Revue 2013-02

Page 19

This trogon is taking advantage of a natural tree feature to create a nest. (thor janson)

and extreme southern Panama. The whitetipped quetzal is confined to northern Colombia and Venezuela. The crested quetzal ranges from the mountains of Peru and Ecuador up to Venezuela. Our resplendent quetzal inhabits cloud forests from Oaxaca, Mexico and all of Central America down to northern Panama. And finally we have our gringo quetzal, the eared quetzal, which inhabits forests in southwestern U.S. down through mountainous areas of Chihuahua, Durango and reaching its southern limit in Jalisco, Mexico. Another gringo trogon, the elegant trogon, is found in Arizona and New Mexico.

and their habitats, and I am combining this project with another one called “Beers of the World!� Beers and birds! That should keep me out of trouble for another decade!

Eventually it is my plan to take a slow trip around the world to investigate and photograph all the different trogon species

Autographed books by author, photographer, and conservationist Thor Janson are available for sale at 3a avenida sur #4-A, La Antigua 17

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