Magazine L&E August 2014

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- Major challenges of tourism in panama - Decalogues of new draft Bills - ”Accountability in a democracy” -DILIO LONG... Horseracing Legend


Colaboradores en esta edición José Javier Rivera Rafael Fernández Lara Moises Veliz Giovana del Carmen Miranda Yorlenys Gaona Alexander Canto Albin Rodríguez Nadia Chang Mariela de Sanjur


Giovana del C. Miranda Fotografía - Mariela De Sedas de Sanjur Diagramación y Portada: Virginia Medina

Legislación y Economía es una publicación de

Rivera, Bolívar y Castañedas, que tiene como

Colaboradores en esta edición Augusto García César Alberto Rivera Botello

propósito principal

Lucila Rivas

mantener informados a

Maryory Ramos

nuestros clientes, empresarios,

Maryshel Moreno

industriales, ejecutivos, banqueros, inversionistas, y a

todo aquél que tenga interés en los temas que

RBC Abogados

publicamos. Rivera, Bolívar y Castañedas


Nuestras oficinas se encuentran ubicadas en Calle Aquilino de la Guardia, Urbanización Marbella Torre Banco General, Piso 9 Apartado 0819-08632 Tel: (507) 397-3000 Fax: (507) 397-3009 Panamá, República de Panamá








Polítics 17. THE LADIES IN WHITE...


19. Decalogues of new draft Bills






Sports Capsule 41. DILIO LONG... Horseracing Legend Cultural Capsule 44. ACTIVITIES FOR JULY AND AUGUST



José Javier Rivera - Lawyer

n recent weeks the country has attended as a spectator at a series of hearings held before the plenary session of the Assembly of Representatives who, in the exercise of the supervisory task that authorizes the Constitution have quoted the Director of Social Security Fund and General Comptroller’s Office.

Office and therefore is civil society that must fill this gap to hold them to proper authorities, including the Supreme Court to act promptly.

Although the government of President Varela is in his first dabbling in the Administration of clear mandate given to Panamanian people, should be aware that peoIn both cases, as expected, the aforementio- ple they have appointed are of equal obligation to tined officials, accompanied by an entourage of ad- mely account of their tasks, particularly at this stage visers have been unable or unwilling to respond of investigation of all the violations committed by preto, questions that have made them their censors. vious government. But it also has to be clear that they are public servants and have a duty to pass the scruA deep dissatisfaction caused this filing public servants tiny of the public that is tired of blunders and injustices. who received emoluments delicate features and in practice, haven’t had the responsibility to act in accordance with obli- Nobody in their right mind can say from now, that gations that both positions require more than four years. all governments have nepotism or deny information that will require the media, because, among This result is not surprising, because in this five-year period that other things, this is one of the pillars of democracy. prevailed was arbitrariness, lack of control and abuse of office. Many officials still have responsibilities in the sta- While the country expressed a vote of confidence to the governte apparatus could be cited and results would ment of President Varela can’t be interpreted as a carte blanche be the same or worse than those we have seen. to act outside the strict limits of compliance with the Act. L&E But accountability is a natural consequence of public and private roles, but when public funds are administered, without giving their use and the Act Dawn and see. requires, among other things, allows premium, diversion of funds by the end wrongful incurs a misuse of power and even conduct punishable by our laws. It’s striking, however, silence of Attorney General’s 6. Legislación y Economía - Agosto 2014



he Tourism Authority of Panama - ATP - as the governing body of the Panamanian Tourism, reported 2.2 million visitors by the end of 2013 and 1.1 million at June 30, 2014 reflecting a modest increase of 2.4% compared to the first six months of 2013 while the World Tourism Organization - OMT- predicted world growth of 4.5%. Despite this modest growth in visitor numbers, revenue generated amounted to $ 1.8 million, which is higher by 6.7% over the first half of 2013. We are a country whose economy depends 90% of service exports where tourism is central; therefore, our first challenge is to maintain the growth of tourism over the coming years. Thematic axes for a Strategy of Tourism. The new government inherited drag problems, such as lack of infrastructure and urban planning that impact on tourism; little security to tourists; little boost to domestic tourism; shortage of skilled labor to meet the demand of the industry and left pending to effectively promote the country brand and improve administrative and legal management of the tourism sector work tasks. Each of these topics were chosen as themes for the preparation of Vision Country 2025 presented by the Panamanian Association of Business Executives - APEDE- occasion of CADE 2014 and was delivered to the presidential candidates to the Republic for 4 May elections. For reasons of space for this issue of Law and Economics (Legislación & Economía), we are going to be limited to first two themes, while recognizing the great importance of other issues, considering low hotel occupancy is a major challenge facing private sector of the hospitality that is linked to the axis of infrastructure and urban planning and security to tourists, an issue that has occupied the pages of the newspapers in recent weeks.

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Moises Véliz

Infrastructure and Urban Planning: On the positive side infrastructure, we must mention the growing and flourishing construction of new hotels and hostels that have contributed 10,633 new rooms from 2009 to July 2014, with investment of 1,273 million dollars, thanks to Law 8 of August 14, 1994 by which tourism activities being promoted in the Republic of Panama and it was restored by Act 80 of 8 November 2012 laying down rules of incentives for the promotion of tourism in Panama, which only apply to hotels and inns within the country under the oversupply in the capital city. By linking investment in hotel sector, which has brought a substantial increase in number of rooms, with the downturn in visitor numbers, a decrease in load factors of the rooms which averaged 57.2% during the observed first half of this year. Can also be mentioned as positive public investment made in airport infrastructure construction, expansion and improvement of airports David, Rio Hato and Colon at a cost of 138.5 million dollars, 679 million more to build Tocumen international Airport South Terminal, which unfortunately has been increased to 769 million because of additional jobs, becoming news topic during this week for lack of money to continue the work. However, none of these works have a marketing plan for promotion and use, which must be prepared before running these investments. Construction of a new modern convention center in Amador Causeway, at a cost of 193.7 million dollars seems like a good project, but also began with a dispute between companies that tendered. It also lacks a marketing plan, although it is thought that the best strategy is to start marketing through an administrative unit consisting of the public and private sectors, the type Destination Marketing Organization -DMO- model that has worked successfully in various parts of the world as a marketing system for events and conventions.

The list of projects and activities for the development of infrastructure and urban planning that bring us closer to first world country is extensive, but we can mention a few such as: developing national plans and regional land use planning as established Law No. 6 of 1 February 2006, with emphasis on tourism development; determined based on the national land management plan priority for tourism development districts involving local governments; continue expansion of the Metro to La Chorrera and surrounding areas; design and implement a plan nationwide signage highlighting the main tourist sites; develop the Panamanian Caribbean based on construction of the Eco Tourist Caribbean Corridor; create new tourist information centers and make them work existing; rehabilitate the ecological way to Volcan Baru and Camino de Cruces tourism purposes; build a road to environmentally acceptable surface for rolling Volcan Baru; rehabilitate and improve roads to Boca Chica and Playa de las Lajas; Azuero build waterfront and many others that have business associations related to tourism.

Security to tourists. According to the Foundation for Economic and Social Development of Panama -FUDESPA- public insecurity is referenced to index of murder rate, which for 2011 was 20.3 per 100,000 population and, on average, in the last 5 years was 19.59 per 100,000. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), when the murder rate exceeds 10 per 100,000 inhabitants, is considered equal to an epidemic for the country and to solve the problem forceful measures required. News in recent weeks about robberies and assaults with firearms in restaurants and hotels in the city of Panama, aroused deep concern entire country, but mainly to tourism sector by irreparable damage that they cause to the image of Panama inside and outside its territory.

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The Panamanian Restaurant Association -ARAP- and the Panamanian Association of Hotels -APATEL- led the dialogue with the forces of National Police, to demand an series of measures, such as a prompt investigation of facts and punishment for criminals; effective legislation to prevent impunity of crime, especially when it comes to minors; increased vigilance by increasing foot police force; use silent alarms connected to National Police (PN) to ensure an early presence on premises to be assaulted. Meanwhile, the PN said firmness in fighting crime to guarantee security to all national and foreign citizens, despite having no jurisdiction to punish criminals because once arrested were turned over to the Assistant Attorney. However, they have succeeded in breaking some bands and continue to make operational rounds and visits to hotels and restaurants. Also, ask restaurant owners to implement their collaboration basic safety in their establishments. Within the list of projects and activities recommended that the tourism sector to enhance security include: restructuring of Tourism Police, enlarge and equip it with necessary resources; strengthen 911 system for emergency treatment; involve the community in management of local security; Share tourists safety information including maps with warnings of danger areas; design and implement a security plan in each municipality with high tourism potential community involvement. L&E

FAST PASS MIGRATION PROGRAM Giovana del C. Miranda G. - Abogada


he Ministry of Security through the National Immigration Service launched the Fast Pass Migration Program, which aims to streamline the immigration entrance to all Panamanians, with the approval of Resolution No. 23373 of 30 July 2014.



Giovana del C. Miranda G. - Abogada

The program has been designed for Panamanian citizens t was recently issued Executive Order No. 464 who wish to belong to it, so must submit the corresponding through the portal of August 12, 2014 by which you include the Doin which each applicant will provide their data request. minican Republic and Haiti in countries that require prior authorization of the Executive Branch to enThe benefit of belonging to the program is granted for a period ter the country, because of political national migration. of five (5) years renewable as long as requested by stakeholders. Furthermore, Executive Decree repeals Decree No. 167 of Resolution provides that all Panamanians who enter the March 2014 which excluded Republic of Haiti from councountry, from anywhere in the world, can do so through the tries requiring prior approval of the Executive Branch beprogram using automated terminals located at Tocumen In- cause of immigration policy and within countries started ternational Airport and any other within the country whe- requiring Visa Stamped by the Consul of Panama in Haiti. re can perform the migration process expeditiously. L&E It should be noted that in our March issue we address this issue and present some ideas from reasons we estimated that government of that time had issued arrangement and was attributed to Panama and Haiti signed a framework cooperation agreement which will enable development and implementation of mutually beneficial programs and projects aimed at the sectors of health, political, social, scientific, humanitarian and sports. L&E

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ational Immigration Service issued Resolution No. 24588 of August 12, 2014 by which is established that the certificates of criminal records that have no expiration date established for the purposes of the arrangements to be made to the institution shall be valid six months from the date of issuance of the document. With respect to documents which have effective date provided, prevail date. Related issue, bank details are used for providing immigration procedures the Authority that have an effective date of a month. We think it’s wise decision of National Immigration Service to establish by resolution the effective date of documents that are vital to immigration procedures and sometimes depended on interpretation of officer at the window. L&E



Giovana del C. Miranda G. - Lawyer

ayor of Panama dictate the Decree No.1536 of August 8, 2014 that dictates measures to enforce compliance with rules governing the activities of natural and legal persons engaged in marketing the different types of outdoor advertising. In this sense, it is ordered to natural or legal persons who would market the various forms of outdoor advertising to present to the Mayor a record of billboards and advertisements. So, it is given a deadline of companies described above from 1 to September 30, 2014 for publication in Digital Register of Outdoor Advertising inventory of billboards and advertisements that are installed within the District. Similarly, states that once the deadline expired, any advertisement or structure that does not have identifying features in the registry permission will be removed immediately by the Mayor. Decree establishes that inventory of billboards and advertisements published in the Digital Register of Outdoor Advertising does’t imply recognition of its legalization, therefore municipality will review legal status of each of billboards or ads placed. Finally, is suspended from August 22, 2014 date on which the Decree came into effect until January 1, 2015 granting new permits installation of billboards and advertisements as requested by the natural or legal persons engaged in the marketing of different types of outdoor advertising. L&E

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onsidering that the Ministry of Labor and Workforce Development to guide and coordinate policy of labor, for better development of human resources through employment services and research and coordination, through Executive Decree No. 97 of 5 August 2014 High Commission is created around the public employment policy of the Republic of Panama, under the coordination and supervision of the Ministry of Labor and Workforce Development.

Giovana del C. Miranda G. - Lawyer

be conducted by head of the International Technical Cooperation Office MITRADEL and moderators and advisors from international organizations, who provide inputs and technical assistance for the implementation of comprehensive the commission.

It’s apparent from recital of the rule, that current trends in local labor market and the region, provide for immediate need to integrate strategies and public-private actions to improve local productivity and coordinated deThe High Commission which shall consist of a num- termining specific aspects of management employment, ber of institutions and actors, among which are re- such as education or training such as education and presentatives of the Ministry of Education, Panama technical and vocational training of Panamanians. L&E Maritime Authority, CoNEP, APEDE, SIP, CAPAC, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, APATEL, CONATO, CONUSI , INADEH, SENACYT, University of Panama, Technological University of Panama, Governing Council, Labour Foundation, COSPAE, National Center for Competitiveness and MITRADEL. Responsibility of Ministry of Labor responsible for: 1 Submit to the Cabinet, the conclusions that determine the strategy and concrete actions that integrate public employment policy, according to the elements evaluated and analyzed by the High Commission. 2 Promote if required, approval or adequacy of standards of employment and budgetary requirements for public institutions involved in the implementation of national employment strategy. Finally it has been established that the High Commission to have a Technical Secretariat which will

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Giovana del C. Miranda G. - Lawyer



Giovana del C. Miranda G. - Lawyer

uperintendency of Banks under Agreement No. he Office of Administration by Resolution No. 36 of 006-2014 of 29 July 2014 adds a section 5-A No. 7-2005 23 July 2014 created the Special Unit for the investigation of Agreement to check clearance and availability of funds. crimes committed in the Tocumen International Airport, which is attached to the Deputy Attorney General of the ReIn this vein, we have that for the purposes of returned public, the Special Prosecutor Drug-Related Crimes and the checks and release of funds, banks must make the sending Special Prosecutor for Organized Crime based at the airport. of checks returned for exchange of the same processor designated no later than 3:00 pm the day they were compen- It shall be the Special Unit start and move forward with sated in the Clearinghouse. This being so, the release and investigations of crimes occurring at the airport whoavailability of the camera corresponding to the incoming se knowledge appropriate to the Assistant Prosecutor, funds must be made no later than 5:00 pm the same day. Drug and Organized Crime and will also be the permanent link to the National Aviation Security (DINASA). Remarkably, in comment Agreement shall take effect February 1, 2015. L&E The resolution in question, is issued under the MOU Aeroportuary Communications Program, signed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and our country. L&E

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ecently, the Office of Administration by C-30 to 14 of August 13, 2014, had the opportunity to rule on request by the Director of Distinguished Fire Department by which such institution asks if they “can’t apply other sanctions are monetary (fines), for breach of the safety rules for the prevention, control, fire fighting and other related calamities.” To absolve the question, the attorney proceeds to examine the legal framework of Distinguished Fire Department is Law 10 of 16 March 2010, as well as disciplinary rules for its members available to the Executive Decree No.113 of February 23 , 2011. As discussed under the rules, the Office estimates that observed rule establishing special sanctions from fines, which would apply to be breached safety standards outlined in the first paragraph, this being so under the principle of legality which governs in Public Administration, under which public servants are entitled to only do what the law expressly allows the Director General of that entity may only apply those sanctions are duly established by law; which in this case correspond to fines. L&E

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Source: Procuraduria General de la Administración



e summarize the judgment of August 11, 2014 by the Plenum of the Supreme Court regarding the unconstitutionality lawsuit against Article 1, Paragraph 1 and Article 14 of the Law No. 24 of 8 April 2013, creating the Authority of Public Income. A. Unconstitutional Accused Rules “Article 1: the Authority Public Income (ANIP) was created as an autonomous state institution with national jurisdiction, legal status, own assets and administrative, functional and financial autonomy. The Authority shall consist of coated and all functions, powers and privileges granted by law to the General Directorate of Income of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. For all purposes, it is understood that the Authority Public Income succeeds to all its functions, duties and powers by law and others that are entered in favor of the General Directorate of Income of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.” “Article 14: The Public Income Administrator will be the most official rank, to be appointed by the Executive Branch for a period of seven years, and must be ratified by the National Assembly.” B. Constitutional Infringed procedure and Concept of the Infraction

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Numeral 5 Paragraph 11 of Article 184 of the Constitution: • Eliminates constitutional authority and duty of the President to monitor the collection and administration of the national income; • Eliminates constitutional authority and duty of Minister of Economy and Finance to participate with President of the Republic to monitor the collection and administration of the national income; given unique role that the new law gives Ministry of Economy and Finance is to represent Public Income Administrator at Cabinet Councils, with no other function (Article 3). • The ANIP hasn’t approved the regulations governing its operation and that since it is a public entity under direct supervision of the President of the Republic and the Ministry of Economy and Finance, to be granted administrative autonomy is violating the constitutional rule of law. • In setting the exercise of Public Income Administrator within seven (7) years, is eliminating the constitutionally mandated authority assigned to each President to appoint during his tenure at Administrator of National Revenue. C. Concept of the Attorney General’s Office • Considered that Articles 1 and 14 of Law No. 24 of 2013 are not unconstitutional taking: a. With regard to Article 1: content analysis of articles 3, 6, 8, 10, 20 (exercised in accordance with the policy and guidance of the Executive Branch jurisdiction, execution of fiscal policies proposed by the Executive Body; ANIP shall consist of a Board Directive; Manager report to MEF on the administration and management of the revocation

of tax revenues of the Authority) of Law No. 24 of 2013 are clear from that even though Article 1 doesn’t legally bind the ANIP to MEF through the guidelines established in the above laws, the powers to monitor the collection and administration of national income required the Executive Branch in Article 184 of the Constitution are met. b. As regards Article 14: nowhere in the Constitution the appointment of heads, managers and directors of autonomous, semi-autonomous public entities and state enterprises for the same term of office of the President is limited, but the appointment or designation of these charges is made by the President, concluding that it is desirable in order to optimize the management of the entity at the time the fixed period of seven (7) years of office to the Administrator. D. Considerations and Decision of the Plenary Based on the principle of universality enshrined in Article 2566 of the Judicial Code, which reads the following lines: “Article 2566. In these matters the Court is not limited to studying the crossed position unconstitutional solely on the basis of the texts cited in the complaint, but must examine it, comparing it with all the provisions of the Constitution as he deems appropriate.”

Plenum considers that any law or act that violates this principle becomes unconstitutional. • Creating the Anip watchful institutional stability protected in our Constitution. • Law No. 24 of 2013 excludes the Executive Branch functions which are peculiar as guiding the central government of the state. “This organization divides and distorts the unity and integrity of the Unitary State, which should not affect decentralization.” • A part of that authority are assigned functions that are exclusive authority of the President of the Republic, the Minister of Economy and Finance and hinders the work of the Cabinet Council to grant roles to an autonomous entity whose principal is not part of the Executive; usurping the functions of the President of the Republic with the participation of the respective Minister, as indicated in Article 184 of the Constitution, thus breaking the institutional stability that protects the preamble of the Constitution.

• With regard to Article 1 of Law No. 24 of 2013: It takes as a reference the preamble to the Constitution:

• It has created an authority having Administrator has established a period of exercise you seven (7) years in violation of the authority designated by the numeral 11 of Article 184 of the Constitution exceeding the period of the president himself, which could hamper plans for the collection of national revenues to see taken.

“With the ultimate aim of strengthening the Nation, ensure freedom, democracy and ensure institutional stability, exalting human dignity, promote social justice, general welfare and regional integration, and invoking the protection of God, do ordain the Constitution politics of the Republic of Panama. “

• Is granted administrative autonomy to Anip, which implies a domain in tax matters by an entity to the detriment of the constitutional allocation granted to the President in conjunction with the Minister of Economy and Finance, to oversee the administration of national income and direct, regulate and inspect the performance of the utility.

“It is a solemn declaration of the purposes of the constituent, in which values and principles that guide the legal system of a nation are expressed. “Definition has been based on the doctrine and jurisprudence, based on which the full Court, in 2012, it was expressly established “when a law or articles lela, violate the purposes and principles set out in the preamble of the Constitution, the Constitutional Court decision should be declared unconstitutional law.” (Judgment of February 2, 2012 the Full Court).

Is unconstitutionally giving the ability to self-administer without subordination to any other entity, President or Minister of Economy and Finance.

The constitutional preamble has normative value, being an integral part of the Constitution. Under this, the constitutional preamble is set to “ensure democracy and institutional stability.” In this sense, the 15. Legislación y Economía - Agosto 2014

• Administrative autonomy has been given to the Anip is “possibility of a legal entity to perform its legal content itself without interference from third ...”, recommended by the CIAT which allows the possibility of creating the Authority with powers of finance their activities without relying for that Treasury and within the limits that the regulations indicate, and appropriate use of administrative resources for this purpose, violating paragraph 4 of Article 159, paragraph 7 of Article 184 and Articles 267 and 268 of the Constitution.

• The Anip took powers that correspond to judiciary as confronting paragraph 6 of Article 20 of Law No. 24, shows that the Directorate of International Taxation is given the responsibility to interpret the Treaties or Agreements are signed Tax by the Republic of Panama and develop applications for exchange of information required of foreign tax authorities. • With regard to Article 14 of Law No. 24 of 2013: the period of seven (7) years, which shall remain designated by the Administrator, exceeds that Article 177 of the Constitution set to the President of the Republic. • This appointment is unconstitutional because a law can’t establish that the director of an autonomous entity as Anip appointed by the President in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, extend his term beyond the duration of government itself that appointed and also the President would lose the ability to constitutionally granted appointment to the appointment of a director of such an institution, if it it were made by the president that preceded it. • This attentive law against the effectiveness of administrative functions, paragraph 12 of Article 159 of the Constitution. • This law creates an institutional imbalance in the MEF, in relation to other directions. • The Minister of Economy and Finance loses the administrative and political control over the Treasury account, hindering its annual accountability report has presented to the National Assembly, as it doesn’t have all the information required as head of Ministry. (paragraph 8 of Article 161 of the Constitution). • Although it is not established in Panama unconstitutional by connection or by implication, the Court notes that the explanation of constitutional violation in this application, or encompasses operates similarly to the rest of the regulatory body of the Law No. 24 of 2013, dealing with the functions, organizational structure, economic and financial regime. • What happens when declared unconstitutional ANIP? Causes a loss of effect or void, giving the resurgence or revival of the old law.

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Mauro Cappelletti, based on the Italian Constitution, “once pronounced the judgment of unconstitutionality, the relevant law is devoid of effects in general, neither more nor less than if he has been repealed by a subsequent law, and, on the contrary, recover its term legislation prior to the law unconstitutional.” • Article 37 of the Civil Code refers only to the repeal of the law, and not the declaration of unconstitutionality. • The rulings of unconstitutionality has no retroactive effect in the case of legal rules that are declared unconstitutional, as in this case. Therefore, those events held before the declaration of unconstitutionality of Law No. 24 of April 8, 2013, will not be affected by this judgment. • With this judgment, recover those rules governing force and gave legal support to the DGI of MEF, as well as those who were surrogates, specifically the Cabinet Decree 109 of May 7, 1970, as amended. L&E




bout four years ago I wrote an article entitled “We’re Being Indolent” published in a local newspaper, which referred to the exemplary bravery of a group of heroic Cuban women, known as the “Ladies in White” who since April 2003 peacefully faced with limitations railways and the almighty totalitarian Cuban government, the arbitrary imprisonment of their relatives and friends, demanding the release of political prisoners who have been sentenced to long prison terms for disagreeing with the regime.

Rafael Fernández Lara

ny in scenes offensive to the core of human decency. When these scenes are seen through the social networks, but unfortunately not in programs having high tuning is impossible not to ponder our democratic countries who constantly bang their chest saying democracy advocates, look away . For its part, the regime of the Castro brothers is deaf ear to complaints and sanctions imposed by the European Union to pressure from various international organizations defending human rights and backing vocals, insufficient, that throughout the world receive these admirable Ladies in White. Rather, the retardant increases the aggressive regime of police violence.

The Cuban dictatorship, a stain on the American continent, which exists in Cuba for 53 years, to the shame of true democracy, where power is concentrated around a figure of a single individual, or a privileged elite, where there is no separation of powers and eye something that is very important and some forget, where there is an institutionalized procedure for the opposition from coming to power. The fear and despair of authoritarianism goes so far that, through paramilitary gunmen, beat and arrested memThese “Ladies in White” from the outset have been subjec- bers of the Ladies in White for their claim to peacefully ted to all kinds of harassment, teasing, cruel, retrograde re- reach the coast in order to lay flowers at sea to commepression by the Cuban government and its soulless hordes morate and honor the victims of the infamous case of the that meet the guidelines of the Department of State Security. “13 de Marzo tugboat”, which occurred on July 13, 1994, And why? Simply because bold and defenseless La- in which the Cuban government is accused by the sinking dies in White out peaceful activities as attending Sun- of the tug as “fact premeditated and intentional” that cauday Mass dressed in white, and then make a short sed the dead 37 Cubans who wanted to leave the island. tour and quiet surrounding streets, taking pictures of friends and family prisoners. Walking the streets, Insatiable appetite of abuse, oppressive regime, earunited by grief, defending their ideological con- lier this year, added another case of violation of human victions, while being vilified by a bunch of tyran- rights by detaining dozens of the Ladies in White in Ha17. Legislación y Economía - Agosto 2014

vana when he walked to commemorate the anniversary of the death of both Orlando Zapata Tamayo, an opponent of the Cuban fascist dictatorship, who had been sentenced to 32 years in prison and declared a hunger strike, and the four members of the humanitarian organization “Brothers to the Rescue,” when the two aircraft they were traveling were toppled by the Cuban Air Force.

Ladies in White struggle with love and courage for their principles, exposing the cowardice and hatred of the dictatorship that exists only in the Americas and it is forgotten, tolerated by men and governments who claim to defend democracy.

Will the last tyranny that exists in our continent have one of the strongest armies, more weapons, tanks and thousands These examples are but we very few among the list of of soldiers, artillery, hundreds of planes, and their arroganmany others that show us that strategies and more radi- ce steamroll these bold champions of freedom? I think not, cal extremist actions brought by the government of the they can’t take that stone in the shoe are for tyranny. L&E Castro brothers against the Ladies in White in order to discourage, suppress, harass, offend and arresting them is crash into an unbreakable will of these brave Cuban women unprotected, which not give up in their intentions they release political prisoners and the right to dissent and to express respect and therefore human rights.

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DRAFT LAW N ° 018 CONSULTATION AND ESTABLISHING THE PRIOR APPROVAL, FREE AND INFORMED OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES By: Lucila Rivas Guerrero Indigenous peoples have played an important role throughout history mostly for their constant struggles to preserve their place in the national geography, traditions and customs. It was recently presented the draft Law No.018 on Indigenous Affairs to establish mandatory consultation and free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples. This draft consists of fifteen articles. Among the most important aspects of this bill, we can mention the following points: 1. “Article 1: the exercise of the right to consultation of indigenous or native peoples is established whenever expected, legislative and administrative measures affecting directly in accordance with UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.” 2. This Act applies to all agencies and departments of the State, are required to make inquiries before adopting and implementing legislative or administrative measures that directly affect the collective rights, physical existence, cultural identity, quality of life and development of indigenous peoples. 3. Consultation are rights of indigenous communities or originating from regions, surrounding areas and group to be consulted on previous form on legislative or administrative measures that may affect them directly land through an intercultural dialogue and Spanish mother language, to ensure inclusion in decision-making processes of the State and the adoption of measures respectful of their collective rights. The guiding principles of the right of inquiry lie in the following aspects: 1. Opportunity 2. Good Faith 3. Intercultural 4. Suitable processes 5. Flexibility 6. Reasonable time 7. Timely information 8. Absence of coercion or constraints. The principles of procedures for the exercise of the right to consultation are: 1. Consent 2. Freedom 3. Information This draft bill seeks state promoting entities thath satisfy at least the following stages in the consultation process such as: 19. Legislación y Economía - Agosto 2014

a. Identification of the legislative or administrative measure of indigenous or native peoples who must be consulted. b. Identification of indigenous or native peoples to be consulted c. Advertising legislative or administrative measures d. Information on legislative or administrative measures e. Internal assessment in institutions and organizations of indigenous or native on legislative or administrative measures that directly affect peoples. f. Dialogue process between State representatives and representatives of indigenous or native peoples. g. Decision. According to this draft once fulfilled the formalities prior consultation with indigenous peoples, not to reach agreement on what accessed, provides that the State shall take all necessary steps to ensure the collective rights of indigenous peoples. And this law shall regulate the executive through the Ministry of Trade and Industry. OUR OPINION It is timely and necessary this legislative initiative to regulate and somehow regulate the effects that both the State itself and private companies have done to indigenous peoples, with the approval and granting of different projects that are carried out throughout the country. Collective rights in our view should go hand in hand with the development are communities whose role in history has always found disadvantages compared to large economic empires that want appropriate their land and to invade large communities. The State must ensure that residents of these communities improve their quality of life and to understand that it is possible to preserve their traditions and cooperate with development, which also benefits them.

DRAFT LAW No. 035 WHICH IS IMPLEMENTED BY AN INVESTMENT PLAN FOR VARIOUS SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE OF INTEREST IN COMMUNITIES RURAL ACCESS OR HARD OF THE PROVINCE OF COLUMBUS. By: Maryory Lizeth Ramos G. DRAFT LAW No. 035 WHICH IS IMPLEMENTED BY AN INVESTMENT PLAN FOR VARIOUS SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE OF INTEREST IN COMMUNITIES RURAL ACCESS OR HARD OF THE PROVINCE OF COLUMBUS. By: G. Ramos Maryory Lizeth A bill by which an investment plan for various infrastructure of social interest in rural communities or difficult to access in the province of Col贸n was presented by Deputy Nelson Jackson 3-2 circuit is implemented Palma. Jackson said the Government is planning to fulfill a campaign promise to check colonense people, which consists in providing urban renewal plan for the city of Columbus, for which 500 million dollars will be invested. The province of Col贸n pose optimal resources for comprehensive development in all areas, due to its prime location, the activity of its ports, national and international trade, and its free zone and the Colon Free Zone also is one of pro20. Legislaci贸n y Econom铆a - Agosto 2014

vinces, whose economic activities contribute more to the national treasury. In theory, these economic resources should lead to the welfare of the entire population of the province, but today, the reality is different because in recent studies point out that in urban areas in the province of Col贸n there is a housing shortage over ten thousand homes, which makes clear the existing flaws in terms of distribution of wealth. The project announced expectation filled the population that expects at least to be endowed with adequate housing, along with access to other services and benefits that meet their basic needs such as adequate electrification, new water and sewage, health , recreational areas and ongoing technical assistance for sustainable and comprehensive economic development. The above needs not only focus on the urban areas of the province of Col贸n, there are remote communities in the city center, the so-called rural or difficult to access, where as in the city of Colon lack basic resources enabling them to have a standard of living adequate to ensure their health, welfare and other means of subsistence. This initiative encourages participating companies enjoy fiscal and economic incentives commensurate with their investment, work plans, promotion and sustainable development. For this project, it is expected that the Government will make an investment of 500 million dollars, however the proponent deputy, says it is imperative that an investment of at least 150 million dollars to the areas of rural communities or is made inaccessible. In our research we could not find the sources of project financing, only be a reversal of the Central Government. The draft bill, in its second article sets out the scope of the project to develop, it includes: 1. Affordable Housing. 2. Provision of drinking water through water treatment plants. 3. Construction and rehabilitation of roads. 4. Electrification. 5. Recreational areas. 6. Health services. 7. Schools. 8. Permanent technical assistance. The investment plan will be prepared by the Ministry of Housing and Land Management, in coordination with the General Directorate of Statistics and Census of the Comptroller General in order to identify which communities are urged to implement this plan. Now we just wait for that project evaluated and given the procedure established by the Regulation for the internal regime of the Assembly. We expect to see a City of Columbus, renewed infrastructure and its people deserve also can reflect the wealth generated by this province thanks to its geographical position.

21. Legislaci贸n y Econom铆a - Agosto 2014

SEARCH CORRECT BILL PAY DISPARITIES PROPERTY TAX AND APPRAISAL POLICY CATASTRALES By: Augusto C. García He was recently presented to the National Assembly the draft Law No. 6 of 2014, by the deputy Zulay Rodriguez, which seeks to introduce a number of changes to the Tax Code, in order to modify related provisions determining the tax property, and make changes to the rules governing the conduct of assessed valuation by the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Changes in Property Tax: As mentioned in the preamble of the draft bill on the same a number of changes designed to benefit taxpayers in property tax, then we will review each of these modifications are made: Increase in the value of the tax exemption of property: Within the proposed draft amendment is introduced to paragraph 7 of Article 764 of the Tax Code, aimed at increasing the exemption from property tax in order to make it reach those property tax whose base, including improvements not exceeding forty thousand Balboas (B /. 40,000.00). Decreased rates applicable for the determination of the tax, and increased the taxable value intervals within the progressive rate combined: Amending Article 766 of the Tax Code arises, reducing rates applicable for determining the property tax and increasing the intervals of the values on which these rates apply as follows: Improved including value if there (according to the draft) Rate (according to the draft) Actual rate B / 40,000.00 to B / 100,000.00 0.5% 1.75% B / 100,000.00 to B / 250,000.00 0.90% 1.95% B / 250,000.00 onwards 1.40% 2.10% The rate applicable to the tax assessment amending and taxable value intervals are increased in progressive rate combined alternative: Similarly modifying progressive alternative rate combined property tax contained in Article 766-A, as follows arises: Improved including value if there (according to the draft) Rate (according to the draft) Actual rate B / 40,000.00 to B / .1000,000.00 0.40% 0.75% B / 100000.00 onwards 1.00% 0.80% Importantly, there are some provisions whose scope is important to clarify the content of this draft law, specifically regarding property tax property taxed as PH, since within it the introduction of raises table for determining the tax field those properties whose condos are terraced vertically, however it is contradictory to not removed the paragraph of Article 766 of the tax Code, which provides that in these cases the owners paid on the value of field a fee of 1%, during the period of exemption of improvements. 22. Legislación y Economía - Agosto 2014

Furthermore, it should be noted that the changes contained in property tax are aimed at benefiting taxpayers with a reduction in the amount of tax payable. However be interesting to see the discussion of this project in the National Assembly, considering that representatives of the Executive Branch have been emphatic in launching reprimands regarding the tight budgetary situation in the country after he finished the previous administration , so it will be important to pay attention to the approach of the Executive Body regarding this initiative considering the impact it may have on public finances. Changes in Cadastral Appraisal: Introduced an amendment to Article 767 of the Tax Code on Cadastral Appraisal: Within the amendment proposed in the draft provides that the Cadastral Property Appraisal set by the Directorate General of Land Registry, may not exceed 50% of the valuation of market or commercial. Article 770 of the Tax Code is amended: It is established that the mass Appraisals decreed by the Directorate of Cadastre (General and Partial Appraisals), will be performed every fifteen (15) years, and the same will be made only by the officials of the Directorate of Cadastre Ministry of Economy and Finance, eliminating the possibility that they be made by private guarantors. Likewise, a change is made to Article 771 of the Tax Code, establishing an obligation for the Minister of Finance to determine the areas considered socially vulnerable, in order to be excluded from the appraisals. It is important to note that the said draft bill is still pending discussion at the Commission of Economy and Finance of the National Assembly.

DRAFT AMENDING CERTAIN ARTICLES OF LAW 55 AUGUST 2008 REGARDING THE MARITIME TRADE By: Maryshel Moreno On July 21, 2014 Congressman Raúl Hernández presented a bill to the National Assembly of Panama, amending some articles of the law 55 August 2008, concerning the maritime trade in Panama. With the enactment of Law 55 August 2008 the second book of our commercial code, the same draft tube big grammatical, structural and substantive errors such as omission of rules approach was supplanted in its entirety. In this law the Convention on the International Regulations was included to prevent collision at sea, which was signed in London in 1972 and in our Republic on March 14, 1979, but not the articles governing the approach were included in our code of commerce. That is why the preliminary No.036 want to update the rules that refer to the Public Registry for registration of documents relating to merchant shipping, to understand that it is the Directorate General of the Public Registry of Deeds and ships Lien Maritime Authority of Panama, is the new entity to the registration of documents. Similarly this bill has some articles about the collision, insurance contracts and simple faults or individuals. This draft has 23 articles who wish to modify some of those provided by law 55 August 2008. Under the above explanations, it has full security that improvements to the existing law will be of great help for the sector.

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With five votes, the Government Commission of the National Assembly approved on first reading the bill number 24, presented by Deputy Juan Carlos Arango, by which it is intended to repeal Law 11 of 2014, and return to text original Act 55 of 1996. As we all remember, at the end of the previous administration, the law in November 2014 by which you will be awarded and granted the benefit of escorts to the wives and children of former presidents of the Republic was approved. Because of the discomfort that caused the approval of this standard is that through the appropriate legislative initiative the Government Commission has approved restore the original text, so that the escort service and personal safety is guaranteed only to citizens who have been elected to the post of President of the Republic. This bill should be passed for discussion at second and third debate by the full Assembly Nacional, and subsequently sent to the Executive Body for due ratification. L&E

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he Consumer Price Index (CPI) in July compared to June 2014, recorded a low of 0.8 percent in both the National Urban and for districts of Panama and San Miguelito and 0.9 percent in the Urban Rest.

Source: CGRP Contraloría General de la República de Panamá

passport; Health 0.6 percent, increase in the price of medical specialist consultation; Furniture, household equipment and routine maintenance of house and Transport 0.4 percent due to increase in the price of household and fuel, respectively.

Compared with June 2013, an increase of 2.2 percent in both Comparing the National Urban CPI July 2014, with the National Urban as well as in the districts of Panama and San its similar 2013, the following increases are shown: Miguelito and 2.4 percent in the Urban Rest was presented. Health, Education and Miscellaneous goods and services with 4.7 percent, respectively; Furniture, houseSo far this year, the National Urban CPI showed a cu- hold equipment and routine maintenance of house 3.6 mulative increase of 1.4 percent. The division of the percent; Transportation 2.3 percent; Recreation, enterCPI for July which showed decrease was 3.1 Food tainment and cultural services 1.8 percent; Clothing and beverages percent, mainly due to the decrea- and footwear 1.5 per cent; Food and drinks 1.3 percent se in the price of rice, vegetables and dried vegetables. and housing, water, electricity and gas 1.0 percent. L&E However, divisions that had increase were: Miscellaneous goods and services 1.8 percent, the increase in price of

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he Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) introduced the Fiscal Balance of the nonfinancial public sector (NFPS) for the first half of 2014. Indicate that NFPS revenues in the first six months totaled 4,705.6 million dollars, representing an increase of 1.5% compared to that recorded in same period of 2013. Meanwhile, total expenditures amounted to 6,216.1 million dollars, representing an increase of 13.6% over the first half of last year. This caused a fiscal balance deficit for this period. The NFPS deficit in first half totaled 1,510.5 million dollars, equivalent to 3.2% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is above what is allowed by the Fiscal Responsibility Act (LRSF) for the year 2014 that is 2.7% (1.336 million of dollars). In the second half of the year, a plan to contain public spending in order to balance the state’s finances and comply with the provisions of LRSF apply. In addition, it is implementing a strategy to increase capital inflows. If these measures to be implemented aren’t sufficient to meet the limit permitted by LRSF, MEF prompted an increase in the fiscal deficit set for the current year to the National Assembly. Balance of the Central Government. For the Central Government, first six months of 2014, total revenues amounted to 3,132.9 million dollars, giving 26. Legislación y Economía - Agosto 2014

Source: CGRP Contraloría General de la República de Panamá

an increase of 3.1% or 93.2 million of Dollars over first half of 2013; parallel, total expenditures recorded 4,877.5 million dollars, up 10.3% or 454.4 million of Dollars. Moreover, tax revenues reached 2467.8 million dollars in the first six months of the year, giving an upturn 500 thousand dollars compared to the same period in 2013. L&E



he Monthly Economic Activity Index of (MEAI) and the Quarterly Gross Domestic Product (PIBTRIM) are two economic indicators which approximate the path of economic growth. For differences in coverage in the data, both indicators are not fully coincident, since the publication MEAI offers greater opportunity the PIBTRIM, but is affected by lower coverage indicators.

Source: CGRP Contraloría General de la República de Panamá

The sectors with positive results for the reference period were: fisheries, transport, storage and communications, financial intermediation, hotels and restaurants, commerce and community, social and personal service activities.

All other sectors showed a positive finding but in slower pace, with the exception of construction, mining and quarrying, manufacturing and The IMAE is an indicator of the produc- electricity and water, which recorded decrease. tion of the investigated PIBTRIM economic sectors and the full indicator is Value Added. The fishing continued to show positive rate, especially for the largest catch of species for export. Similarly, the effect of seasonality on the indicators within the IMAE affects more than PIBTRIM quarterly indicators. The operations of transport and communications sector recorded a good performance due to sustaiThe IMAE is a summary measure of amount of fixed ned, dynamic telecommunications, air transport, the base, which is integrated turn by simple indices of ac- movement measured in TEU Container Port Systivities, made from a base year weights; on the other tem of National and Panama Canal operations. hand, the updated weights PIBTRIM through consolidation values added by fixed or self-weighting constant. Financial intermediation activity showed a favorable performance both in banking and in the insurance buSince both indicators are coincident in time, it is ad- siness, which showed a higher volume of premiums. visable for the use and interpretation of IMAE complements the PIBTRIM, which is of greater coverage. Tourism-related activities, such as services in hotels and restaurants posted positive results, mainly by hikers entry, transit passengers, tourists and the costs Comments incurred by these during their stay in the country. The Monthly Index of Economic Activity (MIEA) For its part, the business showed growth in in the Republic, for January to June of this, mea- both retail, wholesale and locally, although insured in terms of original series, grew by 3.74 fluenced by limitations on Colon Free Zone. percent compared to the same period of 2013. The provision of fun and entertainment continues favored mainly by the increase in equestrian activi27. Legislación y Economía - Agosto 2014

ties, net sales of lottery and gaming revenues of ga- rrying retained their decrease due to associated low ming of chance, highlighting the slot machines A. as the Canal expansion and completion of several major projects of state investment activities; likewise inSome of the service activities that presented a good be- fluenced the reduced demand for key inputs such as havior were private education, the demand for qualified concrete and cement areas associated with mining personnel and health services provided by private sector. Manufacturing decline in industrial production related to the manufacture of textiles, metal products, chemicals Activities that grow with less momentum, agricul- and printing issues and activities. However, they showed a tural sector showed a slight increase in activities slight increase, food processing, papermaking and plastics. such as dairy, vegetable crops and raising poultry. The production of electricity and water category By contrast, falls were recorded in production of fruit showed a slight decline, influenced by decrease in hycrops like watermelon, pineapple and bananas, mainly droelectric generation. By contrast, a higher therfor export; likewise, in breeding of cattle and pigs. mal electricity generation and billed consumption The categories of construction and mining and qua- of electricity and drinking water was recorded. L&E

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he Panama Canal Authority (ACP) published and presented at the XXXI supervision authorities Quarterly Progress Contracts Expansion Program, in compliance with Law 28 of July 17, 2006.

Fuente: ACP Autoridad del Canal de Panamá

ted dredging of the Atlantic and Pacific entrance of the Canal; Access Channel -CAP1 Pacific, CAP2, and CAP3 - while CAP4 recorded an advance of 73 percent. The contract for design and construction of the third set of locks, the most The overall construction pro- important of Expansion Program, gress is 76.6% at June 30, 2014. registers an advance of 72 percent. L&E At that date, contracts were comple-

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Source: América economía

dministrator of the Panama Canal, Jorge Luis Quijano, said Wednesday that precautions are taken against the possible effects that can have the weather phenomenon “El Niño” in the operation of the waterway. The official, who spoke on the issue after the inauguration of the II International Congress of Panama Canal Maintenance in a hotel in Panama City, said that sustained efforts are required as saving energy and water, as though the effects of “El Niño” apparently have “stopped”, there is still uncertainty. “With Mother Nature doesn’t play,” Quijano said noting that have been applied to this waypoint saving measures in the consumption of water in the “lockage”, while following closely the possible impacts with entry of “El Niño”. The Panama Canal locks used to climb down the level of ships transiting, and that depend primarily on water and gravity. As for water sources important Panama Canal, ministrator explained that in Lake Alajuela water above the normal level, but in Gatun Lake is two low therefore reiterated that should exercise

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the adlevel is feet becaution.

He added that from now until December, will be watching what happens. “It is true that there is less rain and you have to take precautions becauseElNinois hereand don’tknowhowmuchwillbeitseffect,”headded. About the Congress, Quijano said it is not a contest for the Panama Canal, but for the country as it is to show the importance of maintenance to reduce costs and others incorporate this approach. He said that, as stated in opening the event, maintenance is the afterlife and business sustainability Panama Canal, mainly infrastructure dating back a century. “We have proven that through a good maintenance program and modernization can have an almost indefinite life of the facilities and infrastructure,” he added. He said the new locks that are installed as part of the expansion project of the Panama Canal, are designed to be well maintained. Quijano estimated between $ 239 million and $ 240 million annual investment in maintenance in the Panama Canal, equivalent to 9 or 10% of revenues, to which the proposed modernization of the track adds. L&E



conomies of Latin America and the Caribbean will grow on average 2.2% in 2014, due to weak external demand, sluggish domestic demand, insufficient investment and limited space for the implementation of policies that promote recovery, the agency announced today. These elements differentially impact countries and regions of Latin America and the Caribbean, verifying a high heterogeneity in the dynamics of growth, ECLAC said.

Fuente: CEPAL

It is expected that the Central American Isthmus plus Haiti and Dominican Republic will grow 4.4%, while South America will expand 1.8%, albeit with a wide diversity between countries. The Caribbean will grow by 2.0%, which implies a rise from 1.2% recorded in 2013.

The decrease in the estimated growth for 2014 responds to different factors, according to the country under study, the statement said. In the case of Argentina, whoThe regional commission of the United Nations relea- se GDP barely grow this year, and Venezuela, which sed its Economic Survey of Latin America and the Ca- would score a contraction of -0.5%-, the available data ribbean 2014 report, which downgraded the regional for first months of the year reflect the impact of cergrowth projection for this year delivered in April (2.7%). tain imbalances that had been manifested in the years. The report indicated that observed in last quarter of 2013 economic downturn continued in first months of 2014, bringing In Chile and Peru, which will expand 3.0% and 4.8% respecthe region score lower than last year (2.5%) growth. However, tively, low economic dynamism is linked to a lower level of warns that gradual improvement in some of the world’s ma- investment and the slowdown in household consumption. jor economies should allow a turnaround by the end of 2014. In Mexico a recovery in growth is expected (2.5% compared with 1.1% in 2013), although less than pre“Macroeconomic policies need to take into ac- viously forecast rate (3%), while Brazil will show a count the specific vulnerabilities of countries. Cer- lower growth of 1.4% compared with 2.5% last year. tainly, in all cases it is important to increase investment and productivity, to ensure medium-term According to the analysis of ECLAC, resumption of ecostructural change equally. Both determinants are key cha- nomic growth in the United States will benefit Mexico and llenges for economic sustainability of development, parti- Central America, while the recovery in the UK and several cularly in the current context”, said Alicia Barcena, Execu- economies in the euro zone will have a positive impact, estive Secretary of ECLAC, while presenting the document. pecially in the Caribbean due to increased tourist arrivals. Slower growth in China scheduled for 2014 is the main Regionally, growth in 2014 will be led by Panama, risk, says the report. Economies of the region specializing with a rise in gross domestic product (GDP) of 6.7%. in export of raw materials to the country could be affecThen Bolivia (5.5%), Colombia, Dominican Repu- ted if the Asian giant fails to maintain growth above 7%. blic, Ecuador and Nicaragua, with expansions of 5.0%. 31. Legislación y Economía - Agosto 2014

Adds that in the medium term it’s expected that the region faces a less dynamic demand for its main exports and a rise in external financing. The Economic Survey 2014 states that face the new scenario macroeconomic policies to manage business cycle and those aimed at boosting growth in the longer term should be closely linked. “Macroeconomic policy should be reoriented, seeking to create the conditions for sustained growth and productivity gains. This is necessary to promote an increase in investment (public and private) in infrastructure and promoting innovation and diversification,” stresses the report. L&E

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In August 20, 2012, the Philippines deposited with the International Labor Office the ratification of the Maritime Labor Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006). This ratification meant that it met the strict requirements for its entry into force (at least 30 countries representing at least 33 percent of the world gross tonnage) and long-awaited entry into force reached the MLC, 2006 Twelve months later, on August 20, 2013, the MLC, 2006 came into force with ratification, at that time, 45 countries representing more than 70 percent of the world fleet. Today, one year after its entry into force, 64 countries that are responsible for the lives and work of seafarers on over 80 percent of the world fleet have ratified the Convention.

Source: OIT

between workers, employers and governments climate.” The MLC, 2006 establishes comprehensive minimum requirements on almost all aspects of working conditions and life of seafarers, including age, conditions of employment, hours of work and rest, accommodation, facilities entertainment, food and catering, health protection, medical care, access to wellness facilities and social security. As a single, coherent instrument, the MLC, 2006 is formulated in such a way to ensure the widest possible acceptance among governments, ship owners and seafarers committed to principles of decent work. It focuses on strict enforcement system to ensure compliance with worldwide rights of seafarers in all areas, while ensuring governments a higher level of autonomy with regard to the way in which achieves “The history of the MLC, 2006, and in particular, the level that goal. The Convention was adopted in 2006 after nearly of support from ship owners, seafarers and governments in five years of intensive international tripartite consultations. this Convention is truly extraordinary, said Guy Ryder, General Director of the ILO. I trust that all 185 ILO members According to Convention, every sailor, in addition to funhave maritime interests, as well as countries of origin of damental rights at work, have the right to: seafarers as flag states or port ratify the MLC, 2006 In April • A safe and secure workplace that complies with safety this year, maritime industry brought together to address standards; shared concerns regarding the abandonment of seafarers • Fair employment; and other issues. This year, the important issue of standards • Working conditions and decent life aboard ships of occupational health and safety on board ships will be • Health protection, medical care, welfare measures and discussed on the occasion of an international meeting and other forms of social protection. early 2015 maritime sector will advance to solve a major problem for industry documents identity of seafarers. This Ms. Doumbia-Henry, Director of the Department of Inlevel of support and interest in some of the most vulnerable ternational Labour Standards, said: “This anniversary is and essential workers in the world is encouraging. It serves important since a year the MLC, 2006 entered a new peto remind us of the importance of international cooperation riod of life. The ideals and ideas of ship owners and seafor progress and development of social and labor standards farers who wanted this Agreement are testing. Since for all workers when a suitable constructive social dialogue 2013, not only many more countries ratified, but also the 33. Legislación y Economía - Agosto 2014

20 August 2013 innovative implementation and application was launched on ships, particularly those vessels must be inspected and certified and are subject to state control port, including potential arrests in foreign ports. When approaching the milestone of first year, almost daily has asked the Office to actual impact of the MLC, 2006 for seafarers and few vessels were found in violation of requirements. There have been changes for seafarers and ship owners? Although the Office receives some informal information to give an answer to question about changes in conditions on board ships or the number of arrests of ships, must refer to the flag state (the state in which the vessel is registered) or databases of regional secretariats port States to closely monitor these issues. However, the ILO will soon develop a key role, through its long tradition control system, in the system of compliance and implementation of the MLC, 2006 This system, which was established under ILO Constitution requires that countries regularly submit national reports on the application of the Conventions they have ratified. These reports are reviewed by the Committee of Experts on Application of Conventions and Recommendations of the ILO at its annual meeting in November and December. Opinions of this Committee are considered by the International Labor Conference. Committee of Experts provides expert advice to countries on the effective performance of its obligations under the Convention. National organizations representing workers and employers also develop a key role in this reporting procedure. National reports of top 30 countries that have ratified the Convention are expected this year and pleased to have the opportunity to read since the MLC, 2006 cover so many different issues and approaches that can be a challenge for some countries implement in their legal systems. In April 2014, the first meeting of Special Tripartite Committee established under the MLC, 2006 adopted amendments to the Code (Standards and Guidelines) of the MLC, 2006 to better address the situation of abandonment of seafarers and responsibility ship owners with respect to compensation for seafarers and their families in case of death of marine or long lasting disability. These amendments were adopted by International Labour Conference in June 2014 and are expected to enter into force on 18 January 2017. L&E

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he new MEDUCA administration has made changes about education and one of the ads has recently generated controversy among teachers’ unions and temporary suspension of curricular transformation process for review and evaluation carried out in various educational institutions on the other hand the reaction from the education sector have been swift and parents.

Alexander Canto

if the construction of a new curriculum paradigm achievement since education is a key factor in social change.

This will help me identify the strengths and weaknesses that occurred during the course of this process and thus make the corrections necessary to implement the second phase of the curriculum and in turn improve the same in educational institutions, where already put start this process, Some teachers unions as AMIA (Association of Indepen- helping to raise the quality of education in our country, fordent Authentic Teachers), disagreed with the suspension of ming young competitive in different areas of knowledge. the curriculum changes, the decision to qualify the current minister Marcela Paredes as a fatal error, a lack of respect and Changing the subject in educational field are aware that responsibility towards them, because not to any educator con- previous government administration launched in consult the action taken to suspend process of transformation. junction with MEDUCA universal scholarship program for all students in the educational system, which conFurthermore Veragüense Educators Association (AEVE), sists of an equivalent economic aid to B/. 20.00 monthly. is in favor of suspension of curriculum changes, because there have been irregularities in their implemen- A few days later new government taking office, through tation through this whole process, was designated by the Minister of Education, Marcela Paredes, presented to leader of the teachers’ union Yadira Pino, therefore a re- the plenary of the National Assembly a Draft Law amenview and assessment on the issue is needed, thus sup- ding Law 40 of August 23, 2010, and increases allocation porting action taken by current Minister of Education. of Universal Scholarship, this increase is effected as follows from 2015: an elementary student will receive a monthly From my personal point of view I think that curriculum B/. 30.00; for pre-mid school of B/. 40.00 and high school change requires a good review and thorough evaluation, B/.50.00 also implementing a new payment via debit cards. it can be no quality of education in public schools in the country, without making a curricular review, whether or MEDUCA is seeking with this incentive to raise quanot a change was achieved by all this process, including lity of education of our students, and to decrease various elements and components of the curriculum, if slightly dropout is currently presented in schools and there were profound changes in teaching and learning; dealing with economic problems that have some stuif active learning pedagogical approaches are executed, dents who are part of educational system both in hard to reach areas such as downtown areas to keep young 35. Legislación y Economía - Agosto 2014

people in the classroom and don’t know of a truancy. To receive this financial aid MEDUCA has guidelines to follow that parents take greater commitment to the education of their children, it’s mandatory to attend parent meetings conducted by teachers in educational institutions otherwise be withdrawn financial support, must also be a commitment on the part of students don’t fail in any subject, maintain a 3.0 GPA these are requirements raised by MEDUCA.

ship student, who doesn’t try, going to school all but one study or students with good grades effort, responsible, punctual and organized with goals to achieve goals deserve.

Raised these two viewpoints conclude with my personal opinion as to gain universal scholarship, which MEDUCA should do a complete analysis of the students who really need this financial assistance, as a rule put a GPA 4.0 up to merit universal scholarship and the student will be motivaNow we see rise of universal scholarship two ted to get good grades and be eligible for this incentive. L&E points of view one positive and one negative. From a positive point of view the universal scholarship will help many students to acquire various school supplies such as books, uniforms, teaching materials, as there are poor families who can’t provide their children with the means to have a good education, by this incentive is counteract some economic problems, benefiting much of school population. Taking into account these above mentioned issues raised by MEDUCA the negative view regarding universal scholarship for students arises, I think that should be rewarded students who really try hard to study and often don’t have all the resources needed to conduct a good education and certainly for many students this hasn’t been an impediment to get good grades, then there are students who are given all facilities with a good education and don’t take advantage, if we a scale that not responsible universal scholar-

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ies have a high symbolic, able to influence image we convey to others. Recent behavioral studies teach us that first impressions are everything and no other garment is capable of transmitting such a strong message of confidence and trust. While this fact is of some importance is also important to the quality of the product. A high quality tie communicates through beauty of material and design, conveys to others the care we put into taking care of our look, our penchant for things well done. An ancient tradition in production of silk attached to good taste allows to obtain even today the best accessory of man, whose quality looks and feels. Trends and creativity gradually change over time but we can ensure that should give importance to items we chooses, these are proof of our personal taste and allows us to express our personality. In recent collections, the tie is again confirmed as fashion accessory and trendsetting, can be worn on any occasion complete with a touch of fantasy to our look.

37. Legislaci贸n y Econom铆a - Agosto 2014

Regarding the tie, young men wear narrow models. For shirts stamped smooth ties with some shine are in high demand. Colors become more striking for example roses, violets, green grass and orange. In classical field remains stripes stamping par excellence. Along with combinations of traditional English colors we see mixtures like brown and lilac, green and pink and lavender and silver. The standard width of the tie is 8.5 cm. This bandwidth can be magnificent tie knot

and even a dimple. If the tie is very tight knot rather be square. Ah! Tartan (Scottish middle pictures) is back this season Another novelty is definitely the handkerchief. This garment is now mandatory. The colors available are bright, fine prints and contrasts for example a pocket handkerchief with white polka dots on a lavender purple frame.


If you are someone who has always had doubts about what tie knot choose according to their appearance or dress, or -worst- if the tie automatically attaches without recognition that there might be other alternatives that may more favor. Here are the three models that all gentleman must Also small paisley with plaid are hot. Handkerchie- know and choose the one that works best for you. fs are going to become so important that even in fashion leisure will replace the ties. Modern man this year take the handkerchief in sports jackets, blazers and suits. How to properly select a TIE You can’t imagine how important it can be to wear a tie with a shirt until it’s time to wear them arrive, and it is to choose a perfect combination working harmony between the shirt, tie and suit for much of we can be a real challenge. And it’s not that complicated, then I give some details of how to do it without much complication. To begin, you must choose the outfit. A very simple way is that you shouldn’t build a house from the roof. I say this because I know that maybe it has happened to them, to get to a store to get his attention and tie, what to do?, buy it!, Error. Since we don’t know if we will be able to combine it, so don’t be tempted. Then choose the shirt and put it under jacket. If you don’t like the combination, choose another shirt that is a different color and try again, until you find the perfect color. Another thing to consider, we always like to choose a patterned shirt with a plain tie, however you can combine prints with prints or stripes, later I explain you how to do, so if you should keep in mind that if a suit is stamped striped or checkered, it would be simpler to use a shirt and a plain or patterned tie small designs. You can combine large print with small print, that is, if you opt for a suit, for example, a single color, as can be dark blue or black, you should opt for a shirt pinstriped white or blue that give an original touch to the combination. With all this, you shouldn’t forget to wear a tie or a color if you decide on a patterned tie, it is striped, for example, wider than a striped shirt. You should always follow this rule, the small print with large print and vice versa.

38. Legislación y Economía - Agosto 2014

While it may never have thought about it, options when knotting the tie are almost as many as fabrics, faces, events and nationalities. It is therefore not surprising that, when opting for one or the other, doubts arise in the first second of reflection: the tie is made of thick material but my face is rather large, what to do?, I can wear a shirt with collar American with a silk tie?, how I to match? Here are some practical tips so you don’t miss and always guesses:


-The Half Windsor is ideal for those occasions that require more than just a formal dress than a single knot, but where the material of the tie -more stout- doesn’t match well with the double knot. As the picture shows, this third node is added a sort of central dimple.


-The three standard knots are also called simply American or four in hand-, double -or Windsor- and Half Windsor. Choose one or the other depends mainly on three aspects: fabric of tie, body structure of the person who looks and skirt collar. -The simple knot is perfect for narrow necked shirt, -as English- or medium – as French-, when it comes to fabrics with body, such as wool -over would be a knot around too prominent- as the appearance of the one who takes it is thin. Currently, the trend is to bring more tailored suits, which is usually the standard knot and among men, especially among the young.


-Choose the knot you choose, length of tie should always be the same: the tip should touch buckle belt -a shorter length maybe he was great in the seventies but it’s time to leave it behind, do you think?-. -Though currently, certain eclecticism of formal-informal look is carried, don’t anything goes, decide whether ‘I am a broker on Wall Street at the end of the day or as some TV presenters, with the loose knot and exposing the button the neck is excessive ‘modernez’ just shifting the line of what is appropriate. L&E

I hope you liked the article, apply by profession and own style and budget.

-The double knot is more formal, so they tend to choose more mature men. It’s the perfect choice for Italian shirt collars, wider, which you want to give prominence to the tie. On the double back, so your result is not too bulky, it is necessary to choose a tie or fine material with little body such as a silk. Just as the former usually sit well with most men, double knot is unsuitable for overly round or short neck faces. 39. Legislación y Economía - Agosto 2014


Horseracing Legend


legend was born in 1940, in the middle of the street is approaching a small man, walking with a confident, gentle and beautiful sorrel. His name is Dilio Long, the oldest active jockey in our country; and his faithful companion, is “Vino Tinto”. This distinctive couplet has earned four races. Traveling without trouble, stroking the animal’s neck without letting go stops at us, questioning gaze, and waiting for an explanation about our presence in his workplace. At 74 years old and although it has been three times the brink of death, Dilio is still a strong man who has struggled since his 15 years. His first experience came thanks to the trust placed in him by the late trainer Pinillo Prudencio Perez, when he could gallop the mare Golden Moon; even though his weight was always higher than 10 or 12 pounds, that required for a jockey. Albin Rodríguez About Long things are counted; is said to have a dark side of his stay in Mexico and can’t go back there, and has proposals to go to United States; also who hasn’t completed assessments for retirement; and is probably He was only 12 when he authorized to enter a walk the oldest jockey in Latin America that even competes. and ride horses to President Remon Racetrack. The Jamaican coach Henry “Takeaway” White gave him the The truth is that for their sinewy hands, calloused and opportunity and gave the unruly horses, but this sick, sunburned have spent millions of dollars without getting Dilio had to leave the barn. After his first experience the millions of prizes won in Panama and abroad, to the with “Golden Moon” was released and that was when back of thoroughbreds that have led to success. ‘I know he slept wrapped in plastic, took laxatives and stopwhat being rich and being poor’, says the jockey. ‘I picked ped eating to get jockey license. However, it could only up an award of $ 3 million, and gave it up as collected.’ go down to 102 pounds; 10 above regulatory. However, he got his license and then came his first race in

40. Legislación y Economía - Agosto 2014

1960 on the back of ‘Sosiego’ an Argentine horse who was in last place. Disappointed Resume was isolated in Capira, but nine months later after see winning other riders who learned with him, decided to return. Dilio Long looks like a man condemned to live. With a smile dismantled - almost like an unfurnished house - making it look older than it is, remember the three times he was close to death, but passed by on his way. The first time he had been able to lose his life at the Hippodrome was when he was 10 or 11 years a malicious man asked him to put his hand in a tub with water heated by electricity to test temperature. With the innocence of his own age and did electric shock threw him several feet away. The second occasion was in the early 70s, during a race will a horse fell over and hit him four vertebrae, leaving him crippled. Caregivers evicted; but thanks to the strength of will that God gave, Long went ahead and was able to fully recover. And the third time was in Mexico between 76 and 77, during a race. They had just left the cat flap horses and horse riding to Long, seeing the door open stables wanted to change direction and bend unexpectedly stopped and threw his rider over his head against a pillar. The result: a broken head, collarbone and some broken ribs and a coma for 9 days. After 9 months hospitalized Long stubbornly remounted. Today it has 33 fractures in their anatomy and with 13 artificial parts. This 2014 Dilio proved once again that when there is a horse there is a rider and still has potential to continue in this sport. The veteran Panamanian whip Dilio Long scored another victory in his career he crossed the line first with “Sammy Jobs”, who emphasized very calmly on his horse to overtake the escaped pointer ‘El Imparable’, with Olmedo Pitty in the stretch, at President Remon Racetrack. “Do not think of retiring, I feel good physically and mentally”, said the rider from Capira, who scored his second victory. L&E

41. Legislación y Economía - Agosto 2014





Yorlenys Gaona

ur native team Chorrillo F.C. surprised on Tuesday Cruz Azul of Mexico to beat 1-0 in a clash for the Group 6 of CONCACAF Champions League. In just his second participation in this championGreat excitement was experienced by the players and the ship, the Panamanian team scored three points public who supported them in this first meeting, as we to the current monarch of regional tournament. n 16 August, the Annual Interfirms Soccer League in which Rivera, Bolívar and Castañedas debuted for the first time in this tournament, with the women’s soccer team opened.

face an interesting game with the women’s team IGRA law, where the interest of both teams to develop and deliver a good game proved; resulting deserved draw 2-2.

Justine Arboleda scored the goal at 69 minutes, following a good penalty who achieved Mexican Jose Corona On behalf of our team responsible for scoring goals block him, but left loose. The Colombian striker himwere Quieneen Miranda and Yorlenys Gaona, whi- self took the rebound to inflate the net in the “Maracale IGRA team were Yeisa Suarez and Crystal Ríos. na” stadium. The maximum penalty was whistled after a foul of Roger Chavez against Sergio Moreno in the area. Notably, the team was encouraged and committed to make a lucid presentation of the hand of coaching tactics that sought to teach this exciting sport, and get good results.

This league has become for all of us part of RBC family, in a friendly coexistence between colleagues, family and friends and also to interact with colleagues from other law firms, in a pleasant atmosphere and camaraderie.

Long live soccer!

42. Legislación y Economía - Agosto 2014

Chorrillo F.C., was first in the standings with three points. The Mexican team, coming off a 1-1 draw at home to Alajuelense of Costa Rica, is a unit, like the “tico” club.


Mariela de Sanjur

uring the month of August we were party celebrating 100 years of the Canal and 495 years of the founding of Panama la Vieja. It could enjoy exhibitions in the Interoceanic Canal Museum, Contemporary Art Museum, a gala at Figali Convention Center, presentations bands, parades and every Saturday of the month, the free opening of Visitor Center Miraflores.

The exhibition “Three Decades of Abstraction” Maestro Alfredo Sinclair, at Cultural Center of SpainCasa del Soldado, with this tribute first opened its doors to Panamanian art. The exhibition aims to show the development of the Maestro Sinclair over three decades and has been possible thanks to sons of the Maestro, Jorge, Olga and Miguel Angel Sinclair, Ambassador Jesus Silva Fernandez of Spain and INAC. It will be on display from 18 August to 10 October.

Exhibition “Ineditos” is an example of the creative output of last ten years of Maestro Mario Calvit, which emphasizes his work on paper. The teacher Calvit as an abstract artist, has participated since 1955 in solo and group exhibitions, showing his art in Panama and abroad and his works are in collections in the MAC at the Museum of American Art (Washington DC) and Casa de las Americas (Cuba), among many. Will be on display from August 13 to September 14 at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Panama.

43. Legislación y Economía - Agosto 2014

Thinkers Academy-Cable Onda, presented on Thursday August 21 at Sheraton Hotel the theme:

Steps for innovation, how to go from idea to action? Rendered by the promoter of entrepreneurship Stefany Cohen, explaining that the idea that we consider as innovation must meet the following requirements: • Be desired, should impact the life of someone, meet someone’s need or solve someone’s problem. • Must be profitable, must be able to produce money. • Must be viable, must be possible to create it and bring it to reality.

XV Susie Thayer Walk was successful on Sunday August 31 in 8 cities of the country.

it before rest of the world. Theatre: Burundanga in the Quadra Theatre from 4 to 28 September. Les Misérables, 15 to 21 September at National Theatre. Fairs and festivals: Fair of the Holy Spirit Flower in Las Minas (Herrera), from 4 to 7 September. Bonsai Expo at National Library of Omar Park, 6 and 7 September. CAPAC EXPO HABITAT 2014 from 10 to 14 September at Atlapa Convention Center. Franchise EXPO 2014 Panama From11 to 12 September at Atlapa Convention Center. International Expo Tourism, Saturday September 27 at Atlapa Convention Center. Miscellaneous: Promotion Archdiocesan Campaign whose piggy offers each person a wonderful opportunity to be supportive and responsible with the work of the Catholic Church. These piggy banks will be picking up from 7 September.

Concerts: A Night of Adventure in the Interoceanic Canal Museum, The Kings Tour, September 19 Figali Convention Center. was held on August 15, where the characters of our history came alive to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the consSeminars: truction of the Canal. Congress of Occupational Safety and Health 2014 Panama Canal: From 18 to 19 September. Sheraton Hotel. SEPTEMBER: Seminar of Self Defense for Ladies, September 6, 2014, Museums: Hilton Garden Inn, Panama City, 16th Floor. Pre-opening of Biomuseum, fridays from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm and weekends from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm come to know 44. Legislación y Economía - Agosto 2014

You can already access our channel of Youtube and watch the video of the Roundtable on the court ruling on the ANIP and Practices Consequences

RBC Abogados

Rivera, BolĂ­var y CastaĂąedas


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