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Revista Latina de Comunicación Social # 071 – Pages 508 to 526 Funded Research | DOI: 10.4185/RLCS-2016-1107en | ISSN 1138-5820 | Year 2016 Tulloch, J., & Jenkins, H. (1995). Science fiction audiences: Watching Doctor Who and Star Trek. New York, NY: Routledge. Turner, J.R. (1993). Interpersonal and psychological predictors of parasocial interaction with different television performers. Communication Quarterly, 41, 443-453. Zillmann, Dolf, (2000). The coming of media entertainment. In Zillmann, D. & Vorderer, P(eds.). 2000. Media entertainment. The psychology of its appeals, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ, pp. 1-20. Zunzunegui, Santos (1989). Pensar la imagen. Cátedra. Madrid. ___________________________________________________________ How to cite this article in bibliographies / References S Sánchez Castillo, E Galán (2016): “Transmedia narrative and cognitive perception of TVE‟s drama series El Ministerio del Tiempo”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 71, pp. 508 to 526. http://www.revistalatinacs.org/071/paper/1107/27en.html DOI: 10.4185/RLCS-2016-1107en Article received on 30 April 2016. Accepted on 2 June. Published on 10 June 2016.


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