v.17 n.45, abr./jun. 2013

Page 6




v.17, n.45, abr./jun. 2013 ISSN 1807-5762


presentation articles

263 Interpretation and scientific validation in qualitative research

393 Touch: attention to the bounds In the hospital setting Maria Martha Duque de Moura; Maria Beatriz Lisbôa Guimarães; Madel Luz

405 “Left alone, but that’s okay”: paradoxes of the experience of women hospitalized due to induced abortion in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Monique França Carneiro; Jorge Alberto Bernstein Iriart; Greice Maria de Souza Menezes

Tiago Correia

275 Ethics of care: the toy library as a space for attention to vulnerable children

Andrea Perosa Saigh Jurdi; Maria Lucia Toledo Moraes Amiralian

287 Matrix support in mental health in primary halth care: a review of scientific papers and official documents

419 “Glass closets” and “headless bodies” in online gay biosociability Luiz Felipe Zago

433 Therapeutic Itineraries of individuals with problems consequent to harmful use of alcohol

Ana Lucia Marinho Marques; Elisabete Ferreira Mângia

Iris Guilherme Bonfim; Evelyne Nunes Ervedosa Bastos; Cezar Wagner de Lima Góis; Luis Fernando Tófoli

301 Action research:methodological proposal for action planning in primary care services in the context of environmental health and occupational health

Vanira Matos Pessoa; Raquel Maria Rigotto; Carlos André Moura Arruda; Maria de Fátima Antero Sousa Machado; Márcia Maria Tavares Machado; Maria das Graças Viana Bezerra

315 Homeopathic consultation: examining its effect among primary care patients Sandra Abrahão Chaim Salles; José Ricardo de Carvalho Mesquita Ayres

327 The multidisciplinary work in the family health strategy: a study on ways of teams

Renata Cristina Arthou Pereira; Francisco Javier Uribe Rivera; Elizabeth Artmann

341 Racial identity and the production of health information

Andreia Beatriz Silva dos Santos; Thereza Christina Bahia Coelho; Edna Maria de Araújo

357 Experience, knowledge production and health education

Angela Aparecida Capozzolo; Jaquelina Maira Imbrizi; Flávia Liberman; Rosilda Mendes

371 Thinking of university extension as a health education field: an experience at the Fluminense Federal University, Brazil

Antonio Fernando Lyra da Silva; Carlos Dimas Martins Ribeiro; Aluísio Gomes da Silva Júnior

385 O ensino nos serviços de atenção primária do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) na formação de profissionais de saúde no Brasil

Ramona Fernanda Ceriotti Toassi; Alexandre Baumgarten; Cristine Maria Warmling; Eloá Rossoni; Arisson Rocha da Rosa; Sonia Maria Blauth Slavutzky

open space 445 An agent in the construction of social sciences habitus in collective health Everardo Duarte Nunes

453 Bioethics–Sociobiology. Opportune neologisms? Interfaces between tecnoscience and human and social sciences William Saad Hossne

463 Men’s health care access to diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases in a multidimensional and relational concept of vulnerability Neide Emy Kurokawa e Silva; Leyla Gomes Sancho

473 Once upon a time... An insight on the use of fairy tales as a tool for food and nutrition education Claudia Ridel Juzwiak






letters creation

497 Inhabiting a glass-membrane: between inside and outside

Juliana Araújo Silva; Elizabeth Maria Freire de Araújo Lima

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