Design Ltd. Mr. Kevin Burke 3431 West 27 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6S 1P5 (778) 926-3775 kevin.burke@borucarpentry.com www.borucarpentry.com

Dynamo Drywall Inc. Mr. Juan Velez 1710 Cotton Drive Vancouver, BC V5N 3V2 (604) 374-4939 jvelez@dynamodrywall.com www.dynamodrywall.com

DUCT CLEANING Modern PURAIR® Vancouver Mr. Matt Taylor #239, 47-20821 Fraser Highway Langley, BC V3A 4G7 (604) 356-9700 Fax: (250) 765-6834 Toll Free: (800) 996-3878 matt.taylor@modernpurair.com www.modernpurair.com

EDUCATION & TRAINING BCIT School of Construction & the Environment Mr. Stephen Sallaway 3700 Willingdon Avenue Burnaby, BC V5G 3H2 (604) 432-8216 Fax: (604) 435-4219 stephen_sallaway@bcit.ca www.bcit.ca/construction

Bellrock Benchmarking Inc. Ms. Tara Landes 5166 Prince Edward Street Vancouver, BC V5W 2X4 (604) 499-1526 answers@bellrock.ca www.bellrock.ca

Breakthrough Academy Mr. Danny Kerr 2665 Springhill Street Abbotsford, BC V2T 3V8 (778) 240-1006 Toll Free: (800) 875-1704 danny@btacademy.com www.btacademy.com

Building It Right Mr. Murray Frank 1039 Parana Drive Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 8A8 (604) 999-2641 Fax: (604) 464-7674 murray@telus.net www.buildingitright.com

Constructive Solutions for Business Inc. Ms. Donna Baker #3, 175 East 15 Avenue P.O. Box 11636 Vancouver, BC V5T 2P6 (604) 878-8100 x. 1200 Fax: (604) 684-8150 Toll Free: (877) 777-1107 donna@constructivesolutions.com www.constructivesolutions.com

Kwantlen Polytechnic University Mr. Brian Haugen 12666 - 72 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2M8 (604) 598-6101 Fax: (604) 598-6111 Brian.Haugen@kpu.ca www.kpu.ca

Schluter Systems (Canada) Inc. Mr. Bob Weins 11181 Canyon Crescent Delta, BC V4E 2R6 (604) 790-8746 Fax: (514) 336-2410 Toll Free: (800) 667-8746 bweins@schluter.com www.schluter.com

Contact • 2018 227

EDUCATION & TRAINING / ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS / ELECTRICIANS Trainwest Management & Consulting Inc. / Sandler Training Mr. Randy Hnatko, MBA #110, 4170 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6C6 (604) 291-1272 Fax: (604) 291-1279 randy@trainwest.ca www.tmcinc.sandler.com


Power Pros Electrical Ltd. Mr. Brad Kasper Mr. Kirby Sewell #2, 30445 Progressive Way Abbotsford, BC V2T 6W3 (604) 855-1700 Toll Free: (866) 716-8008 bkasper@powerpros.ca ksewell@powerpros.ca www.powerpros.ca

Mr. Scott Elias 171 South Gary Avenue Carol Stream, Illinois 60188 (443) 745-1278 Fax: (847) 357-9819 Toll Free: (877) 933-9334 scott.elias@wedicorp.com www.wedicorp.com

Teklar Electrical Contracting


Villa Electric (1980) Ltd.

ACE Integrated Systems Ltd. Mr. Andrew McCormick #203, 3905 Springtree Drive Vancouver, BC V6L 3E2 (604) 565-1110 info@aceintegratedsystems.ca www.aceintegratedsystems.ca

Mr. Craig Dibble #202, 2700 Barnet Highway Coquitlam, BC V3B 1B8 (604) 936-9097 Fax: (604) 944-9091 info@teklar.ca www.teklar.ca

Mr. Bill Strain #3, 5492 Production Boulevard Surrey, BC V3S 8P5 (604) 530-3775 Fax: (604) 530-5885 bill@villaelectric.ca Designations: CRBC

Wespac Electrical Contractors Ltd. DR Electrical.co Mr. Dale Randall (778) 344-0233 dalerandall55@gmail.com www.drelectrical.ca

EMEC Design Group Ltd. Mr. Zeeshan Wahla #2600, 4720 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5H 4N2 (604) 999-2069 info@emec.ca www.emec.ca

KATO Electrical Inc. Mr. Arthur Kavanagh Mr. Colin Toop #201, 1755 Robson Street Vancouver, BC V6G 3B7 (604) 417-4785 info@katoelectrical.com www.katoelectrical.com

228 Contact • 2018

Mr. Barry Johnson Mr. Alan Thiel 106 Blue Mountain Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 4G8 (604) 522-1322 Fax: (604) 521-4811 barryj@wespacelectric.com alant@wespacelectric.com www.wespacelectric.com

Westpeak Electrical Ltd. Mr. Lucas Nerreter 1110 Walalee Drive Delta, BC V4M 2L8 (604) 368-5616 lucas@wpelectrical.com www.wpelectrical.com

One-Stop Electrical Supplier for Residential, Commercial, Renovation and Maintenance

We serve BC, same day shipping, next day arrival


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Richmond Store:

Burnaby Store:

21 5th. Ave. E Vancouver, BC.

#6, 12191 Bridgeport Rd Richmond, BC.

4522 Dawson Street Burnaby, BC.

(604) 558-0868

(778) 296-2570

(604) 570-0867

sales@ameleco.com | www.ameleco.com Contact • 2018 229


Wicks Electric Inc.

VSA Enterprises Inc.

Mr. Adam Wicks 1518 Hunter Street North Vancouver, BC V7J 1H5 (604) 765-8439 adam@wickselectric.ca www.wickselectric.ca

Mr. Nathan Funk #306, 20701 Langley ByPass Langley, BC V3A 5E8 (604) 576-0777 Fax: (604) 576-0907 Toll Free: (877) 830-1609 nathan@vsaent.com www.vsaent.com

WireChief Electric Ltd. Mr. Octavio Sosa #170, 422 Richards Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2Z4 (604) 800-1665 info@wirechiefelectric.com www.wirechiefelectric.com

ELEVATORS / LIFT DEVICES Garaventa Lift, BC Mr. Jason Retallick 2805 Murray Street Port Moody, BC V3H 1X3 (604) 461-6636 Fax: (604) 461-0525 Toll Free: (800) 565-6636 jretallick@garaventa.ca www.garaventabc.com

ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS Ameleco Electric Supply Inc. Mr. York Lee 21 East 5 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1G7 (604) 306-5431 Fax: (604) 570-0807 sales@ameleco.com www.ameleco.com

New Space Technologies Mr. Mark Scott #220, 285 East 1 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1A7 (604) 724-6775 Fax: (604) 909-1830 info@newspace.ca www.newspace.ca

Villa Electric (1980) Ltd. Mr. Bill Strain #3, 5492 Production Boulevard Surrey, BC V3S 8P5 (604) 530-3775 Fax: (604) 530-5885 bill@villaelectric.ca Designations: CRBC



EMPLOYMENT SERVICES / RECRUITERS / HUMAN RESOURCES Faber Mr. John Christopher Reid 6163 University Boulevard Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3 (604) 512-4220 john@faberconnect.com www.faberconnect.com

Randstad Engineering Ms. Elena Cowan #200, 701 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V7Y 1C6 (778) 331-2442 elena.cowan@randstad.ca www.randstad.ca

ENERGY ADVISORS / EVALUATORS Capital Home Energy Inc. Mr. Luke Dolan, CEA, CHI #250. 1778 West 2 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1H6 (604) 562-0387 info@capitalhomeenergy.com www.capitalhomeenergy.com www.capitalhomeinspectors.ca

230 Contact • 2018


Wyse Meter Solutions Inc.

Mr. Einar Halbig Mr. Troy Glasner #203, 5589 Byrne Road Burnaby, BC V5J 3J1 (604) 874-3715 (604) 836-4229 Einar@e3ecogroup.com Troy@e3ecogroup.com www.e3ecogroup.com

Mr. Bill Gill Mr. Peter Mills #200, 4170 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6C6 (604) 868-8860 (844) 411-0663 Fax: (416) 869-3004 Toll Free: (844) 411-0663 billing@wysemeter.com pmills@wysemeter.com www.wysemeter.com

FortisBC Mr. Jason Wolfe SEE 16705 Fraser Highway OUR AD Surrey, BC V4N 0E8 ON PAGE (604) 592-7549 28 Fax: (604) 576-7122 jason.wolfe@fortisbc.com www.fortisbc.com

KCS Heating Ltd. Mr. Alf Koolen #800, 15355 - 24 Avenue, Box 517 Surrey, BC V4A 2H9 (604) 536-8033 Fax: (604) 531-0248 kcsheating@shaw.ca

Net Zero Energy Solutions Mr. Cameron Drysdale #8, 2156 West 12 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6K 2N2 (778) 903-6380 info@netzerosolutions.ca www.netzerosolutions.ca

Richard Kadulski Architect Mr. Richard Kadulski #204, 1037 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6H 1E3 (604) 689-1841 Fax: (604) 733-1842 kadulski@direct.ca Designations: R-2000, BuiltGreen

ENGINEERED FLOOR SYSTEMS Goodfellow Inc. Mr. Drew Simpson 2060 Van Dyke Place Richmond, BC V6V 1X9 (604) 940-9640 Fax: (604) 940-9641 Toll Free: (800) 821-2053 dsimpson@goodfellowinc.com www.goodfellowinc.com

Oakhill Distribution / PurParket Ms. Thalia Sieben #7 & 8, 151 Carlingview Drive Toronto, ON M9W 5S4 (604) 360-0351 Fax: (416) 242-2571 thalia@oakhilldistribution.com www.oakhilldistribution.com

Sam’s Flooring Supplies Mr. Richard Gozen #9, 20701 Langley ByPass Langley, BC V3A 5E8 (604) 530-2949 Fax: (604) 530-8747 samsflooringsupplies@gmail.com www.samsflooringsupplies.com

Simba Flooring Corp. Mr. Jun Wu Ms. Julia Xu #140, 2368 No. 5 Road Richmond, BC V6X 2T1 (604) 285-9876 Fax: (604) 285-9875 vancouver@simbaflooring.com www.simbaflooring.com Contact • 2018 231



Mr. Rick Sisk #120, 4611 Viking Way Richmond, BC V6V 2K9 (604) 273-7555 Fax: (604) 278-8863 Toll Free: (888) 966-3358 info@witfloor.ca www.wistonfloor.ca

Mr. James Schaefer P.O. Box 39, 3000 - 28 Street Vernon, BC V1T 6M1 (250) 503-7886 james.schaefer@tolko.com www.tolko.com

ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS / SYSTEMS Northcoast Building Products Ltd. Mr. Ron Sargeant 14682 - 66 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 1Z9 (604) 597-8884 Fax: (604) 597-0854 rons@northcoastlumber.com www.northcoastlumber.com

PlyTech Stair Systems Inc. Mr. Chad Chubey 7357 Buller Avenue Burnaby, BC V5J 4S6 (604) 437-7357 Fax: (604) 437-7358 chad@plytechstairs.com www.plytechstairs.com www.ply-lam.ca

Satin Finish Hardwood Flooring Ltd. Mr. Stephan Wootton, B.Des (888) 797-2846 x. 207 swootton@satinflooring.com www.satinflooring.com

Westcoast Wood Distribution Ltd. Ms. Cassidy Thomas 33191 Hill Avenue Mission, BC V2V 2R5 (604) 803-3881 info@westcoastwoodltd.com

Weyerhaeuser Mr. Anthony Carter #200, 10277 - 154 Street Surrey, BC V3R 4J7 (604) 842-0214 Fax: (604) 583-0917 Toll Free: (800) 663-8011 tony.carter@weyerhaeuser.com www.weyerhaeuser.com www.woodbywy.com

Woodtone Industries Mr. Ben Good 8007 Aitken Road Chilliwack, BC V2R 4H5 (604) 830-3970 Fax: (604) 888-3970 ben@woodtone.com www.woodtone.com


Silva Timber Products Ltd.

Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd.

Mr. Richard Kaufmann #202, 1730 Coast Meridian Road Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 3T8 (604) 474-1730 Fax: (604) 474-1731 info@silvapanel.com www.silvapanel.com

Mr. Ed Fujii, P.Eng Mr. Andrew Baker #1680, 13450 - 102 Avenue Surrey, BC V3T 5X3 (604) 597-9058 Fax: (604) 597-9061 general@aplinmartin.com www.aplinmartin.com

232 Contact • 2018


Beaver Plastics

Mr. Zeeshan Wahla #2600, 4720 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5H 4N2 (604) 999-2069 info@emec.ca www.emec.ca

Mr. Bill Gardner #215, 6333 Unsworth Road Chilliwack, BC V2R 5M3 (888) 453-5961 Fax: (604) 325-8501 bill.gardner@beaverplastics.com www.logixicf.com www.beaverplastics.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Haitao Hu, Engineer Mr. Haitao Hu #52, 2501 - 161A Street Surrey, BC V3Z 7Y6 (780) 934-9266 haitao.hu@yahoo.ca

McElhanney Consulting Mr. James Pernu #2300, Central City Tower 13450 - 102 Avenue Surrey, BC V3T 5X3 (604) 424-4886 Fax: (604) 584-5050 jpernu@mcelhanney.com www.mcelhanney.com

QXM Engineering Ltd. Ms. Lily Qiu, P.Eng, M.Eng #1601, 5833 Wilson Avenue Burnaby, BC V5H 4R8 (778) 383-3457 info@qxmengineering.com www.qxmengineering.com

ENVIRONMENTAL / GREEN PRODUCTS Banner Carpets Ltd. Ms. Lynn Herberts 1770 West 3 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5J 1K4 (604) 734-1136 Fax: (604) 734-1480 lynn@bannercarpets.ca www.bannercarpets.ca

Quad-Lock® Building Systems Mr. Kevin Davis 7398 - 132 Street Surrey, BC V3W 4M7 (604) 590-3111 x. 244 Fax: (604) 590-8412 info@quadlock.com www.quadlock.com



ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Radon Environmental Management Corp. Mr. Alan Whitehead #450, 1040 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4H1 (778) 327-4717 Fax: (778) 327-4716 info@radoncorp.com www.radoncorp.com

EQUIPMENT LEASING / RENTALS / SALES DSD Document Systems Direct Mr. Diego Iribar #202, 8291 - 92 Street Delta, BC V4G 0A4 (604) 204-3207 Fax: (604) 204-3202 diego@dsdltd.ca www.myDSD.ca



Super Save Group of Companies Mr. Greg Johannes 19395 Langley Bypass Surrey, BC V3S 6K1 (604) 533-4423 Fax: (604) 534-5867 Toll Free: (800) 665-2800 greg@supersave.ca www.supersave.ca Contact • 2018 233


PSL- Par’s Services Ltd.

Ms. Michelle Corrigall 10240 Grace Road Surrey, BC V3V 3V6 (604) 930-3300 mcorrigall@wesgroupequipment.com www.westerraequipment.com

Mr. Par Leihl #180, 6753 Graybar Road Richmond, BC V6W 1H3 (604) 278-4445 Fax: (604) 273-5535 par@pslservices.ca pslservices.ca

EXCAVATIONS / EXCAVATORS VALROC Development Ltd. Disposal King Ltd. Mr. Miles Timmis 10771 Bamberton Drive Richmond, BC V7A 1K6 (604) 306-8599 Fax: (604) 275-5559 info@disposalking.com www.disposalking.com

Indoor Outdoor Guy Renovations Inc. Mr. Joseph Neely 9251 No. 6 Road Richmond, BC V6W 1E5 (604) 277-5572 Fax: (604) 277-9433 joseph@idguy.net www.indooroutdoorguy.ca

Mr. Jason Spies #104, 19162 - 22 Avenue Surrey, BC V3Z 3S6 (604) 427-0152 admin@valroc.ca www.valroc.ca

Zebiak House Raising Co. Ltd. Mr. Josh Vickars 6220 - 9 Avenue Burnaby, BC V3N 2T6 (604) 520-6316 Fax: (604) 540-1589 zebiakco@gmail.com www.zebiak.com


J&R Excavation & Demolition Ltd.

Woodtone Industries

Mr. Hubert Regehr 7782 Progress Way Delta, BC V4G 1A4 (604) 247-0337 Fax: (604) 244-8019 hubert@jrexcavation.com www.jrexcavation.com

Mr. Ben Good 8007 Aitken Road Chilliwack, BC V2R 4H5 (604) 830-3970 Fax: (604) 888-3970 ben@woodtone.com www.woodtone.com

Lafarge Canada Inc.


Mr. Eric Ng, P.Eng #200, 7455 - 132 Street Surrey, BC V3W 1J8 (604) 591-1099 Fax: (604) 324-9455 Eric.Ng@lafarge.com www.lafarge.com

234 Contact • 2018

BMO Bank of Montreal Mr. Chris Menard 294 Bernard Avenue Kelowna, BC V1Y 6N4 (250) 979-1060 Fax: (250) 861-3725 chris.menard@bmo.com www.bmo.com



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Contact • 2018 235



Ms. Alisa Aragon c/o DLC Mountain View Ltd. 2189 Austin Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3K 3R9 (778) 893-0525 Fax: (604) 259-9852 alisa@financingpros.ca www.FinancingPros.ca

Ms. Doreen Antonick #2301, Guildford Town Centre 15170 - 104 Avenue Surrey, BC V3R 7B9 (604) 586-3200 Fax: (604) 586-3232 doreen.antonick@scotiabank.com www.scotiabank.ca

Coultish Lawton Capital Group

TD Financial Group

Mr. Adam Coultish #300, 8700 - 200 Street Langley, BC V2Y 0G4 (604) 974-9768 Fax: (604) 608-9571 info@clcapital.ca www.clcapital.ca

Mr. Peter Andrinopoulos 700 West Georgia Street Pacific Centre Vancouver, BC V7Y 1A2 (604) 654-4749 Fax: (604) 654-4747 peter.andrinopoulos@td.com www.tdbank.ca

Freedom Capital Inc. Ms. Rosy Ram Mr. Pip Dhaliwal #101, 19909 - 64 Avenue Langley, BC V2Y 1G9 SEE (604) 616-7185 OUR AD ON PAGE (866) 944-7778 237 Fax: (866) 944-3331 rosy@freedomcapital.com pip@freedomcapital.com www.freedomcapital.com


Motiva Financial

Fire Busters Inc.

Mr. Roy Arjun #327, 119 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6B 1S5 (604) 424-8244 roy@motiva.ca www.motiva.ca

Mr. David Killey, Eng L Mr. Tim Killey #16, 8333 - 130 Street Surrey, BC V3W 7X4 (604) 599-4499 Fax: (604) 599-4319 projects@firebusters.com www.firebusters.com

RBC Royal Bank Mr. Randy Chin 1055 West Georgia Street, 36th Floor Vancouver, BC V6E 3S5 (604) 374-0485 Fax: (604) 665-5749 randy.chin@rbc.com www.rbc.com

236 Contact • 2018

Allright Sprinklers Ltd. Mr. Don Page 19660 - 83 Avenue Langley, BC V2Y 1Y9 (604) 881-6037 Fax: (604) 881-6036 info@allrightsprinklers.com www.allrightsprinklers.com

FIREPLACES / MANTELS / INSERTS Canadian Stone Industries Inc. Mr. Brian Denny 27524 - 51A Avenue Langley, BC V4W 4A9 (604) 607-8800 Fax: (604) 607-8899 Toll Free: (800) 977-8663 sales@canadianstone.com www.culturedstone.com

NEED MONEY? We can help. Our unique products cater to those borrowers who do not fit into today’s conventional financing box, to multi-million-dollar commercial and construction loans.

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Contact • 2018 237

FIREPLACES / MANTELS / INSERTS / FLOOR REFINISHING / FLOOR WARMING / RADIANT DreamCast Design and Production Mrs. Catherine Traschenko 2200 Vauxhall Place Richmond, BC V6V 1Z9 (604) 278-4939 Fax: (604) 278-4939 info@dreamcastdesign.com www.dreamcastdesign.com

Dynasty Fireplaces Mr. Nick Zhang #10, 3071 No. 5 Road Richmond, BC V6X 2T4 (604) 821-1009 Fax: (604) 821-1019 info@dynastyfireplace.com www.dynastyfireplace.com

Fireplaces Unlimited Mr. Gord Schlechtleitner 4460 Juneau Street Burnaby, BC V5C 4C8 (604) 415-9330 Fax: (604) 415-9331 Toll Free: (877) 415-9330 info@fireplacesunlimited.ca www.fireplacesunlimited.ca

Urban Fireplaces Mr. Leif Paterson #328, 17 Fawcett Road Coquitlam, BC V3K 6V2 (604) 424-8300 Fax: (604) 449-5020 info@urbanfp.ca urbanfp.ca

FLOOR REFINISHING Restoration Hardwood Ltd. Mr. Murray Macintyre 1181 Grant Street Vancouver, BC V6A 2J7 (604) 618-2945 Fax: (604) 628-5287 murray@restorationhardwood.ca www.restorationhardwood.ca

238 Contact • 2018

FLOOR WARMING / RADIANT Ames Tile & Stone Ltd. Mr. Andrew Thompson 2229 Beta Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 5N1 (604) 294-8453 Fax: (604) 294-3429 Toll Free: (800) 661-8453 athompson@amestile.com www.amestile.com



Basement Systems Vancouver Inc. Mr. Rob Currie #12, 8207 Swenson Way Delta, BC V4G 1J5 (604) 581-1115 Fax: (604) 581-3311 Toll Free: (888) 379-3456 drybasement@bsv.ca www.bsv.ca www.deltams.com

Fontile Corporation Ltd. Mr. Gary Kershaw Mr. Goran Glogovac 270 Terminal Avenue Vancouver, BC V6A 2L6 (604) 683-9358 (778) 938-5333 Fax: (604) 683-6758 info@fontile.com www.fontile.com

Metroworks Tile & Stone Mr. Shawn Perepelytz #106, 17 Fawcett Road Coquitlam, BC V3K 6V2 (778) 839-7512 shawn@metroworkstile.ca www.metroworkstile.ca


Cypress Hardwood Flooring Ltd.

Mr. Geoff Duck Mr. Anthony Celio #3105, 6900 Graybar Road Richmond, BC V6W 0A5 (604) 759-1436 (604) 529-4400 Fax: (604) 529-4404 geoff.duck@pentair.com anthony.celio@pentair.com www.nuheat.com

Mr. Aaron Scriver #123, 3823 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6P3 (604) 294-0593 info@cypresshardwood.com www.cypresshardwood.com

REHAU Industries Inc. Mr. Clayton Blaney 4254 Green River Road Corona, California 92880 (604) 364-8661 clayton.blaney@rehau.com www.rehau-na.com

Restoration Hardwood Ltd. Mr. Murray Macintyre 1181 Grant Street Vancouver, BC V6A 2J7 (604) 618-2945 Fax: (604) 628-5287 murray@restorationhardwood.ca www.restorationhardwood.ca

FLOORING - ACCESS FLOORING XL Flooring Ms. Dorothy Wolf #117, 3721 Delbrook Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7N 3Z4 (604) 988-0091 Fax: (604) 988-0092 Toll Free: (877) 434-7351 dorothy@xlflooring.ca www.xlflooring.ca

Ethical Flooring Ltd. Ms. Tanya Kupferschmid #110, 2270 Dollarton Highway North Vancouver, BC V7H 1A8 (604) 987-0440 tanya@ethicalflooring.com www.ethicalflooring.com

Exclusive Floors Ltd. Mr. Jason Davids 5550 Panorama Drive Surrey, BC V3S 1B7 (604) 575-6055 Fax: (604) 574-2924 info@exclusivefloors.com www.exclusivefloors.com

MIRA Floors & Interiors Ms. Kelsey Myers #104, 9785 - 192 Street Surrey, BC V4N 4C7 (604) 856-4799 Fax: (604) 856-4792 info@mirafloors.com www.mirafloors.com

Monarch Floor & Window Coverings


Mr. Matt Robinson 1627 Ingleton Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 4L8 (604) 253-1072 Fax: (604) 253-1073 matt@monarchfloors.ca www.monarchfloors.ca

Banner Carpets Ltd.

Paradigm Surfaces Inc.

Ms. Lynn Herberts 1770 West 3 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5J 1K4 (604) 734-1136 Fax: (604) 734-1480 lynn@bannercarpets.ca www.bannercarpets.ca

Ms. Colleen Donison #106, 13479 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2W3 (778) 592-4500 ColleenD@paradigmsurfaces.ca www.paradigmsurfaces.ca



Contact • 2018 239


Exclusive Floors Ltd.

Mr. Murray Macintyre 1181 Grant Street Vancouver, BC V6A 2J7 (604) 618-2945 Fax: (604) 628-5287 murray@restorationhardwood.ca www.restorationhardwood.ca

Mr. Jason Davids 5550 Panorama Drive Surrey, BC V3S 1B7 (604) 575-6055 Fax: (604) 574-2924 info@exclusivefloors.com www.exclusivefloors.com

Sam’s Flooring Supplies

Goodfellow Inc.

Mr. Richard Gozen #9, 20701 Langley ByPass Langley, BC V3A 5E8 (604) 530-2949 Fax: (604) 530-8747 samsflooringsupplies@gmail.com www.samsflooringsupplies.com

Mr. Drew Simpson 2060 Van Dyke Place Richmond, BC V6V 1X9 (604) 940-9640 Fax: (604) 940-9641 Toll Free: (800) 821-2053 dsimpson@goodfellowinc.com www.goodfellowinc.com

FLOORING - RESILIENT / VINYL / CORK / LINOLEUM Banner Carpets Ltd. Ms. Lynn Herberts 1770 West 3 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5J 1K4 (604) 734-1136 Fax: (604) 734-1480 lynn@bannercarpets.ca www.bannercarpets.ca

Divine Flooring Mr. Nick Devito 3481 Main Street Vancouver, BC V5V 3M9 (604) 568-7488 Fax: (604) 568-7928 nick.devito@divinefloor.com www.divinehardwood.com

Ethical Flooring Ltd. Ms. Tanya Kupferschmid #110, 2270 Dollarton Highway North Vancouver, BC V7H 1A8 (604) 987-0440 tanya@ethicalflooring.com www.ethicalflooring.com

240 Contact • 2018

MIRA Floors & Interiors Ms. Kelsey Myers #104, 9785 - 192 Street Surrey, BC V4N 4C7 (604) 856-4799 Fax: (604) 856-4792 info@mirafloors.com www.mirafloors.com

Monarch Floor & Window Coverings Mr. Matt Robinson 1627 Ingleton Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 4L8 (604) 253-1072 Fax: (604) 253-1073 matt@monarchfloors.ca www.monarchfloors.ca

Renocon Design Centre Ms. Golnaz Afhami 1368 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6H 1H2 (604) 736-6410 Fax: (604) 736-6416 info@renocondesign.com www.renocondesign.com




daltile Canada

Mr. Murray Macintyre 1181 Grant Street Vancouver, BC V6A 2J7 (604) 618-2945 Fax: (604) 628-5287 murray@restorationhardwood.ca www.restorationhardwood.ca

Mr. Terrence Jagassar 2770 Bentall Street Vancouver, BC V5M 4H4 (778) 837-8117 Fax: (604) 251-3441 Toll Free: (800) 663-0806 Terrence.Jagassar@daltile.com www.daltile.com www.americanolean.com

Torlys Smart Floors Ms. Amoreena Penta Mr. George Smith 1292 Cliveden Avenue Delta, BC V3M 6G4 (604) 777-9722 (604) 518-3386 Fax: (604) 777-9766 amoreena.penta@torlys.com george.smith@torlys.com www.torlys.com

Ethical Flooring Ltd. Ms. Tanya Kupferschmid #110, 2270 Dollarton Highway North Vancouver, BC V7H 1A8 (604) 987-0440 tanya@ethicalflooring.com www.ethicalflooring.com

Exclusive Floors Ltd. Mr. Jason Davids 5550 Panorama Drive Surrey, BC V3S 1B7 (604) 575-6055 Fax: (604) 574-2924 info@exclusivefloors.com www.exclusivefloors.com

XL Flooring Ms. Dorothy Wolf #117, 3721 Delbrook Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7N 3Z4 (604) 988-0091 Fax: (604) 988-0092 Toll Free: (877) 434-7351 dorothy@xlflooring.ca www.xlflooring.ca

Fontile Corporation Ltd. Mr. Gary Kershaw Mr. Goran Glogovac 270 Terminal Avenue Vancouver, BC V6A 2L6 (604) 683-9358 (778) 938-5333 Fax: (604) 683-6758 info@fontile.com www.fontile.com

FLOORING - TILES Aeon Stone and Tile Mr. Tushar Simoniha 117 West 5 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1H9 (604) 499-3138 Fax: (604) 872-8448 info@aeonstonetile.com www.aeonstonetile.com

James Hardie Building Products Canada Inc. Mr. Steve Vanoosten (604) 679-6552 steven.vanoosten@jameshardie.com www.jameshardie.com

Ames Tile & Stone Ltd. Mr. Andrew Thompson 2229 Beta Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 5N1 (604) 294-8453 Fax: (604) 294-3429 Toll Free: (800) 661-8453 athompson@amestile.com www.amestile.com



Contact • 2018 241

FLOORING - TILES / FLOORING - WOOD Julian Ceramic Tile Inc.

Renocon Design Centre

Ms. Rose Baldo 2720 Ingleton Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 5X4 (604) 299-4085 Fax: (604) 546-6002 Toll Free: (800) 587-9877 rose@juliantile.com www.juliantile.com

Ms. Golnaz Afhami 1368 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6H 1H2 (604) 736-6410 Fax: (604) 736-6416 info@renocondesign.com www.renocondesign.com

Sam’s Flooring Supplies Metroworks Tile & Stone Mr. Shawn Perepelytz #106, 17 Fawcett Road Coquitlam, BC V3K 6V2 (778) 839-7512 shawn@metroworkstile.ca www.metroworkstile.ca

Mr. Richard Gozen #9, 20701 Langley ByPass Langley, BC V3A 5E8 (604) 530-2949 Fax: (604) 530-8747 samsflooringsupplies@gmail.com www.samsflooringsupplies.com

Olympia Tile International Inc.


Mr. Mike Iacutone 2350 Willingdon Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 5J6 (604) 294-2244 Fax: (604) 294-0528 Toll Free: (800) 663-9441 vancouver@olympiatile.com www.olympiatile.com

ADA - arata hatanaka design atelier Mr. Arata Hatanaka #8, 241 East 4 Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 1J1 (604) 836-1798 info@aratadesignatelier.com www.aratadesignatelier.com

Paradigm Surfaces Inc.

Banner Carpets Ltd.

Ms. Colleen Donison #106, 13479 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2W3 (778) 592-4500 ColleenD@paradigmsurfaces.ca www.paradigmsurfaces.ca

Ms. Lynn Herberts 1770 West 3 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5J 1K4 (604) 734-1136 Fax: (604) 734-1480 lynn@bannercarpets.ca www.bannercarpets.ca

Powerhouse Tile Ltd. Mr. Kip Sewell Ms. Tracy Wheeler 14290 Currie Drive Surrey, BC V3R 8A4 (604) 836-8349 (604) 209-3285 Fax: (604) 584-3777 kip@powerhousetile.com tracy@powerhousetile.com www.powerhousetile.com

242 Contact • 2018

Boardwalk Woodfloors Ltd. Mr. Tom Gara #140, 12571 Bridgeport Road Richmond, BC V6V 1J4 (604) 270-7750 Fax: (604) 270-7214 info@boardwalkfloors.ca www.boardwalkfloors.ca

FLOORING - WOOD Casa Madera Hardwood Floors Inc.

Fontile Corporation Ltd.

Mr. Peter Pocrnic 3744 Hastings Street Burnaby, BC V5C 2H5 (604) 294-9663 Fax: (604) 294-9688 casamadera@telus.net www.casamaderafloors.com

Mr. Gary Kershaw Mr. Goran Glogovac 270 Terminal Avenue Vancouver, BC V6A 2L6 (604) 683-9358 (778) 938-5333 Fax: (604) 683-6758 info@fontile.com www.fontile.com



Cypress Hardwood Flooring Ltd. Mr. Aaron Scriver #123, 3823 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6P3 (604) 294-0593 info@cypresshardwood.com www.cypresshardwood.com

Divine Flooring Mr. Nick Devito 3481 Main Street Vancouver, BC V5V 3M9 (604) 568-7488 Fax: (604) 568-7928 nick.devito@divinefloor.com www.divinehardwood.com

Ethical Flooring Ltd. Ms. Tanya Kupferschmid #110, 2270 Dollarton Highway North Vancouver, BC V7H 1A8 (604) 987-0440 tanya@ethicalflooring.com www.ethicalflooring.com

Exclusive Floors Ltd. Mr. Jason Davids 5550 Panorama Drive Surrey, BC V3S 1B7 (604) 575-6055 Fax: (604) 574-2924 info@exclusivefloors.com www.exclusivefloors.com

Frontier Flooring Mr. Elmer Cabrera 1721 Fir Street Vancouver, BC V6J 5J9 (604) 500-7650 Toll Free: (855) 336-2903 info@frontierflooringservices.com www.frontierluxury.com

MIRA Floors & Interiors Ms. Kelsey Myers #104, 9785 - 192 Street Surrey, BC V4N 4C7 (604) 856-4799 Fax: (604) 856-4792 info@mirafloors.com www.mirafloors.com

Mirage Hardwood Mr. Michael Masse (778) 998-9349 Fax: (418) 227-1188 michael.masse@boa-franc.com www.miragefloors.com

Monarch Floor & Window Coverings Mr. Matt Robinson 1627 Ingleton Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 4L8 (604) 253-1072 Fax: (604) 253-1073 matt@monarchfloors.ca www.monarchfloors.ca



Contact • 2018 243


Torlys Smart Floors

Ms. Thalia Sieben #7 & 8, 151 Carlingview Drive Toronto, ON M9W 5S4 (604) 360-0351 Fax: (416) 242-2571 thalia@oakhilldistribution.com www.oakhilldistribution.com

Ms. Amoreena Penta Mr. George Smith 1292 Cliveden Avenue Delta, BC V3M 6G4 (604) 777-9722 (604) 518-3386 Fax: (604) 777-9766 amoreena.penta@torlys.com george.smith@torlys.com www.torlys.com

Renocon Design Centre Ms. Golnaz Afhami 1368 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6H 1H2 (604) 736-6410 Fax: (604) 736-6416 info@renocondesign.com www.renocondesign.com

Restoration Hardwood Ltd. Mr. Murray Macintyre 1181 Grant Street Vancouver, BC V6A 2J7 (604) 618-2945 Fax: (604) 628-5287 murray@restorationhardwood.ca www.restorationhardwood.ca

Sam’s Flooring Supplies Mr. Richard Gozen #9, 20701 Langley ByPass Langley, BC V3A 5E8 (604) 530-2949 Fax: (604) 530-8747 samsflooringsupplies@gmail.com www.samsflooringsupplies.com

Satin Finish Hardwood Flooring Ltd. Mr. Stephan Wootton, B.Des (888) 797-2846 x. 207 swootton@satinflooring.com www.satinflooring.com

Westcoast Moulding & Millwork Ltd. Mr. John Hutton 18810 - 96 Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 3R1 (604) 513-1138 Fax: (604) 513-1194 info@westcoastmoulding.com www.westcoastmoulding.com

Wiston Building Materials Co. Mr. Rick Sisk #120, 4611 Viking Way Richmond, BC V6V 2K9 (604) 273-7555 Fax: (604) 278-8863 Toll Free: (888) 966-3358 info@witfloor.ca www.wistonfloor.ca

FOUNDATIONS / UNDERPINNING APEX Western Homes Ltd. Mr. Raymond Vesely #610, 333 Brooksbank Avenue P.O. Box 718 North Vancouver, BC V7J 3V8 (604) 990-3520 Fax: (604) 986-9906 homes@apexhomes.ca www.apexhomes.ca

Simba Flooring Corp. Mr. Jun Wu Ms. Julia Xu #140, 2368 No. 5 Road Richmond, BC V6X 2T1 (604) 285-9876 Fax: (604) 285-9875 vancouver@simbaflooring.com www.simbaflooring.com

244 Contact • 2018

Moore & Sons Contracting Inc. Mr. Don Moore 19892 - 35A Avenue Surrey, BC V3A 2P9 (604) 514-1322 Fax: (604) 539-8028 moore.sons@shaw.ca www.mooresoncontracting.com

FOUNDATIONS / UNDERPINNING / FRAMELESS GLASS RAILINGS / FRAMERS / FORMERS TerraCana Foundation Solutions Inc. Mr. Simon Whippy 1900 Valmont Way Richmond, BC V6V 1Y4 (604) 270-4773 Fax: (604) 926-1153 simon@terracana.ca www.terracana.ca



Zebiak House Raising Co. Ltd. Mr. Josh Vickars 6220 - 9 Avenue Burnaby, BC V3N 2T6 (604) 520-6316 Fax: (604) 540-1589 zebiakco@gmail.com www.zebiak.com


FRAMERS / FORMERS Aedifex Construction Inc. Mr. Dan Matson Mr. Frank Blackburn P.O. Box 95038, Kingsgate RPO Vancouver, BC V5T 4T8 (604) 889-4648 (604) 356-5885 contact@aedifexconstruction.ca frank@aedifexconstruction.ca www.aedifexconstruction.ca

Glasser Brothers Construction Ltd. Mr. Chris Glasser 1402 Como Lake Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3J 3P2 (604) 230-9295 chris.glassergroup@gmail.com www.glasserconstruction.ca

Atlas Vinyl Sundecks Ltd. Mr. Gord Langevin SEE 2421 Glenwood Avenue OUR AD Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 1Y7 ON PAGE (778) 285-2107 218 Fax: (604) 944-1278 atlasvinylsundecks@hotmail.com www.atlasvinylsundecks.ca

Legacy Framing Mr. Kyle Andresen 8710 Vicars Street Chilliwack, BC V2P 6V8 (604) 795-6977 kyle.andresen@gmail.com

Moore & Sons Contracting Inc. Elegant Glass & Shower Mirrors Ltd. Mr. Naman Singh #52, 13370 - 78 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 0H6 (604) 572-9656 Fax: (604) 595-1777 info@elegantglass.ca www.elegantglass.ca

Mr. Don Moore 19892 - 35A Avenue Surrey, BC V3A 2P9 (604) 514-1322 Fax: (604) 539-8028 moore.sons@shaw.ca www.mooresoncontracting.com

Sea-Pat Construction Inc. Lumon Canada Inc. Ms. Darlene Kuik #102, 2707 Progressive Way Abbotsford, BC V2T 0A7 (604) 615-8310 ed.minderhoud@lumon.com www.lumon.ca www.naturallightpatiocovers.com

Mr. Sean Ederer 1975 Greenock Place North Vancouver, BC V7J 2Z8 (604) 984-1882 Fax: (604) 984-1887 seapat@telus.net

Contact • 2018 245



Mr. Luther Adams #106, 13423 - 78 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 0A8 (604) 597-4040 Fax: (604) 572-8960 sales@doorpro.ca www.doorpro.ca

Nuheat Industries Ltd. Mr. Geoff Duck Mr. Anthony Celio #3105, 6900 Graybar Road Richmond, BC V6W 0A5 (604) 759-1436 (604) 529-4400 Fax: (604) 529-4404 geoff.duck@pentair.com anthony.celio@pentair.com www.nuheat.com

Doorcare Residential and Commercial Garage Door Services

FURNITURE Creative Home Furnishings Mr. Blair Ballard Unit D, 1100 Lansdowne Drive Coquitlam, BC V3B 5E2 (604) 941-1377 Fax: (604) 941-3136 blair@creativehome.ca www.creativehome.ca

Paradigm Surfaces Inc. Ms. Colleen Donison #106, 13479 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2W3 (778) 592-4500 ColleenD@paradigmsurfaces.ca www.paradigmsurfaces.ca

The Brick Warehouse Corp. Mr. Rick Ewing 1101 United Boulevard, Building #2 Coquitlam, BC V3K 6V3 (604) 517-5800 Fax: (604) 517-5839 rewing@thebrick.com www.thebrick.com

GARAGE DOORS Creative Door Services Ltd. Mr. John Lutz #3, 1678 Fosters Way Delta, BC V3M 6S6 (604) 524-8444 Fax: (604) 524-1968 jlutz@creativedoor.com www.creativedoor.com

246 Contact • 2018

SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 193 & 249

Mr. Dave Arts 2418 - 216 Street Langley, BC V2Z 1P4 (604) 535-4123 dave@doorcare.ca www.doorcare.ca

Modern Classic Building Solutions Inc. Mr. Ian Cairns 1910 Ontario Street Vancouver, BC V5T 4G6 (604) 558-1910 Fax: (604) 558-1912 info@modernclassicvancouver.com www.modernclassicvancouver.com www.customclosetsvancouver.com

Smart Garage Door Ltd. Mr. Case Vandergugten 18911 - 96 Street Surrey, BC V4N 3P3 (604) 637-2030 Fax: (604) 639-6303 info@smartgarage.ca www.smartgarage.ca

GARAGE ORGANIZER SYSTEMS Glass World Mr. Daryl Waddell 2146 Queen Street Abbotsford, BC V2T 6J4 (604) 854-5757 x. 32 Fax: (604) 852-1850 Toll Free: (888) 820-5080 daryl@glassworld.ca www.glassworld.ca




A place for everything, and everything in its place. Stor-More offers home organization solutions and custom window coverings to builders, designers and homeowners throughout Greater Vancouver.

Unit 111, 19231 - 54 Ave, Surrey 604.575.8870 | www.stormore.com


Glass World

Mr. Ian Cairns 1910 Ontario Street Vancouver, BC V5T 4G6 (604) 558-1910 Fax: (604) 558-1912 info@modernclassicvancouver.com www.modernclassicvancouver.com www.customclosetsvancouver.com

Mr. Daryl Waddell 2146 Queen Street Abbotsford, BC V2T 6J4 (604) 854-5757 x. 32 Fax: (604) 852-1850 Toll Free: (888) 820-5080 daryl@glassworld.ca www.glassworld.ca

Stor-More Closet & Blinds Ltd.

Novus Glass

Mr. Steve Swift #111, 19231 - 54 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 8E5 (604) 575-8870 Fax: (604) 575-1388 Toll Free: (800) 890-6673 steve@stormore.com www.stormore.com

Mr. Anthony Breuker Locations throughout the Lower Mainland to serve you! (800) 776-6887 Toll Free: (800) 776-6887 anthony.breuker@novusglass.com www.novusglassbusiness.com

SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 211 & 247



Rahul Glass Ltd. GLASS / SHOWER DOORS Clearbrook Glass Ltd. Mr. Brent Friesen 33470 South Fraser Way Abbotsford, BC V2S 2B5 (604) 866-6836 Fax: (604) 854-1387 brentafriesen@gmail.com www.clearbrookglass.ca

Coast Wholesale Appliances LP Ms. Susan Ford 8488 Main Street Vancouver, BC V5X 4W8 (604) 301-3644 Fax: (604) 321-6782 sford@coastappliances.com www.coastappliances.com

Mr. Neeraj Chaturvedi #104, 8655 - 130 Street Surrey, BC V3W 1V9 (604) 596-2651 Fax: (604) 592-2690 neeraj@rahulglass.com www.rahulglass.com

West Coast Windows Ltd. Mr. Bryan Hayes 7533 Progress Way Delta, BC V4G 1E7 (604) 946-2310 Fax: (604) 946-2314 Toll Free: (888) 363-7832 bryan@westcoastwindows.ca bryan@westcoastwindows.ca www.westcoastwindows.ca

GLASS REPLACEMENT / RESTORATION Elegant Glass & Shower Mirrors Ltd. Mr. Naman Singh #52, 13370 - 78 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 0H6 (604) 572-9656 Fax: (604) 595-1777 info@elegantglass.ca www.elegantglass.ca

248 Contact • 2018

Canada Glass Restore Mr. James McMahon P.O. Box 75521 Edgemont PO North Vancouver, BC V7R 4X1 (604) 837-3110 x. 102 info@vancouverhomemaintenance.com vancouverhomemaintenance.com



Mr. Anthony Breuker Locations throughout the Lower Mainland to serve you! (800) 776-6887 Toll Free: (800) 776-6887 anthony.breuker@novusglass.com www.novusglassbusiness.com

Gentek Building Products Mr. Brent Myers Mr. Rick Van de Perre #1, 19405 - 94 Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 4E6 (604) 220-7347 Fax: (604) 888-0960 brent_myers@gentek.ca rick_vandeperre@gentek.ca www.gentek.ca

GOVERNMENT AGENCIES BC Housing Mr. Shayne Ramsay #1701, 4555 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5H 4V8 (604) 439-4712 Fax: (604) 433-3295 sramsay@bchousing.org www.bchousing.org


Canada Lands Company Ms. Deana F. Grinnell, MCIP #200, 4949 Heather Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 3L7 (604) 257-0140 Fax: (604) 257-0150 dgrinnell@clc.ca www.clc.ca

City of Surrey Mr. Jean Lamontagne 13450 - 104 Avenue Surrey, BC V3T 1V8 (604) 591-4474 Fax: (604) 591-2680 JLLamontagne@surrey.ca www.surrey.ca

CMHC Mr. Thomas Siems #2000, 1111 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4M3 (604) 737-4053 Fax: (604) 714-3701 tsiems@cmhc-schl.gc.ca www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca

250 Contact • 2018


Insul-Twin Systems Ltd. Mr. Tim Bateman #1, 1973 McLean Avenue Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 1N1 (604) 942-4948 Fax: (604) 942-8706 info@insultwin.com www.insultwin.com

Kaycan Ltd. Mr. Gordon Poole 10187 - 201 Street Langley, BC V1M 3Y5 (604) 513-0343 Fax: (604) 513-0305 gordon12@kaycan.com www.kaycan.com

North Shore Home Services Ltd. Mr. Troy Thompson #37109, 2930 Lonsdale Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7N 4M0 (604) 988-5294 Fax: (604) 984-2117 troy@northshorehomeservices.com www.northshorehomeservices.com

Weatherguard Gutters Inc. Mr. Dave Mayhew 7175 - 184 Street Surrey, BC V4N 3G6 (604) 574-1985 Fax: (604) 574-1986 dmayhew@weatherguardgroup.com www.weatherguardgutters.com

HEALTH & SAFETY CONSULTANTS / HEATING HEALTH & SAFETY CONSULTANTS Hidden Dimension Design Ltd. Ms. Maral Zolghadr Mr. Ali Peymani 1543 Bridgman Avenue Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 6H4 (604) 780-6461 (604) 780-3243 Fax: (604) 461-1064 hdaud.maral@gmail.com hdaud.ap@gmail.com www.hdaud.com

HEATING A.O. Smith Canada Mr. Gordon Hoover #238, 718 - 333 Brooksbank Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7J 3V8 (604) 202-6220 ghoover@hotwater.com www.johnwoodwaterheaters.com

Barclay Sales Ltd. Mr. Rob Lang Ms. Sydney Irvine 1441 Kebet Way Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 6L3 (604) 945-1010 Fax: (604) 945-3030 roblang@barclaysales.com sirvine@barclaysales.com www.barclaysales.com

BC Coastal Energy Mr. Steve Blissett 3600 East Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V5K 2A9 (604) 971-0750 admin@bccoastalenergy.ca www.bccoastalenergy.com

EMCO Corporation Mr. Kerry McKearney 3140 Gilmore Diversion Burnaby, BC V5G 3B4 (604) 713-2200 Fax: (604) 713-2211 Toll Free: (800) 309-0899 kmckearney@emcoltd.com www.emcobc.ca

Guru Contracting Ltd. Mr. Rajan Jhajj 16854 Fraser Highway Surrey, BC V4N 0E3 (778) 896-7252 Fax: (604) 574-9238 info@guru-contracting.com guruservicegroup.ca

Hy-Line Sales Ltd. Mr. Lonnie Chiasson Ms. Rosemarie Matthews SEE OUR AD 71A Clipper Street ON PAGE Coquitlam, BC V3K 6X2 27 (604) 856-5648 Fax: (604) 856-8684 Toll Free: (800) 266-3114 lonnie.chiasson@hylinesales.com rosemarie@hylinesales.com www.hylinesales.com

IBC Technologies Inc. Ms. Cheryl McLoughlin 8015 North Fraser Way Burnaby, BC V5J 5M8 (604) 877-0277 Fax: (604) 877-0295 info@ibcboiler.com www.ibcboiler.com



KCS Heating Ltd. Mr. Alf Koolen #800, 15355 - 24 Avenue, Box 517 Surrey, BC V4A 2H9 (604) 536-8033 Fax: (604) 531-0248 kcsheating@shaw.ca

Kitchen and Bath Classics (A Wolseley Company) Mr. Ralph Barker 1234 Napier Street Vancouver, BC V6A 2H6 (604) 254-5131 Fax: (604) 876-5358 ralph.barker@wolseleyinc.ca www.wolseleyinc.ca

Contact • 2018 251

HEATING / HOME / TRADE SHOWS Lennox Industries (Canada) Ltd.

Refrigerative Supply

Mr. Rob Viau 2962 Lake City Way Burnaby, BC V5A 3A2 (604) 421-5424 Fax: (604) 421-6718 rob.viau@lennoxind.com www.lennox.com

Mr. Jeff Morin 8028 North Fraser Way Burnaby, BC V5J 0E1 (604) 454-5075 Fax: (604) 454-5073 Toll Free: (877) 754-5075 jeffm@rsl.ca www.rsl.ca

Markell Mechanical Rinnai Canada

Mr. Mark Young 142 East 25 Street North Vancouver, BC V7N 1A1 (778) 887-9845 Fax: (778) 588-7612 info@markellmechanical.com www.markellmechanical.com

Mitsubishi Electric Sales Canada Inc. Ms. Stefanie Cherny #120, 8061 Lougheed Highway Burnaby, BC V5A 1W9 (604) 415-6487 Fax: (604) 415-6480 Toll Free: (888) 415-6487 stefanie.cherny@mesca.ca www.MitsubishiElectric.ca

Mr. Dan Noel 7308 - 196A Street Langley, BC V2Y 3C5 (604) 657-2223 dnoel@rinnai.ca www.Rinnai.ca

Thompson Heating Ltd. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE


Moore & Russell Heating Ltd. Mr. Serge Laredo #101, 2131 Hartley Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3K 6Z3 (604) 526-8155 Fax: (604) 524-0300 serge.laredo@mrheating.com www.mrheating.com

Pro-West Sales Ltd. Mr. Paul Wuttunee 3945 Phillips Avenue Vancouver, BC V5A 3K4 (604) 421-5665 paul@prowestsales.com www.prowestsales.com

252 Contact • 2018

Mr. Wayne Fleet 5739 - 203A Street Langley, BC V3A 1W7 (604) 539-2807 Fax: (604) 539-2817 wfleet@thompsonheatingltd.com www.thompsonheatingltd.com

True North Comfort Mr. Graham Beatty #105, 1305 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B3 (778) 839-2040 Fax: (604) 770-2041 admin@truenorthcomfort.ca www.truenorthcomfort.ca

HOME / TRADE SHOWS BUILDEX and IDSWest Mr. Michael Pelsoci #510, 1185 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4E6 (604) 730-2034 Toll Free: (877) 739-2112 michael.pelsoci@informa.com www.buildexshows.com www.idswest.com


Orca Security Corporation

Mr. Tyson Kidd #212, 1847 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6J 1Y6 (604) 639-2288 Fax: (604) 639-2289 Toll Free: (800) 633-8332 tysonk@mpeshows.com www.marketplaceevents.com www.vancouverhomeshows.com

Mr. Brad Morrison #111, 8988 Fraserton Court Burnaby, BC V5J 5H8 (604) 431-8803 Fax: (604) 431-8489 info@orcasecurity.ca www.orcasecurity.ca

The Construction Expo

DEKORA Staging Inc.

Mr. Raman Sharma (604) 726-0500 info@theconstructionexpo.com www.theconstructionexpo.com

Mr. Ron Sowden 3498 Bridgeway Street Vancouver, BC V5K 1B6 (604) 671-5175 Fax: (604) 215-3897 Toll Free: (888) 463-3567 rsowden@dekora.com www.dekora.com

HOME AUTOMATION / INTEGRATION ACE Integrated Systems Ltd. Mr. Andrew McCormick #203, 3905 Springtree Drive Vancouver, BC V6L 3E2 (604) 565-1110 info@aceintegratedsystems.ca www.aceintegratedsystems.ca

Graytek Mr. Shawn Moran #116, 250 Schoolhouse Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 6V7 (604) 529-1034 Fax: (604) 529-1035 info@graytek.ca www.graytek.ca




Elinteriors Ms. Ewa Lis #111, 2000 Panorama Drive Port Moody, BC V3H 5J5 (778) 892-1957 info@elinteriors.ca www.elinteriors.ca

Meme Brooks Design Ms. Meme Brooks #130, 49 Dunlevy Avenue Vancouver, BC V6A 3A3 (604) 428-6996 design@memebrooks.com www.memebrooks.com

New Space Technologies Mr. Mark Scott #220, 285 East 1 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1A7 (604) 724-6775 Fax: (604) 909-1830 info@newspace.ca www.newspace.ca

Wow Factor Staging Rentals Ltd. Ms. Shirley Belzer #21, 22057 - 49 Avenue Langley, BC V3A 0J4 (604) 857-0102 Fax: (604) 539-0118 shirleybelzer124@msn.com www.wowfactorshaging.com

Contact • 2018 253



ACE Integrated Systems Ltd.

ADA - arata hatanaka design atelier

Mr. Andrew McCormick #203, 3905 Springtree Drive Vancouver, BC V6L 3E2 (604) 565-1110 info@aceintegratedsystems.ca www.aceintegratedsystems.ca

Mr. Arata Hatanaka #8, 241 East 4 Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 1J1 (604) 836-1798 info@aratadesignatelier.com www.aratadesignatelier.com


Architrix Design Studio Inc.

Mr. Shawn Moran #116, 250 Schoolhouse Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 6V7 (604) 529-1034 Fax: (604) 529-1035 info@graytek.ca www.graytek.ca

Mr. Khang Nguyen #216, 289 Alexander Street Vancouver, BC V6A 4H6 (604) 677-7877 Fax: (604) 909-4920 info@architrixstudio.com www.architrixstudio.com

New Space Technologies

Chris Dikeakos Architects Inc.

Mr. Mark Scott #220, 285 East 1 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1A7 (604) 724-6775 Fax: (604) 909-1830 info@newspace.ca www.newspace.ca

Mr. Chris Dikeakos #212, 3989 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6N5 (604) 291-2660 info@dikeakos.com www.dikeakos.com

Concept To Design Inc. Orca Security Corporation Mr. Brad Morrison #111, 8988 Fraserton Court SEE OUR AD Burnaby, BC V5J 5H8 ON PAGE (604) 431-8803 299 Fax: (604) 431-8489 info@orcasecurity.ca www.orcasecurity.ca

HOT TUBS / POOLS / SPAS Coast Spas Lifestyles Inc. Mr. Jon MacAulay 20363 Langley ByPass Langley, BC V3A 5E8 (604) 534-7727 Fax: (604) 533-7591 Toll Free: (800) 363-7727 sales@coastspas.ca www.coastspas.com

254 Contact • 2018

Ms. Carolyn Lino Stewart Surrey, BC (778) 395-1140 Fax: (604) 497-1140 office@concepttodesign.ca www.concepttodesign.ca

D3 Dimension Drafting and Design Inc. Ms. Kirsten Sutton (604) 603-6747 info@d3design.ca www.d3design.ca

Draft On Site Services Mr. Nicholas Petrie #501, 3292 Production Way Burnaby, BC V5A 4R4 (604) 876-3738 info@draftonsite.com www.draftonsite.com


S.P. Riley Residential Design Ltd.

Ms. Maral Zolghadr Mr. Ali Peymani 1543 Bridgman Avenue Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 6H4 (604) 780-6461 (604) 780-3243 Fax: (604) 461-1064 hdaud.maral@gmail.com hdaud.ap@gmail.com www.hdaud.com

Mr. Steve Riley 3882 - 203B Street Langley, BC V3A 6S5 (604) 534-5704 Fax: (604) 534-5705 spriley@shaw.ca www.sprileyresidentialdesign.com

John Henshaw Architect Inc. Mrs. Joy Chao 1666 West 75 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G2 (604) 264-1072 Fax: (604) 264-9192 joy@jhainc.ca www.johnhenshawarchitect.com

Loy Leyland Architect Inc. Mr. Loy Leyland #1, 1864 West 1 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1G5 (604) 736-1419 Fax: (604) 736-9493 loyleyland@telus.net www.loyleylandarchitect.com

Pavel Denisov Design Mr. Pavel N. Denisov 322 West 18 Street North Vancouver, BC V7M 1W9 (604) 417-7753 info@denisov-arch.com www.denisov-arch.com

Schema Creative Mr. Joe Wolkosky #2, 6207 Fraser Street Vancouver, BC V5W 3A2 (604) 808-3406 schemainnovative@gmail.com www.schemacreative.com

Wensley Architecture Ltd. Mr. Barry Weih #301, 1444 Alberni Street Vancouver, BC V6G 2Z4 (604) 685-3529 Fax: (604) 685-4574 office@wensleyarch.com www.wensleyarch.com

HOUSE MOVING / RAISING Nickel Bros Mr. Jeremy Nickel 1528 Broadway Street Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 2M8 (604) 944-9430 Fax: (604) 944-6082 vancouver@nickelbros.com www.nickelbros.com

Zebiak House Raising Co. Ltd. PLACE architect ltd. Ms. Heather L. Johnston, MAIBC, RAIC, AIA 6262 St. Georges Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7W 1Z7 (778) 279-7274 heather@placearchitects.com www.placearchitects.com

Mr. Josh Vickars 6220 - 9 Avenue Burnaby, BC V3N 2T6 (604) 520-6316 Fax: (604) 540-1589 zebiakco@gmail.com www.zebiak.com

Contact • 2018 255

INFORMATION SERVICES - CONSTRUCTION / REAL ESTATE / INSULATING CONCRETE FORMS INFORMATION SERVICES CONSTRUCTION / REAL ESTATE AXIS Real Estate Solutions Inc. Mr. Nav Kandola 16738 - 57A Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 1H8 (778) 574-2869 Fax: (778) 574-2859 info@axisrealestate.ca www.axisrealestate.ca

Duxbury & Associates - Building Inspection & Consulting Ltd. Mr. Glenn Duxbury, CHI, QAO 125 DeBeck Street New Westminster, BC V3L 3H7 (604) 524-2502 info@glennduxbury-inspections.com www.glennduxbury-inspections.com

Green Sheet Construction Data Ltd. Ms. Simone Sunderland 100 Sycamore Drive Port Moody, BC V3H 0A8 (604) 461-0327 Fax: (604) 461-0326 simone@greensheet.ca www.greensheet.ca

Harrison Marketing Resources Ltd. Ms. Lynn Harrison #4, 15 Forest Parkway Port Moody, BC V3H 5G7 (604) 837-5274 Fax: (604) 949-0419 harrisonmarketing@shaw.ca www.harrisonmarketing.ca

RealNet Canada Inc. Mr. Jason Lo #630, 1040 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4H1 (877) 992-9933 datasolutionsinfo@altusgroup.com www.realnet.ca

256 Contact • 2018

Varing Marketing Group Mr. Joe Varing #360, 3033 Immel Street Abbotsford, BC V2S 6S2 (604) 832-2626 Fax: (604) 853-3791 info@varinggroup.com www.varinggroup.com weselldirt.ca



INSULATING CONCRETE FORMS Aedifex Construction Inc. Mr. Dan Matson Mr. Frank Blackburn P.O. Box 95038, Kingsgate RPO Vancouver, BC V5T 4T8 (604) 889-4648 (604) 356-5885 contact@aedifexconstruction.ca frank@aedifexconstruction.ca www.aedifexconstruction.ca

Beaver Plastics Mr. Bill Gardner #215, 6333 Unsworth Road Chilliwack, BC V2R 5M3 (888) 453-5961 Fax: (604) 325-8501 bill.gardner@beaverplastics.com www.logixicf.com www.beaverplastics.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Concrete, BC Ms. Carolyn Campbell 26162 - 30A Avenue Aldergrove, BC V4W 2W5 (604) 626-4141 Fax: (604) 626-4143 ccampbell@concretebc.ca www.concretebc.ca

Plasti-Fab Ltd., Insulspan Division Mr. David Stevenson #1, 600 Chester Road Delta, BC V3M 5Y3 (604) 540-0600 Fax: (604) 540-0608 Toll Free: (866) 848-8855 dstevenson@insulspan.com www.insulspan.com www.plastifab.com


Insul-Twin Systems Ltd.

Mr. Kevin Davis 7398 - 132 Street Surrey, BC V3W 4M7 (604) 590-3111 x. 244 Fax: (604) 590-8412 info@quadlock.com www.quadlock.com

Mr. Tim Bateman #1, 1973 McLean Avenue Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 1N1 (604) 942-4948 Fax: (604) 942-8706 info@insultwin.com www.insultwin.com



Vancouver ICF Mr. Joey Fearn #19, 1610 Derwent Way Delta, BC V3M 6W1 (604) 229-9829 x. 102 joey@vancouvericf.com www.vancouvericf.com

INSULATION CONTRACTORS Advanced Construction Resources Mr. Doug Harrison #4, 15 Forest Parkway Port Moody, BC V3H 5G7 (604) 644-5757 Fax: (604) 949-0419 advanced.energy@shaw.ca

Four Seasons Insulation Ltd. Mr. Roger Prato 25588 - 60 Avenue SEE Aldergrove, BC V4W 1H1 OUR AD ON PAGE (604) 607-5022 307 Fax: (604) 607-5026 Toll Free: (888) 607-5022 fsinsulation@aol.com www.fourseasonsinsulation.com

Greer Spray Foam Ltd. Mr. Dan Greer 6955 Buller Avenue Burnaby, BC V5J 4S1 (604) 438-3570 Fax: (604) 438-3990 info@greer.co www.greersprayfoam.com

INSULATION SUPPLIERS Beaver Plastics Mr. Bill Gardner #215, 6333 Unsworth Road Chilliwack, BC V2R 5M3 (888) 453-5961 Fax: (604) 325-8501 bill.gardner@beaverplastics.com www.logixicf.com www.beaverplastics.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Brock White Canada Mr. Rob Mutch 7678 – 132 Street Surrey, BC V3W 4M9 (604) 323-3760 Fax: (604) 576-3154 Toll Free: (877) 846-7506 rmutch@brockwhite.com www.brockwhite.ca

Convoy Supply Ltd. Mr. Sunny Goel 8183 - 130 Street Surrey, BC V3W 7X4 (604) 591-5381 Fax: (604) 572-7476 sgoel@convoy-supply.com www.convoy-supply.com

Goodfellow Inc. Mr. Drew Simpson 2060 Van Dyke Place Richmond, BC V6V 1X9 (604) 940-9640 Fax: (604) 940-9641 Toll Free: (800) 821-2053 dsimpson@goodfellowinc.com www.goodfellowinc.com

Contact • 2018 257



Mr. Dan Greer 6955 Buller Avenue Burnaby, BC V5J 4S1 (604) 438-3570 Fax: (604) 438-3990 info@greer.co www.greersprayfoam.com

CMW Insurance Services Ltd.

Johns Manville Canada Inc. Mr. Lakhei Dusanj (778) 877-3766 Lakhei.Dusanj@jm.com www.jm.com

Mr. Andrew Kemp #700, 2025 Willingdon Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 0J3 (604) 294-3301 Fax: (604) 294-3003 Toll Free: (800) 263-3313 info@cmwinsurance.com www.cmwinsurance.com

Federated Insurance

Owens Corning Canada LP Mr. Mark Joedicke Vancouver, BC (604) 787-6214 Fax: (604) 738-1531 Mark.Joedicke@owenscorning.com www.owenscorning.ca

Mr. Reza Kamrani, CRM #108, 4595 Canada Way Burnaby, BC V5G 1J9 (778) 995-8504 Fax: (604) 294-2352 Toll Free: (800) 939-7788 reza.kamrani@federated.ca www.federated.ca

National Home Warranty - AVIVA Plasti-Fab Ltd., Insulspan Division Mr. David Stevenson #1, 600 Chester Road Delta, BC V3M 5Y3 (604) 540-0600 Fax: (604) 540-0608 Toll Free: (866) 848-8855 dstevenson@insulspan.com www.insulspan.com www.plastifab.com

Pacific Home Warranty Insurance Services Inc.

ROCKWOOL Ms. Emilia Coghill 8024 Equesing Line Milton, ON L9T 6W3 (778) 229-3689 Fax: (905) 875-9305 emilia.coghill@rockwool.com www.rockwool.com

258 Contact • 2018

Mr. Chad Palmer #200, 8621 - 201 Street Langley, BC V2Y 0G9 (604) 575-9155 Fax: (604) 408-1001 Toll Free: (800) 387-4518 chad.palmer@avivacanada.com www.avivacanada.com



Mr. Dean Elms #211, 15240 - 56 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 5K7 (604) 574-4776 Fax: (604) 574-4779 Toll Free: (866) 996-9776 info@pacificwarranty.com www.pacificwarranty.com

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Contact • 2018 259


Meme Brooks Design

Mr. Kevin Jeffrey Mr. Kevin Hawryluk #610, 4180 Lougheed Highway Burnaby, BC V5C 6A7 (604) 639-8463 (604) 639-8462 Fax: (604) 639-8469 info@pointbreakcg.com www.pointbreakcg.com

Ms. Meme Brooks #130, 49 Dunlevy Avenue Vancouver, BC V6A 3A3 (604) 428-6996 design@memebrooks.com www.memebrooks.com

Travelers Canada Mr. Jan Rasilainen Mr. Kerry Nagy #2500, 650 West Georgia Street P.O. Box 11542 Vancouver, BC V6B 4N7 (604) 682-2663 Fax: (604) 682-2664 Toll Free: (800) 555-9431 jan.rasilainen@travelers.com knagy1@travelersguarantee.com www.travelersguarantee.com


Warline Painting Ltd. Ms. Heidi Nyline #52, 15288 - 36 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 0S6 (604) 542-5064 Fax: (604) 542-5054 info@warline.ca www.warlinepainting.ca

INTERIOR DESIGNERS ADA - arata hatanaka design atelier Mr. Arata Hatanaka #8, 241 East 4 Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 1J1 (604) 836-1798 info@aratadesignatelier.com www.aratadesignatelier.com

BOAS Construction Ltd. Mr. Stuart Oh 4309 Canada Way Burnaby, BC V5G 1J3 (604) 355-0520 boasconstruction@gmail.com www.boasconstruction.com

Andrea Johnstone Designs Ms. Andrea Johnstone 5468 - 238 Street Langley, B.C. V2Z 2P2 (604) 317-5999 andrea@andreajohnstonedesigns.com www.andreajohnstonedesigns.com

Ethical Flooring Ltd. Ms. Tanya Kupferschmid #110, 2270 Dollarton Highway North Vancouver, BC V7H 1A8 (604) 987-0440 tanya@ethicalflooring.com www.ethicalflooring.com

Harmony Sense Interiors Ms. Lucila Diaz Ms. Anna Cumming 2990 Palmerston Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7V 2X3 (778) 835-5874 (604) 790-5990 lucila@harmonysense.com anna@harmonysense.com www.harmonysense.com

260 Contact • 2018

Area3 Design Studio Inc. Ms. Brenda Chiu, R.I.D, IDC Ms. Lisa Hansen #217, 7080 River Road Vancouver, BC V6X 1X5 (778) 297-2732 x. 101 (778) 297-2732 x. 102 brenda@area3design.ca lisa@area3design.ca area3design.ca

INTERIOR DESIGNERS Beyond Beige Interior Designs Inc.

Carol Faan Interiors Inc.

Ms. Reisa Pollard #1121, 15 Street West North Vancouver, BC V7P 1M7 (604) 876-3800 Fax: (778) 340-2281 reisa@beyondbeige.com www.beyondbeige.com

Ms. Carol Faan #205, 2560 Simpson Road Richmond, BC V6X 2P9 (604) 306-3098 carolfaan@shawbiz.ca

Bimtrix Design Inc. Mr. Evan Gallagher #207, 1815 Cornwall Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1C6 (604) 789-3052 evan@bimtrix.com www.bimtrix.com

BlueFish Studio Ms. Alyssa Myshok #804, 318 Homer Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2V2 (604) 657-7778 alyssa@bluefishstudio.com www.bluefishstudio.com

BOAS Construction Ltd. Mr. Stuart Oh 4309 Canada Way Burnaby, BC V5G 1J3 (604) 355-0520 boasconstruction@gmail.com www.boasconstruction.com

By Design Construction Inc. Mr. Bobby Purba 8033 - 17 Avenue Burnaby, BC V3N 1M5 (604) 351-8614 info@bydesignconstruction.ca www.bdhomesinc.com

Calvert Design Ms. Sheryn Calvert #309, 197 Forester Street Dollarton Business Park North Vancouver, BC V7H 0A6 (604) 924-4034 Fax: (604) 924-4035 info@calvertdesign.ca www.calvertdesign.ca

CCI Renovations Mr. John Friswell SEE #1, 1485 Welch Street OUR AD North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B5 ON PAGE (604) 980-8384 19 Fax: (604) 980-7868 info@ccirenos.com www.ccirenos.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CRBC, CHP, CAPS, CGR, CGP

Charmaine Lang Design Inc. Ms. Charmaine Lang #112, 1750 Coast Meridian Road Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 6R8 (604) 944-4666 Fax: (604) 944-4638 langdesigngroupinc@gmail.com www.charmainelangdesign.com

Concept To Design Inc. Ms. Carolyn Lino Stewart Surrey, BC (778) 395-1140 Fax: (604) 497-1140 office@concepttodesign.ca www.concepttodesign.ca

Craftsmen Contracting Ltd. Mr. Quinn Holtslag P.O. Box 31576 Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2G8 (778) 989-7252 Fax: (604) 459-2600 info@craftsmencontracting.com www.craftsmencontracting.com

Creative Home Furnishings Mr. Blair Ballard Unit D, 1100 Lansdowne Drive Coquitlam, BC V3B 5E2 (604) 941-1377 Fax: (604) 941-3136 blair@creativehome.ca www.creativehome.ca Contact • 2018 261

INTERIOR DESIGNERS Designs by Katerina & Silvie

Harmony Sense Interiors

Ms. Katerina Vastardis Ms. Silvie Pantsios 2476 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6K 1W3 (778) 896-1778 (604) 319-3771 info@designsbyks.com www.designsbyks.com

Ms. Lucila Diaz Ms. Anna Cumming 2990 Palmerston Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7V 2X3 (778) 835-5874 (604) 790-5990 lucila@harmonysense.com anna@harmonysense.com www.harmonysense.com



Don Stuart Architect Inc. Mr. Don Stuart 959 Esquimalt Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7T 1J9 (604) 925-6866 Fax: (604) 925-6876 donstuartarchitect@gmail.com www.donstuartarchitect.com

InHaus Development Ltd. Mr. Dave Debruyn #505, 1168 Hamilton Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2S2 (604) 377-4978 Fax: (604) 677-6284 dave@inhaus.ca www.inhaus.ca

Elinteriors Ms. Ewa Lis #111, 2000 Panorama Drive Port Moody, BC V3H 5J5 (778) 892-1957 info@elinteriors.ca www.elinteriors.ca

First Impression Designs Inc. Ms. Shannon Haerdi #103, 1550 Hartley Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3K 7A1 (604) 777-5653 shannon@firstimpressiondesigns.com www.firstimpressiondesigns.com

Form Creative Inc. Mr. Andrew Talbot #3, 15777 Marine Drive White Rock, BC V4B 1E5 (778) 294-2920 andrew@anvilstudio.ca www.formcreative.ca

Genesis Kitchens & Design Ms. Denise McIntosh Unit B, 1037 Ridgeway Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3J 1S6 (604) 937-7336 Fax: (604) 939-7336 denise@genesiskitchens.ca www.genesiskitchens.ca

262 Contact • 2018

Intermind Design Inc. Ms. Mila Djuras 609 Lidster Place New Westminster, BC V3L 5E2 (604) 338-9936 miladjuras@interminddesign.com www.interminddesign.com Designations: CAPS

Jamie Banfield Design Mr. Jamie Banfield 2739 Murray Street Port Moody, BC V3H 1X1 (604) 385-1646 info@jamiebanfield.ca www.jamiebanfield.ca

Janet Scagel Design Ms. Janet Scagel #261, 1488 Main Street North Vancouver, BC V7J 3V3 (604) 612-5737 janet@janetscageldesign.com www.janetscageldesign.com

INTERIOR DESIGNERS Joey Chan & Associates Inc.

Marie Joy Design

Mr. Joey Chan #8, 4711 Blair Drive Richmond, BC V6X 4E6 (604) 232-0730 Fax: (604) 232-0735 joeychan329@hotmail.com www.joeychan.com

Ms. Kristina Hibbs Ms. Amanda Severson 16583 - 109A Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 5E3 (604) 417-6850 (604) 726-8532 kristina@mariejoydesign.com amanda@mariejoydesign.com www.mariejoydesign.ca

Kalu Interiors Ms. Phyllis Lui 314 East 5 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1H4 (604) 889-6757 phyllis@kaluinteriors.com www.kaluinteriors.com

Kendall Ansell Interiors Ms. Kendall Ansell #14, 7228 Winston Street Burnaby, BC V5A 2G9 (604) 428-5053 kendall@kendallansell.com www.kendallansell.com

Kenorah Design + Build Ltd. Mr. Graham Collins #105, 23160 - 96 Avenue Fort Langley, BC V1M 2S3 (604) 940-2767 Fax: (604) 940-2787 graham@kenorah.com www.kenorah.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CHP, CRBC, CAPS

Kitchen Renos West Ms. Amber Mendonca #102, 6420 - 19 Street Surrey, BC V4N 6J7 (604) 365-4151 amber@kitchenrenoswest.ca www.kitchenrenoswest.ca

Linhan Design & Interiors Co. Ltd. Ms. Tanlin Lynne #202, 288 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1N5 (778) 926-3978 linhandesign@gmail.com www.linhandesign.com

Meme Brooks Design Ms. Meme Brooks #130, 49 Dunlevy Avenue Vancouver, BC V6A 3A3 (604) 428-6996 design@memebrooks.com www.memebrooks.com

Miccaro Designs Ms. Michele Buchamer 3022 Markham Place North Vancouver, BC V7N 1X1 (604) 980-6067 Fax: (604) 980-6087 miccarodesigns@telus.net www.miccarodesigns.com

My House Design/Build Team Ltd. Mr. Graeme Huguet SEE 15356 Fraser Highway OUR AD Surrey, BC V3R 3P5 ON PAGE (604) 694-6873 3 Fax: (604) 951-4093 info@myhousedesignbuild.com www.myhousedesignbuild.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CAPS, CRP

PlaidFox Mr. Dave Leavitt #201, 55 Water Street Vancouver, BC V6B 1A1 (604) 899-0208 vendors@plaidfox.com plaidfox.com

Contact • 2018 263


Schema Creative

Ms. Sydney Carlaw 23336 - 52 Avenue Langley, BC V2Z 2P8 (604) 760-4249 sydney@puritydesigns.ca www.puritydesigns.ca

Mr. Joe Wolkosky #2, 6207 Fraser Street Vancouver, BC V5W 3A2 (604) 808-3406 schemainnovative@gmail.com www.schemacreative.com

Radec Group Inc.

SDL Designs

Mr. Joe Walters 625 East 16 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 2V3 (604) 676-0008 Fax: (604) 677-1097 Toll Free: (866) 976-0008 info@radecgroup.com www.radecgroup.com Designations: BuiltGreen

Ms. Sheri Lemire (604) 866-8488 info@sdldesigns.ca www.sdldesigns.ca

Renocon Design Centre Ms. Golnaz Afhami 1368 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6H 1H2 (604) 736-6410 Fax: (604) 736-6416 info@renocondesign.com www.renocondesign.com

Sarah Gallop Design Inc. Ms. Sarah Gallop #11, 1835 - 56 Street Delta, BC V4L 2L8 (604) 952-4448 Fax: (604) 952-4449 info@sarahgallop.com www.sarahgallop.com

Sasen Renovations Mr. Matthew Senf 4811 Brentlawn Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 3V4 (604) 765-1708 Fax: (604) 294-6830 coordinator@sasenrenovations.com www.sasenrenovations.com

264 Contact • 2018

Sensitive Design Ms. Susanne Doise, M.Arch, RID 2423 Lawson Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7V 2E7 (604) 925-4602 Fax: (604) 925-4632 susanne@sensitivedesign.com www.sensitivedesign.com

Shell Busey’s Home Improvements Mr. Keith Araki #7, 2320 King George Boulevard Surrey, BC V4A 5A5 (604) 542-2236 Fax: (604) 542-2237 keith@thehousesmart.com www.AskShell.com

Space Harmony Interiors Inc. Ms. Negar Reihani #301, 1398 Homer Street Vancouver, BC V6B 6A7 (604) 782-1450 info@spaceharmony.ca www.spaceharmony.ca

Sublime Interior Design Ltd. Ms. Geele Soroka #101, 1880 Fir Street Vancouver, BC V6J 3B1 (604) 688-5487 Fax: (604) 688-5489 info@sublimeinteriordesign.com www.sublimeinteriordesign.com


Canadian Built Construction Ltd.

Ms. Donna Russell 68 Clipper Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 7A6 (604) 787-1706 donna@thecds.ca www.thecds.ca

Mr. Geremy Enns 21993 Old Yale Road Langley, BC V2Z 1M2 (604) 341-3893 geremy@canadianbuiltconstruction.com www.canadianbuiltconstruction.com

TQ Construction Ltd.

Ching Kee Construction and Renovations Company Limited

Mr. Ralph Belisle SEE #106, 8988 Fraserton Court OUR AD ON PAGE Burnaby, BC V5J 5H8 53 (604) 430-9900 info@tqconstruction.ca www.tqconstruction.ca Designations: BuiltGreen, CRC, CRP, CAPS

VictorEric Premium Homes Mr. Eric Lee 15 East 3 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1C5 (604) 677-0021 Fax: (604) 677-0178 info@victoreric.com www.victoreric.com

INTERIOR FINISHING ADA - arata hatanaka design atelier Mr. Arata Hatanaka #8, 241 East 4 Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 1J1 (604) 836-1798 info@aratadesignatelier.com www.aratadesignatelier.com

Aedifex Construction Inc. Mr. Dan Matson Mr. Frank Blackburn P.O. Box 95038, Kingsgate RPO Vancouver, BC V5T 4T8 (604) 889-4648 (604) 356-5885 contact@aedifexconstruction.ca frank@aedifexconstruction.ca www.aedifexconstruction.ca

Mr. Kwok Ching (Billy) Lee 3828 Garry Street Richmond, BC V7E 2T8 (604) 765-2138 billylee@chingkeeconstruction.com www.chingkeeconstruction.com

DMC Contracting Ltd. Mr. Dan Crump 27743 Joanita Place Abbotsford, BC V4X 2C3 (604) 831-3523 Fax: (604) 576-2742 info@dmccontracting.ca www.dmccontracting.ca

Eurocraft House Ltd. Mr. Mirel Cozos 2916 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6K 2G8 (604) 761-7582 Fax: (604) 460-8238 amatotal@telus.net www.eurocrafthouse.com

Makena Construction Inc. Mr. Randy Edmunds 6973 - 195 Street Surrey, BC V4N 5Y6 (604) 961-1814 randy@makenaconstruction.ca www.makenaconstruction.ca



Saint Construction Management Ltd. Mr. Scott Sheen #1, 2405 East Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V5K 1Y8 (604) 336-5355 info@saintconstruction.ca www.saintconstruction.ca



Contact • 2018 265

INTERIOR FINISHING / INTERNET SERVICES / IRRIGATION / SPRINKLERS / KITCHEN PRODUCTS / ACCESSORIES Toikka Construction Ltd. Mr. John Toikka #121, 998 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 3T2 (604) 671-7757 Fax: (604) 986-0553 john@toikkaconstruction.ca www.toikkaconstruction.ca

INTERNET SERVICES Multivista Construction Documentation ULC Mr. Wade Shaw #203, 38 Fell Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7P 3S2 (604) 988-4280 wade@multivista.com www.multivista.com

KITCHEN PRODUCTS / ACCESSORIES Action Interior Cabinet Refinishing & Renovating Ms. Suzanne Smith 4519 Epps Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7G 1G2 (604) 318-4869 suzanne@actioninterior.com www.actioninterior.com

AD Waters Mr. Arthur Tsang 509 - 19100 Airport Way Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 0E2 (604) 612-4546 ATsang@aquabrass.com www.ad-waters.com

Artistic Baths Preston Mobility Inc. Mr. Darelle Mitchell Mr. Blake Ponuick #128, 13071 Vanier Place Richmond, BC V6V 2J1 (604) 629-8526 Fax: (604) 629-8527 sales@prestonmobility.com www.prestonmobility.com

TELUS Mr. Frank Hobbs 1795 Willingdon Avenue, 3rd Floor Burnaby, BC V5C 6E3 (250) 861-2244 Frank.hobbs@telus.com www.telus.com

IRRIGATION / SPRINKLERS Absolute Landscaping Ltd. Mr. Dean Ogden 1111 Croft Road North Vancouver, BC V7K 1K2 (604) 684-9901 services@absolutelandscaping.com www.absolutelandscaping.com

266 Contact • 2018

Mr. Niall Duggan 2835 East 12 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5M 4P9 (604) 253-4000 Fax: (604) 253-4003 sales@universalsupply.bc.ca www.artisticbaths.com

BFJ Design Mr. Mike Jobani 1362 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4S9 (604) 681-8174 mike@bfjdesign.com www.bfjdesign.com

Canterbury Kitchens Ltd. Mr. Bob Gardner Mr. Kevin Chretien 20198 - 113B Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2X 0Y9 (604) 460-7880 Fax: (604) 460-7881 bgardner@canterburykitchens.com kchretien@canterburykitchens.com www.canterburykitchens.com

4.5 4 .5 x 7.5 7.5 Live Area Area Live

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Bathroom • Kitchen • Hardware 8351 Ontario St. Vancouver • (604) 688-1252 • www.cantubathrooms.com

Contact • 2018 267

KITCHEN PRODUCTS / ACCESSORIES Cantu Bathrooms & Hardware Ltd.

Germanhaus Furniture Inc.

Mr. Shaun Krahn 8351 Ontario Street Vancouver, BC V5X 3E8 (604) 688-1252 Fax: (604) 688-1232 Toll Free: (800) 910-1252 info@cantubathrooms.com www.cantubathrooms.com

Mr. Maxim Gotsutsov 1654 West 2 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1H4 (604) 801-5773 info@leichtvancouver.com leichtvancouver.com



Glass World

Ms. Nicola Newson 902 West 16 Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1R3 (604) 986-9969 nikki@cornerstonekitchendesign.ca www.cornerstonekitchendesign.ca

Mr. Daryl Waddell 2146 Queen Street Abbotsford, BC V2T 6J4 (604) 854-5757 x. 32 Fax: (604) 852-1850 Toll Free: (888) 820-5080 daryl@glassworld.ca www.glassworld.ca

EMCO Corporation

Houstone Enterprises Ltd.

Mr. Kerry McKearney 3140 Gilmore Diversion Burnaby, BC V5G 3B4 (604) 713-2200 Fax: (604) 713-2200 Toll Free: (800) 309-0899 kmckearney@emcoltd.com www.emcobc.ca

Ms. Carmen Deveau 2800 No. 3 Road Richmond, BC V6X 2B3 (778) 297-6398 Fax: (604) 248-6445 clo@houstone.ca www.houstone.ca

Cornerstone Kitchens & Design Ltd.



Hy-Line Sales Ltd. Fontile Corporation Ltd. Mr. Gary Kershaw Mr. Goran Glogovac 270 Terminal Avenue Vancouver, BC V6A 2L6 (604) 683-9358 (778) 938-5333 Fax: (604) 683-6758 info@fontile.com www.fontile.com

Genesis Kitchens & Design Ms. Denise McIntosh Unit B, 1037 Ridgeway Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3J 1S6 (604) 937-7336 Fax: (604) 939-7336 denise@genesiskitchens.ca www.genesiskitchens.ca

268 Contact • 2018

Mr. Lonnie Chiasson Ms. Rosemarie Matthews SEE 71A Clipper Street OUR AD Coquitlam, BC V3K 6X2 ON PAGE (604) 856-5648 27 Fax: (604) 856-8684 Toll Free: (800) 266-3114 lonnie.chiasson@hylinesales.com rosemarie@hylinesales.com www.hylinesales.com

Kitchen and Bath Classics (A Wolseley Company) Mr. Mike Heeps 2198 Yukon Street Vancouver, BC V5Y 3P1 (604) 873-0004 Fax: (604) 876-5358 mike.heeps@wolseleyinc.ca www.wolseleyinc.ca


Valley Acrylic Products

Ms. Donna Verlaan 2148 Douglas Road Burnaby, BC V5C 5A7 (604) 298-9277 Fax: (604) 298-9233 donna.verlaan@kitchencraft.com www.kitchencraftvancouver.com

Ms. Genny Siddall 33778 North Railway Avenue Mission, BC V2V 1H6 (604) 820-0014 Fax: (604) 820-1024 genny@valleyacrylic.com www.valleyacrylic.com

Pacific Rim Cabinets Ltd.


Mr. James Dewinetz 640 Belgrave Way Delta, BC V3M 5R7 (604) 515-7377 Fax: (604) 515-7387 info@pacrimcab.com www.pacrimcab.com

Paragon Surfacing Ltd. Ms. Chelsea Julian 6720 Graybar Road Richmond, BC V6W 1J1 (604) 278-2225 x. 115 Fax: (604) 278-2204 chelsea@paragonsurfacing.com www.paragonsurfacing.com

Suncrest Cabinets Inc. Mr. Paul Lynch 4651 Vanguard Road Richmond, BC V6X 2P7 (604) 278-3445 Fax: (604) 278-0924 plynch@suncrestcabinets.com www.suncrestcabinets.com

Trail Appliances Ltd. Mr. Doug Truesdell SEE 3388 Sweden Way OUR AD Richmond, BC V6V 0B2 ON PAGE (604) 838-5295 185 Fax: (604) 278-4148 dtruesdell@trailappliances.com www.trailappliances.com/bc/builders/builder_overview.cfm

Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. Mr. Ed Fujii, P.Eng Mr. Andrew Baker #1680, 13450 - 102 Avenue Surrey, BC V3T 5X3 (604) 597-9058 Fax: (604) 597-9061 general@aplinmartin.com www.aplinmartin.com

McElhanney Consulting Mr. James Pernu #2300, Central City Tower 13450 - 102 Avenue Surrey, BC V3T 5X3 (604) 424-4886 Fax: (604) 584-5050 jpernu@mcelhanney.com www.mcelhanney.com

L ANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION / MATERIALS / PRODUCTS Absolute Landscaping Ltd. Mr. Dean Ogden 1111 Croft Road North Vancouver, BC V7K 1K2 (604) 684-9901 services@absolutelandscaping.com www.absolutelandscaping.com

Craftsmen Contracting Ltd. Mr. Quinn Holtslag P.O. Box 31576 Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2G8 (778) 989-7252 Fax: (604) 459-2600 info@craftsmencontracting.com www.craftsmencontracting.com

Contact • 2018 269


Swick’s Organic Landscaping Ltd.

Mr. Paul Etheridge 2114 Parker Street Vancouver, BC V5L 2L7 (604) 908-1854 info@etheridgereno.com www.etheridgereno.com

Mr. Ron Swick #142, 11800 River Road Richmond, BC V6X 1Z7 (604) 315-8592 Fax: (604) 876-2499 ron@swicks.net www.swicks.net

Indoor Outdoor Guy Renovations Inc. Mr. Joseph Neely 9251 No. 6 Road Richmond, BC V6W 1E5 (604) 277-5572 Fax: (604) 277-9433 joseph@idguy.net www.indooroutdoorguy.ca

TAKT Construction Services Ltd. Mr. Aaron Gildener 20590 - 24 Avenue West Vancouver, BC V2Z 2A4 (604) 690-8258 Fax: (778) 279-1125 taktcon@gmail.com taktcon.com

NATS Nursery Ltd. Mr. Ron Jacobson 24555 - 32 Avenue Langley, BC V2Z 2J5 (604) 530-9300 Fax: (604) 530-9500 info@natsnursery.com www.natsnursery.com

White Star Property Services Ms. Jenny Ma #1, 20010 - 100A Avenue Langley, BC V1M 3G4 (604) 882-0075 Fax: (604) 882-0030 info@whitestarltd.ca www.whitestarltd.ca

Rocksolid Enterprises Inc. Ms. Dawn Carmichael 8875 Osler Street Vancouver, BC V6P 4G1 (604) 736-1005 Fax: (604) 736-1055 info@callrocksolid.com www.callrocksolid.com

Sanderson Concrete Inc. Mr. Jan Arntorp Mr. John Zamprogno 12665 - 116 Avenue Surrey, BC V3V 3S6 (604) 580-4108 Fax: (604) 580-4111 info@sandersonconcrete.com www.sandersonconcrete.com

270 Contact • 2018

L ANDSCAPERS / L ANDSCAPE DESIGN / LIGHTING / SUPPLIES Absolute Landscaping Ltd. Mr. Dean Ogden 1111 Croft Road North Vancouver, BC V7K 1K2 (604) 684-9901 services@absolutelandscaping.com www.absolutelandscaping.com

ADA - arata hatanaka design atelier Mr. Arata Hatanaka #8, 241 East 4 Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 1J1 (604) 836-1798 info@aratadesignatelier.com www.aratadesignatelier.com

LANDSCAPERS / LANDSCAPE DESIGN / LIGHTING / SUPPLIES / LAWYERS Burnco Rock Products Ltd. Mr. Rodger Hildebrandt 5324 Riverbend Drive Burnaby, BC V3N 4P8 (604) 484-4200 Fax: (604) 484-4201 rodger.hildebrandt@burnco.com www.burnco.com

Expocrete an Oldcastle® company

The Great Canadian Landscaping Company Ltd. Mr. Chris O’Donohue 118 Garden Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7P 3H2 (604) 924-5296 Fax: (604) 904-0009 info@gclc.ca www.gclc.ca

Mr. Bruce Stickney Gate 2, Blundell @ Nelson Road Richmond, BC V6Y 2V6 (604) 270-8411 Fax: (604) 270-8473 Bruce.Stickney@oldcastle.com www.expocrete.com

Vancouver Premier Contracting Ltd.

Marzstone Contracting Ltd.


Mr. Roberto Marziale Ms. Tricia Porter 8126 - 197 Street Langley, BC V2Y 1Y4 (604) 888-5843 marzstone@shaw.ca tricia@marzstone.com www.marzstone.com

Momentous Impressions Ltd. Ms. Christy Risler 245 East Windsor Road North Vancouver, BC V7N 1K2 (604) 306-2991 info@milandscaping.ca www.milandscaping.ca

Swick’s Organic Landscaping Ltd. Mr. Ron Swick #142, 11800 River Road Richmond, BC V6X 1Z7 (604) 315-8592 Fax: (604) 876-2499 ron@swicks.net www.swicks.net

Mr. Adam Cottrell 1365 Berkley Road North Vancouver, BC V7H 1Y5 (778) 989-9722 info@vpcsite.ca www.vpcsite.ca

Baker Newby LLP Mr. Adnan Habib #200, 2955 Gladwin Road Abbotsford, BC V2T 5T4 (604) 852-3646 Fax: (604) 852-5194 Toll Free: (800) 881-3646 ahabib@bakernewby.com www.bakernewby.com

Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Mr. Matthew G. Swanson #1200, 200 Burrard Street Waterfront Centre Vancouver, BC V7X 1T2 (604) 632-3474 Fax: (604) 687-1415 mswanson@blg.com www.blg.com

Farris & Company LLP Mr. Gordon Love 700 West Georgia Street, 25th Floor P.O. Box 10026, Pacific Centre South Vancouver, BC V7Y 1B3 (604) 661-9317 Fax: (604) 661-9349 glove@farris.com www.farris.com

Contact • 2018 271

LAWYERS / LIGHTING / LIGHTING DESIGN / LED LIGHTING Kane, Shannon & Weiler Ms. Melanie D. Booth Mr. Christopher Drinovz #220, 7565 - 132 Street Surrey, BC V3W 1K5 (604) 507-6189 (604) 635-1780 Fax: (604) 591-7149 mdb@ksw.bc.ca cdd@ksw.bc.ca www.ksw.bc.ca

Kuhn LLP Mr. Ian Moes Mr. Jay Spiro #320, 900 Howe Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 2M4 (604) 864-8877 (604) 684-8668 Fax: (604) 682-8892 imoes@kuhnco.net jspiro@kuhnco.net www.kuhnco.net

McQuarrie Hunter LLP Mr. Gregory van Popta Central City Tower, 15th Floor #1500, 13450 - 102 Avenue Surrey, BC V3T 5X3 (604) 588-9721 Fax: (604) 581-7110 Toll Free: (877) 581-7001 gvanpopta@mcquarrie.com www.mcquarrie.com

SHK Law Corporation Ms. Seema Lal #700, 555 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V7X 1M8 (604) 684-0727 Fax: (604) 684-7094 slal@shk.ca www.shk.ca

272 Contact • 2018

LIGHTING / LIGHTING DESIGN / LED LIGHTING ADA - arata hatanaka design atelier Mr. Arata Hatanaka #8, 241 East 4 Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 1J1 (604) 836-1798 info@aratadesignatelier.com www.aratadesignatelier.com

B.A. Robinson Ltd. Co. / Robinson Lighting & Bath Centre Mr. Jared Cranwill 2285 Cambie Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 2T5 (604) 879-2494 Fax: (604) 879-4174 info@barobinson.com www.barobinson.com

Don Stuart Architect Inc. Mr. Don Stuart 959 Esquimalt Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7T 1J9 (604) 925-6866 Fax: (604) 925-6876 donstuartarchitect@gmail.com www.donstuartarchitect.com

Norburn Lighting & Bath Centre Ms. Stefanie Neal, L.S. 4600 East Hastings Street Burnaby, BC V5C 2K5 (604) 299-0666 Fax: (604) 299-6284 sales@norburnlightingandbath.com www.norburnlightingandbath.com

Nuvo Sales Ltd. Ms. Cathie Hayes #304, 15261 Russell Avenue White Rock, BC V4B 2P7 (604) 531-6834 Fax: (604) 531-5829 cathie@nuvosales.com www.nuvosales.com


Norburn Lighting & Bath Centre

Mr. Sotheby Ketchan 12420 Bridgeport Road Richmond, BC V6V 1J5 (604) 270-3339 Fax: (604) 270-2134 sales@thelightingwarehouse.com www.thelightingwarehouse.com

Ms. Stefanie Neal, L.S. 4600 East Hastings Street Burnaby, BC V5C 2K5 (604) 299-0666 Fax: (604) 299-6284 sales@norburnlightingandbath.com www.norburnlightingandbath.com

Titan Enersave

Nuvo Sales Ltd.

Mr. Anil K. Mehra, CA, CPA #501, 3292 Production Way Burnaby, BC V5A 4R4 (604) 422-0115 sales@titanenersave.com www.titanenersave.com

Ms. Cathie Hayes #304, 15261 Russell Avenue White Rock, BC V4B 2P7 (604) 531-6834 Fax: (604) 531-5829 cathie@nuvosales.com www.nuvosales.com

Wespac Electrical Contractors Ltd. Mr. Barry Johnson Mr. Alan Thiel 106 Blue Mountain Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 4G8 (604) 522-1322 Fax: (604) 521-4811 barryj@wespacelectric.com alant@wespacelectric.com www.wespacelectric.com

Orca Security Corporation Mr. Brad Morrison #111, 8988 Fraserton Court SEE Burnaby, BC V5J 5H8 OUR AD ON PAGE (604) 431-8803 Fax: (604) 431-8489 299 info@orcasecurity.ca www.orcasecurity.ca

The Lighting Warehouse LIGHTING CONTROL SYSTEMS ACE Integrated Systems Ltd. Mr. Andrew McCormick #203, 3905 Springtree Drive Vancouver, BC V6L 3E2 (604) 565-1110 info@aceintegratedsystems.ca www.aceintegratedsystems.ca

New Space Technologies Mr. Mark Scott #220, 285 East 1 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5T 1A7 (604) 724-6775 Fax: (604) 909-1830 info@newspace.ca www.newspace.ca

Mr. Sotheby Ketchan 12420 Bridgeport Road Richmond, BC V6V 1J5 (604) 270-3339 Fax: (604) 270-2134 sales@thelightingwarehouse.com www.thelightingwarehouse.com

Villa Electric (1980) Ltd. Mr. Bill Strain #3, 5492 Production Boulevard Surrey, BC V3S 8P5 (604) 530-3775 Fax: (604) 530-5885 bill@villaelectric.ca Designations: CRBC

Contact • 2018 273


Cambria Canada

Mr. Barry Johnson Mr. Alan Thiel 106 Blue Mountain Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 4G8 (604) 522-1322 Fax: (604) 521-4811 barryj@wespacelectric.com alant@wespacelectric.com www.wespacelectric.com

Ms. Hana Barber (604) 202-0422 hana.barber@cambriacanada.com www.cambriacanada.com


Canadian Countertops Mr. David Scott #130, 49 Dunlevy Avenue Vancouver, BC V6A 3A3 (778) 297-1816 david@canadiancountertops.com www.canadiancountertops.com

Aeon Stone and Tile Mr. Tushar Simoniha 117 West 5 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1H9 (604) 499-3138 Fax: (604) 872-8448 info@aeonstonetile.com www.aeonstonetile.com

Brock White Canada Mr. Rob Mutch 7678 – 132 Street Surrey, BC V3W 4M9 (604) 323-3760 Fax: (604) 576-3154 Toll Free: (877) 846-7506 rmutch@brockwhite.com www.brockwhite.ca

Canadian Stone Industries Inc. Mr. Brian Denny 27524 - 51A Avenue Langley, BC V4W 4A9 (604) 607-8800 Fax: (604) 607-8899 Toll Free: (800) 977-8663 sales@canadianstone.com www.culturedstone.com

Cosentino Mr. Sumeet Goswami 8518 Glenlyon Parkway Burnaby, BC V5J 0B6 (604) 499-4723 sumeetg@cosentino.com www.cosentino.com

C&S Tile Distributors

DP Tile and Stone

Ms. Sara Corra 2820 Ingleton Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 6G7 (604) 435-4431 info@ceramstone.com www.ceramstone.com

Ms. Shirley Wang SEE #11, 3691 Viking Way OUR AD Richmond, BC V6V 2J6 ON PAGE (604) 285-9326 9 shirley.dptile@outlook.com www.dongpeng.com

Caesarstone Canada

floFORM Countertops

Mr. Deano Pellegrino #109, 5555 Trapp Avenue Burnaby, BC V3N 0B2 (604) 638-1485 Fax: (604) 638-1486 dpellegrino@caesarstone.ca www.caesarstone.ca

Mr. Robert Rowan Mr. Andrew MacLeod #104, 8620 Glenlyon Parkway Burnaby, BC V5J 0B6 (778) 986-7255 (604) 568-6325 Fax: (604) 568-6425 Toll Free: (877) 356-3696 rrowan@floform.com amacleod@floform.com www.floform.com

274 Contact • 2018


Paragon Surfacing Ltd.

Mr. Ruben Caporusso #105, 19033 - 54 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 4R1 (604) 574-2288 Fax: (604) 574-6699 info@ixlbuild.com www.ixlbuild.com www.eldoradostone.com

Ms. Chelsea Julian 6720 Graybar Road Richmond, BC V6W 1J1 (604) 278-2225 x. 115 Fax: (604) 278-2204 chelsea@paragonsurfacing.com www.paragonsurfacing.com

Patra Stone Works Ltd. Jireh Stone Ltd. Mr. Ted Braniski #500, 1515 Broadway Street Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 6M2 (604) 942-4100 Fax: (604) 942-4123 jirehstone@shaw.ca www.stonetile.com

Ms. Marta Biela #106, 18485 - 53 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 7A4 (778) 574-2121 Fax: (778) 574-2122 sales@patrastoneworks.com www.patrastoneworks.com

Profile Marble and Bath K2 Stone Mr. Michael Penner 2282 Holdom Avenue SEE Burnaby, BC V5B 4Y5 OUR AD ON PAGE (604) 299-2292 347 Fax: (888) 890-0384 Toll Free: (866) 793-4866 michael@k2stone.ca www.k2stone.ca

Pacific Art Stone Inc. Mr. Victor Berg 10840 - 124 Street Surrey, BC V3V 4T7 (604) 728-0252 Fax: (604) 585-6782 sales@pacificartstone.com www.pacificartstone.com

Paradigm Surfaces Inc. Ms. Colleen Donison #106, 13479 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2W3 (778) 592-4500 ColleenD@paradigmsurfaces.ca www.paradigmsurfaces.ca

Mr. Tony Vanderpol 12652 - 82 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 3E8 (604) 596-5071 Fax: (604) 594-9659 profile@telus.net www.profilemarble.ca

RJS Stonetops Ltd. Mr. Ron Suffron #150, 2540 Simpson Road Richmond, BC V6X 2P9 (604) 233-6206 Fax: (604) 277-0340 info@rjsstonetops.com www.rjsstonetops.com

Shouldice Designer Stone Mr. Todd Cruickshank (778) 227-5564 Fax: (604) 517-0400 tcruickshank@shouldice.ca www.shouldice.ca

SSC Countertops Ltd. Mr. Quinn Prince 1253 West 76 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6M3 (604) 294-4071 Fax: (604) 294-5811 info@ssccountertops.com www.ssccountertops.com Contact • 2018 275

MANUFACTURED / NATURAL STONE / MANUFACTURER’S REP Stillwater Quality Stoneworks Mr. Pelle Wittenberg #300, 1275 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1A6 (604) 676-1422 Fax: (604) 676-1433 pelle@stillwaterbc.com www.stillwaterbc.com

MANUFACTURER’S REP AD Waters Mr. Arthur Tsang 509 - 19100 Airport Way Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 0E2 (604) 612-4546 ATsang@aquabrass.com www.ad-waters.com

Urban Design - Renovation Centre Barclay Sales Ltd.

Mr. Dany Huet 5837 Production Way Langley, BC V3A 4N5 (604) 532-0865 Fax: (604) 532-3860 dany@urbandesignctr.com www.urbandesignctr.com

Valley Countertops Industries Ltd. Mr. Anthony McGillvrey 30781 Simpson Road Abbotsford, BC V2T 6C7 (604) 852-8125 x. 104 Fax: (604) 852-9066 Toll Free: (800) 506-9997 aem@silestone.ca www.valleycountertops.com

Mr. Rob Lang Ms. Sydney Irvine 1441 Kebet Way Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 6L3 (604) 945-1010 Fax: (604) 945-3030 roblang@barclaysales.com sirvine@barclaysales.com www.barclaysales.com

Equipco Ltd. Mr. Jason McKenzie #101, 42 Fawcett Road Coquitlam, BC V3K 6X9 (604) 522-5590 Fax: (604) 522-0726 sales@equipcoltd.com www.equipcoltd.com

The Next Generation of Exterior Painting We bring factory quality results right to your door step

EXTERIOR SIDING • DOORS • WINDOWS Aluminum · Vinyl · Stucco · Brick · Hardie Board

SPRAY-NET.COM 276 Contact • 2018


MANUFACTURER’S REP / MASONRY CONTRACTORS / STONE MASONS / BRICKLAYERS / MASONRY PRODUCTS Hy-Line Sales Ltd. Mr. Lonnie Chiasson Ms. Rosemarie Matthews 71A Clipper Street SEE OUR AD Coquitlam, BC V3K 6X2 ON PAGE (604) 856-5648 27 Fax: (604) 856-8684 Toll Free: (800) 266-3114 lonnie.chiasson@hylinesales.com rosemarie@hylinesales.com www.hylinesales.com

K.M. Roberts & Associates Ltd. Mr. Brian Le Cappelain Mr. Dave Le Cappelain #20, 18812 - 96 Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 3R1 (604) 720-1376 (604) 614-6567 Fax: (604) 882-8678 blecappelain@kmroberts.com dlecappelain@kmroberts.com www.kmroberts.com

King Marketing Ltd. Mr. Paul Crawford #148, 11121 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC V7A 5G7 (604) 271-3455 Fax: (604) 271-2963 paulc@kingmkt.com www.kingmkt.com

Nuvo Sales Ltd.

MASONRY CONTRACTORS / STONE MASONS / BRICKLAYERS Father and Son Masonry & Fence Mr. Randy Browne #106, 12824 Anvil Way Surrey, BC V3W 8E7 (604) 762-7085 info@fatherandsonmasonry.ca www.fatherandsonmasonry.ca

Stillwater Quality Stoneworks Mr. Pelle Wittenberg #300, 1275 West 6 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1A6 (604) 676-1422 Fax: (604) 676-1433 pelle@stillwaterbc.com www.stillwaterbc.com

MASONRY PRODUCTS Brock White Canada Mr. Rob Mutch 7678 – 132 Street Surrey, BC V3W 4M9 (604) 323-3760 Fax: (604) 576-3154 Toll Free: (877) 846-7506 rmutch@brockwhite.com www.brockwhite.ca

Canadian Stone Industries Inc.

Ms. Cathie Hayes #304, 15261 Russell Avenue White Rock, BC V4B 2P7 (604) 531-6834 Fax: (604) 531-5829 cathie@nuvosales.com www.nuvosales.com

Mr. Brian Denny 27524 - 51A Avenue Langley, BC V4W 4A9 (604) 607-8800 Fax: (604) 607-8899 Toll Free: (800) 977-8663 sales@canadianstone.com www.culturedstone.com

Pro-West Sales Ltd.

Expocrete an Oldcastle® company

Mr. Paul Wuttunee 3945 Phillips Avenue Vancouver, BC V5A 3K4 (604) 421-5665 paul@prowestsales.com www.prowestsales.com

Mr. Bruce Stickney Gate 2, Blundell @ Nelson Road Richmond, BC V6Y 2V6 (604) 270-8411 Fax: (604) 270-8473 Bruce.Stickney@oldcastle.com www.expocrete.com

Contact • 2018 277


Urban Design - Renovation Centre

Mr. Randy Browne #106, 12824 Anvil Way Surrey, BC V3W 8E7 (604) 762-7085 info@fatherandsonmasonry.ca www.fatherandsonmasonry.ca

Mr. Dany Huet 5837 Production Way Langley, BC V3A 4N5 (604) 532-0865 Fax: (604) 532-3860 dany@urbandesignctr.com www.urbandesignctr.com

I-XL Building Products Ltd. Mr. Ruben Caporusso #105, 19033 - 54 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 4R1 (604) 574-2288 Fax: (604) 574-6699 info@ixlbuild.com www.ixlbuild.com www.eldoradostone.com

Jireh Stone Ltd. Mr. Ted Braniski #500, 1515 Broadway Street Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 6M2 (604) 942-4100 Fax: (604) 942-4123 jirehstone@shaw.ca www.stonetile.com

Julian Ceramic Tile Inc. Ms. Rose Baldo 2720 Ingleton Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 5X4 (604) 299-4085 Fax: (604) 546-6002 Toll Free: (800) 587-9877 rose@juliantile.com www.juliantile.com

PowerHouse Building Solutions Inc. Mr. Ross Power Mr. Scott Emo #204, 19099 - 25 Avenue Langley, BC V3S 3V2 (604) 464-2895 Fax: (604) 464-2804 Toll Free: (877) 337-2802 ross@power-house.ca scott@power-house.ca www.powerhousebuildingsolutions.com

278 Contact • 2018

MERCHANT SERVICES PROVIDERS Baseline Processing Inc. Mr. Harris Morton 1682 West 75 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G2 (604) 606-7950 x. 280 Fax: (604) 606-7957 Toll Free: (877) 734-9206 harris@baselineprocessing.com www.baselineprocessing.com

METALWORK Beacon Roofing Supply Canada Mr. Paul Nielsen 12510 - 82 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 3E9 (604) 572-8088 Fax: (604) 572-8048 pnielsen@beacon-roofing.com www.Beacon-Roofing.com

Geo. Bezdan Sales Ltd. Ms. Betty Jenkins 4050 Graveley Street Burnaby, BC V5C 4A5 (604) 299-5264 Fax: (604) 299-5464 Toll Free: (800) 663-6356 bettyj@geobezdan.com www.geobezdan.com

MILLWORK Barker Manufacturing Inc. Mr. Jim Barker 812 Melody Place Victoria, BC V9E 2A2 (250) 881-5567 info@barkermanufacturing.com www.barkermanufacturing.com

MILLWORK Canadian Built Construction Ltd.

JKB Construction Ltd.

Mr. Geremy Enns 21993 Old Yale Road Langley, BC V2Z 1M2 (604) 341-3893 geremy@canadianbuiltconstruction.com www.canadianbuiltconstruction.com

Mr. Jeff K. Bain 3884 Clematis Crescent Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 4B1 (604) 728-3009 Fax: (604) 945-9097 jkbconstruction@telus.net www.jkbconstruction.com Designations: CRP, CRBC

Dynasty Kitchen Cabinets Ltd. Mr. Ramtin Keymanesh #13, 8145 - 130 Street Surrey, BC V3W 7X4 (604) 597-4511 Fax: (604) 597-1375 info@dynastykitchen.com www.dynastykitchen.com

Millhouse Industries Ltd. Mr. Ken Konings #9, 10655 Timberland Road Surrey, BC V3V 3T3 (604) 580-2905 Fax: (604) 580-2905 millhouse@millhouseindustries.com www.millhouseindustries.com

floFORM Countertops Mr. Robert Rowan Mr. Andrew MacLeod #104, 8620 Glenlyon Parkway Burnaby, BC V5J 0B6 (778) 986-7255 (604) 568-6325 Fax: (604) 568-6425 Toll Free: (877) 356-3696 rrowan@floform.com amacleod@floform.com www.floform.com

Modern Classic Building Solutions Inc. Mr. Ian Cairns 1910 Ontario Street Vancouver, BC V5T 4G6 (604) 558-1910 Fax: (604) 558-1912 info@modernclassicvancouver.com www.modernclassicvancouver.com www.customclosetsvancouver.com

Pacific Rim Cabinets Ltd. G5 Industries Mr. Graham Gerth #207, 19138 - 26 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 3V7 (604) 219-4911 g5ind@telus.net g5industries.ca



Mr. James Dewinetz 640 Belgrave Way Delta, BC V3M 5R7 (604) 515-7377 Fax: (604) 515-7387 info@pacrimcab.com www.pacrimcab.com

Hi-Design Custom Cabinetry Ltd.

Westcoast Moulding & Millwork Ltd.

Mr. Colin Swanepoel Ms. Taryn Swanepoel #130, 6165 Highway 17 Delta, BC V4K 5B8 (604) 946-8183 Fax: (604) 946-8184 info@hidesigncabinets.ca www.hidesigncabinets.ca

Mr. John Hutton 18810 - 96 Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 3R1 (604) 513-1138 Fax: (604) 513-1194 info@westcoastmoulding.com www.westcoastmoulding.com

Contact • 2018 279


Northcoast Building Products Ltd. Mr. Ron Sargeant 14682 - 66 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 1Z9 (604) 597-8884 Fax: (604) 597-0854 rons@northcoastlumber.com www.northcoastlumber.com

Clearbrook Glass Ltd. Mr. Brent Friesen 33470 South Fraser Way Abbotsford, BC V2S 2B5 (604) 866-6836 Fax: (604) 854-1387 brentafriesen@gmail.com www.clearbrookglass.ca

Urban Design - Renovation Centre

Elegant Glass & Shower Mirrors Ltd. Mr. Naman Singh #52, 13370 - 78 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 0H6 (604) 572-9656 Fax: (604) 595-1777 info@elegantglass.ca www.elegantglass.ca

Woodtone Industries

Glass World Mr. Daryl Waddell 2146 Queen Street Abbotsford, BC V2T 6J4 (604) 854-5757 x. 32 Fax: (604) 852-1850 Toll Free: (888) 820-5080 daryl@glassworld.ca www.glassworld.ca

Mr. Dany Huet 5837 Production Way Langley, BC V3A 4N5 (604) 532-0865 Fax: (604) 532-3860 dany@urbandesignctr.com www.urbandesignctr.com



Mr. Ben Good 8007 Aitken Road Chilliwack, BC V2R 4H5 (604) 830-3970 Fax: (604) 888-3970 ben@woodtone.com www.woodtone.com

MOULDINGS Dick’s Lumber & Building Supplies

Novus Glass Mr. Anthony Breuker Locations throughout the Lower Mainland to serve you! (800) 776-6887 Toll Free: (800) 776-6887 anthony.breuker@novusglass.com www.novusglassbusiness.com

Mr. Dan Glavind 2580 Gilmore Avenue SEE Burnaby, BC V5C 4T5 OUR AD ON PAGE (604) 437-1111 2 Fax: (604) 437-8542 dan.glavind@dickslumber.com www.dickslumber.com

Metrie Canada Inc. MOLD RESISTANT BUILDING PRODUCTS Jireh Stone Ltd. Mr. Ted Braniski #500, 1515 Broadway Street Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 6M2 (604) 942-4100 Fax: (604) 942-4123 jirehstone@shaw.ca www.stonetile.com

280 Contact • 2018

Mr. Erik Ostensen 19950 - 101 Avenue Langley, BC V1M 3G6 (604) 882-5500 Fax: (604) 882-3892 Toll Free: (877) 513-5560 erik.ostensen@metrie.com www.metrie.com www.thefinishedspace.com

MOULDINGS / MOVERS / NURSERY / PAINTING CONTRACTORS / PAINTERS Port Coquitlam Building Supplies Ltd. Mr. Chris Coakley 2650 Mary Hill Road Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 3B3 (604) 942-7282 Fax: (604) 942-9650 ccoakley@pocobuildingsupplies.com www.pocobuildingsupplies.com

Therma Tru Doors Mr. Michael Moyle 1750 Indian Wood Circle Maumee, Ohio 43537 (503) 956-2666 mmoyle@thermatru.com www.thermatru.ca

Westcoast Moulding & Millwork Ltd. Mr. John Hutton 18810 - 96 Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 3R1 (604) 513-1138 Fax: (604) 513-1194 info@westcoastmoulding.com www.westcoastmoulding.com

MOVERS You Move Me Mr. Prabh Heer #108, 8331 Eastlake Drive Burnaby, BC V5A 4W2 (778) 668-5087 Toll Free: (800) 926-3900 prabh.heer@youmoveme.com www.youmoveme.com/ca/locations/vancouver-movers

NURSERY NATS Nursery Ltd. Mr. Ron Jacobson 24555 - 32 Avenue Langley, BC V2Z 2J5 (604) 530-9300 Fax: (604) 530-9500 info@natsnursery.com www.natsnursery.com

Swick’s Organic Landscaping Ltd.

PAINTING CONTRACTORS / PAINTERS Action Interior Cabinet Refinishing & Renovating Ms. Suzanne Smith 4519 Epps Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7G 1G2 (604) 318-4869 suzanne@actioninterior.com www.actioninterior.com

Imperial Painting Ltd. Mr. Craig Lundy 307 - 55 Street Delta, BC V4M 3J4 (604) 418-7769 clundy@imperialpainting.ca www.imperialpainting.ca

Mr. Build Vancouver Mr. Kurt Gust 9129 Shaughnessy Street Vancouver, BC V6P 6R9 (604) 732-8453 Fax: (604) 732-3015 mrbuild@mrbuild.com www.mrbuild.com



Sherwood Painting and Decorating Mr. Mike Ponych #534, 800, 15355 - 24 Avenue Surrey, BC V4A 2H9 SEE OUR AD (604) 539-1872 ON PAGE Fax: (604) 539-1871 282 info@sherwoodpainting.com www.sherwoodpainting.com

Spray-Net Mr. Jean-Marc Landry #19, 253 – 171 Street Surrey, BC V3Z 9P4 (604) 260-4525 info@spray-net.com www.spray-net.com



Mr. Ron Swick #142, 11800 River Road Richmond, BC V6X 1Z7 (604) 315-8592 Fax: (604) 876-2499 ron@swicks.net www.swicks.net Contact • 2018 281

PAINTING CONTRACTORS / PAINTERS / PATIO COVERS / PAVING / ASPHALT Warline Painting Ltd. Ms. Heidi Nyline #52, 15288 - 36 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 0S6 (604) 542-5064 Fax: (604) 542-5054 info@warline.ca www.warlinepainting.ca

PAVING / ASPHALT BC Eco Paving Mr. Bradley Lavigne #38, 145 Schoolhouse Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 4X8 (604) 785-3795 info@ecopaving.ca www.ecopaving.ca

PATIO COVERS Burnaby Blacktop Ltd. Atlas Vinyl Sundecks Ltd. Mr. Gord Langevin 2421 Glenwood Avenue SEE OUR AD Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 1Y7 ON PAGE (778) 285-2107 218 Fax: (604) 944-1278 atlasvinylsundecks@hotmail.com www.atlasvinylsundecks.ca

Mr. Adrian Alblas P.O. Box 1200 Burnaby, BC V5H 4K2 (778) 855-0513 Fax: (604) 436-7704 Adrian@burnabyblacktop.ca burnabyblacktop.ca

Vancouver Safety Surfacing Four Seasons Sunrooms Mr. Garry Tiemstra #101, 1585 Broadway Street Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 2M7 (604) 526-2699 Fax: (604) 464-1790 Toll Free: (800) 665-3944 garry4s@telus.net www.FourSeasonsSunroomsVancouver.com

282 Contact • 2018

Mr. Ryan Anzew #103, 20215 - 62 Avenue Langley, BC V3A 5E6 (778) 877-4229 sales@vancouversafetysurfacing.com www.vancouversafetysurfacing.com

PERMIT DRAWINGS / PHOTOGRAPHERS - ARCHITECTURAL / AERIAL / PLANNERS / PLUMBERS PERMIT DRAWINGS Bimtrix Design Inc. Mr. Evan Gallagher #207, 1815 Cornwall Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1C6 (604) 789-3052 evan@bimtrix.com www.bimtrix.com

UVAerial Systems Inc. Mr. Brett Stenner #410, 3122 St Johns Street Port Moody, BC V3H 5C8 (778) 233-5568 brett@uvaerial.ca www.uvaerial.ca


Draft On Site Services

Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd.

Mr. Nicholas Petrie #501, 3292 Production Way Burnaby, BC V5A 4R4 (604) 876-3738 info@draftonsite.com www.draftonsite.com


Mr. Ed Fujii, P.Eng Mr. Andrew Baker #1680, 13450 - 102 Avenue Surrey, BC V3T 5X3 (604) 597-9058 Fax: (604) 597-9061 general@aplinmartin.com www.aplinmartin.com

Martin Knowles Photo / Media


Mr. Martin Knowles #703, 989 Richards Street Vancouver, BC V6B 6R6 (604) 838-5785 martin@mkphotomedia.com www.mkphotomedia.com

Multivista Construction Documentation ULC Mr. Wade Shaw #203, 38 Fell Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7P 3S2 (604) 988-4280 wade@multivista.com www.multivista.com

SeeVirtual Marketing & Photography Inc. Mr. Brett Youngberg #101, 5830 - 176A Street Surrey, BC V3S 4H5 (604) 575-1244 x. 224 info@seevirtual360.com www.seevirtual360.com

A.O. Smith Canada Mr. Gordon Hoover #238, 718 - 333 Brooksbank Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7J 3V8 (604) 202-6220 ghoover@hotwater.com www.johnwoodwaterheaters.com

Guru Contracting Ltd. Mr. Rajan Jhajj 16854 Fraser Highway Surrey, BC V4N 0E3 (778) 896-7252 Fax: (604) 574-9238 info@guru-contracting.com guruservicegroup.ca

Hundal Bros. Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Mr. Udham Hundal #110, 8299 - 129 Street Surrey, BC V3W 0A6 (604) 594-9676 Fax: (604) 594-9673 hundalbros@hotmail.com www.hundalbros.ca



Contact • 2018 283


B.A. Robinson Ltd. Co. / Robinson Lighting & Bath Centre

Mr. Mark Young 142 East 25 Street North Vancouver, BC V7N 1A1 (778) 887-9845 Fax: (778) 588-7612 info@markellmechanical.com www.markellmechanical.com

Mr. Jared Cranwill 2285 Cambie Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 2T5 (604) 879-2494 Fax: (604) 879-4174 info@barobinson.com www.barobinson.com

Mr. Build Vancouver Mr. Kurt Gust 9129 Shaughnessy Street Vancouver, BC V6P 6R9 (604) 732-8453 Fax: (604) 732-3015 mrbuild@mrbuild.com www.mrbuild.com

Baldwin | Pfister | Tell | Weiser SEE OUR AD ON PAGE


True North Comfort Mr. Graham Beatty #105, 1305 Welch Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B3 (778) 839-2040 Fax: (604) 770-2041 admin@truenorthcomfort.ca www.truenorthcomfort.ca

PLUMBING FIXTURES / SUPPLIES A.O. Smith Canada Mr. Gordon Hoover #238, 718 - 333 Brooksbank Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7J 3V8 (604) 202-6220 ghoover@hotwater.com www.johnwoodwaterheaters.com

Artistic Baths Mr. Niall Duggan 2835 East 12 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5M 4P9 (604) 253-4000 Fax: (604) 253-4003 sales@universalsupply.bc.ca www.artisticbaths.com

284 Contact • 2018

Mr. A.J. Bayne Mr. Neil Drinkwater #101, 255 Longside Drive Mississauga, ON L5W 0G7 (778) 772-9256 (778) 228-4382 Fax: (800) 663-7338 AJ.Bayne@SpectrumBrands.com Neil.Drinkwater@SpectrumBrands.com www.SpectrumBrands.com

Barclay Sales Ltd. Mr. Rob Lang Ms. Sydney Irvine 1441 Kebet Way Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 6L3 (604) 945-1010 Fax: (604) 945-3030 roblang@barclaysales.com sirvine@barclaysales.com www.barclaysales.com

EMCO Corporation Mr. Kerry McKearney 3140 Gilmore Diversion Burnaby, BC V5G 3B4 (604) 713-2200 Fax: (604) 713-2211 Toll Free: (800) 309-0899 kmckearney@emcoltd.com www.emcobc.ca

Fontile Corporation Ltd. Mr. Gary Kershaw Mr. Goran Glogovac 270 Terminal Avenue Vancouver, BC V6A 2L6 (604) 683-9358 (778) 938-5333 Fax: (604) 683-6758 info@fontile.com www.fontile.com


For Quality Service and Estimates Call 604.818.8535 Office 604.594.9676 Website www.hundalbros.ca Email hundalbros@hotmail.com

Total Customer Satisfaction Contact • 2018 285

PLUMBING FIXTURES / SUPPLIES / POWER GENERATORS - RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL Glass World Mr. Daryl Waddell 2146 Queen Street Abbotsford, BC V2T 6J4 (604) 854-5757 x. 32 Fax: (604) 852-1850 Toll Free: (888) 820-5080 daryl@glassworld.ca www.glassworld.ca



Mr. Andrew Wyman 2816 Bristol Circle Oakville, ON L6H 5S7 (604) 347-7258 Fax: (905) 829-3008 awyman@moen.com www.moen.ca

Norburn Lighting & Bath Centre Hy-Line Sales Ltd. Mr. Lonnie Chiasson Ms. Rosemarie Matthews 71A Clipper Street SEE OUR AD Coquitlam, BC V3K 6X2 ON PAGE (604) 856-5648 27 Fax: (604) 856-8684 Toll Free: (800) 266-3114 lonnie.chiasson@hylinesales.com rosemarie@hylinesales.com www.hylinesales.com

Kitchen and Bath Classics (A Wolseley Company) Mr. Mike Heeps 2198 Yukon Street Vancouver, BC V5Y 3P1 (604) 873-0004 Fax: (604) 876-5358 mike.heeps@wolseleyinc.ca www.wolseleyinc.ca

Leisure Baths Ltd. Mr. David Snook 6909 Antrim Avenue SEE OUR AD Burnaby, BC V5J 4M5 ON PAGE (604) 437-4717 199 Fax: (604) 437-5776 Toll Free: (800) 987-8326 steamman@relax-a-mist.com www.relax-a-mist.com

Lixil Canada Inc. Mr. John Wilkie 5900 Avebury Road Mississauga, ON L5R 3M3 (604) 488-4523 wilkiej@lixilamericas.com www.lixilamericas.com

286 Contact • 2018

Ms. Stefanie Neal, L.S. 4600 East Hastings Street Burnaby, BC V5C 2K5 (604) 299-0666 Fax: (604) 299-6284 sales@norburnlightingandbath.com www.norburnlightingandbath.com

Pro-West Sales Ltd. Mr. Paul Wuttunee 3945 Phillips Avenue Vancouver, BC V5A 3K4 (604) 421-5665 paul@prowestsales.com www.prowestsales.com

REHAU Industries Inc. Mr. Clayton Blaney 4254 Green River Road Corona, California 92880 (604) 364-8661 clayton.blaney@rehau.com www.rehau-na.com

POWER GENERATORS RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL Cummins Western Canada Mr. John Keith 18452 - 96 Avenue SEE OUR AD Surrey, BC V4N 3P8 ON PAGE (604) 882-5000 287 Fax: (604) 882-5727 john.keith@cummins.com www.westerncanada.cummins.com

Contact • 2018 287

POWER GENERATORS - RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL / POWER WASHING / PRINTERS / PROPERTY / STRATA MANAGERS / MANAGEMENT SERVICES / PUBLISHERS / WRITERS / EDITORS Wespac Electrical Contractors Ltd. Mr. Barry Johnson Mr. Alan Thiel 106 Blue Mountain Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 4G8 (604) 522-1322 Fax: (604) 521-4811 barryj@wespacelectric.com alant@wespacelectric.com www.wespacelectric.com

POWER WASHING North Shore Home Services Ltd. Mr. Troy Thompson #37109, 2930 Lonsdale Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7N 4M0 (604) 988-5294 Fax: (604) 984-2117 troy@northshorehomeservices.com www.northshorehomeservices.com

Vancouver Home Maintenance Mr. James McMahon P.O. Box 75521 Edgemont PO North Vancouver, BC V7R 4X1 (604) 837-3110 x. 102 info@vancouverhomemaintenance.com vancouverhomemaintenance.com

PROPERTY / STRATA MANAGERS / MANAGEMENT SERVICES Associa® Mr. Laszlo Antal 13468 - 77 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 6Y3 (604) 501-8773 Fax: (604) 591-6076 laszlo.antal@associa.ca www.baywest.ca

PUBLISHERS / WRITERS / EDITORS Black Press Ms. Lisa Farquharson #309, 5460 - 152 Street Surrey, BC V3S 5J9 (604) 994-1020 Fax: (604) 575-4886 lisa@blackpress.ca www.blackpress.ca

Green Sheet Construction Data Ltd.


Ms. Simone Sunderland 100 Sycamore Drive Port Moody, BC V3H 0A8 (604) 461-0327 Fax: (604) 461-0326 simone@greensheet.ca www.greensheet.ca

Minuteman Press

Harrison Marketing Resources Ltd.

Mr. Doug Frederickson 7561 - 134A Street Surrey, BC V3W 7B3 (604) 572-8558 Fax: (604) 572-5199 doug@minutemanpress.com www.minutemansurrey.com

PrismTech Graphics Ltd. Mr. Evan Bay 4093 McConnell Court Burnaby, BC V5A 3L8 (604) 637-6611 Fax: (604) 421-9759 Toll Free: (877) 276-1744 evan@prismtechgraphics.com www.prismtechgraphics.com

288 Contact • 2018

Ms. Lynn Harrison #4, 15 Forest Parkway Port Moody, BC V3H 5G7 (604) 837-5274 Fax: (604) 949-0419 harrisonmarketing@shaw.ca www.harrisonmarketing.ca

Metro News Vancouver Ms. Deanna Bartolomeu #405, 375 Water Street Vancouver, BC V6B 5C6 (604) 363-4337 Fax: (604) 648-3222 deanna.bartolomeu@metronews.ca www.metronews.ca


ConEcon Projects Inc.

Ms. Janai York 303 West 5 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1C5 (604) 439-2647 Fax: (604) 439-2630 jyork@glaciermedia.ca www.rew.ca www.glaciermedia.ca

Mr. Randip Bhandal, PQS #201, 7857 - 6 Street Burnaby, BC V3N 3N4 (604) 522-8970 Fax: (604) 524-8970 info@conecon.ca www.conecon.ca

REALTORS Susan M. Boyce Freelance Journalist / Writer Ms. Susan M. Boyce #306, 2577 Willow Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 3N8 (604) 732-7245 susan@suntrackercafe.com

The Vancouver Sun and The Province Mr. Peter Ryznar #1, 200 Granville Street 6th Floor Vancouver, BC V6C 3N3 (604) 605-2373 Fax: (604) 605-2306 pryznar@postmedia.com www.vancouversun.com

Yellow Pages NextHome Mr. Jared Holland 2025 Willingdon Avenue, 4th Floor Burnaby, BC V5C 0J3 (416) 626-4006 jared.holland@nexthome.ca www.nexthome.yp.ca

Anson Realty Ltd. Ms. Grace Kwok 3378 Cambie Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 2W5 (604) 876-9222 Fax: (604) 876-9225 anson@anson-realty.com www.anson-realty.com

AXIS Real Estate Solutions Inc. Mr. Nav Kandola 16738 - 57A Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 1H8 (778) 574-2869 Fax: (778) 574-2859 info@axisrealestate.ca www.axisrealestate.ca

Fifth Avenue Real Estate Marketing


Mr. Mark Belling #8, 15243 - 91 Avenue Surrey, BC V3R 8P8 (604) 583-2212 Fax: (604) 583-3264 homes@fifthave.ca www.fifthave.ca


Gary Wong Realty

Mr. Paul Zasitko #202, 5489 Byrne Road Burnaby, BC V5J 3J1 (604) 522-9977 Fax: (604) 568-3410 pzasitko@concosts.com www.concosts.com

Mr. Gary Wong 2105 West 38 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6X 4H6 (778) 862-9787 info@garywongrealty.com www.garywongrealty.com

Contact • 2018 289



Ms. Kim Nhai Nguyen #102, 403 North Road Coquitlam, BC V3K 3V9 (604) 716-9470 kimnhai.nguyen@icloud.com

Action Interior Cabinet Refinishing & Renovating

Luxmore Realty Mr. Mike Reilly #101, 5811 Cooney Road Richmond, BC V6X 3M1 (778) 319-0000 info@luxmorerealty.com www.luxmorerealty.com

Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver Ms. Eileen Day 2433 Spruce Street Vancouver, BC V6H 4C8 (604) 730-3000 Fax: (604) 730-3102 eday@rebgv.org www.rebgv.org

Sam Chan (Royal Pacific Tri-Cities Realty) Mr. Sam Chan #101A, 566 Lougheed Highway Coquitlam, BC V3K 3S3 (604) 722-2223 samc@royalpacific.com www.greatervancouverhousing.ca

Wesbild Holdings Ltd. Mr. Tony Zappone #2650, Park Place 666 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6C 2X8 (604) 694-8800 Fax: (604) 694-0502 info@wesbild.com www.wesbild.com

290 Contact • 2018

Ms. Suzanne Smith 4519 Epps Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7G 1G2 (604) 318-4869 suzanne@actioninterior.com www.actioninterior.com

Warline Painting Ltd. Ms. Heidi Nyline #52, 15288 - 36 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 0S6 (604) 542-5064 Fax: (604) 542-5054 info@warline.ca www.warlinepainting.ca

RETAINING WALLS Absolute Landscaping Ltd. Mr. Dean Ogden 1111 Croft Road North Vancouver, BC V7K 1K2 (604) 684-9901 services@absolutelandscaping.com www.absolutelandscaping.com

Aedifex Construction Inc. Mr. Dan Matson Mr. Frank Blackburn P.O. Box 95038, Kingsgate RPO Vancouver, BC V5T 4T8 (604) 889-4648 (604) 356-5885 contact@aedifexconstruction.ca frank@aedifexconstruction.ca www.aedifexconstruction.ca

Burnco Rock Products Ltd. Mr. Rodger Hildebrandt 5324 River Bend Drive Burnaby, BC V3N 4P8 (604) 484-4200 Fax: (604) 484-4201 rodger.hildebrandt@burnco.com www.burnco.com


Advanced Construction Resources

Mr. Bruce Stickney Gate 2, Blundell @ Nelson Road Richmond, BC V6Y 2V6 (604) 270-8411 Fax: (604) 270-8473 Bruce.Stickney@oldcastle.com www.expocrete.com

Mr. Doug Harrison #4, 15 Forest Parkway Port Moody, BC V3H 5G7 (604) 644-5757 Fax: (604) 949-0419 advanced.energy@shaw.ca

Best JR Roofing Ltd.

Makena Construction Inc. Mr. Randy Edmunds SEE 6973 - 195 Street OUR AD Surrey, BC V4N 5Y6 ON PAGE (604) 961-1814 135 randy@makenaconstruction.ca www.makenaconstruction.ca

Moore & Sons Contracting Inc. Mr. Don Moore 19892 - 35A Avenue Surrey, BC V3A 2P9 (604) 514-1322 Fax: (604) 539-8028 moore.sons@shaw.ca www.mooresoncontracting.com

Mr. Pintu Panesar 8310 - 150 Street Surrey, BC V3S 3J7 (604) 861-6777 Fax: (604) 909-4910 info@panesargroup.com www.panesargroup.com



ROOFING / DRAINAGE CONTRACTORS P.O. Box 403 8903 Glover Road Langley, BC V1M 2R7 (778) 298-5810 info@21stcentury.ca www.21stcentury.ca

Mr. Shane Cooper #600, 1285 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6H 3X8 (778) 773-3124 shane@cooperroofs.ca www.cooperroofs.ca

Mr. Hubert Regehr 7782 Progress Way Delta, BC V4G 1A4 (604) 247-0337 Fax: (604) 244-8019 hubert@jrexcavation.com www.jrexcavation.com

Kerr Construction

Yard-At-A-Time Concrete (1988) Ltd.

21st Century Roofers Ltd.

Cooper Roofing Inc.

J&R Excavation & Demolition Ltd.

Panesar Construction Group Inc.

Mr. Racy P. Sidhu Mr. Mike Szép 8155 - 92 Street Delta, BC V4G 0A4 (604) 940-0191 info@yaat.ca www.yaat.ca

Mr. Jas Dheri 11632 - 82 Avenue Delta, BC V4C 2C4 (604) 501-2295 jr_roofing68@yahoo.ca

Mr. Doug Kerr 1676 West 75 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G2 (604) 263-0343 Fax: (604) 263-1501 info@kerrconstruction.ca www.kerrconstruction.ca www.absoluteroof.ca

LSTAR Construction Ltd. Mr. Denis Zhang 7420 Ash Street Vancouver, BC V6Y 2S1 (778) 877-7000 denisdodge@gmail.com

Contact • 2018 291


Beacon Roofing Supply Canada

Mr. Ken Mayhew 1262 Vernon Drive Vancouver, BC V6A 4C9 (604) 254-4663 Fax: (604) 254-7663 Toll Free: (877) 652-7663 k.mayhew@penfoldsroofing.com www.PenfoldsRoofing.com

Mr. Paul Nielsen 12510 - 82 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 3E9 (604) 572-8088 Fax: (604) 572-8048 pnielsen@beacon-roofing.com www.Beacon-Roofing.com

Brock White Canada Valhalla Roofing Ltd. Mr. Harold Pinter 3176 - 265B Street Aldergrove, BC V4W 3E8 (778) 895-2503 valhallaroofing@yahoo.ca www.valhallaroofing.com

Mr. Rob Mutch 7678 – 132 Street Surrey, BC V3W 4M9 (604) 323-3760 Fax: (604) 576-3154 Toll Free: (877) 846-7506 rmutch@brockwhite.com www.brockwhite.ca

Vancouver Home Maintenance Mr. James McMahon P.O. Box 75521 Edgemont PO North Vancouver, BC V7R 4X1 (604) 837-3110 x. 102 info@vancouverhomemaintenance.com vancouverhomemaintenance.com

Wismer & Mathieson Projects Ltd. Mr. Dave Mathieson #112, 3060 Norland Avenue Burnaby, BC V5B 3A6 (604) 473-9587 Fax: (604) 473-9584 info@wmpl.ca www.wmpl.ca

Convoy Supply Ltd. Mr. Sunny Goel 8183 - 130 Street Surrey, BC V3W 7X4 (604) 591-5381 Fax: (604) 572-7476 sgoel@convoy-supply.com www.convoy-supply.com



Mr. Winston Conyers 8288 - 129 Street Surrey, BC V3W 0A6 (604) 591-5594 Fax: (604) 591-3100 winston@duradek.com www.duradek.com

Altium Building Corporation

Esther’s Sheet Metal Ltd.

Mr. Todd Collins #102, 19056 - 27 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 3T1 (604) 574-1233 Fax: (778) 574-3311 todd@altiumbuildingcorp.com www.altiumbuildingcorp.com

Mr. Elmano Carvalho 3890 East 1 Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 3W1 (604) 291-6766 Fax: (604) 291-6770 info@esthers.ca www.esthers.ca

292 Contact • 2018


604-TRASH-IT Junk Removal & Recycling

Mr. Jordan Gervais 1600 - 42 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 5B5 (604) 341-7996 Fax: (403) 263-0516 jordan.gervais@iko.com www.iko.com

Mr. Dave Abercrombie #162, 11782 River Road Richmond, BC V6X 1Z7 (604) 872-7448 dave@604-trash-it.com www.604-trash-it.com

Owens Corning Canada LP Mr. Mark Joedicke Vancouver, BC (604) 787-6214 Fax: (604) 738-1531 Mark.Joedicke@owenscorning.com www.owenscorning.ca

Primex, A div. of VPL Enterprises Ltd.

Benefits Waste Management Mr. Ben Fishman P.O. Box 57612 Maillardville Coquitlam, BC V3K 6S8 (604) 779-8340 Fax: (604) 909-4804 info@benefitswaste.com www.benefitswaste.com

Mr. James Nicholas 20160 - 92A Avenue Langley, BC V1M 3A4 (604) 881-7875 Fax: (604) 881-7835 Toll Free: (877) 881-7875 jnicholas@primexfits.com www.primex.ca

Disposal King Ltd.

Surrey Cedar Ltd.

Super Save Group of Companies

Mr. Sam Bath 23867 Fraser Highway Langley, BC V2Z 2K5 (604) 534-9936 Fax: (604) 514-3408 info@surreycedar.com www.surreycedar.com

Mr. Miles Timmis 10771 Bamberton Drive Richmond, BC V7A 1K6 (604) 306-8599 Fax: (604) 275-5559 info@disposalking.com www.disposalking.com





505-Junk Mr. Barry Hartman Mr. Scott Foran #160, 2268 No. 5 Road Richmond, BC V6X 2T1 (604) 505-5865 info@505junk.com www.505junk.com

Mr. Greg Johannes 19395 Langley Bypass Surrey, BC V3S 6K1 (604) 533-4423 Fax: (604) 534-5867 Toll Free: (800) 665-2800 greg@supersave.ca www.supersave.ca



Mr. Dann Konkin Mr. Wade Davies #101, 9 Burbidge Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 7B2 (604) 472-3800 (604) 472-3827 Fax: (604) 944-4017 dann.konkin@ampcomfg.com wade.davies@ampcomfg.com www.ampcomfg.com

Contact • 2018 293

SALES & MARKETING Anson Realty Ltd. Ms. Grace Kwok 3378 Cambie Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 2W5 (604) 876-9222 Fax: (604) 876-9225 anson@anson-realty.com www.anson-realty.com

Avid Ratings Canada Ltd. Mr. Tim Bailey #1600, 144 - 4 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 3N4 (519) 591-1118 Fax: (416) 619-7835 tim.bailey@avidratings.ca www.avidratings.ca

AXIS Real Estate Solutions Inc. Mr. Nav Kandola 16738 - 57A Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 1H8 (778) 574-2869 Fax: (778) 574-2859 info@axisrealestate.ca www.axisrealestate.ca

Ballistic Arts Media Studios Inc. Mr. Ted Lau #110, 250 Schoolhouse Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 6V7 (604) 553-1081 clinic@ballisticarts.com www.ballisticarts.com

Black Press Ms. Lisa Farquharson #309, 5460 - 152 Street Surrey, BC V3S 5J9 (604) 994-1020 Fax: (604) 575-4886 lisa@blackpress.ca www.blackpress.ca

BUILDEX and IDSWest Mr. Michael Pelsoci #510, 1185 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4E6 (604) 730-2034 Toll Free: (877) 739-2112 michael.pelsoci@informa.com www.buildexshows.com www.idswest.com

294 Contact • 2018

Constructive Solutions for Business Inc. Ms. Donna Baker #3, 175 East 15 Avenue P.O. Box 11636 Vancouver, BC V5T 2P6 (604) 878-8100 x. 1200 Fax: (604) 684-8150 Toll Free: (877) 777-1107 donna@constructivesolutions.com www.constructivesolutions.com

Fifth Avenue Real Estate Marketing Mr. Mark Belling #8, 15243 - 91 Avenue Surrey, BC V3R 8P8 (604) 583-2212 Fax: (604) 583-3264 homes@fifthave.ca www.fifthave.ca

Green & Green Gifts with Flair Ms. Mindy Tulsi-Ingram 1576 Rand Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 3G2 (604) 689-5027 Fax: (604) 689-5028 info@greenNgreen.com www.greenNgreen.com

Harrison Marketing Resources Ltd. Ms. Lynn Harrison #4, 15 Forest Parkway Port Moody, BC V3H 5G7 (604) 837-5274 Fax: (604) 949-0419 harrisonmarketing@shaw.ca www.harrisonmarketing.ca

Icon Marketing Inc. Ms. Crystal Hung #3, 1151 West 8 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1C5 (604) 227-7967 info@iconco.ca www.iconco.ca

Contact • 2018 295


Multivista Construction Documentation ULC

Ms. Julia Vorontsova 1021 West Hastings Street 9th Floor Vancouver, BC V6E 0C3 (604) 379-7646 showoff@kakadu-media.ca www.kakadu-media.ca

Mr. Wade Shaw #203, 38 Fell Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7P 3S2 (604) 988-4280 wade@multivista.com www.multivista.com

King Marketing Ltd.


Mr. Paul Crawford #148, 11121 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC V7A 5G7 (604) 271-3455 Fax: (604) 271-2963 paulc@kingmkt.com www.kingmkt.com

Mr. Tony C. Fritz #48, 350 - 174 Street Surrey, BC V3Z 2N8 (778) 789-SOLD (778) 868-SOLD tfritz@propertyguys.com www.PropertyGuys.com

Luxmore Realty

SeeVirtual Marketing & Photography Inc.

Mr. Mike Reilly #101, 5811 Cooney Road Richmond, BC V6X 3M1 (778) 319-0000 info@luxmorerealty.com www.luxmorerealty.com

Marketplace Events Mr. Tyson Kidd #212, 1847 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6J 1Y6 (604) 639-2288 Fax: (604) 639-2289 Toll Free: (800) 633-8332 tysonk@mpeshows.com www.marketplaceevents.com www.vancouverhomeshows.com

Metro News Vancouver Ms. Deanna Bartolomeu #405, 375 Water Street Vancouver, BC V6B 5C6 (604) 363-4337 Fax: (604) 648-3222 deanna.bartolomeu@metronews.ca www.metronews.ca

296 Contact • 2018

Mr. Brett Youngberg #101, 5830 - 176A Street Surrey, BC V3S 4H5 (604) 575-1244 x. 224 info@seevirtual360.com www.seevirtual360.com

The Vancouver Sun and The Province Mr. Peter Ryznar #1, 200 Granville Street 6th Floor Vancouver, BC V6C 3N3 (604) 605-2373 Fax: (604) 605-2306 pryznar@postmedia.com www.vancouversun.com

Trainwest Management & Consulting Inc. / Sandler Training Mr. Randy Hnatko, MBA #110, 4170 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6C6 (604) 291-1272 Fax: (604) 291-1279 randy@trainwest.ca www.tmcinc.sandler.com


Six Technologies Inc.

Mr. Tony Zappone #2650, Park Place 666 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6C 2X8 (604) 694-8800 Fax: (604) 694-0502 info@wesbild.com www.wesbild.com

Mr. David Chemago #101, 5674 - 176 Street Surrey, BC V3S 4C6 (604) 574-0181 david@six-tech.com www.six-tech.com

UCIT online Security Inc.

SECURITY PRODUCTS / SERVICES / SYSTEMS Best Built-in Centre Mr. Michael Chamzuk 1743 Boundary Road Vancouver, BC V5M 3Y7 (604) 324-7777 Fax: (604) 324-7034 info@bestsecuritysystems.ca www.bestsecuritysystems.ca

Coast Pacific Wire and Alarms Inc. Mr. Ryan Hawkins Ms. Cassandra Anderson 2803 Murray Street Port Moody, BC V3H 1X3 (604) 461-1866 Fax: (604) 461-1850 info@coastpacificalarms.ca www.coastpacificalarms.ca

Creative Door Services Ltd. Mr. John Lutz #3, 1678 Fosters Way Delta, BC V3M 6S6 (604) 524-8444 Fax: (604) 524-1968 jlutz@creativedoor.com www.creativedoor.com

SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 193 & 249

Orca Security Corporation Mr. Brad Morrison #111, 8988 Fraserton Court Burnaby, BC V5J 5H8 SEE OUR AD (604) 431-8803 ON PAGE Fax: (604) 431-8489 299 info@orcasecurity.ca www.orcasecurity.ca

Mr. Erik Mikkelsen Mr. Sudesh Jangalee #105, 4288 Lozells Avenue Burnaby, BC V5A 0C7 (778) 847-8248 Fax: (905) 565-3097 erik@ucitonline.com sjangalee@ucitonline.com www.ucitonline.com

Vancouver Safes Mr. Chad Myers #25, 241 Parkside Drive Port Moody, BC V3H 5G5 (604) 561-2971 chad@vancouversafes.com www.vancouversafes.com

SHEET METAL / FABRICATION 21st Century Roofers Ltd. P.O. Box 403 8903 Glover Road Langley, BC V1M 2R7 (778) 298-5810 info@21stcentury.ca www.21stcentury.ca

Altium Building Corporation Mr. Todd Collins #102, 19056 - 27 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 3T1 (604) 574-1233 Fax: (778) 574-3311 todd@altiumbuildingcorp.com www.altiumbuildingcorp.com

Contact • 2018 297


Allura by Plycem

Mr. Paul Nielsen 12510 - 82 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 3E9 (604) 572-8088 Fax: (604) 572-8048 pnielsen@beacon-roofing.com www.Beacon-Roofing.com

Mr. Mark Genereux (604) 340-5408 Toll Free: (844) 425-5872 mgenereux@elementia.com www.alluraUSA.com

Esther’s Sheet Metal Ltd. Mr. Elmano Carvalho 3890 East 1 Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 3W1 (604) 291-6766 Fax: (604) 291-6770 info@esthers.ca www.esthers.ca

SHIPPING / LOGISTICS / WAREHOUSING sphere 1 logistics Inc. Ms. Alexandra Hnatko, BBA, ADHRM #110, 4170 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6C6 (604) 570-0071 Fax: (604) 291-1279 admin@sphereonelogistics.com www.sphereonelogistics.com

SIDING / EXTERIORS / TRIM PRODUCTS / FIBRE CEMENT 8 Diamonds Home Improvement Inc. Mr. Viktor F. Timofeev #566, 1959 Marine Drive North Vancouver, BC V7P 3G1 (604) 754-0299 8DiamondsHomeImprovement@gmail.com www.8diamonds.ca

Aedifex Construction Inc. Mr. Dan Matson Mr. Frank Blackburn P.O. Box 95038, Kingsgate RPO Vancouver, BC V5T 4T8 (604) 889-4648 (604) 356-5885 contact@aedifexconstruction.ca frank@aedifexconstruction.ca www.aedifexconstruction.ca

298 Contact • 2018

Altium Building Corporation Mr. Todd Collins #102, 19056 - 27 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 3T1 (604) 574-1233 Fax: (778) 574-3311 todd@altiumbuildingcorp.com www.altiumbuildingcorp.com

Barker Manufacturing Inc. Mr. Jim Barker 812 Melody Place Victoria, BC V9E 2A2 (250) 881-5567 info@barkermanufacturing.com www.barkermanufacturing.com

Beacon Roofing Supply Canada Mr. Paul Nielsen 12510 - 82 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 3E9 (604) 572-8088 Fax: (604) 572-8048 pnielsen@beacon-roofing.com www.Beacon-Roofing.com

Centra Construction Group Mr. Jeramy Smith 20178 - 98 Avenue Langley, BC V1M 3G1 (604) 882-5010 x. 2112 Fax: (604) 882-3909 jsmith@centra.ca www.centra.ca

Citywide Sundecks & Railings Mr. Paul Bulat #265, 3580 Moncton Street SEE OUR AD Richmond, BC V7E 3A4 ON PAGE (604) 786-3325 321 info@citywide.ca www.citywidebuildingenvelope.ca

Home Automation and Integration Metro Vancouver’s premier full service provider of low voltage systems.

Make your Next Project a Success with Orca Security We specialize in designing, installing and servicing a wide variety of customized products to suit your home or business needs. Lighting Control Reliable, precise and power efficient lighting control in every room.

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We are experienced in residential and commercial low voltage systems. New Construction Renovations Existing Installs and Retrofits Home Automation Specialist Plus we can provide 24-Hr Monitoring Services to all New and Existing Alarm Systems Anytime.

Contact • 2018 299


Insul-Twin Systems Ltd.

Mr. Sunny Goel 8183 - 130 Street Surrey, BC V3W 7X4 (604) 591-5381 Fax: (604) 572-7476 sgoel@convoy-supply.com www.convoy-supply.com

Mr. Tim Bateman #1, 1973 McLean Avenue Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 1N1 (604) 942-4948 Fax: (604) 942-8706 info@insultwin.com www.insultwin.com

Derby Building Products

James Hardie Building Products Canada Inc.

Ms. Alana Evans (604) 751-0071 aevans@derbybp.com www.novik.com

DuPont Canada

Mr. Steve Vanoosten (604) 679-6552 steven.vanoosten@jameshardie.com www.jameshardie.com

Mr. Matthew D’Andrea 800 - 15355 - 24 Avenue Suite 506 Surrey, BC V4A 2H9 (604) 346-9996 Fax: (866) 431-5779 mdandrea@tyvekspecialist.ca www.construction.tyvek.ca

Jireh Stone Ltd.

Exterior Worx Renovations

Johannesen Construction Ltd.

Mr. Ryan Soper #807, 488 Helmcken Street Vancouver, BC V6B 6E4 (800) 475-7018 Fax: (800) 475-7018 info@worxrenovations.com www.worxrenovations.com

Gentek Building Products Mr. Brent Myers Mr. Rick Van de Perre #1, 19405 - 94 Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 4E6 (604) 220-7347 Fax: (604) 888-0960 brent_myers@gentek.ca rick_vandeperre@gentek.ca www.gentek.ca

Indoor Outdoor Guy Renovations Inc. Mr. Joseph Neely 9251 No. 6 Road Richmond, BC V6W 1E5 (604) 277-5572 Fax: (604) 277-9433 joseph@idguy.net www.indooroutdoorguy.ca

300 Contact • 2018

Mr. Ted Braniski #500, 1515 Broadway Street Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 6M2 (604) 942-4100 Fax: (604) 942-4123 jirehstone@shaw.ca www.stonetile.com

Mr. Peter Tjernagel 1109 London Street New Westminster, BC V3M 3B9 (604) 220-0306 Fax: (604) 522-7228 peter@johannesenltd.com www.johannesenltd.com

Kaycan Ltd. Mr. Gordon Poole 10187 - 201 Street Langley, BC V1M 3Y5 (604) 513-0343 Fax: (604) 513-0305 gordon12@kaycan.com www.kaycan.com

Longhouse Specialty Forest Products Mr. Brian Jenkins P.O. Box 782 Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1T2 (250) 248-5887 Fax: (250) 248-5886 Toll Free: (800) 811-2010 longhousetrading@telus.net www.longhousecedar.com


Shell Busey’s Home Improvements

Mr. Brett Mochinski #103, 12069 Harris Road Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 0C8 (604) 457-2275 x. 301 Fax: (604) 457-2578 Brett@midlandinstallations.ca www.midlandinstallations.ca

Mr. Keith Araki #7, 2320 King George Boulevard Surrey, BC V4A 5A5 (604) 542-2236 Fax: (604) 542-2237 keith@thehousesmart.com www.AskShell.com

My House Design/Build Team Ltd.

Silva Timber Products Ltd.

Mr. Graeme Huguet 15356 Fraser Highway SEE OUR AD Surrey, BC V3R 3P5 ON PAGE (604) 694-6873 3 Fax: (604) 951-4093 info@myhousedesignbuild.com www.myhousedesignbuild.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CAPS, CRP

North Shore Home Services Ltd. Mr. Troy Thompson #37109, 2930 Lonsdale Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7N 4M0 (604) 988-5294 Fax: (604) 984-2117 troy@northshorehomeservices.com www.northshorehomeservices.com

Penfolds Roofing Inc. Mr. Ken Mayhew 1262 Vernon Drive Vancouver, BC V6A 4C9 (604) 254-4663 Fax: (604) 254-7663 Toll Free: (877) 652-7663 k.mayhew@penfoldsroofing.com www.PenfoldsRoofing.com

Ply Gem / Mitten Ms. Rita Georgeson SEE #1, 20215 - 97 Avenue OUR AD Langley, BC V1M 4B9 ON PAGE (604) 533-4881 17 Fax: (866) 575-1136 rita.georgeson@plygem.com www.mittenbp.com

Mr. Richard Kaufmann #202, 1730 Coast Meridian Road Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 3T8 (604) 474-1730 Fax: (604) 474-1731 info@silvapanel.com www.silvapanel.com

Solution Renovations Mr. John Juzyniec 600 Nicola Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3J 7T7 (604) 817-6093 Fax: (604) 939-7754 john@solutionrenovations.com www.solutionrenovations.com

Standard Building Supplies Mr. Scott Frampton 4925 Still Creek Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 5V1 (604) 294-4411 Fax: (604) 298-1305 sales@standardbuilding.ca www.standardbuildingsupplies.ca

Surrey Cedar Ltd. Mr. Sam Bath 23867 Fraser Highway Langley, BC V2Z 2K5 (604) 534-9936 Fax: (604) 514-3408 info@surreycedar.com www.surreycedar.com



Taiga Building Products Ltd. Mr. Joel Wishart 26848 Gloucester Way Langley, BC V4W 3V6 (604) 857-7741 Fax: (604) 857-7781 jwishart@taigabuilding.com www.taigabuilding.com Contact • 2018 301


Wismer & Mathieson Projects Ltd.

Mr. Michael Moyle 1750 Indian Wood Circle Maumee, Ohio 43537 (503) 956-2666 mmoyle@thermatru.com www.thermatru.ca

Mr. Dave Mathieson #112, 3060 Norland Avenue Burnaby, BC V5B 3A6 (604) 473-9587 Fax: (604) 473-9584 info@wmpl.ca www.wmpl.ca

Urban Design - Renovation Centre Mr. Dany Huet 5837 Production Way Langley, BC V3A 4N5 (604) 532-0865 Fax: (604) 532-3860 dany@urbandesignctr.com www.urbandesignctr.com

VSA Enterprises Inc. Mr. Nathan Funk #306, 20701 Langley ByPass Langley, BC V3A 5E8 (604) 576-0777 Fax: (604) 576-0907 Toll Free: (877) 830-1609 nathan@vsaent.com www.vsaent.com

Weatherguard Gutters Inc. Mr. Dave Mayhew 7175 - 184 Street Surrey, BC V4N 3G6 (604) 574-1985 Fax: (604) 574-1986 dmayhew@weatherguardgroup.com www.weatherguardgutters.com

West Coast Barrier Mr. Tyler Johnsen 22761 - 132 Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V4R 2R2 tyler@westcoastbarrier.com www.westcoastbarrier.com

Westcoast Wood Distribution Ltd. Ms. Cassidy Thomas 33191 Hill Avenue Mission, BC V2V 2R5 (604) 803-3881 info@westcoastwoodltd.com

302 Contact • 2018

Woodtone Industries Mr. Ben Good 8007 Aitken Road Chilliwack, BC V2R 4H5 (604) 830-3970 Fax: (604) 888-3970 ben@woodtone.com www.woodtone.com

SIGNS AmpcoGrafix Mr. Dann Konkin Mr. Wade Davies #101, 9 Burbidge Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 7B2 (604) 472-3800 (604) 472-3827 Fax: (604) 944-4017 dann.konkin@ampcomfg.com wade.davies@ampcomfg.com www.ampcomfg.com

PrismTech Graphics Ltd. Mr. Evan Bay 4093 McConnell Court Burnaby, BC V5A 3L8 (604) 637-6611 Fax: (604) 421-9759 Toll Free: (877) 276-1744 evan@prismtechgraphics.com www.prismtechgraphics.com

SKYLIGHTS Beacon Roofing Supply Canada Mr. Paul Nielsen 12510 - 82 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 3E9 (604) 572-8088 Fax: (604) 572-8048 pnielsen@beacon-roofing.com www.Beacon-Roofing.com


Vinylco Windows Ltd.

Mr. Ian Cairns 1910 Ontario Street Vancouver, BC V5T 4G6 (604) 558-1910 Fax: (604) 558-1912 info@modernclassicvancouver.com www.modernclassicvancouver.com www.customclosetsvancouver.com

Mr. Sukhi Kainth 10798 Timberland Road Surrey, BC V3V 3T5 (604) 587-5505 Fax: (604) 587-5561 info@vinylcowindows.com www.vinylcowindows.com

SOLAR SYSTEMS Morrison Windows Mr. Gurtej Dhillon 8400 - 124 Street Surrey, BC V3W 6K1 (604) 539-1315 Fax: (604) 539-1305 info@morrisonwindows.ca www.morrisonwindows.ca

My House Design/Build Team Ltd. Mr. Graeme Huguet SEE 15356 Fraser Highway OUR AD Surrey, BC V3R 3P5 ON PAGE (604) 694-6873 3 Fax: (604) 951-4093 info@myhousedesignbuild.com www.myhousedesignbuild.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CAPS, CRP

Oasis Windows Ltd. Mr. Sunil Kumar 13120 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2V6 (604) 597-5033 Fax: (604) 597-5029 sunil@oasiswindows.com www.oasiswindows.com

VELUX® Skylights & Sun Tunnels Mr. Davin Mortier #2130, 550 Sherling Place Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 0J6 (604) 468-0060 Fax: (604) 468-0061 Toll Free: (800) 888-3589 velux-cdn@velux.com www.velux.ca

Penfolds Roofing Inc. Mr. Ken Mayhew 1262 Vernon Drive Vancouver, BC V6A 4C9 (604) 254-4663 Fax: (604) 254-7663 Toll Free: (877) 652-7663 k.mayhew@penfoldsroofing.com www.PenfoldsRoofing.com

SOUND WALLS Expocrete an Oldcastle® company Mr. Bruce Stickney Gate 2, Blundell @ Nelson Road Richmond, BC V6Y 2V6 (604) 270-8411 Fax: (604) 270-8473 Bruce.Stickney@oldcastle.com www.expocrete.com

Greer Spray Foam Ltd. Mr. Dan Greer 6955 Buller Avenue Burnaby, BC V5J 4S1 (604) 438-3570 Fax: (604) 438-3990 info@greer.co www.greersprayfoam.com

SPRINKLERS Allright Sprinklers Ltd. Mr. Don Page 19660 - 83 Avenue Langley, BC V2Y 1Y9 (604) 881-6037 Fax: (604) 881-6036 info@allrightsprinklers.com www.allrightsprinklers.com Contact • 2018 303


Frontier Flooring

Mr. David Killey, Eng L Mr. Tim Killey #16, 8333 - 130 Street Surrey, BC V3W 7X4 (604) 599-4499 Fax: (604) 599-4319 projects@firebusters.com www.firebusters.com

Mr. Elmer Cabrera 1721 Fir Street Vancouver, BC V6J 5J9 (604) 500-7650 Toll Free: (855) 336-2903 info@frontierflooringservices.com www.frontierluxury.com

Geo. Bezdan Sales Ltd. STAIRS / RAILINGS Atlas Vinyl Sundecks Ltd. Mr. Gord Langevin 2421 Glenwood Avenue SEE Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 1Y7 OUR AD ON PAGE (778) 285-2107 218 Fax: (604) 944-1278 atlasvinylsundecks@hotmail.com www.atlasvinylsundecks.ca

Ms. Betty Jenkins 4050 Graveley Street Burnaby, BC V5C 4A5 (604) 299-5264 Fax: (604) 299-5464 Toll Free: (800) 663-6356 bettyj@geobezdan.com www.geobezdan.com

PlyTech Stair Systems Inc.

Mr. Kevin Burke 3431 West 27 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6S 1P5 (778) 926-3775 kevin.burke@borucarpentry.com www.borucarpentry.com

Mr. Chad Chubey 7357 Buller Avenue Burnaby, BC V5J 4S6 (604) 437-7357 Fax: (604) 437-7358 chad@plytechstairs.com www.plytechstairs.com www.ply-lam.ca

Citywide Sundecks & Railings

Westcoast Moulding & Millwork Ltd.

Mr. Paul Bulat #265, 3580 Moncton Street Richmond, BC V7E 3A4 (604) 786-3325 info@citywide.ca www.citywidesundecks.ca

Mr. John Hutton 18810 - 96 Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 3R1 (604) 513-1138 Fax: (604) 513-1194 info@westcoastmoulding.com www.westcoastmoulding.com

Boru Carpentry & Design Ltd.



Duradek Mr. Winston Conyers 8288 - 129 Street Surrey, BC V3W 0A6 (604) 591-5594 Fax: (604) 591-3100 winston@duradek.com www.duradek.com

304 Contact • 2018

STEAM BATHS Clearbrook Glass Ltd. Mr. Brent Friesen 33470 South Fraser Way Abbotsford, BC V2S 2B5 (604) 866-6836 Fax: (604) 854-1387 brentafriesen@gmail.com www.clearbrookglass.ca

STEAM BATHS / STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANELS / STRUCTURAL STEEL / STRUCTURED WIRING Glass World Mr. Daryl Waddell 2146 Queen Street Abbotsford, BC V2T 6J4 (604) 854-5757 x. 32 Fax: (604) 852-1850 Toll Free: (888) 820-5080 daryl@glassworld.ca www.glassworld.ca

Zytech Building Systems SEE OUR AD ON PAGE


Leisure Baths Ltd. Mr. David Snook SEE 6909 Antrim Avenue OUR AD Burnaby, BC V5J 4M5 ON PAGE (604) 437-4717 199 Fax: (604) 437-5776 Toll Free: (800) 987-8326 steamman@relax-a-mist.com www.relax-a-mist.com

Wedicorp Mr. Scott Elias 171 South Gary Avenue Carol Stream, Illinois 60188 (443) 745-1278 Fax: (847) 357-9819 Toll Free: (877) 933-9334 scott.elias@wedicorp.com www.wedicorp.com

Mr. Steve Bratke 20289 - 102 Avenue Langley, BC V1M 4B4 (604) 546-3232 sales@zytechtruss.com www.zytechtruss.com

STRUCTURAL STEEL LifeTec Construction Group Inc. Mr. Krishna Jolliffe Mr. Robert St-Aubin 3095 Hebb Avenue Vancouver, BC V5M 4V3 (604) 260-6303 krish@lifetechomes.com robert@lifetechomes.com www.lifetechomes.com

STRUCTURED WIRING ACE Integrated Systems Ltd. Mr. Andrew McCormick #203, 3905 Springtree Drive Vancouver, BC V6L 3E2 (604) 565-1110 info@aceintegratedsystems.ca www.aceintegratedsystems.ca

STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANELS Best Built-in Centre LifeTec Construction Group Inc. Mr. Krishna Jolliffe Mr. Robert St-Aubin 3095 Hebb Avenue Vancouver, BC V5M 4V3 (604) 260-6303 krish@lifetechomes.com robert@lifetechomes.com www.lifetechomes.com

Plasti-Fab Ltd., Insulspan Division Mr. David Stevenson #1, 600 Chester Road Delta, BC V3M 5Y3 (604) 540-0600 Fax: (604) 540-0608 Toll Free: (866) 848-8855 dstevenson@insulspan.com www.insulspan.com www.plastifab.com

Mr. Michael Chamzuk 1743 Boundary Road Vancouver, BC V5M 3Y7 (604) 324-7777 Fax: (604) 324-7034 info@bestsecuritysystems.ca www.bestsecuritysystems.ca

Orca Security Corporation Mr. Brad Morrison #111, 8988 Fraserton Court Burnaby, BC V5J 5H8 SEE OUR AD (604) 431-8803 ON PAGE Fax: (604) 431-8489 299 info@orcasecurity.ca www.orcasecurity.ca

Contact • 2018 305


Four Seasons Sunrooms

Mr. James Nicholas 20160 - 92A Avenue Langley, BC V1M 3A4 (604) 881-7875 Fax: (604) 881-7835 Toll Free: (877) 881-7875 jnicholas@primexfits.com www.primex.ca

Mr. Garry Tiemstra #101, 1585 Broadway Street Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 2M7 (604) 526-2699 Fax: (604) 464-1790 Toll Free: (800) 665-3944 garry4s@telus.net www.FourSeasonsSunroomsVancouver.com


Lumon Canada Inc.

Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. Mr. Ed Fujii, P.Eng Mr. Andrew Baker #1680, 13450 - 102 Avenue Surrey, BC V3T 5X3 (604) 597-9058 Fax: (604) 597-9061 general@aplinmartin.com www.aplinmartin.com

Concept To Design Inc. Ms. Carolyn Lino Stewart Surrey, BC (778) 395-1140 Fax: (604) 497-1140 office@concepttodesign.ca www.concepttodesign.ca

Ms. Darlene Kuik #102, 2707 Progressive Way Abbotsford, BC V2T 0A7 (604) 615-8310 ed.minderhoud@lumon.com www.lumon.ca www.naturallightpatiocovers.com

My House Design/Build Team Ltd. Mr. Graeme Huguet 15356 Fraser Highway SEE OUR AD Surrey, BC V3R 3P5 ON PAGE (604) 694-6873 3 Fax: (604) 951-4093 info@myhousedesignbuild.com www.myhousedesignbuild.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CAPS, CRP


Lynco Management Ltd.

Powerhouse Tile Ltd.

Ms. Lynn Hsu 2105 West 38 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6M 1R8 (604) 264-6728 lhsu@macrealty.com

Mr. Kip Sewell Ms. Tracy Wheeler 14290 Currie Drive Surrey, BC V3R 8A4 (604) 836-8349 (604) 209-3285 Fax: (604) 584-3777 kip@powerhousetile.com tracy@powerhousetile.com www.powerhousetile.com

SUNROOMS Coast Spas Lifestyles Inc. Mr. Jon MacAulay 20363 Langley Bypass Langley, BC V3A 5E8 (604) 534-7727 Fax: (604) 533-7591 Toll Free: (800) 363-7727 sales@coastspas.ca www.coastspas.com

306 Contact • 2018

Schluter Systems (Canada) Inc. Mr. Bob Weins 11181 Canyon Crescent Delta, BC V4E 2R6 (604) 790-8746 Fax: (514) 336-2410 Toll Free: (800) 667-8746 bweins@schluter.com www.schluter.com

Dusty inside? Even the best modern homes can be affected by drafts, cold spots, ice damage, and air infiltration. Icynene’s advanced spray foam insulation provides an effective seal against air movement between walls, floors, and ceiling cavities. With a quick and simple installation, you can reduce your heating and cooling costs, keep out allergens and pollutants, and make your home more comfortable. icynene.ca The Evolution of Insulation.

FOUR SEASONS INSULATION LTD. DEALER NAME GOES HERE Spraying All Types of Foam Throughout BC Office: 604.607.5022 | Fax: 604.607.5026 Toll Free: 1.855.607.5022 E-mail: fsinsulation@aol.com | www.fourseasonsinsulation.com Contact • 2018 307


Metroworks Tile & Stone

Mr. Scott Elias 171 South Gary Avenue Carol Stream, Illinois 60188 (443) 745-1278 Fax: (847) 357-9819 Toll Free: (877) 933-9334 scott.elias@wedicorp.com www.wedicorp.com

Mr. Shawn Perepelytz #106, 17 Fawcett Road Coquitlam, BC V3K 6V2 (778) 839-7512 shawn@metroworkstile.ca www.metroworkstile.ca

Milan Tile Mr. Jason Liu #150, 3771 Jacombs Road Richmond, BC V6V 2L9 (778) 918-8125 Fax: (604) 285-5117 info@milantile.ca www.milantile.ca

TILES - CERAMIC / MOSAIC / SPECIALTY / GLASS Aeon Stone and Tile Mr. Tushar Simoniha 117 West 5 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1H9 (604) 499-3138 Fax: (604) 872-8448 info@aeonstonetile.com www.aeonstonetile.com

Patra Stone Works Ltd. Ms. Marta Biela #106, 18485 - 53 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 7A4 (778) 574-2121 Fax: (778) 574-2122 sales@patrastoneworks.com www.patrastoneworks.com

BFJ Design Mr. Mike Jobani 1362 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4S9 (604) 681-8174 mike@bfjdesign.com www.bfjdesign.com


C&S Tile Distributors Ms. Sara Corra 2820 Ingleton Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 6G7 (604) 435-4431 info@ceramstone.com www.ceramstone.com

Mr. Tushar Simoniha 117 West 5 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1H9 (604) 499-3138 Fax: (604) 872-8448 info@aeonstonetile.com www.aeonstonetile.com

DP Tile and Stone

Ames Tile & Stone Ltd.

Ms. Shirley Wang #11, 3691 Viking Way Richmond, BC V6V 2J6 (604) 285-9326 shirley.dptile@outlook.com www.dongpeng.com

Mr. Andrew Thompson 2229 Beta Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 5N1 (604) 294-8453 Fax: (604) 294-3429 Toll Free: (800) 661-8453 athompson@amestile.com www.amestile.com

308 Contact • 2018






Julian Ceramic Tile Inc.

Mr. Terrence Jagassar 2770 Bentall Street Vancouver, BC V5M 4H4 (778) 837-8117 Fax: (604) 251-3441 Toll Free: (800) 663-0806 Terrence.Jagassar@daltile.com www.daltile.com www.americanolean.com

Ms. Rose Baldo 2720 Ingleton Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 5X4 (604) 299-4085 Fax: (604) 546-6002 Toll Free: (800) 587-9877 rose@juliantile.com www.juliantile.com

Metroworks Tile & Stone Duradek Mr. Winston Conyers 8288 - 129 Street Surrey, BC V3W 0A6 (604) 591-5594 Fax: (604) 591-3100 winston@duradek.com www.duradek.com

Fontile Corporation Ltd. Mr. Gary Kershaw Mr. Goran Glogovac 270 Terminal Avenue Vancouver, BC V6A 2L6 (604) 683-9358 (778) 938-5333 Fax: (604) 683-6758 info@fontile.com www.fontile.com

Houstone Enterprises Ltd. Ms. Carmen Deveau 2800 No. 3 Road Richmond, BC V6X 2B3 (778) 297-6398 Fax: (604) 248-6445 clo@houstone.ca www.houstone.ca

Jireh Stone Ltd. Mr. Ted Braniski #500, 1515 Broadway Street Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 6M2 (604) 942-4100 Fax: (604) 942-4123 jirehstone@shaw.ca www.stonetile.com

Mr. Shawn Perepelytz #106, 17 Fawcett Road Coquitlam, BC V3K 6V2 (778) 839-7512 shawn@metroworkstile.ca www.metroworkstile.ca

Olympia Tile International Inc. Mr. Mike Iacutone 2350 Willingdon Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 5J6 (604) 294-2244 Fax: (604) 294-0528 Toll Free: (800) 663-9441 vancouver@olympiatile.com www.olympiatile.com

Schluter Systems (Canada) Inc. Mr. Bob Weins 11181 Canyon Crescent Delta, BC V4E 2R6 (604) 790-8746 Fax: (514) 336-2410 Toll Free: (800) 667-8746 bweins@schluter.com www.schluter.com

Wedicorp Mr. Scott Elias 171 South Gary Avenue Carol Stream, Illinois 60188 (443) 745-1278 Fax: (847) 357-9819 Toll Free: (877) 933-9334 scott.elias@wedicorp.com www.wedicorp.com

Contact • 2018 309

TILING CONTRACTORS / TILERS / TOOLS / TRUSSES / UTILITIES TILING CONTRACTORS / TILERS Action Interior Cabinet Refinishing & Renovating Ms. Suzanne Smith 4519 Epps Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7G 1G2 (604) 318-4869 suzanne@actioninterior.com www.actioninterior.com

Dynamic Tile & Stone Ltd.

Wedicorp Mr. Scott Elias 171 South Gary Avenue Carol Stream, Illinois 60188 (443) 745-1278 Fax: (847) 357-9819 Toll Free: (877) 933-9334 scott.elias@wedicorp.com www.wedicorp.com


Mr. Simon Pond 726 Lynn Valley Road North Vancouver, BC V7J 1Z3 (778) 837-3273 simon@dynamictilestone.com www.dynamictilestone.com


Metroworks Tile & Stone

Hilti Canada

Mr. Shawn Perepelytz #106, 17 Fawcett Road Coquitlam, BC V3K 6V2 (778) 839-7512 shawn@metroworkstile.ca www.metroworkstile.ca

Powerhouse Tile Ltd. Mr. Kip Sewell Ms. Tracy Wheeler 14290 Currie Drive Surrey, BC V3R 8A4 (604) 836-8349 (604) 209-3285 Fax: (604) 584-3777 kip@powerhousetile.com tracy@powerhousetile.com www.powerhousetile.com

Schluter Systems (Canada) Inc. Mr. Bob Weins 11181 Canyon Crescent Delta, BC V4E 2R6 (604) 790-8746 Fax: (514) 336-2410 Toll Free: (800) 667-8746 bweins@schluter.com www.schluter.com

310 Contact • 2018

Mr. John Ambroziak (888) 337-8600 Fax: (226) 270-0312 john.ambroziak@festoolcanada.com www.festoolcanada.com

Mr. Femi Oloruntoba 6256 Rexford Drive Chilliwack, BC V2R 0L3 (800) 363-4458 Fax: (800) 363-4459 femi.oloruntoba@hilti.com www.ca.hilti.com

TRUSSES Zytech Building Systems Mr. Steve Bratke 20289 - 102 Avenue Langley, BC V1M 4B4 (604) 546-3232 sales@zytechtruss.com www.zytechtruss.com

UTILITIES BC Hydro Ms. Margo Longland 333 Dunsmuir Street Vancouver, BC V6B 5R3 (604) 453-6408 Fax: (604) 453-6505 margo.longland@bchydro.com www.bchydro.com


Coast Wholesale Appliances LP

Mr. Jason Wolfe SEE 16705 Fraser Highway OUR AD ON PAGE Surrey, BC V4N 0E8 28 (604) 592-7549 Fax: (604) 576-7122 jason.wolfe@fortisbc.com www.fortisbc.com

Ms. Susan Ford 8488 Main Street Vancouver, BC V5X 4W8 (604) 301-3644 Fax: (604) 321-6782 sford@coastappliances.com www.coastappliances.com


Orca Security Corporation

Mr. Frank Hobbs 1795 Willingdon Avenue, 3rd Floor Burnaby, BC V5C 6E3 (250) 861-2244 Frank.hobbs@telus.com www.telus.com

Mr. Brad Morrison #111, 8988 Fraserton Court Burnaby, BC V5J 5H8 (604) 431-8803 Fax: (604) 431-8489 info@orcasecurity.ca www.orcasecurity.ca



Wyse Meter Solutions Inc. Mr. Bill Gill Mr. Peter Mills #200, 4170 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6C6 (604) 868-8860 (844) 411-0663 Fax: (416) 869-3004 Toll Free: (844) 411-0663 billing@wysemeter.com pmills@wysemeter.com www.wysemeter.com

Trail Appliances Ltd. Mr. Doug Truesdell SEE OUR AD 3388 Sweden Way ON PAGE Richmond, BC V6V 0B2 185 (604) 838-5295 Fax: (604) 278-4148 dtruesdell@trailappliances.com www.trailappliances.com/bc/builders/builder_overview.cfm

VEHICLE LEASING / SALES / SERVICES Bridgestone Financing Pros

VACUUMS - CENTRAL Best Built-in Centre Mr. Michael Chamzuk 1743 Boundary Road Vancouver, BC V5M 3Y7 (604) 324-7777 Fax: (604) 324-7034 info@bestsecuritysystems.ca www.bestsecuritysystems.ca

Coast Pacific Wire and Alarms Inc. Mr. Ryan Hawkins Ms. Cassandra Anderson 2803 Murray Street Port Moody, BC V3H 1X3 (604) 461-1866 Fax: (604) 461-1850 info@coastpacificalarms.ca www.coastpacificalarms.ca

Ms. Alisa Aragon c/o DLC Mountain View Ltd. 2189 Austin Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3K 3R9 (778) 893-0525 Fax: (604) 259-9852 alisa@financingpros.ca www.FinancingPros.ca

Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Mr. Patrick Kearney 3550 Lougheed Highway Vancouver, BC V5M 2A3 (604) 676-3778 Fax: (604) 677-0367 patrick.kearney@mercedes-benz.ca www.mercedes-benz.ca

Contact • 2018 311



BC Coastal Energy

Mr. Mike Jobani 1362 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4S9 (604) 681-8174 mike@bfjdesign.com www.bfjdesign.com

Mr. Steve Blissett 3600 East Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V5K 2A9 (604) 971-0750 admin@bccoastalenergy.ca www.bccoastalenergy.com

Lennox Industries (Canada) Ltd. Mr. Rob Viau 2962 Lake City Way Burnaby, BC V5A 3A2 (604) 421-5424 Fax: (604) 421-6718 rob.viau@lennoxind.com www.lennox.com

Primex, A div. of VPL Enterprises Ltd. Mr. James Nicholas 20160 - 92A Avenue Langley, BC V1M 3A4 (604) 881-7875 Fax: (604) 881-7835 Toll Free: (877) 881-7875 jnicholas@primexfits.com www.primex.ca

Thompson Heating Ltd. Mr. Wayne Fleet 5739 - 203A Street Langley, BC V3A 1W7 (604) 539-2807 Fax: (604) 539-2817 wfleet@thompsonheatingltd.com www.thompsonheatingltd.com

Trail Appliances Ltd. Mr. Doug Truesdell SEE 3388 Sweden Way OUR AD Richmond, BC V6V 0B2 ON PAGE (604) 838-5295 185 Fax: (604) 278-4148 dtruesdell@trailappliances.com www.trailappliances.com/bc/builders/builder_overview.cfm

312 Contact • 2018

BFJ Design

Cloverdale Paint Inc. Mr. Kevin Belton Mr. Vince Smith 6950 King George Boulevard Surrey, BC V3W 4Z1 (604) 596-6261 (604) 868-8406 Fax: (604) 597-2677 Fax: (604) 689-7770 kbelton@cloverdalepaint.com vsmith@cloverdalepaint.com www.cloverdalepaint.com



Coastec Industrial Paints Mr. Gary Brown #116, 7350 - 72 Street Delta, BC V4G 1H9 (604) 940-3393 Fax: (604) 940-1160 gary.brown@coastpaint.com www.coastpaint.com

PPG / Dulux Mr. Robert Zelisko 1609 Boundary Road Vancouver, BC V5K 4X7 (800) 441-9695 Robert.Zelisko@ppg.com www.dulux.ca

WARRANTY National Home Warranty - AVIVA Mr. Chad Palmer #200, 8621 - 201 Street Langley, BC V2Y 0G9 (604) 575-9155 Fax: (604) 408-1001 Toll Free: (800) 387-4518 chad.palmer@avivacanada.com www.avivacanada.com



Mr. Dean Elms #211, 15240 - 56 Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 5K7 (604) 574-4776 Fax: (604) 574-4779 Toll Free: (866) 996-9776 info@pacificwarranty.com www.pacificwarranty.com

604-TRASH-IT Junk Removal & Recycling

The New Home Warranty Insurance (Canada) Corporation

Benefits Waste Management

Mr. Fraser de Walle #301, 30 Springborough Blvd. SW Calgary AB T3H 0N9 (587) 439-1129 Fax: (403) 253-5062 Toll Free: (800) 352-8240 contactcentre@anhwp.com www.anhwp.com

Travelers Canada Mr. Jan Rasilainen Mr. Kerry Nagy #2500, 650 West Georgia Street P.O. Box 11542 Vancouver, BC V6B 4N7 (604) 682-2663 Fax: (604) 682-2664 Toll Free: (800) 555-9431 jan.rasilainen@travelers.com knagy1@travelersguarantee.com www.travelersguarantee.com

WBI Home Warranty Ltd. Mr. Bobby Atwal, BBA, CAIB, DipIT Mr. Nicholas Dhaliwal #152, 5489 Byrne Road Burnaby, BC V5J 3J1 (604) 639-2924 Fax: (604) 639-2925 Toll Free: (855) 639-2924 info@wbihomewarranty.com www.wbihomewarranty.com

Mr. Dave Abercrombie #162, 11782 River Road Richmond, BC V6X 1Z7 (604) 872-7448 dave@604-trash-it.com www.604-trash-it.com

Mr. Ben Fishman P.O. Box 57612 Maillardville Coquitlam, BC V3K 6S8 (604) 779-8340 Fax: (604) 909-4804 info@benefitswaste.com www.benefitswaste.com

Disposal King Ltd. Mr. Miles Timmis 10771 Bamberton Drive Richmond, BC V7A 1K6 (604) 306-8599 Fax: (604) 275-5559 info@disposalking.com www.disposalking.com

Super Save Group of Companies Mr. Greg Johannes 19395 Langley Bypass Surrey, BC V3S 6K1 (604) 533-4423 Fax: (604) 534-5867 Toll Free: (800) 665-2800 greg@supersave.ca www.supersave.ca

WATER / TREATMENT / FILTRATION BARR Plastics Inc. Mr. Dean Barrett Unit A, 31192 South Fraser Way Abbotsford, BC V2T 6L5 (604) 852-8522 Fax: (604) 852-8022 Toll Free: (800) 665-4499 dean@barrplastics.com www.barrplastics.com

Contact • 2018 313


Indoor Outdoor Guy Renovations Inc.

Mr. Kerry McKearney 3140 Gilmore Diversion Burnaby, BC V5G 3B4 (604) 713-2200 Fax: (604) 713-2211 Toll Free: (800) 309-0899 kmckearney@emcoltd.com www.emcobc.ca

Mr. Joseph Neely 9251 No. 6 Road Richmond, BC V6W 1E5 (604) 277-5572 Fax: (604) 277-9433 joseph@idguy.net www.indooroutdoorguy.ca

WaterfallNow Hy-Line Sales Ltd. Mr. Lonnie Chiasson Ms. Rosemarie Matthews 71A Clipper Street SEE OUR AD Coquitlam, BC V3K 6X2 ON PAGE (604) 856-5648 27 Fax: (604) 856-8684 Toll Free: (800) 266-3114 lonnie.chiasson@hylinesales.com rosemarie@hylinesales.com www.hylinesales.com

PSL- Par’s Services Ltd. Mr. Par Leihl #180, 6753 Graybar Road Richmond, BC V6W 1H3 (604) 278-4445 Fax: (604) 273-5535 par@pslservices.ca pslservices.ca

Trail Appliances Ltd. Mr. Doug Truesdell SEE 3388 Sweden Way OUR AD ON PAGE Richmond, BC V6V 0B2 185 (604) 838-5295 Fax: (604) 278-4148 dtruesdell@trailappliances.com

Mr. Moses Yoon 8213 - 152 Street Surrey, BC V3S 3M6 (604) 724-4008 info@waterfallnow.com www.waterfallnow.com

WATERPROOFING Atlas Vinyl Sundecks Ltd. Mr. Gord Langevin 2421 Glenwood Avenue SEE OUR AD Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 1Y7 ON PAGE (778) 285-2107 218 Fax: (604) 944-1278 atlasvinylsundecks@hotmail.com www.atlasvinylsundecks.ca

Basement Systems Vancouver Inc. Mr. Rob Currie #12, 8207 Swenson Way Delta, BC V4G 1J5 (604) 581-1115 Fax: (604) 581-3311 Toll Free: (888) 379-3456 drybasement@bsv.ca www.bsv.ca www.deltams.com


Beacon Roofing Supply Canada WATER FEATURES / WATERFALLS / FOUNTAINS Craftsmen Contracting Ltd. Mr. Quinn Holtslag P.O. Box 31576 Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2G8 (778) 989-7252 Fax: (604) 459-2600 info@craftsmencontracting.com www.craftsmencontracting.com

314 Contact • 2018

Mr. Paul Nielsen 12510 - 82 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 3E9 (604) 572-8088 Fax: (604) 572-8048 pnielsen@beacon-roofing.com www.Beacon-Roofing.com


Ballistic Arts Media Studios Inc.

Mr. Paul Bulat #265, 3580 Moncton Street SEE OUR AD Richmond, BC V7E 3A4 ON PAGE (604) 786-3325 321 info@citywide.ca www.citywidebuildingenvelope.ca

Mr. Ted Lau #110, 250 Schoolhouse Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 6V7 (604) 553-1081 clinic@ballisticarts.com www.ballisticarts.com


Etios Solutions Inc.

Mr. Winston Conyers 8288 - 129 Street Surrey, BC V3W 0A6 (604) 591-5594 Fax: (604) 591-3100 winston@duradek.com www.duradek.com

Indoor Outdoor Guy Renovations Inc. Mr. Joseph Neely 9251 No. 6 Road Richmond, BC V6W 1E5 (604) 277-5572 Fax: (604) 277-9433 joseph@idguy.net www.indooroutdoorguy.ca

Kerr Construction Mr. Doug Kerr 1676 West 75 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 6G2 (604) 263-0343 Fax: (604) 263-1501 info@kerrconstruction.ca www.kerrconstruction.ca www.absoluteroof.ca

WEB DESIGNERS / SOLUTIONS / GRAPHIC DESIGN Anvil Studio Inc. Mr. Andrew Talbot #3, 15777 Marine Drive White Rock, BC V4B 1E5 (778) 294-2920 Fax: (778) 294-2915 accounting@forge.ca www.anvilstudio.ca

Mr. Gary Bedi 14485 - 88A Avenue Surrey, BC V3R 1A2 (604) 761-3957 gary@etiossolutions.com www.etiossolutions.com

Red Five Design Mr. Michael Marsland-Root #844, 6540 Hastings Street Burnaby, BC V5B 4Z5 (604) 338-4218 creative@redfivedesign.ca www.redfivedesign.ca

SeeVirtual Marketing & Photography Inc. Mr. Brett Youngberg #101, 5830 - 176A Street Surrey, BC V3S 4H5 (604) 575-1244 x. 224 info@seevirtual360.com www.seevirtual360.com

WINDOW COVERINGS / SCREENS / RETRACTABLE HT Blinds Mr. Haseeb Choudary #409, 8342 - 130 Street Surrey, BC V3W 8J9 (604) 593-5450 info@htblinds.ca www.htblinds.ca



MIRA Floors & Interiors Ms. Kelsey Myers #104, 9785 - 192 Street Surrey, BC V4N 4C7 (604) 856-4799 Fax: (604) 856-4792 info@mirafloors.com www.mirafloors.com Contact • 2018 315


EuroLine Windows Inc.

Mr. Matt Robinson 1627 Ingleton Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 4L8 (604) 253-1072 Fax: (604) 253-1073 matt@monarchfloors.ca www.monarchfloors.ca

Mr. Isbrand Funk 7620 MacDonald Road SEE OUR AD Delta, BC V4G 1N2 ON PAGE (604) 940-8485 24 Fax: (604) 940-8486 isbrand@euroline-windows.com www.euroline-windows.com



Talius Ms. Tammy Gizen P.O. Box 3279 Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4S1 (604) 468-7655 Fax: (604) 468-7656 Toll Free: (800) 665-5550 info@talius.com www.talius.com

Wholesale Blind Factory Ms. Barbara Rush #11, 75 Blue Mountain Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 0A7 (604) 307-3097 Fax: (604) 942-4570 brush5478@gmail.com www.wholesaleblindfactory.com

Gentek Building Products Mr. Brent Myers Mr. Rick Van de Perre #1, 19405 - 94 Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 4E6 (604) 220-7347 Fax: (604) 888-0960 brent_myers@gentek.ca rick_vandeperre@gentek.ca www.gentek.ca

Insul-Twin Systems Ltd.


Mr. Tim Bateman #1, 1973 McLean Avenue Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 1N1 (604) 942-4948 Fax: (604) 942-8706 info@insultwin.com www.insultwin.com

All Weather Windows Ltd.

JELD-WEN Windows & Doors

Mr. Dan Gosse #A101, 9355 - 198 Street Langley, BC V1M 3J9 (800) 639-2665 Fax: (604) 513-5746 Toll Free: (800) 518-8338 dgosse@allweatherwindows.com www.allweatherwindows.com

Mr. Brett Sigurdson 2150 Douglas Road Burnaby, BC V5C 5A7 (604) 857-6500 Fax: (604) 857-6540 bretts@jeld-wen.com www.jeld-wen.ca

Centra Construction Group

Modern Classic Building Solutions Inc.

Mr. Jeramy Smith 20178 - 98 Avenue Langley, BC V1M 3G1 (604) 882-5010 x. 2112 Fax: (604) 882-3909 jsmith@centra.ca www.centra.ca

316 Contact • 2018

Mr. Ian Cairns 1910 Ontario Street Vancouver, BC V5T 4G6 (604) 558-1910 Fax: (604) 558-1912 info@modernclassicvancouver.com www.modernclassicvancouver.com www.customclosetsvancouver.com

WINDOWS Morrison Windows

Ply Gem / Mitten

Mr. Gurtej Dhillon 8400 - 124 Street Surrey, BC V3W 6K1 (604) 539-1315 Fax: (604) 539-1305 info@morrisonwindows.ca www.morrisonwindows.ca

Mr. Chris Tang #178, 21300 Gordon Way Richmond, BC V6W 1M2 (604) 270-1488 Fax: (866) 575-1136 chris.tang@plygem.com www.plygem.ca

My House Design/Build Team Ltd.

REHAU Industries Inc.

Mr. Graeme Huguet SEE 15356 Fraser Highway OUR AD Surrey, BC V3R 3P5 ON PAGE (604) 694-6873 3 Fax: (604) 951-4093 info@myhousedesignbuild.com www.myhousedesignbuild.com Designations: BuiltGreen, CAPS, CRP

Mr. Clayton Blaney 4254 Green River Road Corona, California 92880 (604) 364-8661 clayton.blaney@rehau.com www.rehau-na.com

Oasis Windows Ltd. Mr. Sunil Kumar 13120 - 76 Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 2V6 (604) 597-5033 Fax: (604) 597-5029 sunil@oasiswindows.com www.oasiswindows.com



Starline Windows Ltd. Mr. Bill Snyder 19714 - 96 Avenue, R.R. #5 Langley, BC V1M 3B9 (604) 882-5100 Fax: (604) 882-5102 Toll Free: (800) 663-5867 sales@starlinewindows.com www.starlinewindows.com

Vinylco Windows Ltd. Pella Windows & Doors Mr. Matt Latham #129/130, 5589 Byrne Road Burnaby, BC V5J 3J1 (604) 354-4442 Fax: (604) 291-8005 lathamme@pella.com www.pella.com

Mr. Sukhi Kainth 10798 Timberland Road Surrey, BC V3V 3T5 (604) 587-5505 Fax: (604) 587-5561 info@vinylcowindows.com www.vinylcowindows.com

Vinyltek Windows Penfolds Roofing Inc. Mr. Ken Mayhew 1262 Vernon Drive Vancouver, BC V6A 4C9 (604) 254-4663 Fax: (604) 254-7663 Toll Free: (877) 652-7663 k.mayhew@penfoldsroofing.com www.PenfoldsRoofing.com

Mr. Ian Hogg 587 Ebury Place Delta, BC V3M 6M8 (604) 540-0029 Fax: (604) 540-0095 ian@vinyltek.com www.vinyltek.com

Contact • 2018 317



Mr. Bryan Hayes 7533 Progress Way Delta, BC V4G 1E7 (604) 946-2310 Fax: (604) 946-2314 Toll Free: (888) 363-7832 bryan@westcoastwindows.ca bryan@westcoastwindows.ca www.westcoastwindows.ca

Preston Mobility Inc.

Westeck Windows Mfg. Inc. Mr. Darwin Ortis 8104 Evans Road Chilliwack, BC V2R 5R8 (604) 298-6700 Fax: (604) 792-6714 Toll Free: (877) 606-1166 sales@westeckwindows.com www.westeckwindows.com

Mr. Darelle Mitchell Mr. Blake Ponuick #128, 13071 Vanier Place Richmond, BC V6V 2J1 (604) 629-8526 Fax: (604) 629-8527 sales@prestonmobility.com www.prestonmobility.com

WROUGHT IRON Geo. Bezdan Sales Ltd. Ms. Betty Jenkins 4050 Graveley Street Burnaby, BC V5C 4A5 (604) 299-5264 Fax: (604) 299-5464 Toll Free: (800) 663-6356 bettyj@geobezdan.com www.geobezdan.com

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318 Contact • 2018



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Contact • 2018 321

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Housing Starts – Vancouver CMA YEAR TOTALS 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

SINGLES 9,420 5,010 2,482 6,582 4,214 6,318 7,568 8,818 9,287 10,245 6,316 6,991 7,603 6,593 6,345 4,536 5,072 4,685 3,373 3,568 3,128 3,512 4,980 5,382 5,619 4,935 5,614 4,211 3,634 2,929 4,533 3,373 4,516 4,004 4,220 4,622 5,169 4,911

MULTIPLES 7,360 10,217 7,558 5,720 5,469 4,997 6,010 9,042 8,611 11,589 11,654 7,778 11,081 14,714 14,128 10,466 10,381 11,265 8,505 5,109 5,075 7,350 8,217 10,244 13,816 13,979 13,091 16,525 15,957 5,410 10,684 13,295 14,511 14,692 14,680 16,241 22,745 21,293

TOTALS 16,780 15,227 10,040 12,302 9,683 11,315 13,578 17,860 17,898 21,834 17,970 14,769 18,684 21,307 20,473 14,992 15,453 15,950 11,878 8,677 8,203 10,862 13,197 15,626 19,435 18,914 18,705 20,736 19,591 8,339 15,217 16,668 19,027 18,696 18,900 20,863 27,914 26,204 Contact • 2018 323

Professional Associations Applied Science Technologists & Technicians of BC 604-585-2788 ǁǁǁ͘ĂƐƩďĐ͘ŽƌŐ

tĂůů Θ ĞŝůŝŶŐ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶ 604-575-0511 ǁǁǁ͘ďĐǁĐĂ͘ŽƌŐ



604-284-5515 ǁǁǁ͘ĂƉƉƌĂŝƐĂů͘ďĐ͘ĐĂ

604-294-0037 ǁǁǁ͘ďĐďĞĐ͘ĐŽŵ



604-683-8588 ǁǁǁ͘ĂŝďĐ͘ĐĂ

604-585-2788 ǁǁǁ͘ďĚŝďĐ͘ďĐ͘ĐĂ



604-298-3555 ǁǁǁ͘ĂǁŵĂĐ͘ĐŽŵ

ƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶ ŽĨ tĂůů Θ ĞŝůŝŶŐ Contractors of BC 604-575-0511 ǁǁǁ͘ǁĂůůĂŶĚĐĞŝůŝŶŐ͘ŶĞƚ


604-270-9516 ǁǁǁ͘ďŽĂďĐ͘ŽƌŐ

ĂŶĂĚŝĂŶ ,ŽŵĞ ƵŝůĚĞƌƐ͛ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶ of BC 604-432-7112 ǁǁǁ͘ĐŚďĂďĐ͘ŽƌŐ

ĂŶĂĚŝĂŶ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶ ŽĨ ,ŽŵĞ Θ WƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ /ŶƐƉĞĐƚŽƌƐ 1-800-610-5665 ǁǁǁ͘ĐĂŚƉŝ͘ďĐ͘ĐĂ


Canadian Copper & Brass ĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶ

604-584-2447 ǁǁǁ͘ĂƐƩďĐƉŝ͘ŽƌŐ

1-877-640-0946 ǁǁǁ͘ĐŽƉƉĞƌĐĂŶĂĚĂ͘ĐĂ



604-291-7708 ǁǁǁ͘ďĐĞĂ͘ďĐ͘ĐĂ

1-416-695-0447 ǁǁǁ͘ĐŝƉŚ͘ĐŽŵ

&ůŽŽƌ ŽǀĞƌŝŶŐ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶ 604-881-4944 ǁǁǁ͘ďĐĨĐĂ͘ĐŽŵ




604-575-3500 ǁǁǁ͘ďĐůŶĂ͘ĐŽŵ

604-291-1458 ǁǁǁ͘ŵĂƐŽŶƌLJďĐ͘ŽƌŐ



604-682-5610 ǁǁǁ͘ďĐƐůĂ͘ŽƌŐ

1-613-235-5511 ǁǁǁ͘ĨĞŶĞƐƚƌĂƟŽŶĐĂŶĂĚĂ͘ĐĂ

324 Contact • 2018


ŽŶĚŽŵŝŶŝƵŵ ,ŽŵĞŽǁŶĞƌƐ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶ KĨ 604-584-2462 www.choa.bc.ca

EĂƟŽŶĂů <ŝƚĐŚĞŶ Θ ĂƚŚ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶ 1-800-843-6522 www.nkba.org

ZŽŽĮŶŐ ŽŶƚƌĂĐƚŽƌƐ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶ ŽĨ 604-882-9734 www.rcabc.org



604-687-2811 www.acec-bc.org

1-800-263-1136 ǁǁǁ͘ƐƚĂƚĐĂŶ͘ŐĐ͘ĐĂ



1-888-577-3818 www.teca.ca

604-294-6885 ǁǁǁ͘ƩŵĂĐ͘ĐŽŵ



604-646-7050 www.hpo.bc.ca

604-669-9585 www.udi.bc.ca



604-298-5211 www.idibc.org

604-294-3766 www.vrca.bc.ca


DĞĐŚĂŶŝĐĂů ŽŶƚƌĂĐƚŽƌƐ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶ ŽĨ 604-205-5058 www.mcabc.org

WůƵŵďŝŶŐ KĸĐŝĂůƐ͛ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶ ŽĨ 604-927-3442 ǁǁǁ͘ďĐƉůƵŵďŝŶŐŽĸĐŝĂůƐ͘ĐŽŵ

Contact • 2018 325

Municipal Governments City of Burnaby 604-294-7944 www.burnaby.ca

ŽƌƉŽƌĂƟŽŶ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŝƚLJ ŽĨ Port Coquitlam 604-927-5411 www.portcoquitlam.ca

City of Coquitlam 604-927-3000 www.coquitlam.ca

ŝƐƚƌŝĐƚ ŽĨ DĂƉůĞ ZŝĚŐĞ 604-463-5221 www.mapleridge.ca

City of Langley 604-514-2800 www.city.langley.bc.ca

ŝƐƚƌŝĐƚ ŽĨ EŽƌƚŚ sĂŶĐŽƵǀĞƌ 604-990-2311 www.dnv.org

City of Port Moody 604-469-4500 www.portmoody.ca

ŝƐƚƌŝĐƚ ŽĨ WŝƩ DĞĂĚŽǁƐ 604-465-5454 ǁǁǁ͘ƉŝƩŵĞĂĚŽǁƐ͘ďĐ͘ĐĂ

City of Richmond 604-276-4000 www.richmond.ca

ŝƐƚƌŝĐƚ ŽĨ tĞƐƚ sĂŶĐŽƵǀĞƌ 604-925-7000 www.westvancouver.ca

City of Surrey 604-591-4011 www.surrey.ca

Bowen Island Municipality 604-947-4255 www.bimbc.ca

City of Vancouver 604-873-7011 www.vancouver.ca

Township of Langley 604-534-3211 www.tol.ca

City of White Rock 604-541-2100 www.whiterockcity.ca

Village of Anmore 604-469-9877 www.anmore.com

ŽƌƉŽƌĂƟŽŶ ŽĨ ĞůƚĂ 604-946-4141 www.corp.delta.bc.ca

Village of Belcarra 604-937-4100 www.belcarra.ca

The City of New Westminster 604-521-3711 www.newwestcity.ca

ŽƌƉŽƌĂƟŽŶ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŝƚLJ ŽĨ North Vancouver 604-985-7761 www.cnv.org

326 Contact • 2018

Village of Lions Bay 604-921-9333 www.lionsbay.ca

Distinctive Real Estate Branding and Marketing • Real Estate Agents • Developers • Brokers

604-435-7977 | info@glacierrealestate.ca www.glacierrealestate.ca

Member Cross Reference Directory By Company 21st Century Roofers Ltd. ....................................................................... Mr. Andrew McDowell ......................................................................................... 291, 297 360 Home Renovations Inc. ................................................................... Mr. Sunny Takhar ............................................................................................. 31, 55, 139 505-Junk ........................................................................................................ Mr. Barry Hartman; Mr. Scott Foran........................................................................ 293 604-TRASH-IT Junk Removal & Recycling..................................... Mr. Dave Abercrombie ........................................................................................ 293, 313 777 Eccounting Systems Inc. ............................................................... Mr. Eldon Guenther .......................................................................................................... 180 8 Diamonds Home Improvement Inc. ................................................ Mr. Viktor F. Timofeev .................................................................................................... 298 A & A Development..................................................................................... Mr. Sukh Dosanjh ..............................................................................................................111 A.O. Smith Canada ..................................................................................... Mr. Gordon Hoover ..................................................................................... 251, 283, 284 Absolute Landscaping Ltd...................................................................... Mr. Dean Ogden ............................................................................... 266, 269, 270, 290 Abstract Homes & Renovations Inc.................................................... Mr. Sandro Stefanucci ....................................................................................31, 91, 139 ACE Integrated Systems Ltd.................................................................. Mr. Andrew McCormick.......................................... 192, 228, 253, 254, 273, 305 ACO Canada .................................................................................................. Mr. Thomas Osicka................................................................................................194, 195 Action Interior Cabinet Refinishing & Renovating ........................ Ms. Suzanne Smith ........................................ 139, 206, 218, 266, 281, 290, 310 AD Waters....................................................................................................... Mr. Arthur Tsang ......................................................................................... 194, 266, 276 ADA - arata hatanaka design atelier .................................................. Mr. Arata Hatanak ................................ 104, 186, 242, 254, 260, 265, 270, 272 Adera Development Corporation ......................................................... Mr. Norm Couttie ....................................................................................................... 77, 111 Advanced Construction Resources .................................................... Mr. Doug Harrison ..................................................................................................257, 291 Aedifex Construction Inc. ........................................................................ Mr. Dan Matson................ 168, 209, 215, 216, 220, 245, 256, 265,290, 298 Aedis Design & Construction Inc. ........................................................ Mr. Sam Bashir; Dr. Jamil Bashir ................................................................................. 91 Aeon Stone and Tile................................................................................... Mr. Tushar Simoniha .................................................................................. 241, 274, 308 Afdon Contracting Ltd. ............................................................................. Ms. Kimia Tajbakhsh.......................................................................................................... 31 AH Design ....................................................................................................... Ms. Anja Henche............................................................................................................... 186 Alabaster Homes......................................................................................... Mr. Nicholas Poon .......................................................................................... 77, 104, 111 Alair Homes - Vancouver ......................................................................... Mr. David Babakaiff..................................................................................31, 55, 77, 139 Alair Homes Delta ....................................................................................... Mr. Peter Nielsen ................................................................................................. 31, 55, 91 Alchemy Construction Ltd. ..................................................................... Mr. Mark Isaac........................................................................................... 31, 55, 91, 139 Alcon Construction Co. Ltd. ................................................................... Mr. Alan Wong.......................................................................................................................56 All Weather Windows Ltd. ....................................................................... Mr. Dan Gosse .........................................................................................................224, 316 Allaire Construction Inc. .......................................................................... Mr. Marc Allaire ............................................................................................... 77, 104, 112 Alleylane Homes Construction & More Ltd. .................................... Mr. Steve Chandra ................................................................................. 31, 91, 112, 139 Allright Sprinklers Ltd............................................................................... Mr. Don Page ........................................................................................................... 236, 303 Allura by Plycem .......................................................................................... Mr. Mark Genereux .......................................................................................................... 298 Alma Building and Renovation Ltd...................................................... Mr. Tony Chebaya .......................................................... 31, 56, 87, 91,128, 139, 168 Altium Building Corporation ................................................................... Mr. Todd Collins........................................................................................... 292, 297, 298 Alture Properties ......................................................................................... Mr. Stephen Duke..............................................................................................................112 Alyza Homes ................................................................................................. Mr. Karim Fazal, GACP, MSc.(SST)..................... 31, 56, 88, 91, 104, 112, 139 Ameleco Electric Supply Inc. ................................................................. Mr. York Lee ........................................................................................................................ 230 Ames Tile & Stone Ltd. ............................................................................. Mr. Andrew Thompson .............................................................................238, 241, 308 AmpcoGrafix ................................................................................................. Mr. Dann Konkin; Mr. Wade Davies .............................................................. 293, 302 Am-Pri Construction Ltd. ........................................................................ Mr. Paramjit Sandhu ................................................................................................ 77, 112 Andrea Johnstone Designs .................................................................... Ms. Andrea Johnstone ................................................................................................... 260 Animark Custom Homes Ltd. ................................................................ Mr. Marko Mrsic.................................................................................................31, 91, 139 Anson Realty Ltd......................................................................................... Ms. Grace Kwok ..................................................................................................... 289, 294 Anthem Properties Group Ltd. .............................................................. Ms. Kari Matheson.................................................................................................... 77, 112 Anti-Slip Anywhere .................................................................................... Mr. Stan Schaefer ............................................................................................................ 190 ANuConcept Renovations Ltd. .............................................................. Mr. Hugh Houlé .................................................................................................................. 139 Anvil Studio Inc. ........................................................................................... Mr. Andrew Talbot ............................................................................................................ 315 Apex Construction ...................................................................................... Mr. Bhupinder Singh Johal.............................................................................................. 91 APEX Western Homes Ltd. ..................................................................... Mr. Raymond Vesely........................................................................................ 31, 56, 244 Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. ........................................................... Mr. Ed Fujii, P.Eng; Mr. Andrew Baker ................................... 232, 269, 283, 306 Apollon Construction Management .................................................... Mr. Tarek Yassin................................................................................................................ 139 Aquila Developments Inc......................................................................... Mr. Derek Bosa........................................................................................................... 77, 112 Arbutus Point Developments Ltd......................................................... Mr. Jamieson Merritt ................................................................................................. 31, 56 ARC Construction ....................................................................................... Mr. Mike Forster................................................................................................................ 139 Archia Development Ltd. ......................................................................... Mr. Amir Karimi ................................................................................................. 56, 92, 104 Architrix Design Studio Inc..................................................................... Mr. Khang Nguyen ................................................................................................ 186, 254 Archstone Projects Ltd............................................................................. Mr. Parm Garcha........................................................................................................ 77, 112 Arden Development Ltd. .......................................................................... Mr. Albert Lam ............................................................................................................56, 112 Area3 Design Studio Inc. ......................................................................... Ms. Brenda Chiu, R.I.D, IDC; Ms. Lisa Hansen ................................................... 260 Artisan Concrete Lifting Inc................................................................... Mr. Martin Cyr ..........................................................................................................213, 216 ARTISAN Construction Group ............................................................... Mr. Brent Repin................................................. 32, 56, 88, 92, 104, 128, 140, 186 Artistic Baths ................................................................................................ Mr. Niall Duggan ......................................................................................... 194, 266, 284 Asanti Development Ltd. ......................................................................... Mr. Harp Cheema ................................................................................................32, 56, 78 Ashtech Granite Ltd................................................................................... Mr. Ash Appadurai; Ms. Chandni Appadurai........................................................ 218 Aspac Developments Ltd. ....................................................................... Mr. Gary Wong ............................................................................................................78, 112 AspenRidge Construction Ltd. .............................................................. Mr. Gary Ferrer ............................................................................................... 32, 105, 140 Associa®.......................................................................................................... Mr. Laszlo Antal ................................................................................................................ 288 Astec Development Ltd............................................................................ Mr. Gurinder Rakkar........................................................................................ 32, 56, 112 ATACO Construction Ltd. ......................................................................... Mr. Amir Taghiakbari .........................................................................................................56 Athoula Management Ltd........................................................................ Mr. Babbu (Namtez) Sohal ..................................................................... 32, 56, 78, 92 Atlas Vinyl Sundecks Ltd......................................................................... Mr. Gord Langevin.................................................................220, 245, 282, 304, 314

328 Contact • 2018

MEMBER CROSS REFERENCE DIRECTORY BY COMPANY Atti Group Ltd. .............................................................................................. Mr. Sasan Tehrani ..................................................................................... 32, 57, 78, 112 Avalonna Homes Ltd. ................................................................................ Mr. Daljit Dhami.................................................................................................. 57, 78, 113 Avaya Homes Ltd. ....................................................................................... Mr. Harpreet Badesha ...............................................................................................32, 57 Averra Developments Inc. ....................................................................... Mr. Guy Taylor .................................................................................................... 88, 92, 105 Avestex Group .............................................................................................. Mr. Hamid Ahmadian; Mr. Massoud Karimaei ....................................... 32, 57, 78 Avid Ratings Canada Ltd. ........................................................................ Mr. Tim Bailey .................................................................................................................... 294 Avis Homes Ltd. ........................................................................................... Mr. Kuljit Dhillon .........................................................................................32, 57, 92, 113 AXIS Real Estate Solutions Inc. ............................................................ Mr. Nav Kandola.......................................................................................... 256, 289, 294 Azara Homes Ltd. ....................................................................................... Mr. Amar Mangat, BSc(Eng) .................................................................... 32, 140, 186 Azek Building Products ............................................................................ Mr. John Klovansky ......................................................................................................... 200 Azura Management Corp. ....................................................................... Mr. Ewen Stewart.............................................................................................. 57, 78, 113 B.A. Robinson Ltd. Co. / Robinson Lighting & Bath Centre ............ Mr. Jared Cranwill ...................................................................................... 195, 272, 284 Baker Newby LLP ....................................................................................... Mr. Adnan Habib ............................................................................................................... 271 Balandra Development Inc. .................................................................... Mr. Clive Alladin............................................................................................................32, 57 Baldwin | Pfister | Tell | Weiser ............................................................. Mr. A.J. Bayne; Mr. Neil Drinkwater ....................................... 195, 200, 224, 284 Ballistic Arts Media Studios Inc. .......................................................... Mr. Ted Lau ....................................................................................................180, 294, 315 Banner Carpets Ltd.................................................................................... Ms. Lynn Herberts........................................................................... 233, 239, 240, 242 Barclay Sales Ltd. ....................................................................................... Mr. Rob Lang; Ms. Sydney Irvine .........................................................251, 276, 284 Barker Manufacturing Inc....................................................................... Mr. Jim Barker .................................................................................. 200, 224, 278, 298 Barone Developments Ltd. ..................................................................... Mr. Robert Barone............................................................... 33, 57, 88, 105, 113, 140 BARR Plastics Inc. ...................................................................................... Mr. Dean Barrett .....................................................................................................201, 313 Barrett Group Custom Builders ............................................................ Mr. Joel Barrett .......................................................................................33, 57, 105, 140 Bascombe Construction Ltd. ................................................................. Mr. Ed Bascombe ...................................................................................................140, 182 Baseline Processing Inc. ......................................................................... Mr. Harris Morton ............................................................................................................. 278 Basement Systems Vancouver Inc. .................................................... Mr. Rob Currie .................................................................................... 194, 201, 238, 314 Basil Restoration Ltd................................................................................. Mr. Mark Wittig.......................................................................... 92, 105, 128, 140, 186 Batista Properties Inc. .............................................................................. Mr. Nelson Batista............................................ 33, 57, 88, 92, 105, 113, 128, 140 Bayrich Development Ltd........................................................................ Mr. Jeffrey Lin.............................................................................................33, 57, 78, 113 Bayview Construction Ltd....................................................................... Mr. Tyler Brost............................................................................................................ 33, 140 Baywest Manufacturing Inc................................................................... Mr. Richard Zhang............................................................................................................ 133 BC Coastal Energy...................................................................................... Mr. Steve Blissett ........................................................................................ 182, 251, 312 BC Eco Paving............................................................................................... Mr. Bradley Lavigne......................................................................................................... 282 BC Floor Covering Association (BCFCA) .......................................... Mr. Thomas Foreman ........................................................................................... 191, 197 BC Housing .................................................................................................... Mr. Shayne Ramsay ........................................................................................................ 250 BC Hydro ......................................................................................................... Ms. Margo Longland ....................................................................................................... 310 BCIT School of Construction & the Environment.......................... Mr. Stephen Sallaway..................................................................................................... 227 BDO Canada LLP......................................................................................... Mr. Bob Mann, BBA, CA ................................................................................................ 180 Beacon Roofing Supply Canada ........................................................... Mr. Paul Nielsen ......................................................... 200, 278, 292, 298, 302, 314 Beaver Plastics ............................................................................................ Mr. Bill Gardner................................................................................. 201, 233, 256, 257 Beedie Development Group.................................................................... Mr. Alvin Reyes ...........................................................................................................78, 113 Belfast Construction Ltd. ........................................................................ Mr. Allen Zu, Mr. John Teleptean .............................................................. 33, 57, 140 Bellex Custom Homes Ltd....................................................................... Mr. Massimo Allegrini............................................................................................. 33, 105 Bellrock Benchmarking Inc. ................................................................... Ms. Tara Landes .................................................................................................... 206, 227 Belmar Homes Ltd...................................................................................... Mr. Nick Zanic .................................................................................................... 33, 58, 140 Benchmark Homes Ltd. ........................................................................... Mr. Jeff Bontkes ............................................................................................... 58, 92, 105 Benefits Waste Management ................................................................ Mr. Ben Fishman..........................................................................................210, 293, 313 Benest Holdings Group Ltd. ................................................................... Mr. Kai Ma.............................................................................................................................113 Best Builders Ltd......................................................................................... Mr. Todd Best ............................................................... 33, 58, 88, 92, 105, 128, 141 Best Built-in Centre.................................................................................... Mr. Michael Chamzuk..................................................................... 192, 297, 305, 311 Best JR Roofing Ltd. .................................................................................. Mr. Jas Dheri ...................................................................................................................... 291 Better Business Bureau of Mainland B.C ............................... Ms. Danielle Primrose ............................................................................. 191 Beyond Beige Interior Designs Inc...................................................... Ms. Reisa Pollard.................................................................................................... 141, 261 BFJ Design ..................................................................................................... Mr. Mike Jobani...................................................................... 195, 210, 266, 308, 312 Billingsley Construction Ltd. .................................................................. Mr. Drew Billingsley......................................................................................... 33, 58, 141 Bimtrix Design Inc. ..................................................................................... Mr. Evan Gallagher................................................................ 105, 186, 226, 261, 283 Bissett Fasteners ........................................................................................ Ms. Christy Chong............................................................................................................ 184 Black Bear Trades....................................................................................... Mr. Sean Wark ......................................................................................................... 141, 218 Black Press .................................................................................................... Ms. Lisa Farquharson............................................................................... 180, 288, 294 Black Thumb Contracting Ltd. .............................................................. Mr. Hayden Killam .................................................................................................... 33, 141 Blackfish Homes Ltd. ................................................................................ Mr. David Adair .......................................................................................... 33, 58, 92, 141 Blue Ocean Construction Inc................................................................. Mr. Mike Merakian................................................................................ 34, 93, 128, 141 Blue Sky Properties Inc. .......................................................................... Mr. Dale Bosa ......................................................................................................................113 BlueFish Studio ............................................................................................ Ms. Alyssa Myshok.......................................................................................................... 261 BMO Bank of Montreal ............................................................................. Mr. Chris Menard .............................................................................................................. 234 Boardwalk Woodfloors Ltd..................................................................... Mr. Tom Gara ...................................................................................................................... 242 BOAS Construction Ltd. ........................................................................... Mr. Stuart Oh ................................................................................................. 141, 260, 261 Boda Construction Ltd. ............................................................................ Mr. Brian Boyd, AScT ...................................................................................... 34, 93, 141 Bodwell Developments Ltd. ................................................................... Mr. Frank Zhu ..............................................................................................................58, 113 Boffo Developments Ltd. ......................................................................... Mr. Mike Boffo ............................................................................................................78, 113 Boffo Properties Inc................................................................................... Mr. Daniel Boffo .................................................................................................................113 Bolar Development Group Ltd............................................................... Mr. Dean Woodworth........................................................................................ 34, 58, 78 Bold Properties Inc. ................................................................................... Mr. Tommy He .................................................................................................... 58, 78, 114 Bolder Homes Ltd. ...................................................................................... Mr. Sukey Mehat................................................................................................. 34, 58, 79 Bomex Construction Ltd.......................................................................... Mr. Miroslav Bobovsky................................................................................... 34, 93, 141

Contact • 2018 329

MEMBER CROSS REFERENCE DIRECTORY BY COMPANY Borden Ladner Gervais LLP ................................................................... Mr. Matthew G. Swanson ............................................................................................. 271 Boru Carpentry & Design Ltd. ............................................................... Mr. Kevin Burke ......................................................................168, 209, 220, 227, 304 Bosa Properties Inc. .................................................................................. Mr. Colin Bosa.............................................................................................................79, 114 Braveco Homes............................................................................................ Mr. Rav Sodhi ........................................................................................................................58 Breakthrough Academy ........................................................................... Mr. Danny Kerr........................................................................................................ 206, 227 Bridgestone Financing Pros ................................................................... Ms. Alisa Aragon.............................................................................................16, 236, 311 Bright Star Holding Inc. ............................................................................ Mr. Inderjit Parmar ........................................................................................... 34, 58, 114 British Pacific Properties Limited ........................................................ Mr. Andrew Elliott ............................................................................................. 34, 58, 126 Brock White Canada .................................................................................. Mr. Rob Mutch .........................................................................201, 257, 274, 277, 292 Brody Development Group...................................................................... Mr. Mike Brody ........................................................................................59, 79, 114, 162 Bucci Developments Ltd. ........................................................................ Mr. Mike Bucci ....................................................................................................................114 BUILDEX and IDSWest.............................................................................. Mr. Michael Pelsoci ................................................................................... 180, 252, 294 Building It Right............................................................................................ Mr. Murray Frank ......................................................................................... 197, 198, 227 Build-Pros Construction Ltd. ................................................................. Mr. Alex Nasooti ........................................................................................................ 34, 141 Buildya Development ................................................................................ Mr. Pooya Merrikh............................................................................................ 34, 59, 114 Burnaby Blacktop Ltd. .............................................................................. Mr. Adrian Alblas .............................................................................................................. 282 Burnco Rock Products Ltd...................................................................... Mr. Rodger Hildebrandt ............................................................................213, 271, 290 By Design Construction Inc.................................................................... Mr. Bobby Purba ......................................................... 34, 59, 79, 93, 105, 126, 261 C&S Tile Distributors ................................................................................ Ms. Sara Corra ....................................................................................................... 274, 308 C/Bridge Construction.............................................................................. Mr. Cian Stapleton .........................................................................................93, 141, 209 Caesarstone Canada ................................................................................. Mr. Deano Pellegrino............................................................................................. 219, 274 Caissie Construction & Renovation .................................................... Mr. Sean Caissie .....................................................................................................142, 168 Caerus Construction Limited.................................................. Mr. Julian Burtnick ........................................................................34, 59, 79 Caliber Projects............................................................................................ Mr. Justin Bontkes ............................................................................................... 34, 59,79 Caliber West Renovations Inc. .............................................................. Mr. Joey Monette ..................................................................................................... 93, 142 Calvert Design .............................................................................................. Ms. Sheryn Calvert .......................................................................................................... 261 Cambria Canada.......................................................................................... Ms. Hana Barber ............................................................................................................... 274 Cambridge Doors Ltd................................................................................ Ms. Harleen Jagpal............................................................................................... 224, 225 Camelot Projects Ltd................................................................................. Mr. Laurence Allington................................................................................... 35, 59, 142 Canada Glass Restore .............................................................................. Mr. James McMahon ...................................................................................................... 248 Canada Lands Company.......................................................................... Ms. Deana F. Grinnell, MCIP ..............................................................................114, 250 Canadian Built Construction Ltd.......................................................... Mr. Geremy Enns ................................................................................ 93, 142, 265, 279 Canadian Countertops .............................................................................. Mr. David Scott ............................................................................................. 142, 219, 274 Canadian Horizons®................................................................................... Mr. Nathan Hildebrand ................................................................................................... 126 Canadian Renovations Inc. ..................................................................... Mr. Dean Mitchell ........................................................ 105, 142, 166, 167, 186, 206 Canadian Stone Industries Inc.............................................................. Mr. Brian Denny .......................................................................................... 236, 274, 277 Canadian Turner Construction Company Ltd................................. Mr. Amit Patel........................................................................................................................ 79 Canadoo Enterprises Inc. ........................................................................ Mr. Shinya Mikawa .......................................................................................... 35, 93, 133 Cantera Management Group Ltd. ........................................................ Mr. Darren Johnson.........................................................................35, 59, 79, 88, 106 Canterbury Kitchens Ltd. ........................................................................ Mr. Bob Gardner; Mr. Kevin Chretien................................................. 206, 210, 266 Cantu Bathrooms & Hardware Ltd...................................................... Mr. Shaun Krahn ............................................................................... 195, 224, 267, 268 Canvas Homes Ltd. .................................................................................... Mr. Avi Dhaliwal ...................................................................................................................35 Cape Group .................................................................................................... Ms. Jennifer Ryan .....................................................................................................93, 114 Capilano Builders Ltd................................................................................ Mr. Bryce Eyton ................................................................................................................. 142 Capital Home Energy Inc......................................................................... Mr. Luke Dolan, CEA, CHI ............................................................................................. 230 Cardinal Contracting Ltd. ........................................................................ Mr. Brent Giesbrecht............................................................................................... 35, 142 Carol Faan Interiors Inc. .......................................................................... Ms. Carol Faan .................................................................................................................. 261 Casa Madera Hardwood Floors Inc. ................................................... Mr. Peter Pocrnic .............................................................................................................. 243 Casa Mia Developments Ltd.................................................................. Mr. Jagvir Khatra .........................................................................................................35, 59 CastleHill Homes Ltd................................................................................. Mr. Sham Sandhu......................................................................................................79, 114 Cavalier Homes Ltd.................................................................................... Mr. Jim Faber ..................................................................................................... 35, 59, 126 Cavendish Contracting Ltd. .................................................................... Mr. Drew Grimston........................................................................................... 35, 59, 142 CCI Renovations .......................................................................................... Mr. John Friswell .............................................................93, 142,166, 168, 186, 261 Censorio Development Corporation / Censorio Construction Group............. Mr. Peter Censorio ............................................................................................................114 Centra Construction Group..................................................................... Mr. Jeramy Smith .................................................................. 167, 198, 225, 298, 316 Century Group .............................................................................................. Ms. Robin Johnson-Yee..........................................................................................79, 114 Charmaine Lang Design Inc. ................................................................. Ms. Charmaine Lang..................................................................................106, 142, 261 Ching Kee Construction and Renovations Company Limited ........... Mr. Kwok Ching (Billy) Lee ..... 35, 59, 88, 93, 106, 115, 128, 142, 186, 265 Chris Dikeakos Architects Inc............................................................... Mr. Chris Dikeakos........................................................................................ 26, 186, 254 Christophe Vaissade Designs Inc. ....................................................... Mr. Christophe Vaissade, CBD, ASTTBC ............................................................... 186 Cirrus Homes ................................................................................................ Mr. Greg Hanberry ................................................................................................... 94, 143 City of Surrey ................................................................................................ Mr. Jean Lamontagne ......................................................................................... 250, 326 Citywide Sundecks & Railings .............................................................. Mr. Paul Bulat ............................................................... 198, 216, 220, 298, 304, 315 Clay Construction Inc................................................................................ Mr. Larry Clay..................................................................................................... 35, 59, 143 Clearbrook Glass Ltd................................................................................. Mr. Brent Friesen ........................................................................................ 248, 280, 304 Cloverdale Paint Inc. .................................................................................. Mr. Kevin Belton; Mr. Vince Smith ....................................................... 172, 190, 312 CMGT Construction Group...................................................................... Mr. Ian Fung ........................................................................................................ 35, 61, 143 CMHC ............................................................................................................... Mr. Thomas Siems ........................................................................................................... 250 CMP Development Group Ltd................................................................ Ms. Xiaomei Dong ............................................................................................... 35, 61, 79 CMW Insurance Services Ltd................................................................ Mr. Andrew Kemp............................................................................................................. 258 Coast Pacific Wire and Alarms Inc. .................................................... Mr. Ryan Hawkins; Ms. Cassandra Anderson................................ 192, 297, 311 Coast Spas Lifestyles Inc........................................................................ Mr. Jon MacAulay........................................................................................197, 254, 306 Coast Wholesale Appliances LP........................................................... Ms. Susan Ford ............................................................................................ 184, 248, 311 Coastec Industrial Paints ........................................................................ Mr. Gary Brown .......................................................................................................190, 312

330 Contact • 2018

MEMBER CROSS REFERENCE DIRECTORY BY COMPANY Colonial Countertops Ltd. ....................................................................... Mr. Geordan Moogk......................................................................................................... 219 Comex Enterprise Corp. ........................................................................... Mr. Jalil Astanehe........................................................................................................36, 61 Concept To Design Inc.............................................................................. Ms. Carolyn Lino Stewart ............................................................. 187, 254, 261, 306 Concert Properties Ltd. ............................................................................ Mr. David Podmore ...................................................................................................79, 115 Concord Pacific Group Inc. ..................................................................... Mr. Jason Ha................................................................................................................80, 115 Concosts ......................................................................................................... Mr. Paul Zasitko .................................................................................. 80, 106, 222, 289 Concrete BC .................................................................................................. Ms. Carolyn Campbell ..........................................................................................191, 256 ConEcon Projects Inc................................................................................ Mr. Randip Bhandal, PQS......................................................................... 106, 115, 289 Coniston Developments Ltd................................................................... Mr. Jim Szili............................................................................................................................ 61 Conquistador Builders Ltd. ..................................................................... Mr. Barrie McDowall ..................................................................................................36, 61 Constructive Solutions for Business Inc. ......................................... Ms. Donna Baker .........................................................................................213, 227, 294 ConVerge Construction Ltd. ................................................................... Mr. Dwayne Vanderveen ..................................................................................36, 61, 80 Convex Development................................................................................. Mr. Ethan Wang ................................................................................................. 36, 61, 143 Convoy Supply Ltd...................................................................................... Mr. Sunny Goel ............................................................................................ 257, 292, 300 Conwest .......................................................................................................... Mr. Peter Matthews..........................................................................................................115 Cooper Roofing Inc. ................................................................................... Mr. Shane Cooper............................................................................................................. 291 COPA Development Corporation .......................................................... Mr. Tony Liu, P.Eng ..........................................................................36, 61, 80, 88, 106 Cordovado Development Inc. ................................................................ Mr. Angelo Toneguzzo .....................................................................................36, 61, 115 Cornerstone Kitchens & Design Ltd. .................................................. Ms. Nicola Newson ..........................................................................195, 206, 219, 268 Cosentino........................................................................................................ Mr. Sumeet Goswami ........................................................................................... 219, 274 Coultish Lawton Capital Group............................................................. Mr. Adam Coultish............................................................................................................ 236 Counterpoint Interiors Inc. ...................................................................... Mr. Brian Carroll ...................................................................................................................94 Country Lumber Ltd. ................................................................................. Mr. Ken Humphrey ........................................................................................................... 201 Craftsmen Contracting Ltd. ................................................................... Mr. Quinn Holtslag.............. 94, 143, 167, 168, 194, 209, 221, 261, 269, 314 Craig Chevalier Designs........................................................................... Mr. Craig Chevalier .......................................................................................................... 187 Creative Door Services Ltd. ................................................................... Mr. John Lutz ............................................................................................... 192, 246, 297 Creative Home Furnishings .................................................................... Mr. Blair Ballard...................................................................................................... 246, 261 Crescent Creek Homes Inc..................................................................... Mr. Berinderpal Dhaliwal .................................................................................................80 Cressey Development Group ................................................................. Mr. Hani Lammam ....................................................................................................80, 115 CREW H Properties Inc. ........................................................................... Mr Wally Wiebe...........................................................................................................94, 115 Crowe MacKay LLP .................................................................................... Mr. Bill Gill ..................................................................................................................180, 183 Cummins Western Canada ..................................................................... Mr. John Keith.................................................................................................................... 286 Custom Building Products Canada Ltd. ............................................ Mr. Garett Shandler ......................................................................................................... 201 Cypress Hardwood Flooring Ltd. ......................................................... Mr. Aaron Scriver................................................................................................... 239, 243 D.E.F. Construction .................................................................................... Ms. Elizabeth Gomez Rodriguez ........................................................................ 36, 143 D.M.S. Enterprises Ltd. ............................................................................ Mr. Seyed Davoud Mir-Taheri.........................................................................................36 D3 Dimension Drafting and Design Inc. ........................................... Ms. Kirsten Sutton ................................................................................................ 226, 254 Dakota Holdings Inc. ................................................................................. Mr. Jure Krpan ..............................................................................................................36, 61 daltile Canada............................................................................................... Mr. Terrence Jagassar .........................................................................................241, 309 Davenport Projects Ltd. ........................................................................... Mr. Kiff Mowat ........................................................................................................... 94, 143 Davidson Walker Construction Ltd. .................................................... Mr. Jim Davidson, P.Eng..................................................................... 36, 94, 128, 143 Dawson + Sawyer Developments ....................................................... Mr. Dan Dawson.........................................................................................................80, 115 DCM Projects Ltd........................................................................................ Mr. Bryan Bains................................................................................................. 80, 94, 115 DEKORA Staging Inc. ................................................................................ Mr. Ron Sowden................................................................................................................ 253 Delta Construction ..................................................................................... Mr. Karl Tsang .......................................................................................................................94 Delta Land Development Ltd................................................................. Ms. Deanna Yue ...................................................................................................... 115, 126 Derby Building Products .......................................................................... Ms. Alana Evans................................................................................................................ 300 Designs by Katerina & Silvie .................................................................. Ms. Katerina Vastardis; Ms. Silvie Pantsios...........................15, 207, 219, 262 Dick’s Lumber & Building Supplies..................................................... Mr. Dan Glavind ......................................................................................... 2, 12, 201, 280 Disposal King Ltd........................................................................................ Mr. Miles Timmis ............................................................................. 222, 234, 293, 313 Divine Flooring ............................................................................................. Mr. Nick Devito ....................................................................................................... 240, 243 DMC Contracting Ltd. ............................................................................... Mr. Dan Crump ............................................................................................... 94, 143, 265 Don Stuart Architect Inc. ......................................................................... Mr. Don Stuart .............................................................................................. 187, 262, 272 Done Right Renos ....................................................................................... Mr. Nino Giangrande .......................................................................... 94, 115, 132, 143 Door Pro Ltd. ................................................................................................. Mr. Luther Adams....................................................................................... 192, 225, 246 Doorcare Residential and Commercial Garage Door Services ............. Mr. Dave Arts...................................................................................................................... 246 DP Tile and Stone ....................................................................................... Ms. Shirley Wang.............................................................................................. 9, 274, 308 DR Electrical.co ........................................................................................... Mr. Dale Randall................................................................................................................ 228 DR Small Repairs ........................................................................................ Mr. Dale Randall................................................................................................................ 169 Draft On Site Services .............................................................................. Mr. Nicholas Petrie..................................................................................... 226, 254, 283 DreamCast Design and Production .................................................... Mrs. Catherine Traschenko .............................................................................. 215, 238 DSD Document Systems Direct ........................................................... Mr. Diego Iribar.................................................................................................................. 233 DuPont Canada ............................................................................................ Mr. Matthew D’Andrea ..............................................................................190, 201, 300 Duradek ........................................................................................................... Mr. Winston Conyers...................................... 200, 201, 221, 292, 304, 309, 315 Duxbury & Associates - Building Inspection & Consulting Ltd. ............ Mr. Glenn Duxbury, CHI, QAO ..................................................... 182, 197, 198, 256 DVL Homes .................................................................................................... Mr. Nick Dosanjh ....................................................................................................... 61, 116 Dynamic Tile & Stone Ltd. ...................................................................... Mr. Simon Pond ................................................................................................................. 310 Dynamo Drywall Inc. ................................................................................. Mr. Juan Velez......................................................................................................... 143, 227 Dynasty Fireplaces..................................................................................... Mr. Nick Zhang .................................................................................................................. 238 Dynasty Kitchen Cabinets Ltd. ............................................................. Mr. Ramtin Keymanesh ................................................................. 143, 207, 219, 279 E3 Eco Group Inc......................................................................................... Mr. Einar Halbig; Mr. Troy Glasner ............................................................................ 231 EcoGrand Homes Ltd. ............................................................................... Mr. Drazen Vukovic.......................................................................................................... 144 Econ Group Construction and Development Ltd. ......................... Mr. Marcel Studer; Mr. Michael Dutson ............................36, 62, 129, 132, 187 Ecosol Design & Construction Ltd. ..................................................... Mr. Arno Schmidt, B.Sc, Cert. Bldg. Tech ............................................. 37, 94, 144

Contact • 2018 331

MEMBER CROSS REFERENCE DIRECTORY BY COMPANY Elegant Development Inc. ....................................................................... Mr. Jay Minhas ..................................................................................................... 37, 62, 80 Elegant Glass & Shower Mirrors Ltd.................................................. Mr. Naman Singh ..............................................................................210, 245, 248, 280 Elinteriors ....................................................................................................... Ms. Ewa Lis .............................................................................................................. 253, 262 EMCO Corporation...................................................................................... Mr. Kerry McKearney................................................ 182, 195, 251, 268, 284, 314 EMEC Design Group Ltd. ......................................................................... Mr. Zeeshan Wahla ............................................................................................... 228, 233 Emkor Construction ................................................................................... Mr. Hunish Rangi .............................................................................................................. 144 Empira Properties Inc. .............................................................................. Mr. Gagan Sohi .....................................................................................................................94 Epic Homes .................................................................................................... Mr. Ryan Connolly; Ms. Morgan Dymon ................................................................... 62 Equipco Ltd.................................................................................................... Mr. Jason McKenzie........................................................................................................ 276 Essence Properties .................................................................................... Mr. Kevin Dhaliwal ....................................................................................37, 62, 80, 116 Esther’s Sheet Metal Ltd......................................................................... Mr. Elmano Carvalho................................................................................. 201, 292, 298 Etheridge Home Renovation .................................................................. Mr. Paul Etheridge................................................................................................. 144, 270 Ethical Flooring Ltd. ................................................................................... Ms. Tanya Kupferschmid ................................................... 239, 240, 241, 243, 260 Etios Solutions Inc...................................................................................... Mr. Gary Bedi...................................................................................................................... 315 Etro Construction Limited ....................................................................... Mr. Mike Maierle .................................................................................................................. 62 Euro Canadian Construction Corp. ..................................................... Mr. John Gunson; Mr. Jeffrey Gunson................................. 37, 62, 95, 106, 144 Eurocon Homes Ltd. .................................................................................. Mr. Harry Leung ................................................................................................................... 62 Eurocraft House Ltd. ................................................................................. Mr. Mirel Cozos....................................................................................................... 144, 265 Euro-Line Appliances West Inc. ........................................................... Mr. Darren Boyd ................................................................................................................ 184 EuroLine Windows Inc.............................................................................. Mr. Isbrand Funk.................................................................................................... 225, 316 Ever Casa Construction Ltd. .................................................................. Mr. Werner Gonzalez....................................................................................... 37, 95, 106 Exclusive Floors Ltd................................................................................... Mr. Jason Davids .............................................................................. 239, 240, 241, 243 Expocrete an Oldcastle® company ..................................................... Mr. Bruce Stickney ................................................................213, 271, 277, 291, 303 Exterior Worx Renovations ..................................................................... Mr. Ryan Soper ....................................................................................................... 144, 300 Faber................................................................................................................. Mr. John Christopher Reid................................................................................. 213, 230 Fairlands Custom Homes Ltd................................................................ Mr. Andrew Huang ...................................................................................................... 37, 62 Falcon Homes Ltd....................................................................................... Mr. Fred Formosa ..................................................................................... 37, 62, 80, 187 Farris & Company LLP .............................................................................. Mr. Gordon Love................................................................................................................ 271 Father and Son Masonry & Fence....................................................... Mr. Randy Browne....................................................................................... 221, 277, 278 Feature Projects Ltd. ................................................................................. Mr. Walter Krause ............................................................................................... 37, 62, 95 Federated Insurance ................................................................................. Mr. Reza Kamrani, CRM ................................................................................................ 258 FESTOOL Canada ....................................................................................... Mr. John Ambroziak ........................................................................................................ 310 Fifth Avenue Real Estate Marketing ................................................... Mr. Mark Belling..................................................................................................... 289, 294 Filio Executive Homes Ltd....................................................................... Mr. Mario Figliola ............................................................................................... 37, 62, 116 Fina Development Group Ltd................................................................. Mr. Marco De Cotiis..........................................................................................................116 FirCrest Developments, Ltd. .................................................................. Mr. Jack Gibson ........................................................................................... 106, 116, 144 Fire Busters Inc. .......................................................................................... Mr. David Killey, Eng L Mr. Tim Killey ........................................................... 236, 304 Fireplaces Unlimited .................................................................................. Mr. Gord Schlechtleitner .................................................................................... 194, 238 First Impression Designs Inc. ................................................................ Ms. Shannon Haerdi........................................................................................................ 262 Fixright Construction Ltd. ....................................................................... Mr. Shiv Sandhu ................................................................................................ 37, 63, 129 Flagship Construction Ltd....................................................................... Mr. Paul Chan ...........................................................................................37, 80, 144, 198 floFORM Countertops ............................................................................... Mr. Robert Rowan; Mr. Andrew MacLeod.............................. 195, 219, 274,279 Fontile Corporation Ltd. ........................................................................... Mr. Gary Kershaw; Mr. Goran Glogovac...........238, 241, 243, 268, 284, 309 Footprint Sustainable Housing Corp. ................................................. Mr. Shaun St-Amour ..........................................................................95, 106, 132, 144 Forge Properties Inc. ................................................................................ Mr. Cory Saran............................................................................................................ 81, 116 Form Creative Inc. ...................................................................................... Mr. Andrew Talbot ............................................................................................................ 262 FortisBC........................................................................................................... Mr. Jason Wolfe ...................................................................................................... 231, 311 Four Seasons Insulation Ltd. ................................................................. Mr. Roger Prato ................................................................................................................. 257 Four Seasons Sunrooms ......................................................................... Mr. Garry Tiemstra..................................................................................... 218, 282, 306 Foxridge Homes, a Qualico Company................................................ Mr. Gary Mertens............................................................................................63, 116, 126 Freedom Capital Inc. ................................................................................. Ms. Rosy Ram; Mr. Pip Dhaliwal ............................................................................... 236 Fremar Construction Ltd. ........................................................................ Mr. Fred McLeod ...................................................................................................... 95, 144 Fresh & Clean Management Co. .......................................................... Ms. Jasmina Sivic ............................................................................................................ 210 Fresh Coat A Paint ...................................................................................... Mr. Jason Fu ....................................................................................................................... 144 Frontier Flooring .......................................................................................... Mr. Elmer Cabrera ...................................................................................... 221, 243, 304 Future Living Development Inc............................................................. Mr. Kiafar Ghaffari ....................................................................................................37, 145 G. Wilson Construction Co. Ltd. ........................................................... Mr. Blair Wilson ................................................................................................. 39, 95, 145 G.D. Nielsen Homes ................................................................................... Mr. Greg Nielsen ............................................................................ 39, 63, 95, 106, 129 G.W. Blanes Construction Ltd. .............................................................. Mr. Gary Blanes................................................................................................. 39, 63, 145 G5 Industries................................................................................................. Mr. Graham Gerth ..................................................................................................207, 279 Gallery Homes Ltd. ..................................................................................... Mr. Blair Gunn ....................................................................................................................... 39 Garaventa Lift BC........................................................................................ Mr. Jason Retallick .......................................................................................................... 230 Garcha Properties Ltd. ............................................................................. Mr. Justin Garcha ...................................................................................................... 81, 116 Garcia Construction Ltd........................................................................... Mr. Johnny Garcia ............................................................................................ 39, 63, 145 Gary Wong Realty ....................................................................................... Mr. Gary Wong ................................................................................................................... 289 GBuild Construction Ltd. ......................................................................... Mr. Graham Voth............................................................................................................... 145 Genesis Kitchens & Design .................................................................... Ms. Denise McIntosh ........................................................... 145, 207, 219, 262, 268 Gentek Building Products........................................................................ Mr. Brent Myers; Mr. Rick Van de Perre........................................... 250, 300, 316 Geo. Bezdan Sales Ltd. ............................................................................ Ms. Betty Jenkins ...................................................................................... 278, 304, 318 Germanhaus Furniture Inc...................................................................... Mr. Maxim Gotsutsov ..................................................................... 195, 207, 210, 268 Glass World.................................................................................................... Mr. Daryl Waddell ................................. 195, 212, 246, 248, 268, 280, 286, 305 Glasser Brothers Construction Ltd. .................................................... Mr. Chris Glasser .............................................................................................................. 245 Goldcon Construction ............................................................................... Mr. Karim Goldan; Mr. Kaveh Goldan .............................................................. 39, 145 Golden Dream Homes Ltd....................................................................... Mr. Moninder Sharma....................................................................................... 39, 63, 95

332 Contact • 2018

MEMBER CROSS REFERENCE DIRECTORY BY COMPANY Goodfellow Inc. ............................................................................................ Mr. Drew Simpson ...........................................................................202, 231, 240, 257 Gradient Holdings Inc................................................................................ Mr. Larry Cantor................................................................................................................ 145 Gramercy Developments Ltd................................................................. Ms. Daphne Luking Klassen.........................................................................63, 81, 116 Grandview Homes Inc............................................................................... Mr. Amarjeet Ubhi .............................................................................................................116 Graytek ............................................................................................................ Mr. Shawn Moran ....................................................................................... 192, 253, 254 GreatVan Builders Inc. .............................................................................. Mr. Simon Chen..................................................................................................................116 Green & Green Gifts with Flair .............................................................. Ms. Mindy Tulsi-Ingram ...........................................................................180, 218, 294 Green Sheet Construction Data Ltd. .................................................. Ms. Simone Sunderland ...........................................................................181, 256, 288 Greenwave Homes Ltd. ............................................................................ Mr. Hardeep Chungh .......................................................................................................... 39 Greenwood Properties Ltd. .................................................................... Mr. Simon Williams ...........................................................................................................116 Greer Spray Foam Ltd. ............................................................................. Mr. Dan Greer ................................................................................................257, 258, 303 Grenor Homes............................................................................................... Mr. Greg Baarts ............................................................................................................39, 63 Griff Building Supplies Ltd. ..................................................................... Mr. John Reynolds ........................................................................................................... 202 Guildford Brook Estates ........................................................................... Ms. Alecia Parmar.............................................................................................................117 Guru Contracting Ltd. ............................................................................... Mr. Rajan Jhajj ..............................................................................................183, 251, 283 H.J. Property Investment Ltd. ............................................................... Mr. Jack Luo ........................................................................................................................117 Haitao Hu, Engineer ................................................................................... Mr. Haitao Hu...................................................................................................................... 233 HaloStar Development Corp. ................................................................. Mr. Harald Gill..............................................................................................39, 63, 81, 117 Handmade Development Corporation ............................................... Mr. Don Van Vliet ...............................................................................................63, 81, 117 Harbourview Homes Corp. ..................................................................... Mr. Al Saunders..................................................................................................................117 Harmony Sense Interiors......................................................................... Ms. Lucila Diaz; Ms. Anna Cumming ........................................................... 260, 262 Harris Rebar .................................................................................................. Mr. Jeff Lea .........................................................................................200, 202, 213, 216 Harrison Marketing Resources Ltd..................................................... Ms. Lynn Harrison ............................................................................181, 256, 288, 294 Hasler Homes Ltd. ...................................................................................... Mr. Greg Hasler ...................................................................................... 39, 95, 133, 145 Hauerbuilt Construction Ltd................................................................... Mr. Jayson Eisenhauer........................................................................................... 95, 145 Hayer Builders Group Inc. ....................................................................... Mr. Rav Hayer ......................................................................................................63, 81, 117 HBD Homes Ltd. .......................................................................................... Mr. Jason Hyare ........................................................................................ 39, 63, 81, 145 Headland Construction............................................................................. Mr. Mark Ellis.............................................................................................................. 95, 145 Heartwood Developments Ltd. ............................................................. Mr. Robert Mitchuk; Ms. Angela Testa .............................. 40, 64, 106, 117, 148 Henry Company Canada .......................................................................... Mr. Chris Lee ...................................................................................................................... 202 Heritage Design & Construction Management Inc...................... Mr. Chen Shun Chew ................................................................... 40, 88, 95, 148, 187 Heritage Restorations Inc. ...................................................................... Mr. Wesley Mufford ................................................................................................. 96, 148 Hidden Dimension Design Ltd. ............................................................. Ms. Maral Zolghadr; Mr. Ali Peymani ......................................... 88, 107, 251, 255 Hi-Design Custom Cabinetry Ltd......................................................... Mr. Colin Swanepoel; Ms. Taryn Swanepoel ................................. 208, 212, 279 High Precision Monitoring & Analysis Ltd. ...................................... Ms. Karin Mahil .......................................................................................................191, 206 Highlight Homes .......................................................................................... Mr. Jag Athwal..............................................................................................................40, 64 Hilti Canada ................................................................................................... Mr. Femi Oloruntoba ..................................................................................184, 202, 310 Holson Developments Ltd....................................................................... Mr. Sergey Holson, Sr.; Mr. Sergey Holson, Jr.....................................................117 Homes by Valentino ................................................................................... Mr. Valentino Citton ....................................................................................................40, 64 Homestar Building Corp. ......................................................................... Mr. Chris Meyer ............................................................................................................40, 64 Houstone Enterprises Ltd. ...................................................................... Ms. Carmen Deveau.................................................................................. 219, 268, 309 HT Blinds......................................................................................................... Mr. Haseeb Choudary ..................................................................................................... 315 Hughes Brothers Construction Limited ............................................ Mr. David Hughes ............................................................................................. 40, 64, 148 Hundal Bros. Construction Group........................................................ Mr. Udham Hundal ......................................................................................................64, 96 Hundal Bros. Plumbing & Heating Ltd............................................... Mr. Udham Hundal ........................................................................................................... 283 HW Construction ......................................................................................... Mr. Ryan Carpenter ....................................................40, 64, 89, 96, 107, 129, 148 Hyer Homes & Renovations Ltd............................................................ Mr. Dennis Stobbe................................................................. 40, 64, 89, 96, 107, 148 Hy-Line Sales Ltd. ...................................................................................... Mr. Lonnie Chiasson; Ms. Rosemarie Matthews .. 195, 251, 268, 277, 286, 314 IBC Technologies Inc................................................................................. Ms. Cheryl McLoughlin .................................................................................................. 251 Icon Marketing Inc. .................................................................................... Ms. Crystal Hung ................................................................................................... 222, 294 iFortune Homes Inc. .................................................................................. Mr. Peter Luan ..............................................................................................................40, 64 IKO Sales Limited........................................................................................ Mr. Jordan Gervais .......................................................................................................... 293 Ikonik Homes ................................................................................................ Mr. Sikander Basraon......................................................................................64, 81, 117 Imperial Exteriors........................................................................................ Mr. Vladimir Rostotskyy ................................................................................................ 148 Imperial Painting Ltd. ................................................................................ Mr. Craig Lundy ................................................................................................................. 281 Indoor Outdoor Guy Renovations Inc. ................................................ Mr. Joseph Neely ................ 96, 148, 169, 187, 221, 234, 270, 300, 314, 315 Infinity Living................................................................................................. Mr. Robbie Sharda ..............................................................................................................64 Infinity Properties Ltd. .............................................................................. Mr. Tim Bontkes.........................................................................................64, 81, 89, 117 InHaus Development Ltd. ........................................................................ Mr. Dave Debruyn................................................................................... 40, 65, 117, 262 Insightful Healthy Homes Inc. ............................................................... Mr. Arthur Lo .................................................................................................................40, 65 Insul-Twin Systems Ltd. .......................................................................... Mr. Tim Bateman ................................................................... 225, 250, 257, 300, 316 Intermind Design Inc. ................................................................................ Ms. Mila Djuras .................................................................................... 41, 148, 187, 262 Intracorp Projects Ltd. .............................................................................. Mr. Evan Allegretto .........................................................................................81, 117, 126 Ironbridge Homes ....................................................................................... Mr. Harp Jagpal; Mr. Jesse Kallar ....................................................................... 41, 65 Isle of Mann Group of Companies ....................................................... Mr. Sonny Brar................................................................................................. 65, 107, 118 ISN Enterprises Inc. ................................................................................... Mr. Ian Wu.............................................................................................................................118 I-XL Building Products Ltd...................................................................... Mr. Ruben Caporusso ............................................................................... 202, 275, 278 J&R Excavation & Demolition Ltd. ...................................................... Mr. Hubert Regehr...................................................................................... 222, 234, 291 Jaheny Custom Builders Ltd. ................................................. Mr. Glen Jaheny ................................................................................................ 41, 96, 107 James Hardie Building Products Canada Inc................................. Mr. Steve Vanoosten ..................................................................................202, 241, 300 Jamie Banfield Design.............................................................................. Mr. Jamie Banfield................................................................................................. 187, 262 Janet Scagel Design.................................................................................. Ms. Janet Scagel .............................................................................................................. 262 Jatoba Contracting Inc............................................................................. Mr. Wallace Smith ............................................................................................................ 148 JBR Construction Ltd................................................................................ Mr. Warren Barrow ...................................................................................................41, 148

Contact • 2018 333

MEMBER CROSS REFERENCE DIRECTORY BY COMPANY JDL Homes..................................................................................................... Mr. Jas Jawanda ............................................................................................... 41, 65, 118 JDL Homes Vancouver ............................................................................. Mr. Doug Langford; Mr. Jeff Langford.................................................. 41, 129, 149 Jedan Brothers Contracting................................................................... Mr. Dan Klassen ................................................................................................................ 149 Jeff Henderson Construction Ltd. ....................................................... Mr. Jeff Henderson .......................................................................................... 41, 96, 149 JELD-WEN Windows & Doors ............................................................... Mr. Brett Sigurdson ....................................................................................224, 225, 316 Jireh Stone Ltd. ........................................................................................... Mr. Ted Braniski .................................................................... 275, 278, 280, 300, 309 JKB Construction Ltd................................................................................ Mr. Jeff K. Bain....................................................... 89, 96, 107, 149, 208, 209, 279 JLY Development Ltd. ............................................................................... Mr. James Yuan ........................................................................................................... 41, 65 Joey Chan & Associates Inc. ................................................................. Mr. Joey Chan ..........................................................................................................187, 263 Johannesen Construction Ltd............................................................... Mr. Peter Tjernagel ................................................. 41, 65, 96, 107, 129, 149, 300, John Henshaw Architect Inc.................................................................. Mrs. Joy Chao .......................................................................................................... 187, 255 Johns Manville Canada Inc. ................................................................... Mr. Lakhei Dusanj ............................................................................................................ 258 JRD Development Ltd............................................................................... Mr. Jas Dheri .........................................................................................................................65 Julian Ceramic Tile Inc............................................................................. Ms. Rose Baldo ........................................................................................... 242, 278, 309 JWC Construction Ltd............................................................................... Mr. John Casano....................................................................................... 41, 65, 96, 149 K. Chen Construction Management Inc. .......................................... Mr. Kevin Chen, P.Eng, GSC....................................................................................42, 81 K.A.O. Construction Design Studio Inc............................................. Mr. Brian Kao.................................................................................................................42, 65 K.M. Roberts & Associates Ltd. ........................................................... Mr. Brian Le Cappelain; Mr. Dave Le Cappelain................................................. 277 K2 Stone ......................................................................................................... Mr. Michael Penner................................................................... 275, Inside back cover Kainos Development By Design ........................................................... Mr. Prateek (PK) Kainth, BBA Entr; Mr. Baljit Kainth ..................................65, 97 Kakadu Media............................................................................................... Ms. Julia Vorontsova.............................................................................................181, 296 Kalu Interiors................................................................................................. Ms. Phyllis Lui .................................................................................................................... 263 Kane, Shannon & Weiler .......................................................................... Ms. Melanie D. Booth; Mr. Christopher Drinovz ................................................. 272 Kanech Development Ltd........................................................................ Mr. Manjit Bhandal................................................................................................... 65, 118 Karoleena Inc................................................................................................ Mr. Kurt Goodjohn ............................................................................................................ 133 Kastra Construction Inc. .......................................................................... Mr. Joel Tilstra ............................................................................................................ 97, 118 KATO Electrical Inc. ................................................................................... Mr. Arthur Kavanagh; Mr. Colin Toop ........................................................... 149, 228 Kaycan Ltd. .................................................................................................... Mr. Gordon Poole ........................................................................................ 202, 250, 300 KCS Heating Ltd. ......................................................................................... Mr. Alf Koolen ................................................................................................ 183, 231, 251 Kemp Construction Management Ltd. .............................................. Mr. Steve Kemp .............................................................................42, 97, 107, 129, 149 Kendall Ansell Interiors ............................................................................ Ms. Kendall Ansell............................................................................................................ 263 Kennedy Construction Inc. ..................................................................... Mr. Andrew Kennedy ...............................................................................................97, 149 Kenorah Design + Build Ltd................................................................... Mr. Graham Collins ...........42, 66, 89, 97, 107, 129, 149, 166, 167, 188, 263 Kerr Construction........................................................................................ Mr. Doug Kerr ........................................................... 42, 97, 129, 150, 167, 291, 315 Kerrisdale Lumber ...................................................................................... Mr. Warren Johnson........................................................................................................ 202 KFA Homes Ltd. ........................................................................................... Mr. Karim Walji .............................................................................................................42, 66 Kim Nhai Nguyen (Sutton West Coast Realty)............................... Ms. Kim Nhai Nguyen ..................................................................................................... 290 Kindred Construction Ltd. ....................................................................... Mr. Bryan Reid .................................................................................42, 66, 89, 107, 150 King Marketing Ltd. ................................................................................... Mr. Paul Crawford ................................................................................................. 277, 296 Kingdom Builders Inc................................................................................ Mr. Paul Lilley ............................................................................................................. 42, 150 Kingsmere Construction Ltd.................................................................. Mr. Stephen Tomes.......................................................................................................... 150 Kingswood Real Estate Management Inc........................................ Mr. Ketan Ladva ................................................................................................................ 126 KINIP Construction Ltd............................................................................. Mr. Allen Ip, P.Eng, A.ScT., C.P. ............................................. 42, 81, 118, 150, 197 Kitchen and Bath Classics (A Wolseley Company) ...................... Mr. Mike Heeps .................................................................................196, 251, 268, 286 Kitchen Art Design ..................................................................................... Ms. Amanda Cates........................................................................................................... 150 Kitchen Craft of Canada Ltd. ................................................................. Ms. Donna Verlaan................................................................ 196, 208, 212, 219, 269 Kitchen Renos West................................................................................... Ms. Amber Mendonca .................................................................................................... 263 KJR Developments ..................................................................................... Mr. Billy Kalkat......................................................................................................................66 Kliewer Bros. Construction Ltd. ........................................................... Mr. Ron Kliewer; Mr. Harv Kliewer.............................................................42, 97, 150 Klondike Contracting Corporation....................................................... Mr. Eric Schapira ................................... 43, 82, 89, 97, 108, 130, 188, 198, 222 KPMG LLP ...................................................................................................... Mr. Brian Szabo ................................................................................................................. 180 Kristopher Dax Construction Inc. ........................................................ Mr. Dax Jones .............................................................................................................97, 150 Kronos Builders Group.............................................................................. Mr. Mandy Gill ...............................................................................................................66, 82 Kuhn LLP......................................................................................................... Mr. Ian Moes; Mr. Jay Spiro......................................................................................... 272 Kuji Homes Construction......................................................................... Mr. Imran Khan.....................................................................................................................43 Kwantlen Polytechnic University ......................................................... Mr. Brian Haugen.............................................................................................................. 227 L.J.S. Property Services Ltd. ................................................................ Mr. Steven J. Luscombe................................................................................................ 150 Ladhar Development Group Ltd. .......................................................... Mr. Nav Ladhar .................................................................................................. 43, 66, 150 Lafarge Canada Inc. .................................................................................. Mr. Eric Ng, P.Eng....................................................................................... 202, 213, 234 Lakewood Group Developments Ltd.................................................. Mr. Harald Trepke......................................................................................................82, 118 Landa Global Properties .......................................................................... Mr. Kevin Cheung ..............................................................................................................118 Landcraft Homes Ltd. ............................................................................... Mr. Harjit Sandhu...................................................................................... 43, 66, 82, 118 Landmark Premiere Properties Ltd. ................................................... Ms. Helen Chan Sun.........................................................................................................118 Lanefab Design Build Ltd........................................................................ Mr. Mat Turner ......................................................................................43, 130, 133, 134 Lan-Gees Investments Corp.................................................................. Mr. Dildar Lanji ...................................................................................................................118 Lanstone Homes Ltd. ................................................................................ Mr. Lanson Foster ............................................................................................ 43, 66, 119 Lapres Homes Ltd. ..................................................................................... Mr. Peter Lapres ..................................................................................................................43 Larch Construction Ltd. ........................................................................... Mr. Eugene Averbuch ............................................................................................. 43, 119 LDHT Holdings Ltd. dba Xuan Project Management .................. Mr. Andy Xuan.......................................................................................................... 108, 119 LDJ Contracting........................................................................................... Mr. Colin Jones.................................................................................................... 43, 66, 82 Legacy Framing ........................................................................................... Mr. Kyle Andresen ............................................................................................................ 245 Legendary Developments Ltd. .............................................................. Mr. Andy Rai.......................................................................................................... 43, 66, 82 Leisure Baths Ltd........................................................................................ Mr. David Snook .......................................................................................... 196, 286, 305 Lennox Industries (Canada) Ltd........................................................... Mr. Rob Viau................................................................................................... 183, 252, 312

334 Contact • 2018

MEMBER CROSS REFERENCE DIRECTORY BY COMPANY Lentel Construction Co. Ltd. .................................................................. Mr. Greg Van Tol; Mr. Harry Van Tol ............................................ 43, 97, 130, 151 Level-It Concrete Systems ..................................................... Mr. Derek McDonald .............................................................................216 LEVCON Everything Concrete ............................................................... Mr. Scott Friesen; Mr. Tim Ibbotson ......................................................................215 Level One Construction Ltd.................................................................... Mr. Alex Dumitru; Mr. Randy Kautzman ..............................................................151 Lexi Development Group Inc.................................................................. Mr. Baha Naemi............................................................................................66, 108, 151 LifeTec Construction Group Inc. ........................................................... Mr. Krishna Jolliffe; Mr. Robert St-Aubin ........................................................... 305 Lighthouse Construction Inc. ................................................................ Mr. Andrew Hirst..................................................................43, 66, 89, 97, 108, 151 Lindan Homes............................................................................................... Ms. Luanne Funk; Mr. Peter Funk.......................................................... 44, 98, 151 Linhan Design & Interiors Co. Ltd. ...................................................... Ms. Tanlin Lynne ............................................................................................................ 263 Lixil Canada Inc. .......................................................................................... Mr. John Wilkie.................................................................................................... 196, 286 Lonetree Kitchens & Baths ..................................................................... Mr. Karl Renner ............................................................................................98, 151, 208 Longhouse Specialty Forest Products .............................................. Mr. Brian Jenkins ............................................................................................... 202, 300 Lotos Construction Ltd............................................................................. Mr. Arthur Szpak.................................................................................................... 98, 151 Loy Leyland Architect Inc........................................................................ Mr. Loy Leyland ................................................................................................... 255, 188 LSTAR Construction Ltd. ......................................................................... Mr. Denis Zhang ............................................................................................................. 291 Lumon Canada Inc. .................................................................................... Ms. Darlene Kuik ......................................................................................245, 306, 191 Luxmore Realty............................................................................................ Mr. Mike Reilly ........................................................................................... 119, 290, 296 Lyle Construction Ltd................................................................................ Mr. Jason Lyle..................................................................................................................151 Lynco Management Ltd. .......................................................................... Ms. Lynn Hsu........................................................................................................ 108, 306 Maas Designs Inc. ...................................................................................... Mr. Brian Borsato ................................................................................................134, 188 MacLean Homes Ltd. ................................................................................ Mr. Josh MacLean .................................................................................................82, 119 Maestro Development Ltd. ..................................................................... Mr. Joshua Young................................ 44, 67, 89, 98, 108, 119, 130, 133, 151 maison d’etre design-build inc............................................................. Mr. Robert Capar .............................................................................. 98, 130, 151, 188 Major Homes Ltd......................................................................................... Mr. Rick Garcha......................................................................................................... 44, 67 Makena Construction Inc. ....................................................................... Mr. Randy Edmunds ........................................................................................................ 44 Mann Group ................................................................................................... Mr. Inder Mann ................................................................................................ 67, 82, 119 Mapei Inc. ....................................................................................................... Mr. J.D. Eckmire ................................................................................................. 190, 203 Maple Leaf Homes Ltd. ............................................................................ Mr. Hari Pal Sharma ........................................................................................................ 67 Marathon Homes Ltd. ............................................................................... Mr. Jas Gill; Mr. Paul Gill ....................................................................................... 44, 67 Marble Construction Ltd.......................................................................... Mr. Mehrdad Majidnejadi ...................................................................................... 44, 67 Marcon Construction Ltd. ....................................................................... Mr. Marco Paolella ...................................................................................... 98, 108, 119 Marcraft Homes Ltd. ................................................................................. Mr. Mark Jauck; Mr. Matt Jauck .......................................... 44, 67, 82, 108, 152 Marie Joy Design ........................................................................................ Ms. Kristina Hibbs; Ms. Amanda Severson ....................................................... 263 Marino General Contracting Ltd. ......................................................... Mr. Joseph Marino ................................................................................................. 67, 152 Markell Mechanical.................................................................................... Mr. Mark Young ................................................................................................... 252, 284 Marketplace Events ................................................................................... Mr. Tyson Kidd ........................................................................................... 181, 253, 296 Marquis Custom Homes .......................................................................... Mr. Kam Dhami.................................................................................................................. 44 Martin Knowles Photo / Media.............................................................. Mr. Martin Knowles ............................................................................................ 181, 283 Marwynn Construction Corp. ................................................................ Mr. Marc Peck..................................................................................................44, 67, 152 Marzstone Contracting Ltd. ................................................................... Mr. Roberto Marziale; Ms. Tricia Porter .............................................................. 271 Maskeen Development Ltd. ................................................................... Mr. Jagdip Sivia...............................................................................................67, 82, 126 Masonite International Corporation.................................................... Mr. Luke Thompson ..................................................................................................... 225 Maxim Development Group (Canada) Inc. ...................................... Mr. John Khaira .............................................................................................. 44, 82, 127 McElhanney Consulting ........................................................................... Mr. James Pernu...................................................................................... 222, 233, 269 McGivern Construction Ltd. ................................................................... Mr. Brian McGivern........................................................................................................152 McQuarrie Hunter LLP .............................................................................. Mr. Gregory van Popta ................................................................................................ 272 MDM Solutions Inc..................................................................................... Mr. John Meaney ............................................................................................................152 Meister Construction Ltd. ....................................................................... Mr. Gordon Gildemeister ...............................................................................44, 68, 83 Melo Construction Ltd. ............................................................................. Mr. Jeff Melo ........................................................................................................... 98, 152 Meme Brooks Design................................................................................ Ms. Meme Brooks ................................................................................... 253, 260, 263 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter ......................................................................... Mr. Patrick Kearney .......................................................................................................311 Mercury Contracting Ltd. ........................................................................ Mr. Troy Felix ...................................................................................................................... 45 Meridian Homes Ltd. ................................................................................. Mr. Rob Panesar .......................................................................................................45, 68 Meridian Pacific Construction Inc. ...................................................... Mr. Ken Gijssen ........................................................ 45, 68, 89, 98, 108, 130, 167 Merit Homes.................................................................................................. Mr. Mike Bakshi ............................................................................................. 45, 68, 119 Merola Construction Inc. ......................................................................... Mr. Raffael Merola .................................................................. 45, 98, 108, 152, 209 Metric Modular............................................................................................. Mr. Brad Nichol.............................................................................................83, 133, 134 Metrie Canada Inc. ..................................................................................... Mr. Erik Ostensen ............................................................................................... 225, 280 Metro News Vancouver ............................................................................ Ms. Deanna Bartolomeu .......................................................................181, 288, 296 Metroworks Tile & Stone ......................................................................... Mr. Shawn Perepelytz ......................................................238, 242, 308, 309, 310 Miccaro Designs.......................................................................................... Ms. Michele Buchamer ............................................................................................... 263 Midland Exteriors Limited ....................................................................... Mr. Brett Mochinski ...................................................................................................... 301 Milan Tile ........................................................................................................ Mr. Jason Liu ................................................................................................................... 308 Millhouse Industries Ltd. ......................................................................... Mr. Ken Konings .................................................................................................. 208, 279 Milori Homes ................................................................................................. Mr. Hesam Deihimi ................................................................................................83, 119 Minhas Holdings Inc. ................................................................................. Mr. Bob Minhas .........................................................................................................45, 68 Minuteman Press ........................................................................................ Mr. Doug Frederickson ............................................................................................... 288 MIRA Floors & Interiors ............................................................................ Ms. Kelsey Myers .......................................................................... 239, 240, 243, 315 Miracon Development Inc. ...................................................................... Mr. Ken Mitchell; Mr. Ranjit Rai ................................................................................. 83 Mirage Hardwood ....................................................................................... Mr. Michael Masse ....................................................................................................... 243 Mitsubishi Electric Sales Canada Inc. ............................................... Ms. Stefanie Cherny................................................................................ 171, 183, 252 Mitsui Home .................................................................................................. Mr. Rod Rempel................................................................................................... 194, 203 MKL Custom Homes Ltd. ........................................................................ Mr. Mackenzie LaPorte.................................................................................................. 45

Contact • 2018 335

MEMBER CROSS REFERENCE DIRECTORY BY COMPANY MLS Development Ltd. ........................................................... Mr. Sean Zhang ................................................................................. 68, 119 MNP LLP ......................................................................................................... Ms. Debra Lawton............................................................................................................ 180 Modern Classic Building Solutions Inc. ............................................ Mr. Ian Cairns .............................. 208, 212, 224, 225, 246, 248, 279, 303, 316 Modern PURAIR® Vancouver ................................................................. Mr. Matt Taylor .................................................................................................................. 227 Moen Inc. ........................................................................................................ Mr. Andrew Wyman .............................................................................................. 196, 286 Momentous Impressions Ltd................................................................. Ms. Christy Risler ............................................................................................................. 271 Monaco Estates Inc. .................................................................................. Mr. Paul Jahn ..................................................................................................... 45, 68, 119 Monarch Floor & Window Coverings.................................................. Mr. Matt Robinson............................................................................239, 240, 243, 316 Monde Home Products............................................................................. Mr. Brendan Rigney ......................................................................................................... 184 Monolith Design Build Ltd....................................................................... Mr. Ranjeev Gill.............................................................................................................45, 68 Montalco Cabinets ..................................................................................... Mr. Herb Klassen .............................................................................................................. 208 Moore & Russell Heating Ltd................................................................. Mr. Serge Laredo ................................................................................................... 183, 252 Moore & Sons Contracting Inc.............................................................. Mr. Don Moore .......................................................................... 98, 216, 244, 245, 291 Morningstar Homes Ltd. .......................................................................... Mr. Ron Rapp....................................................................................................68, 120, 127 Morrison Windows ..................................................................................... Mr. Gurtej Dhillon................................................................................................... 303, 317 Mortise Construction Ltd. ....................................................................... Mr. Baljit Johal ......................................................................................................................68 Mosaic Avenue Construction Ltd. ....................................................... Mr. Chris Barbati....................................................................................................... 83, 120 Motiva Financial .......................................................................................... Mr. Roy Arjun ...................................................................................................................... 236 MP Construction Ltd. ................................................................................ Mr. Graham Reid ............................................................................................... 45, 99, 152 MPB Construction Ltd. ............................................................................. Mr. Paul Clarke .....................................................................................99, 108, 152, 188 Mr. Build Vancouver ................................................................................... Mr. Kurt Gust ...................................................................................... 152, 169, 281, 284 Multivista Construction Documentation ULC................................. Mr. Wade Shaw ........................................................................................... 266, 283, 296 My House Design/Build Team Ltd. ..................................................... Mr. Graeme Huguet .......................... 45, 68, 90, 99, 109, 130, 134, 152, 166, ....................................................................................................................................... 168, 188, 198, 208, 263, 301, 303, 306, 317 MYK Construction Ltd. ............................................................................. Mr. Mike Amiri.................................................................................................... 69, 99, 153 N. Moscone Contracting Ltd.................................................................. Mr. Dan Moscone ........................................................................................................45, 69 Nadeau Developments ............................................................................. Ms. Cheryl Nadeau .................................................................................................. 83, 120 Naikoon Contracting Ltd. ........................................................................ Mr. Joe Geluch........................................................................................ 46, 99, 133, 153 National Home Warranty - AVIVA ........................................................ Mr. Chad Palmer .................................................................................................... 258, 312 NATS Nursery Ltd....................................................................................... Mr. Ron Jacobson ................................................................................................. 270, 281 Natural Balance Home Builders ........................................................... Mr. Nick Kerchum............................................... 46, 69, 83, 90, 99, 130, 153, 168 Naturally Crafted Contracting Ltd. ...................................................... Mr. Adam Corneil .............................................................................................................. 153 Neopacific Development Inc.................................................................. Mr. Aryan Farrokhi ........................................................................................... 46, 69, 120 Nesseler Construction Ltd...................................................................... Mr. Klaus Nesseler........................................................................ 46, 69, 99, 168, 169 Nestworks Construction Ltd.................................................................. Mr. Stephen Nestmann ..........................................................................46, 69, 83, 153 Net Zero Energy Solutions ...................................................................... Mr. Cameron Drysdale ................................................................................................... 231 New Creation Homes Ltd. ....................................................................... Mr. Paul Thiessen................................................................................................................46 New Space Technologies ........................................................................ Mr. Mark Scott ....................................................................... 192, 230, 253, 254, 273 New Vision Projects Inc. .......................................................................... Mr. Brandon Smith; Mr. Danny Christian....................................................... 99, 153 Nexst Properties .......................................................................................... Mr. Harrison Han, P.Eng, MBA .................................................................................... 120 Nickel Bros ..................................................................................................... Mr. Jeremy Nickel ............................................................................................................ 255 Nicons Enterprises Ltd. ............................................................................ Mr. Ian Nicule .................................................... 46, 69, 90, 99, 109, 153, 194, 209 Niebuhr Construction ................................................................................ Mr. Jim Niebuhr; Mr. Richard Niebuhr ............................................46, 69, 99, 153 Nokajhe Innovative Construction Ltd. ............................................... Mr. Ryan Karimi................................................................................................................. 153 Noort Development Ltd............................................................................ Mr. Len Noort Jr. ................................................................................................. 46, 69, 83 Norburn Lighting & Bath Centre........................................................... Ms. Stefanie Neal, L.S................................................................... 196, 272, 273, 286 Nordel Developments Ltd. ...................................................................... Mr. Amar Bains .................................................................................................. 69, 83, 109 Nordic Projects Ltd. ................................................................................... Mr. Thomas Moser.................................................................................................100, 153 North Shore Home Services Ltd. ......................................................... Mr. Troy Thompson.................................................................................... 250, 288, 301 Northcoast Building Products Ltd. ...................................................... Mr. Ron Sargeant.................................................................. 200, 203, 221, 232, 280 Northern Alpine Contracting .................................................................. Mr. Chad Walmsley .............................................90, 100, 109, 156, 194, 210, 215 Northern Concepts Ltd............................................................................. Mr. Shawn Wilson .................................................................................................... 46, 156 Noura Homes ................................................................................................ Ms. Lilian Kan................................................................................................................46, 69 Novak Contracting & Construction ..................................................... Mr. Reilly Novak ..................................................................................... 46, 70, 100, 156 Novell Design Build .................................................................................... Ms. Laurel James........................................................................ 47, 70, 100, 130, 156 NOVERO Homes and Renovations Ltd. ............................................. Mr. Joele DiMeglio ................................................................................................... 70, 156 Novin Boom Construction Ltd. .............................................................. Mr. Hooman Khorrampour.............................................................................47, 70, 156 Novus Glass................................................................................................... Mr. Anthony Breuker ................................................................................. 248, 250, 280 NRT Development Inc. .............................................................................. Mr. Ramin Towfigh........................................................................................... 70, 83, 120 Nuheat Industries Ltd. .............................................................................. Mr. Geoff Duck; Mr. Anthony Celio ................................................................ 239, 246 Nutanix............................................................................................................. Mr. Aleem Nathwani............................................................................................. 213, 220 Nuvilla Design & Construction Ltd. ..................................................... Mr. Rexton Wang .............................................................................................................. 156 Nuvo Sales Ltd. ............................................................................................ Ms. Cathie Hayes........................................................................................ 272, 273, 277 NWI Contracting Ltd. ................................................................................. Mr. Enrique Ponce De Leon ....................................................................... 47, 100, 156 Nycon Services Ltd. ................................................................................... Mr. Peter Day; Mr. Lee Nystrom .................................................................47, 70, 131 NYTA Contracting Ltd. .............................................................................. Mr. Jason Huang................................................................................................47, 70, 156 Oakhill Distribution / PurParket............................................................ Ms. Thalia Sieben.................................................................................................. 231, 244 Oasis Windows Ltd. ................................................................................... Mr. Sunil Kumar........................................................................................... 225, 303, 317 OceanicFlo Construction + Development Corp. ........................... Mr. Cary Tsai, MAIBC.................................................................................... 47, 120, 156 Olympia Tile International Inc. .............................................................. Mr. Mike Iacutone.................................................................................................. 242, 309 Onni Group of Companies ....................................................................... Mr. Rossano De Cotiis; Mr. Kevin Carpenter ....................................... 70, 84, 120 Optimum Solution Design Build Ltd. .................................................. Mr. Daniel Lee .................................................................................................................... 156 Orca Security Corporation ...................................................................... Mr. Brad Morrison ........................................... 192, 253, 254, 273, 297, 305, 311 Oris Consulting Ltd. ................................................................................... Mr. Dana Westermark .................................................................................................... 120

336 Contact • 2018

MEMBER CROSS REFERENCE DIRECTORY BY COMPANY Otivo Development Group ....................................................................... Mr. Donato Vito De Cotiis .............................................................................. 70, 84, 120 Owens Corning Canada LP ..................................................................... Mr. Mark Joedicke ................................................................................................ 258, 293 Pacific Art Stone Inc.................................................................................. Mr. Victor Berg................................................................................................................... 275 Pacific Home Warranty Insurance Services Inc. .......................... Mr. Dean Elms......................................................................................................... 258, 312 Pacific Pre-Hung Doors Ltd. .................................................................. Mr. Cec Ballard ....................................................................................................... 224, 225 Pacific Property Group Ltd. .................................................................... Mr. Scott Manderson ................................................. 47, 70, 84, 90, 100, 109, 120 Pacific Rim Cabinets Ltd. ........................................................................ Mr. James Dewinetz ................................................................................. 208, 269, 279 Pacific West Developments Ltd. .......................................................... Mr. Par Leihl........................................................................................................................ 100 Panaich Properties Ltd. (PPL) ............................................................... Mr. Randy Panaich .............................................................................................................. 47 Panesar Construction Group Inc.......................................................... Mr. Pintu Panesar ...........................................47, 70, 84, 100, 109, 131, 216, 291 Pantheon Developments Ltd. ................................................................ Mr. Hans Von Tiesenhausen ........................................................................... 47, 71, 84 Paradigm Surfaces Inc............................................................................. Ms. Colleen Donison .......................................................................239, 242, 246, 275 Paragon Surfacing Ltd. ............................................................................ Ms. Chelsea Julian..................................................................................... 220, 269, 275 Paramax Homes Ltd.................................................................................. Mr. Gary Tiwana........................................................................................................... 47, 71 Park Ridge Homes Inc. ............................................................................. Mr. Brad Hughes; Mr. Lloyd Hughes .............................................. 71, 84, 121, 131 Parkshore Homes Inc. .............................................................................. Mr. Harry Tiwana ................................................................................................................. 71 Patra Stone Works Ltd. ............................................................................ Ms. Marta Biela ...................................................................................................... 275, 308 Patshell Construction Ltd. ...................................................................... Mr. Ken Rand ...................................................................................................... 48, 71, 100 Paul Y. Construction B.C. Ltd. ............................................................... Mr. Gordon Tso ........................................................................................................ 121, 127 Pavel Denisov Design................................................................................ Mr. Pavel N. Denisov ............................................................................................ 188, 255 PD Moore Homes Inc. ............................................................................... Mr. Perdip Moore ....................................................................................48, 84, 121, 131 Pearce Developments Ltd....................................................................... Mr. Allan Pearce............................................................................................. 84, 109, 121 Pella Windows & Doors ............................................................................ Mr. Matt Latham .................................................................................................... 226, 317 Penfolds Roofing Inc. ................................................................................ Mr. Ken Mayhew ...............................................................................292, 301, 303, 317 Penmat Contracting & Project Management Ltd. ........................ Mr. Balraj S. Mann ........................................................................................... 48, 84, 121 Penta Builders Group Inc. ....................................................................... Mr. Barry Cavanaugh ...............................................................................................71, 121 Phase One Design ...................................................................................... Ms. Kathy Yuen.................................................................................................................. 188 PHY Construction Ltd. .............................................................................. Mr. Mark (Jiang) Yu ....................................................................................................48, 71 Pinora Enterprises Ltd. ............................................................................. Mr. Tony Paul .........................................................................................................................84 PLACE architect Ltd. ................................................................................. Ms. Heather L. Johnston, MAIBC, RAIC, AIA..................................134, 188, 255 PlaidFox ........................................................................................................... Mr. Dave Leavitt ................................................................................................................ 263 Plasti-Fab Ltd., Insulspan Division ..................................................... Mr. David Stevenson ................................................................................. 256, 258, 305 Platinum Group of Companies .............................................................. Mr. Avtar Johl ................................................................................................... 84, 121, 127 Ply Gem / Mitten.......................................................................................... Mr. Chris Tang...............................................................................................226, 301, 317 PlyTech Stair Systems Inc. ..................................................................... Mr. Chad Chubey ................................................................................................... 232, 304 Pointbreak ...................................................................................................... Mr. Kevin Jeffrey; Mr. Kevin Hawryluk ................................................................... 260 Polygon Homes Ltd. ................................................................................... Mr. Neil Chrystal ....................................................................................................... 85, 121 POLY-MOR Canada Inc. ........................................................................... Mr. Gage Banwait ............................................................................................................. 216 Ponderosa Construction Ltd. ................................................................. Mr. Kyle Klassen; Ms. Lynnette Klassen................................................................ 157 Port Coquitlam Building Supplies Ltd................................................ Mr. Chris Coakley ....................................................................................... 203, 221, 281 Porte Development Corp. ........................................................................ Mr. David Porte.......................................................................................................... 85, 121 PortLiving Real Estate Corp................................................................... Ms. Joyce Huang .............................................................................................................. 121 Portrait Homes (2017) Ltd...................................................................... Mr. Robert Grimm............................................................................................. 71, 85, 121 Powell Contracting Ltd............................................................................. Mr. Edward Powell .................................................................................................100, 157 Power Pros Electrical Ltd........................................................................ Mr. Brad Kasper; Mr. Kirby Sewell............................................................................ 228 PowerHouse Building Solutions Inc. .................................................. Mr. Ross Power; Mr. Scott Emo ...................................................................... 203, 278 Powerhouse Tile Ltd.................................................................................. Mr. Kip Sewell; Ms. Tracy Wheeler .....................................................242, 306, 310 PPG / Dulux .................................................................................................... Mr. Robert Zelisko ..................................................................................................190, 312 Precise Homes Ltd. .................................................................................... Mr. Sukh Shoker ............................................................................. 48, 71, 85, 121, 131 Precision Way Projects ............................................................................. Mr. Norman Little ..................................................................................................... 48, 157 Preston Mobility Inc................................................................................... Mr. Darelle Mitchell; Mr. Blake Ponuick ............................................212, 266, 318 Prima Properties Ltd. ................................................................................ Mr. David Buddle .............................................................................................................. 122 Primex, A div. of VPL Enterprises Ltd. ............................................... Mr. James Nicholas ................................................................................... 293, 306, 312 PrismTech Graphics Ltd........................................................................... Mr. Evan Bay ................................................................................................. 182, 288, 302 Pro Design Co. Ltd. .................................................................................... Mr. George Zhao; Mr. Scott Zhao.........................................................................48, 71 Proactive Hazmat and Environmental Ltd. ...................................... Mr. Brian Gibson ............................................................................................................... 222 Procasa Developments Ltd .................................................................... Mr. Michael Wu.............................................................................................................48, 71 Profile Marble and Bath ........................................................................... Mr. Tony Vanderpol ..................................................................................... 157, 196, 275 Profix Construction Ltd. ........................................................................... Mr. Reza Soodbakhsh ...............................................................................................48, 71 Project Mint Developments Ltd. ........................................................... Mr. Babak Nikraftar...................................................................... 48, 72, 85, 109, 122 Pro-Pack Contracting & Design Inc. .................................................. Ms. Shelly Patterson; Mr. Mike Patterson ............................................................ 157 PropertyGuys.com...................................................................................... Mr. Tony C. Fritz ................................................................................................................ 296 Proridge Homes Ltd................................................................................... Mr. Gary Khera..............................................................................................................48, 72 Prossimo Development Consulting Ltd. ........................................... Mr. Randy Dick .................................................................................................................. 222 Pro-West Sales Ltd. ................................................................................... Mr. Paul Wuttunee ......................................................................................252, 277, 286 PSL Construction Ltd. ............................................................................... Mr. Aaron Johnson........................................................................................................... 157 PSL- Par’s Services Ltd. .......................................................................... Mr. Par Leihl........................................................................................ 191, 222, 234, 314 Purity Designs .............................................................................................. Ms. Sydney Carlaw .......................................................................................................... 264 QAI Laboratories Ltd. ................................................................................ Mr. Kevin Tsumura .................................................................................................197, 206 Quad-Lock® Building Systems ............................................................. Mr. Kevin Davis ............................................................................................ 203, 233, 257 Quadra Homes.............................................................................................. Mr. Peter Warkentin ........................................................................................................ 122 Quinton Construction Ltd. ....................................................................... Mr. John Quinton ....................................................................... 48, 100, 131, 157, 167 QXM Engineering Ltd. ............................................................................... Ms. Lily Qiu, P.Eng, M.Eng ........................................................................................... 233 RAB Properties Ltd. ................................................................................... Mr. Robert Barker............................................................................................. 49, 72, 127

Contact • 2018 337

MEMBER CROSS REFERENCE DIRECTORY BY COMPANY Radec Group Inc.......................................................................................... Mr. Joe Walters ........................... 49, 72, 85, 90, 100, 109, 122, 127, 188, 264 Radon Environmental Management Corp. ...................................... Mr. Alan Whitehead ......................................................................................................... 233 Rahul Glass Ltd............................................................................................ Mr. Neeraj Chaturvedi ..........................................................................................212, 248 Raichu Development Group Ltd. .......................................................... Mr. Amandeep Rai.................................................................................................... 85, 157 Raicon Developments Inc. ...................................................................... Mr. Ranjit Rai ......................................................................................................................... 72 Randstad Engineering............................................................................... Ms. Elena Cowan .............................................................................................................. 230 RBC Royal Bank ........................................................................................... Mr. Randy Chin .................................................................................................................. 236 RDG Management Ltd. ............................................................................. Mr. John Rempel............................................................................................................... 122 Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver.......................................... Ms. Eileen Day ................................................................................................................... 290 Real Estate Weekly .................................................................................... Ms. Janai York ........................................................................................................ 182, 289 RealNet Canada Inc. .................................................................................. Mr. Jason Lo ....................................................................................................................... 256 Rechsteiner Construction Ltd. .............................................................. Mr. Philip Rechsteiner ............................................................................................ 49, 157 Red Five Design ........................................................................................... Mr. Michael Marsland-Root ......................................................................................... 315 Reddy Development Group..................................................................... Mr. Ken Reddy.................................................................................................................... 122 Refine & Design Custom Homes & Renovations .......................... Mr. Sam Wainwright ............................................................................................. 101, 157 Refrigerative Supply .................................................................................. Mr. Jeff Morin.......................................................................................................... 183, 252 Regent International Developments Ltd........................................... Mr. Richard Cheng ........................................................................................................... 122 REHAU Industries Inc................................................................................ Mr. Clayton Blaney ..................................................................................... 239, 286, 317 Reid Developments Ltd............................................................................ Mr. Mike Reid .........................................................................................49, 101, 131, 157 Reid Pelly Construction Ltd.................................................................... Mr. Reid Pelly............................................................................................................ 101, 109 Rembrandt Renovations Ltd. ................................................................. Mr. Jerome Mens ................................................................................................... 101, 157 Rempel Bros. Concrete Ltd. ................................................................... Mr. Walter Weidemann................................................................................................... 213 Renocon Design Centre ........................................................................... Ms. Golnaz Afhami................................................................158, 240, 242, 244, 264 renovateme! design and construction .............................................. Mr. George Sotiriades..................................................................................................... 158 Restoration Hardwood Ltd. .................................................................... Mr. Murray Macintyre.......................................................... 238, 239, 240, 241, 244 Results Canada Inc. ................................................................................... Mr. Andrea Kenna............................................................................................................. 206 reVISION Custom Home Renovations Inc. ....................................... Mr. Todd Senft ................................................................. 49, 101, 109, 131, 158, 189 Richard Kadulski Architect ..................................................................... Mr. Richard Kadulski..................................................................................189, 198, 231 Rinnai Canada .............................................................................................. Mr. Dan Noel ............................................................................................................ 184, 252 Rishi Holdings Ltd....................................................................................... Ms. Madhu Rishi ............................................................................................... 49, 85, 101 Ritchie Construction Ltd.......................................................................... Mr. Chris Hill ............................................................ 49, 90, 101, 109, 122, 133, 158 RJH Contracting Inc. ................................................................................. Mr. Rick Herding ..................................................................................................... 101, 158 RJR Construction Management Ltd................................................... Mr. Shawn Stewart .........................................................49, 101, 131, 158, 167, 189 RJS Stonetops Ltd. .................................................................................... Mr. Ron Suffron ...................................................................................................... 220, 275 Roadhouse Homes Ltd. ............................................................................ Mr. Dale Roadhouse ........................................................................................ 49, 72, 158 Rockridge Construction Inc. .................................................................. Mr. AJ Riley ............................................................................................................... 101, 158 Rocksolid Enterprises Inc. ...................................................................... Ms. Dawn Carmichael ............................................................................... 101, 158, 270 RodRozen Designs Inc.............................................................................. Mr. Derick Rodrozen ............................................................................................... 72, 158 Ronse Massey Developments Inc. ...................................................... Mr. Joel Massey ........................................................................................................ 49, 122 ROCKWOOL ................................................................................................... Ms. Emilia Coghill ............................................................................................................. 258 Royal Golden Construction Group Limited ...................................... Mr. Ryan Zhang ............................................................................................... 72, 101, 110 Royal Vela Developments Ltd................................................................ Mr. William Yin ......................................................................................................... 102, 110 Royale Properties Ltd. .............................................................................. Mr. Sunny Garcha...........................................................................................72, 122, 127 RS Coastal...................................................................................................... Mr. Ryan Stajcer ............................................................................................ 72, 102, 122 RSC Renovation Science Corp.............................................................. Mr. David Martin .....................................................................................................102, 158 Ryder Creek Homes ................................................................................... Mr. Ryan Thorpe .................................................................................................................. 72 Rylan Business Consulting Inc. ............................................................ Ms. Lori Gobert.................................................................................................................. 206 S.P. Riley Residential Design Ltd. ........................................................ Mr. Steve Riley ........................................................................................................ 189, 255 Saggu Homes Inc........................................................................................ Mr. Gerry Saggu ...........................................................................................................49, 72 Saint Construction Management Ltd................................................. Mr. Scott Sheen............................................................................................102, 158, 265 Saiya Developments Ltd.......................................................................... Mr. Vikas Sharma ................................................................................................................ 72 Sajoiq Investments Ltd. ........................................................................... Mr. Iqbal Singh Bhullar................................................................................... 49, 73, 122 Sam Chan (Royal Pacific Tri-Cities Realty) ..................................... Mr. Sam Chan .................................................................................................................... 290 Sammarco Construction.......................................................................... Mr. Matthew Sammarco ................................................................................. 50, 73, 85 Sam’s Flooring Supplies .......................................................................... Mr. Richard Gozen............................................................................ 231, 240, 242, 244 Sanderson Concrete Inc. ......................................................................... Mr. Jan Arntorp; Mr. John Zamprogno ........................................................ 213, 270 Sandhill Development Ltd....................................................................... Ms. Hardeep K. Sandhu................................................................................. 50, 85, 123 Sarah Gallop Design Inc. ......................................................................... Ms. Sarah Gallop .............................................................................................................. 264 Sasen Renovations..................................................................................... Mr. Matthew T. Senf..............................................................102, 110, 159, 168. 264 Satin Finish Hardwood Flooring Ltd. .................................................. Mr. Stephan Wootton, B.Des............................................................................ 232, 244 Schema Creative ......................................................................................... Mr. Joe Wolkosky ....................................................................................... 189, 255, 264 Schluter Systems (Canada) Inc............................................................ Mr. Bob Weins .........................................................................203, 227, 306, 309, 310 Schulz Construction................................................................................... Mr. Graham Schulz; Ms. Nicole Schulz .......................................................... 50, 159 Scotiabank ..................................................................................................... Ms. Doreen Antonick ...................................................................................................... 236 SDL Designs .................................................................................................. Ms. Sheri Lemire .............................................................................................................. 264 Sea to Sky Building Corp......................................................................... Mr. Douglas Day..............................................................................................73, 123, 127 Seagate Consulting Ltd............................................................................ Mr. Ralph Austin................................................................................................................ 102 Sea-Pat Construction Inc........................................................................ Mr. Sean Ederer ............................................................................................. 50, 159, 245 SeeVirtual Marketing & Photography Inc. ....................................... Mr. Brett Youngberg .............................................................182, 226, 283, 296, 315 Seiba Properties & Investments Limited.......................................... Mr. Raj Bhandall................................................................................................ 50, 73, 123 Sen Western Wholesale Lumber Ltd. ................................................ Mr. Ron Sengara ............................................................................................................... 203 Seneca Homes Ltd. .................................................................................... Mr. Jonathan Vendargon.................................................................... 50, 73, 102, 159 Sensitive Design.......................................................................................... Ms. Susanne Doise, M.Arch, RID................................................................... 189, 264 ServiceMASTER Restore of Vancouver ............................................ Mr. Warren Groom............................................................................................................ 159

338 Contact • 2018

MEMBER CROSS REFERENCE DIRECTORY BY COMPANY Shakespeare Homes & Renovations Inc. ......................................... Mr. Mark Cooper .............................................................................................50, 123, 159 Shanghai Jie Li Construction Decoration Co. Ltd........................ Mr. Dong Jie...................................................................................................................73, 85 Shell Busey’s Home Improvements .................................................... Mr. Keith Araki ........................................................................ 159, 169, 221, 264, 301 Sherwood Painting and Decorating.................................................... Mr. Mike Ponych ............................................................................................................... 281 Shirmar Construction................................................................................ Mr. Jonas Schierbecker.......................................................................................102, 159 SHK Law Corporation................................................................................ Ms. Seema Lal ................................................................................................................... 272 Shorewood Pacific Holdings Ltd. ......................................................... Mr. Glen Job........................................................................................................ 50, 73, 159 Shouldice Designer Stone....................................................................... Mr. Todd Cruickshank .................................................................................................... 275 SIGA Cover Inc. ............................................................................................ Mr. Sean McStay .............................................................................................................. 198 Silva Timber Products Ltd. ..................................................................... Mr. Richard Kaufmann ............................................................................. 210, 232, 301 Silver Leaf Homes Ltd. ............................................................................. Mr. Gayle Brar ....................................................................................................................... 73 Silver Valley Homes Ltd. .......................................................................... Mr. Gordon Knuttila .......................................................................................73, 123, 159 Simba Flooring Corp.................................................................................. Mr. Jun Wu; Ms. Julia Xu ................................................................................... 231, 244 Sir Homes Ltd............................................................................................... Mr. Dalbir Dosanjh ........................................................................................................... 159 Six Technologies Inc.................................................................................. Mr. David Chemago ......................................................................................................... 297 Smallworks Studios / Laneway Housing Inc. ................................. Mr. Jake Fry ..............................................................................................50, 73, 131, 134 Smart Garage Door Ltd. ........................................................................... Mr. Case Vandergugten ................................................................................................. 246 Solaris Homes .............................................................................................. Mr. Patrick Power ................................................................................................................ 73 Solaris Properties Inc. .............................................................................. Mr. Richard Mullen................................................................................................... 50, 159 Solterra Development Corp.................................................................... Mr. Mike Bosa ..................................................................................................86, 123, 127 Solution Renovations ................................................................................ Mr. John Juzyniec ...... 50, 90, 102, 110, 132, 160, 168, 198, 210, 221, 301 Somerset Homes......................................................................................... Mr. Shawn Hilliard .......................................................................................................50, 73 Sonia America Inc. ..................................................................................... Mr. Gerardo Velázquez ................................................................................................... 196 Space Harmony Interiors Inc. ................................................................ Ms. Negar Reihani................................................................................................. 160, 264 sphere 1 logistics Inc. ............................................................................... Ms. Alexandra Hnatko, BBA, ADHRM ..................................................................... 298 Spray-Net Marketing Inc......................................................................... Mr. Jean-Marc Landry ........................................................................................ 276, 281 Sprucehill Contracting Inc. ..................................................................... Mr. Erik Jensen........................................................................................ 51, 74, 102, 160 Square Nine Developments Inc. ........................................................... Mr. Manish Sharma ......................................................................................... 74, 86, 123 Square One Contracting .......................................................................... Mr. Jordan Harrison .................................................................................51, 74, 86, 160 SSC Countertops Ltd. ............................................................................... Mr. Quinn Prince .................................................................................................... 220, 275 Staburn Group .............................................................................................. Ms. Celine Nordhoj .......................................................................................................... 123 Standard Building Supplies .................................................................... Mr. Scott Frampton ................................................................................... 203, 221, 301 Starline Windows Ltd................................................................................ Mr. Bill Snyder......................................................................................................... 226, 317 Steelhead Contracting Ltd...................................................................... Ms. May Nembhard .............................................................................................. 102, 160 Steelix Builders Group Ltd. ..................................................................... Mr. Parm Dhaliwal...............................................................................................................86 Stillwater Quality Stoneworks............................................................... Mr. Pelle Wittenberg ............................................................................................ 276, 277 STK Renovations Inc. ................................................................................ Mr. Tom Anderson................................................................................................. 102, 160 Stor-More Closet & Blinds Ltd. ............................................................. Mr. Steve Swift ............................................................................................. 197, 212, 248 STOR-X Organizing Systems ................................................................. Mr. Wolf Nickel................................................................................................................... 212 Strand............................................................................................................... Mr. Trevor King .................................................................................................................. 123 Stratford Innovative Renovations Ltd. ............................................... Mr. Charles Stratford ............................................................................................160, 167 StreetSide Developments, a Qualico Company ............................ Mr. Michael J. Garrett .......................................................................................................86 Stylux Design & Construction ............................................................... Mr. Ray Gorjian; Ms. Aida Ziari ....................................................................... 103, 160 Sublime Interior Design Ltd. .................................................................. Ms. Geele Soroka ............................................................................................................. 264 Sunbeam Homes Inc. ................................................................................ Mr. Shilin Sun ........................................................................................................................ 51 Suncrest Cabinets Inc. ............................................................................. Mr. Paul Lynch ............................................................................................. 196, 208, 269 Sunmark Developments Ltd. ................................................................. Mr. Sanveer Shoker ................................................................................................. 86, 123 Sunnymead Construction........................................................................ Ms. Emma Wang.................................................................................................................. 74 Sunrise Kitchens Ltd. ................................................................................ Mr. Ashok Appadurai ...................................................................................................... 209 Super Save Group of Companies ......................................................... Mr. Greg Johannes .................................................................................... 233, 293, 313 Supna Homes Limited............................................................................... Mr. Mandip S. Nijjar.......................................................................................... 51, 74, 123 Surrey Cedar Ltd. ........................................................................................ Mr. Sam Bath .....................................................................................218, 221, 293, 301 Surreyvilla Construction Inc. ................................................................. Mr. Khalid Hussain ........................................................................................................... 124 Susan M. Boyce - Freelance Journalist / Writer ........................... Ms. Susan M. Boyce ....................................................................................................... 289 Suvic Holdings Inc. ..................................................................................... Mr. Rey Janssen Lim ...................................................................................................... 124 Swick’s Organic Landscaping Ltd. ..................................................... Mr. Ron Swick ...............................................................................................270, 271, 281 Symbolic Construction Group Ltd. ...................................................... Mr. Jatinderpal Singh ................................................................................................ 51, 74 Symphony Homes Limited ...................................................................... Mr. Gurdeep Kainth...........................................................................................74, 86, 124 T. Jones Enterprises Inc. ......................................................................... Mr. Trevor Jones .................................................................................................. 51, 74, 86 T.J.M. Construction Ltd. .......................................................................... Mr. Tejinder Saluja ........................................................................................................... 103 T.M. Crest Homes Ltd. .............................................................................. Mr. Gurveer Samra ...........................................................................................74, 86, 124 Taiga Building Products Ltd. .................................................................. Mr. Joel Wishart .......................................................................................... 200, 203, 301 TAKT Construction Services Ltd.......................................................... Mr. Aaron Gildener ...................................................................................... 110, 216, 270 Talius................................................................................................................. Ms. Tammy Gizen ................................................................................................... 197, 316 Tamlin International Homes Ltd. .......................................................... Mr. Paul Tabuchi; Mr. Chris Lynn ...............................................................51, 74, 160 Tandem Construction Ltd. ...................................................................... Mr. Taigan Allerton........................................................................................................... 160 Tatla Developments Ltd. .......................................................................... Mr. Kuldeep Tatla.............................................................................................. 86, 90, 124 Tavan Developments Ltd......................................................................... Mr. Troy Van Vliet; Ms. Silveria Roselli ................................. 51, 74, 86, 124, 160 Taymor Industries Ltd............................................................................... Mr. John Driver ............................................................................................ 196, 204, 224 TBW Custom Homes.................................................................................. Ms. Deb Salahor .................................................................................................................. 51 TD Financial Group..................................................................................... Mr. Peter Andrinopoulos................................................................................................ 236 Teklar Electrical Contracting ................................................................. Mr. Craig Dibble ......................................................................................................161, 228 TELUS............................................................................................................... Mr. Frank Hobbs........................................................................................... 212, 266, 311 Teragon Developments & Construction Inc. ................................... Mr. Lars Van Linge .............................................................. 51, 75, 90, 103, 110, 161

Contact • 2018 339

MEMBER CROSS REFERENCE DIRECTORY BY COMPANY TerraCana Foundation Solutions Inc.................................................. Mr. Simon Whippy ..................................................................................................161, 245 Terris Lightfoot Contracting Ltd........................................................... Mr. Warren S. Lightfoot ............................................................................... 51, 103, 161 TFN Economic Development Corporation ....................................... Mr. Brian Corrall................................................................................................................ 124 That’s It Commercial and Residential Contracting Ltd.............. Mr. Darren Boudreau ............................................................................................ 161, 169 The Brick Warehouse Corp. ................................................................... Mr. Rick Ewing ..............................................................................................184, 192, 246 The Business Surgeon Consultancy................................................... Mr. Keith Lloyd ................................................................................................................... 206 The Collaborative Design Studio Inc.................................................. Ms. Donna Russell ........................................................................................................... 265 The Construction Expo ............................................................................. Mr. Raman Sharma............................................................................................... 182, 253 The GCC Group Development Inc........................................................ Mr. Ronald Lam ............................................................................................................53, 75 The Great Canadian Landscaping Company Ltd.......................... Mr. Chris O’Donohue....................................................................................................... 271 The Lighting Warehouse.......................................................................... Mr. Sotheby Ketchan....................................................................................................... 273 The New Home Warranty Insurance (Canada) Corporation.... Mr. Fraser de Walle.......................................................................................................... 313 The Sound Room......................................................................................... Mr. Mark Macdonald....................................................................................................... 192 The Vancouver Sun and The Province............................................... Mr. Peter Ryznar ......................................................................................... 182, 289, 296 Therma Tru Doors....................................................................................... Mr. Michael Moyle...................................................................................... 226, 281, 302 Thind Properties Ltd.................................................................................. Ms. Bonnie Leung ............................................................................................................... 87 Thomas Better Built Homes ................................................................... Mr. Thomas Hogge .....................................................................................................53, 75 Thompson Heating Ltd............................................................................. Mr. Wayne Fleet ........................................................................................... 184, 252, 312 Tien Sher Group of Companies............................................................. Mr. Charan Sethi; Mr. Bob Sethi.............................................................. 87, 124, 161 Titan Enersave ............................................................................................. Mr. Anil K. Mehra, CA, CPA .......................................................................................... 273 Toikka Construction Ltd. ......................................................................... Mr. John Toikka............................. 53, 75, 87, 91, 103, 111, 161, 169, 210, 266 Tolko.................................................................................................................. Mr. James Schaefer ............................................................................................. 204, 232 Torlys Smart Floors .................................................................................... Ms. Amoreena Penta; Mr. George Smith.....................................................241, 244 Townline Homes .......................................................................................... Mr. Rick Ilich ....................................................................................................... 53, 75, 124 TP Homes Ltd. .............................................................................................. Mr. Jack Li; Ms. Jenny Hu.......................................................................................53, 75 TQ Construction Ltd. ................................................................................. Mr. Ralph Belisle ................................................... 53, 103, 111, 161, 167, 189, 265 Trail Appliances Ltd. .................................................................................. Mr. Doug Truesdell...................................................... 184, 194, 269, 311, 312, 314 Trainwest Management & Consulting Inc. / Sandler Training .... Mr. Randy Hnatko, MBA ..................................................................................... 228, 296 Trasolini Dagg Construction Corp. ...................................................... Mr. Bob Dagg............................................................................................ 75, 87, 124, 132 Travelers Canada ........................................................................................ Mr. Jan Rasilainen; Mr. Kerry Nagy .............................................................. 260, 313 Tridecca Project Management Inc. ..................................................... Ms. Carla Kazemi ....................................................................................................111, 124 Trillium Project Management Ltd. ....................................................... Mr. David Hamilton ........................................................................53, 75, 91, 125, 132 Troico Home Solutions Inc...................................................................... Mr. Michael Richter ...............................................................................................103, 161 True North Comfort .................................................................................... Mr. Graham Beatty .................................................................................... 184, 252, 284 Tuscan Developments Inc....................................................................... Mr. Mark Peers .................................................................................................. 54, 75, 161 TVK Construction Ltd................................................................................ Mr. Ching Yi (Kenny) Ko .................................................................................................... 75 Twin Lions Contracting Ltd. ................................................................... Mr. Kevin Hatch .......................................................................................................103, 162 Twin Peaks Construction Inc................................................................. Mr. Robert Brody .............................................................................................................. 162 Tyrrell Projects Inc. .................................................................................... Mr. Ryan Tyrrell ................................................................................................................. 162 UCIT online Security Inc. ......................................................................... Mr. Erik Mikkelsen; Mr. Sudesh Jangalee ............................................................ 297 Upper Canada Forest Products ............................................................ Mr. Matt Mumford ............................................................................................................ 204 Upward Construction & Renovation Ltd. .......................................... Mr. Michael Upward ................................................................................................ 54, 162 Urban Coast Renovations........................................................................ Mr. Dave Ritchie ................................................................................................................ 162 Urban Design - Renovation Centre ..................................................... Mr. Dany Huet ................................................................................... 276, 278, 280, 302 Urban Fireplaces ......................................................................................... Mr. Leif Paterson .............................................................................................................. 238 Urban Flare Developments Inc. ............................................................ Mr. Harv Hehar ................................................................................................ 54, 103, 111 Urban Handyman Inc. ............................................................................... Ms. Brenda Blanchard..........................................................................................162, 169 Urban Villas.................................................................................................... Mr. Harjit Mann..................................................................................................................... 75 UVAerial Systems Inc................................................................................ Mr. Brett Stenner .............................................................................................................. 283 Valhalla Roofing Ltd................................................................................... Mr. Harold Pinter............................................................................................................... 292 Valley Acrylic Products ............................................................................. Ms. Genny Siddall........................................................................................182, 196, 269 Valley Countertops Industries Ltd. ...................................................... Mr. Anthony McGillvrey............................................................................ 209, 220, 276 VALROC Development Ltd. ..................................................................... Mr. Jason Spies................................................................................... 54, 103, 162, 234 Vanagon Construction Ltd. ..................................................................... Mr. Anthony Lai, P.Eng; Mr. Chris Lai...................................................... 54, 76, 132 VanArch Interior Ltd. ................................................................................. Mr. Allen Failinejad .......................................................................................................... 162 Vancouver Builders Ltd. ........................................................................... Mr. Amar (Sid) Sidhu..........................................................................................54, 76, 87 Vancouver Home Maintenance............................................................. Mr. James McMahon ......................................................................169, 221, 288, 292 Vancouver ICF............................................................................................... Mr. Joey Fearn ........................................................................................................ 215, 257 Vancouver Premier Contracting Ltd. .................................................. Mr. Adam Cottrell ............................................................................................................. 271 Vancouver Safes.......................................................................................... Mr. Chad Myers ................................................................................................................. 297 Vancouver Safety Surfacing .................................................................. Mr. Ryan Anzew ................................................................................................................ 282 Vancouver Total Group ............................................................................. Mr. Alexander Barbachkov ..............................................................................................54 Vanglo Sustainable Construction Group........................................... Mr. Martin Warren................................................................................. 54, 76, 133, 162 Varing Marketing Group ........................................................................... Mr. Joe Varing ......................................................................................................... 224, 256 VCL .................................................................................................................... Ms. Vanessa Winn............................................................................................ 54, 76, 134 VELUX® Skylights & Sun Tunnels ........................................................ Mr. Davin Mortier.............................................................................................................. 303 Versa Platinum Construction Ltd......................................................... Mr. Felipe Freig.................................................................................................. 54, 76, 162 Versailles Building & Design .................................................................. Mr. Jeffrey Hanratty ........................................................................................................ 162 Vertical Grain Projects .............................................................................. Mr. Doug Pearcey ............................................................................................................. 162 Vertu Construction Ltd. ............................................................................ Mr. Chris Christianson......................................................................................... 103, 163 Vesta Properties Ltd. ................................................................................. Mr. Kent Sillars ...................................................................................................76, 87, 127 VGC Vancouver General Contractors Inc. ........................................ Mr. Hussain Khatheer ............................................................................................. 54, 163 via ALLEGRO Development Company Ltd. ...................................... Mr. Blake Hudema............................................................................................................ 128 Viceroy Houses Ltd. ................................................................................... Ms. Vanessa Winn............................................................................................................ 134

340 Contact • 2018

MEMBER CROSS REFERENCE DIRECTORY BY COMPANY VictorEric Premium Homes .................................................................... Mr. Eric Lee .................................................................................... 54, 76, 111, 189, 265 Villa Developments..................................................................................... Mr. Sukhdev Jhaj.........................................................................................................55, 76 Villa Electric (1980) Ltd. .......................................................................... Mr. Bill Strain ................................................................................................ 228, 230, 273 Vinterra Homes Ltd. ................................................................................... Mr. Sukh Hoonjan ............................................................................................................. 104 Vinylco Windows Ltd. ................................................................................ Mr. Sukhi Kainth ......................................................................................... 226, 303, 317 Vinyltek Windows........................................................................................ Mr. Ian Hogg ............................................................................................................ 226, 317 Vishwakarma Construction Ltd............................................................ Mr. Harry Seehra ................................................................................................... 104, 163 Vision Built Construction Ltd. ................................................................ Mr. Tobias Puga..........................................................................55, 104, 111, 132, 163 Voob Construction & Maintenance Ltd. ............................................ Mr. Arthur Basiak ............................................................................................................. 163 VSA Enterprises Inc. .................................................................................. Mr. Nathan Funk ......................................................................................... 204, 230, 302 Wales Construction and Management .............................................. Mr. Wales Han ............................................................................................................ 76, 163 Wallmark Homes Ltd................................................................................. Mr. Rob Wall......................................................................................55, 76, 87, 125, 132 Warline Painting Ltd. ................................................................................. Ms. Heidi Nyline .......................................................................................... 260, 282, 290 WaterfallNow ................................................................................................ Mr. Moses Yoon............................................................................................ 191, 215, 314 Waterstone Properties Inc. ..................................................................... Mr. Herb Evers ................................................................................................................... 125 WBH Construction ...................................................................................... Mr. Joseph Ahn ................................................................................................................. 163 WBI Home Warranty Ltd. ......................................................................... Mr. Bobby Atwal, BBA, CAIB, DipIT; Mr. Nicholas Dhaliwal ......................... 313 Weatherguard Gutters Inc. ..................................................................... Mr. Dave Mayhew.................................................................................................. 250, 302 Wedicorp ......................................................................................................... Mr. Scott Elias ................................................... 197, 204, 228, 305, 308, 309, 310 Wensley Architecture Ltd........................................................................ Mr. Barry Weih ........................................................................................................ 189, 255 Wesbild Holdings Ltd. ............................................................................... Mr. Tony Zappone....................................................................................... 128, 290, 297 Wesgroup Properties................................................................................. Mr. Carl Watson................................................................................................................. 125 Wesgrove Homes Inc. ............................................................................... Mr. Jason Mitchell............................................................................................................ 163 weSimplify Renovation & Design......................................................... Mr. Nick Cole ...................................................................................................................... 163 Wespac Electrical Contractors Ltd. .................................................... Mr. Barry Johnson; Mr. Alan Thiel ............................................228, 273, 274, 288 West Coast Barrier ..................................................................................... Mr. Tyler Johnsen .................................................................................................. 163, 302 West Coast Dream Homes Ltd. ............................................................ Ms. Camilla Brown; Mr. Richard Schmohl .......................................................55, 76 West Coast Signature Homes Ltd. ...................................................... Mr. Paul Bhangle....................................................................................................... 76, 125 West Coast Windows Ltd. ....................................................................... Mr. Bryan Hayes................................................................................................................ 248 Westcliff Homes .......................................................................................... Mr. Jay Dhesi............................................................................................................ 111, 125 Westcoast Moulding & Millwork Ltd. ................................................. Mr. John Hutton ................................................................................244, 279, 281, 304 Westcoast Wood Distribution Ltd........................................................ Ms. Cassidy Thomas............................................................................................ 232, 302 Westcove Construction ............................................................................ Mr. Joel Voyer........................................................................................................................55 Westeck Windows Mfg. Inc.................................................................... Mr. Darwin Ortis.......................................................................................... 204, 226, 318 Western Wood Homes Ltd. ..................................................................... Mr. Elvis Ng .....................................................................................................104, 111, 163 Westerra Equipment LP ........................................................................... Ms. Michelle Corrigall..................................................................................................... 234 Westmark Development Group............................................................. Mr. Harmel S. Bains .................................................................................55, 77, 87, 125 Westpeak Developments......................................................................... Mr. Sean Stofer ..........................................................................................55, 77, 87, 125 Westpeak Electrical Ltd. .......................................................................... Mr. Lucas Nerreter........................................................................................................... 228 Westwood Fine Cabinetry ....................................................................... Mr. Dwayne Moore .......................................................................................................... 209 Weyerhaeuser............................................................................................... Mr. Anthony Carter .................................................................................... 200, 204, 232 White Star Property Services ................................................................ Ms. Jenny Ma..................................................................................................................... 270 Wholesale Blind Factory .......................................................................... Ms. Barbara Rush ............................................................................................................ 197 Wicks Electric Inc. ...................................................................................... Mr. Adam Wicks ..................................................................................................... 230, 163 WireChief Electric Ltd. .............................................................................. Mr. Octavio Sosa.................................................................................................... 230, 166 Wismer & Mathieson Projects Ltd. ..................................................... Mr. Dave Mathieson .................................................................................. 292, 302, 166 Wiston Building Materials Co. ............................................................... Mr. Rick Sisk............................................................................................................ 232, 244 Wolrige Mahon LLP .................................................................................... Mr. Gurpreet Sandhu, CPA, CA .................................................................................. 180 Woodcraft Contracting & Renovations Inc. ..................................... Mr. Rudi Nosper ..................................................................................................... 104, 166 Woodquest Construction Ltd................................................................. Mr. Michael Macartney .................................................................................................. 166 Woodrose Homes Limited ....................................................................... Mr. Chris Kleaman................................................................................91, 104, 111, 166 Woodtone Industries.................................................................................. Mr. Ben Good................................................................191, 204, 232, 234, 280, 302 Working With Wood Custom Homes Ltd. ......................................... Mr. Brad Crews.................................................................................................................. 166 Wow Factor Staging Rentals Ltd. ........................................................ Ms. Shirley Belzer ............................................................................................................ 253 WR Contracting............................................................................................ Mr. Jared Wheatley ...............................................................................................125, 166 Wyse Meter Solutions Inc. ...................................................................... Mr. Bill Gill Mr. Peter Mills .................................................................................. 231, 311 XL Flooring ..................................................................................................... Ms. Dorothy Wolf ........................................................................................ 200, 239, 241 Yard-At-A-Time Concrete (1988) Ltd. ............................................... Mr. Racy Sidhu; Mr. Mike Szép ............................................................ 204, 215, 291 Yellow Pages NextHome .......................................................................... Mr. Jared Holland .................................................................................................. 182, 289 Yorkton Group International Ltd........................................................... Mr. Ben Lui .......................................................................................................................... 125 You Move Me................................................................................................. Mr. Prabh Heer................................................................................................................... 281 Zebiak House Raising Co. Ltd. .............................................................. Mr. Josh Vickars ............................................................................................................... 222 Zen Living Ltd............................................................................................... Ms. Say Lung; Mr. Mark Lowe ........................................................................ 209, 220 Zenith Development Ltd. ......................................................................... Mr. Bhupinder Dubb; Mr. Jat Dhiman ..................................................................... 125 Zenterra Developments Ltd. .................................................................. Mr. Rick Johal .................................................................................. 55, 77, 87, 125, 132 Zimba Design ................................................................................................ Ms. Pam Chilton, RD.AIBC, AScT, RBO .................................................................. 189 Zytech Building Systems ......................................................................... Mr. Steve Bratke ......................................................................................... 204, 305, 310

Contact • 2018 341

Index Of Advertisers 505-JUNK...............................................................................................................295 Ameleco Electric Supply Inc................................................................................229 Ames Tile & Stone Ltd. .........................................Resources SecƟon Cover Page 319 AnƟ-Slip Anywhere ..............................................................................................190 Atlas Vinyl Sundecks Ltd. ....................................................................................218 BarreƩ Group Custom Builders ................................Builders SecƟon Cover Page 30 BarreƩ Group Custom Builders ..................... Renovators SecƟon Cover Page 137 Baywest Manufacturing Inc. .................................................................................. 7 Best Builders Ltd. ........................................................................................38 BC Housing .............................................................................................................. 11 Cantu Bathrooms & Hardware Ltd. ...................................................................267 Casa Madera Hardwood Floors Inc...................................................................... 13 CCI RenovaƟons ..................................................................................................... 19 Citywide Sundecks & Railings .............................Resources SecƟon Cover Page 321 Cloverdale Paint Inc. .............................................. Suppliers SecƟon Cover Page 172 CreaƟve Door Services Ltd. ..................................................................... 193 & 249 Crowe MacKay LLP ...............................................................................................183 Cummins Western Canada..................................................................................287 Designs by Katerina & Silvie ............................................................................... 15 Dick’s Lumber & Building Supplies ........................................................................ 2 Document Systems Direct Ltd. ...........................................................................235 DP Tile & Stone Co. Ltd............................................................................................ 9 EuroLine Windows Inc. .......................................................................................... 24 ForƟsBC ....................................................................... Builders SecƟon Cover Page 28 Four Seasons InsulaƟon Ltd. ..............................................................................307 Freedom Capital Inc. ...........................................................................................237 G5 Industries .......................................................................................................... 23 Glass World ............................................................................................................ 21 HT Blinds ................................................................. Suppliers SecƟon Cover Page 174 Hundal Bros. Plumbing & HeaƟng Ltd. ..............................................................285 Hytec Plumbing Products .......................................... Builders SecƟon Cover Page 27 342 Contact • 2018


IBC Technologies Inc. ............................................................Outside Back Cover 348 K2 Stone ....................................................................................Inside Back Cover 347 Leisure Baths Ltd. ................................................................................................199 Level It Concrete ................................................................................................. 217 Makena ConstrucƟon Inc. .................................Renovators SecƟon Cover Page 135 Mitsubishi Electric Sales Canada Inc. .................. Suppliers SecƟon Cover Page 171 Monarch Floor & Window Coverings .................. Suppliers SecƟon Cover Page 173 Mr. Build Vancouver ...........................................Renovators SecƟon Cover Page 136 My House Design / Build Team Ltd. ...................................................................... 3 Orca Security CorporaƟon ..................................................................................299 Ply Gem Building Products.................................................................................... 17 Quad-Lock Building Systems .............................................................................205 Rockwool ..............................................................................................................259 Reid Pelly ConstrucƟon Ltd................................................................................. 110 Saint ConstrucƟon Management Ltd. ..............Renovators SecƟon Cover Page 138 Sherwood PainƟng & DecoraƟng Ltd. ...............................................................282 Spray-Net MarkeƟng Inc. .................................................................................... 276 Stor - More Closet & Blinds Ltd. ...............................................................211 & 247 Streetside Developments ......................................... Builders SecƟon Cover Page 29 Surrey Cedar Ltd. .................................................................................................223 Terracana FoundaƟon SoluƟons Inc. ..................Resources SecƟon Cover Page 322 TQ ConstrucƟon Ltd. .............................................................................................. 53 Trail Appliances ....................................................................................................185 Varing MarkeƟng Group ......................................Resources SecƟon Cover Page 320 Westwood Fine Cabinetry ..................................................................................207 Wolrige Mahon LLP ..............................................................................................181 Yard-At-A-Time Concrete (1988) Ltd...................................................................... 5 Contact • 2018 343

Membership Application Form Company Name __________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________ City / Prov. _____________________________ Postal Code _____________________________ Company Phone ________________________ Company Fax ____________________________ Number of Years in Business ______________ E-mail _________________________________ Website ________________________________ ŽŵƉĂŶLJ KǁŶĞƌ;ƐͿ ͬ ZĞƉƌĞƐĞŶƚĂƟǀĞ;ƐͿ EĂŵĞ͕ EƵŵďĞƌ ĂŶĚ ͲŵĂŝů ________________________________________________________________________________

FOR BUILDERS / DEVELOPERS: check the category(ies) that best describe(s) your business: Builder (see below) Q Developer Q Please categorize your company by the type and number of projects you have started in the past ĮƐĐĂů LJĞĂƌ ;Žƌ Ă LJĞĂƌůLJ ĂǀĞƌĂŐĞͿ͘ ŚĞĐŬ Ăůů ƚŚĂƚ ĂƉƉůLJ͘ ƵƐƚŽŵ Q Single Family Q DƵůƟ Ͳ &ĂŵŝůLJ Q Spec Q Number of Units _________________ (please specify) Q I am a Renovator ;ĐŚĞĐŬ ďŽdž ŝĨ LJŽƵ ƉƌŝŵĂƌŝůLJ ĚŽ ƌĞŶŽǀĂƟŽŶƐ Žƌ ƌĞŶŽǀĂƟŽŶƐ ĂƌĞ ƐŽŵĞ ƉĂƌƚŽĨ your business) (must agree to abide by RenoMark™ code of conduct and submit a completed RenoMark™ form) ŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐ ĂƉƉůLJŝŶŐ ĂƐ ƵŝůĚĞƌƐ Žƌ ZĞŶŽǀĂƚŽƌƐ͕ please provide references complete with contact name, company name and phone number. You are required to submit four (4) referral names of which two (2) must be current members of GVHBA. The remainder may be from other GVHBA members or subtrade or industry references.

REFERENCES: 1. ŽŵƉĂŶLJ EĂŵĞ ________________________________________________________________ 1. ŽŶƚĂĐƚ EĂŵĞ __________________________ dĞůĞƉŚŽŶĞ EŽ͘ _________________________ 2. ŽŵƉĂŶLJ EĂŵĞ ________________________________________________________________ 1. ŽŶƚĂĐƚ EĂŵĞ __________________________ dĞůĞƉŚŽŶĞ EŽ͘ _________________________ 3. ŽŵƉĂŶLJ EĂŵĞ ________________________________________________________________ 1. ŽŶƚĂĐƚ EĂŵĞ __________________________ dĞůĞƉŚŽŶĞ EŽ͘ _________________________ 4. ŽŵƉĂŶLJ EĂŵĞ ________________________________________________________________ 1. ŽŶƚĂĐƚ EĂŵĞ __________________________ dĞůĞƉŚŽŶĞ EŽ͘ _________________________ ϯƌĚͲƉĂƌƚLJ ǁĂƌƌĂŶƚLJ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞƌ ____________________ Policy #: _________________________ ƌĞ LJŽƵ ůŝĐĞŶƐĞĚ ďLJ ƚŚĞ ŚŽŵĞŽǁŶĞƌ ƉƌŽƚĞĐƟŽŶ ŽĸĐĞ͍ Yes Q No Q if “Yes”, please provide HPO number _________________________________________________ Ž LJŽƵ ĐĂƌƌLJ ǁŽƌŬƐĂĨĞďĐ ŝŶƐƵƌĂŶĐĞ͍ Yes Q No Q if “yes” please provide WorkSafeBC# _________________________________________________ &KZ >> Kd, Z D D Z d 'KZ/ ^͕ ƉůĞĂƐĞ ĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞ ďĞůŽǁ ǁŚĞƌĞ ĂƉƉůŝĐĂďůĞ͘ ƌĞ LJŽƵ Ă͗ A. Service & Professional (specify) 1. _____________________________________________________________________________ B. Supplier (specify) 1. _____________________________________________________________________________ C. Trade Contractor (specify) 1. _____________________________________________________________________________ D. Other (specify) 1. _____________________________________________________________________________

344 Contact • 2018

MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM All non-builder member categories are required to submit a referral from two (2) current ŵĞŵďĞƌƐ ŽĨ 's, ĂŶĚ Ă ďĂŶŬ ƌĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞ ůĞƩĞƌ͘ WůĞĂƐĞ ůŝƐƚ ƌĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞƐ ďĞůŽǁ͗ 1. Company Name ________________________________________________________________ 1. Contact Name __________________________ dĞůĞƉŚŽŶĞ EŽ͘ _________________________ 2. Company Name ________________________________________________________________ 1. Contact Name __________________________ dĞůĞƉŚŽŶĞ EŽ͘ _________________________ Do you carry WorkSafeBC insurance? Yes Q No Q if “yes” please provide WorkSafeBC# _________________________________________________ ďĂŶŬ ƌĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞ ůĞƩĞƌ ŝƐ ĂůƐŽ ƌĞƋƵŝƌĞĚ ĨŽƌ Ăůů ĐŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐ ĂƉƉůLJŝŶŐ ĨŽƌ ŵĞŵďĞƌƐŚŝƉ͘ /Ĩ ĂŶLJ ĂƉƉůŝĐĂŶƚ ŝƐ ƵŶĂďůĞ ƚŽ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞ ĐƵƌƌĞŶƚ ŵĞŵďĞƌ ƌĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞƐ͕ ƉůĞĂƐĞ ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚ ƚŚĞ 's, ŽĸĐĞ Ăƚ 778-565-4288 ĨŽƌ ŚĞůƉ͘

FEE STRUCTURE ŝƐ ƐƵďũĞĐƚ ƚŽ ĐŚĂŶŐĞ ĨƌŽŵ ƟŵĞ ƚŽ ƟŵĞ Builders 50+ Units:

ΨϮ͕ϳϱϬ͘ϬϬ н Ψϭϯϳ͘ϱϬ '^dΎ с ΨϮ͕ϴϴϳ͘ϱϬ

Builders 1 - 49 Units: Ψϭ͕ϯϲϬ͘ϬϬ н Ψ ϲϴ͘ϬϬ '^dΎ с Ψϭ͕ϰϮϴ͘ϬϬ All Others:

Ψϭ͕ϯϲϬ͘ϬϬ н Ψ ϲϬ͘ϬϬ '^dΎ с Ψϭ͕ϰϮϴ͘ϬϬ



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