Reunions Magazine Volume 17, Number 1. August/September 2006 (SOLD OUT)

Page 22


by Susan Burks hen the devastating Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in August 2005, it also blew away any hope Rhonda Davis and her planning committee had for their upcoming family reunion in New Orleans. William and Norris Davis Family Reunion planning committee members quickly did some preliminary research and agreed to head west. Nearly 100 family members are venturing to sunny Denver, Colorado. “Several aspects about Denver really appealed to us,” notes Davis. “Denver’s central location, its image as a clean, safe and friendly city and its ease for getting around greatly influenced our decision.” Davis adds that, “None of our family members live in Denver, so this is a new adventure for everyone.” Rhonda contacted the Denver Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau (DMCVB). “They sent a very impressive packet about the city. I began working with Shannon Hahn, Paul Stewart, founder of the Black American West Museum, shares the forgotten story of the African American cowboy with visitors who stop in at the Museum’s Five Points Denver neighborhood location. who has been a huge help and a wonderful resource. She holds your hand and guides you through the planning process.” Members of the Saxton family are spread all over the US, Davis’s reunion team’s hotel selection was the Radisson Hotel with the largest contingent from Alabama. Young knew few of in Denver’s booming Stapleton neighborhood. The Radisson his family had ever ventured west and Denver would be a offered affordable suites with free shuttle rides to Denver brand new experience. In speaking of his guests, Young says, International Airport, easy access to public transportation “I knew the majority perceived Denver as a small, white along with on-site banquet and catering for their family events. person’s town. They discovered this vibrant big city with an Davis developed an activities schedule that includes cultural array of experiences to offer the African American visitor. sites and entertainment of interest to her African American Denver has it all.” family members. Young realized that family members traveling from homes at The Davis clan might want to steal a few ideas from Ron sea level, particularly seniors, adjusting to Denver’s “mile high” Young, a Denver resident who hosted the 95 attendees of the altitude could present health risks. So, at every opportunity he Saxton Family Reunion. Young took two years to thoughtfully emphasized the need to stay hydrated and provided water plan his family reunion, carefully filling the schedule with bottles at each event. Like most reunion planners, Young something special for everyone. needed to identify activities for a family reflecting


Saxton Family Reunion ready to visit Denver’s Black American West Museum.



many interests across all age groups. He decided that downtown was the “place to be” for the reunion home base. They chose an excellent location for the group to enjoy walks on the city’s mile-long downtown 16th Street Mall promenade or rides on the Mall’s free shuttle bus to more than 300 restaurants, shops, the Denver Performing Arts Complex, the State Capitol Building and the Denver Art Museum. The 16th Street Mall Shuttle route also extends to LoDo, Denver’s 25-square-block hip, historic district in Lower Downtown, where century-old warehouses have been converted to art galleries, coffee houses, sports bars and jazz cafes. As Young puts it, “The free Mall Shuttle, with the access it offers to various historical sites, night life and light rail connections to other parts of the city, was my godsend!” For major trips, Young chose Sid Wilson’s A Private Guide (, an African American-owned company specializing in tours for convention and reunion visitors. “I can’t

Credit: David Falconer for the Denver Metro CVB

Take your family fest West

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