November december 2014

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Suggestion donation 50p


Issue [1] November & December 2014

Welcome to the first edition of bridges This bi-monthly magazine brings you news from the Christian community in Ballasalla and the surrounding villages, along with details of what’s on in the weeks ahead.

We look towards Advent and Christmas


There’s a new vicar Three months in, what does he really think?


Issue [1] November & December 2014

As the seasons change in our communities we celebrate what has past and look to the months ahead.

.Etiam Do you have news to share? We’d love to share your news and details of events. If you’d like to include anything in our Jan/Feb edition please send this to or drop in a paper copy to the Vicarage on Crossag Road.

Would you like to advertise in bridges? We print six full colour editions per year with a print run of not less than 300 copies. Prices for a full year start from £25 per quarter page. To find our more email or telephone 01624 822469.


bridges What’s in a name? In years gone by the former Parish of Malew produced ‘The Bridge’, a church magazine for the three Anglican churches in Malew, Ballasalla and St Marks. This was of course a reference to the Monk’s Bridge in Ballasalla. Since then the Parish has grown to include Santon and the old name doesn’t quite work. It is our hope that ‘bridges’ will be a new magazine for not only the four Anglican Parish Churches in this part of the Isle of Man, but also a place to share news from our ecumenical partners in other churches and from the wider village community. We would welcome any articles or news from groups in our villages. Santan or Santon The village is known as Santon – why is the church known as Santan? If you know the answer – then do email us at

Issue [1] November & December 2014


Ut Sed Est

Coffee and Chat on a Friday Every Friday ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10am – 12noon The Abbey Church Hall Join with friends for morning coffee (or tea) and catch up on news as the weekend begins.

Issue [1] November & December 2014


Greetings from the Vicarage! As you read this I will have just completed three months in the Parish. For me this time has passed in the blink of an eye, although I’m not sure if some of you are thinking that I’ve been here for eternity already. I have arrived into a parish of huge potential, and I would like to begin my noting my thanks to all those who have gone before and to the wardens and others who kept things going during the vacancy.

As my curacy in Peel and the West began to draw to an end, Caroline and I had thought we would be looking to return to our native North East having spent three very good years on the Isle of Man. The unexpected and tragic illness that began to unfold for Paul almost exactly a year ago meant that the Parish was plunged back into vacancy once more. Paul, I know will be sadly missed by many; indeed he was a good friend to me during his time here. Our life continues, and as a community our journey moves on into a new phase, one which I am pleased to be sharing with you. One of the most frequent comments made by those who I meet includes reference to my age! At almost 32 I am not quite a spring chicken, however many are surprised to meet a ‘young vicar’. Well there are more of us around than you might think, although you’re probably right – there are not enough of them over here. At my licensing service Bishop Robert said A church that exists in its own little world and for its own sake has no right to be called by the name of Christ and, in the name of God, should be closed before it does any more damage to his kingdom. These are dangerous words from the Bishop, and ones that we ought to rightly sit up and take note of. The diocese has a vision to grow in six key areas; these are spiritual life, understanding and practice of faith, numbers, youthfulness, ecumenical collaboration and world church awareness. Over the coming months we need to look at our church communities and facilities with honest and open eyes. The word ‘change’ is not an easy one, but one which we will need to embrace. Some things have been changed already; some decisions have been moved back into the ‘pending’ tray for further consideration. We have begun to invest in improving some of our facilities, and in other places we have begun to reflect and consider what long term plans might be possible. As the months pass by we will need to consider how we go about growing our community and developing our facilities in order that we can communicate

Issue [1] November & December 2014 better with our village communities and then be ready to welcome people into our

churches in ways which are alive with Christ and relevant to the community. Some of you will already know that I am more than happy to take risks for the sake of our community – (I do not mind the odd summons from the Archdeacon or Bishop if I take a risk too far!). With three months to go before I reach my first half-­‐ year, I cannot promise to follow the age-­‐old advice to a new vicar to change nothing for the first six months’. At the outset I would encourage you to be part of the conversation over the coming months and not to simply hide your thoughts. These thoughts do have to be offered with realism; the models of ministry from 50, 25 or even 10 years are in many places no longer possible; our world has moved on, and the church must keep moving with it. One of my ‘other’ roles within in the Diocese is as Co-­‐ordinator of the Sodor and Man Ministerial Internship scheme. This provides an 11 month fully funded ‘placement’ to three potential ‘young vicars’ prior to them starting training at college. Part of a national project now in it second year, our diocese along with three others finished the pilot year in July 2014. The scheme will eventually run in each of the 42 Dioceses of the Church of England providing 150 places for young people to ‘explore’ ministry, our second cohort arrived in September and are settling in well. This, (along with other roles in the diocese) will take me away from the parish. But these roles are essential investment in the church of tomorrow – we cannot continue to assume that ‘someone else will do this’. As we look toward Advent and Christmas – a period of watching and waiting for the Christ child – we are rightly reminded that we watch and wait as our journey continues. Perhaps there will be new beginnings yet to take shape and be fully realised, ones which will require sacrifice and commitment. I would like us to share a committed vision, identity and purpose. By Christmas our PCC will have already begun to consider the Values, Identity and Purpose of our Parish and Church Community, in the new year I will be asking for your comment on their reflections – do join the conversation. If I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you already, I look forward to meeting you at one of the many events and special services over Advent and Christmas. With continued prayer and best wishes, James


Issue [1] November & December 2014


Phil & Lil’s Jokes – they watch the world My daughter went to a local Kentucky Fried Chicken and ordered a taco. She asked the person behind the counter for 'minimal lettuce.' He said he was sorry, but they only had iceberg lettuce. From South Oxhey, Hertfordshire.

Christmas Starts

If you’re reading this in 2014 then you will have already seen your first Christmas advert, and you have even heard your first Christmas Carol or song playing on the radio or as you go about your shopping. In 2014 a number of Christian denominations will mark the beginning of the ‘countdown to Christmas’ on Advent Sunday (30th November) in what has been termed ‘Christmas Starts Sunday. Our church communities seek to show that all those things many have grown to love about Christmas (the presents, the films, time with family & friends, a season of parties and celebration) are great things to enjoy, but in the midst of this there is something else too; the reason for the season itself, the birth of Christ. Around our Parish, in the wider diocese (and ‘across’) churches will use the same simple ‘brand’ to advertise and celebrate this sacred time. Look out for this distinctive ‘identity’ with details of our Christmas celebrations.

Issue [1] November & December 2014



Calendars)will)be)available)to)buy)most) Sundays)in)November)after)the)church) services)at)the)Abbey,)Malew,)St)Marks) and)Santan,)look)out)for)them)at)our) regular)events)or)alternatively)contact)the) vicarage.)) Tel. 822469. ) Calendars)are)priced)at)£4)each)(with)65p) per)calendar)supporting)the)annual) pensioners)Christmas)Lunch).)

Issue [1] November & December 2014


.Suspendisse ornare STOP THE SLAUGHTER Dear All,


I would like to thank you for all your support, cards and prayers during my recent illness. I couldn’t have got through it without you all. Thank you,


Ann Machin x

The Parish of Malew and Santan The Abbey Church Ballasalla - St Lupus Kirk Malew St Mark’s St Marks - St Sanctain Santan !

Regular Sunday Services across the Parish St Marks ~ 8am Book of Common Prayer Communion Weekly

Kirk Malew - 9:30am

Book of Common Prayer 1 & 3 rd Sundays - Communion nd 2 & 4 th Sundays – Morning Prayer st

The Abbey Church, Ballasalla - 11am

1 st Sunday – Family Service 2 & 4 Sundays – Common Worship Communion 3 rd Sunday – Common Worship Morning Prayer nd


St Sanctain, Santan – 11am

1 st Sunday – Book of Common Prayer Communion

2 nd Sunday - Book of Common Prayer Morning Prayer 3 rd Sunday - Common Worship Morning Prayer 4 th Sunday – Common Worship Communion ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 th Sunday’s all our congregations gather together for one service only. 30 th November – we meet together at Santan at 11am.

Issue [1] November & December 2014


Issue [1] November & December 2014


St Mark’s Schoolroom St Mark’s Schoolroom is open for business! Following a full structural survey the Vicar and Wardens have decided to put plans to sell the schoolroom on hold. A future sale hasn’t been completely ruled out, but with almost twelve months of closure giving people time to think and reflect the decision was taken to try and come up with an ‘alternative use’ of the space rather than to sell the building for redevelopment as a house. Following this decision in September members of the village community have come forward to offer valuable help to tidy up the place and to organise a series of events to begin to raise funds to provide a space for the community to get together. Events th Saturday 29 November 7:30pm The Farmers Quartet in Concert including supper Sunday 7th December 6:45pm Meet in the Church Village Carol Service with singing round the tree Followed by refreshments in the school room Saturday 12th December 10am Christmas Floral Demonstration With Jenny Corrin To find out more or to book the schoolroom for your own event or celebration please contact the Vicarage on 822469 or email

Issue [1] November & December 2014


St Marks WI return home! The St Mark’s WI are delighted to be returning to St Marks from January 2015 – a year that will see their 60th anniversary of meeting in St Marks. The first meeting of 2015 will be on the 7th January at 7:30pm in the School Rooms. Friends old and new are welcome to join us!

Did you know? The Women's Institute (WI) was formed in 1915 to revitalise rural communities and encourage women to become more involved in producing food during the First World War. Since then the organisation's aims have broadened and the WI is now the largest voluntary women's organisation in the British Isles. The WI will celebrate its centenary in 2015 and currently has 212,000 members in around 6,600 WIs. The WI plays a unique role in providing women with educational opportunities and the chance to build new skills, to take part in a wide variety of activities and to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities.

Christmas Card Sale During November and December a se lection of Christmas Cards will be on sal e on a Friday morning at the Coffee Drop in (10 -12n oon in the Abbey Chu rch St Lupus Kirk Malew Malew Sunday 14th December 6:30pm Bring a Candle!

Hall), or following Sunday service s. Profits from the sale of cards will be donated to the Pensione rs Chri stmas Lunch at the Whites tone!

Issue [1] November & December 2014


On Sunday 9th November we pause and remember 10am – The Abbey Church Ballasalla with a procession to the War Memorial (meeting at 10:50 at the memorial). 10:50 – St Sanctain, Santon. Beginning at the war memorial with a service continuing at 11:10 in church. 5pm – St Lupus, Kirk Malew. Service in Church. All are welcome to join with us for all or part of each service. There will an opportunity at each service to lay a wreath or poppies at the memorials.

Christmas starts with our carol singing

Christmas starts with our carol singing St Marks Carol Service Saturday 7th December 6:30pm. Followed by singing on the green and refreshments in the schoolroom.

Ballasalla Saturday 20th December 4pm. Followed by refreshments in the hall. Wrap up and bring a lantern if you have one!

Issue [1] November & December 2014


Christmas starts with our kids’ nativity play

TO ADVERTISE HERE PLEASE CALL ELLEN ON 01624 824382 ¼ page £25 ½ page £40 Full page £75

The Abbey Church Ballasalla Christmas Eve 4:00pm Come as a character and take part!

The above rates are for inclusion in 6 issues a year with printing in full colour.

The Abbey Sunday Kids T.A.S.K. Meet weekly on Sundays at 11am in The Abbey Church.

This term the Abbey Kids have been discovering more about prayer. Through their time together they have been lea rning the meaning of the Lords Prayer through story and activity. This is alongside prepa ring for Harvest and Christmas events. Over this term the old ‘choir room’ in the church hall has been redecorated a nd new furniture ordered to crea te a dedicated space for our young people. Whilst this space is intended to serve our young folk, it will continue to be available during ‘café weeks’, and will offer space for families during other times. The Vicar and Wardens would like to thank all those who have given hours of la bour towards redecoration and to planning for the the arrival of new furniture and equipment.

Issue [1] November & December 2014


Turn an orange into life-changing support

Christingle is a fun and creative way for your church to explore the meaning of the gospel and change the stories of children living in poverty. So grab your oranges and do something truly inspiring.


Order your Christingle event guide today Call A 0300 3030 555 Sunday 7 DVisit ecember 4pm – The bbey Church Ballasalla or Sunday 4th January 11am – St Sanctain Santon. Charity Registration No. 221124

Issue [1] November & December 2014


Malew News

If you have driven past Kirk Malew recently you cannot fail to have noticed the building work taking place to the exterior of the building. Work is being carried out to remove a cement based render, repair the masonry and recover with a lime based mortar and finish. This work will allow the building to ‘breathe’ thereby helping to manage damp and rot in the building. During the works some fascinating details of the building’s history have been uncovered. For example, did you know our Victorian ancestors simply removed a whole section of the wall to install the current pipe organ, they the rebuilt the wall with what is probably Peel brick, or what about the ‘burial cyst’ found approximately 7 foot up the south wall complete with skull and other remains in situ! Further details of finds will form part of an exhibition in the coming months.

This essential work has only been made possible by efforts of the ‘Friends of Malew’, who have given many hours to applying for funding to complete the first phase of works which includes the South Nave wall and parts of the Chancel. Further funds will be needed to complete this work. The Friends of Malew are a group of passionate people with a shared interest in preserving Malew Church, one of the oldest churches on the Isle of Man. Whilst they are not a ‘religious’ group, they work with the Vicar and Wardens to develop the fabric of the building and also to promote the site as one of the ‘treasures of Man’.

Issue [1] November & December 2014



as wethis send out awaiting we are awaiting ExcitingExciting news! news! - as we- send out this we are confirmation from the planners that we can with confirmation from the planners that we can proceed proceed with our extension, then it all begins. We pray that God will our extension, then it all begins. We pray that God will guide and direct us in the process. guide and direct us in the process.

With the Harvest now over and a challenging With the Harvest now over and a challenging messagemessage from Rev Richard Hall toGods share Gods message from Rev Richard Hall to share message and if weand if we don’t how know how it to works to ask it: about it: we don’t know it works ask about we then had then had Monday night service and Sale –ofthanks Fruit –tothanks Monday night service and Sale of Fruit Peter to Peter for the and expert and entertaining auctioneering and QuayleQuayle for the expert entertaining auctioneering and to everyone who attended. to everyone who attended.

We have privilege of the company of We also havehad alsothehad the privilege of the company of AngelaAngela Dudley Dudley from Lynchburg USA (can be found at from Lynchburg USA (can be found at who has been with who hasstaying been staying with Mona over the last few weeks whilst writing a book; Mona over the last few weeks whilst writing her a book; her story is quite and God and an and an story is amazing quite amazing and driven, God driven, nspiration to all who have met her. Anyone fancy a trip inspiration to all who have met her. Anyone fancy a trip to USA? to USA?

As usual few athings on the on run the up to As ausual few happening things happening run up to Christmas – first we have Phil Craine coming to talk to Christmas – first we have Phil Craine coming to talk to us on his experience in the Middle East, in the West us on his experience in the Middle East, in the West st Bank on November 21 at 7:30pm which should be st Bank on November 21 at 7:30pm which should be really enlightening – especially with the current situation really enlightening – especially withwe thehave current which we should all be praying for. Then our situation which we should all be praying for. Then we regular quarterly Prayer Morning – this is for everyonehave our Morning – thistoisbreak for everyone where regular you are quarterly invited toPrayer take the opportunity where you are invited to take the opportunity your busy routine and join us for a peaceful time of to break routineWe and will join be us for prayer your and busy reflection. led ainpeaceful prayer time of prayer and reflection. We will be led in prayer periodically, and there will be ideas for prayer around the periodically, and there will be ideas for prayer around the Chapel. You can come and go as you please and Chapel. You canbacon come andcoffee go as and throughout the morning, baps, andyou tea please will th throughout morning, bacon baps, coffee be served. Next is the St Marks Church Carol Service on and 7 tea will th st be served. Next isonSt21 Marks Church followed Carol Service December, our Nativity December by on 7 st December, our Nativity on 21 December followed by


Carols by Candlelight two days later, then Christma Carols by Day Candlelight days later, then Christmas two daystwo after that! Phew…. Day two days after that! Phew….


Dear Lord, help us all to understand what you Dear Lord,are help us alltotous, understand youyour path, saying help us towhat follow are saying to us, help us to follow your path, guide us when we go wrong and encourage u guide us when wewe goeventually wrong andget encourage usthe right when pointed in when we eventually get pointed in the right direction. We pray your blessing on us, for ou direction. We pray your blessing on us, for our work, health and personal relationships. We as work, health and personal relationships. We ask all this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, all this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen Amen

Pleaseuscontact usanyone if you or anyone Please contact if you or close needs close needs prayer prayer BIBLE & STUDY & FELLOWSHIP BIBLE STUDY FELLOWSHIP Every night Tuesday night Every Tuesday from–8.00pm – all welcome from 8.00pm all welcome st st 2014 Next 21 meeting 21 2014 October Next meeting October at the Chapel at the Chapel *please phoneto827929 *please phone 827929 confirmto confirm future venue andvenue dates*and dates* future SUNDAYSUNDAY SCHOOLSCHOOL Family Service all at 11am firston the Familyfor Service for allon at the 11am first Sunday each month. Sunday School at 11am Sunday each month. Sunday School at 11am every other Sunday every other Sunday Mums & Mums Tots Group each Wednesday & Tots Group each Wednesday afternoonafternoon

Visit us at Facebook: Visit us at Facebook: ‘Ballagarey Methodist Chapel’ ‘Ballagarey Methodist Cha and ‘Like’ our page and ‘Like’ our page CONTACT CONTACT If you have any input, queries or need to If you any 827929 input, queries or need to contact us:Sue have & Simon - Angela contact us:Sue & Simon 827929 851388 – Mona 851408 - Rita 824616 or email- Angela 851388 – Mona 851408 - Rita 824616 or ema Ballagarey Methodist Chapel, St Marks Ballagarey Chapel, St Marks IOM Methodist website Methodist IOM Methodist website

Issue [1] November & December 2014

Services and Events at Ballagarey SERVICES & EVENTS

October to December 2014


Sunday 26 October 2014 at 6:30pm Evening Service Rev Shirley Bench nd Sunday 2 November 2014 at 11:00am Family Service with Mr Geoff Collier

Na me _____________________


Sunday 9 November 2014 at 6.30pm Mr Paul Craine th Sunday 16 November 2014 at 6.30pm Rev K Corkish st

Friday 21 November 2014 at 7:30pm West Bank talk Phil Craine

th Sunday 30 November 2014 at 6.30pm Mrs Marilyn Cannell

Prayer Morning with Bacon Baps & Coffee th Sunday 7 December 2014 at 11.00am Family Service – Mrs Jean Guthrie th Sunday 7 December 2014 at 6:30pm Saturday 6th December 2014 8.30am to 12.30pm

Carol Service St Marks Church th

Sunday 14 December 2014 at 6.30pm Rev Kath Corkish

Sunday 21 December 2014 at 6.30pm Nativity Service st


Tuesday 23 December 2014 at 7:30pm Carols by Candlelight

Please detatch and return to Malew Vicarage, Crossag Road Ballasalla IM9 3EF



Would you like to subscribe to

Sunday 19 October 2014 at 6.30pm Sacrament Service Rev Kath Corkish

Sunday 23 November 2014 at 6.30pm Mr John Binns


th Thursday 25 December 2014 at 11:00am Christmas Day Celebration th Sunday 28 December 2014 at 6.30pm Rev Richard Hall

Ad dress _________________

_______________________ ___________ __________________ Post Code ____________________ Please tick one of the following I would like bridges posting to my address every two months * [ ] I will collect bridges from St Marks Church [ ] The Abbey Church [ ] Kirk Malew [ ] Kirk Santan [ ] The suggested donation is 50p per copy. If you would like your copy posting there is a charge of £6 (including postage) per year. I enclose a donation of £_______ Please make cheques payable to ‘The Vicar and Wardens of Malew’.

Oct 18

The Intouchables

France 2012 (sub titles) (PG 15)

In partnership with the Island Spirituality Network In partnership with the Island Spirituality Network

Meals ‘n’ Movies at The Mill An irreverent, uplifting comedy about friendship, trust and human possibility, TheSeason Intouchables has broken box office records in its Winter 2014-15 native France and across Europe. Based on a true story of friend-

In partnership with the Island Spirituality Network

Issue [1] November & December 2014

between a handicap millionaire and his Another seasonship of five varied films on Saturdays offered(Francois by ISN forCluzet) our street smart ex-con caretaker (Omar Sy), The Intouchables depicts enjoyment and discussion. an unlikely camaraderie rooted in honesty and humor between two To be shown in the comfortable Lounge at St John’s Mill individuals who, on the surface, would seem to have nothing in Meal at 6.00pm -- £17.00 pp common. Film at 7.00pm

Feb 28

Nov 22



Saudi Arabia / Germany 2013 (sub titles) (PG)

Ireland 2014 (PG 15)

Wadjda is a movie of firsts. This first feature film shot entirely in

Darkly Oct comic thrilleris The starring Brendan Gleeson, plays Father Intouchables France (sub Saudi18 Arabia the story of a young girl living in who a 2012 suburb oftitles) Riyadh (PG determined money During to buy aconfession bike in a society that James as priest oftoaraise ruralenough Irish parish. one15)Sunsees bicycles as dangerous to a girl's virtue. Even more impressive, day, an unseen local informs Father James of his plan to kill him as irreverent,is uplifting comedyfilm about friendship, trustSaudi human the first feature made by a female filmmaker. a wayAnofWADJDA gaining retribution for abuse he suffered as aand young boy at possibility, The where Intouchables records its or In a country cinemashas are broken bannedbox and office women cannotindrive the hands of another Catholic priest. Leftonwith only seven days to native across Europe. Based a true story of friendvote,France writer-and director Haifaa Al Mansour has broken many barriers makeship his peace, James visits those within his community while between handicap millionaire (Francois Cluzet) and his trywith her newafilm. ing tostreet tracksmart down his potential killer. Sy), Through his exchanges ex-con caretaker (Omar The Intouchables depicts with an unlikely camaraderie rooted in honesty and humor between two the locals, which include a cuckolded butcher, a wealthy businessindividuals who, on the surface, would seem to have nothing in man and an atheistic doctor, James realises that the institution to whichcommon. he has dedicated his life is becoming obsolete, causing him to doubt the validity of his faith.

Mar Nov 2228

EvenCalvary the Rain

Spain 2010 (sub titles) (Cert Ireland 2014 (PG 15) 15)

Darkly comic thriller starring Brendan Gleeson, who plays Father as priest of a rural Irish parish. During confession one SunSpanish imperialism through incidents 500 years apart, Jan James 24Explores The Island Russia (sub (PG 12) day, an unseen localthe informs Father James of his 2006 plan killtitles) him as while examining personal belief systems of thetomembers of a a way of gaining retribution for abuse he suffered a young Spanish film crew who arrive in Bolivia to makeas a film aboutboy theatconthequest handsravishing another Catholic priest. withreal-life only days to in reThis visually movie is set on Left awhen small, flat, seven misty island ofofLatin America. Set in 2000 protests against peace, James visits those within hisSoviet community try- be- by the his privatization of In water rocked the nation, the filmsailor blurswhile the line motemake northern Russia. 1942, a teenage is forced ingtween to track downand hisreality potential Through exchanges with fiction akiller. powerful, richlyhis layered indictment of 35 his German captors to kill aninofficer. He survives the ordeal and thethe locals, which include a cuckolded butcher, a wealthy businessplight of Latin America's dispossessed. yearsman laterand is an Father Anatoly, a guilt-ridden, reclusive and uncomproatheistic doctor, James realises that the institution to mising holy fool, living in the island's primitive monastery. which he has dedicated his life is becoming obsolete, causingHis him fellow Russian Orthodox clerics hang on his every eccentric pronounceto doubt the validity of his faith.

ment and imitate him, however mad his actions, and visitors from all over Russia come to him with their sick children, seeking his healing powers.

Jan 24

The Island

Russia 2006 (sub titles) (PG 12)

This visually ravishing movie is set on a small, flat, misty island in remote northern Russia. In 1942, a teenage Soviet sailor is forced by his German captors to kill an officer. He survives the ordeal and 35 years later is Father Anatoly, a guilt-ridden, reclusive and uncompromising holy fool, living in the island's primitive monastery. His fellow Russian Orthodox clerics hang on his every eccentric pronouncement and imitate him, however mad his actions, and visitors from all over Russia come to him with their sick children, seeking his healing powers.

Please contact us to book a place. Tel 802900 or e-mail Bring along a friend


Issue [1] November & December 2014



During Advent we gather together to watch and wait as we reflect, discuss and pray. Each week we will watch a short film lasting no more than 15 minutes before reflecting together on what we have seen and heard. Our time together will finish with a service of Compline (Night Prayer) beginning at 8:45pm and finishing around 9pm. We meet in the Abbey Hall at 7:30pm. (With Compline taking place in the Abbey Church). Monday 1st December|Rhythm What does it mean to have a relationship with God? Monday 8th December|Dust Does God believe in us? Monday 15th December|Corner Why is it that often when we get what we want, we still feel empty? Monday 22nd December|Rich Maybe God has blessed us with everything we have so we can bless and give to others There is no charge. You’re welcome to come one session or all four. You can come for the discussion or simply join us for Compline (Night Prayer) during Advent. If you do hope to come along please let us know so that we can print enough copies of the booklet that accompanies each session, (although we will always have spare copies on the night). 488008 or 822469

Issue [1] November & December 2014


From the Diary November

Sunday 2nd– Annual Service of Remembrance – 10:15 at Malew, 3pm at Santon Tuesday 4th – Wardens Meeting Friday 7th– A Celebration of New Beginnings. 4pm Malew Including a tour of findings uncovered during building works and the induction of Revd James McGowan as ‘Vicar’. Saturday 8th – Hollantide Fair – 2pm – 4pm Santon Old School. Thursday 27th– PCC – The Abbey Church Hall 7pm Friday 28th – The Abbey Christmas Fair from 6pm Saturday 29th– The Farmers Quartet in Concert – 7:30pm St Mark’s Schoolroom December Tuesday 2nd -­‐ Wardens Meeting Sunday 7th – Christingle – The Abbey Church 4pm Sunday 7th– Carol Service & singing in St Marks – 6:30pm Sunday 14th– Candlelight Carol Service – Malew 6:30 Thursday 18th– Malew Parish Commissioners Carol Service. The Abbey Church 6:30pm Saturday 20th– Carol singing in Ballasalla – 4pm at the Tree Sunday 21st – Carol Service – Santan Church 6:30pm Christmas Eve Crib Service & Nativity -­‐ The Abbey Church – 4pm Midnight Communion – The Abbey Church -­‐ 11:15pm, Santan 11:30pm

Christmas Day Communion (BCP ) Malew 9am, Family Communion The Abbey Church 10:30am Family Service Santan 11am

Revd James McGowan Malew Vicarage Crossag Road Ballasalla isle of Man IM9 3EF 01624 822469 @malewandsantan


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