Reopening Survey Responses July 7, 2020

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Reopening Survey for Unity of Nashville has collected 126 responses

(rev 7/7)

1. “When the goals of Mayor Cooper's 4 Phase Plan are achieved (check all that apply)” I will return immediately without hesitation. I will return cautiously. I'll wait a few weeks to see how it goes. It might be 6 months to a year before I feel comfortable to return. When there is a reliable treatment for COVID, I will return. When there is a COVID vaccine, I'll be back.

13.7% 18.6% 18.0% 21.1% 11.2% 17.4%

2. “In addition to the above, what other signs will you look for before you return to church? (check all that apply)” Only when all local businesses, restaurants, gyms, hair salons, etc. are open. 13.1% When social distancing recommendations have been lifted. 23.8% When all schools are open. 6.9% When venues for sports, theaters, etc., are open. 6.2% Not sure 50.0% 3. “What precautions are you willing to take to return safely to church? (check all that apply)” I will wear my own face mask outside and inside 28.5% I will distance myself 6 feet from people in the pew front, back, and on both sides 28.9% I will carry my own sanitizer 22.2% I'd rather watch the Live Stream from home 17.8% None of these 2.5% 4. “Are you aware until it is deemed totally "safe" to gather, we will still need to observe the following protocols: no handouts of any kind, no passing of baskets for offerings, no fellowship or coffee time, no hugging, hand holding, or touching?” Yes 92.6% No 7.4% 5. “Do you have grand/children younger that 18 who come to church with you?” Yes No

10.3% 89.7%

6. “ If YES to Question 5, what protocols do you require to be in place before you and your children will return?”


"Following the CDC protocols" | "We will return to indoor church when a treatment for COVID-19 is found. One exception - we might consider attending church outside." | "Ok" | "Sanitary conditions in place. " | "I trust your guidance on that." | "I'm more worried about our grandmother who might come if you open but shouldn't " | "Clean toys" | "Children must also wear masks and toys must be washed or not available " 7. “When the goals of Mayor Cooper's 4 Phase Plan are achieved and public gatherings resume with ease, which of the following would you prefer?” Resume in person gatherings ASAP 27.6% Continue meeting online for a few more weeks 47.4% Not sure 25.0% 8. “When the goals of Mayor Cooper's 4 Phase Plan are achieved, there may be a loosening of capacity restrictions. Which of the following attendance levels would you feel comfortable with? ” Filled to capacity 7.7% 3/4 full - no empty rows 20.2% 1/2 full 56.7% 1/4 full 15.4% 9. “What is your age (please, this really matters)” under 18 19 – 34 35 – 54 55 - 69 70 or better

0.0% 2.5% 16.0% 44.5% 37.0%

10. “Are you willing to be part of a team of volunteers to help us meet our safety requirements? (hallway monitors, taking temperatures if necessary, parking monitors, ushers, etc)” Yes, I'm a trained medical professional/EMT and am happy to. 5.8% Yes, I'm OK with proper training, masks, gloves, etc. 32.7% No. I have factors that make it unwise for me to be near others. 61.5% 11. “If you are willing to help, please submit you email address here.” 114 known contact 2 new contacts 12. “Thank you for participating in this survey! I means great deal to all who celebrate here. If you have any questions or comments, please use this space to communicate with us.”


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